Smlth's Jamboree lo-OL z'29, BPEOIAL - Bt. Williams Orange & Grapefruit MARMALADE là. 28ci Bard Glosa 'o'son"65o, $1o12 Aerowax No RubTwIAx 43c, 790 Aerowax Paste '1LB'TO- 43e Snowflalke APOWDER 2 PiROS. 190 BPECAL -AYLMER TOMATO StINKI'ST 288S ORANGES - - - - doz. 33c GOLDEIN BANANAS - - - - 2 lb. 25c Ft.ORIDA 96s GRAPEFRUIT - - - 5 for 29c ICEBERG LETTUCE - - - - 2 for 23c CELLO CARROTS --- 2 bugs 25C 0f Furisitare, Farm Implements :e:..c.i.t cocpt of- ectie-menotseem and Psaltry Eqsipment t::,hi'xisasodon istiearas te e'ct:scy mas in 1900 (about W 48 y: ccci Tii-da ife PIs c.tancy Theoundeesigsod hure roooivod sý instructios feon khacliesb d Is 708voes for mesn L. . oon si70 1cr wmamen. Ov 1975, the M L. . WODS avre: leriad hetneon retirement To seIl kv psblir ouctiout his antd di:ith mill ho about leo veors home, 8tis lîne, Townsisip of Tes- -so thie'e times tonger tisun in fatguarisosido C.B.L. lonr.on 190 I4ATURDAY, NOVEMBER mis Tht' second point made by Dr. At 0.30 orclons,lise fslloning: Gun ico t is tissl lie srisblng dol- FURNOTUIIE-Chesterield matisSur esches a mitebi'y of pensionl* 2 chairs to match; chistrs;rield, r- îplans. Noce ofthtie secseity' pro- c:iccred; 2lstudio couchs, sInus1 t cc:ososs;tetcide fullmintenance nsn; 2 edabsles;ibooktcase;lte-cioclecueeylcoditisofote. vision labie; rolIcs table; magazine tittcthccictc tern of eliemno. rack; square cntee tahle; sprlgislTh'cosliI piano; sccrtuey; 2 odd lurge op-. . . trkfat. neites De. Osm- - h:,tctod chis; draîpcs; gotelof pert. :îc tisat ose ctd pi-opte sec ,abler;tels1hone taler;no. of el- iucirg Io hare ttc orh. ecîrir ttale and flosr lumps; duci- Ihietheemoc. "ose old people' co; 2 diogroomsits incudîs. at-c5utlified to wrc, proier t oM 2 large cisac ioustola2kitcsen c:eisadshavcoineî nsscsSIbe. c*iSriferotor; 2 ,Singlo bedo and The implsication of tisis aeticle liý speisgs; 2 douht bedusand sprlngs; th:îtitu tlino ne stopped belof cîceîto iscdroom site; 2 chilf-Is- as robes; so. sofisedeon choies; odd Oiu. _____ I r,îsity; odd dresoors; odd mach stand;cohstov; oil sioe; oul Aosa value othelsorist in- iseater; clollico mark; risild's hitb dostrytu Huronis c estimated st a chasir; risse; 2 baby rarelaf os; $15 million and il c tise disteictos bohks; pirîsero; odd diskos; bgepotssr, en srý pans, coshiot olonoils; Spoetan 1'on itetadsty oigsc cosoeadi; Sl'wrnaUeero-passedsinlyisy faminf M stoie radio; and nun.rso lier - srmaît hosod elfecis. 1 ALL ('LEAR At MUD OMPLEMENTS, POULTRY_ _ EQUOPMENT, ETC.-Springf bot t tis ncc'stiievfotieîclcî r oi-M iscieew; deug huerows; rosI cicb sonsthtsot tise wre soudb hesoder; 600 Off mls tisbtop a;tise tîo, luttonint craIes; Ieod isoppers;.trdwhteto heotm driniioffountalos, etc. and tise hotîcîn othtoIno10 li tder No roeece as lie propretor Isiatisothre miay ho no dosht as to leusiof 1his ronnonity for basin- miitiiss tisetop and wlîichlastise mon rossonts and bas rented h9bitoomfor storafoe psossitscîll home. be oestisat the bottorn of ecis M TERMO: Cash setîlemnent mith ismad isas bren laismtîed mîth tise* cîerk oîiv of sole. odtp"Etatfo diat M-INDLEY AND RLLIOTT mr o.-xrctfo dial b-15-2 Auclioneeri. instructiss. :' PAGE Tý THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO ý MMMSDAY. OCTOBER MX IM PENNSYLVANIA Fsl.Hi EGG PEA BUCKWHEAT STOVE NUT BRIQUETTES COKE CASCADES Hwards Poultry Remedies Royal Purpia and ProlOs Stock and Poultry Tonkos Hello Momernaters' Sall itits IIhla&been added. Pour itto ahell. Hartz Mountain Bird Seed orange, bronze and ruset coloring, Bate at 450 dega. for 15 minas, tison Ballrds &. Promi Dog Food and lits crise timlatiof air makes reset temperature to, 325 dego, and it oeceaoary to cope witis the mot conimue battng 30 inutes. BUILDING SUPPLIES ombitiouo appetites Fortunately TARE A TOP the grden produce ns stili in abun- 1. To prepare unions pour boling Lime, Gyproc Soard and Lath dance. especially tise onioms, pump- noter over thib and let stand 2 kio, sprout., squash aod otiser veg- minutes. Drain and sk is tiem TENTEST CEMENT MASONITU stables that add inters'st as welt as under cotd Wter. Insulaion, Lose an Baotalle more of that staying' 2. To Frenots loy oioos, cu themt InslatonLooo ad Btteqooity. crooos sei 1/inlch thiet lices. LIVIOSTN SOKES Slo.Baied Ostosso Combine .1 top milk and O% cap LIVINGTON SOKERSSki esedium-sizeds ontions. noter and soak liced onloms in Slos and Servie Pierre tise ide nf each is ui a il for %5 hour. Drain anions daIng needie. Boithtie onlons preod tisem on absorbent poper until tender. Drain and core wis oand dredge nis flour. Seaono R. S.Ad m s Stor s Ltd. an apple corer. Fllcentres witis astisasit and poprika. 0Fry isrnrrwo graed hese.Sesonwih slibrown. Keep turning them in a Trying for o tangible "sel-out" PHONE 48 and paprika. Place inabkng2ic deep fol. t-orwo alw'n Li dish. Add %in chi of potato waier 3. Green peppees may be nkinsed toise more tison caody tiaoes and or aoup. Cover and boise a 375 by plocing in a bot oven for 3 10 eaustobytisrabl on degs. for about 30 mins. Remnove 5 minutes. Iorter! Mint? No. Its full flared, _____________________________________________cover aad bote onotiser 5 minutes, t Boiled nweet peppers may lie fol-lenglis ioney dyed mustrat, Baised Eggplost served oo a segetable if pepped reported 10 lie one of lise lswest t tomatoes s e up is a well-aeaooned sauce or pie ur euiso ieya cpatna con of condenaed celery noup. I lis ilassa. And misaI cilasal . ici cup nneet pepper THE QUESTION BOX Wortis dressing 0e ai a 9 ILco r % tbap brown sogar Me. R. J. sto: Cao you moke gisosi and sartng tise mllets out sali f~~~~rape ielly as readily I rom cuil fsnaetngme. Luk Iii, r ~paprita culte red frols as trom tise bOiue apoig ____ 1um U I i ~ / eggplant, sliced Concord? poig butter Ansuer: Yes, both rot or green ng sohm on. Place lomatoes in a iam or spiced grape cisutney. If grased casoerole. Sprlntle tiselise purple colorisa desired uue mxture of min ed onomn, green hall bloc and hall rot frapes. M ra pepper brown sugar, sit and pap- Mr H. D. sto: Con me roasi place lced eggptat dotted witis corntietd? Grenke butter Baise In preheated oven Anuner: To roastsoybeans, seti. S for 30 mns Mate toast. Serve tisen boit in salird aer about 33 I ________________________________________ o lice of eggplant on oite of minutes. Drain and spread in tosaopdnboio ooo bto eur u.Dlml PAINTER ArND TM e Canadian Bank< gTomoato-Coos-Cese butter. RoastI Ibm in o moderate DE RA forreenow e eflgo ecre ores ot350 deitrees untU brownoor CO A OR fo î l o v " n2bps buter -Phone:,. s sep cooked tumators R.R. 4 LUCKY MILTON 366 2 bes. apioca IN DRAWS AT COUNTY C0Dh I SE L.3Le i-tspsuit PLOWING MATCH OCTOBER 23 ____________________________________ Blckad-r gU tsp. er---- OU M DR OP~StokPnOUaN e 0 t1e eescayesce On Thsrsdav, Octobre 23, aI tise P a ues graîrd chees Haitlîs County Plowngo Match held JELLY BEANS n 350 and hopgreen peppesr i NeluonTownship, tise Rrgcat "SHELL~~UT" Suoma PKG. 250 and bru n ef uables until bromo. drun. *:u;mîmt:iimqMS*îiU:tlII "S E LO T ScmHeat tomalses and crmis double Mac Spront of R.R. 4, Aclon, Two Shows Nightly h= o er. 1km add peera and onion couoîy president of tise Hallos Continuous Prom 7 pà.m. POPPING CORN T 26o uad remansgofnredienlu. Cook Juoior Furmes, wnis fe prize, PO P NO ~ ,aa Z o for 50107 mn.s. Serves 5. lot gullons of PonerizotReen 000EROUE Squash-Piotsiste Dessertg aOsolise. P. W. Ford of Regen4, Matin. SaturdayI PU 4 K N1 0Mlownscn R.R. 4, gl-.uan Hli e t 2pm. PU M PKIN OOLV~~TIN 1 ot suash los ofegesl Molor 011. Maurice MILtTO N PHONE 448 adHodyal MaXi IT PLAIER . 1 cu . ChedisLpri. to Rge LAST TIMES TODAY- "'THE GOLDEN HORDE"# IfOARCIL 3cpornejie Al tise priee nners were L gratd ornge ind farmeen. al from tise coun y of butter Hllon, and ech one od .aR.R . VIR C R US T 17OLPKGa.33e Cul squasho and seed. Place Ns. 4 addeessi FRI. OCT. 31 A picoi oceedlunerndAt the match mere people ron iuLi CUlES cate out er FEE lutolgs erouunti ute cout. NOVOxor,0 NWIBen'osor Caaoia rturtyltende Peel sqsasand tut asdDOtario and aisa a large AYimlg C R tn oischcuese. Platesus un rmtes and omns * COu ad pn:upl1e in utecoute loyers. ___________ MELONSTAIRCH asit.iîvgs ri ngeyrenits oadWe're StillIincas P0S SLETE vià 3ISAN CUT A UNIVERANTERNATOLCTR Fo 7J - Role ute FE Brk 350 dots. for 50 minutes. Here in Canada : ýSHORTS AND COLOR CARTOON lSc 2 PX 3.C Ps pkIn Pie à _______________________ 2 2 ýggyo1k.ýCasadjuns otîu tlie accento n,'s a I up busnsutar rs:tth Itdivtd:ally andoollectivety aM N-TE.NOV. 3- SPECIAL - TABLE QUÂLITY RED COKOE tp. k 0550 e as ,te t: tkî::kthat s:îur p:psa- W Lsp. sonamos t:îo s ,îg::g Offices aod factorîcu 1:,teup' mlk tt os t t65 oree nU r p n al;60os lb:. thc::ry tisaIlb tir srorktog SA LM O N TIN 25c O1 býs. e mon d.yr(y.,srcs. Ps-is seswhether TUNA FLAKIES 1, # 2B TI C on tt, oe: P,ir(ý cI f s:.:: ,t:,,l : tss ST KE Y' C RN CEM1 e : ::t :: cc:l: i.'t:tîG::-1 Dr,-Z.TN15C hI! :1 cct s : ns :.:h : . lo:ti. is: NID LETS CORN 2 INS37c s::::c:,tt,::c:c c::-:ttc: h,, ::grSýte isoo:5sltOMM VEL1.ýh1)ÂInlkinP::Sp !s:Sc States cstn::t ::.c(rits'd :ctai:oscupt-I*N T 1 h s 5f.,g h It ay hae oso e t hc o t:st he :dst:rs:t itMof n... ~ MORNS w1-oi -)]iCy t ints ot i P.iAn Custard Creams Pek cG.29c AUCTIvNiSALE tati. tics, and il io mcdi- - AUCTIONSALE -;il1y15-0alitLAB l OF t>