Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jan 1952, p. 2

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?Ao w HE ANDIA CHMPINMILONONTRI t't1.RTA 4At 7b o Effective Warning Devices Accrding 10 the Journal of Commerce a patent han been issued for a device that wiII couac highseays lu speak up when an automo- bile approaches a danger point. Undulated pan. eIs sel in the road surface, the friction of the car wheels coaveying the sound waves and the car body adns as a soundbox to make audibilily. So far, only single words nuch au "Danger" or "Cros- ing" re contemplated. Saveral years ago a warning signal was placed at a railway crossinig on No. 7 highway betosean Norval and Brampton. When cars went over the signal tl made a noise as if one was losing many parts of the vehicle. tl was really quite startling and one was £0 confused that the crossing was [!able to escape f rom ones mnd and concentration made on reaching the nearest garage. We recali goioig oser the crossing one day and noticing a motorist examining his oad of camping material which cas strapped on the top, rear and sides of his car. He seemed qite con- vînced he had lost part of his Iad in the noise created. The signal didn't stay in the road very long and it's the oniy one we can recali being used. It'ls a Big Job Inaugural council meetings are 00cr and tIhe 1952 municipal year has been aunched with committees formed and routine business operat- ing. The electeq officiais who are sring their luwn or township for the ensuing year are sad- dled, willingly, with a big job that qaite often goos unappreciated and ignored. The business of being a councîlior is muclo more compiex and demanding than mary thinlo and sometimes this public representatire is open lu severe criticism when ho takes a definite stand on a controrersiai issue. Too, il is a tbank- less job in many ways. A mur, if ho looks after his municipal dsties in proper and conscientious mannor, must of necessily devole considerable lime to thse municipality. Ofter his own business sufers. on the other hard. the municipal role has ils bright sido. Many pieutant and even warm us- sociations are formed and there is the edocation acquîred froc studying and practisirg municipal law and administration. Ail in al, the courcillor, thocgh at timer ho bas occasion t0 regret entering the atone of local poliiics, is happy in his job and in the knowledge tIsaI ha is rendering genuine und useful service 10 his neighbors and is commanity. The Odd Car Its aiways interesting to rote how arything unusuai sili attract attention any place. Some- place we coud about a new plastic preparalion appied on the chrome of un automobile, pro. vented rust caused by the sard and sat placed un sintr roads. It sounded logicai and it neyer crossed our mmnd that the prepuration would be anything but clear. We arranged to haee the material put on our car. Imagine the surprise we roceîved sehen the chrome was furned to a gold color. 0ur surprise was no more thar those who viewed the gold trimmed car on the road. It appears or car is une of its lind in this district. Children stop in their play to point t it. Foks along the street take a second lok. Wr parked on a street in a oearby city ard sat in the car and the comments were most îrterestîng. One wonîan "Il sure is briglt'. Another group cf four soived the myslery by stating it mas un- doubtedly une of the 1952 models, because we had ainew 1952 sticker on. Another man, afier carefuiiy appraising the decoration, confidied that he liked the cuber combination. We have iearned since that the plastic preparation comes n various colors and pink and blue and neatrai are availabie. We'ii be giad if some other motorists like the colors and relieve the spotlight froc ose car. Its fine to tey nom things and be eaeiy in color schemes. but il has its disadvantages on being singled out. One of the advantages besides pre- serving the chrome tim is the fact that there is no difficuity finding yosr car on ary parking lot. On Being Agreeable t s great to meet sgreeable people. We al like their company. Tbey ligbt up a crosed and a roomn like an elactric lump. t s peculiar they are not in tIse mjoity, but ce ind tbem n many places. TIey seem ta bave a knack of making everyone ike these, They are pleasant lb tahIk tl and always have a smile. We want agreeable companions. Foremen like agreouble workmen, Il makes everytbing run so mach smootbar seben you bava agreeable people. Every man wants an agreeablo wife, V, ives like that kind of Iusbands. ÇIildren are puud of agceeabie parents and me ail visi, eue agreoubie relatives. t s nice ta meet ugreeubie holel clerks, policemen. janitors, bunkers, preuchers, -conduc- tors, ho fact we al ike ta meet agreeubie per- sons no mtter chut thele occupation muy be. nets? Do we meet every person sith a smiie, NO R T N not a sickly one thet gives the impression of pain E but one that is and looks naturai? Agreeable people are in demnand in everyW EST waik of hife. Just take for instance your mer- sS U chant, if ho is not as agreeabie as your neigh-LS0UTH1 bours, you soon change him. You even greet the tcnth saiesman at the door with a smiie chen ho Poin Knorbî Tsiice? Oee People Dor's ther iroim.anIçloocis twic' Tloiscoute commentatcr JuLa rings the door-bel unusuaiiy bard and seakes Sîo uriiglon mcr obouisi boose, Icu siys ago rusdi thi mIreras the baby, aust because ho is an agrecabie sort of lo.icig jasi cmeiiepircil 5 service pari il asarci. People of tise chap. Ho alto succeeds sellirg you goods sebere rs:îooloiîiîa ibîl qc.iiify thrm tO Dcci iiii telort editiosn oftise rcarer icinosimaiiios oioAtlanicuMostlbyand icsacprcsi the othees failed. hiiese. Theo usî-a-d.îy lraos drue- iii rasino an Oakilrie paper tisai Beissg agreouble bas its compensations, cra ciiviuii uiricn îîtis un Moo- the curii fthl a.roriiog nord. - ---. --- a . Jaîîîary, 21s. Fui icy Muat, baso un auri livig A eonuasthcsco ingsoslip ilocre. Mes.J.M.LCondcrport a in iesu uul, orriuteer thesc oy ro St ut co i e ,uiorus. tyhtn Ciy - Srk run l s, îisirtaitiog oothlyle -loi.sut npheor Toronto sleuck us as beîng a changrd place "ff-rt lciFrictit ii .and Poiet Rn., un Allix oyvai- woilStitheCa- IsuIli Se risesi. susin Iîftry. Furiry Moseut wheo me made a quick weeki-end trip 10 hat Tîirîî ussad T.T.C. o i t îîci uilioetiecap city. it's cbanged because the TTC operators 1iTc uîuhli liy iil eio i. ht iuu.thie amp- ment on striko and elumnated those ocm eyed 9ci I , ruîîîuuîdue iliin. c-u. ofr-i i..ii S aru At 15 Secisid monsters feom the cenrse of the sreel t..uiuI ,I.r ilîu,uu iuth iii nun n People more hitch-hikrg on cool ci the Q ,, 1-1îu..uu', tua.:î,iluuei..' t!. ,î Iiui iit i to urus lb..h, main corners and beC groupo ce pieod u u. th' .. n I:Ii i. cul ti,î I fi.ui th ile Rurrus. uînd culS didn'l seern ici appreciate lion stand the eperalors 1o1cil, m " lu.Çrl ad auii~id, Ci V.S , b..iu sli dc uho loocur cere takung. We îhoiaghî lhey mere probably liia. _ ,IuuucrlIf uR nuuuic.Ini. Trig e aso the îwo mosl acrhortatîoe groap eeul SIi..ii ,îi 5lul.,siu b uini tie Cailuii Hil, have chosn oro b Oneelad valo occopurd the l,.gg S u I- Seiiiak nîur if Mous i irinltri luiosia mac- frot ea wîh s as oîl [j oint oct bus Ilu Thulu , iiiui. .i sn ,r ir l If uttise rorîloie frontseat iih s wasquiikto h . II, ,,iîu ui,îruon 17 uî,,l.îuandl f,iuiithi re tc Is laner had brrr mîtllhoeTTC for -i vears tridlad îýIr,. ,, l,,Is l h 1-rS,.s. , I.u, uth, Lin ud S received sfficient pay al the iuuu, pics loîlof, r 1, . uei ,i;Io.l-id, u ing, plus transportation. ii.i l e iiliîh l iii su., on the t.uuî u IIIv t Su I.,tIi,îrisiir il Tise second couple, a a cn andcule a.Ie c, u iiiioil S' And g1. 01 , Iiill«, affl ther due Iourrdthe discussion feom Ihe darknoesscofti1 d 1i. 11, 1, fuluuIi uit i, , (I IftPulic iraieI Service fo, -c i ;at a .......,,. i nions on' te. î i ect 1 I . (luuintiiIi, Ho Sari orkeLnfore theTTC fore iiott ercas1 an operalor and btl ast yeae rîft the joh. ot AIjr because of rmoney, as we cnderstood il, beacre*i. he claimed draming about $120 to $130 each ' i Ir f L J ceelo mth ovetime. Aller me mulîrd over the ~ 1 i I T~ figure tf sounded a littie fantastic but it was Ioci~ aIe t0 verify il for ail îhree passengers lefI os t Otsirgton Ave. ST. PAUL$ UNITED CHURCM KNOX PRESSYTERIAN CHURCI- Oslniste-REV. J. L.. R. BA REV. . ORSBORN. Minister Daily nesespapers have carrsed an abondance Orgasist. Mr Roet K. Carr Mes G. NeweII, Organlat of leters eoprossirg the opinions of ctzens. By___ the ime Iis appears the wchoIe issue may he SUNA tSJNtiAttY lth 1iT SIINiAY, IANUARY 2tb. 1952 11100îimni , îu , hcs.sSbi. H Su î m -Wlatiiii Tloiss settird ot van bopo ut is by a greait dral of com- il 115c 0 a i, Blue ,iii e poieon the part of the oper.slors for the ' Seor Shoul ý j î7 (1 Ps,,r Cius tus h cit promise, bFul t of auîtrses slofl ins simple reuson me thurlo huecir mando arere c0m ,Tsuo su iiigWîîrelî.îsC. liilite ofthesse ilePiler. thon a uitle too moehu uluuN It TT atiuil mssscriusuus .1 iS. TIý. strike sernsto hatvecsaurcda nmiracle \tîî,u t uîuî 21cu il.nus Gý1 cuitgrsgatio.Mofi.y, zislFis-s on tlisegeeral attiudeocf Tirontoniars. Iry're 1115.iîlui is ILITON GOSPEL CHAPEL frerdiy cher they gel su a car lu ololcor ti 5..î th , l - ii.1il lI lb-- Farseces îBulding tesy. Arycre seho bas eter led ans-oery Tl730 .SINAY.INUR 21h 15 mornirg and evrring hall hoor ride or oneeof c Rang;uu i u 730ii S.iuscClu 1 J.1)an UssAsRYSouul , 1952A hose TTC bone shakers cilli tniuco hat i - t ir t ualay ln, Tlu ii tBile luis e change thîs is. 5i5iis. ussm-'sipemiiu ut ls We hope thut mhen and if Torortonuans go 9.00 esc -Evnoiuig Seri,-( Tsursdavy JîiiiiCy17 c' O Wcmn- buck toi riding street cars they wiii remember GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCI4 in-n Maoainzir-y Auiliiy ail thele letton in friendiiness. Thoy couid easily ifev. j, Ilemer FeIrrel. aBA.. th1Ie hosmi- cf Mns. Shsersott. take an addition to thut lessor froc tIse sosalier 1erarFsulu. ,îuîîry t 5iun centres outssdo tIse"big ciies" chere frendiy ISSiY INAY25.IlTTuisduy. Jooiiiry 22-Praer saud 1IUDA.JNURu2tI! ile Riîdy ai 830. greeeirgs are ssually tIse key note of conversa- 1RecoindSi Suudyîy uulucthe Epiipiiuiy AUl are Weleome ion. 800 a.m. lt1,Iiy Comsmuniso. And a lesson for sosaler centres nol to get 1000 a.m.--Rssiuiy Sehool ansiS.d N', ASGWY ible Classest. S.JHS ASGW too bia and be invoioed ins such extensive trans-illi.00 am.-Cissral Mtinî sidSî-i , ,,ansi porlaluon probiems. Editorial Notes If meallh s a nlsease, a seegicai operation. axation, no doubt, s1 llsîiy loiitism lue ulisiiiuitioviui thti Wc(rliduir, .u uîaie 23, 2 10iss Th,- Aosî";ul MIitiig fthSe hIs-d aiithe ossscAutMr-,W..1. Lindsasy. PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS CHURCH REV. IL.WOODS. Poabse Ordie atf Services litelsiln 10 0 FHall Thuimday, Janoaey 17. .30 p. Prayer meeting andsibRlte RSudy t Me. Longdsshosme. SUROAY. JANUARY 201h, 10u2 10.00 a.m.--Sansiy Sehool. 11.00 a os -Wocship Service. 7.001 Serice. Tacadan, Januauy 22, 8.30 pos - Y.P.S. t Bessie Soases home. (Radioi Sroadrust.h Wedneoday, Januury 23- t potn., W.A. t Mrs. Reumana home. lAnglir-an) Office in Fuimesr Buildings Rev. R. E. PorRt., RelIer Main Siý«ee iMltonu Triepisase 70 SOIRDAY. JANUARY 201h, i9-Î2 Si-cond Ssînday uîRsr EpipsiauuyOrCA '10 ýiissu Musnissu Prayer. Sec- ___________ missand Cloumis Scisol il St. CARSTEN GLAHN Gi-srgi-o. 230 pro Ercsuuus ig Peuîyîr ansi Sucreso ta Se-rmon uî St. Joisons. H. C. LAIRD Wcdnsday. Januîory 23. 8.30 p s. For AppuuîntmeusoPhone 56 Mtton l'uris A.Y.P.A. meeting atithIe iom-of Mr. Gordon Harris. Ererybosin Weicrme TRAVELLÉRS' GUIDE BOWES BAPTIST CNURCH CARADIAR PACtFIC RATLWAY On Highseay No. 25 Standard Tinte Pastiie, Robert F. Snydcc Coing East-7.51 a.m. diiy; 2.05 Pms. daily; 8.57 p.m. diiy. escept SURT3AY, JARUARY 2tth, 195,2 Stiidun. 3» 1pm.-*The R e sucrererct ed Sunday onty-9.24 p.m. Chrbt.' Coing Wcst-9.35 .m. daily; 6.31 Tiusîîduy, January 24.8 pot. - p.m. daiy. 12.45 am. daiiyeoxcept The W.M.S. seul mccl ut tise Sandan (lagl. Beonte Baptist Chucis ciss __ Rer. V. Leng, miaioncey ofl AADANNTOA Cotlumbia,.SSA.. l Se tise CAA AR ATOA speaker. There siti be a hîis- R.AILWAY pay af tise chines tise ladies Coing Roeth-7.M8 a.m. have made ta give ta tise Lengs. Going Sosîtis7.10 p.m. TEGOOD OLD DAYS MAY HAVE SEEMED Twenty Years Ago Fifty Years -Ago From the Issue ofthie Champion of Prom the laue of the Champion et et Tbuaa'day. Jauary 21, 1932 Thucoday, January 105h, InI The finane committ e of thse Milton's early closing by.îaw sa town counecil recommrnded that repeaird loy thse town counicil on the District agrîcoltoral repre Monday eveing aotate in the sentative, Mr.A. G.Kistine, hiereport in another cI n f the granted ise sum of $25 part pay- speciai meeting of the council cal- ment of cent for Winter Course bie- ted by the Mayor. Thse iy-ta asa ing helsi in Milton. repealesi because it appearesi prob- Tihe tlree months shool of Agri- able that if it seere not it seouls ibe colttore and Domestie Science is quashesi iy legal peoceedings and progreosing very favouratsty cîti the town saddled sith ho avy osota. the attendance keeping up very Weather cstdand snappy. A lit- pleaingly ansi the interest in the tle more snsw woold make eveey- course becoming steonger. bsody smite. Doring tics montis Mios Jean Tise syster supper given to thse Brggsis codueting tise scwing patrons of the reamery, by Mr. classes, witîh the girls' course as- Henry Hees,sas the eventof the sociatd ith therrsidcnt instroc- season. Over 200 acceptedtjhns in tress Miss Walace. During Feb- invitation andipartootsofîthe goosi ruary Mis5 Stîctere cii lecture on thises provisird ansi listenrd 10 the Houeiiod Art and io addition a rxcellirnt rogram tires. i edlraft will Muso Nixonspîrclsesia driver bci irrùsîrildaitishe horeshow, wbiol tocisplace Intc bloys'iicoursr. R. S ry at Toronto asticrrh. and W. BR Resclds lhaecroticissdMilo pring Showa ciil i e lds si'rîi:-il siiloiitandwl oicarry un onApri25th, TheFali, Sept. !,th Iure Oic iiaiaifîtiîrrîîore.Pro- asd 2PUb. fiesoîr W. R. Grahoam. Poiiiiry De- Hicoiobotisamioand Co. drggsots, partnwint, OAC.Gauielh, cillbe houer tabro Mr. CarenceeField intc presrot os Friday. Friso ary 15tb their business as a p;artner. Me. zrosinb asitîon lorre ciii liete- Higcînbotisam. wcle sot ueeering turro on fruits andsi triy. hi s connection cisithe business i Mnutesls oebslrsiyeas the lasthas benappointeisthe agor-Os tise urst Monda is tise manager of a masufacturîng oîedî- yelar 1832 a towsip meeting cas cîne house in Toronto. heldiniîthebouase M Wm.Tradgeiin The annal meetng of the Hai- Sr. Nassagaceya. wseortise foloo- ioAgriculturai Society wsathelsi ing men ccrchoses iii silice: yrstrsay. ts poeoiar andefficient Tow Cik DOîoad Bac; Ases-presientERHanter, waupre- sors, Samuel Tayloîr ansi Peter airsiupss to acepicr-eeton- tiasrias; Ciiiirrtar. Saîouîi Taieioî Pounsi Kerper. Win. Wbterî Town Wardrns. Jus.Harrs and Thomas ioss ofonsiirabicsay andigain. Locbvr; Patb Mastre. SamoueliGar- Ail lirestoris cas saeesi tisougis dion; lot Fletcher. Henryc Rcrocs. the rrsponssetfscîgisiours ansitise Jshn McCaii tir. Jus. Ansierson. ios o estiosatesi ut $.000 tiortie Jron Law're. Dosald Blacks. roveres in striîasse. Thuis. tirritý, Petor Masales. Ne-il O Tbrsday flat weest s . Smiths andi Jobs Hrsiirrsiito John R. Mitchelli cîches a bouquet Fi îi tiftinkrtoiiooiiguarieion oflpansis inher garden atthe Mil- Jasoîti s ilth. ,srotierd the bars ton Ion.Vesttredar .a lurge ibtter- oi Fiaobitch iColla. "hiilso en bytissMary ewar. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLER'S GUIDE M E )1 CAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC mi, . KWStevenson 1)ie. Fred Sielnyk Dr.c. NIcCrgnrEF.. inigist DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Ofiuer i0 Royal BuuidinsgMiton Houri 95 Ereninis ly Appououment X-Ray Teleploîne 197 551icru,uu DR. F. E. BABCOCK AUM-RT y apiîtussssttsly. DENTAL SURGEON t' St1-4 7-9.Offce is Farmners' Buidings St.I)AYS-Em,-rgincuco only. 1 on ntreet fOce MILTON PRIVATE HO)SPITAL Eocoisga isy appoîntment Xoour PR, ýyGa1Sr o X-Ray Service Tlpoý6 CHIROPRACTOR DR. G. E. SYER D. THEODORE WATSON I'issiciass ansdSureonsfCHIROFRACTOR Cilice-Jams Stre s WEST MARY ST.. MILTON Phsione No. 38 iRcoîdence nf Men. C. Mocley) Office Houso 9 a.mO; 1-3 OFFICE HOUJRS. 7--830 prn. WEO.- 1-7 p. Coronser SAT. - 10am.-7 p.m. Or bis oppoisîuimeut triepisone 52r ýOrfiRu, uiWiiisU, HO NIELSEN -TeChiropracte-r Bunro cuildig, Mauin Srevti - essTisrapînt Tuilepossir 395W 37i5 Ycuur of Prcc Resuidzcie 395J ~ Lady Attendanît Mon. Tuas.,Fri. 2-5 puis. LEGAL Weîl.. Rat.. 2-5anda8-9 pot t2iused TSsisday DICK & DICi Ov er Dominion Store. Georgetown Phoe 150W W. i1 D17K, K.C. 1 Raceiteos. Silciitor. ronusStreet, uppocoite Armna Telephoor 4 TY. A. MUTCHINSON, lIC. Barrister. Solicitor, Ete L. E. MacDOUGALL, D.C. (iropraetor N-RANI Oily encept Wednesduy 9.30-- 4.110 Satuueday 9.00-12.30 tiss. ansi Thoîrs. Evenîng 7 - 9 61A COLRORNE ST., OAKVtLLE Phsonen Office 146' Rrn Bronte 238l-R-22 LEVER & HOSKIN (isarteresi Arraolnanta Soccesors Io JENKINS & HARDY 1305 Metropîîlîtas Ridg.. 44 Victoria St., Toronto Eig 09131 G. W. GOLDSTRAW Real Estatr Braiser Cousering Cooipbellissiie and iltas Area Fai ustngsuand TowntsPropertîrs Phiane Miltîon 440r5 or 392rll We uîrgesslyreqaure listings ui farn propccty Iroos 50 ho 300 acces Aiso omulliholdings Iroos 1 tb25 Contact C. H. DYMENT Rocheor 123 Wentmocth St. S.. Ramilton Phone 78065 ANDY FRANK Salesmun at Campiselteille Phone Milton OrS Office Main St. Milton Tleiepbosne54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT ssarrister. Solicitor, Noaure Publie Ci 4P (Qaatiîau QU4amponî Psabliobr<insthie Hert of Hstos Coutst t'ubi rvrry Tbccsiay ai Main St., Mlton, Ont. Mcm- ber of tise C.W.N.A., ansitise Ontai-Qorber Diviion of *thr C.W.N.A. Adreting rates oncrequesi. Subscriptiooo payable in asirasce. $250 in Canasia:six montiso $1.50; snge copies 6c; 03.51 in tise Unitesi Sttes. Autisocizesi as Seconsi Ciass Mail, Post Office Depatment, Ottawa. G. A. Diii,, Esilfor ansi Ptasliscer BUSINESS A ND EDITOR 1 A L O FFI1C E T E LE PH 0NE 2 2 0 1( PAM m" THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TRURSDAY. JANuARY i7th ýh IM2 1

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