PAGE EIGHT lid. irtBleiMarhWe. sud llutb. ______________ . , 1 thrd cttri.easasithooS charge h. Meooriam .ts soOo suo .d 0no addlitimal for portire. Cad. - i Tftb.p.k.tru Annie Or"aer, are happy ta an- JAE H. IN nc6unce the birth oftIheir daughter. Jsmeo H. Wnns, nteras o Worîd Lois An, ueday, Auguot 3rd, 1947. Wsr 1 i. d ln Wetmnster Hospi. DAWSON-At the Charlotte Eleanor London, on Tueaday, July 29th, In is Inglehaot Hosptal, Petrolia, Ontar- 501h year- l, on Wednesday, July 23rd, 1947, Born ln Hamilton, Mr. Winn moved te Mr. aud Hra. Ernest A. Dason, lu Hilton wtb his family whero ho aite fsotr or o l Aney 5WO ns employod asu ashoomakor 1n bis siolr tc Hoby.unoes 0h00 tsolory. In is youoger Ife tho tondsan sctive prt sin he DIED sp.îosonf helvnn,hoîina momhor MARSHALL-At the homo of hrr o the bisous Hilton Fre Brigade daughtor. Bro. Shldon Trousdslo, running tois. Aller leaving Hilton R. R. 1 Pusllnch. on Hosday, Aur: ho mnoved te Toronto, wbere ho loinod utl. lîlb, 1947, Mary Scot, wldonv the 481b Hghlanders. Ho ssw active of the laie John Marsball, ln ber service during the entîre World War 9Mbh year. 1. Ho waa takos prsoner o war and PEDDIE-Stsddenly ln Hilton on liat- servod 29 months ln a Germain prison urday, Auguol 9t, 1947. Peter Ped- camp. On belag released altor tbe de, bloved buoband oI Marion Armistice was slgned, e retsrned te Toler and tather o Maron and Canada. and made is home Is GaI. Eennoth t home; Toler of Pen- bold, Albrs and Isbella (Mr. From thore ho wont to Detroit, whero Manloy Densor ofo Georgetowen, hoe mas eonployod mth tbe Generul ln blo 67th yoar. Baine Co. for 28 poars. Owlng te MCCALLU-In Milton os Wednes- 111 healtb ho rtlred. day, Augut 131h, 1947, John Fn- Ho beaves le mourn is loslis lay HcCalium, deputy-iheriff o nite. Mrs. Emily Amella Winn, and Haton County, beloved hssband ofl Ix rhildren, ail reiding ln the U.S.A.; Ruby . Kerr ln is 651h year. alun seven brothero, WIl. of Brandon, Rsting ai bis laIe residenco. Sarah Han; Art and Dr. N. D. Wlnn of Street, Milon rom Frlday noon. ler- Trno bo ony n. ico aturday, Aurot 16 aI 2.30 p.m.Tost; Eb olRdeO. Intorment Evergreos Cemetory, Mi- Campbell. ut CamphellvillIo; George of* ton. Gat and Robert of Pembroke. PATTERSON -bInGueph Geseral Funeral service wasu bld aI arris Hospital Honday, Augusî 111h. 1947, and liinner Funeral Home, Landes, Siarabh aida Pattocoui, daughler Ont., os Friday. Augut let. Inter. of tho laIe Johin and Mary Patter- ment ln Woodlsmn Cametery. The son, ln lier 951h par. service was conductod hy the RSon Restlng ai the home of ber Anglican ciergy ln World Mr. Archie Ring. Hornby. ServceetaI WarI Thne palîbearors woro World Horinhy Preabyterlan Caurch on aIverns Thursday, August 141h ai 2.30. In-WaIvoras torment adjoining cemetery. PETER PEDDIE CARDS 0F THANKS A lite-long resident of Enquesing passed awsy uddenlyiynsMilton,.en Mr. aind Mos. J. Sieilds and tamiiy Satorday allernoan, August th Ire> wilsb le thanb trir many triendo andi a bourt attavb, ln the person ot Mr. relatives for tbe cardu. floers. fruit Peter Poddle. and indinenuos eceiveni by Jeas dur- Mr. Peddle uas on is woy teatlb ing ber recent Ilines. bal rame. beiisr aimapu intereslod in sports, mben theo fatali ozrO struok hlm. - revilUes - Bore sn Esqoesisg on the lors u'hicb heowoneni. ho mao the son oettIl - >0>0 Peter Peddie and Hory Ooo'no -The Ex ropons net moob os Fr1- Poddio Hoebon attenden i Lgny Sohoos day, Augut 22nd. aed uas a membor of the Preshyter- -Lahor Day iuuttwo100 ns'eourom ion Churoh. Ho ms s rchairman Monday. cof Eaouesng iscLeral Associtionsaor PunI Prenîdeet of Haitnn Pleuchme -Too yeors aco to-day the mue ýAssoiatioîn. M. Peddie wmo n te ended with the surrender o the Japo. 67th y>'caod ao highly estovmed hy .11. Tho moey hoeautilul flournde -Suracnt is now eint dune 0on very lsrgely atnded tunorol leti the Base Uàne ond this much toaveiiod ied te hris otcem le Iis community, aoad in,4roved. Ho i s survive] hy is ile, the -The comot footing is eint pour- former Hoococet Teiter: two sons ed on Wllrod Croziro newhbiig R Snneth ai borne and Toler ot Pc>- on Main Street. hlnd, At.: toso daughteos. Mrion n homoeand n. Mos.Hoey Densmote -Hilton Far is this year on Sep- isool) Gerogeowuno and Irer groin>- tomber 6tlbansi 271, juI six eebo ,hildr. Altose o n ster Mo.sJ trom to-morow. ICoulson (Mry). Angus: Imo hother 1 R. A. Peddie. Toronto aol John Pr>- -Loos raiimay fres sre anooueoed 1de, Brondon. Hon. for the C.N.E. mhich opens a oeek Tcfnea a rnutd yRv lrom tomoroea in Toronto. IE J. Phinn ot Knox Chuooh. Hilton -Romombering ltes iter anoe us:ted hy Nov. Gordon A. Peniilof taon in the mulet o this summor me lWoîhertoe.a epew lind tom osho pino for osy oid-lashion.1 The pallheorernmore Menton. T oni eather. Chishoice. F. Chimhetm. J. ElliottI . ___________ Hume. E. Haorop. C. Roberton imt the nephews ao, flouer hearero. In- County Roads Get [bmettei place ln Evoogreen Cern. Second Place to i eyMltn Higliway Contraets SAFETHTOTHE TEACH White Couty roads hune boon ai- With Ontero's nmulorer publie lih iosed te deteolorate. County equip- comiegIr oroîingly sfolyoconscouu ceont has n oe prmîttoni te rontrse> sohoois of dovier are sonu heinî toc indviduai jobs in re-surfucing in te play o usful prtis maing osi ctheo centres. A couple of seebs sreet andi hichwaynsmaler for driver ago the ropair equpmont mas taben anotd pedonstriane and chiiren at pay ot the job and removed lu George- Undor onmpetent i nstruor, hogin town shere a strip of roasi mas e- neruoare laurbi hem to opeoute thel surlaced en Number Seven Hlgbsay.- crce blituly. and sith due regard t Repairig liadt been cntinuisg on the tralliecleà and saloly esuiremnts lime Lino up until Iis ime and Ib Etoemeanernousnssuand etrený remainisg portion o road mu ln suris ovrconidenre are commun causeso boad condiion molorits snd touchers teali accidents, according t0 Olg oece onable te travel ai a geater prolessional drlvlng sebool. In tIl peod Iban tmonty celes an heur, une instance, lessonu are dosîgnenit The tour Townships, mieb are nul remeve the tens. attitude ot the pupi sue etlcientiy quippon i mth machin- se thal bin rfliexes wmlii hoequal t ery have bren beeping their roadas an rmeogescy: in the ther, the acion excelent conditioin Iis year. Al iniss on poolodie checb-upo on Ilq their woeb is sperviaod hy a sper. pupil mbo "bnomo il al." Intendent whli the Cosnty wlb oan Ose et the Toroto driving schoot rngineer and havy eeuipmet have reports thal about the samo numhe heen unabte te cope sltb the oituai- nI men and wmrns abo the cour& Ion, but-tomer wmrns luta pamerth Cancreto thoroughiare and mace- roqulred lest toc oblaliing drive>' dam shouidoro os bunb the Seentb trcesse. Net only aro thoy aa apta LIse bobo Hocehy and the porion of the mon ai larsing the lundameintai the Second lino fronm Palerme south ot drIvling but lboy remember bette have become cbsppy te the exteint thal hl lbey are bold, an lstructor sas pot hoes appear ln many sections. Ho poinîrdl ouI thal mot popils ar Is ar inerview nith George Cleane, servoas mhen tahing the teut an, ebairman of the Conty RoosiCom- Ihat une of is probtemo mwaa te g mittee, his remarbo rouid ho sumrned lbor nte a more relaxer] trameo sp ln, "Well, lhey botp us eut," (the mlsd. Ho beliovos ha1 "a prupe dopartmoint of Higbmoysl. noledre andi constaint observancec Anditionai boavy equlpmenl prch- trattie colos and a prîr oaed hy theo osuty lrom yoar 10 y050, roquisite fr sale delving." ii scrien place thom ln a poition Another leoading lnstructor lbouah shoro they iiiho able lu constroot thal the expernced driver mbe ha Ihir oms bord surlored roodsays. eceme tou confideint et bIs shlity z Sbould they continue te permt thîr a potontiol menare on the ithosa enginooo tlocontosot toc orb in other municlpalities and do re-surlaoing for Il you bcep hillîso the ssii on th othors, l mili ho many years betnor lesd l brhéros a oeepoint. county ronds are such as the tanîpoy-- eros conho prouni of. SAFETV tIN ELEOTRICl STORM Holiday aimminr and baîhing cas j'Te sommer sesson in Ostor ho made saler, andi Ibrelure moe bringo mnany elecîrlo siermas ln mhc onjopabto, Il mone common-sensue the tierce brillianceofettheo ightni cubas are oloed. For Intance, and rovocherallons of thunder linte autheritiossugt thal poopie sbould cîing te peope mhu are nrvi sol battre i seciuded spot, wsere Il concernisg Auch diaplap. Itlslacer as accident occureni. thoro mosid ho lrtable ta loace tram actul sate sano aIethand lu condr aid. Theo loi that the lîbelIhooni of dealb rmedial people say me aold sot ightsIsr la fairly remgte. Ose ithe shes ovr-ired. and of course ýmueh more libeiy 10 have a fat satfa* t at Aan heur aller a mos. 1oscouter ilhi a mtai car. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, AUGUST 141h, 1941 AUGUST MEETNG 0F EBENEZER W.M.S;., W.A. AT MRS. C. PICEffiS The Augut meeting of the Sfbosn- r Womensu Misiosacy Society' aind Women'a Asiociatios met at (ho homeofutMoi. C. Pichett mith 16 mom bra present and Moi. A. Diamosd ln the chair. The cripture loson mai eead by Mo. Sposce. Mr. E. Easterbobk gave a readlng un Dr. Agnema muorb en the misieon field. Moi. A. Diannd coud se Item on snise of the morb of (le Bile Society. Mrs. J. RsIer- hrooh brouglit 10 the ootice of the Society the deth ut Miss Laing, a missoesry frein the Eh onoor con- grogation. The roll ral mas anssoer- ed mth a verse trom the bible cen- tsinlng the mord 'please.', The meeting thon mss turaod avec 10 the Women's Association mth Mes. IL. Wilsnin the chair. The roll cati mss ansserod by paylng the tees toc the mnontb and afttr seme Items of business mere attesdod ta, a social ime mas spent seoso. PlceoN pro- vlded a lovely uncb. NOTICEJO HYDRO CONSUMERS ... POWER WILL BE OFF Sun. Morning Aug. 17 f rom 2 ta 3 a.on DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BI&SELL TRACTOR DRAG SPRING-TOO'rH HARROWS jLAND) PACKERS CHOPPERS POTATO DIGGER ALLi.S-CHALMERS TRACTOR (HEL ENSILAG.E CUITTER Sft. COCKSHUTT TRACTOR BINDER RIIBBER-TIREJ) WAG.ONS -IORSI!RE SYSTEMS Nicholson and Kelly PORTRAITUREPH T ~* CHILD STUDIES WEDDINGS COMMERCIAL BRING IN YOUR FILMS is, EVENINOS DV APPOInTMEýNT ng MAIN STREET MILTON l. sn Radi, a ntie ad Fooo dels oil - CNTICTOR Dise nue Nolc hrrhy ge Fns -Il P otPER tY WERS i oer or- groîngon heRadshep Tond Cet lok ar u dw nons L eoeAgs 5hm lelrogolIeoonI Tw os a oe po adlnoan oeIewed ucagn of h otaantIeOnescneod nIeTu byr W.,. ofIN GIDEONS DOPIATE BIELlE TO GRAND TRUPIR WETERN Semetisg nom bau bees added 10 the cohooses of the Grasnd Trilk Western lcelgbt trains. Biblea are Ibir lateat Item equipmnest, lbe. nIl ut oe afuthie ehaptora of Gideons fIn tornstional. The ptarisg o Bibles on treigbt -(cins lu a sese acIinIy of the auoIs' yasd the numnbor presested te the Grand Teunk Weters Railceani hrings the total dislrlbuted ln North Amerlea te 2,6W,212 copies. Concrete and Cinder BLOCKS AIl Sîzes Prompt Delivery B. SALES For J. COOKE5 Alderahot Phone 242W Milton CI s b L( IR 3 a 1 c t IL i FOR SAL-Han's bicycle hi rood (I) S. S. No. 14, Trafalgar Tnep., coindition. Apply Bill Woods, Miii Ballon Co., orbuol grouda and Irra si. se hooi. picturrmquely sitoated on creek FOR SAIcE-3 iece Walnst voneee Oundas Highmay (No 5). hedroom suite, $175. Phono 282r3 MIl- (II) S. S. Nu, il, Trafalgar Toms- ton.sblp, Ballon Ca.., Srooi grounds and 100.Rescb casl sehool, sltusted os Rth FOR SALE-1I0 Now Hampshire Llto belmeen Doindas (No. 5) sud Red Puilets, 6 monîhs old. Phono Qooen Elizabeth Higbways. 3832l.Sealed tendeoi 15 ho clearis' rarleed tu contents. Hirbesl or sr.y tesd- FOR SALE- rade Holstein coms. or nul nocossarily aceepteni. Further aise 30 pulils 414 mroinths old. Phone Information givos un requeut. 189rl, Miton.GLADYS SPEERS, Socrotars' 199r1, Hiton.BrunIe, R. R. No. 1, Ont. TRAILERS FOR SALE_-% tos, al steel, electibo elded, 16" tires. îm- modiste dlilvory. Phoe Roy W. Gsarasteed Goodmin, Adtos 40r6. B.EOW. SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE--House for sale lin Mil- REPAIRS loin, 8 cmorna. possession tirst ofl 5ep Al Mahos tomber. Edmond liaker, Real Esîtot hoe4 Brober. Macin St., Milles. u bMTON HARDWARE FOR SALE - Cartltied raapberry Free Esîinates Ont. tor Iilusîraîod tolder and grom--_ ____ lng "binow hum." DonsI dolas'. Soppis' limited. FOR SALE-1942 Chon. Stabe. long J.A L I T; 1039 liulcb Sodas; 1939 White, Lleuai Auctioluter shot, suitabie toc dump merb. AI]ln leooni condition. SeuIl Moîoe Sales. Georgeown, Ont. B For the Caunties af Hilton 011FoOls. Mita t. Hil5i55and Peel Cat loemrs, medding bouquets, fun- oral desigins, aosortedl pot plaints. Local Phase 155r21 dolner. Pono151Rural Saate Na. 3 MILTON JONES' GREENHOUSES Cult lomers et ail klnds. pet plants. binerai andi medding morh dosne. We delivr. 5011 PHONE 257J _____ ____ R. M. Mitchell WANTlEO --A chili's rib.Mon ROOF COATING R. Zuent, Sarah Si. CONTRACTOR WANTEO --Mide geni bouse- Steel, Asphait and BsiIt-Up broper. J.A. Rush. Phoe 31.*Miltoo. Roofa WAN7.'ED-O -01 e o rn out hors- ESTIMATES FREE on. Pearson liros., Waîorslomn, Phoe 1,16J or 136W. 7-22 WORK GUARANTEED WANTEEI-isrt1 Ierkbin rroeoy CAMPBELLVILLE store. Steudy serh. Appiy Corrols PhnMles3r2 D.. Phono 25.PhnMitn32l W'ANTEO We ure in the omarket _____________ for Ferosîl cuttitir ulfalîts bay or oye. Miltoe Miling Companiy Lîni. Phune w.WAN'rl.cnI.ine hiorld r-oI Milton Hospital honses foi, mioh fred. Wr puy market IPrivate) rîricon. 0;ienvîîvy Fsrms. 5.R. 3, Hil- ton, Phoner IMoîl. 10>1 VISITINO HOURS WANTED Furoinheni houseboeping 2.30 p.m. ta 4.00 p.m. no-os hby Public Heallh Norte, a " 7.100 p.m. le 8.30 p.m. niost ef duc aod msey seeh-en. (NoR Chiidren usder 121 Miss Anderson, lBox 546, Hilton. WÎANTEFD 07d cl1ans. RATES IN ADVANCE chino. iluonitt of ussînut. cherry ansd Semni-Prînate 8A3.50 curly rnsîlr isisher. Phoner l iing- rvt ton 561iJ or wrllo H . S. Krnoey. N.N rvao - - 60 J, Fr-cmiseet> PHONE 216 M ILTON L.ine Poollry wanted. Highest prices paîni. Caîll_________________ RUSSELL INGLtS ____________ Telephono Hilton 234r4' 6-30 R. R. 1, Campbellvilia Dooni Herses andi Catbe tor free pioh op. Phoine Hilton 210. We pîp S e h rds T x Phonoebiare& si.d' T GORDON fOUNG, LTD. 35-52 Phone A-D. 36, Torouu 24 ROUE SERVICE TENDERS sili lho recoivoni le Aog- ustllelblor pinting insdeof Ligoy T" aS5adO()p puihPi Scooil, S.S. No. 1, Esquosisg. Lomest tender not oec'nsaolly sceplen. J. KÇ. Msore, Secsolary, R.R. 3. Hilton. 9-2 PHONE 301 WANTED - Lino Poultry, higbeat poires paini aise tosîbors. Wo osîli AUl P.uimgmii urai poultry. Phune Naindal &i Mrles'. Hilton 143; Arisslrunga lisîcher Bho ______________ Hilton 42; W. E. Dont Hilton 92r1 _______________ or molle te Mmses Zoner, 4t2 Dever- court Rd.. Tocante. 49-52 WANTEO-An OPPoriunity Estab- Iished rural Waîblns district avail able. Il yuare sogressîve and le-ho ai e Lwe h gso 25Phode55ihave2o opprtoltyle l t abihnsnoo r avel ouftI, tIs la your PLASTER AND BRICK. Proftable business et yoor oms. For SA.ND, CEMENT & ROAD ful particularo mollo to-day te the GAE~LO R5 J. N. Walbioo Company, DepI. O-M-O, GAF OO ES 177 Maison St., Hunîreai, Que. 52« POOL STONE L.OST -Mufllrrosît19.14 Chry. Fioni- Box 20, Georgetown or iody hos 2t1r2, illo.GLEN WILLIAMS STRAYED __________ SrRAYED Tsi Loi 2, Cie. 5, c00111 dît. Osoorr muy love sanmr hy pov. TRAVELLER5' GUIDE 100 preperîs osnd Puyieconxpesee.___ Phoee 79r2.. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ___________________ STANDARD TIIME Golot EsI7.31 o.m.. daily; 2.0 Farn orth 1dily; a.37 pis., al exp Memorials cptSday12Aag.m~ Goisg East-7.31 s.m.; 2.04 p.m. Mosnumen@,t iMidîr&ts Pr,a m~ 9.14 p.. CEMEERY ET'rRING Goisg WesI-9.07 arn. tria>; 6.2 CEMEERY E'ITRING P.m. lwmrd.B& ntCe..mter7 CANAIIIAN NATIONAL RALWA GUELU ON. Goisg North-7.58 ar. J ( Gaing Sootb-7.35 p.m. THE CLASSIFIED SECTION Buy-SelI-Ex'change- Wanted-Etc. WAdveistmçens undec hia headg31e, rCais with order, up ta 25 Mod. Addtiooal wordo 1. per wrd.Ifcaoh doeo fltacony the advertioement, minimum charge 50e and je Per word sdditional fr each word over 25. Subsequont insertions 25C.-1 FOR SAL£ 1 MISCLANEOUS FOR SALE-'30 Ford Coupe, j250. NOTC-Th ulcLboywi Phoo 2i712 Mlton ho louo duing the ueeks of Auguat _________________________ 11h ad Agust 17th, re-opesîng on5 FOR SALE -2 Coiho Pups. Cedssc August 251h. 9-2 larrop, Phone 89r4. _____________________ Trafagar Township Sohool Ares FOR SALE--Woodcn Stave Silo, 13 FMR SALE DY TENDER x29' Appiy. W. E. Ford, Phono 99c3l. SEALED Tenders wililho recejord FOR SALE- Young Pig. 8 weehs by the underolgned op lu 12 o'clock old. Apply . F. Ford, Photie 87r22.. nous on Friday, Auguot 22nd, 1947, for w