PAULNDINCHMIO HUSDY NVMBR12h 14 Twenty Years Ago Speaking of.Eggs Milton Takea fromnt, te edillan af the Cmasd- It eems hat tthee la develop-E tan Champon, November 10h, 1927 ing s senue of respoesitiiity. Wittoul il * or ay inrreased Iedueement or any dis-E Regeollections Atout 80 members o!fte Miltas russoo of tours, tl has upped the ipro -. Lswe Bowling Ciao, înludiog the durtion of eggo from as anouat total1 iodles setion, crie entertaieed ha of a litle leso than tire billion eggea 7401tonGeorge E. astie ai hin tome in Rol-i-n 1940 gto tetter ttae four and a A,5 son on Tumýdoy cvening. The guesis quarter billilon te 1944. t nt ei--4 Fifty Years Ago rrfreohecean a c tler whctir lcy a mtter of more prodcr i - Csmns eesred lhr or thi-nuastaergepet-i Takei-a rons thr edtie, et the Cfna.!- Ed. SanetoaoJr. ii'ii h:iity ioyii-g iieo has iîceaoain othe - 1 la,, (Isoopiosi, Noseirîl1h, 18117 (-liiidtirati iiiîiti( ai"ail ieIliai- ouirt t 11ci lII ii i ton îBrick WîîrhaîionFrîttay. I asieiisiiiiiiaiiî 'a E. Hai-ottir iase horseogsgi-d ta Aitîa meet-inîg oftfic Haio totiut rsi taharoeîao influence-oas his liorch Zimmermon School. Bi redois Cuit, i cor decided ft. t ititii rge. ']hrcMaritimsrandii W. H Freman penta da lý1t Cte momers and ait thers in fie 'the Pririeroincre mode rery îss.- eeeeduckonticoiti-hOrh t su iîteroeied in Hoistelo reed-, ict gotes, oniy soffiriont iederd iii i-înekdc t hg atie h Ie. odour igaouid attei-d tte Royal Winter tri-g their productions s he 1940 Inma spnt Sturay i flc sineFaon ucthe day thotteHostein ici-t or oit Canadla. Qartr, Ont ir. si-Oi soit ramioishIo coici-se îaiirc-e isg iadced. liono and British Coiahientii-oc hier- spor wit conideablesurcss. Aia lirgei5 aitnided meetigsofi-ingo oa spi-tclr ar ocrîsof a1.15. Thos. E. WeI. iavinig tishsos P liiîth'atic ihi-ky (Co e i-d yetirdoy Atogethio the iiidusciîisliuni pin Crt St. pinird and aihi-riarici. -croeieg. fticMitons Hockey Cub wii durcdi-gc Ca o a ttatîaileofsC$106 î.rarid. incnied foith ismin eaooowith miion. In the yi-iin19i14 %iceuiit- Ri-prisni-toiici-iroe thi- Mitoc flic- ousoin- fcetri: Hae Prosideet, id 684 mill-i-c g, cimot eseluuively Fîro Dprîmoont ta he smheri of 12 Dr. (isc'ld; Prcîdent. M. F. Pa- te hi- Uniited Kii-gdîîiîThrie iiiiiiî went o iGe-orgeownceon Friday toal- Ion: Vîn-Preident, A. D. oproat; (ni, ici- eoui- atinci-iris ai tltIv tenidthe-fsnr-uofltheti-Ci-Hanny eeairyn, A. E. Miion;ii-angeroficg s Neru1i-aiidrd on talons A Spi-r. Deieaseid aocrhii-C of the iinti.iciidaio iiaii, Dr. BRboi-sittliji et i-Ci-iilin S.iilil Georsgetown i- Fe Brigade usi o ia. lemnagriof, 'Ciin i atri-ga i-rotiiot a i, ile Cîmeof ohie detti. Ch ihsim. raor semi-siaýhoîiic tsanierb The dopoty gomo adrnis heopîcg Thi-dri i - d e rprtory givoi- o shoip isat-ot oi heaivolati iiiîy fi ictrs anod mblrmtu sMA01- venisn fro the ortestonI. OL. on Frtdsy eetii-g bot cas ci-oison iai- th-nidii. irgoiy tti-ded oi-d crrotiy i-ijsyi-d Emeasi Ciiig o-dMise SsIteiî Ex:eptiial oii oad musci scprovid- Cousosi- erne mrriod on thi- 28h tit. id or thi- dace. Mis Gi-rii-Loigirtonatd os tridc ___ rîsid chu- thi- gissm i-s aited ha miocrs.o FR V1C G. E. Harhstte. Mr. oi-d Mr. Coiing HOME TOWN cii-i-Cto Michgae se thiir sciddng___ trip Plei-oaoriri-ieny iccori-iCt e inegresaof hilihoîmi-tocs - aie secmgtiiii- i-oed toitîc-bhosters." hem, or. Cesi-y yrfoim oawMostuseftoierice. They re ai-s- peotiai pileii- pprcinir hu In Lats Stles tlk oui-n oftiChi ihiegs iC tisedon-, le lates! Stfpies a iv dantagesaiC sffere.of the Newest Mettodo in Permaneent iiiuitiiiiiOCil enaain d sf is Waving isilght hliisafoctahe future. Ait Linecofo!Besoiy Cuture thwti- iit andsi-l hi-iria toit hls-i oletio ii apsproiateit, Che tif tehi- towasiiandt ed Cci-i-Cia-hat It Phone 61J fr Appoitmeetz îlot. Wiîh talc Cfeeling, pespeai--E ict- iaio uft ho ftton-and i-re A. R. ELLIOTT mare tîhî-iy o havecoaioi that osiful HAIEDRESSERS sand îiniriset huci-i-vani- acomp- WHERE& - - materials _________________________________developme Ey A AND WHI BAILE TOEWS1 war that cg LT L(1'D1' AItaling intc Commissi provident the increa AND WH~ power is s the Comrt and has s NOWTHE REGULATIOI 1- IJGULATIONS applying to certain unes of CTRICITY IN ONTARIO 1L£ the requirements of war production and the sco.rcity of ,aince have restricted the construction of e1ectric power Lents; EREAS the conaumption of electric power han continued e at such an accelerated rate since t he termination cf the consumption demand of consumera now serviced, without o account pending applications for power, ha. increaaed ýr centum over the 1945 consumption demand and if the don were to carry the reserve of 15 per centum conaidered prior to the war and absorbed in meeting wartime demanda, .8se in power requirements would in fact be 40 per centum; [EREAS the demand upon the Commission for electric substantially in excesscf ita electric power resources, and mission is cf the opinion that a state cf emnergency exista o declared; IEREFORE the Commission malces the following regulationa: )NS MADE BY THE COMMISSION IJNDER THE POWER COMMISSION ACT LE AVE MILTON (STANDARD T5E) TO TORONTO c 645am. g 500 p. d10.45 as. d 10.05 p.m. 0-dally ex. Sali & 1101. d4-Suar & HaL Kg-las. asl BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR MONTREIiAL OTTAWA AND NORTH DAY FARES ARE LOW Round Trip - Tait Induaded HALIFAX $ 55.90 WINNIPEG $ 46.30 $ 25.90 REGINA - $57455 QUEBEC ST. JOHN Tickets and Information at R. C. Harris, Shoe Repair Store $4295 CALGARY $77.65 1. No municipality or municipal comnus- sion receivmng electnical' power from the Commission shall without the written authority of the Commission supply or use or permit to bo supplied or used by ciny porson thue electriccel power or any part thereof for the followmng purposes:- (a) lighting of interior or exterior signe; (b) mnterior or exterior ighting of show Windows; (c) interior or exterior outine or orna- mental ighting; (d) interior or exterior lightmng for deco- rallye or advertisimg purposes; <e) out-door and flood-lighting for white- ways and for parking lots, used-car lots, service stations and out-door industrial promises above a minimum permissible only betweon sunset and sunrise, as follows: - (i) parking lots and used-car lots, 2 watts per 100 square foot of space only while open for business; (i) service stations, 100 watts per gasoline pump standard, exclu- sive of lights in pumps, and only wbile the service station is open for business; and (iii) out-door industrial promises, amount necessary for working areas only; (f) the operation of air heaters, electric grates or electric boiers used for heating Purposes in stores or offices; (g) street-lighting between suzirise and sunset; (h) lighting of marquoos or sidewall cocn- opios excopt 2 watts per square foot of floor-spoce or sidewalk area covor- ed by the marquee or canopy between sunset and sunrise; (t) lighting of entrancos or exito in excess of 5 watts per foot of kidth of the entrance or exit; and ()lighting of interiors of business promi- ses after cessation of business with the public except thse amount necessary to enable staff to work. 2. These regulations do not appîy to,- (a) (i) flood-lighting of airports; (ü) lighting for police and firo ser- vices and protection; (iii) lighting required by law; and4 (iv) igbting of direction signe and signe designating thse office of a medical practitionor; and (b) thse use of electricity for interior dom- estic purposes and in isospitala. 3. No person shail, unless under the written authority of thse Commission, take from any municipality or municipal commission any electrical power recoived from the Com- mission and use it for the purposos specifiod in regulation 1. 4. No person shail1, unless under thse written authority of thse Commission, tolce any elec- trical power generated or procured by the Commission and use it for thse purposos specilied i regulation 1. 5. Tises regulations shail come into force at One o'clock a.m. of tise Otis of November, 1947. If further clarification is required please contact your local Hydre office. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POUER COMMSION 0F ONTARIO 1 ..A.JL A A -ALL. CONTRACTORS Radios, Mantie and Floor 'Models Electrohome Fans -- Hotplates - -Electrie Clocks etc - A SPECJALTY FOR YOU Radio Repairs and Check-Up r uns up a tidy total of 20 million dzndespite the percentages. F ifL LtP O U TO If the ferrm produces most of the F R 1EAR IWI RO UC IO eggs the farm tomne la tise great con- sumer oC the pro>dut. disposing of AT Lm8 CO8T FRED about a hundred million dozen, or roughly 29 ler ment, of!-the total. 'Sta li h However, we ail do fairly weli. OuîrStsr s h average per rspita roeoumptioo la two dmzeo ego, an average of tour eggs eorh more Uas we used four yeas POULT KY i<-MEj.. i-go. Allowing for bahies and fok oroiaaly allergir to eggu wc wouid Esch feed e mode from on evenly balsnced formulae «aik omoog the groC egg rotera aft IF YOU FEED THEM "STARIJGHT' YOU CAN BE SURE t t, rld . And w iý- hi, toit gi-.' t, kow ffl . c o l (onIitm I T IS FRESH FEED ý1i1y oftiht aImoot rggie o ld. ______ .L.R. "S-4tflSTTIN M ILTON MILLING CO. A oew rrerch sttion or, mech- Phone 50 Limited Milton Ont. aniatoenginereinig is eing settkp I Briiaie 0o0niia shite o elected in Scot- land hy the- Deprimeet <f Sr ottii ard nusiitResearch. tn addition, ..ah-.toiioeaCfor Cati,hbuiding and oad eserch re lsota brietabiish- ii(1i a Si-ittond. Thei Motionirot En- nern Sain ilunetker-YouR adT e Other Fellow's 1 ra îh oC a tytae ahich ormo h hinc f ndsrileninein. Ad& - nelWill iReau tours THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, l"T PAGE EIGHT