Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 1952, p. 8

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TH AAIN HMIN MLO4OTAI MSDA UIYBYl.11 miason menle informniol enuncil that the $50,000 proide in te an- nual budget mas inadentuale and a oum nf $115.000 wan needed. Thte leller staled titat a billig machine wiich is tobe prcasd cnt 5.O alone. A drafl by-law embodyingre strictions for te ares, in soslb-eost Trafalgar lust unuti nifte indus- trial rea mas presenled by D. A. McCoparitie, the township solici- to. Il was forwaeded 10 . Strat- tons reprerenitiof ratepayers utnte district, for enomintiono Council outitorizel te public schol bordtoappnint amember te si tOititemeetings of te Nortit Tafalgar Planning Biord. Thte cdent as atitorîzed Is tuco over te Once and Storrie al lt, tenders on mater mains and ewers advertined on Febrsary 7 for tem hi select te bonI bid. Teconstructonof a woermain os a local improvemeîst on Brten Rood and Orchard Drive as 00- prove and te by-lam sent 10 te municipal board for their opprovl. Oakvitle Transportation Co. as granted permission 10 drive oser township road. A by-law 10 autitorize the con- struction of a mater main as a lsol improvoment on te 910 Line it the townshtip of Ti7afalgar as passed and also foewarded. Judging feces te numbereon- gogd Ilit i, the day must have pasoed wheit crime doms' pay. Personal BE3SRY MES. WOMMN1 Gain 5 la 15 Ibo. New pop. 10. Tey famnua Ostrex Tonie Toblts for doble results; nem hoatoy llesh; new vigor. Newcm gel cquainted" amt oniyOOe.Ail druggists AUCTION SALE MILTON LIVESTOCK MARKET Seat Tiursday sssd Ever Thucaday at 1i . Fresh Com, prisgers, Cansers, Cutters, Sheep, Lamito. Fat Bow, Brood ows. Shoota, Bunkers. Fat Hogo, Veal Clses, Baby Beeses. Fat CaIle, Stociters, Feeders, Pol- try of al itEs, al kinds of heallhy anhimss ooidfr top rosit pîice& Stemember - no sasie, no commis- sion. Plesty of mitissE cash bur- ons. Cold itondie 50 more clvs ai top pices. LINS AND DANCg. Lieestoek Aucionseors Humilon. Cainadian Record Set By Beaty Herd rite iigit jersey reord mild-: Canada for the period Jonîîsry 20 10 Febeîury 20 mas taImade in te bren of Maurice C. Bealy 3f Hîftotn. Onario, mhere Reglt Quren Frelly en Imo-times mutk- ing Feeduced 13,124 11. oI mlit. 70,) isot lt in 305 days In the mature clam EYES EXAMINED THURSDAY Feb. 28 & Mar. 13 10.30 am. to 6 pr. GRIMWOOQD MILTON PHONE 1 FOR POULTRY RAISERS 12 pages, 3 colors - full of piciseon and facis about Fis- her Orchards. Dont cins I. Fisher Orchard BURLINOTON, ONT. CONGOLEUM RUGS Rexoleum Rugs Baroleuso Rugs Congoltues 6 $. wide Congoloum 9 f. wide Rexoloues 6 f0. wide Rexoltues 9 f0. wide lnlaids n varioas gaages CONGOWALL For Bathrosos or Ktchens SCATTER MATS HALL RUNNERS 18 in., 22 in. and 36 la. wide FELI PAPER io reinforce your floor OVER 75 PATTENS TO CHOOSE PROM A wide and wonderful selection of colors and doigns-the choice ns the widost we have evor offeeed. If you are plan- ning a now f loor for your home, nom's the tirn o 50boy. LARGE SELECTION Printed Cotton 39c YD. 36 inches wide IBrodclothI I447eYD.I 36 PHONE Queliiy Merchandise 112 at Low.r Prme MILTON ONT. Coming Events Esebre, Duiferin S.S No. 10. l'Ki 9]W jirhs, Mrriages L AMtPQ iD.aths, Etc.'I monsetfor tis acohuasa ois sepsseed la 22o or set 1tise Cassadtos *FI BO3RN Chsamspon Office tu MSfltor ____________ M ARLY-M-r. and Mca. Cari Eariy --o-day lis tise second day of -'Ice long U4 9 rofo Main BtSi. art hsppy o annousîe the birtiS Lent.waa graded ou 10 the centre -ofD W iM o the i daughlerrl, ariaon LhersnotWdesay So -B right a *Wednesd.y Oon~2, 92 i --ut 2daya untl sps'ng ar- teM - o*edesay Mount Hamilton'optl rie fiSal.-eadese a MltnItI ehcouLO.asN - Mc. amd Mx*. Franlk o-hee r ahailon lfr ai- ers rining course 10 SurI- *g * onare ap 0anu ýTeeaesusiuinsfra-inglon on Fehroory 17 were Miss M a n dE C h eery !* * the brtsof teeir sn. Dacri monl everything exeepl work and Francin, on Friday. FebruMrS22. Aîep BliMssn Hds5,P 952 aI Hilton Privote Hospital. sep Homard, M. Rupberry and HM A brther for Lois and Terry -Thc crows nilled thal prino Couimit. AMn was ornng rt scon ndhave AE-ranMs.Lneaw as es onîa o d -Tise cernent flime kmsbeen laid F r V - 1!(n ~l M A ES-Hr.and Mm.Loa rne om orrlved wth tise good news. or he..b.ryin.he-aseent01 For ONE WIluO i happy m tne JaoneL tenihon f ar the e ioayand toc bla resemn-o M tdiA JUY * happyson, James 00 100 bUSh of -A der was kiiied by a dog thFonhl dwr sporo- hi o.Jue lirIacer0,)95 oouth of Milton nt fac from the i1Eunithlie celsE which coveca *M on Wednosday. erur 1 ,10 siaugiter bonse Wednesday afler- the heating duels. Thse excavat -aa kvle-TflgrMmrl noon. ion for the front enîrance la aluo A yT beL m nteSoeHsia.2 --Tomnorrow b the day Iht maS- ui BEATtY - 355E es Loap Year the rear lta-one -A giance through the progrsrnm a FEATHEBISTON --BAT -In 1 wth 386 Esys. The 9th of Febru- o the Klwanis Music Festival ho- 0M$ .9 45Bronte uSes. Byd eruoapli22, arris eapDaylisS.iltng h eid n CTrontlooSeveson--Large Seleclon - * Chureh, Bronle. D. C. Featiter- l Msln noes. orolSleveson5100of Milton, Ont.. and RIta -ieweatheiru milder and the and Donald Wlson are bolh ener- *May Beatty of Lindsay, Ont. dors are longer but we psy for thse rd bin o classes ol Ilte solo 1- d Improvernent wth muddy roods day tThumsday) and Robet Bell *Rogularly priced to E IR and puddles on the stdewsiks will compte in the saxaphOne claso $3600 aise lisled for to-day. Alan Em- $3600MIDUDLTON-AI kit home, Mi- * t on, an Ssnday. Feistaxry 24,3 -RylConervtory of Music emson mutl compete in two vocal * 19. Ernest Middleton. beovod resuts show that Paye Ciernents of solo classes. one for boys under * itrbsnd of Janetta MeLean and )Mietn was awarded 93 marin for 13 and tite other for boys un- fathe of Lorno and FianS. 3 frst clam honore standing in rhangrd voîcesa Funeral service mas held lrom his Intereoo Eveegreen Cemetery. -At a meeting of grnwems ofU Millon. -Lunch or nipper lest Tsesday Hllon and Wenlmorth Countlo UTHSO-A e um.Mi shouidnlt have been rnuch of a held recently under theasoupires o. .r a ton, on Salurday. Febuaey 2i,e problem, - pancakes. There were the Buribttos and District FruitN M 1952, Jemne Victoria McClelliitd. many miso took advantago of the and Vegetoble Orowem 'Asociaton a wife nf Tholmas A. Htlhinon, troditional Sheove Tuesdar menu. and the Ontario Departmentt of îoway (Sit, nI Toronto;ILrA . Agriculture, approval mas given o owy (Butd)mof (DonoJae), o --Saturday is the day when propesed lesy o $2 o ton iscreune Hamilton. Mrch ettor tramples i0 n ie o in licone Ie gromees and Priete luneral service was held lion or fisksin MUe a sprtng csnnems on oue cherries, Sortie t Milton on Honday, Februury lami. iarcho choire tiis week-and ITKefffe peoro. plumo and prtm-r lo r5ove i- y' poîrn ove. gid C end wil detrmisoe methe t s es. Tiis will crecale on advrtising Y u l o C ve i 1tr, agv. month front now. fond 10 help ocl surplus produce.15MMRA ____________________________F or Spring- HILSO-I loving birthdy rems- Trafalgar Council OIUAYAl Reasonably CtaieLli isn n u cear latter, James Htison. Fu eri - ctdThe Ioyu we ohaeed together. SeIects Constable Fuea Co uce Priced :Are memnoricu we itotd er By Two Ministers Toehpiesthygv s Selected from 15 applicanis. Con- Oit. tttv dre fmiytar litngu. table Rary Winon of te Ookville Aller o lengthy ilînesu. Jeane oAE rifthýda itmilbock 10 US 0 detachment of the Ontario pro- Victoria MeLellnd. te mîfe of T n nste akt soc vistial Police wos named a police A. Htl insen, Q C., cf MilonJ , e -moree, i .5Orluîitandcouraelto ettore. contable f Trafalgar Township t poard uaa on Febriae5' 23 in tit anditupe baee Sept un ml thc meeing f townhipcounicil oit Hilton. Heu. liuteitinson, who - .. ~ ci iui et ei et gs Februryl17. Ne will reeeive ammhso nToronto baidlivedotien,ç Imm, 0i5Onua sitrer tuat sorm o s oont. starting salary f 2900 o yror. Hilton since 1921. 0J,,ý Fuel rm sorrow, griefoand pin. A. E. MrKay opplied for persmis- Site was a memnbereof St. Pao l' f..Fureerrenimitered by Lillian, slit 10o consîruet a simring-pmol United Citurcit. ,Luorenet, Viola and Mar>. on theLakeshore hiîitmaymwennof Pîutllmusesceuitd i1e (lakville. Ne mas intructed te t te HacSab and Son Fonea- e CARDS 0F TISANES canyospropety,.omnerninliecitopel on February 25, conductef 1Ifs i omS l lue Ibis'opporbooity neigbboebood 10 obtain theie opi- by Rev. J. . MeFaul and Ses. J. ottonit my letenduq for acts olý onlietuîii.L. Blair Inlerment wasint botkidoess, gfuIs and cardu, te boys Council oppeoved te applcaton infoîde Cemtery in P orv(theti, ire nottîl (se bsktsert, cf D.Moris for apermit toituild Pîrv. , stte intd ifluirî., also tme wito afmtlo h udshgwy Ssrviving are ber itssband, moide pocibte te trips la hrnpilal cear th it Bh Linschno, .. ad(o A ~. 4î 1dstiing my reteol ilîneus. amolelntbellndutitfhmoyA n,. ,.rCSeandMastt Trafalgar Public Utilities C m dosîbteru, SutDGalomMroy ofC.Toti FOR SALE-S Hoistein Heifers, f irsl eaUf; S Ayruhîrv, second coif. aIl due it one montit; 1 Aymliire fresit. A. Triseher, phone Milton 16OrlI. c-38-2 FOR SALE -- 1939 ernlsmn Ply- msuth Sedan, sem slip cooes. buill it radio, good ires. very closv cor, good condition. Hall domo. baulance monlbly. Phone 594 Mi- ton. c FOR SALE-Electrie besuoder, 4001 eapacily; 4 G.S.W. mater lost.s; 8 feeders. Att equipment r.ew in 1951, eocellent condition. Alan Ant- os, Rurol Roule 4, Milton, phtose 79r2.c tCHICKS ON HANID-550 Baered Rock x White Legitorn pullels, Mret 18 halcit; Marcit 251h, M00 LigitI Sussex o Nom Hampshire polleta. Ardogi tcHuecy, phontie 39w, Streetsville. c_3-2- FOR SALE- Ontario Variegulo-l AlflfataCnadtan Grimm Alfalf.,, leel Brand Pasturemîn ferItay. Pasture or Grass Siloge. Certilied Ladinso, Brome Grass, Al Clovees andGrasses Government Grade No. 1, Ccrtilîed Wisconsin Grown Hy- beîd Csmn. Wrile or phono for prîces. Willianî Corne and Sons LII.. Streetsvilîr. Ont. Phones 18 and 114. b-34-5 mission 35c. e FOR SALE - Mamsey Harris Hilton Teen Town, Leap Year eqsipmenl. Sit em condition. No. Diance,. Friîay, February 29, 33o 26 adiuslable lmo-fareom plom, p.m, MH.HS. Admisesoon 25e anid 23A botlnms, $1100.; tandemn dises, 50e. e 26 Pl ates, $200.; 4-section spike itarrsms. $40.; 3section sprîng- Mosfuat Hockey Club Dance, Fni- th. $75; Olaco mogon, lmplcm- day. Haret 7, 9 p.m., Beobvîlle enl ires, excellent rackt, $225.;N. Hall. Gosui orchtestra. Admission 6 momer. 7' cuter bar. $210. Alon fill. c-39-2 Amos, Rural Soute 4, Milton, Lomville Unitecd Jaek and JillIhne - 2 claub preocol 150 crobe picesenaI FORSALE-lOb torey. 5 eooms Lîîwelîte United Citurcit, Titsday, and batroom, frame borne, hydre, Hareit t. Tîme 0,30. Tickets 25c. c andl tetepitone. cellor. mater inside. DIance, Ligny Scitiol. Frtdoy. Oit itesling and garage. Posssrss- Hureit 7, 9 p.. Joyce Oreiteotea. ion arrongrd. Price $5.500. 150 AdmLostun 35c; ladies providi iad_ acres, 17 fuît ptosghed 40 meodom. mssinfree. Proeedssed feor 5feesiteeedinf,mîit ood rtll îîîong puaos eand ererit; 11k torey, -room trame bosse, St n 42, ils newi A beuikeepinl cousme in peet.rof; ban ban45n00;tie up5 icuttinuany itiio.. Wy nobl horses, 32cattle, 4ibox stlis;ittil peuîticand enl aanearly pn. iten bosse; drivinloshesd: dte in dy or evrninfclassesatlgrafe:scoolonncornoffarn. te Robinsoin Business Cottege, Mil. No morfage un te larm. to. b-37-3 tlotn payment $5000. Contact James W. IRemson. Brampton Dool lforgot te Snd Annoat 1235r22; W. O. Bromnridge, George- Hockey Cloub insîret Show, Pris town569w. ceas Thteatre, Wednesdoy, Mret 5h. precede by amateur coOesI AL for childeen under 12 yeors (lice FOR S L nomes tn M. Marshtal, White Bakeryl. 7.30 p.m. Admission 50ce and 25c. c OR USED CARS Bertha B. Brown Public Stenographer Incorne Tex Rui ms Preparud REAL ESTATE MILTON PHONE 237 Horace Toinlison BRAMPTON 77W MILTON HARDWARE Carr Gemnse Serge 50 Morris Oxford, radio 50 Citev. Dcl. 5 pams. coupe, radio 49 Ford Deluxe Coach, radio 47 Dodge 5 pais. Coupe, radio 47 Plymoutit Sedan 41 Plymosuthit Bation Wogon 39 Buirk Bedon TRUCKCS 49 Chrv. i ton Pantel 49 International SEl Pick-up 48 Cites. Bedon Delivery 46 Internationol 910ke 40 G.M.C. titrer quarter ton Stoke 37 Cites. % ton Pick-up Acrial motorcycle ARTHUR SCOTT MOTORS LTD. Grorgetown Phone 161 b FOR SALE 1 1950 3-Ion G.MC. S yd.Dump D. P Anle t L160 International Blako Body. tom mileage t 1953 Austin Bedon, item t 1912 Pontiac edon. new I 1919 Mercury Coschs 1 1950 Sîodeboker Sedan i 1951 Ford Victoria t 1911 Ford Bedon I 1951 Ford Customo Sedon, radio I 1951 Ford Custom Coscit I 1940 Bsick Bedon, radio t 1949 Ches. Coachs 1 1939 Plymoult Coupe 1 Fergssos Tractor, new t Maasey 30 Trartor. nmw i Furmal M McCor.-Deer. Troctor, t Furmal N McCor.-Dmer. Tromber. TROS. E. NEWBON, Phone 332w, Georgetown b Lost LOST - 4 wooi biankets snd 'Z ropm on 25 Highway hetwems Cross service station and Thoms St. Seword. Phono 45lrl2. Mil- LOST - Stock and Ion hotund. onowero 10 therintme of "Trouhle". Ownerls fume and addresn on roi- lac. Finder piese ring Miltos 155r5.c .Miscellaneous FLOWE3IS for aIl occasions. (lac- Ir Bros. Floristo, Kilbrtde. Phono 498r11. e-t CRESS CORN SALVE for sre relief. Your Druggiot osens Cres Collons Salve, ton, reiieves quictdy. Outstanding Values In Used Cars 51 Pontiac deluxe 4 door...$205- 49 Plymoult 4 door. .......-$1675 40 Mercury Coupe .......$1000. 47 Plymouth drlune 4 door $1105. 47 Chev. Fleelline 4 door $.. 1005- 42 Plymoulth 4 door ........ 0095. 30 Ford coach, black .....$ 105.. 37 Packard, 4 donc....... - $205. Used Trucks 50 Ford S-Ion Stake .........$1005. 49 Mercury 3-ton Dump $108. 41 Dodge Panel..............$ 410. Eversj cor guarontteed Lorne Garner Motors 45 Mais Aclon Phone 452 h 1940 Mercury Bedon 1949 Ford Club Coupe 1948 Mercury Coach 1047 Mooarch edon 1940 Pontiac Bedon 1940 Chev. Coach 1930 Pontiac Coupe LATEST TIME FOR INSERTION - 2 F. WEDNE63DAT -RATES- No charge for announeementa of Btrtis , Ifarriagea, Deatha, and Engagements In Memoram 50e plus 10e per lUne for verses. Articles for Sale. Sent, etc-Se a Word. Minimum cash 35c (If nlt paid until after insertion, 5Ste). Box No. te tisi office 15e additional. Coming Event-lIec per count lino; 30e minimum. Carda of Thanka-Oc For Sale Want.d F05 SALE - Sump purnp, inc WANTEDa- G<lape man te de good condition. Phone Milton chores on a rm. Phono 4âf51 611W. c Milton. e FOR SALE - 2i York pigo. 7 WANTSiD-0o t 100 acres fanso weelss oid. Wm. MoFadden, phono to cent or work on ahares. Wzitto 28r22. c Box 282 Canadian ChampionMiI- ton, Ont. FOR SALE - 2 Holstein cows opringing. One registered. Charles WAJTED-)By busines s coupe, Irwin , Phone Milton 79r33. c apartment 10 Milton, hy SMay or esrly Jone. Phone Milton 156rîl FOR SA-8xl brooder house aller 5.30 p.m. and 15 Bard Itocks, laying weli. Vctor J. White, Bronte St. c LIVESTOCK WANTED - Frost thermometer, pins oash istsol r FOR SALE-Phonola console ra- farrn for dead or dlsabied horsts or dio, like now. Moka aller. Art cows. Phono colc Milton 2@4w.. Higgins, OakSiS., phono 239j, Ml- William Stone Sons Ltd. -t ton. e WANTED - Lîve Pooitry and FOR SAL-9 pigs. 7 weeks old; feathers wanted. ItIghest pices 3 pigu, 12 weeko old; one-man 1-ilr- patd. Phone Sondait & Morey, Mli- net chin oow, Ai. S. Cornie, phono ton 143, or Wm. Dent, Miton 9>13 387r22. c or write Moses Zoner. 402 Dover- FORSAE- Jmesayelctiecourt Rd. Toronto. TFP broodero. each 500 capucily, good WAITED-Night toiephone ope- condition. V. Bornes, phone Mii- alor, in Milton, Ont. Honese, Il P ton 293e0. em. 10 7 asm. Age 2SIte 35 remis. FORSAL-Conhlalisv arg, orne Rlfh Sehool education nec- FOR ALECominatorýrane, ssary. Appir 10 person te the- eicctric. cool and word, in $oOd Chief Operator, tise Bell Telepisone condition. oeporale o00mb. Phono Co. of Canada. MlonOn.c3- Georgetown ttr24.c _Iton,___ Ont.____ -38-7_ FARMS WAJOTED FOR SALE - '47 Pontiac coupe, We itnvite the listing of youar defroole, bralor, 000W lires, ru- lares We have boyeco wittng. relient esndition. Glemspey Mush- Asouring you of the Spirit of Gooa? roorn Pant aller 6 p. c Service. ALUMINUN windows 10to, nd O HANDERSON, Broker scen )o.cope s7j. ur- 35Lunretes Blvd.. Toronto 12, Ont aorensasf or lFc erîe Phono HYiond 6770 c-37-7 inonths lu pay. PoeOkii ______________ THURSDAY, FUMUARY â@ý IM 1 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO -PA(m muiRrr -3

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