Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Dec 1947, p. 8

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PAGE ZIGRT c-, 'b '5R .sSfAmAfIAM(CHAMPIObN 1 . Tise paradise men seek, tise citY DINOSAUR BONUS XRAYED Tba hats5beyod tise sars tor longissg eyes, Dnsu oe eeXrydi ia oeiy buman goosinesus nthe skies,. iuarbns ceXryd 1 Eartb'5 deeds Welidu, gwiuu Torioto tise otiser day tu discover tise Heaenl liht.nature ufthtie disease wbîis bhad cous- Hevsy~ M. Judson Savate ed a defrmiiy in tise leg ut une ut ___________ tibele enormouu creatureu, about sixty-milluon years ao. This X-ray Does Milady Know sas suggrsted by Dr.J. le ly About Dianonds laie ut Canada, Otawa, in couver- sations ulti Dr. L. S Russell, Patue- ototugisi at tise RoyalOtaros- Wbeu tise proapective bride receices eum. Vsitiof tise MuseumS recentiy, ber engagement ring set witis tise ir Litle studied tise psslbiitY ut pop<ular pseciouu tune, diassond, boise cancer. Wisen tise radlograpisu wbat dom nise 550w about tiiss feu5wera interpreted biy o prutessional escept tisstit sparbies. radiotuguist ouever, tise opinion mas Strangely enoucis, tise diamond. fivena ta osteumyelitiusand nul o witi tise mosbrilliant lustre ut ail maignasi grouais ras recealeti iy substances, and tise bisek graphite i X-rsy, as iaving once aflicied tise our 5ýlesd" penis cuns!si ut tise saise cou' tussilird lisisis. Tiis dagnusis elessent-carbsos. Diassond a is e in lseit is ut mucis sclesiiOr Inter- iarsesi substanlce issown whitie gra- est, andi tuniher resebcch is isbunss phite, un tise otiser iand, is amuse utfcetures ruasîngthtie eartb ai our satest minerais ArtibiOta gra- suchris o ee iod os cosiemptuted. phiste lu made froco astracie lu an et- Tise dioosaur sieletus suististe dis- etrie tuinace, but uit attempis buse is une ut a flesi-eating maufature riicial iadmconds bave perîes ltirgosurus libratusi muons- resulted in tise production of iut feus eM ai tisc Museum. Measurlot sp- amati atuses iucig tise brilliant proimately tuenty teet fruss tailt tp lustre of tise sturai diamoot. te lau, it tueiv etesisicisai tise Diacoonda mac ediicded in a gel,- iead. i has cutiecied isy Mr. L. Sieres- eral way into iscu clases. Tiese are iergcouthtie Museum saff n tise Betty tise ordinari, or 'iite" dussusdand River res ufthtie Red Deer Valey, tise blacks' diassosti aise issosn a, Alberta. oarisosado. Tise ordinary diassooti - bus blue, yeliom asti otiser viades of REMENTATION iutor; i s brittie and dues nt stand- obhociso as seli as tise blacks surieiy. During ties treet igiting in Bec,- Biacis diassodos ere for a long tîme lin tise masses ut peope racing for lise onty oses useu in dasssd sdrils cuser under muchisle-gun lire, sere but iisey cosse -smot estituiy frot cretul tu observe tise Verioteu signao Bravil and tiseis-scarcty and iigistiat srsed agslsst taking sort ries prîce bave causeil usttirîiliers to cross tise grass. supo Frano Scisuen- tors tueito-gem or indusiriai ddia- bernerln is"Confessions ofta Erop monofuttise rtiisry vurieiy. I- esu Isieliectual. Tiat lv one eq dusiriat damuutds are in c ret tesasd as wiy Germnany cas te Irduced su go fr diamod vuws, drils pecal ru- to %vr ecery once and su oten. ting touts, dilos sisti gintinf pouders. Fear utfgtsspowder dld nt stop Only diamuss i miiieut tiiusosd. cuti mars. ansetis ireat ut tomîr Very fesu diarnsndu issve becus usatare or germ uvrare wont do tii foued is Nortis Asseicu. and susse ut eltiser. A ltte horse sente and isu- tisese sntise glacial drifi tftise sort,- sman undersiasding wlIi do a lt ern Unted Saes muv isavc cosse ietter, gives acsance. from Canada. Tiseir source isas long Ïbes a mystery. Is Soutis Africu._______________ diassundu origîsate in pipe-ise bodles ut kiberite, a doris cotored bas c Washed Gravel ruck, miichIn icoscentrstedtsn a mi suesîssosi an unielievaisie degreetsI ose mise 50,000 tons of rocks bas becs CnreeSn coscentmated te about one cubir footPlseigS d and iis crtains prsctically It tise lseigSn diamods ram ibis greai qsastity of EIEE rock. EI RD Mdilady mould esjoy a visit te tise- mimerlogical galeries ufthtie Rouyal Ontario Museussmiere ube wmliise bts whitie and blacks dismotsds es- Bru ce M cKerr blbited mus tiser preclous tones. Phone 409W JSDUJEItIL ACIDENTS 3HEAVY Accordiing to figures releused by tise EXPERT Industrial Accident Preventiun Assor WasL.... Ui.sLsn lations tise employes ofu Ontario re- III 4~II prtesi 16,072 injuries te persans In Otuber. lsciuding 54 fatal cases te Tise Worksens Compensation Board. Remi 13ervic Botistise tota u osier ut cases ce- - pried sud tise faal cases reported Serv-sce taAil Makse are thehisifiesi for asy motisno far in 1947. Eficient - sperirsced Tise report says tisat tise total Guaruuîred- Louer Cot atrerds for cumpensation sud medical aid lu October assountedtetu$1,428,- SERVICE TRtUCKC CALLS 171.62« This figure iowerer, mas as- EVERY FRIDAY reeded lu Jansary, Marris, April, May IN MIL TON AND DISTRICT June sud July - t'resent Indications are tiat tise D a ~ L total number o accidents repurted DeatUyW~asîer Store and tise aards made by tise Board 388 Dupont Si. Toronto m11 tbe igier Is 1947 tias In 1946 Telepisuse Mevn Ezeard sald R. B. Morley, Canerai Manager Mlton 122 ot tise Assciations. A COMPLETE UM SERVICE by W. SEILMAN AND A. LUE GOLD MILTON EET SECOND AND FOUETH THURSDAY E.ACH MONTE at C. GRIMWOOD, JEWULLUR Cali et above address or pisone 113 for au appoîntusent NEXT CALL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1lth Repaires pemptil ssled HEA» OFFCE 849 BATHURST BT.. TORONTO TRUPSDAY, DECMMER litS.»67 il -ÇANA---- -A---- a GALT GENERAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL 0F NURSING OFFRiS 4 A genersi course le nursing meeting tise rqultementsa oftihe Ontario Departinent o itesitis Classes enter rebrusry and Sept- ecober. Âg ue 18it 35 years. Moitisiy siowasice: SiLOS llot yer. $15.U05usd yeur. $25.86BSM year. Maintenansce and teat Ibookis provid- ed. Attractive residence. APPLY TO: Direeter, Spheisofo Nursing, <eeei Hespital, Clait, Ontario. Seela not star for ieatj'.LoI t gloss in des-set grasses ai about tlsy feet; In bird.le insuaolsle, thildisis lates sweet; In stars. enO msulstaiss suisits top- ged wltls usoses. Go et abroad* for happbtIS. For.1 it la a lower that biomsassobY tise Bssloeadjustice bonse; ami ises, nu m--ore,' TiouIl monder in siai dwelling isi, muy ib. Deam sot of noble service elsewhere The=uipe duty tiat aowaits tyhn la Gd a vle uttering a Divine1 Lfes gomOnsdards buid si tisai sainte bave tisougit. in wusder-workinf5. or susse bUsis afiame, Men look for Cod, or tsncy hisissn cealed; B3ut lu eartb's commun thisios He stansdurevealed; Wile groa sud flouersanad stars spe 1 out Mis sasse. COLLECTION 0F 75000 BEDS Carefutly atsred luocainetsato! an original desgn, tatalogssed wth equsi taresud lrecislsn, tisera are more tban 75,000 bird skinis preserved t tise Royai Ontaro tduseums. It la the, »Ma noscplete snd most wldely used collection in Cnada. Acosmu- lated tisrougi tiseYern from o duated private colletions, tram tise endiese parade ut speissens secured by field surveys, and by excisouge witb dises' miuseurmi, tise collection s in charge ot Mr. L. L. Ssyder, tise Musesm's Cuator ut Birds. If isuieen tise background, togetiser setisextensive field work, for many outhtie staff puis- licailons le tise realss ofornltisudogy sud l lntonstant use for rafereuce by students ofthtie sacoe science. It mas lu recognitions ut Mr. Soyder's scientiOr swons and supervision lu tise building sp out tiis collection, and cf is writiofs and researchin l ornitisol- ogy, tiai ie wau elected s Fellow of tise Americon Orsitbolugical Union recently. lany Other Inexpensive Toys R. HARRIS "WbpesTlie Bus Stops" Mutes HALTON POULTRY PRODUCTS WANTED. POULTRY and EGGS Chickeaîs Ducks Custom Picked Turkeys l PHONE MILTON 1-W ý - RCR AUE RAISINS 21Ç Dalon'., s July Goosi PITTED DATES -J5,;, l29Ç CHOCOLATE '3J', 4 .à29' luisrk, Fiîîi,& FP su, MINCEMEAT 19.0' 31Ç iumîun, Dry -Puis tlloit 011îî Iotlir GINGER AUE 2 a tuý2ý Gousi AsSuld RICHMELLO COFFRE 51Ç DOMINO TEA 43Ç PICKLES ian. 27Ç 'aî,ncy Quliiy TOMATO JUICE Z'TI .23, lZoyul Ciy, tbuicc QualiiY, BC. Packs PEAS & CAIllOTS on,,Se i-.i, lain or Pîmesto CHEESE Xmas Shoppers! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE THIS STORE WILL REMAIN OPEN EVERY EVENING FROM MONDAY, DEt- EMBER i5th TILL CHRISTMAS SHOP HURE AND SAVE Satisfaction Gisaanteed or Your Money Refunded Milton Dept. Store PHONE 112 Again this ycar we of fer you an ouisianding seleciion cf Christmas Carda, To>'s, Seals, Wrap- ping Paper, Christmas Trot Lightsansd detorations sog wih our weii-stocked gîftt osunter. .From osur gifi couniter chusse your Englisis China snd Poitery, Italian Majoiica sud Asserican giassware. You wii tind these gifts priced tu suit the tasios ut discriminating Christmas shoppers. SHOP EARLY AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT 5.Z 25~ cRABRI!Sp SaUC" 3 CM IM SPu ÉEbr o l'otil7 3 aOuR 35 MUSIROON SOUP 2 15- itiiyol Mariîr STUFMEDOLIVES OOi 43ý Srvrul lrosss, Cbuîîc Quuliîi PEACRS TI2 APPLE JIJICE Mugir EUING POWDER Wo psy lslglstst preseilseg prîtes for sngradesl cmi. ss5ib confidente ta M Stores Lisslted, W28 tld' Rssd, Toronto. Reg. N VALUES EFFECTIV UNTIL CLOSSNO SATU msarketl ominion Ço. 0-2il !VE URDAV ORAPEFUITIT, 6 for 29c Cailtorisia ski5t fo1r q LEMONS, Sise 300au...,£6 25 Calitrnsia Navels 41 ORANGES, RS;e I152%, d" 41c. Wsohedlis19 pARsN1[Ps 2 s19 Lasisan CAF.IflS, f 2lo iss21c VAMS...... turiy Lest SPINACII, L Calitoilsa Iceberg LET'TUCE, besd Culiforala Emperor GRAPES NUTS. lb. Budded WA.NtIJTS, lb. 19C 19C 2mo Ib45c 39c 49c Ail sers.SssOlsr sls al pou Dominion Store ilessedl- tlomsIll guarasteed to tise Iii% s tisfttise *~ flT~'IT!iPi[LM ---------- a 1 The Most Popular toy in Many Moons 11e Bows, 11e Begs, 11e Barks 1 M Mlain Street

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