THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO .~~ 1JWRSDAY, APRIL Srd, 195 UNCOd"]RABLEKIDSLure of the North "Chldrn dn'texpriece hy-MIIncreases YearIy Teen Town sicaI diseomort as the admit human does. You buy thern fleecy dress- That publie interest in OutdOOr *n ing «gowns and fur-lined bedroom , recreation in Ontarios ornaI and Ooic slppers, yet they prefer toi walk lskeland jareas la increasing la in- barnfooted on freezlng linoleum diae ytelts nulRpr and stand in bowling draughts lssued by lthe Depselment of Lands Question: What us becomlng of ctIer thon put these garments n. snd Forests. Annual sales Of CrOrno Tees Tow? They cao plaster their ingers with l Lands for prîvate summrrer reset Answrer: No onie s comiof be- an adhesive mixture o congealed Hello Homemakees! Is quite an saucea for fBah, cheese squares and puelsoses have risen sharply sinon cas thoy think nu ose iti be pointelad e etaout some Oasisrart tb serve appeaing, satifying omelettes. A Iis mitis sauce may 1943 asabave applecations for land there reqisg ad e eaot stuuch-sciseals un meattesu days-one tisaI besurprisingty flavored witli a very use peronta, leases and licenses of Solution: Now, we bave corne up as eais a ar o crdsorpîy-retiuires s great deat o! ingenulty. hatle addition o! yuur aiesr bu cpa1n Th ubr ' o istatwitis s hriat deduetion! If alI yous as heinaao Ah o y.-Flsh, cieese and eeg dishes are or muobrusmu, celery teaves and outtitter' camps In recreational ciilluns wiosu sid nu une was 0 ridge on the BBC. ereîd Leten tandbys. In ptace suris.Eveo as poonfut ut tartimintingsce astmoegthon oubed ur-going tuhie tisere would corne btoie ot grsvy, wr tend tu think of mita jelly maises a ditterence . ..and m h ateih er.lhe dance. or imagine tisat there _______________________________th,eî. ti, ti ottietyof ,t ntutjtity In 1943, test than 20 tales o utl'îad baovey crowd and ev- oth-tmarket tis Crow Landtuott r somer retot eîyone woutd bc therer Tise favorite reripea ohich wse were deattveit by thseDepait- Noeiyot take taispiere of colteid thîu oeek aie from Marie monts Lands snd Recrotionaatîtisî advico and turo Teen Fraer ofthe DiyFood ervices. AesDviobtac ar Toton into tise active organteotio nales have incressed since that time CREAM SAUCE until in the fiscal year ondise on it tous a yesr ugo. 1aa~ tsp bot musk March 3tut, 195, mure than 1200 Tc-en Town b your urgunloatton 2 Ibops. butte, transactions involving over 2,500 snd thorofore we tiink ttut any of 2 tbsps. tlour acres rere rocordod. Lands usc yuur toortitohite suggestions wuuld t, oputt eritlenesntirtity toelcomed by t ho coin- ,tsps. pepper cupaion which numbcred but 300 rii. TisaIt is ur im-to maise oui Het milt on otburver. In in93 amounted tuamit 3300 T1oTown ore inereuting and aoother sucepa i el oot butter and duriof the 1949-50 tesson. The etîîtaiuiug for ever our trom 13 ised inthettlout Stirtintieisot iver-iiicrasing domsndtfor uoom- te t9. Hooeve to do tsilis nuitsand continue trrig oîtit modution in hîning andtfihinguesrey to have muoeyand how eîunoot and rssird (about 3 minots.ýrras iuvidonced bytheomore thun arer etaoccl rumotato any o!ftiia Sauce my betttrtro'da'lit y doubtng in nombrrof icenedeiisisage ifooeooet ofthlie îoîîîttoîg:tourtotoutftttr'rcampsuoftwicb A a oourctlmeeting un Fidoy1 Celry alttisrrrorere 5390in Ontario in 1943. nisht. il tras decided tlu tino ut1 trry oîtmeg acty to h itadthe sy utf tht- __________________________________________________ tsp, Wvottoreti*sti, auter or nouITeot Townuhard tise use - '. tophWsre hieteroisît r eut:: ru 1 s.mned fou onFASHION HINT " s e tHiis , sot uorbyamao 2 or tistub.ryroutd be 2 bp.coppedd hrt fctr as noul oe dou v o bvu9 til t e st minute aud tiseetoreit! lu CRRH SAUCE bthe t ale for any puhttctty. 1 r a ttaue AIst t toassuoggeted thatuer ire 1 s. icd onio Tno Hopkitotorgouler our danr- ms. uypowder fr a feu e ekbu &Vaure'i'Hua' dont yuu thiit ooud be pobneomo.c r . der tnd nv utifyou came tlu Il' on Aprit beo uceit ot ceant sure 8t h and ose just houe improved r v ih ih g! or nest TenToownwilh e. CROQUE7rF SAUCE 1epvgtabI ustock SAL M Ntspzu4 @ M alt SAUCE enotrea aosnd yotir tlthes. A Pollock and _______________Maire__a.,_a__________sauce________ t u t douSapundeedufo 9 LP OOm m4 0 ALLEMANDE SUE utn sm xue 15e£t C m bl RI E TIW LOYEE LEAP 3 For Asagu or string beanSt ipring. Tise poudle haireut ta a- Mnfatreao W E N 7-0EI!L 3lu cp otaoater ready ueloth ie toay sut-lt Jlut HG RD EOIL SARDINES =mGOSZ :M 2 t Iss utr right for enougts people. A NwHem RAEMMOIL SL~IaaTINO 4W 2 tIlspu Cootr Yorks halo style asthority declared MEMORIAL ENGRAVING eg ytk Ist week tisat the trend b'a toito'- 62 Water St., North OALT SARDINES IMMWM 3 =Zfflâ2j» Us etgeruaifronboilrd potatotru fores in ueioh the haie wlU c TLPOE» PLA!N 0 E PNTO 0&TEU ptatu suaIer. remove tr:um utuve atreleym.TEPIOE08 PKG. ier Sr etoisoed aparagu JA U jjý&BERR _ 2ý0r . Alhoug a ceam saure asud al Xuwm 0-P.cUoreatins re eist made lu aý Grape or Pluma Jamuj'As29a nntslne okn n tre ORANGE JUICE 4"Or' 7o o -uesarcoe on lw PF.A C M F.S TEK eeoito ueet or mdium AYLIMR OICE BARTLETT 2Uea odnspoon r wr TMasauve SYRUP mixturQ s builng S STADRRIE15-zG 232.rt rp l tatit il nt b -aeterv 4 Fo cran i u(- ibou Paf IKeSALMON L-G33o TIE UETuON OX ~ LTNN VALERIGHTTIMe,0FIl .1 s ,Wl taihurt j S PR A RAGUR S 1 20 . I' 25c, An,, har jItý Plymo,.hnoffers you U%~~ PEA ~ ajuir ou îl: rd dsire by housndo f Coudi NiKBpicîoprtI'PefrmncCoUnina-n Square1,:1 r tisr dr0bDlot a arge3Wh15... thl cmfort und quiet o 2I K AL 4O T2670 11;the Plymouthre valuees t2-OLdispdo"e hade s r t ahe osrt ay m rA f AS A GUS 2 T ERN INT 25c70 RuthIdt acisryurro urîîPlymouth and us ou tefore otus l 1-O z. A idk tplsintîldîincc entsir ab outaosoCndigr SquareTSCal R N 2 Tîx 25e p kttc. p~earo ivapple oieProract:ninean o I I ALE rutintavdtr d_________dis-'__the _______________ OR N ES - - - oSS5 IcG he andrig ihauoaiccoe Ail todnrtyp e bui ld g e SiihC..d y leli ae eaii 1 .ted motadqito CELR 2STALKS - - 27fr1C IgyoL piaRGe ~askdframi mohes fPyot aéyF Cnobthph lrdu Bouted hstePymuhvleugtrsyu GREE NIOEN -2 buO.vnh iesc$13.5Ma0St J hn on B T Bu Id ik, ou omeria Pymut adMiltutfoonure For' TOP QUAIITY CROPS- -that mature earlier! e e Ut 8WTHATEVER your crop, ~ to.~--~ it can be improved wjth a complete plant food. Swift's Vigoro for ,Çct Commercial Growers is ~ 'uSSî, a complete plant food I -tested by scientific resesrch-proved by experience! Vigoro Commercial Grower goes to work immediately crop grootuce it to your soil. It giv:: co rwhaddevelopment. The resuîts uppeur in yorhsrvest-early maturity, higher yields, top quslity -and in your profits! So plan for a bumper crop this year. Order Vigoro for Commercial Growers from your Authorized Swift Dealer today. SWIFT CANADIAN CO., LIMITED PLANT FOOD DIVISION P.O. Son 39, New Toronto, Ont. -Get your Vigoro C.G. ut: MILTON MILLING CO., LIMITED MILTON .0 - inution of automobile values most an motorists-Comfort, Safety, ang-lasting Economy that pleases au with featurea like: Igmtion-key .the positive action of 6-cylinder th extra protection of Safety-Rim ) Floatmng Power and the amazing lw Ride. These are only a few of Ldealer wiil gladly point out and aIl test, he'll invite you to drive elf wby Plymouth ownors are so performance. BR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTN-FARGO DiALEI 'os. Garage Phone 586 77 roothest of cil! PAM lomm