Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Dec 1947, p. 10

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PAf 15 TEM THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, DECEMBER lits, 2*47 aiibsa ae o.f Tiak. j, sA C 1505N13 PEAICE-At Toronto Western Mos- piai, December 2nd. 1947, ta Mr. 500 Mru. W. D. Pearce tnee Han Anderuon), a baby girl, PatriclaEW IAsn,randugiterfor Mr and Mes, C. . sdesn, Milton. c1 ________________________ A large group of members tursted niMs out Monday ta attend tise annual nonminations, ield ailtise regsslas' DENT taI Trafalgar Townsip, on Meeing of tise brancis. Wiiis Coso- Mondoy, Desember Plis, 1947, Fred- rades Wood ad MeAndiess unable ercksErst Desi, beloved brother ta be preseat, Gamrsides Aniderson of EosmaoElizobeths Dent, ia is o73rdodSiooo by edteoics year. sili Comrade Anderson isxing an CARD F THAK ooonsoai amouot of inork ta do, dur- CARU F THAfOCS ing tise nomination period. Mr. nd rs.Ernet Pll lsh a e- 0Il souboodh an interesting eleclion eaxthtieir tianisa ta tise staff tofla00 ecembe 9h sam 0namnea lit._ Roptai, friendo, aiso tilserre mehlioned for tise different ai- tcher aodpopils of S. S. No. 6 for Oicro. Wilis Comtrxde Fred Johsnson tise kindness and syonptYSy OsWn in tise chair, tise following were nom- Harvey doring is recent ilseso. inoted for tise different offices. For Presideot - Conscades Bruce HocNab, Jomes Kennedy,Frn Shaonnon. Charles Anderson, Ted - LIvilCieS - Woodis. - For Firot Vice-President-Comradrs -Just 1l more shopping doas0u- Fr-anb Shannon and Jim Hopisins. til CiriatnhaaFac Second Vice-President - Corns- -Milon tors ae opn Wdneda -rodes Reo Ciement, Art Wilson, Frank -Hilon tors ae ops WdoedoyMadleton. Ston Wilson. affernoon fromt now untit Chisitmas. For Secretary - Comrades Broce -Work la continuiasg on tise Croc- Fitzgerald, Chsarles Anderson, Fred fer Block on Main Street and tise Jdhisoon. Ted Woods. front Wall io nearosg completion. Rodger Ptolmey inas elecîrd Treos- tirer by acclamation, whisle ert Allen -Tise new ubown windowsanad stase ws ciosen Service Officer. front of lise Selite Store la qsitte at- For Sergeant-ot-Armu - Comrades0 tractive and la jut about completed. George Baylins, Ken Cose. Thsomas Brodley and Adam Armstrong. -Tiserno tise usuai pre-Ciristmas Tise following Comeades werre nom- busy time in tise rural scisonis tisese inated to content tise office o!frchair- days preparing for tise Chsristmasn-s Mon for lise different rommittees: cert. House and Property. George Bayliso, --Owing to contlnoed riing xosta Harold Eari, K. Clements. Leemiog we cahsit aeeept subacriptiono for Sernos; lins Committee, E. Cose, T. lise Cisanmpion for oser one year in Bradley, Harold Earl, Joisn Hontgom--- advace.ery, Faliser H. B. Smiths; Bingo. F. Sisannon, Scoltie Reo. Frans Middle- --Scisool teacisers and pupils wil ton. CeorAWhite, Stan Wilson, A. bave a long Cisristmsas ioiaay perlitd Armstrong. tiis year from December iStis ontil Enelimel iy Hopkins andI January 5tis. Vic White; Cemtery, Thsomas rad- -Namawea Vters Lits ec-lry and Bert Woods; Memb ersbip, Nal ssaga swe a V tota rec05-1William Horrison:Liovetigating, H. estyoed, siPrt1;o46 n atl ad108 ton ad Ken Clement: Sport..Fred 57er in Part 1; 1 346 i Part foaridohson,5 Fotier 1H. B. Smith,. Ciori- 57 n Frt3 ati 35 eigile ores Wsonin. Nip Marsis. For tisser jury duty. esecotîve offcrrs Len Pope. Art -Ted White, sone of Mr. ond Mrs i Wilson, Stan Wilson, Arnold Me-I George White, sebo o a tiird ycor Doffe. Dose Wilson, . CPeronu. engineering stodent at tiseLnversity ttorry Auger, Ken Clement, D. of Toronto bas bren ossorded a 250 Contes, Viisc Coihoon, Jim .Tohnson. Provincial scbolxrsblp. Charles Wilson. It moy bc notei tiiot other, M-ay -Tise Lqoor Licetose Board il he o- minalcd for office he liersi-ting Ontrio Iis ares ano000ced ht, 1ialer o tie erlory namiîethe sale of bee, oeoand spirits in ai hoc unIo 8 lîm. lhc cceneg oI iotels, toveres, publie bosses, rosi-1tise eletion. auronts and clussse aio6 pm. ono1Memberîs gaoeIsoe apîsioval Io1 Decembee24, Christmas Eve. Normol the suppîort of midget aod hîataot lorsof soless ill ressme Dreember hîmises tenonsafîe mb lment 26. îol,îormîd the meeting il mos a wrh u, oa-ssllhe yoisag hiisl.Y WORLD LIGiITiOOSE 'SERVsIC lisiîolh -immUoîty Il->î1 titfc-mrciloslîid ,ils,l sieair UtedciKigogutan esinies ad u b> l - s ia)gli frstlur s l-omsn osoo trclioiios are oraoi bing lii ,iu sfo i ii,- fi-g c iiub geterothcOsloiooCCoastcorn- lis , Coolhie i cl t-e peiîa ochaîo of ligitssand ligis ht-hîso 7iia bosses that iîli sfîgssîd shiiiy sg 1fr.ti for botdîeds oI miles, Lîgistiosc have becm aprûrity United King- Polina r sesport by tlic yic..îii dm exnor fo Bitin is the osl ,n tianch apprei of iliendinut country possessingsacommerciaoi auJ i ohiparcelo fodllo Eiglasil aization tat conisoildoand eqiil Il wascsxlineithe miicmentoios entirer igAthouss. Tisi- soc isos, s)(,naird i tise Dominion Command i wrougbt issvoe witis igtbcis e ,qii- sotirIhtait l] paels seosîti isrdistii- ment ail overtheoworld amiaUnited hed ylthe British Legion tritsii. Kingdom fcm s noa busy eîiiring neOi04î5 il mosI. and re-eiisipping hanuireuis oft tisn lise gsng sh.sId solt ocgct tho instalations. sosso siog heîng ield tomorroîs ________________ s gt. I10 osslil bca gola ffaîr tue hase sttrsding. Then Ibereselise HEALTH AT HOME tise Chistismas pacîy for thse fomilies - and chisldcenonse Dcembes 17. Il ouil Its aser and ceperi the long star olP8 oclocb. A coopte of rsn touse care in bYingoand ser'ing nigisîs lter oil1 ise tiserergotai food, xccosrding ta nutrition enperts. monîisly lodies nigbt foc membeel Fron tise Department o! Notional ondt tieir wives. Tiese btwIo have Hoaltis and Welfare comes oascrnitg -hees o boge soceso and Iis one tisat tise home soere mools csnsist sisotoil top tbrm oh IuLies ors of iashed-sop fends and sebere omrelogis osbed 1tocoido. of tise essentiol elements are ocer- 'ras se memrners, tomeotes C, looked in likely 10 isîuse on irritable, 1Wil son a-id 1). Catenscre wloe alng brosd. Fresis fruits and vegf isy lise brunes. tables, Canoda Approvrd bread and otiser healtisîsi Ioods silbelp tise bousesife beep tise fomily happy and tsEAW.'ED TO BE bealtby. FIRTSIER EXPIÀ)ITET rThc Sesttiioli Seosceed Rsi-sech s-, UL.TRAVOLET AF1FECS 2,4-D sssiaioîn. wihs hos olccsty linc - ismuh orislii leii- ientilie ontecesons i Labratoreyrsperimensoshowa.usiexploitatoin ofseomrd hs noscnp- irradiation of 2.4-O e3Iiltftins wuts net il.s nc ea beili1ocrs aI loer ultro-violet ligist affect tise oction esois<lts-, Musmsilisscli. ls prescit of tisat ciemîcal Tiseaction of thisoI îîirîiî.s aed, ce o isiorts ammonium sait mas weobened buttfondvalue anttigestiblity of sen- cutis most otiser 2,4-DO mmpounds, ssedr as loduies forrubroî, qigo and tiseir o'eed illing atvity scas in- poltlry. In adition, fartiser use is ereosed. Cemists suggestis may tsls oematof sosced as aferiliec ho a possible noplanation for con- Tt is belleord tisat seosceostfesse filting field reoulto of tests conducîrd Scottisis eosîs cssld yietd cisemîcls under different conditions of sun- uots 15 million pounds a yeor. light. - ______________ LBHTER TEXTILES AIl over tise oorld tisere is a noticeý ablie tendenry fo moise materlais las WILL YOIJ HELP? scomons dresses and contalilgiter, otbou reduring tiseir ahililty ta Make this rountry a heaithier, beepoute scoxeers Wrm. Experts ie Iappier Place bv buying Christ- Bitins textile Industries' researchs mnss Seat,, '%efl ght tuer u- aboratorien are coneitraflnf on tise iss, isedieaa tat ild mre solution of iis problens by sois loss, he iwA tht ked ore metisods of treating tise yarn and sein tha-s5,000 Canations iat year. metisoda o! woavlng. Tisey bave sur- sselgbt of !sOW mterlals ta lion- Iirds tise seigit of estomary clotis. Tisese nese mterlaln bave bispee popular rapltly as wseom e cre once- srrvedly eosvinced of tisoîr sutalslity - - . for dresses and cona. Ports of tiss nuccess con ine aseriised f0atise fact tisat Englisis and Seafflsis mssoufoet- BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS ucers produccd 00W clrobetirades cens- reposdlng ta lateat fasion trends. Woods' Electical Farm Equipment Exclusive Dealer lna tis odstrict. MILKCING MACHINES MILKCOER OREAM SEPARATORS ELECTRIC WATER'HEATERS ELECTRIC FEED GRII4DERS ANdD HOLLERS MCLF TON STEEL 7tRJILEI1S COMMERCIAL Oit INDrVIDUAL CEMENT MIXERS, ETC. Sales and Service at your door at no extra mot. QuleS Daliv.ry. ROY W. GOODWIN Phsone Arton 40r6 4'Teen Club Dance Wednesday, December l7th TOWN HAL, MILTON MODERNAIRES ORCHESTRA IN HONOR 0F ONTARIO JUVENILE "B' CHAMPIONS, 1947 Presealatisa of Jocisels 10oemberso f leam wlll taise place DANCING 9-i ADMISSION 50e Open EveningsIf Until Xmas Commencing Dec. 15 A S"Il i ILTONSre THROUGHOUT THE YEAR! SERVICE FOR SIX STARTS AT .......... ..... $37»0 OPEN E)YENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE C. Grimwood, Jeweller' MILTON '0 il THE CLASSIFIED SECTION Buy-Sell-Exchange- Wanted-Etc. Advertloemento under rt s& e iixg35,cas =iia r, up to Z25 words. Addltlofll wordo e erwod.Ifcashdn fot acoenany tise advertiaement, minimum charge 50e and le Der word additlonalfrIny eacls word over 25. Subsequent iseortionsa 25c. FOR SALE WANTED (Ooatlnueoll FOR SALE--Oeeoe dreooed or olive. WANTED Live old or worn-out .1 Hopin, Phone 251r4. horses for mink ferd. We PUY markset FOR ALEPup, httn an coliepriceo. Gleoopey Farm, R.R. 3, Mil- cross, phone 147r12, Milton. ton,___Phone _____________- ____ FO AE - Pi fwietb Dead Morses and Cattie for free skates ood boots 010e 6. Phone 176 phono e. hon ilo 20 . a Hilton. pon hâ D I OUNG LTD FOR SALE- Dreooed fowl,, geoor, PaeAD 16 Trao torbeyo ond docks. Phone 155r22 WANTED - Uàve Poultry, higist Milton. prices pold aloo feathers. We eul] FOR SALE-Dols white prom, lro poultry. Phone Rondail & Morley. babys srollr. rs.Pere HalHilton 143; Armstrongs Butcherho bobyo al Milton 42; W. E. Dent, MiltonSrI Quer St.or Write to Mosees ener, 402 Dove- FOR SAL-239 Hudson coupe, Ai tourt Rd., Toronto. 49"2 condition. Phooe 383r3, Hilton, N. J. Charette. AN OP5'ORTUNITy - Estbllised Rural Watbins Ditrict avallable. if FOR SALE - Geese and Gondero, you are aggresolve-ond between tihe lorge stock. Chaorles McPboll, Pisone oges of 25 and 55, bave or con seur. 380t,5, Milton. frayel oulSit, tisis ls your opportusity FOR SALE-set of mens C.C.M.' 10 got etablisbed in a profitable bus- skate, siz 10, n goo con etiun. f your own. For full partleoi- Poo les r22 0,neod codtin rs write to-day f0 tbe J. R. Wathis Pisoe 25r22.Company, Dept. O-M-6, 217 Mauo:s FOR SALE-Nortbern Spy Apples. Si. Montreal, Que. 17-5 Apply Jobn MeMillan, Kil bride, Phsone ________________ 380r3 Milton. LOST FOR SALE - Christmas tureys, -________ broad breosted, bronze, mils fed. LOST-On Tbursdoy nigbt, Decem- Pbone 290r3, Hilton. ber 4tb, a black Persian kitten. An- -swers o thlie nanse of "Inky." Anry ne FOR SALE -Grade roe, due So bnowing onytbing about bim, please fresisen around Derember 2ti. Pbone pisone 224, Jean Anderson. 290r3, B. Smiths, Milton. t FOR SALE-i jacket beater, 1 torm door, parlor table and rocber, 1 TRAVELLERS' GUIDE box stove. Pisone 182M.- FOR SAL-CoulIe pops, bred fromt CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAT coceilent iealer.. Apply Harry ST » DTIll Pric, Pone 6Or, Miton - Coing Eat-7.31 a.m.. daily; 2M2 FOR SALE-Dloing Rooso Table, p.m., diiy; 8.37 pin., daily except extensions, and six chairs. Apply Ed. Sunday. Cooper, opposite Legion Holl. Cong West-9.28 .m., daliy idagi; FOR SALE - Dreosed Zeese for 6.31 p.m"., aly; 12.47 a&m., dally ex- SChrisîmoas. Order early. Apply Wm. cept Sunday tflsgl. ioiton, Phsone 98r23, Hilton. Sondais Going East-7.31 .m.; 2.23 p.m.; FOR SALE - Purebred Siamese 9.24 p.m. lCoIs front Chsampion Stocks. Flace 350r order soin. Pisone Milton 291r22. Coieg West-9.28 o.m. Iflag); 6.31 - p.m. FOR SALE-HosteiBus. service oeed, ai., Yorkshire boar and Viig 1Creons Seporutor. A. E. Csrrie, Os- CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY pirnge. l-C;2-A-2.î GCoing Nortb-7.58 o.m. FOR SALE- Christîmas Cords, osual1 Coing Soutb-7.35 p.m. lise. delose, ocriptore and opeciol. Mes. _________________ RoisI. Berry, Martis Street, Milton. 17-eow-25 JOuNES' OREENOOtJS Col floscers of ait kisds, pot pl..t., fufati- idutseddisg onrisdono W teIs er. PHONE 257J FOR iSLEt I h umrs- ci,, . is, ad, lisiis sh.i,- and y01 A. îdc o îîîîc liristi s ii ' ti-l OomI flic- lairsi. al] %% l9h iii t atsiss i i-, - Aiiiilî Ils HEARINQ AID USER$: BURGESS BATTERIES Fresh stock to fiti 1111 Ail Instruments jJ Genuine Burgess- Quality - Milton Hardware lil AIE ii lsos1,a i sa rrsiK- Phonesî-15.is31. Miltos. -'OR1SALE 1i îîly. W i s"s- liis ax Wagnn Ufoc %hal Jhil.dfo fnodýtvel ces)'K-S5lin crsai-ils ped Tx lîî, L ii - , o a ici-I hase, '38 FsrdSe- das. di-e, '-M31FordîlStation '- 2 OocEVC o:Leasde-r2-iliiis 'rsîsoîwis cis 24OURERI hic lires aîîd hsdrai lift, 1.nî'îsJ.t O T a s eson hiie(r. nî'arly iew: 2 r.a hoîîîîsî's r25-syrie ERîrteii-Mcoîo hiait hose, s-r25-cycle RIerr PHONE 301 Mîîlaî: 1%et 'ia,-tl-Clippcr,; I Simpi lîsiti% Wsasî Meteor Mante] Radios, i soolac $14995lasr42.50;F Ca LIP em m Inue atoane Masiel Radios, and Car Radios. Alsogsmmu Tus 1lSi'icsisPhsone 332W,Oieocgr- 1-n. B WANTED_________ __ WANTED 014 lire sennoul hors- on. Pearson Bros., Woterdoorn, Phose 136.1 or 136W.7-2 h n s WANTED Wîll boy aillisints of lois-I. spleilly beavy isens. Wpy IHT HN H markiet prîces . M. Peisiresoý,WPeIot' IHT H H 97r2.1, Hilton. 26-4 ELECTORS OF MILTON WANTED Hardîcoot eohinoîr FOR THEIR SUPPORT iioaid s ic sî rndîticon 1tîrî lisURN T ERE E L on esand dises. Write Box :130 UIN H ECN L ('l'impian Office- ECTION - SVA7-CED ERsîieceed hosisheeli- tios 2(), chiampion affi-e, MîiasnK.Y DC liSîl, salaiy WANTED -0O4dIsirniloce, glass,___ ilc, iiianiiv of soînout, chserry and _______________ ,rynialile lombes. Phone Bu-llng- Ian 561-1 sic ssitle H . S. Kensey, R.R 2,Fci-is eofe.Hiisnt~ Please . l'ive Poultlry wne.Hgetprnes paid. Caîll RSELIGS ACCEPT MY THANKS & Triepsone Hilton 234r4 APPRECIATION FOR THE 6-30 R. R. 1, Casopbelîville SUPPORT GIVEN ME IN WANIED - Young experienced ELECTING ME TO THE former denies cash purcisase of 100- TRAFALGAR COUNCIL aces daieft luesgond buildings, con., land essies'l. HaIton or Peel FOR 1948. Coonîy Prelerird: prie. Dose ise îcopr-ty and cicr lirice. Box 25, ROETM SHL Champion office.ROETM SHL Farnworth TO THE ELECTRS OF Memoials TRAFALGAR TOWNSHIP Mem rils Sincerthanisor yoOO£0 55.,numes at Moderato"Fu sp part in my releelion tu Cous- CEMETERY LETTERING cil. Riora Rd. et (emeterp .Wiko GSUELPHONT..M Wikso THURSDAY, DECEMBER Ilth, INT PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN CHAMPION

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