Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Nov 1947, p. 1

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Volume 88.No. 23. Rev. N. J. Truax WiIl Complete Term 01 ChairmanshiipI Speciai Meeting of Halton Groupo HeId in Carlisle UntedI Church. A pafiai Meeting of Halia-, Prou- 'y.erY of 1he Uitahed Cisarch aI Can- ada n'as heid in Carlisle United Charcc on Wodnesday, November 5th, , Io 1947, aflocnaao and oseniog sessions, hing heid. Ocdinariy asorni-sig anod afternoon sessions arc eid, bualtisl tance an evening session n'on planned ia the hape that more laymen miglil ho free andf aOie ta atend the sessian. There waa an iasproved ailendance ai iaylnen ia the econing. fi a Ico sasa la Say ifiblis esperimnni ouibh repeated naon. Tovo non' miniter ow sa*erving chargea in Ballon Presbylery sacre iatrodaced: Roc. Harry Paa-soa etf Oakvilie and Ron. A. D. Penmn of Lasevile. Mc. Pawssu came Icoos Ceairai United ChurcO. Weston and 4 Mr. Peoman came fram Landesharo, Ontario. Roc. Rassell McGiiicooy.e non' relireai andliving la Oahvilie. .> wan preseni andc saaintrnducecf.Ho rerently camne rirn Aagu siine Uijaicî Undaonlcd Oy lheeaîoning aa Charh, Wanipg. hree sacs. paid i ribhal o 10he f. Churh, innieg.menhrance Day service heicfrai ihe The peciai meeeing sas arranger]cf Shon n a fc photas ahoco, 101, 'wih a viewinoaioeing aceaonabic 1 sandingsýoemney wiih hased heac space of ine in shich the tapie of Pool andf Reveillo. Top righl, are in Christiana Bapian' wsaupcesootind.. Fre Brigade, pnying iheir respecta and tine o ldciscasn 1he probiomo celai- ing to the nahieci. Toc General Couanrd bas reaaaesiec t0e Preahylecies aI the Fa United Charro 10 deal itei tlis si- ra ite Hb se at jeof ansn'ellan 1he sahieca of theo"Re- M[. le~ t marringe of divorced prsonand 10 Miltn He01$ t mpracir efiadings an the eccearp etrvfyvFr of Ceocrai Consecil. eto dBvFr Thse Rev. Louis Pichering of Aciono n'asin charge oftheopeningn'ocshp Fooeîofaonanoocgin tolniy d- pecincf and in his message npened up troyed the franc house ocopied lb 1he auhiect of "Christian Bapitmi Olis e Buck, i Mlton iieighis, ait He n'as fnllon'ec by Rec. R. C. Tocd cf Fcdsy nigha. Thc hoase osas a blaz- Gleorgeown. who dentsaithth a e n og ioenooalien foost otirod b ' anhieci bu1 fron a differing ap- roghocsho coIcdlthe Mlton Fire praach. Coasiderable discussionoeon- Brigade. aed,nonly one resolntion being pass- M.Buckssho reides aclo 'i cd, as folloos: goc- o the corner sore someonc w -Wle recommend ihati labeoea e oore lie 1%roas dse,,neced.île oniversof colo of the lnoued Choch olo loi ,re e f(- 0 unable t,, sa abat ail boploons c eperfnrmed helor I-ca tilstnrtcd s eer 'cytb a i a Chrchro esgregntiln, eseeptinlarer-gocod ccder o loco ho 1,11 The hui,]d- tain cases of neeessity. oing aod lis fntire coctcnts, înciadîcg Avecy stinolatingoand enlighten- -Ilîvolals e mantecool ors Jing message n'as brosocht o 01then'eni- lb, I Il îoOocol1-tedhy nsur- bersnand frionds aitheoouppecb osor nric. n'Oen Dr. Waler Strangsso*v, amcd- lO-,oeo,,ll,,oî od thoo , Icol isoonay on fulclogh fromlre n ifeeo d ireoîlctio,nthe,.,,- Angola. Aines. olnled thc story of ii,- s ollogc sm,h lhaveso- brn 1hrvo-- bis seock theoo. We cfare nui dispte ioc-Od the efferloenesofl 00e nssionnoy . - enteatycisos.Thoe*00we of1he Christ- NMRS. 1). HENI)ERSON iana Gospel 10 lace the serld fon RECOVNTS WESTERN TRIP' destruction n'on nade clene. FOR BIUSY liRES W.!. The chairnan of Presbpîco ple.c- G. W. Porter of Milton, n',ll Or mcc- Thc Oecohe meetiangi he-Bu,*% Ingto Torontonaithe endctf Derni- Ro. W. 1. oas eld ut th bor o hec. Rer. N. J. TrucxOfs oCarlis lehMi.s Stephea Coe, St.lHelena 0,10 sas electecfio conpleteithe terni of a ond aionane.R hou ralco %a the chairman, as cholîmon cf Hallon jossoreol Oc o versec oth thonbs. 25 Prenhytecy sncf Rev. R. C. Todd ofl locramo ocere 100he o,îdered. A q0,11 Georgetownnnas elerted t10 romplele i>1, Or qoilto-ol doivg the nonîlo Mr. Porteen tern as a membprecf fth, tOc ooo-h of tI-Oroc nity aretube- Seutlement Comnotoe. ccve a box of goodieo and $10 wsOin1 Rev. B. W. Hall of Trafalgar ledinlaeho,ast ed ta Canadios Cilîdren Focol the evening sorahip perincf. for vres Roc. Dr. J. . Maichmor, secetnry Mro. Dncid Héodersos gave a talk of the Board of Evangel'snmandfSo- on lietrion'et tht gaove a inols ]liService.n'as inicodnrecf y hy 1e yp e ico aser listeno-o.. She 101, Convenor of the Preshyiecy Commot-, cf the neos- con of Marathon buli tee on Evangeloon sncf Social Sers-: apn'Ocre neos 1,01* nils are baill.'l'lie ce. Dr. Maichnar spoie coacernong, elevaîos of grain 0ft Port Arthur ancf the sbjeci ofl"The Renarriage -"f Fnef William sncf otereepou rhange divorced persos" sncf considerabie the tm n uoor loseer: tOc gondt discusasion folon'ed, but il sens deidcd turseong dosctocf Porage La Prolo- to bcbng la no esoltions ntilthe0ie; Brando Fir; the fields snc ftielda malier as Oea studied sncf dsruss-îi cf sugor bnts orond the boolifl more thoroughly. 1c'lyorcfLtbhridge: tbm ho mounir- Dr. Mutchnor also spohe conceoto- oses loncBritishColumbia aller pos-- ing the need of relief in nany cf tho mc tbr)-ooch tOrfruit1 Ot; oasondo-r- lands ocorsena. He prsentdnccvry falridertu the h-glth odfl00let ùdonc piture of thr vaciool oesaes fud downeuaas 3o.00111fera ,stopping neecfandorelateotheosoys insehirh ao tanley Pa,hVnooveorad lb- the United Chorrh s , ro-oipecot:g og 0,1to 1otll-.lnhrh-to Vrtt-,i seth variooseorthyoagenries oes -c#o s oloor coobo-vgal-ns o grandrse 10 sec lOarelief semarhairecrloon oanol eory lîoc-r thî io,,c reio the mmlt nerdy people. Theopeopl ewold. Thyoo-oonulhby Crcsso-t othe Church aro-rged to givo-nroo-pso anol cane hoo-e hyRir-hog genersuslyoand to e-operoabe n't0îîlore p ajouroeofove" swo aovernmeatnagencie iatrying to pre- milos. A siog ong wosnjopcolan-t vent inflation sncf oonoooiaent disat- oaiooo-iply hch seivecdby thebosrss or. Thios effort selroire oasrol- ___ fioOness, (oatiece sncf love. itpr cls are CIII wlcomI EtuH meizer Churdh NOVEMBER MEETING Marks Its i 15th GARAGE OPERATORS ýiivsr HELD IN MILTON - The Rcombec meeting cf Hailo Loo week-endol IboOno- iiunoteol, Branrh nI the arage Opeentoco As[and Fillcenth Anicecoury of tOc Rh- sciationsasnshelcfin the Odai Feliosn eeotUniteod Churlo wssoeld. On Hall la Milton on Monncfy enening, Suncfnp nooninothIe gacot preuo-loc Novenher 3rd. ils Prci dent Janrosen.s the Roc. Chas. .tollfo of Rock- Waumsley presiding. wsedadathermusicseoîovidoolby Plans more lormulnted for 10e An- 10e Milton IiSgh 5RoOoI i rls double osai Meeting sncf election ofn Oflicecs trio. fa the eveniag, Son. E. CG. Date n'hicO selseiteld inlathe Neios o orapielrothe pulpit sncf he Canmohell- Hall. Villie Mulo-Quartettie randorolthro- The eaiertaianenl portofnithepro- fine selcolloso. Largcgongcegolioun grain nas la the on o hree reels sere preseni ai bthl services. of film shosen hy Mo. Art. Huifoans, On Mondap the Coagrogntional ditrict represeninilces nI the Chaomp- Supper sens hcld. Onoe more. ihorc Ion Spark Plug Co. Thr show' 'onsenas a uarge atlendance. The ladies lighy ecuctionanfvery entertai- ovi ded agencros andidintynmen] Ing. Iancf altec la the evenieg moviag pie- A report on Provincial Couri!]mat-Itarecs eee ealoyed sncf Mr. sncfMos. tees n'as presneed ioy the Provincool C MacArthu o hlpensrd ancf enter- dlrectoo Fcod Snclair. tanaed an aPppociative nodienre. In Tiae ervingf coffendndwfsich- eery respetilwsoanvrry suoresîsi eacnded tOe meeting. , nninecsory. 1Iîa MILI ON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1311, 1947 LEST WE FOI ther soieîans mho had soccedoin aillen conocadesat t h eanua!Re- iCenotaph, last Sunday sttrnon. tare the sereaih hearing party. s ducinge 0e uonding aofthe La.s sembeers of the Legoon anol M'Iio ai attention durong the emov Milton Popul Assessment is tret Lighlîng Dsibulion las bel Adjusnted for Moier Service - Rotary Club geto sefla in Boitter Hallowe7en (elebration- Engineero Reposrt aI Frida> Nigh's Adjourned Meeting A cooî'ol00-rt oig o1of Mlon ow il %;1,. 1. ki 000 on la o o-srning 1lt 1.0,00 or oi,,,oIl F \l,-, , . 0.1.N t 10. kF.',i Looo 1 Iii,n 0Y, orý caondot, JM.,wo ilg, ,,r,- bou.-- It iot o.Nloloor 10.,. .1 .21 ,r .o t on locuros .0týE-- o'l hooco. 119. Nol, th Waol717. SIoth, 'Aorl !7.,. oooohoog a o tlopuîoooolaton,,cfo:-t mll of0 21801 o a-co t lt lh.tmnt- of o. Mre. Poul of te (lb,- y tnta peet Io, olso 0,0 on oli 0 I. o .c ooOu liiloo o-alb iooobll-M.s. le if.000 10 - colo,, I 0005,Ooo-lo t tlo- 0, ni, mho ar.000mlw,,Vs-m,-nt in tecn ,]lin ,aso oas vl.-y mach o,, ooo,,o the, l,-tîollioooa loi- t' r (z--cvin 0Miltoon. loegaveo-a ron p000 dioooeil,,vof theo l sao,ýI o rolybe ho cn. A motoion oas losed autlbooeoivg thr saleof tseo lotsonoaWoodwarod Avenue Io Me. Fred Penny as anap lecuion l,,ol lo-on made -nt tho rosa- l,îo mo-tong. Thprceil-otlOrse 111, ,a^ $100. o-ueO. il ws e oioted Ilout a 00*111* .0 A motioîoonu, îa--el atlooreng cool-I iooolo ýo r I f 11e 1,-c mile foc tie use cf Mo--Wom ingtoscals ngloc A uggf-stooo0.100 mato htt bo- -ofoo olMi ot00ondsot ,1 od arloo,. 13,looc o r o îoî-oElizalo-lhso-l c. g oo-o, No acti oon kn on ti li- rt [ oct iieIl,-- 0.0,t-t lofloto a I logocoho- ostlled in tie v, a 2X,,, tlo- ooti, an 9 lighlsObc emov- -l frono îo-(ý- nI oinlolatlons anolIl to be ioistoll-oi it(- .oortoovard lA motion w0,0 po.loredl O Counilîloro Dob 000iltoIoIcI d andtpoot-oi, 'haot tlh MilloontIlydoFlitriv Coîmmiooooon ne, aoO s rroîmeode-olin tilr ao cep ro Il. WPhl-o (5,000Il oiwsuced tho moOong ofIl ocoont o, bs-ellRotaryyClObOs oI-l, de- fi ny tho Commanty lilolioseeo-n o- ticiloops 0-penscs lfor 0e Clildoon-. îooîcl. Caurol otîîorroted nc--y onoolotOc hanoliing of lOin aflole Oy :0he ciaO. TOeramoant spent on lib lrojcets sreporterd 10 he rvor $1110. aînd Courol decided on n gront nI $55. Acreporti soapeeoentod hy Core sncf Slorre o on lhri r sucvry ofthe sestro- ]y rocO. Tley gave a vocpcombd.l ete r reporct. reoommending 1the ro-îobning of one rulceel ondi sîcigot- Poing sut sainecuovesnni asdrcolg- ne cul the ebonnet belon' Roberet Street. The t otut etimuir of the n'bole twocet n'on $10,3001. Coonili oi.russ-d th!c motto-rad (eoideailot go-t local bires forocoicias the seoc j' RGET l.oseoî righl oho*s Mrs. Ted Diliror presenlise May 10e Provincerof DOtario sîreâlh la Pc piaced on ti cioded are Bruse MarNaIs, lrcdont of the Milon Legion emnhocs ,renth. J. Cose and Eineol cre esis n honor aIofanhoco sof Iheol fomolis Randali, colp rsonfng his seganizalon. Murray i Flou, Mip, nd Mrs.FraohMeNiven 1tri, te .O.D. Lion is 218f1lrag a 1 o te t ou abi au Ii Iuettys1îe oseot njnucaed o me10 g $1 215,, 53 osnNovenhor 15th Ol9 am. Foot-> birocd 10 ho srd Sp ehid- ___________ - o n 10 g n'iî imatch es aseol PROMPT ACTION FRANK WILSON IS o),oIl dih> Ceodage 10 naitOe gareAVERTS SERIOUS BLAZE CHIM N CREANIIf his Maiîn Strot îoopeclp. Tluoisdoip 0F MILTON HOME I'RODUCERS' ,,.Ou,,,gsTooON., eobores rIoooîolsssooc; hlrecnoseoudrae'e bo-ll-ogrageoand barn wlc Promplacionby Mrs. G. E. Goot- llies Aso ;î l a o,,- clios haino;ilIth(- 0000001iofos Homes Asveuor ne Monday as lore robe losibioe IolWolno-lotoogot 010 Markeîht ialtssîîorchelOrlthe tr-. cul on hOockitrhea. ilol0-,nl îloost nigli5 t. ooro R r-.b-fo lomnSu ic -oding 10 lis-cns.Mca. Gond- 1000, h,.,,k Wl,î,nîo osoff olnli. Foot înohn',îo childbudh eea soflenong grense in trie ;oui Ars s-t roock oto il ci-i,t r, 1looglo lro-suro- hosto Orthe Origade 0cm ohes ithbegan 10 blaze. Site IociI l lt ives.5scion lait the 1,rtondior contro i-ilo îomptdlyp toceo tise container in 1he loi, boitol, .oîooî ooi, iuli "- hIzro-l,îî-oo Oocul bom asicnhand toriedcsateren to elinguish ...I.:,, fi -looo. Io.o h l rlods00 .tIlle blaze. As Iho 001er toucOd the noc .ooolsotp l-ý F.Ig-oo,Ilo. 000 it .to. td,1- -l il0uns 001 10e moltn lardotilnshecfigiting the St,,. .oîo,îîî l.,0-sîî,,l.hbi0ldgsoloooiocffo-edthle moi dam- rooluins uand bythe fiie fiemen ar- Lootsalo. o;b,looolI.o -lit oolont-. ,1 otsebuld el. - nord tbelrber loud rotinguoshecf bsell. fin..boph:i~~I~o î.î , fIl ol1Idoolîî iîotOrr, Ocoding Mes,.oocfebiid cscuîod inuy and bo,,,k Aoiooo.t;,, colo o;, lil-Tloo-. ortileo OnO ucos b on 0the Ilpong gease. îioep Ilniii ,uý_bon plaed O Ibro-foot* vloeng folluo- sd c.g. Pr;Inh Wb-'.,.J1,111, C(ooon., igto01llo-ore-sscobicosn te cstore. Ail ChieINWillan Randnlli epiaineai t 'Il Il tto-olIlg oootst- 00,- co -husn -secoblos ellOe suid. fleosondorcontrol n'ilh n'tes fIt of oltrol an ýusifirsonmil. Dr- 'hlol urisptl eoccced hy in- slleeocfuthe foesrpicfy giving ita bn i( wite fatmei ,ssociaii.'rnc - e tat et bOinets, saod or aud-ilfi,11 f"* lfnn vluan lo, l %asthethrd 'u fo te fll- freestonguoshors arc excellent 'n ilnd IlitilIln- and li)- ilwn sl ol Frlpal ngOl. Thev Ocn suhabaz laeodr conbrol. Il ~~ sol-to-ieold ovl . ised-oo iisn oon ire, oethoven docyr iýn( %vicconmn mn, n theend ce Or u, h oboucslo t Mlon Hoigbts.mi od cail irIeonen, the chief udvised. .ifth clo- O,-thoon hetooco. Jtrw-jç aos to 00a grecoss tire _________________________ Wloon in ons eIn o, ixtee --nt10il t lice tscodt-ilod Itonte(Ion Mondoc-. lt-a.,ol mo citO 1 îd2 0.PIONEER DAYS ARE 1 lx- o acîoo erre-oîacooon on onnI'ý.n= i-RECALLEI) AT MEETING aEna.ns Just Ahead 0000 ol15pc 0b f 0epcc -OMAGH INSTITUTE noaena.Moîa.Cn mil olh a 1eictleencenrnIn 1 lteI1 1bt Oof oen Moiot etteaira shaEnU . n, ht Mn'litmer Thlos-cNomheWonoen nfuca iedstcei. o Ohaînait. roneent.n long - ~, toonednemhoclrîî 0cm lroconîuîîofîo'rc îeecoîaeîotîooreîIly ciuluave outshalloera omin-dot iss-contodila thifin, anisi S. olfioi MCarOCrBi taielldu emerls frit, FeathrosenohbTh occoîns bfull -oî,nso-o cr nadýt! ite 10 ise C n rt M n n , D ce o o 2 %oodudsetrouemet theccc ofusentOcs- Iber -soodntcs.a, n gloobfrtst, .0bldto-o Fond. ,Mountain Unio W.mIilmcci St oh- bs eio lsp1-t O- Miss Afin, Turenerrend aoanosila- the home of Mes. Alian Clemenîn, on 000 ootcoo 0oObolOr Is,. l-co-osog arecoot of pioner dvsn onNoovemher 1000 ut 2.30. MRS. 0 ~, NI)ESON GololioîSie erliled beilel OtIa MR-S. C. W. ANDERSON il,>le nneftioeSOto-n Mile Creek HonivlopW. I. ilibuotd uRuciro HOSTESS FOR MEETINGt\; 1 , Osl lot aloak Otslavs toOak-1and Ioano-o utHoonby Oranog Hallon 1 lO.D.E. CHAI0rER vlle. AIno o ht 000db s ncf Porti1Monday o0 - ossoho17110 ni 2.30 -(0,-ed0,t r nts ooe pariîpdoopo.ver *y s5obnooo 25c. Ladies ecosooe. Mos C. W. Anderscot ooon,,ChateS!, ,p l0finil, osllooInlJ'artorcodrthleic %%;Il llooNlo. boti)Iheî-Noove-nolr mnto-o-grak-c onIog dbol nces 1On rs 1,o lono o 0oonil im eetobled"Thoe Peodigai ootoleclOoolillooglOomu Its bsoe l.,S Ofopnoc ig heo 1611 lsoI-cooooos ooo-ol-cflor Oomceloî.olbo-oýl litbriote %V- feom Meaodto 0SI.0plouln 1coitod Clourclo Publie A svonollo-osiIro %ls o)hs(-rveçt c tri obefoîîîllîo i torcrur groelococoos 000 iîîl-ooorîo'IfMe.".000r,c ,ýAodco-so , l l-> 1,o-relOdltlhome(nl!., brick. it,, nsoooobo- at, oic-ilb.s, Ilîo Th-- ebomollo. --Maohng ahomeos o0f Stuiobo iaI and e-Tghe ool.ooio.r-t00l000losltoot..IorîofîocboIooos-ltcsbotdirucehrM.o0 ioPsoflKnox ChueoisciliOoldoa rhaloui-c o oibobos fo in-l.11911. dtl-.A hon bom oicf sand for pro- joint lea in0 the Snnday Scîcool coon. *00r Empireo Sladp 10th oVieo-%v'snlo-'Iconood affe-ctioon and locovide dom- Salurcfuyolterneon, Novomher Sil. "A Conoolon looks nt lndio", an Ot- fot lotI opmpathI- foc' ibsinmialdo Home louing ond cari uns articleas wili ch c oritten hbcf W. Wyont. Miss The Social Welfo s.ecrncoonor. Mrsnbhon000salo-. - Anne rucklolt WoasIO tbruing pono Ciolgrive o1oparler-on eing-Gond 2- Noigboiooo, oeeeolv IntIoone ne-s- A hos-ar oaind swlîl eho-Id ai a Articles -s- oerelroicoolfoc the o-x-comors in 00e nidst lt-on loroiga Bethe]l Unitedi Chueo-h andee lire sus- foi'l.letino nol Meo G. E. God-lands- Bv sowoingleiecflincnsn-w, piceoof W.A. on Nvember20tl0îsot ebildl nilb ho oponlbofor Ohe0bvxhb-lb lora lb liho thssic non'bhome aid 2 ocloch. Soie ofl hohiag. necing. 10sho sent lanl3ocom.nhst Tho- Pont bloengondcfitocnsnof Cannada. scgotalloanduher articles.Guena War eonco-nor, Miss Mollut, esooed seue Mra. Shace. ,ren and liniter] articles nont Isr ON AGH cloting for Britain, sncf menhirsarsec Luies' Aid nI St. Daviain ChurcO ocqustto b cen sncfhit 1or lOis Mony fron t his distelet sttended CnmpOoilviie, are holding u banner eocîhyroauso, 1the need la urgent. Gocai 00e pcîecossonnly 0the Masno-p Wednesdnay, Novemher aStis. Bale oI uscd rioîîing wsnsîo >sont foo PolbnO iHarris Conuany in tire Milton Higis aprotas. nitins,hosmo- baing antd roi Sehosol on Mondny eoenoag. Tho-se pic- mismolanreous articoles. Bazsar n'ill tulennshon'o-cthomnnon'nnlohiaes openuat3 o00locO Afteraoon Teumîilî îosodured hy liseir cumpanynp atOchee evedîorom 3 o 7 .m. seooOmenddnindnhoî cnhoedone oneohondrecfoo-orsofIbusiness. oon-a lOis pene seul ho ccrocol oui. fron Autralin, -Alelen. Europo-,110e Mnplle do-nf and Get-Tsgctlsor A coirsofolarticlesniosisinting the 13icioh sOIles, U.S.A., sncf ail sconsa Groupa of lKaox COurc nill baldai iizens of Milton n'ith the vote 10 ho Conodu denonntrtcnl toe uses of joint bs osn 00e Sundsy ScOool oorn. luOeon laDlreomberios the so-oage theso- lohor onving maohino-s onaid e rSnlssdny altero-rass. vemhor 111h. questi n nas gone io hy Counard. onptohilty tro-no-O counntry. Plame hahing and varlousaurtic-le., wmut o iThese articles areoIn appean alte Mrn. John Evnns violted Irieads n n hoon noie. Opporlunlty 0b la i- I isauta nf the Cunudion Champion usaltOmaglo lOins eech sncfdIcla inMiton obodine nons over-ooats, Igoodl sncf :elpecton Ooy, Deveonlooeo. asogurcla of Miss M. Poeoeh HOdesblckcoat ie4, 2- Ten Home-Print Pagea-Five Cents Trafalgar Concil Appoints Offices for Municipal Elections Township Records are Sent fo Par- limnent Buildings for Safe Keepang TrflgrCore! etminceguiar 10am.aa al ; member es e TeRond Superiniendeni's voucheor o. 1Oamouning 10 $1086325 was passed for paynenl andf the olale- oentof accouais samoulaiing tra *1276 '25 sere ordored oaid. Coan eil approved tire added cool of Si1,0450 for hoii-dozing gravel lis ihe Towsnship pi for 1he 10,. yards lr d for the Tow-nship Ronds. A motion aalhocaed that J. id. VAlo acoosheep naisator, be paid $4.00fr each inspetion in riae of 1- anccme raie of $300 pcr inspect- opausmileage. Cooaci aaihorized the Road Saper- icoicodeat 10 pal the Road Manlainer la tomahe o roadsnay inia lenorchy Sehool S. S. No. ?d. iyoi Gowandwith î .Theclcerk n'as inoircced 10 deliver yecor ah Co Inn - 1ih idTwsiReos teDp.f se Bacaoih tae- cid o dshonRec r10fci Doa. aIe Fayoainhseiho Fulîr ecorudngaTrivesaifoh FayCie lay a s arlkfian aliao aono for iia saloCoe niag.oe passumte Dae. foss Mii CouK. nci apr ofdpans sfuLoti1ed Con. 2 SD.S. A loy-lacs nas inlrodaced and parsa- 11(1 'li I d appoinling depuiy retarning ottie- cen and oli clocha and naming places iO .sroyec 'or holding municipal eleciions far " " 1947.

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