Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Nov 1947, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 'T<oRSDAY. NOVEsMBwsi hiik 1047 NEWS of the DISTRICT Varlos. Items C.ncernlng Activities ini Communitie. Nearby j Wlsere Many of Our Ruadera are Intereoted HORNBY W<00 ýAuary-ofSt.Sie phen' Angwan hurih in iiMNi,,- îiii' 11> ai liche îîhoe if ài's. Jlai» Biissll aillikt gooaaîl iida'ioo. Mc> F. M'citer peidod. Atr diaranalan on business mataiioc the scripiaro lesaon a '«aread *y Mrs. Arhai Braio. The ollailal 'Wiiy I jiood theiuW. tA: iai > iioaooingiy answored b he ii %a >roa menibora Mc. Thompo id aiiartio icmt«e<okal-Thi- Focial> QaestioB"an d '«<'aartic- leson issonswe coaed ky Mo. Welter aad Mr. FoaieriOamn. Alioc the cioe aif<t<emeeting re-li'shma-iil' amroaacivdythehoaioss. BELL'S SCHOO0L 'P'hoic-i meetinig il <lie Foi»> F,cîî>îî <roihîbs ssoan moa leld ia Be', Scholîoan Maaday aigu ilicoe vvaa -et>,yîpor ailondacr hutit i- liîîaîrd moie iniecoot ill ie ho aai'i ncl ameetiag. A gaod ccaiadivasaoutiiiititis o l Friday nighi ai a irsenataioi ion- oc of Mr. and Mias. Hory (larior. Frio<ads inihia cammaity are pioaaod Mc. f. Cartwirightlai onahle lo came homeo îm hutSaadsy and lope se ill soaiicap andaraaial agait Mr. ad Mca Mlon Clomenlî <ot ]eat Sa<acday or Londoanaahere hep wili spend<thwiir wiihitheir daii- ghtec. Mr. Reg. Reynolds. CAMI"BELL VILLE A largoeccaa'd aiiosded he o «ii soppor held ai Si. David's Preahy- <rias Chrcclion1<Tuesday eoonisg. Momkeca iarocd out i fulorce <a aaakr ia hagr oaccossa A gacd aaried çragcam aappied ertainaî- msenti n <ktheooaîaigThoso akiîîg part aero M. Robert Mordoclas maaaar of reremosîra: Mr. Arhur Steggles. eor soaoia< and Mr. Wil- lium MrFadden, piasaiof i all. Darng tkhe sappor koor Misses Dolla VaSrkle aad Balla Carkeci played a piano doo< and Mr. J. Crydr- ma aisa sppliid pana musiraskic> msas morh apprecia<ed hy ikose ail- ing or soppor. Mra. A. T. Moore, Mi. 3. K. Makon anad Mc. Grdon MePlail wre in rchargeof t able. About$1<75. ýýi clearod. Mranid Mrn. T nyder af Elora apeni Sanday ioîiag Mr. and Mis. Robert Meaioa and M. iand Mr. Tom McPkaii. Mr Roher Menzieo as howered wl<h crds and goad iskia oken lie ci'ieraied hs hîr<kday an Tuosday. Severai rom tkla dsritoilondcîl the forerai af Mr. Wilson in Na.aag- Be'ya on Tuesday. Mr. Ross Carker, a rsidrai ai hio village. ondormeni aa rîouso in St. Josopha Hopital lanIHamiltaon on Tuecday. Mro Alan Mahan la homo s«tei being conliaed iii Milton Hoopital fo amweeh Wowih hera peedy rcoa- ery GuerolaetaihekomofaDr. and Mr. Beach on Wedneaday mr, Mra. Gin. 'Williams and son; Mrs. J. Aakman; Mra. Coulina Wiliams Sr., and Min. 'A Carcasaddo il sofaITaronto. Tne ail Tkankal<ering meeting o the W.M.S. oaa keid in S. Davia'.> Ckorrk oila the Presidofll, Mis. T MePhail in<khe chair. The Sîriploro rading and prayer oas in chasrgeof0 Mrs. Moore and Mrs. MaiBell rospeo- tieiy. Mia, E. J. MoPkai l ntioduced thae gos spoaker Mi- .a SatIceScr01, mininar>y on furoiagk ram ho Blil Field is Indi. 0ne rmason for the seomingiy slow pragres nfCkiaiinn- <ty a the Bhlk as n people are Ililîlr- ate and nal interealed In theo eduaa ion of <kir colldron, but oken <ey o como Clritians tley nre very Inrere. Misa Sctt gave n viiy Inter- es<lng acroont nI the morl of <lac Ified mlere she laoored. A very laVelY sol(), My Taok wa rondered hy Mr. Rok. Eariy. Miss . J. Reid voired <lac apprcllotioll oI tlaose preoont olacanlao llaaaked Miss ecoti and Mr. Enrli. Theaolal Cs<i masanaswered hy memknrs I rom AtOn, Rnaagnooyn, Milton and Campblcl- ville.'<'homeeting mas coood mitOI the prayor ly Mrs. Menalos. A very lleasant ime mns enoyed over a crp af <o. N.. 1 chorll arm focam met an Moday evning at thelao lalit Mr. ýWiiam Pirketl, reiring ;presld- enain10charge. Tle diorussion oas on 'Tlae <rmer lakos a ie'. Lead- rs mre Mr. Bruce Smaii andi Mi. Johan Homard. Eiec<lan <f atirera toi- ioed andmwerons ollamoi Prealdont Mr. Edgar Cairns; Vir-Proaý1ldnt, Mr. Cordon McPlaail; Serretary-TrO5OcO<'. Mi. David Sonali; Asitent Sicetaiy« Treasoror, Mr. Cade nogio; Lunoch enmmite, Mia. Crdon McPlanli. Mis. Thaomaa W'lay, Mi. Rolaert loglis, Mis. Jaohn Homard; Noms Reprer, Mr. Caude Inglis. No<t meeting i <o lac heid nt ho acioo] on Tursday evrning willa Mr. Jolan Hownrd i chaarge. W. Wriliy-Wken twonmon In bus- lnoua alwayu agîe ne of nItlaem la un- seeary. KILBRIDE pics o 1lie W iia, A ,cai il w a < a deeidadaooaesino'ary way. Car- lieanid Lowville mre invied as goolat and ilior '«a a gaad atend- aneoflaldies ii'am the nearhy dis- "lieipreid', a.Mis. Vah hrauit lire- aiddlai' liithe busisperilail.Mo. A M<eloenrenicd IlheBibleIon. i <Iîo-ory Presida-<i, Mns. E. Harhîî- [lei thel'aaodliguestsiandiii iok <lie u'lair foiiitlieqpro<gam wich %va oa s Roadigs, Mrs. F. Abliai, Mi',. J. lianryaand Miss Ni-lia Burns': Musical .aoihii'-, hoZimineroiman ladieas trio, i'ani'ing Mesdaames Hadioy. Camp- boit and Bridgemaaa. Mrs. C. Pvr gave> a heipli and challiig gal> on Womenspart in therrogazlii"i lioin ai the worid.' Mi',. Meoloald ihaked he ladiio <iliaenioi'inod.Maoy a'eiua rtii- loi and ohooic aaiag oereoan saean the hazars'proved a <bnaniai sac-- "'oi. Lnch vas seredoand asocial hor ejoyed. A miscoiioaoaas hower oaa heid in the ommuahly hall <si Taeoa<ay îo'oiinlahonor or the neaiiy meds. Mr. ond Mr. Heary oruir The gits ere aamerosand uaaol. fui Haoris>, aa Malrofaieremoalo,. Theo Mii'ohetalar<sshod mausic for hd e olhib flalowed thi- social oi'oaing. Svrs'ai tram Kilhride United Churoh oaiddhe Preshvioriai soi,- pr i Carlisleoan Wdaosday and e aaaid for'theoapeoiai oeigo- MU MM MU M M M M M M M M M MMM MMM Mm M M M M M : BRAZIL NU~, lb. 39c j M M M M MM MM MM MM M M M M M M MM M M MM M MM TRAFALGAR TWPI. NOMINATIONS WILL BIE HELD AT TOWNSHIP HALL, TRAFALGAR j AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON ON Monday, November 24, 1947j FOR I One Reeve, One Dcpîîty Reeve, Three Councillors, OneI Conunissioner for Trafalgar Public Utilities Commisson, One Commiasioner for Public Utilities Area No. 2, One, Commis- isioner for Lakesbore Wsster Commission and Three Trustees for thse Trafalgar Township School Area. I FOR THE YEAR 1948 If a PoIl bc Denian ided, Eleciion wiii hc held Mn'12 December 8, 1947 jPolio miilb-e opcio <rom i n lat 7p.m. gW. E. FORD, (.Ierk SPECIAL NOTICE - Owing to the high cost of1 the imported Cocoa Bean:1 CHOCOLA TES will stili be scarce this Xmas NT in bulk 5c IL lflof 'hop Miltoîn Fresh Groumd As Solti RICUELLO COFFE . 49Ç Domino TEl O0w,, Blond " 5 Clark's Vegetable or TOMATOSOUP <8ç Bright's-Culverhouse- P'ancy Quallty T01AMARUIE2o. 23Ç Miirhi'll'a iOntario Park APPLE JICE 1o o Ayîmi WilaPerSan PLUN JAN <' 31e Van ,il>or Clark's PORI & DEANS TI.1V DREFI' k.ý .9 Paimolive (7Igayhigs nt rating Imarket prines for aingraded Ieggs. Shlp wlth fflfdînel Ite Dominion StoresLimlted.I 828 Old Westan Rond,Ta-I Ail airaidjo ad ai yaur Dominion Store isaunrondi- iionall> goaranieerd tagivo 100%,k satistactiiii VALUEr EFECÀTIVE KINTIL SATUEDAT CLOSING Warren K. Cook KENWOOD CANADIAN NATIONAL OVERCOAT $5500 CLEANING & PRESSING Vs pick-up ondi deliver. Milton Hr gk<a Agonr A. SMITH Phone 55r21 C. B. KNIGHT MILTON Men*'a 1Wear PHONE 361 a- IlV ENRCO Ci 0e piepamon of Cdelfalo, leu W the smo.e of M", 1 1rY tiomPh, asoits ou . PAGE POUR -1 Evaagelîiic services are hoing held oaoh evesing <his wek inlthe Cm-I WE SUGGEST YOU BUY moalia- hall. hy <he Chrîsîlan Boa,- EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMEN nesMeao Amoaiatin af Borlinon. _______________________________ IIN 0UR sTOCK NOW WE HAVE Pollock & Campbellj WILLARDIS Manuta,,tursf SMILES'N CHUCKLES HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS McCORMACKS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING ROBERONS - PATrERSONS 62 Water St, North GALT LIG TELEPHONE 2048 LAIG FOR THE WEEK-END WE OFFER A deluxe lime of CHOCOLATES MILTON TAXI (Opposite Halel Kenaedy) , Reg. 69c IL Special 51 PHONE 360 1 Prmp -Sud -CorWw Norrington & Cai All passongers insre Con fectionery & Gift Si 24 Hour servi,,. - bmboont a. IPIhone 14 Mndorn Honey Flavaur.d forrida fFIG fBARS .6;38 GRAPEFRUIT ... 5 or 25C ihiyiility B.C. Park 1 Cal. Snk 6 for 2c PEUS & CARROTS '1S' LEMONS... 6 25 Ayhaaor In Tamato Saace, Baby Cal. Sunkist33 LMBA 10.C ORANE% S7e 28, dz. lark',s Freah & Fauity Red Emperor q-Ib9c INCEMEAT 'ýý 29Ç GRAPES. 2~ B.C. Mclotosh 6for c GREENGACE PLUMS '",ý'18Ç Washed1il) MUT DAULS 111135e CARRTS - 5C Ni o Crap Califarnia Seediesa Ontario lb. 15C RAISINS c~ ONIONS ....... 3 Saoni SPINACH .. 2 lb. 21 ccmC TMmIEPEEL 18Çs Dalioa a .1lu Gaad" Snow White 9,, PITTD DATES a.î" n*.2 CAMLFLOWER &--- .25c Rio~e i eWafer GreLeRPascal for1c PICKLES 1Tomate zo cELRY ....... o 1 Aimer-In TmaoSauce. SPAGHETTI 2 5605 x25e CLEMENT'S Paint - W3allpaper - Gifta Master Painters and Jiecorators SPRAY PAINTING VENETIAN BLINDS lIrnported and Canadian Wallpapers GREETING CARDS FOR EVERY OCCASION PHONE 129W OVERCOATS

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