NIIIRRIIAY, ANITARY l7eis. 1952 IPENNSYLVANIA I EtG PEA BUCKWHEAT STOVE NUT BRIQUETTES COKE CASCADES Howards Poultry Remedies Royal Purpi. and PrWts Stock and Poultry Tonica Hartz Mountain Bird Seed BUILDING SUPPLIES Lime, Gyproc Board and Lath TENTEST CEMENT MASONITE Insulation, Loose and Bafts LIVINGSTON STOKERS Sales and Service R. S. Adams Stores Ltd. PHONE 48 AYLMER BOS3TON BROWN- BEIANS WITH PORK 2TINS 250 20-0E. TIN 16e p E A s LflVUEY2 IOOL 310 COR N REAM STTLM-IO-OZ. TIR 19C Green IReans LACHINE 2 2Tiz -pIRSL3ce PARTY CAKE$ FOR FESURS CELESRATIONS IN OITIS CHERRY CAKE ZAcE f51)0 CAKE MIXESPAC 36 O PIAC E Qu.eno Royal 2'io-O33e PIE FILLING WAR5 PGS.33o WHILE IT LASTO - QUAKER TOXATO I ISOUP 3 10-z..25e SOUP MIX Chi.uuoa e2 25c CATSUP AYLMMR ,1T z-23c OLOVER LEAF TUNA FISH Wite SuUld-7-Z. TIR 39c KING CITRUS BLENDED ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT JUICIE 2T N .21c APPLE JUICE AYLIER 2 TINS 21o Tonuato JUICE AYLmEr. 2 'OÏ 25C MI-OPOWDERD SKIMMED M 7 ?rom England - BEECKWOOD ID EFWITH VEGETABLES and BEU FGRAVY - - 1-LB. TIN U29C BEEOKWOOD BEEF & KIDNEY PUDDING 390 PITTED DATES I=- 150 ]RAISINS ASTRLIAN 2 LBB- 45e BABSY FOODIRîwz 3 TIS 29o 13PECIAL OFFER - BLUE BONNET YELLOW QUIK CELLO TOMATES SPINACH - - - iSUNKIST 220'8 ORANGES -- GRAPEFRUIT, 96"s - - 19C -pkg. 23c tdoz. 49c 5 5for 29c FRESIE DAILY-Green Brans. Salade, Splnach, CELERY. GRAPES, BANANAS -J THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, OIATARIO "UPSTARTS, INSOLENT IH PLACE" Tractors Replace LEARNED HOPE-LESS TIRD GRADERS Mare At Sieighlng _______________Ou Tisursday nlgist o mot seceis Educatton te looling ahead'witis mercury, suppose we go ou to samne tise Mr. and Mes. Club ai St. Paulo tise Hope report-but tbere are still ofthtie other mateetalo. tUnited Chuerle ised e sleighrtde samne tot ta perpetuate tise mem- George: Pray do. Party aI tise borneof Denzil sud sies of scbaoling betore tbe tomn Henry: Yes, by ail means. 'Mariou Lawrence. o tis century tirougb stories and T.: Veey wetl. Yau koow capper, Twa tractors, a Ford, and a GO. remiaiscences. 1 doubt flot. P. (get out and puah) driven by Poolmaster . M. Clemnensofa G.: O yeu! Ad Woodley. and Denzil Lawrence, Hilton veifes sane out tise tales H.: ta cal verdigrio tise rost uf reptaced the otd gray maire ai grudmnotisers and grandiatiseru copper? yesteryear, in5 couveying thse merry tett antis a Tiird HBaok reader ut T.: It je, a rust produced by the group up bll and daowa dlle, and 1863, triicisbcise od trott a oouacicd ut gapes ... etc. back again ta tise Lawrence borne. a'llt.ion a:ducatar the: at utar And att roucretiseraare touar Ad nd Riao Wdtcy coudurîrd a o car. and jadgacg ly thes a rcî :cthese yountttra chu acre and VrrtrMahon aisty prrsided thumed age 'th owerortudyla gruco hetuoer Couteder- uccc the obursssdiscussion. tiou.iscd pagrogltise oau r.ror awuero, tearord - or sisoutd bave atOel n mneteas. At:ieopunthio unch mu arve larned agreat dcatinTirdilBoot. 0cr on tortoatir ti es. tcrbytttntcoaitr 0 iigtei rdtoal mit t John Purdy tisaoked tise Law- Among tise yotisiul daoding are the ittî cisoot ibouse, ercittug, recsor octhirriospitaity aud tis e carnet I":Tisomas." Jomes S.. Thos tar onu ittro perpteuaingHec. Jim Htaircluoard tise meet- . I P. Hat and prcsetcd isy pas, tcats ryr Josrphs Attiou". Wtois andttreralute tumanc.' wthpayr Hacy ofthtie uetty cutohccd *Oer tiseisotthe hctftertray' __ lsosarr hy clottir Eugtteh au- -Hou' otm is tiesoammuer O a gS thors and porto, and ecri setccttuc arc, Sinffl men, women iprreddisY attim ltaotte *Attuptrts insoetttthptace,"oor dattarult wtorda syltahird. Autog Brdu, toyatauards oi ther ccd- U CIs tise wurda preçcdingo ner strsa tisI riog maug! gain 5jy, 5 bs mgtt ause rortubltrarera-u.dap- ihtita, thtttc gtttduld, uatd cd. oc.po lata-htc., atat d::ya.. trIa ttoisahed auit C 9POVKWgo pata-getat, o-duc i-ere-oua, per-ol iIte. W"s -B*Mt Bu"e11.e a _%;b19=130 couas, atar-u-l::tc-ty and o:tt.-se- s red .!,r a-=c. oM taoao w.5 ns pseesbeas Soute trurds oitatatlcd houisers. Ittthe heuum is haertrdisaudte LessootFtrc t :ttdoubttcdty a dutwecd tiscogithesulltas o a 11 Mdr h M 7«.o thriller. erutofcabinet drawraIn c is 6.10I?8os1 sa.Meresua, Tator: Hou' tist you ioowtise kitrco t itt llkeep taddlers tram in ti. . a.'esssss . wl. riiet pruperte utgod, uttuer antd p:t:ng tise raount. oae àa. cas ~4 PRICED 50 LOW 1 A GEMERAL M0y055 VALUE Corne, ste irttatt otn sar roms . . . tise most colorfut, caivating andl cap.atleChc'roltt he ls leader bus eer r erxlucra . . . lriliantr Pitafor 52 iu ail tiarse exciticg woys: Gorgeous Newr Royal-Tone Styling m.. itis Boadies ay Fisher saa big, biglat anti beattifaîl tb:tt youtIl prefer thetta tncsgbt. Radiant New Exterior Colore . A wiale and wonslcrful areay of taili tour cuitors andt trt-tune Alurîng New Inierior Colors ... witis upbattster> and rim ien t touies tof bitte, grecs or gray ru harmonie witla eseerior colors, in ail Dc Luxe sedan aud coueu'mdels. New Centrepoise Power . . . briuging amazing near smooîhucss ut uperation, treedono fron vibration, aud protection huom coud noise and wbeel shock tu laaw-caasî motoriug. A nom, ernootiser, softer ride ... for both front and rear seat passengees. Ailt alase anti uaany othee enviable advantages are ytaens in Ibis tacu'Cheveutet -auJ lu Chevrutet aloane e t tise loweat prices aud with outscandiug ecaacuîsy utfutaration aud upkerp! Catua in ... sec these scusotiocul ucw Cisevroicts tue '52 and youullmaut to place your order nom ... for tiscy'rt your bey ut beys -ehe oly fie cara prced souoo.! Exra-smooth, extra-dependoble POWERGIIde sitisNewe Atoatie Cisake, gisesfinset so-site ringe ut lawst co tto. ICombisatios ut PusseeGlide Aaoomaeic Teansmission and 105-b.p. Fogineraptiaaal oe De Luxe mairie at extra cst.t MORE PEOPLE SUT CHEVROLEIS THAU AMY OTHIR CAR m -BELL BROS. PHONE 89r2 Sales and Service MILTON, ONT. PA ! To This supeTb tea guarantees the flavouT of evelry cup "SALADA' JUST CALL ZENITH 13600 DIRECT LUNE - NO CHARGE LAUNDRY SERVICES