AGÉSXTHE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TIOUBDAY, PMUIARY J&. M. ofEngland champianahtp, plowlng match at Cocnwall, where Eugene wo the under 21 years class; whlle Norman wan the tcaphy far th,- Daro I S . A nd S N bes oeraeaa tother than, the Brit- S . F Y a d S N ih Iseut at the Iriah match. The by ound the campetitiana extra Pu bn n etn siff beeauae avec there ail their cmeitaca uaed the htgh cat plaw. Pu bn n etn mathecs corhsat eplawtag Sheet Metal Work te cre here in Canabda. At the Caorn vs. Grass S iage t d an Ope Ngh in the Mil Inentianal ta Irelaad, avec 10,000 The practice of preerig MedtnHgh Scol whe ths wil a ded ta one day. Ia an Inter- PHN 0WMILTON, ONT. sueheacsilsis o e.Td-oth okwihaslen,_Fami Heald and Weekly Star, veloieli fte fmla on eleI h oilt Toia vis ed ataing. thr hlalncu.oflthe xeior isfinished____________________ urainenio slrgl ersltet eies r qrad n tlan Ineaional Match le mare like thwcesdnadtefrt Arnecicanreserc ad exeso o etya n eea e ag Courty Match ia Ontaria- gable wrlh vectical sidiag. %-aek pvclacmed ducing the latter courses have hrenasugtested. nsaybc Haltan." The Darald'a drina and living part ofttherlast centary. Siave Ibm - coanri are carnecîrd lay a large the uar of the silo bas hecame wide- Judging Covipeiition for thei Junior Prciaoit * ,~ peniag whlch providea hoth rna soradnt orly in theU.S. bat aise Farinera ai Halta Seed Fair aadli rctci Co ra int 0 n wt iaasalscsgt feeid L A U 1N 1j.)Kus tario. ~~~~~Haltara Janior Farinera are maik-Co srainO =tlin.LUDY 7 Durang the pst tee ne tbcee iog plane tee thear apecia sctionr Budget Att af the Danaldas raams lead JUST CALL yeacn ilbere bas becna so gIl drai ai the saresl Nation Secdi Fair lit the hall frram whicb the saac of tcicndty argument baeb aind snd Bacon Show, tue bc bcd in the Teae benraaW5Saae psibe heIntteZE TH I> fact s ta the respeetive menite et Milttan Taoswn Hli, ais Msrcb 141b Te'eaiei aywy- cdn e h li ieoe.Ti E IH 16 . geas and cern sitage. We have and 1tb, bidgreaul ad rve s otm, ac scond Sloor caoma. DIRECT LINE - NO CHARGE hadmn rs iaeetu-Asa ini tecrer ycar ihere aie terfaiadriamali ai THE DONALD bas ertecior lirea Pias catI tac fmera coseluctan, iastsrressathesigsprrtencotent pecil clases toc Jusoer Fararers. ethcctiniethev utadry arvVcr brabcn bya prjeeig liviag rom iaauisied wstt andrceling and aIA RY S VCE of he ra siage- f hs bennamctr. Oas, Bsricyand Wbeato iticn- eeeib riveciita sea arnd dinriaf raanr. The citrarar fait baeaent. OrectraliesiosaaN R ER IE matcgcsassisgne, tiathaf se .hi ane-lbeuainlds nal pilbein veibuecrataccdewithbc. The IfithbeDonaldar3ltcet by 37 feet.______________________ aeecear. ta terd bail vrry litîtir playa in fariner ycara hase hmtac b M an Baiko riio a l SuTh ain t ody h ofi the Groe aant grain and cancentrslcachn gcass areatîfeaturcnofte Show. Wc are tmr avineacosi.San et y31,fet run rso silafe is beirrg fed ta the mnitbiag aesured by Preaideot David PeltIt- have iîîînd that Cbristmias exsirrea MeNABB AND SONS the Donald aisi 02oquare tedt aith Iserd. tarie thai ait Sive Clubs are mabing inebe J anier e "thii aaanth' PUCAENR"IEacrrîert2,4 ai ei Whil \vedo nt poe asanyplain ta erirps their preeraîra et- Oilîca bave enveriencerda abariap-ýPRHS EDSR olm f2,4 ui e Wboity are de rt ep but thin ory ts. rt ruailrcaahafrer pying ieae- FROM BRISTOL, RHD ISLAND ______ _____________________________ Tsi.aAnd arirfeveiaarartf.fiaisrl- M. T. MeNabbb&tonsa, Goge- P:neing a nighor's new crIo sandrngaoit tebcabct If hashbeci cpi-n te ail Haltta Jurier Facaners irtrdoa sionai ia. thpari e purebsa aI 0 rîtlaba oad oeh siaird fraira the publie ptstaorm by une 6yars et age, la srbedaled iii aa alriig cearsraioiretrs. Junior berd sirc tram North Farin, abrî i tact b ad v lia gel arme arlage aratyzed 17 tu10 ý a prateas. ThsN.ea' progrean providea h vr. hyoe *Ieilpr Naribeen Cainradea May King an s trel.Pe r in g Vitat thcy did net mabe clear, folwn he ifrn iiios oe con.Ec a a rîr e Airgart eiit aired baY ReigedlsrjS U anr ba iieane nanna ar el (fi l Junior. 16years and eit.a lrxd eretrrrotikr EniryC OURNietscMt wccebeaahi Ns o amstty rei ander: (2) Juiniers 17 te . 20 r majror commitnrentr. and thon,.bai.aEmConrardoiiîafrseig aal airdai. omal r3is tan a .11 :.I ea ars r'b e ii (>rmfor bi.av avrmi-nl Ba I.Jr Sand E SSf oghso legumr ailafe centaine apprenr- auiad ra31n thbre rir naî t.hei icls Charlotte 15. 429M748F. I O mstety liraj monture. Comieqeent- av.crnesiraun a he edau makrailir ir rý ibata sîrrirn o - ErîbaKnU S I ly 7 o 1, rtli tei n a mitre ,GrdnBnetAcc i ihtriiaee ain.aarraay e araball mortd by R.EU Depatriint cnoin ad tak i ove wit Or- sutoit Aý,inctirt an te omras H RSEPROMPTLEPR SERVICEIC a-eund 4.25',, protil an th,, ertage ofatrrnau Agrcaultuce bar n'LcvGa, tegadcapo asH sfdfo h io poie elei tedne aniut the areerntirt ai arur local irs(ecriaregan hîrpo AIL TRAINED MECHANICS aailaedfao mthcsa promlacdis wththbeljnitrendan bracao ai , bBetf Mý Heit »ae ~ai tlu&WF. Tbrs astlaout ot L OKGURNE Nne ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lt Nate lamer bcogh aurai aaitb ab anorpora Harsve brr Fartai Maybelte. o daugh-AIWRKG RNTE aampteottrcgrassenegcassd andpira brlp anarorir t er o rrritemot Hernies. irfaina sitege te the arnaa meeting TaIac A Biair Paton. _____________ ai the Hattor Crsp Impranemen Retecnrrg freint e "trip ai a lite- BLAI AND SONS ge Association rarty lset mrrth. These rme. Cenadaas Essea Gereas Trap n tahie yrsr 1951. Canada roranîrd Caad S.lî laAI anc niSrget *sHTOVLEPooBAPONS44J sampies ocre lober te the DepI. ot Wrnneas Noarman Tendait. Rieh- marc filai 2,500,000 automobiles ne mad rca year. about 7,0010 pet Nutrition aI the Ontario Agri- mord Hilt and Engere Timbera, thc oad, inrladirg 00W,000 truceka. arc_______________________D_____ cultare Cottege. anhere thry wcte Mîtîrber. erried hiame by Trano akn analyzed toc Crade Prnteirr, Cal- Canada Airaac last weeron am crans. and Phosphoas. aix aneekas tsar o! Britair and the Frei the atandpoirt et erudc Contient. Tbryad wnthe rght protera on a miltace-tcee hasts. teothe ovesesetrip bywnaiiag thc. thera esntaired att the anay tram Imperiat Oit Ca. elaasrs for tracter 9% ta 158'ý The lt anal ysrnf and horse ploarng at ibe 19.51 9%ý proern was an the maia gren International Pinaint Match. near ant-n with anme tegames tramn the Waodtavb. G I AD AS C Et rew scedriaf. wbrtc ibase eralyzana: Escere Car the herse champion, Fi pvrcrrtage of attalfs and ccd clover. Whitc accincas ther cenwr-cd et Tbe sverage peccentage pcalerr u Plar ing matches. one. the n,.t oar onistare free basis anas 13.95. _________________ Wbcn abra as coavecrd ta the bas as a. t-ed Icoin thc silo, the arr- CLEARING age percerla ge rede proten Ini AorI S L car nne namples la 3.99,îl. Werf ncreN AL aberriace antcccu.rd la cnmpsring- thesr t gaa-es watb iboeecontained Haines. Jere Catie, Fard Tracter, in a rcer rceicase ha Prof. Gin. Famlpinrala, tSar, Gtrain. E.abbyrrmes.TeGC figuredadFaeitae THE LEADING INFANTRYMEN SalCe ammlic. Te lgac grcia Tire cndersrgnrd bavc receiard ihere lac tatal praicin toc Grass insrcio ronti kaila. aaalarning scome tegume and HARVEY .IGNSIW va tar-rvaslae la 2.itasnd fco aat y aîaerîretbiCatiadian soîdiers are playing a world-wide mole ta AlCali,ae and va perresrare tefrce, lai 11, cwi 6, Tare. ci Nal- discouragi. aggression... to help guard peace. At home and 4.2% Icein. arN.S.. 3 tacatec SW. aiof ar r lt la- same repart 2.2-r tlaMtnLwieRsdca overseas, out soldiers stand as -Guardians of Peace. preici te bfigure gracia fac dent SATURISAY, NIARCII liST rm elmatoced and 1.8- total Caaaamrrrr.rrg ai. 13Ù I,,,ka aira Thi, Cauiaian lnfantry Soldier is the tougsese, thse best art-L n dent crn immatuce. The lGîksAUiANS poinct we anssid liav la make, la SL Cla D Gridaag, 1gd ue -r equipped figbeîng soldiez in thse world today. tkan a-c'ther nain anc geasa tcguer acg,.aged; gcaýodanukrrcanrdquit silae cai li coniderd prtenaret tIC t6b..; te ea ary barr.. altanca b eerdce palIn.dd salle en, liaiters, haadli, blth Recently a new specialty with extra pay and prestige was created Tahtedc pon ragmn h r e Ctc. - ere osfe for the Infantry Soldier. This ia thse Leading Infantryn. th paanolarbcsrmntan i n t CATTed1 «Jeseycra, Irufii.e xerl ofbiata nbume nteaced anvs rî t aoale; t Jeraey Coan, malaarîag. nbn;icay ugekt He is tht trained lnfantry Soldier. He bas learnt to handie xey ai ras leamecaagete hatIlbced tai teeshen la May; 2 Jercey treabln-.%thetfacinaoperctacit aitre ir, 2 yeasod,uop(-.,;t1heacy tise many weapons of modem infantry. He bas been trained to tait. off une or mnre meedeana in caria be-alec, t yeac aid, cpen; 3 Jerey bwewe ete odtosaeatocars liný yers aid, spcn; 2 Vuai carc of bimself anywhere, aasy tiane, in asiy kind of situation. Tise Leading one anr aesr cndithe harr rfaivea; i Jersny hvatec cati. aiseacoales ao nerithe bat d Ilpn GATS, HAY STP.AW AND CLU- Infantryman is tise most tisoroughly trained fighting soldiez in tihe Amny. ala isaviras mtha a dipoangVERl SERD-lîS bas, sais; qaantaty orcmak.iiafuseofthecIrshgoanthaoflluad raw; 30 luira baevd ai- flaadtamalhy bay; a Play your part ini Canada'a moat important buaineas aoday, defenoe ofgrass un pastare fida anhicb tela ad tioh ced bs e- moeo esgtsaedo h laancd altaob acd; as e You are eliaibie if "ou are: 17 to 40 "ears ot ag, tridesmes to 43) c'w TIIACTOIS, FARM IMPLEM- y't et The aseond ccap tramt tbe mcad- ENTS, ETC.--Fncd trctec an euh- Poysscaay fit and readyIosev aywbere. ow van then liv Iakvn oit as hsy tacer tres, loadvd. lights, cuns and I lookc labe nnan; Fccgasua 2-facruan weri anather coaditins are more tracter pluan; Flery tracter dise, tacacable. Nvvdtva.r ta add Ul the 12 plate; 6 tt. gcran bandec, M. H., Apyt i.moefRcaiigDpf pi.trarie arc short ia mideainner reccatta unrbatled; 5 fil inuaer, Apyt h ers eriiqDpt MU.;as iag ol creindil an-he dcias; MN.d garala Na. 13 Personnel Doa, Wallis Houa., Rideau IL Charlotte Sis., Otawa«, OU& sarb grcm lîs a uaid m maentr 1.3-bumprae; duc; tucd waonac- No. à Peruonnel Dot, Arllory Park, Sagot Street, KingutOn, Ont. if skaald. boanrar, lie resiied that meat tean; flal ha y rck; se t ut Canadien Army Rocruiti.g Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Orna. ina(sweecr a ac-'loop stcrgha; walking ploan; cal- No. Y Personnel Doat, Wolseley Bracka, Elizabeth Stroot, Laono, Oea. ara a anbee rcinea bv ac-fee; seatîtvr; inat paîpcc; eletercAnyRutnCeao20MintrtWoNod oO. cerrtctly gcaan. Itei crp anhen cer; 3 rhirb bcaudcca, cuai; M Ar ay Reruitin o Contr3 Mam Srot etNrthur,ot preeereed as siage, yactda Ho . Uno. Iltcectrin crvsm spcaau; iryRcutn ete ae tetAmuy tntal digestibte acîcicata per acre blanksnath lweoariforgecictina a r ae- n 200 Jamos St. Hardi, Hamnilton, Ont. ,u tb.ircryrter crop. irnce; fucbc,bacc, sbeelseaiaa, 5 (îunseqCcntly an e sci t Ibcm bacaý, etc. shoud nt le fo muh agumnt FRNIURE Sewng achneLiten fo Voire of the. Arm y" - Tuesday vcadsaogtheeee pes or k nu- anurnd Botn rnoncer drop lart anad Thursdav evenings - Dominion Networ'k. coiurautthi-Ianulypcrnt bad baîel Buîn rocher drp et o! orlege. Thece ns certsinty s tableý; aecetary; amatI ta.e sel plice fue bath. but ane nsaiud nt rIf tielli; yac wnadce; an tique -ovrlü.k he act tht qiteoffrtelcb and uther antaiaue artaice; .oerIcab bctcl.ibsesale ttra kanagirg lamp; ciflatmpn; tarulecis; a pourbcay ear a gud crn Qeectype annex, ceald beased year, and cannrquently urcnt as a keater, ceiai or ucund; teckel ciccCnm, ieaces the con rrrrp ced wtcs hatdr; pnrcclain saab; rte-. tr pcmp; math nîreince; sIcp lad- bc a gaucd ferd in srsnce rrop. der; rang laddee: clrainro ncl- - n~~rs; baed cage; dresser and wsba nd Iritag and maitrena; ecarpri A If Tir. poppariiy ut Maltinna Crn- .aneeiidr;, bicke cia c ; treia rnui, Niht cho ontnue unhterrai sr; bilcee chaire; meel marraSNigbISchiai mnnarsca n adr riecnlit o! diohes inctad-ý abrir, lardA.T.Wodie, har-In prtcr, tnbcr. saIr cva