PAGE WO TE CAADIA CHAPIONTBURDAYNO-----------194 MILTON', ONTARIO P.bii.hed E-yteThm-at.dte tmos Ath.ri..d t ... -ntdi... elit.Po.t ofic Ottown SUBSCOtPTION RATES-4.ater eu, .i adenus.. tUnited St.tetm copiés ttlBth aid antd ,sal .destuhoold b. eh- ah. ai. .of ADVERTISINO RATES-On. appictiontantd as filn Athoaah .n.ty p=..tistt nil b tak.t. tea .t.t ...Th Chmin aceteadetisnintg it lons thetd..e.tnttdino th.t it fil out b. lihbt frt-- .coi.y dti.ect pt.ttthd htttitdtt.. oss a P""t ctt.ý.cn.t ia ttq..t o s -' tt09gbY the s - -t1e nturne.d tuthe Chamtpionttbsiness office itiy igned by thttdvertiser antd nth .ttch er or correctins t.cinl ttie ttd in wtitin then.tand inthat c..., i ntny roonted>nt ctdbee Thehamp- iZi..ibiity .halii tenccetd uc.h asproortion .ot the tttietcstt the ttst onttticd tttnt bersto th sbntt .pac c anted b G. ARLOF DILLS. Editor Telphntt Nu. EDITORIAL Municipal Recognition We ere pleased te note that lit lasi mee's meet- ing of Milton Council. provision h ad been made mberehv some recognition and out-of-pocket ex- penses woutd be mode foc Mayor. Reeve ond members of Council. Or close association ith municipal councits over many years reste ins os lrom calling the amnunt paid "remoseration for service. We have watched with alarmi for severol yeors the cncroachment on the ime and energy of bosy mes that acceptiflg public officet involves. Monv capable mes refo se office on the groond that they cassot afford te hold office. Public dend i f their time as xci heavy hat tl interfered with their ltrclihoed. te say netbing et tht bad feriog sotottimes engendcrcd by o decisioo hat mas agaiost tht mndiv- idual bol in faor of tht moncipolîty os a hole. Tht oltewance setCin tht prepe-.ed recognitio for Mitons Mayer, Reeve and Cooncillers is nt large. If, Ct roceivos opproval hy 1948 Concîl, the Mayer ml ceivo $3011 per ear and Reevo an d Coancillers $5 per meeting ttended. We like the may the plan bas heec offered hrreby thte etîring Ceuncil make the proposaI and reave the fulfîlment te the nom Coooe:l. We have ne: always been an adve.ate ef remone: - atien for municipal service. Therr hast heen ime. mhen me condemeed sncb paymenC. It eemofcie- comstances et the pas: fem yarsm-ith Cocit hampeeed on eveey ide by p rosîncial heards-weuh many men fendîng Ct more and more diffitoît te sr' e mithout an ales onco for typesse moey. me tan;e- the day comiefi vers quickly hat wtbout soe fori et reimbersemont. public elficets mlI he eggieg for applications and ne one mut ho 'roîînieg for office" Most ctizens ilI agete on Iis reoîgnition hie mu- icîpl service. The dîlhîcly has een te ied a mcans of previding tee tht expendtere with cet appearîn g overzecatos te tome on tht municipal payeell. Cor- cil of 1947 bas appaeently solved his delîcate pin* in staelîsg tht question bt leaing decsien for 194S1 council te conter. Yo fight os fisd the way that you asd yoor wife-you and yos workers or ysur hoss-you asd yoor cosspetiloro in politics, inbubsiness and is love -casi wrk ogefher isnfead of splittisg up instsrik- es, deadlocks and divorce. You fight toseoquer your o pride asd self-sufficiency, admittisg thot mes and natios cassot build and oleengîhes hir moral relationutil, in homility, hey eek streogth from Gsd. Againsotthe background of losf liberty, ail petty homos divisions pale lto insigsifioosoe. And mor-al and sprilual re-armamest hncomes as absolte prior- isy for every mon asd nationsis the world. Housewife Rules Again For the first ime is five long years the Canadien hoosemife con go inîs a store asd boy whaterer she likes fron the goods os display there. End of nogar rotiooing hie eerk restoren ber pre-mar perogative of making ber oms buying decisiono. And few will dispute hat tht hoosemife is the most capablt noth- ority for making hse decisions. Afler aIl she is tht snly one whe knews ber own family ticeds, likes aed doikes, hat il cas or cannel fford. We are a natie:: of iîtdividoots, with indvidool needo ottd prelereoces. No boreatterot. ne mtter hem wtse or efficient con devise blanket regolotions hat wilI eatisfy or fit perfectly our individual re- quirements. ItC sugar, the first to ho rtioned and the last te ho frerd, there mas waste osto doring the peried- *ef greatest scarctty. Those people with seme frit *ef hir omO cold net otatn the necessory extra sogar te p restret iland were lorced te compote with the thers Cter on fer tht minimum amount ef commorcial packs of jams and proservos. To a cer- tain oxtent the same thing occrried with sIC othor rationed foods. In a dire emergeocy, mhen sopplies are desperately short and se substitotes are te sight, rattîening ies t place, bot we should ho tbankfol hat me ne lenger nord it.-Financiol PosC. EDITORIAL NOTES Menicipal nomimnatons are clese. Timo terenu.w' intorest in yor town and attivity for the novt yeer- Christmnas is jost ix wek- fromnt-day. Do: akec eue merd hore t but cînslt the calondar if ;ri dohbt. Its sefe Cc prephecs rom that the f:ll if 1947 mas verv mîîderate and that we-cililkelv have iller- set ie sor. \bent hclong antîl theretIl ht a lattîtri ng for ce n tht arona. Tht frst part f at scssin stem, tb, nis:important. Firt snîî efaîl if tht aituimtif I1947 eitui: ci tleweeek-end ind itmuts ieremuîuderiiof e-ati,-ic Mlton milI vete thi.s lecitin nthte stallathitn tif .emers and stîîem drains. Ho srt tiihccoinîconi- -versant wth the questien hefiierele-etien titre. Tl- lîest of a strics ef enlighte-tîttg articlos appeues ri this weeks. issue. Othors will fillow-in tht next tel Dues the Public Always Psy? etks. Inaorecent breadeosi tht Bînister et Finance, -__________ Han. D. C. Ahhott, e-iplainod mhy the Canodiait Attention should ho dean-n te an amer dmv-nt t-) Government hod dt!cided te cet out pice conîrel. Il- the Municipal Att enaced in 1947. whorein tl s peo- shoold need noexeplanation. rite cennîrel as ad-' vîded a l4trning Offîcer may nut aeccpt tht netttîî- optcd durîng tht ar as a ar measorc. t in. as M. atien oh a prepn-ed candidate mhe is net prosen t .t Ahbot soys, net trot constitutiooot for tht Domin- the Neminatioîn Meeting, unIes.. tht prepîîsed candid - ion Gorernment tlenforce Iis sort et regimentolîco aie cnsonts te h o senemiEtod. Thai eeghîte b el1: intm of pece make a igger inloresi in neminatton night meeting. Mr. Ahholî pointed out hai, as o direct rcsolt of ahlishing price central, hee iv a saving of honl- Couple of commonts Ihat me neted sîated hat tht dreds of millions dollars a ycar in susiditst Thetet- United Statcs spent $11 illion on liqacer, which sý moral of prîce connient on rtad saved $35,000,0O00 a hreetimes as much as mas spoîti on odotation and year in sebsidies on heaî. hat the average Englishman sponds haîf as math uit Mr. Ahbott ied up thîs reoval oh sabsidies aleoholie drinks us bh odeos forfod and almosi tite vith a rcduction in taxtion, vo tht Canadian peope as math as ho docs foe cons. No figue on Canada mutl nom assume hat, mhatevee elso happons. tht n:.t bot hero's one respec-t mhcro the Dominion ment ho Budget milI includt a Cao redottion ati last equalt tut aggtng. tht sariogs in sabsidios s a rosaIt ef tht rtmovîog ut-___________ price cosrol. Three gangsterstvole $l13,i60O in a holdup in Ch:- M. Abhott iv tht Minister respensiblo for fas:- cage fise ytaes agi: Thece mre eoplurtd end Cm-i ing tht Budget. is retont sttomeli mustbho et- mre killed. Raîthe thun aste ony mort monoy un gardcd as entreoly othîcial.-Bommanvillo Statesmaî. couert tests the people mho mrt rehhed agreed tua -1-- ..- -" A - 1 .. - __1- _ - i Hum ku Figbt Ideas We have reathod on advanced 5111e in tht mer of deas. Idoas divide 001 only salions botthebopoople in îhem. Unless mc in Iis îdoa cor, and in it nom. the cool global ar milI he o 00oi;ly itetrnat- osaI bol civil. Civil mar-on internaI ight for or against fret- dom-is already eging in ploOty et coantries. In athers treedom saems about 10 tati hroogb politoal intrigue and trot lhroogb fret elecions. Al af Europe and Asia are close 10 tht black-out of liberty. We hart sets that black-out ahrood soon reflect to:n aur omc shores. This iii happes again onloss me tighl the idea ar ith everylbing me hart. Some, homever, stldo sot knom Iis mor is go- 100 on. Others knnm il bt hiot il hopetess. $1111 others asit tighl baC dont knoomhom. To ight tht war of ideas means ightîng 10 moto tht idon of reedom mwortahit. Yoa ight for crory- lhisg hat uites for osiy osity con sort our liberty. You ighl for igbcr moral standards in ail people, bogisiso mtb yoornett. Men wilh marais cansot bale each oter-da 001 divide. remaining $41118 shîetd ht dirided hetmeen thethIri living rohhers nom sn ponitontîary. n h sao of thet teetnfiitonate gangsters -mhe mor kiled In hse days of municipal expansion and te. imprîîvemonts retepoyerwmîlI roqairo te gire seriîîas ccnsideratîen 10 shose mho milI serve îhem ain148 Nomination metings are diet iis month. Il's pour tomn and hoya m hn yoa put onooffice mîlI spood loir money and look aller the melfaro of municipal os- ents. Nomination day and clochasn day a re citizen%' days. Thoy are important and att engagements made so hat thcy milI bort yoae aCendance and attentiont. Maj or soet- of farm incomo itî Nem Brunsmi.L. tomne from tht poItus, points out tho Saint John Times-Gltîho."Nom Brunsmick,,ig pototo indus,- ey rings ooe feemees more thon any other hrotîeb of agriculture. If prices bold firu. and Iis yors trop measues ap t to pectaCbons, il milI ho orth nuarly $20,0100,000l. And tht bcnefiîs, il shoold he cîaphosieed, sproad for heyastd tht houndaries iof the cournlics mhotz posais groming iv toncetratnd." or RONALD HARRIS - PHONE 404 "U». nure adagExpim . Brviefor Qulnk D.IlvmehV PLN &».TOMATOES AYLVER YLtIN CI CICez QUALTYT PEAU &" CARRt§OTS a TU21c 2 nus 350 2 -E35c SHOP m59eUCCOTAH2 TIN c C RN CATSUP AnUSnz iaan 35 FISH CAKES 2 'T -Z-35e 1oz. 33e PRUNES - L"'. en17C rAeNCYeCatanYtCORN TEMPT MEAT TýN35C 2 "'35C SARDINES ,rîn2rt-.25e 2 T145 350 AYLMR ADALLEN 0 liLME-cntt APPLE JUICE PEAS 2 SZ4-2~ 9 Toi. T i6c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE FRNKOR R 2 209OZ LO) 244 LYNN VALLEY0TN r 4 PEAS ORANGE JUICE 2 'i"2 5 e. .Za1.43 2 Toomois29C BLENDED JUICE RED sORA tNG ttND ns RIVER 20OZ - ,,Oz330 CEREAL TtNZS FOR2DC SI.49 la TOMATO JUICE -G 1a 0, 29c CYLNEROR 4 oz DEFANS AYLItER TO5tATO JUttE Ltttht in TOMATO, COCKTAIL 2Z lo',25c &KALPART LtttAS. PhAlKRTE CtALtYsRtttA BLUE Boy gtntt.. P E A C 13 E S 2"- z-39c 2 21Tions 350 AYLstan castes tLSEEO BLUEt BOY Patta Ed PEACHES '~2Sciz- DEZANS P E àC IlE S '0 no26c TUR l5cTEoz,$175 PINEPLE ,- 33c LACHINE WAX esT,. NtP sw..oEN..n MEANS GRAPEFRUIT 21OZ. 23C Toi27 "Il.31.59 SYLMER tACtTI DLtc nt5T nottCE WAX P M I N TN FLOOR VL FIS G'TlO 2c $169? ORE,, PON E*l, T Nt59 , $ .071,3T ~ L I lsrsdC ORAANGHETSMP(~AlE 5 forZ21, 2'5s-23c HANANAS LENS YM Nice tipt. £MN YM 15C b - 45 C dot JOC lb. COOKIN(G ONIONS Nier coe:S 3tbs. 14c 1l'Ch--37c 4 Business Directory MEDOCAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC Phionst: Miton Numbte Z2 Campbellvlltn Numbar 3»k14 Dr. 4. E. STEVENION Dr. W. J. ROBERT~SON Dr. J. E. BEARH Office Boots: A, M. By Aspsntznnt t nly. P.M. 1-4 7-9. Sundayn-Emergtscles Only. MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL X-Ray Coroner, C.P.R. and Geant Sugeon MILTON HOSPITAL (Prlvate) VOsroEOHOURS 2.30 stan. a 4.00 p.m.. 7.00 p.m. tOs.30 p.m (Nn Cildren ander 12) RATES IN ADVANCE Semi-Private $59.00 PrivaCe $$ 96.00 PHONE 216 MILTON DR. G. E. SYER Physitiau and Surgeon Office-Janmes Sret Phone No. 38 Office Haus.:9O Sm.; 1-3, 7-8.30 p.m.. Cotane -B.H. DR. J. H. O'NEILL M.D.C.M. L.M.C.C. Offiiet and Renldenne MIN.E iSTREET MILTON Phone 412 DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Formero Building, MainStCreet officen Hant-9&.m.; 1-4, 7-9 .55. Teirpitose 395W Reidenre 395J1 LEGAL DICK & DICK W. 1. DOCK, K.C. iCsunty Ctsnin Attorny) KENNETB Y. DICE, OBA. Barrittern, Solicitors Court Hone - Bitta. Tetephone 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON Barrister Soliittor, Etc. Off ice-NenO Door Champion Offie. Bais Street-Bilton Telephstît 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOIT Barritetr, Slletar, Nntacy Publie Ott)ficern Farmerr<Building, Mata StreeO titon retepiie70 G. HOWARD GRAY, E.C act.tet. Solcitor, Notmrr7, A. 238 Kei t Sreet, Toronto, Ont. 1 tPhone LYadhurnt 8612 -Atsat- MLTONDN by Appototment LEVER & HOSKIN Cbartead Atnauntm Saceetsaors JENEONS & HARDY 1305 Betrapaoltan Bldg., 44 victoria St., Tarants ECg. 0131 DENTAL DR.- G. A. KING DENTAL8U5tOEON Office in Royal Building. Milton Hours-O-5. Eveningt hy Appointaient X-Otay Service Telephoneý197 DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON Office aner Prince.. Theatt NightO Aspointmentt m'y lhe arrangeô »tttny et-iceeGas Extraction Hous to Os5 Tetephane 65w NIELSEN-The Chiropracloe Duglena Theaaplat 33rd est soPraetlct 6 Lady Atendant Bon., Tues., Fri., 2-5 p.... Wesl., Sac.. 2-5 and 89pm Ctnted Thursday OvrtDominion Store, Gentgetawn Phone 150W OPTCAL R. C. LAIRD, R.O. OtPTOMETRaaT - OPTCIAN Bilton-Thursday Aternoans and Evenîngs Far Appoltmnest Phane Barcht.sds&-56 Eyes Enamlned - Lenses Preaertbld ENSUHANCE R. W. FOX Agent Eot FORE and AUTOIWOBU. INSUIOANCE Phone 2641 Bilttas, Ontario, THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TRURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 1947 -PAGE TWO