PAGE SEVEIO .THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TEUFMY, SPTEMR 25 19D TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR BY-LAW No. 1952-93 A By-Iaw ta authorize the taking of a vote on the question of the constitution of Council NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL 0F THE MUNICIPAL COR- zwP'ry OPTHE OWNHIP F TATLGAR FRACTS AS FOL- PORTO O- H TWSIPU'tIAmýý elleoHomemakers! Many honse-1-hpint35 Per cent. creasm hlp- 1. THAT avote ofalmunicipalelcCos ontsh qstio set ousthere- makers make the lasejous bluel pcd in shallbehdonida Frucl,: the 10h day of Oclcber 192. The questin iS grapeus to clear purpie jelly or' Line large glass bowl mth lady as olloos: grapa jasa: sud fbiget ail aboaut fingaoa ,and gently pour ons h "Are yen ini favr oi the Municipal Counil ieing consttuted sîther appelîassg Ways t e sev rî .55ice. Allow il tastansd about as filow: Reeve and Deputy Reeve ta lie eleted by ail grapes. We suggesttat pou serve --hssr. Dissolve the îelly powder Muniipal eiectora lu the Townîsip; One concilaor te lie g rases as attractive loolng and as directed on the package. Wien eleted frons each of ltse fivee(5) wards as approved by the tasty pie fillings, whipa. rly-palys, cool, jussl efore Il ta sel, Pour il Onaro Municipal Soard, iy thc municipal eletaru lu ecdi rozen desserts and -puddinsg sauces. over tise cake. Allsw il la set ,wiedilv Thon, lac, fllolks ould net miss Place the peachea in lise bowl next 1. THAT the iours o vting siail he frein 9 s'cinda in tise mocning Iheir daly treat, ai lhis season, of and thon pour on the chllled eus- ta 7 a'cloek in the evenicg ai tise so day, Standard Time. cool, trosis grapes eaten ouIt-tise tard. Top withisilpped creom and 3. THAT tise vole shall le taken aitishe following polling planes as iand. garsisis siti ced eherrtes. Serves ahown in columnonoe and tise Depty Returning Outrcer for escis respec- Perisapo pas realiae tise tact tisol . tiepligpaeis set out in column 2: misen me use more Ontario tarmn Grape and Appîfi Jellp tirepoUng pacepradace tiere iii hoe more maso- t li. crahapples Polling iactured producla îold. 51 quartsabisne grapes Subdivision Place .RO. Gaetpii onCk u ae 1 BOYNE SOHOOL (S.S. lt-William itayner GrpSusigDin ae 5 a ae 2 DRUMQUIN-FEATHERSTONE'S GARAGE-Gardon Robison 5 tOpa bue grapes Was apples. Suice tiinlp wth- 3 TRAFALGAR HALL-Llopd Pickering oucp aarat peeling. Wash, tem and mats 4 PIREVIEW SCHOOL. STH LINE-R. Bennet 1% cup sited cake fae grapes. Place tagetiser inlargsce1 5 W. %VISE GARAGE. PALEItMO-Clarence Kinstan 2 1tapa. haiing pcwdec isotle. Add mater. Cover and bcbng a MERPTON SCRI04Q.E HIGBWAY-Gordan Boots1tap.Salt tebhou. Cook untl soit s$nd mushy. 7 PINEGROVE SCHOOL, 4TH I NE--Hardy Mrden 1 cOP £5ranulted sogar Press tiscaugis a coarse siere. Mess- S TRAFALGAR FINE HALL tis Line-R. . Clark 1clp eiortening uire joice and put an ta bail for 10 S TRAFALGAR ARMS INN, No. 2 HIGHWAY-E. H. Tasise 1 Oit. heaten mnutms. (Test toc pectln.t Add %cap milk Y. csp sogar for escis csp of NARRY NILSON, R.R. 3, Mtos, 4. TNAT lisa S-tam shah hoiepshliosed toc tiree successive weeks in i/1 top. vanilla ioice. Bel 5 minutes longer or Sho hsfinfo soicsmi thc Oalaville Recoed Star, Oakville-Trafalgar Journal and tise Canadian Remnove grapm rtr msc and o ntil il jello. Tmst iy dipploz s ttisfv fo toichwl Champion, Milton. Ihn pcig lebr 5 THAT tan doers shahl attend asihe Townshsip Hall at thseisaur ai 9 astise irapea. Separate skis cold metal sponis mixture and tfw hcnle waspisngeebe octack in tae vestag on tise date tise vote is taisen ta prepare a final until soit. Sieve ta removo seeda» selly talla in a ciot il ta ceadp te riaso ast weelo ticea miles sortis aumni-up ai tise votes at tac and againot tise question suhmitted. Add tise seedînas psîp tse oskn hottîr. Botte and seal in sterilized of Campbeilville in Nassoga- O. Tise Reeve, or athier member ai Caunicil, appainteol ly renlsitn and 51 osai sugar. Cooka antil akini ilasaes. Wisen mool, seat mitis a wy h ofsonhr sIsall attend at tise Townsiip Hall on Tisursday, tise ti day ai Octaher are tender-about 10 minutes. 1kmn layer ni paraNtsn. Neat day, reya. Ts$in ol sows isece cei 158, beimeen tise haurs ai 4 and 5 p.m., SST., ta appoint, i equeted te Blond satened ahartening and add more wax.prsns$5sbolthlwI do s, tise tsilowtag persons: sagar tageliser. Add sîishtlp ieat- 0,515e Julce tan cceived f rom the cously a la) One persan ta represent tasse bIn avar and thaie appased ta en egi and mlx well. Remove irapes iront stems. cocding t0 Cleris W. Deas. Uic queion ait eacis plllng place. Altecnately add itted dry In-,. measose and mass grapes. For _______________ th) Twa prions ta epresent those in tavar and tismeappaseil ta gredienlo and milk to whiîc vanilla 1 each quart ai grapes, add 1 quart WHISTIIERE. the question attise inai summing-sp ai tise votes rail 51c tie Cleri, kha een added. mater. Cooks until sat. Strain READ a fiit, second and third time tiis lîtis day ai Septemiser, Line tise httom ai an -is htirnugh fine cieeseclothisn sieve.- AD.. 1952. aquare cake tin witis maxed paper. For escis quart julce sdd 1 csp Tiera's a îew plastic, one-may J. M. WICKSON, Ieeve Grease tise maaed paper. Baise ai sugar. Bcbng te a hoil and remove vscsccr teatrni side-aigle plastic S. A. FEATHERSTONE, Cleris 350 degrees tac 45 mnutes. * nrom. Rottle in steriliced jars tris. soysuTise Fisancial Pont. It Serve warm mwilhsaweetened miile ht. Seal tigitlp. Heat filled, tfisassp doar sp ta twn ineises tiicis NOTICE whipped cceamn. or hot spicp sauce capped holles in over for 15 min- and enobles a full length prcview ai THAT tise H-tam pulshed ahane in a toue copp o y-lam N. r remainder ni grape puîp awees- stesai 275 deirero. Label and tise viiter. 195-5 pase o th 1th ayofSepemer,192.ened and heated tac sauce. store in cnol place. 191253 amedan ise îti da ai eptmise, 152.THE SUGGESTION BOX THAT al prsons desiring te vote an tise questian are asked ta Sptcp Sauce Mrs. W. H. aays: Breensar cheik tise vters lst uhch imlfin avaiahîn fip Octnher 3rd. 1952. Any 1 tisup. coristarcis mode rooT-proot ieince tnclng foc pemsan wisase name is an tise vtr's list map applp ta strike aifthtiesiaie 2 cupa ugar inIer loy coating îîgitîy sltis lin- ~ v. oi any persan misa iad i dlor sciose name lasmongully enteedon the , top. ciniaman seedt il. Applp il ils scrap cni st Pi ce rol and any pecion nntitled te vte whiose namne is nt on tise rail may i s. nutmei carpol îailed te mnndc hlncis.ce applp ta have his noîme enitreil. Any îuch application must he made nlt 2 caps watee Mrs. C. . laps: Kîie cols In Paid For latter tisan Octoher tti, 1952, ta Ris Honor Judge Rainson, c/o tise Tamis- 14 csp butter plostier aleîcloThs are repnicod sip Cleris, Trafalgar. Rs Honor Judge Robinsson will iear aucis applica- Cnmbine finitfour ingcodlents.i eatly iti somaîl pieces oni clsu- BATTERIES liens an Thucsday, Octaher 9th at 11 am. aItishe Trafalgar Township Hall. Stir in mater gradually. Add hut- Ins'e tape. Stick tape tb undecoide SCRAP IRON, STEEL, METALS, THAT tise pcaposed constitution sill hoe used toc tise 1953 Cauncil. toc and heat to hoilig pint. tir- uT dlots To cool rut portion. THAT lise Clecis mill supplp tn anypeprson, information laetise pro- rng cosstaitly. Cooks over Ion Mcc K. J. laps: place a pîcce MISCEI.IANEOUS FARsM poond ardi and tise pcapcr psllisig place to voteiscat toc about 10 minutea. Serve of atsminom moil over lise cork oi SCRAP S. A. FEATHESiSTONE, Clecis very hot over puddings. ts iemshntm I rvî rspe Trifle î:dorroem sosp or heverago in the Deivered ta aour yard ____ 2 rupi grape julce botteîr bus pecmeaTisi tie enrh. 175 Caroline St, N. 6tslices spnge rake tinieco jMrs.H.C. napo: Iftise lids ut I package lemon jelly pomdcr plutie alncugo boxes are dilTlecaltl H'AMILTON TOW NSHIP OF NELSON 1 cup aicesi poarisiten emsve. Place s piece ai wax I LWN. 361pnt cnnked cutard paper onder tl hetnocplacing. 1. W axman & - 0 Sons A By-Iaw ta authorize the vote on the AVOIIING SOME TAXES i Notice to Creditors PisoeHmilton27061 question o c o. e e tue n Doislaldrinkutr:shol. lIn tessatersofthse Esate ofOOcari the amount of $306,500.00 DssitifrsshclndasiMuioin, ae Cauiltfh.t»..!s WHEREAS hcMunicipal Conicof ttheCorprationnofthieTomn- losiuuse gasolisr rtlred tbrrsher, deeaîed. ship ni Nlsonspasscd o h-law onlise 15h day ot Septemiser, 1952, ta DissI l:sy a o,,h co.ti _ hold a vote otissernltled t otolns mnep hylams and misn are poblie Dont bisy a ci.tigt-a:stua Ail iie.iou is:îng cdaims aotînat sehool supporeres ons tise floîng question- Dont liai the Ltaeotfs OSCAR A. DOWNS. Don' die.le (if tise Tomsn tisa Are pan In favur of the saaancc of dehenturcs in the Dn drC::osnt fHalîsîn. Heticcd Thresis. anmantl af $306,00.00 fr thesconsruction of a Inelve (12)1., ~draruord. miss dird osnor about rsamed Publie Onhomi ad eqipmenet thereisr an Ncw Street, IIARU TO SWALLOW lise lt:h day of Janusry, 1952. are in tIse Township ai Nelsais?"- rqusted luo eid tiso samne tn the1* I NOW THEREFOR tise Monicipal Cnuîeîil outhei Corporainsniftise Whrs interosasard iy a psyrhla- tise 101h day of OcTober. 1952: otis- ,k Tomnship of Nelson esactu as inloss:- triot a man însistad tisaIise bild roba the rtale ouIlibc disaliisoed 1. THAT avoteofthieHMunicipal Electors enitledlt otse onmuney onaliomd a horse. Noise oftheTise oiroeg-abrd totisirclaims by-lamî and wmio are public scisool supporters on tise question sel ast nsual tartics cs Id persuade hlm te Clo. E. Eltintt, Milton,.Ont.. Iereta shal hocield an tise 13h dap ai Octoher. 1952. chsange hi s conviction, and tise psp. Sicitor toc tise Admistrateix "Are pou In favaur ositUicisiuane ai dehentisres In the chisatrisl drcided t10 aperat.' Tise 0,h1W52t.anne5-d satiant oai$306,500.00 fr tise construction si a tmmdcc(12) taa as te sol tise patient osder MloSp.1,15. c1- rsamed Public choal and eqalpmenmt creta o wSr eet, oca ewmimnutes, and tison. misle inthe TownshipaofNelson?" isr asI unaonncinun tein isrouce a sa 2 iss~~~hrse istn tise nperating-tisratre s ma Ln 2. THAT tise hours ni vting sial bcieom 9 o'clock in tise morisg la Wisvn tise patient came t, tise flUw Skinny"i rlsF Soclcli theevcsisg oftheisaieday. ~ ~~ ~dctsc pointrd to tise horse and saîd 3 TItAT tise vote sisall i lakes aI lise illoing places Was ha mn mrehnooo nv IvPinau1 colseno ne and the Deputy Rtunîîg Oticer for cacis respective polltag more." Get o ey v es Subdivision Polbissg Place Deputp Reluening Oiicer îîs nt tiseonie 1 smallnmcd.'lho said. Gain S te 10 Ibmi. NOW Pop DEIIGHTFULLY NEW, 1 No. 1 BELL'S SCHOOI-Nocman Wrigglesmnctis. Tias a hay. Myhioremas mwhite."Tianmn.- SoiuK.sirsMtiiss Mo. 2 LOWNILLE SCHOO-Lennaed Causns Uifb& M = ,îînsaYOU'IL FINO THE HA' No. 3 KILERIDE COMMUNITY HALL-Ecic McAtaur Tishe feeabgscsrment îollcs b«5a. M. t s HATS No. 4 THE TOWNSHIP HALL, NELSON-C. L. Bell 49 per centnfilsrevenue irom 5Pws m sufK-7 wO t.r No. 5 TARSLEY SCItOOL-Moelep Wasnn persosol and crprain ncnme P.-M 1.osd e~ ~ n pi No. S HOUSE 0F J. S REID-Wm. Lucas tas. b~_A% .11 di.o N. 7 PEANTS BARN-Phplltu Poat N. 8 GLENWOOD SCROOL-Mrs. H. Framplon _______________________ No. 9 NIAGARA GLAD GARDENS-Hen. Jacks Kirhy No. Il HOME OF . SNEATH-Hes. Lois Lee N. Il NOSELAND CLUB HOUSE-J. M. Atiinson No. 12 STRATHCONA SCHOOL-Men. Lucille Walkec No. 13 HOME 0F ARTHUR TINDALL-Artissr Ttadall 4. Tise R-law autisorcing tise question sisall hopohlisised foc thoe __ Miltan Canadian Champion. CINK A X 5. THAT tise Cleci s sal attend attise Township Otice (Guelpis Lisel aI tise hour ni 11.45 in the cvening o tan day the vte ta taken ta prepare MILTON, ONT. a inal susmig-up ai the votescsdaltfoc aid against tise qusion suis. 6. The Reneeno other mamhcc o Council apponild y cesolution, shahl attend aItihe Township Ofilce (Guclphs Lues on Toesday tise 141h day o Octnhec, 1952, hemees thes is ofni4.30-5.30 tn appoint. if requet. Phone 635 ed la do se, the iollning personn: sa) Oie personn tn epesent Ihse in favour and those opposed ta 244our Sarvlca the question ai cacis polling place. <hi Two persnstrepresennîîoisnfaveur andîsoso oppased ______________________ laetise quesion attise inal smmisg-up of tise votes hp lise Clra. READ a iraI, second and tiird ime tiis 15h day ni Septemiser,_______________________________i AD., 1952. C. L S. PALMER, Reeve WARREN MeNIVEN, Clerk _____________________ NOTICE hec 1320 passed on tan lIta day o September, AD0 192. O IL H E A T 2. THAT tise dehonlure By-law for $30,50.00mil ho Passed mtaout tuctiser iohmtssion te tise electors ithtie vole bo in tise afirmative. 3. THAT a tenant deiing to vote must delivor 1telise Clerk tae insti I a "Hi T" 011 Burner iny u Notice prescrihod iy shectios 3 ni Section 278 aiflise Muneipal Act st latter thoan tise ltis day etoce tise taking othlie vote. 4. Ail persans dr5iini la vote are requeted ta check tise voers lsl Furnace Now--$339.50 whieh ml ho availaisîn 10 dapu betore tise date appoisted toc taking tae vote. Any person misose namo is an lise vtecis liii ma>c apply ta have MAGE BY TORRIDHEET lise name o n apeprson mho iad ded or misose name la rongguil-y enter- Complet. wlth 200 gallon Tank ed an the lit sTrucla att. Any prion enilled 1e vote may turther pply te have iis name entered on tlis t. Any nueis application nst lie made CASH OR BUDGET TERMS flt latar tisas Ove days heinre tise date appisled tac taking tise vote and sial be made ta Ris Hnnor Judge Rabintson, c/s tise Tonsisbp ClerS Ek.UN Y & O ia Honr Jodge RobinsnmilI iear applications an FridTyOciahr S9%, G 0 U D O ai 10 u.m. ai Neson Tonsahip Office (Guelphs Linel, d, bBA. Ditribtior Phone Mlton 313 WARREN McNIVEN, Clechi1 qnnio-ctl,%àýv cimPinamIM 25.1952 SEE... JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE Your Chrysier, Plymouth and Fargo Dealers FOR SETTER USED CARS PH-ONE MILTON 586 CODWEATHER NEEDS WEATHERSTRIP INSULATION COMBINATION DOORS CAULKING COMPOUNDS GLASS PUTTY FURNACE CEMENT STOVE PIPES STOVE REPAIRS I DISARMINGI.Y DIFFERENT . . . OUR NEW FAI.L MILLINERY. AT FOR YOU IN SOFT VEIVET, RICH VELOUR, FINE FEI.T - SDESIGNED WITH PURE PLATTERY IN MIND. M l SHOP HERE AND SAVE Miton Dept. Store Satisfaction or Your Money Refunded Phone 12Milton, Ont, M YÀYïl Exhibit Hall -- AT --l MILTON FAIR O PE N Friday Evening, Sept. 26th 7.30 P.M. TO 10 P.M. ADMISSION 25c ni