rHURSDAY, SEPTEMBERE 11h, 1947 Miss Moiiy MDuffee ni Winnipeg visitai mtiith em moter, Mc. A. Mc- Dufees it wmesi. Miss Berta Barton nf Kitehener, Vlitsd mt ber prents, M. and Mro. A . Brton inst meuh. Mr. and Mes. Frankt Crumiard bacs ilîletbain,-me itler opending titeir lieidaîs iii Motreal, Qîîebec and Dt- Mtc. and Mes. Jacit Charlton and taiiy leil thia mesit toc Powebl River, B.C., mitere tsey iiil aitsup reni- dsncs, Ronald Armstrong vlslled mt is parents, M. and Mra, Adama Ai- slmong over tse weei-end atlrspsnd- Dog seneral mests in Whltemoult, Man. Mesdames George Dawaon, F. Me- Mivns C. K. Stevenson and F. Dewar mecs guessoifte presîdenl andofn- lciala niftse Canadian Naional Ex- hbitiion lmi Wednesday 10 s lunciteolo lante Women's Building, CNE., Toc- onto. Dr. Chinitols, ami ber sistor, Mms. Mateus. historias, utfGsitvills, spent zn ailornoon ai the home ni Me. and Mes. A. G. McNnititrvconiiy. Mes. Maihema ila compiling a ibooiton te biatomy of Hallos anid ndeanoing la secuce laformation ni bialorical nalue mt dates. KNOX PRESYTERIAN Mlaltr-Rov. a. J. Pho SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER ldth. 1947 10.00 ar..Senior S. S. 1100 o.m.-Junior S. S. and Divise Worn1ip. Baptismnal Sunday. S.bject "A 1i111e eiîd shah l lod 7.00 p.. Divine Worship. Subject *Gnd and a new puepose.' The "Coronation Group mwlii meet t the home of Mrs. G. H. Dawson, Tuenday, Sepiember 101h et 8.00 p.m. A Welcome Awaits You ai Knonx ST. PAUL'S UNITE CHURCH MhsItr-.s. Gorden W. Poster K.A, B.D. SUNDAY, SEP'rEMBER 141h, 1947 10.00 a.m.-Citurch Sehool. 11.00 a.m. ýMorning Worobip and Holy Communion. 7.00 pi..People we should knoon. 121 A mas peuple losghed ai. Fri., Sept. 121h ai 8 p.m.-Proqoacaiury Service. Tues.. Sept. 101h, 8.15 p.m. The Mr. and Mrs. Club wili hoîd a cn roun ai lthe home ni M. and Mms. Ted Jessinsa. Mosday, Sept. 151h,' 8 p.m. The ai- fiebllhoard wiii meet in the Sus- day Soitool ronm. Sun.. Sept. 2smO il a.m.-Rally Day. S p.m..-Great Service of Wllness. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Pheasant Hunt Is Opposed By Esquesing Council Special Meeting HeId Assgst 131h to View Gravei Pit and Dans. aged Bridge At te reculur meeting oS Esilues. ,,,g 'raunship Conseil itelS on -rues- day enenisg. Sepiember 2nd, ltse fol- iowing aseonnlaers passsd for pay- ment. Thes Municipab Wurid, auppies, $9.25; Ssii Toisphons Ca.,srvices, $4.40; Depsernent ni ealt, insuin, 16c; Province ni Saskitchewan, chitiy annaunt, $20.00; Atan Faim Board and Eaquesing Agrsiturai Soclelles, $75.00 sait; Maton Agi- uliaral Society, $25.00; Norvai Jun- or Fermera, Geais Club, $2500; A. W. Bsnlon, ulamps, $7.00; Canadies Denoral Insurance Company, bond, $5-on. Rliefisiaccnunts tom $41.60 pcesented ty te celle! nfibier, anSronad espenol- lacres prenenled ity lite mad aapei- tendent toc $3.297.50 mece alun paon- mi foc payrsent. The treasumermas ntrsclod 10 p5y te ioltomîng shsep laimo, J. C. Murray, 1 omo billeS, 1 Ismit iilinS, $25.00; 1 lami t tat hadt ts beilleS, $15.00; 1 lamit injureS, $15.00; A. N. Starkt, valuaine, $1.0.* Il mas dSondeS ibsI C. G. Riddeiilie Desais ai Cralîa rccstly lrcaitu- A Cordial Wstcoms 10 AilS aid$00-00fo vighsculn1 sd: Mc. and Mcs. R. S. Duncan, Mr. _________________ quipmesi icomoine55pi 0tltsalter, Stewart Duncan, M. and Mrs. B. B. nd it ai be recins 60 cents iler yard SMely, Mrs. ChalessBooth,. Mcs. Stn- GIIACE ANGLICAN C1IURCH cfor supplylsg asd ccasblsg gravel ley Clarkt, Mc. F. E. L. George, Mc. TosP*V ORAl' KAKINS, Rter uni mileage cale as per cosîrcet and Mes. F. . Lawsonn Miss Docoihy SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14ih, 1947 Couscil agreed te oppnse a pits- Melituisit, Mrs. E. W. Morgan, Miss os hast in te tonship ni Esquessng G. S. SKerr, Toronto; Mr. W.R. ig 8.00 a.m.-Holy Comsmunion. lantse ysar 1847. A leliec icoin W, bains. Ingersonl; Miss Margrsi Milci,- 10.00 s.m.--Sunday Scitool. 0. Bromnrlage mas tlled. ehl, Mms. C. Anderson, Regina, Ssit., 11.00 ar..-Moening Frayer. Tt eaîein ihaswi MisJ cbiMes. Thos. Allen, 7.00 pin.--Evening Prayer. kv petilllnned focrterosid gran ons Mms. Jobs Glmour. Miss Anna Gil- Wedersday, Junior W.A. 4 p.m. 929,656.81. mour, Campitellville; Mrs. Elizabeth1 Junir Choir Peoctice-7 p.m. By-tuw o'N. 16-47 te assesu te Leilcit. On Sound; Mes. John G. Tbnrsday Senior Choie Pratiies - 8 School Sections. Unios Scitool Ssci- Moody. Brenînmd, Cal., Dr. andloMes, p.m. i ons, Towshvip Scitsnl Area Ns. t White, Miss MarionsWhite, Me. and Fiday, irls W.A.--7.300 ;.m. ind Chingsscnnsy West Sehool Area Mes. W. arris, Hamilton; Mes. Athur f_________________ or 1947 mos cead te eqsired nsm- Jnsepb. Soaeramento, Cal., Mes. Rolis DIn ~ i iis odps.d ylwN, H. Moody. Sincton. Cal., Mes Dissani B IT HRH 17.47 t0 geoni permission it occnw Chisholon. Srneissille; Mms. F. Gr iAnTar-R. DEVRS moîii9 mounoing e 0,000.00 10 Baylay, Sirecîssille; Mes. E. Cstiîs, li"t F 511db l mcci tbe ecrent c..sîenditure nf the Grand Rapids, Mici.; Mes. Beveley Inth ____ ' Bidig toswnshiploess possed. Me.ahBoeMe C E.Mopr. D oSnilc)SUNDAY. SEVrPEMBER iIih. 1947 Ail incmbecs scere pesent oa i tis. Mr. nd Ms. . E.Hoppr, akvilemiecting and Reeve (o. E. Cceav tre- Marilyn Beadley,.Mr. and Mes. Thos. 10,00 s.m. iSundsy Sebool. oîsded. Conseil le, scitedutcd 10 meel Bradley. Me. JE. Whiislncit Mr.j. 11.00 a. .-Mrning Wossip snd Mly onsnDshr0 Wbiielocb, Milton; Miss Thelosa Tap- Cosmsnion. gatn on oe eeig 6. do Wd toc. Me. and Mes. Des. W. MeCullougit, 7.00 îî m.-EvangeliteSIni. n ay rnino, Aeetngusi 11on e. BemtoMs. Joonsir Bradley, Allas Fiday. Sestembher 12 ai7.30-Bible Felloons, assistnt t ite District Parkt; ie. and Mes. H. Kaye. Feneloni ,Study ai flic iomo af Me. iand Municipal Enginer, weni mt cons- Faits; MissRtel Mie, Miss Roiina o Mes, G.Illaselielt. i ici Lot .2, Concession 11, 1e oitý Stewart. Gselpb; Me. and Mes. J. L. 1'ocnedop. Si-pem1her 15 at 8.00-Col- cs.. o bridge damagd ity flnnd, tes Marris, Dundas: Mr. and Mes.IP., toge peuper meeting si t'le home lothbegconel loit 51 Limeitnsseteas Keesey. Mr. and Mes. C. S. Dicit, Me. , ot Mr. J. Msunioin. tha c,nditiin-. snder miic thlie con- and Mes. Wold, Geogeown;,lMes. G. Wenlesdsy. Selti-mier 10 ai 2.00 Pî..' mii se ss cusohing grandl, iefore Kennedy, oiliy; Milton Rotary, Women's Misisnucy Crcle nt 0.iniog t , ..,ncii cbsmhecs. Cnnnicil Cluit.Iie hume ut ofMes,. .isselieli. ogcc-i i iiipuy C.* G. idll 10 cents[ Al AreeWelcoine lie yardenlcnliforgrnei crnsied si-' toc Angusit It. - And Ye Shah Know tse Tratand tse TrathtShahMake YuFrss-Jno. 8: 32 'muo-rr.int TEaCIHUssata OFs CRI <STinuà . «NT. DRUMQUUN Msny trom Dola district atieuoded the Exhibition and report a wondsrtsil show, ail miili e lookisg tocward os tse big talc InMilton onslte 2elh and 231h. Mms. MeDougail of Dakvifle, au- compasied liy s frlsnd tom Tomonts, speot te week-end wlth te tocmes parens, Mr. and Mca, Mecmy, bers. Mr. snd Mca. Gordon Lvingston of Toronto, ore spendisg titeir holldays ni the home oftihe laliecus parento, Mr. and Ms. lRoss Lumeu and also ai lte tormero parenSai home sear Guelpht. Mc. Gsodwln and son are itssy maklsg pcspacallos toc their sew home, whictielty hope Do, have undec consatructionbl te er fture. Miss Marris ot Conkavitte, itas liesn eseagsd toc S.S. No. 9 Scitoot. Recent oproperlies chasglng onsr- ship ace:theitsCross propscly wmItte bas lies itouglit liy eToronto mas, mito la maklsg mssy changes on Il, as ltseClton pcspsrty, liosaglit y Mc. Morsy ot OakvIlse, wlio hold aa posiion ai tse CBL tower, Mornity. PAGE rIfl Me. and Mrs. Haeold . Cace, 137 Sî'NDAY, SE.:l'TEMBEiI 141h. 1947 Mr. uand Mes. E,'.HanIer iii Detroit ______ Gillard Ave.Toronnto, annnnnce an10.00 a.m.- Ssnduy Scitoni spront la.sisei-b nitMes . Hunier eýngagement of titeir snly dsngitter,100 flai..Woesh1qi Senvice. and Mr. ond Mes. A.Hunier. ~ MMMUUU.UU.UMMUUUUUUMMUMMUMMMM Margaret Kolhleén I Koyî te, John !M.adMs .Ieteigo n' FalnsFod Toono edei onnf, Cm Nom ad ]etIlsReason T0 iinMs.ietigaad gelbeSat Jeioait-Isasat 1: la. 'oin Gcegory oi telcdo',; Mr. oand Me. atnd Mrs. Clarerîce A. Ford, Mil- _______ _N.__ Viin of esi ions; Mr. C ton. Wcddisg ta tube place Sopicin-, Hunieransd Mis. J. Hunoec; Me. and M ber 2010 ni 3 onelockits he Anglican 1PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS il 01,M : ilTb-ol. n ..-,e Chuecitofai Ntisilp. MonarccitPart, CHURCH ilfii handay nltb Mr. ansi Mes. T., Tos«W.RE. M. WOODS, 5'aasor î,aîitcnîîî, . à ______________ GOrdoonIServions -lniasimcmstrî iHelo s IG.G.F Ma int Wîîleesdoay -ening aItte hmîie, OMAGH WlI. TO CATER Si NDAY, SE1IIIEMBEII 141h 1947 oit Mr.ond Mes. J. Gailbraith is bonor 1 FOR LUNCH AT 1 .0) am. -Ssnîay Sebseil and Bible JacIMisMiln iolhcuai nnd MeIR HALTON PLOWING MATCH Clos, lacbiniteiiniiis mrcclu on a.ura 111.00a.m.- Mocnng Worship. ho 1îiiMr. ')CH.cen net aie-a, The Seplemlir meeting af Gmogb 7.00ii im. Eeaîîgclîsfîe Sre. ioîro 'iepcom cn I lîdn W. I.nwasbculutlicbmi-sMfs.iilrs.iay J.i.m MS aasigsn ada 0. Dsens, wtsiuioi-n ladlies poi's. îiL hî. inM.lMsMarntisii nanilaoin yMb.T cnt. Mes.W. Boyley ipisieled. i Man St. MocInn da l'ir o oupe ePc.T. Il oa'.decîdeol tai Gmngi W 1.Tiirs. 0.10 lIn . Y...oi mcct D iilsd tepongcai re Inl catr fr he ori lnchat heHal, n lb,. honi of Mrs.Slieeciait anp olss an uin sefusîgiftn AilecliUfrhro lk Mte sd omk" fyugo a eateiaiitnoslnnitutbeinl< Min Sleil. Mro nid Jack espcesesd tîioc* Weitascl hnlleslaod bsleqipotslsltm isaîtesdaaa&900Cs55 ion Cnunty Plssing Matcit being bcld 1 VIYDD E.C M isislucrovscedM nes. You'11 be suse of ellies. uses, presssýss needo becs. cnGctobcne3bson the frm aif MrcMi îlicin îîînneîî. isleclineii Chaen urisunl acomîlci o 1SUNDAY, .Sp;-l'lMBFP,7b17E Chac eavsnd aclusfolie oMs.1.._1947__________ îionit tnllip home fo~ I chage asnarer asfolow: rý. Mss aron Calbcaith willi satîesonal ICAN SEALERS T. Colitecit. Mes. D. 1,la s, o.Mci. W. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ andl hutlîeîîom sli.ower. Many lonels 11111 Bootit, Mes. (j. Dioglas unit Mes. C. guIts a ci eiisii A danlunchs M Seul can-. pcrieoilp mit t tiis effigient devîsce. Buil foc j 1aris 1 PRINCESS oassi-ie-d y lbhelianiessiware The commice in chaege aofte Faimer ol-y t arte. Foie eshihit icyseled 1h01 ait articles IH A more ceady. Aranuements mfolbthei THEATRE hoouac to heiebld on Dtsher 25 mece _________ . I,,,a. made and csnnenscslmediforitho R)YSTRA e.aîgniîîllîrîlsîi . varions bhsoihs. A ieotital cib quill, MD Y -STR A made ity Mes. Preston and hiem sister, Sptrmbser th and 1t pchithheîî..îeî icUnited Cîîucch sen\t u ~ 0 H PE Mes. Cunninghamn, mas displayed. Mus. "BLONDIES' LUCKY DAY' Sunniay mirining. cv Nindal-ups odcope.Est ilr K. Watson gave a rug mahing demîîn- Mis Vlmîî Norris aIl, nded the* ...'Ci Hvlptncnb.îcscfodhperRu aop.- M strstisn and Mes. K. MeDongali tan- 'THATv TEXAS JAMBOREE' i;seiiiitAr, oeînvention niiltneVin- utc Compîleeiih 3 itren steel kninms. orcol mîiw it uoneus reading. A Ken Curtis tefD D55on iouno Insoitute un lhucsday and Fmi : $49 25 prize for te iesi dining conin table Crtoon- Slnpidsiliosocat. sony l-Ird ai the O.A.C. os leleguis 14.9 itouqunetmus mon ity Mes. K. Watsnn. Seial- No. 2. ieîîm MounluantUnion Institute. ZIÙRIG 5eMz Thte roli ralmas ansmorcd ty "My 'SaRASHER DOIBLO)ON" Mr. and Mes. Buculge Cunity and M, ZN INS 3cdz favoritesalad. A mlscllneosnsaie Possîmned Mr. uand Mes. Memvyn Conlson areM sens esnducied ity Mrs. K. MeDogali. _______ cending o 1ew Osys in Nocîheen n l- 0 JELLY JARS 60c doz. Ater te meeting closed. lunch mas tro serveol andl a social hali-itîîn injoyel. MONDAI' ad TIJESDAY 'Te W.M.S. and W.A. nf the Unted ________________ "HIGB BARBAREE" Clîecit miii meet on Wednesday a[- M PRESERVING JARS mi cono. a M M1 June Allyson Van Johnoson ueoseil odZmmma Ps Quarts $1.15 doz. Featuret Dineunsltse îtoralchargeithaveotended anlInvita-*Pit 9do E it l ion iti en. A. G. Peninan sf Londees- 1 P. inli Aittti Qis haoo 1biecome palor ni -te citacga COLD PACK CANNER LREPESRIG rîESsîn 000505 n.î no '40"i.t Tom Haines - -effective Nov. lst. 1947. Mr. Pennan:misKE'ffLES $298 .t. nd.,u.lfi..., qni'e PLASTER AND BRICK. COMsING lins asceeîilte Iniation nubject ln M Heavy specitisd eaumet cnnied -nsHas.1dlh piýt f.-a SAND, CEMENT & ROAD Srptesaksr ltitnd mhte ionofteee. met o- etteJr ac itif otbad GRVL OM&C55 CLFRI" Thte Furin Forumn itrd a nocal en- qnari jarso............... 2.5 GRAVE4LOOM &CESS- CALIFONIA" cng (isMondny i Limesse a citool.$1 95 POOL STONE Ray Mlland, Barbtara Slanwyck ni McDoga.ayaiMnRut -Sitomp Howard-"Whecs ltse Croober ni Toronto more Sundoy M Phone i11 3r22 PstBeEnW uetswih r.an Ms.WarIU Pool0, Begino caooonla mutta MIsand" RMes. M.auMcîcel Bo 0,Gogeon CatnnMdiatsIsad iaita.Serial No. 3 Mc. and Mm. Homard Conîson and ru..u . Ac O M PLETE HARDWAR SERVIC GLEN WILLIAMS Mr. and Mms. Thtomas Ramsbam opent lte week-end In Mland and Ortlii. AA U V ~ E U IE ~ A 'I N OWVwe can offer you a Complete Floor Service From New Floors t0 a Cîeaning Service For the OId MASTIC AND) RUBBER TILE. FLOORS FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING LINOLEUM - INLAID & BA¶'fLESIIIP CLEANING - WAXING - POLISHING Latest samples of mastic and rubiter lte have just ac- rived. We wiII be glad to cati on you 10 exhibil these. Ali Estimates Free. Agents for Kents Tile and Marbîe Co., Hamnilton Clement and Mountain 426w - PHONES - 436w Norrington &Cannon Con fectionery - ce Cream- Gif t Shop PHIONE 14 MIL TON 1.