?RURIDAY, DE0EMB~1 flUa, 5~7 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION mm a.W. Peu i ofToronto sprat te week-end mit har son and faniiy. Mita MargaetraISruit of Manian la visling mit Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson and fsmîiy. Mr. and Mos. J. E. MoDaugali at Oahviiie visîtd las ntitMr. and Mes. C. Mcougail oser tae wek-end. Mes. Harold Mrcgan ami lamIiy lrt ihis wseetfoeHuedmano Bridge sciere ihey iilil aite orreidesce and jois Me, Merogan inho hasa position in Ottawao. Farm Machinery Core and attention gives 10 10cmi mociinery will prove profitable. Tlîough sei mochitiery ix rosier io1 .geltas duieg te woc years. mary items are silI scacce. Is iein of ihis and te prexesl iigb pricru toc sein mxchiiery. ilt in necessary Ibsi te grealeot numiter of usetul wort- or bhoucs asd thte iigitet degrer of eficiesry should be oblined Irora racit piece ut eqsipmesl, sayu B. F. TIinsey. Dominion Especîmentl itarin, Charlottetoin, i.E.I. Fîrot oaîd loremool in te cure asnd isaintenance of eqoîpinent ix Ithe oeed xf o suitahie building whexe machtines msy he protecteii fronlue rouater. No piese of eqipmeo cau ho bepl in gond condtion if yerioitled to remain out of doors durisg aot hîndsofol ieoiher. Surit a buildisg seed oit se rabsexie bolt tshoohi ite igiti and dry. Aclal cre asdmaistenance sould hegis îmmedioîely a seinmachinîe is pul in10 opeetion. Ser toat allporto 0r opropely lined Up and propely ad- jusîrd. Citais drnves in pocio1. ce. quire correct odjusîment and frequeni alteteoion, ocrte riain may ride up osnte srorbel scieel and be roînrd. Besrisgs 0150oithould be properly ligitlened-n001 bs tigitl or ibry wilI cer iteai. soi oloo boe or they sill permilthe esrance odir, oricill pousd themoeices 10 pierra. Luboicoiion il on essentiol prt of every da cleoand stouid necer he orgiecîrd. God oiland greoxercost isosey bol il is sill cheapertas re- îlcemest parts and Il add yeoes bo te useful lite of a machine. Iscld- estally, citek seinmachineslaoe tat ail oil itole hvboe iem pcoperly dciled and are freer from point. I1 osed maritinery, ciransasod and diel fcom the 011it oles and geasrceups, so ihot luoircant may reac thlie bearings cleo n od sinte propere mournt. Doing te operaisg sessos moite sole of ail items taI require ottest- ion duing te snal overitaul ond ordre replorement prts ealy. Ssme repiocemnt parts arr stilI enreedini. ly difficl to procure. Anssal ovecitool sitooli be storîrd os smon as possible ater te seasons sort ix romleird. Machine failsees ond difficuliies aretes frersin te mind of teoperator andi on a rosse. quesce are more libeiy 10 ceceice at- tention. HEALTH LAWS Il ix lust ox important for Canuri- ions lx hsoirte loins of Nature .is te iaws f teoaId,siite opinion ut National Reallt and Welfaarr ad- visera. Ignoeance ofthlie lowis no excuse sn social oSosnces, und ignor- unce oifieait roles leods to punisit. ment os sure as taI shirt Nature meira 0out1ttose mito offesd ber o-lfoily. Publiceitelltoutorîties urge everysne to1 Ir- tseibasic pris- ciples of itygiese os sullined in itealtit litltesirissor treer on eeost titrougitte provincial iteait depoot- ments. C51LI'S PLAY Properly conducîrd csmpeilive sortes are esaralial 10 dexelopanent of yoosg people, oroerding lx iteallt ufficers o te Deparimenl xf Nat- ional Realttitand Welfoee, Ottawa. Polnting 001ttaI orgonizrd cames wiiIrteahyoosgslers taI iiey are osembers of sociely, te Deparîmesi stoles taI isors sitowsplayers tat oltees boxe igitîs, coparitiex, omilt- ios and teelings simiir or lx breown. Healtit aultoritlen adxise parenss 1 encourage ciildeen t10 play ixit oter yosngslern. >ENTAL IIEALTII True itappisesa, say Otaahienitit outitorilles. couls foe more tas mere teama. Brais, ton, muslt a empioyed. Thte Depriment ni Natiosal Honîtit and Weitaee, in o salemenl, rom- mentsan te Ister-relations ot pitys- cal and mentoliteolt. No maller itaw monrular ne steong o person, sci atîribtes of mnd as sef-conntrol and Inteligent drections nIeo ccelil- -abe acivlly are retlred la ensrer lrer eli-belng. NORMAL4L FAIGUE Itlais aturai 10 be tiled-itraltitfuliy tatigiard, afere an expendîlureroi eaeegy. and ther Depselmeni ni Nat- onal ealtand Wrifaee, Otoaare- mInda Conadlons taI ibis la pari of te proreos 0of living. Tite Drpaei- ment alun pointsluts ha1tfatigue prs- dores SanIe penduclo amidtai ceai and slerp arresesinlal to resioratjos aifibody oels. S al]11muai bave aIl!- filni oeM or neiraltit. wit rcitldrer needlng more testland lerp 10 camp- essaie for geowtit and yaslhf ut froesc. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCE MOisten-Rev. Gordnds W. Portser M-4, Bi.. SIJNDAY, DECEMBER 141h 10.00 aum.-Chorcit Sciool. 11.00 a.rn.-Morsing Woexip and Ser- mon. Thte Nec. Lloyd Stoyletos, B.A. 7.00 p.m.-Eceniog Worsitip. Tise Minisier. The Yoong People's Union aillitold ltheir Chtristmas meeting aItlthe home of Miss Belth MacHabit os Turodoy, Der. 161th et 0.15 p.m. The W.A. aillitold thelr onnuel meet- ing os Toesdxy, Dec. leli t a 8.15 p.m. a i te home ot Mcx. George Hord. The Offcial Board ill meet os Mon- day, Der. 111h aI 8 p.m. in lthe Sunduy Scitool room. Sunday, Dec. 21st-Tite Sarement of Boplism scili hie adminisîred and nwmemtacx oxill tae eceixed. A Cordiol Welcome ta Ail Services GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCE Thse REV. GRAY BAMIN& , Ror SUNDAY DECEMBER 111h 0.00 a.m.-Holy Commonion. 10.00 a.m.-Sunday Sritool. 11.00 a.m.-Morsiog Proyer. 7.00 p.m.-Evening Pcayee. Susdoy. Dec. 21s1 7 p.m -Cndlelight Servxice. Wed. 7 py. iosior Choie, 8 . 5 im. -AYPA 'titur. 8 p.m.Sesior Choir. MILTON BAPTIT CHURCH Fusion-RDEVERS In lthe Farmera BDuilding SUNDAY, DECEMBER Sth 11.00 u.m.--Mocsing Woesitip and Holy Commuonion. 2.30 pin -Susdoy Scitosi. 7.00 pmlveeisg Service. Fcîday. Decemiter 12 aI 8.00 p.m. - Cottage prayer meeting antlte home of Mc. and Mea. J. Bristoin. luexday,. Drmiter 15 aI 8.30 p.m.- Prayer and ibleîrstody oltlthe home ot Mi. J. Brisîxin Wodsesday. Dec. 16 a1 2.30 -Womex's Missiosory Cîrcle. AI! Arreteelcome And Yr Shail Inlte Truhtand lte Ta-alth Siail Maite You Free-Jino 8: 32 THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST OMAGH SUNDAY. ORCEMBER 141h 10.00 a.m.-Sunday Scitasi. 11.00 a.m.-WoritlisService. Csme Nom and ]et Us Rsasons To- îelter SalthJeitovsit-Islsl1: 1J& PENTECOBTAL HOLINM CHURCE BU2V. B. WOODB. uase Order oi Services (Neld In 10.0F. Hall) SUNDAY. DECEMBER 141h 10.00 n.m.-Susday Scitosi snd Bible Clous. 11.0 a m-Morsing Worsitip. 7.00 pi..-Evaogeli-.tic Ser-vice mils Rev. Walter Crawford, Toronto, preaching. Wed. 8 pa..W.M.S. wîlI meel lantthe home 0f Mcx. J. Jamieson, Mois Street. Titues. 8 p.m.-Y.P.S. sili mee In lte home of Mcx. Siterraîl, Mois SI. EVERYBODY VWELCME Polloc1k & Campbell Mmaau nsof HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 62 Water St, North GALT WAOBROWNRIDGE LICENSED AIJOTIONEER FOR HALTON COUNTY Terme Rasnahle We Alm lx Pleasr Phose Milion 1iBnl ý 1 I OrIiurrIi KNOX PRBSBi!ThhUI CHUROR u hmlsals-fls. IE. 5. P Me. J. Oreib-Organitand .Chitormaster SUNDAY, DECEMBER 141h 10.00 a.m.-Senlor S.S. 11.00 a.m.-Junlar S.S Divine Worhiti-Subject "Thse Tes Virgina." 7.30 p.m.-Divine Worsbip.-Rev. De. C. L. Çowas, B.D,, D.D. St. An- dreins Preuhytecian Citoci, of Hltonlo, disinguished wcilec oud aulhoc Dr. D. Cowans orkcis ace publisbed under yen nome "Ro- man Colar.' Feature wirter for United Cituci Observer. Presby- tenoan Record and Relisius Peri- odîrala. NB.-Note chtanie of lime for lthe Eveslog Service. Dec. 2ist-Speclal Chcistmas Services il,00 a.m. 7.30 y as Condel- ligitt Secvice by Citoir. A Cordial Welcome 10 Al y ou don't have to b. W wealthy to be a philan- thropîol When pou gPv. even a dollai-or two for Christmasa Scals, pou give the greatest gitt of all-hralth, even life itsel. Chrissnmas Scal tunds make ýossîble yrar-round help agamast iuberculosi,-the drrad TB that threatens more people between 15 and 44 thas any othcr disease. Add Christmas Sr.ss l your Christmas giving. Let Santsa cvery letter, evcry partage carry the Scal that savex livra. Send in pour contibîiution lodoy. CHRISTMAS SEALS Sponaored By CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH 136, Mona L'~THEATRE Mi., SAT, DEC. 12, 13 Captains Courage- OUS SPENCER TRACY, FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW Corloon-"Slap Happy Lion"' Serial No. 15 MON, TUES,, DEC. 15, 16 Late George Apley RONALD COLMAN,' PEGGY CUMMINS9 Fealsaete-"Star lante Nigiti' FR1, SAT, DEC. 19, 20 Twilight on the Rio Grande GENE AUTRY Seven Were Saved RICHARD DENNING, CATH- ERINE CRAIG SerîilNo. 1 - 'Son niflte Guardaman" MON., TUES., DEC. 22,23 Sign of the Cross FREDERICE MARCS!, ELYSSA DANDI Caclton-Mysto Fox" FRI., SAT, DEC. 26, 27 Lady Luck ROBERT YOUNG, BARBARA HALE Feolurerle - 'Minaîrel Dayael Loba-lAbout ils o Traul" Reniai No. 2 MON,, TUES,, DEC. 29,30 Calendar Girl JANE FR.AZEE, WnIIAM MARSHALL "San Franoloro. Paciie' To-day and Tomorrow-'"Gale- may'- Cartoons -"Big Snouae" NEW YEAR'S MID. AN" JAN. i H1oneymoon SHIRLEY TEMPLE.,OGUY MADISON Rd Kennedy-"Do or Del' Techt. Mucal-"Chsmpagae ior Tino" Sing Song - 'Commssnlly ing No. F SAT,, JAN. 3 Captain Fury BRIAN AHERINE, VICTOR Me- LAGLAN Cartoan-"Polor Playmates" Serlal NO. 3 NEW AUJTO CARRIERS A ner. Canadias Parifie automobile rar desleated for speedier handling of the new modela now rolling off assembly lUnes was ln- opecîrd Match 24 at Plare Vieer frelîht yards by W. N. Neal, lte chaientan and president of the C.P.R., arcomponîrd by W. F. Tuliy. general soperintendesi of te Quehec distrirt lot rigiti. Larger titan former rars of ibis type.,alith extra wide ioodlng doors. 620 of thexe crs~ are boise added lx Canadian PacifiecroIing tock this year with 204 received Up to March 24 on a 25-a-day delivery sched- oie. bI he cricon be seen lthe oai caanement which places ose auto above lthe other to moite tise beat gpoaxible uoe of upace. What the Seal doesn't show 0f ail infectious germs, ý the tuberculosis germ kills as many people as allothers combinedE Yet, the tuberculosis death rate has leen eut 8o per cent since i5900Ë Your Christmas Seal Sale money has helped because it provides X-ray units, --mass examinations, ti Oa» laboratory re- search,,4è> patient rehabilitation and public education.t So Please, remember to use Christmas Seals on ail letters, cards and packages.LU Send in your contribution today to your Tuberculosîs Association. Buy Christmas SealsI omemosimu s DI<NR UEOV? Trans-Canada Air Lines pasengers montansa uluton Talelide fealivitiea wheliser theyae-eliiiag Iratn cnasa le 60001 la Canada or arrosa lteeNtit Alantic. Titane iii OsaroasaIturkey with ail te irInmings for every pas- nenger oit Chriismsa Day. Trams- Canada Air Lises eslimaten il miii serve 650 dînnero atoll on ltha ll. day Involviaag sme 60 lurkeya 50 potanda of mincrmneal 'and comparablie quantilîea of Irozen peso, salad Ingred- lansand auni trIteitongos ainIs, nuls and roisins. Theïr mil also ha Christmas dinnero ensTCA lIgiss leovig London, Etsgland on Deremiter 25. The airline wiil send te "fis- igs oser titece ahead of ime. Ne Year'u dinner wilI offer a chaonge, say te auiHne chtefs, wllh bref lenderloin iîîolrad of lurhey. LOW FAItES, MORE TRAMNS ANNOUNORD F011 MOL1DAIYS fLou. ailu.ay caro for Chrisîmoas and Nae Veuco holiday Icoxel bc- tinees ail sttions in Canada and 10 certain borderrpointasa Inte United Satshavbehem announced hy H. .1. Nevîn, generat pooengereagent, Cao- odias National Railloyo. Retors tickes covering botholi- days iilI be xold tocrte legulor one wuy lorpiuson oe half. The ticktsl ouI ho honoced coing fcom Salurduy, Decemiter 201h 10 Tbursday, Jxso.icy lxi ond retucxing froan destinationt u o limidsihi. ,January 71h. COOK'S TOUR Te stocy is about a man inho weol is o adrog sore 0n0 lorgol te name of the medicise he wax sent foe. "Whut dues il sound lite?" saisi the druggiol. 'Weil, Iri's ecr," muard the drug- gisl. ULnudo- Chicaox- San tran- cico-Licerpool-- "Thtu i1 Titat' il" said tthe mus hrightesisg up, Carler'x Little Liter- pools! Farm Production Down in Denimark Agslculurai production la Den- moari has recenily deelitsed. Drouglal conditionos whirit prevaiied Ibrougit- Out th. laiea pring and sommer nf 1947 severely sfecîrd lte niamiera ni ratle, sayo Agricullure Abrnaid, a dgest ai agrirallurail. lcies la effroi an under ronaideralion la varlous counirien, Iaaoed by the Eronoairae Division ofalte Dominion ni Canada. Depariment ai Agriculture. T'he Juiy cennua of Desmork snitwed o deriine n caIlle of 5.6 per cent. compared wiih 1946, that Is, fcom 3167 tous- and 10 2,987 titoussod. Milit coins decrasd iy .5 per cent.; iteifeen over ose year, 6.1 per cent.; and airera and ituils by 8.5 pier cent. Thte oborlage ai cross and fred stuffs wao reflecrd In te Increasrd supplies of caIlle for aiaught4ring, wbicb In te periad July 1 la Sep- tomber 6 lolalîrd over 188 ltounand head, or more titan double lte aup- plies in lte corrxsponding periosi of 1946. Mut production In te tird qiuarter of 1947 wos almont 20 per ent. biner thon In te eqoîxtîratt montits of 1946. Bolier praduction dccceased ity 22.8 per cent. 10 32.3 thousond ions, of iniicit 75 yen ceai. iwsesyoried, compared mit 62.7 per cenl. ix 1946. Cheese production mou liiwer hy 17.4. yer crnt. ai 16.6 tousosd ions. In accociionce wilh theterrmso ni tie esisiling agreement negollations, trode dicossions betiees represent- accves of thte Britisht Minlslry of Fond and the DanisitGoeernmen and Ex- yort Boards itegon aI Coienitagroon September O9oandinere agioxrned on Septembre 11. Resomed later an Seplemiter 27. tey itroite doins again wititoul asy agreemeni itavlng itee reocited. Damange of more titan $5,000,000 as dosecencit year 10 Conodion ihomes due to tires from foulty furnacro oe itolers. 7supimAy. l)Ecm4m* lith, M TURKEYS! Buy Booth'8 Broad Breasted Bronze ORDR EARLY - SUPPLY LINMRD FROM r CRAIG MEADOW FARM 1 Phose MU flton ZOISWna. G. Booth ri NOTICE IlMc Kim Bros. Hardware I WILL CONTINUE THEIR REGULAR STORE HOURS, UNTIL CHRISTMAS WEEK, j WHEN THEY WILL REMAIN OPEN EACH EVENING < -- - - - - - - -t How to ride with PAGE pnz THE CANADIAN CHAMPION