w-7 non T,4 rANAeIAtJ CHAMPION. MILTONI ONTARIO P&Gu Mx N NASNqnrl4 8", THURSDAY. OCTOBUIR 0SM, 0802 OIL HEAT instai a ""Hi T" 011 Buruier in your Furnace Now--$339.5O MADE BY TORRIDHEET Complote wrth 200 gallon Tank______ CASH OR BUDGET TERMS The famity lu iaek romn their IA1 III i esit te Niew Oreans. with a card-o GEO. BUNDY & SON bord ox iullof istkets sud S ADatrbuorPhone Milton 313 tapie ut description mcc the food. B.A Ditiuo the wandertut fosd! A frirsd had takes them ta ait the mmit noted restauirans. They nflere ooked at a mena; he jusl ordered for tfsem. Thecy had "'dinser ai Antoineas" as everisody in Newr Orteams daes evidentty! A fite reipe books mas sent iaek homo to me rom Our iriends there, and. tuekity for me, onco tfhe prime elaracteristirs of New LO A N S Oreans-the prainems- are vr The Pamity broughl oumehbomne 055 hjooh hpaedcabint onAdh IdpnetFnneC roain is arcas, but said that in the deep isludes an mise h ta g bisoh Souh thele-aldo't etthemosu- eîuuets.It atse attifor agreat isde walau wU lasuampl Liielenu they're f resh off the riddle, deat of free cirelation hetereen dinisg spore in the Bottonsfic Lirntedor erhatever ifsey maise them os. the mre. Ctmsets in the Bottas ienti huches. Halons ON onume Fnane o.And they are su gosd-tiise mapte isetode a wardrobe is every bed- ConstuctOion of tise Boton la Halto's OW Conumer inanc Co.sugar euth peansu inside. "P- rouim; a isen cimset; a coat cosett trame euth wide siding. The. cawnu" thele Say! Ose of sue ahbroomrclmel and a cosvesieslly cf~noiigae5uae.h alseun reeila saph . h For your convenience te office wiii e oen triens sent me home a bat of large sturage cisset In the hait. roo s vrd ih aiat shisng- p-eawno pieked rom a tree in bis There c ase a handy ruai etoset tes (besile tht regular hoors) ses tars yard. procided for the rear estey, FR1DA 8 .M SAURAY PM. They bsuophtime o trivet-huw Att utftise Bollunsu rons opes Thr Buton's dimensionsu are 36 FRIDY 8 .M. ATUDAY P.M tue lourd them sn advertisemensuistu tise hal There is eauy aces euu IeSide and 20 teet deep. Il for ht rsi citntbeursue and gardes magazies!- te the trust dour lrum tise itehes, rostains a fuit hacemesi. There lu for he rst f th ye sntise sPd slave markset. Ittc Tisemodern murk room bas cor- an area of 1,001 square tees and a tise blakous shape-us legs for snrer isdoeu oser the ink. l vlume of 19890 Ps the Bolton. 75C COLBORNE STRIET, EAST, OAKVILLE] hanging us tise matI or sttPut hot dises o. (across f rom thse Post Office) Mtier said citer every drik ut tifeshe frît ise standing u Tedr tok A. M. MASSON, Manager Phone 2390 Oakuille il ccc vu pueerrtul LaIer che lourid Tne trsOnly sut tiai Ihuse Southen rooisul7a n m ' pultivu heapisî itepueils out fjinArerîica - uteper roSupin h ptgAdad eisieisry lu the brewswlichd5iv tsr ui thse ay, l, co- i v&ry hour of eve il oahbite' talte.Memiesi ofuthtis lI'uIpate ic ample phisusrss tccyha. osrîy tr.icltd- u.tchisciececssnot esplais. Onte ieifYU __________________________________________ diaicial ctlee-rafte diabiutis ofe el seo ise(,disappeuranse 'fathlie te eehn ny bircd orageand lemus Peel t.".W r ifrigntt h love,> «ud cirisc osie ciii tist; long-drcd table. utluie theser, D a iry F ed s 1lender, flccliae bird mhosrioftsp stands ready to serve D airy F eeds . ay s w "a fraction of a centa CO-OP cl tw ihwapdi ac.iSuesyhg eso ie u goodchoped am.nd il'rssi eSouthsAtrîru Suerneesy hert- 16% DAIRY RATION u"cd, eisebuveurd shoocude cli cuve Wvru else in yu i 24% DAIRY SUPPLEMENT i se scisîrd Iruol foer yllssîuiiatrscsolsssdos wa 32% DIRY CNCENTATEfruitl eldici.lss chrsliey fPerd ecy thie 3%DIYCNETAETise magnoulia lre iees eisup, Ibeir. rusisu living means so mut tisey sued. Clîisesng vises isut Tise Readee's Digest dspateised IItL rum lise rers. Verceidaliss isafeusDenii'aId Culrcua Peallie 6,000 miles P uiNew OrleansW1ta thegr lcalssclpilrt t s~;cu~tro aols. nthe yet costs so littie? OIL CAKE - Avoulable in Ton Lots Tise leospercture lisere aiscbol it eadee's Digest. Me. Peutie tells tise BEET ULP-CR ARIVING180hu-, nisudy mccsesn scimmniese sreof thestris bc.t inftRil, BlETPULPCARARRIINOOnly reacons cemwed to ectisat ht a sitIPe villa ge seven hours sy rotor was lise faIt. and one oelvs ce rrlm nCspesisages, eheie storles ______________is is e sommer ime" An *tcay. tise have'sed for isisdreds sf years. Itemperalure ufthtie caler isud drues- le is prood of Ils "Peter tes- GEHI. HAMMER MIL.S ped tlua ower60 degrees. ens',.thisrasme Dusisis rculsrytuli Tiseesolosal sertieouthlie "whmite ge e l srbe Ils sem.PaPers e-- -- NOW HERE fols! Tieyoaeat w O p in frt l rd thisr rumînsoand goiso-. uoftheti uses inustheir sien sectione,Hores lisse tishey bild lieir nsc Freel Delivery on Rute Day Service with a smlle icd cwparate usiici roum.i and risider tiesselues wett proteseied everyliig.And tish e eret dides ',e cuisst i lehîs ii. ous'l ancidun ere mind. issieids'ulis Molise and c cecup ut ladies! Ti,ýse eelseete l sssest ies Halton Co-Operative Supplies oiel tingositseisieisieeoneîlyii.kt'hedros, 'ettledcim i ussnrghttoe lîstîi reue tsick Ibi-sîs n sestiavluppedrs ine Head Office Sranch Office est a hisOse ilflise' S ris Orlien c il c tbîeul es ts sstraseisi cci of MILTON 127 -Phone- GEORGETOWN 86 ladiec leasesd ester -caperilertl ansv CbetieseAsele Ceeus li'ýY Sot sherse I -dc.s e tifpi ' tales sd lise sluriss serm tu hssw w.tise rid h, e ,r lie' tua ist,ifil liNeisAisor- , s mEGRs eecn. d . e, ,h,, w___ l- i tb ies e c.c.t liii' loleic.zh.b otreCe c 1cc, ccpil ei'ilci e cP le il , v lice ,hî' da . ' \-u hc. ' ill li ' 5.1 Il e e cee 'i ite ccci. I ii-o h.;" 1 'i l . le. 1 ce l 're , :Ili.;,i , ,, , 1 j)liil-oili, %va, s o. cee o 2 t esese va ieI Ie e e le esuslsornslle s ;in eat b us o hte icais b23 is r le a ieiieuitlan sis'ssi-s' c ig . ri iset s*i raria e sens andssil l i b T sp ed ir slliis.isAt eckters tub b e Tis is. e e at h k fi swanhaliutrci d ooff t sile r ntus M il i o.s 7t"" riîîîs,,usommrî stto lin ttee lFill-sil rcokv T - Ir iioi ,tIfil r iyumamhat. no car.eb IitMc sdi1etpDi-sIli ELEANOR McKEOWN, EARL SNOW CHOSEN BEST JUNIOR DEBATERS d Ose ced Frîelay eeseeOKIeilsEFlîcîsecceMeK'ceceeand Bert W.e-ilALd an( 24. tise Itlice t îîîJuneee Fie encr-b' ofelcisc e l. Arelon eesseupesl'l'dFALdes lue ic nicectits d4islisý ie ci. sud lise', i's.e.'ct'c ule' and thtai e lseîsr ... afuîr e Pl lir c isiies.' ee5eitieei citis'e ieeil' ite lite' , lis' Pae r i ies wortheshile. Miltonîs igsibis v iseel, ees vsuilsl issa e ee sier ses asd If jt's wsstt ('eiouny r- ies IMar Sesreset Iofc l", i u.hiesmil-n igier amooth enamel finshes, fine3t furnitue styllig. Rit 4, Aeleec acarse ortseTseiuiesepls' eece dbtrD d g n ci sidoIve Doat Chansier Brner gaves mnse e tat froin Tie scihl'e, "rttlirdoftsaieconreerurst eiy drop ofoil. Automatic DraftMinde. Waist-High Th isencoureuesei,,cis e peiiecrysechuosuot w i(linbc u dah-bai:Conrak Mumidifier. Other xco te n fo lie'ubiecalcs sessI utieru Ontario eruuld beci S ng extgt.catl ceegiclPýiilse;incimrveenoseler as'eYsofmut'1ke he is Add exctusive Automafic Power-Air Blower for mcc FaesCie. ' otiereseo s criocu" .CnaiaSavigsI forcent wrm air beaing tisai sangs you oP tai 2 5% oon midi' softhlie eeci Scuer ccd WstmuSinclair Cana da sa #ad bils. 'Mleu uultn u e -i oftlie'Miltonc Juniorc upild tise Fereieru. wceaffirmative ide' aud delecîrd lise omatriy... WAT H OROURTO LA D OENNGiulisrepresesîl orgae si vithtie Besesice us- Akformore de WATC FO OU TOYANDOPE ING wallniýC.unuir lues of Buis Csuc ccd Sasdy Boeh- lise o ure euucty rompelilion tisaI '"'Tee bruISers debaters pirised eut bcbelhld i - '-"fro tise ieIr-cluis roopetiPiPn te m tht JusicForssee er ofe resceeinepreent Hltu ic tise istereoasiy T e B ~ A . Torurt nlu s uaary. euwpetiliuu are Eleacsr MeKecers Tise lopir ot tise irsl deisale mus. icod Sort Suu. L ~~~~~~~"rrmtlved tiai booisu ni urncestise Teeeigcnlddw h chararter ut youug peuple mure Tiesssgueledehte thon friendu." iugiug outhlie National Anthtm. eeit Inofithe tingu seC aîli ... Ilaycr a hsse ... .a rerigera. oat. .. o a bsieiss cf atit' cn. At ui5yrate, sileiiling Lwhlàlsaîlitg, iî's wreile îicsuving for. Ilre'saa liiatilr-way ta sure. Btîy Ccanadas Saving, Bondass. oir jser oilss , ait son u> $50. $50111osec$10001 bondu, rcluasl on cnvriact terrasilirougli yasîr coipasy 'o Plan, ce ai aîîy tceasIi îsf'tc Batik cf Novua <Srotia. rt stcp tamardu siaking yaue sieaînis rame troc. lily a Pond! An littir as $5.00 mii atari ysîîîocia $1010 bondî. 'ingo Banda (Seventh Series) yield 3.44% whcn lscld and cao becooahent ot aay urne if yau sscsl the îîîaey. ails ai aay branch of Tht Bank of Nova Scatia. oink of Nova Scotiai Ycue BNS Manager is s geosi mas to kace. ia Mil- ton bhein H. H. Hill. ELECTRICAL CONIlTRACT ING6 FURNACI OIL BURNIR SALIS & SERVICE NEIL McPHAIL Charles St. Phone 432J Milton APPLIANCIS and PIXTURIS SEE... JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE Your Chrysier, Plymouth and Fargo Dealers FOR SETTER USED CARS LPHONE MILTON 586 rery day ihome ieyou forr' an hour. -.cse ýPH... COMPANY éiCANADA