Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Mar 1952, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTýRIO DUMPED FISH, CRAIES; IDLE ACTS; QUARTEN LOAVES 1857 POSERS Mfilon had its troubles in 1857 - tannery for Oive years provided he the year the tome mas foost incorp- employ 20 men. orated.' Ils likely that there had A hgbîight by-law of 1887 mas been soine artificisî curiosities. t10 provide for the construction of menageriea or dle show acta wtermorbs for the tomn of Milton around . And liisely some honest of $20.000. f rom two oprings". De-c citizens feit they were net getting bentures were issued for 30 years tbeir full quartern lbaves of bread. at 5 per cent. on tbhe lso sess- And sorebdy or other had been ment of $356954. encumberiot ýbrclges and lanes And thi.s by-law brings tleIc- wcith fish and hogshead and cratecocet rit up tedate,for many and empty barrelo. . cf tbe pipes--erne cf thees mod- And there ws asneed for a cbef laid tbst yesr sre tili csrrying constable. wter t rom the springs te Milton.s Ocf prime tomo interesl mccc thrse problems Ln 1857, mben tbe C atPieRs rst towe council met undcc maor C a tP ieRs George Brown mith Peter McKay e p a rlerb. It is romthe by-lawca iurina Seven iea rss pased by esety cousedo tbst theor csrly snags ot pre-Contedecateon Average prices recived by fsrm-r living were aasumed. es in Ontario on Februaey 1510, The ral by-lsm in Miton, passeel 1952, mitb compsrisons bavec iust almost 100 yeams ago, staîrd Oflry bren rrlcaocd by the Ontario De- thot t mould "net be lamfui for partmnent of Agriculture. sny peroon or pcsooes te cohbibt col ,,, mcy eatral or 'rtefiial euiosity, .wnlecopaisn il. . .e a anyrcaeeerlcîccalrcicccNocember 15, 1951, Deember 15, anymengere, lecricl o cieus1951 ccd Jaccacy 15, 1t52, mhich repreetation or exhibition or mcy ve hcoo h brcn0 painting. animais or any deîsow eshm tim onbythre c le ihn ed- acta tor gai or profit, mithout fOralesiae yfamr nteds havîcg octeiamd a licese toc the tict. Choce ut eveci yecec are camne.- Theetomîs clerck was .'ow distioct chanes. "grant a irense and deoeand ,nd 135The193vercr88priens Oal Ireel pounveala surinntec c lalrc i ci nd i ereuary 15. 1952 t216.7. repralrd. Fotoolot are conne ofth1e prtcec Thtis ircand urîtht ot br mac isîrd 'Ater the commodits- in thei ataealteyMîtnopalierbu thirpricer t Febrcacy 15. 1952. and 1n Iird by-lao "Losvruushall bc . he a verge 1939 te-. qoactecn o laciruof tour poucedu mcdlirt13ad19. hall quseten ci Ima poundc. 3755 Ode.. pere hu.91.2 44.61; Oriey tOc parchaer i vas-drmaed hat hie pet, bu. $1.31.5 (5t.31; Rye, per bus. bcead tc ee 'ghrd at the ime ùf $1.653 161; Flacseed, per bus., delîees Suîer Cca ler f Oe i$423 1$1.48): Bacbivbrt, per bu-,, pdelvry ub et. 9fn o iv 135.9 (59.9); Potators. per cmi.. On Augieci luth ot 185,c7.MC; rt -libely clie eCti cod Victriîais$11 vomplaînta trird tu be sîl-icclue.- Hus- cnd Clover, per ton. iosr. ive hen heyannoneed-nope SIC1559 ($9.0801;,Alfatfa. per tee son uSd1 lencumbereacy brdgcj 1e 55 (.8;Hny e cteev, litcevcrcidewclk wi'ih af l b. 204i(9ui; Hororo. per head, oca. piouglie, haeroîrc, wheectber- M.5"33 1t112571: Mitb Como, per cour mOrdl. geicdce.oveu. ubeegici becd $20761 ($44.37); Beef Caille. 1ath, tbrick.e. ovyr, lremood, finper cot. ire ueighi, 926.70 1$4.68< bogsheadu, eratru, rmply barertaor Cuive, er rut., ire crright. $31.53 acy otîbrearticle."..'47.16); Shrrpp ercwnt.,lice meigt SouicL asthogh iltn wre $1499 $2.261; Lamin. percc ci stîli ocile rul in hour day; of' lire e uigtt .293 1$7.13); Hofs, ptocgtea and haccoms ing cn the pret.desd 2.2 somrdLIt oie the tre;o. But Butra. per lb. 002 (2.9); stîll, growiaf, c.s home boildersBtefe b 6. Z.) hc. trcch y cummer lthacgy. luolcrspe 1belire wrigbt. 30.4 14.6); laid thieca hngllcandtbric onther .cen, per lb. dresvedl, 44.5: idru'ctk and bcd a olesta. But Tureecu per Ii; tirie meight, 445; cteC coutd ccci' c stovr sPu Tcky. pe lb reserd. 5887; oc a lbiidgf,, Ic o..eed oi ide. Garck, per 1h. lii igihi. 3108; u'alc.' Siicngc i'lo loeieru, Ducks per lb, dri'.a.d. 475: Gerce, those4 lirlb, ire oeigh 37.1; Gerce, per Cil;, hia, b v-laws wre o c e lb.. dreced 477: Eg,. per dozen, etife, ecid Acd Chivi Consable 349 (213); Wavt, pe lb. cemooled. DanviBvoîcc crue givethe job 7831(111 a', 20 poonids. John Bornes mas ta, <r' fivecs ve pouodu 10 acclau col' Farm PondsFo lctr anivd 10 oillingu pec day mac Fo iv b teb remunercation for auditorc atn C u t Jche ilîate acd W. D. Lyse H lo C u t Elias Witer Dbde wcac the, t: emidable namne et the gectlcman] Aotherr tcp in<e r'ct eevsereat- whomwa made impeor ofcltreell ivn ,îvd 0r prerrrticic or the ovd walk.c. W. P. Eager mas named cucal part, oi Hatton ic Chr asist- treasurer t 10 poo.s. :avcer 00W cruelble Ibfarmeru f Asov.smrst? They haid it ecrîs- thi.; cooniy in the constructioe of in omO hitry-aserly aseby-am pondu on their fcrm. Delaile cf thia Noe. 11, mhlch resolved -That there corb arr giveio seother cotme b otlreted. .. te suritof to ad my cecued from the Ar pence and threr-fooctb.s of a penny coltorci Representatîve, Mc. Whcite le the poond oc ail atcabir pro- loch. jcrty ccesrdyl The primurs- porpsere of suvbl Thie clerk aI av rarly meeting pvndsc arr giveas a suppty of mas ioclcated te prepace o licI iccer for lieeo:erb vor domestcr rarlainengt he samesvof ll prrovc u prposes; peroide mater fer13r hiable 10 perforni tatute lateor 1- protection; povaide mater for apray- geiber ith the nombereof doyu ing or irrigation andl b casis ech pereon lae hable 10 laor. in cotrot of coil ermsien. The nerd 'Every pecoon on the aseseimeet fvi ail oethCe ur popîe o evident roll ucder50 pouod oalt pay trnltorrry farmer. Ntuallyt ica shillings le rommutief et their progrum Ctht iii tabe seme ys-rs ottut laber. to arremptinh. Te counii-lieybaddad_______________ somberîs- yet neatGy dresard, met ie the hcal erethe merchani sbcp of 'Alexander Murray s- E5qait- P .o . sale on the corser nf Main mcd Polockand Charles St' C m b l Il cs oumotb cebile te ccv Ciim bel Ore in thoor days, for couencili Manuacturers cf authvi,îd in hy-lccr 12 paymcnl of HIHGAE1EOIL 10 shllngs le the Oirt percen te IHGAD EOIL arrive mitb cosîre t s 0r, and MEMORIAL ENGRAVING Oive shillings 1 Oreccond and t-n 62 Water St., North GALT the 'thîrd andd , atme n hllings TELEPHONE 2048 and six pescer"(Wonder il aeyoe damdtcd te get therce lt and cim the Imo and six?) _____________ Thece wa.c an etgine compaeyî cf 35 men, and a teeîîbaed ladder cvcvpany cf 20 men. T.c- le- J. A. ELLIOTTr ancecof "scy mate inha5itaet bc- loren the age et sxteen and isty Licensed Auctieneer and yeaec le auie inceocveylcg uuch -REAL ESTATE egîvne o ttec appurause" could brevmmanded. Thrre mcv c publie market ... Phone f177J - underc eayer W. [D. Lyon, le 1861,a Milton bs-lcmond ic the îld red3 rrsd.'"te squae oteeded ty Moin,______________ Martin, Miii and Cemmerciel 91 shalhi- a marketsquare fr fiae salr and prcehase et homse.; ctle, LET US DO YOUR chrp pig.c, hege, poeltty, etc The intThursdoy ater the Olrt Wcd- neday incchuend everyrmoth BUILDINGv abali tee a publie market day ar faie frot eigbt ic the ferenooe until onC e n1te afiecceen.' r y o In 1877 laedsc mece purchaced C ns £rosm Ms. Johe Muchen for $40, Co sr cto -o frceesc. W. J. Robinson for $889 GENERAL CONTRACTOR end John Marshall for $20M l Pon 45 widen Maie Street. Poe45 te 1883 an exemption crac granîrd P.0. Box 116 Milton Charles Knees front taxation on a KILBRIDE Young -People Se. Slides On Jamaica The KilOnide Young PeOPle League met ln the Sunday Scisool roons an Tuesday evening, wtb the president. Eeanor Carna, ln charge. The minutes mcd mil call mere read by the secretars-, Efleen Pegg. Juan Watson read the Bible read- utg and Angeilo Faielta led ln pcayec. Hymn e mcce usg mith Marilyn Cairno au pianlat. Me. Almack condueted mc in- ctallation service. Rev. LaRke from, Locoville shomed Mome veey beautl- fol sldes on "Jwaaa, After a fume or smo), ait enoyed a treat ot esokies and orange, uecved by Antoinette Faletta and Marlene Papes. The W.M.S. heid their regular meeting on Thursday atleenoon ai Phone 272 ROYAI -- 24 HOUR ED. MC the homne of Mra. Chartes Prud.. ham. Mea, Chsarles Peer wau ie charge of the business and a8183 gave the devotional reading and commenta. Netta Burns cead the minutes and roll cali. Mes. Prudham presided for th program wbleh consisted of a solo by Mrs. MatMoward and a .fap- anese dialogue by Mes, Wlbur Ford and Mem Brie MeArlisse. Mes. Prudham gave the etody book ehapter, assted by Ms.Hen- ry Gorter. The meeting masclcosed mith a orseer. Lunch was served Poot's Corner ITrS FUNNY Ia' funs-. the habita me mortels acqtslre, IS tuns-the thinga thal me dot For mscdby possessions me vainly aspire in ite, as me Journes- through. Wr 1011 mcd me save from mildle to grave, Sxsting il efr anmd tadoutet, Forgetting the fart thai mhatever Wr neyer taIse ans-bing out. te Mc Pcdam n m.Fr.Ils funny, the hrighls me attempt Mc. snd Mms. John Harris sre ti eo ttain, celeratng teirItsfunny the deptbs of our greed. cebtlfter38tb meddlng an- Our effortsc, are given for profit and niversry on Wednesday, MefircI 10 gain, ai tbeir oon'n home ie MHamiton. And seehing the thlngs me dnn't need. We plan mcd me sehemne and we A gint ougls fr tre rcenty bnpe and me dreses, A gsclDosîsutt tee reenlyAnd me ottentimes ehest os the telîrd on Vancouver Island tocý roule, lumber bad s cicesmierence of 15 Yet donst the end of lites tur- feet wa 1,16 yars idand usf bulent tream tor, cact,16 csmold sd ms'Wr neyer lobe anythîsg oct. have tere a large tcee mhen the Magna Chacîs mao igned in 121..And sonthes- appeor lo be funny andi queer, The habits cf mortsls betow; Though fortunes are mme 10 the otrggirdome here, Tbcy!reteft os the dsy that we go. Whe the batttelufnsoghtmwe taIse wbat me brought, And me 10cr cohat e min Ie the bout M ILTON For G od never meset In the lemsons re tsught. Thut man ehould tahe onythlng eut. TAXI~/~ NEW TYPES 0F AIRCRAPT SERVItE --Tmenty erm types of British aic- crutt made their tiret tlights le 1951 DONEY -doyven of cnmpletely new design, aed the others mnodttecationsocf ex-, - clint designs. TMUESISÂY. MAMCM 10h. »M British Americain Oil Distributor GEORGE BUNDY PHONE 313 MILTON, ONT. Furnace and Stove Oil, Gasolin. PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Mater M.asured T icket Printed FURNACE 011 BURNERS Installed with tank................... $339.50 Zurf turial 3blral os A monument built of endur- ing granite or msrble, nym- bolic in design snd reverent in purposeresting in sur- rouedings of pesco and beau- ty, a trbuto of respect and honor tb tho desd, a constant source of inspiration to the i ving . . . OAKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS Wo employ no agents You pay no commission-Buy direct Monuments Large display ic stock . Cemeter cla: 90 COLBORNE ST. WEST Lette..n the car that has made greater strides forward for'52 '9 than any other in its class!1 /C94wonsu, VU. d,.lE,.se, If's designed to mit -go, oul -looki, mi- ride and ouit- lasi every other li<v- priwed car 1 NOW sec it . . . yfeir the motBi!Ieautififî caIr in ils field for '52! It's thse (0N1I'I.I'1ELY NEW '52 Ford . . . citi lîoger cselîîase ..wider front treuil -... enîircly îsîw Coac-i craf hBodies with lltîI.'1'ight Constructiion ;..with new iiice'î'etvd powrer amid1erforrîî- ance. It's Itîe biggeet Ford ecrhIuit iitit a host of complewc-y new festurcs -... newr Euh- Circle Vieiililîy wîthlinuge one-pice Cunrra- Litec Safe-iy-Vîîc Windcîi<-d landl411% larger rear wintdons. Ne-w Strato-Siar I It0-li1). V-8lt Enginesîr ttihg new tan- glards of 1srfornîatice and îcsîeîny. Ne-w Porner-Pivot clutels and brake p:Aals ouo1arndlîd froni abtite to elimiiate fl or boardi boiro . . . ncw Centre-Fi I'ocîing. Antd Im1îroved Ridle Ceettrol assulre a brand-new tandard biniu Heeils, cmfeentabe ridiîîg. Yen, sil, les#-erire it. Comîpare ii-féatare faim-feuslitre, vaille fair vultue, y-os-sII <h-jriee l ig '52 Ford ginrs ou i ei<re-lyfar-ut boimer rosi! 110-hp. V6 Enginle m anuactucsr, cmci cdI ARRANGE FOR A ÀrESIv U I VI Milton EARLY MOTORS CHOOSE FROM CHREE GREAT DRIVES For '52 Ford offees yo ihree grec! drives... Fordotic-tbe fiees, ,most versile cutoriton ss- mission on the road, setesracoi . .. famosFord Overdieeter ostotsces p ta 15%oMegss . . . "Syeoco-Sitet Sift as standsrd eqotpmeesl. FOr DOMA TIC NEW FUGHT-STYLE tirv INSTRUMENT PANEL Newtp'.tyI.d central - p.n.1 bO.edi grcully iothe deos. Dstnce o Cec Va. Istment us-50 teadcommscompact- lyopedorar.d c te co»i sc nd sfty. JÇEYLRFORD DEALER Phone 519 W -u FAUM BIURiT PAGE BRIErr À 000. Od PO

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