THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Ililnglues; Me. asti Mr. Homard Lush. u Bokhy anti Gemiti Lunb. Campbell- 1000a ville; Mr. H. C. Firth, Landan: Mis lo McPbait. Campbllville; Mn. anti Mra.33 S. A. Anglin. Mr. asti M. H. L. Ken- 3Au netit'.Tronto; Miss Ethel Ambrasa. 8.00 MitasHMnrilWright, M. Andea S. Carne Fleming, Dr. asti Hrs. T. White, ni' gete Hamiton; Mias Jesale MeGeegor, Gal; Mita E. Massant, Hilton Rtary Club. Hilton; Dr. Flara Little, Guelpb:h; ian p Belle Dasphinea. Haifax, N. S.; Mr. anti Mms.. E. Bathia. Mr. anti M. Waler Blehn anti Catalysa. Hra. D. isingsoan, Hrs. G. Campbell, Misa L. Campabell, Miss P. Snott, Mes. H. BaNl- et', Mms. . Rabinson, Mms. H. Cleave, au Mms. W. Marshal, Georgetomn; Me-. t10ii W. F. Cots. akilla; Miss Asn, c Camspbell. Moter F. Campbsell, Far- 11.00 rana Pint; Mms. John Eans, Miss E. 700 McCeay, Mita . Mc<fleary, Mms. Rot' peera. Branla. Wed. Thors jEngagements Mr. anti Hrs. James Timbeta. Mît- tan, miis ta, annoonce the eagagernent' i ai Ibeit daagkler Joae Mary. ta Pool. kitche C. Bouet ai Part Coîoomne, tan oai u Mra. J. Siba andthIe lte Mr. Booer. night Marriage tl a laSplane ltler part oai anal August. beip Mas. Antan Davidti Heim noun- cea tise engagement ai ber fastr- tiaughtet, Margaret Olive. yaanget tiasgbîer ni Ht. William Scattl Aex-- andier andthie laIe Mms. Alexander, fo Charles Menry Fat', eldeal son ai Ht. anti Mm. Stanlet' Fat'. The marage will taise place on Salordat'. Snplnm- ber th ise nlln S. Paulas Uniteti Cltorcis. Milton. NAVY BAND WILL BE MUSICAL FEATURE AT 1947 C.N.E. Ta enlertis mussaicnoeseeataIthe Canatilkn National Exhibition rm Augunt 22 ta Sepember 6, lthe Unitedi Statea Navy Bond milI brng 35) pountaof usicmanie scharge oi Imo libtariana. Selursing tIRa year by papular ce- quest, the basnd mas greqt tasor aI the optesiaas Exhibition in 1941.. Compriseti af 78 moslcions, lise banti ls untier the directiosn ai Lietenant- Commander Chartes Brentler. Rn bas a plesamesal memne-y or the symphtonies asti bWlcoloriaI prognaro salît embati thIegreol morkn anti car- rent musical cornatit bita. Prgram wîilinetuda nnsiterabte British rnusic anti Londion hita andi Contiontor Bran- tler ao paya heeti ta sletiona micb are papoai among the yong qeople. nbe inssraseilatioa asitî reatilît sows boa Iis banti bas gaineti soah wite tesomn. There mIl ha tIsa pet- formaances tialît'. mainee and eseslng tiaring lise enlîre Exhibition. Tise C. N. Ens. amoo Bandi ShetI milI ie a msiacal rendezvoun anti Musical Dit- eRtor Jules Brait emetsthat te audiences wilI set neas records. In addtion tbern mîI be 100 pro- geams by leadlng Canadiean bands romn Toronto, Hamilton anti Kitchs- -rituReVAX, 2 groundeti nul second ta irat. I un, 2 At Our fountain we dispense tise JNDAY, AIWUST 17tJs, 1947. hit,,I1 anar. U UUfI ii am.-Sunday Scbool. S. Fay rnundedt ta tat ant i Ieltiar f j< iA j drinks you like in the way you a..Worsbip Service. as, crediteti saith anserrot-uhes he 1IT N A Ilîke 'enm served. ts always pas.-ServIcein Bible Seisool mutteti the hall. White Eorly was (Opposite Hotel Kennedy) ïuditorlum. getting readytit a mak. Fay toltae cool and pleasant tem. p..-.Gospl Service. seondi. Eatly waacauebtosecoend. P " ' - 1Nom aesdlteUs Besson To- McPhaiîlaopn-Ota short anti Staver UiNJ±I360 or Saith Jeioah-Iah 1:'- 18 goundstl horIta lîfrst. 0 runse. ObIts 0 ror. Sd Inning Prompt- evS-Cuto ENTECM;~1AkL OINES iMatusi alruch sut as '11.Plalock. Ait passengerit Inaured o rng o C n o CHURCHAchetsonpuppeti nul la irs Orusa, «EV. HL WOODEI. Pastor 0 tts, t errar. 24 Heu Servie - bMiRas. 0. Ortier oi Services South tsalbed. asd mos sale an UNDAY. AUCUST 1h. 1947. test. but mn as ebI taI Iird tshea _________________________________________________ rentre fithier horleti a periect peg' ar..-Susday SchbIanad Bible Marshall ioird ssirh mas grsbbed .......M M U U U U M U M U U U M U U~ M U mum m Clas l'yHouper. Vaughans 1usd aut ta M .m.-Mring Warship. lait. O ronsa, Sibit, O errata. 1 raY uL o igf ras a tb tP a tc lG f R..-vnglitc.4h EÀ e Yu okigfo aa ar btPlcicl it a 8 p.m.-W.M.S. wlinal t . ooer rondeti Marsball to u be borne ai Mrs. J. Jansesan. Foy Pttersus landeti oa aiety asti a Matn Sreet. stade secondi. Caman grnandeti secondtlM A y n o l e P o d t 0s .30 p.m.-Y.P.S. wllt meet In tao frs aond D. Hooper saieltidbt Ano thenhom of M . .Oertt, was raught nul ai thîrd ater Patter- ti Streent. snaraoreti. 1ras. 2 bila. O errera. KVERYBO0Y WELCOME Ruas patpeti ot ta Pattock. K. Fat'* srons nul asti S. FayfIled ou1ta * rigt feld. 0 rons. 0 bIta, 0 errara. M yau arent satisfiedti sîi yoar01talaM en. pt tiown an papet Jase Ibm Ballotyne replareti Sytbes antid moalti te-arrange IL. Your plan mode tonseMcPttait'a Ibroas irom t mIn $100 at the Canadian Nat- the plate. Rutletige iledti ntolaSoutht.* 1Exhibition. Isat manet' molt Matusl was sale on a ieldet's chaîne M ta make yaur kitehen lte leun as Ballantyrte a tbrowns nul. Pal-M table, tock angeti Marshallfot a tbine bag- ger cortng Matual. Marsal maîket oifthetiseldttt, bu atld ta, go back In Ca burt. He maîketi Acbes-* an mbn tole arcont anti R. Haapet RENCSS grnunded ta Earty mho lhrem hlmnautM,1ras, 1bis. 0 errorrs. M T H E T RE Earty poppeti oat ta Pallesoan. Me-* __________ Phail alrork nut. Stover grousded, M eond ta tIrst. 0 ran.s, 0 bitts1 ettat.M 0 Fti. ad Es., Augut là and 16 61toMai MI W U1a Grenhe rsçlarlng Marsallail 0aV Rat' Rogers Patteraun. Cown graunieti Grenise 1 ~ i I Roy Roges Salnye uaObt,5etr.uper e lh "SPRINGTIME IN THlE la Fat'. D. Houper sturk nul au diti (Color) Sauth maîbeti astimode seondsti *NU ICatori G(reshe boogeti sut a long lit and *A U I U Cartoon - "Tubhy the Tuba" South mas tagged t the plate. Vau-u Lean Errl-Beware oflIed ghan lasded a stety andlttiabrlotd* Hea,1111 a triple sering tIsa tans. K. Fat' M "Cureti Dock" strueb nul asti brther Stan guunded M Speaiog Ansalt "Poacb scundt itrst. 2 runs, 3 bit, 0er- Parade" tres.M Pacemaker-"Lune In Tune' 11h Inning Crenke tasseti the itrst tasa am'en lu lare him anti Pollock ledt int M South. 0SrunuO 0bits.5erinrs. M MONDAS' andi TUEODAT Early mus soie srheo Battantysî' Rex Harrison Gene Tlerney faiteti ta gra the bit. MePhails tilt "GHOST AND MEM. MUTIR'"-tS muffeti hy Acheasn. Staner M gronsteti itcber lu lirse. Pilîbranl M Sprt-"Gartiens nf thse ea" tank user hurling tram PatInek mitît M n Cartoons -"Crarispt King" Arbenun gine ta let asti Pollock ta ahurt. Grenhe grobbhi bi secndnt tit ni the day ondi Vanghan stueS 0out. Coan trappeti Ruako b t ta right. m'hile Greshe matie third. K. Fat' M OOuUNO pQpped ulta oPhilhrnnb. 3 ruisa. t M Fr!. andti81, Ansg. 22 andi 23 it. 0 errars. Drnngp in and See Our Complete StockM Gese Kelly Marie MaDonalti Arbeeonstasseti. R. Hoaper lnuted g "LIVING IN A BIG WAY" a satett'. Patterons it as Haupet M0 mastforceti. Cnan wassaeen a M Cartuons"Unele Tains Cab. ileltiersrhoiee. D. Hauper it ts Insce Patterson anti Coman. Phil.* Pete Smith-"A.tbletie Quiz" brooks mathet anti Ratleege poppedt Fituatiei-"Caltisg on Con- Staner. 2 tuans. 3 its. O ettars.M ta ica" Stan Fat' led ta leit. Earty malk- MM qd. MePhail maliset anti matie sec- i- anti on a mIlti pileS. BEtty was throma .............M M M u M M MM M M M U M U N M U THURSDAY. AUGUST 14th. 1947 la G w hi to ti V4 T h r4 b h Oak illeWinsoutatishe plate anthe play. Stover I Il~ud N w ~ TOakvlite nssae o ilderlanchioenanti South Ht. anti MraHMilton Wilson apae. KNOX P U TRfl Juvenile Final SEatly iilei ta pnab Matasins last meecS ilsrelatives n laocheester tCntlaaed freim Page One.) grauneer. Polock groundet aits CRUECE -to Fat'. Achsnon poppeti a saaity aad Mr. anti Mr. E J. Laanbrough ot MinI5l5-.WT. IE. him OaSlle-Pollaes t; Aeheaon P; R. Haopet B1led out ta Fay Inl efIta Gateiek SUNDAYMiAUGUSTy1Ford 1947 Bob Haoper lt; Caman nf; Dan nore Matai. Pattetaon grabiset s weekSUNDY, AGUS 17t, 197. Moopet 3b; Rutietige 2h; Balantyne saaety aeortag Atheson. Cowan wab Usion Servieea elt InlaKisax Ptes I- Matoal ci; Braon; Patteeson e taie on a it anti D. 1Maipetmas call- Hir. anti Mrs. A. Pie o St. Thomas iyterian or Augut Ses. E. . Ph5btain tise lirai. eti ain ien Keltb listew itti. Phil- hanve een visiting ils relatives n la nititlg. Umpie-Tbompson anti Mrtieo.broouais mnnt. 4 tans, 4I isa0 errata. oma 1hi0 meti. 1000 o m-Senior O.S. Hamiton. Greshe ledti tasuort. Vaughan Mr. ant i Mes. Jobs Hupin have re- 1.00 ar.m.Divine Wraht. "Witnesu- S. H. . poaJpedî ta lait. RSobmousoiae on urneti hume atter speotlng a eekas es Car Christ." SalaIisas Mari- Miltas ...... 203 020 ý7 4 Il Hoapero bon tiseon- anti K. Fat' vacaiua at Sranton, Na. rie Dawsoan AT.C.M. . Qakislle........_000 005 I-9 7 7 grauotiet econd ta itt. 0 rains, O 7.00 p.rn.-hes. C. D. ForrtIn aikits. 2 etcorn. Miss Autrey Fetgatan anti Mita Sireetuville. TIEZ> GAllE Oiclaia-Mattien anti Millet, Ham- Thelma Nevlia iave oeurned front You ate melcame at Enox Caastîng alang ta -taise-tise eati. lton. ollayiag t Mantoalin s. - Oakillin tînalit' eakenedt t go tt o R. . E. Mr. Bausteati andt Io granticitt- ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH the tisarti ButthIet' almaya tat' aa-ile....... 010 110 04-9 12 7 game osnt oser untîl tise last bail la - ren are visiting mitis iea- son H. Jue ,alnloen'Bov. Grdon w. Porter tbs'nmn. Thet' eoenet Il In the elghtb Mlton ....... 000 002 300--O4I3 Goncis anti Mm. Goacis anti aiaalt. MA, I>D anti rame bonisletakie a decitiet dec- M. John Galbraith ai Tronto vis- SURliÂT. AUGUST 171h. 1947 sian is the intb, 10 in the eond Iteti ith bis btuter Robert GaI- 10.00 a..-Churci School. game In arow agint Milaon juve- Guelph Seniors braith anti tamitt' an Wntneotiat'. 1.0am-origWr îp niStleasibe canteal ere Satortiat 1r.0Thaman-Carmasghaoreîuroand mon. oternuan hy a acore ni 9 ta 5. This Defeat Owls Mr.Thoas armn bs rtured onlacedth Ie Oukivleladodnteame 0p to ghi haome In Trant afater spena- 70 sr.KeieWrbP in-eîbree oattise series. 1ednesdav Night ia meekin h Milton mith ia cosina. A Cartiiot Wetcnme ta All Oobiile riedt t Irua tbe gante Mr. asti Mrs. Sidney Dane antiftom- istu Mrtinsa pond in tbe saventh lIt' anti M. anti Mr. Joha Dance GRC-NLCA HEE meo thet' mcm craditadti mtb isa In an eahbition cuntesl here lest anti iarilp'. GAEAGIA N a CHUs, tenoterurs. Il ms ua mt a repetilios ai the ngtGep.eir addteMl RerTnt viaitrGRn-Rh MrsJ. eecTur.guma is abville the night belore Ian Omîn Club os 8-6 tieieat. Late ner ere Mms. N. E. White, Mr. aond SUNDAY. AUGUST lltb. 1947. onaît'the local latin ereu be hIt~5alit g batethtemaplei lautI Mrs. James Herran. bMr. anti Mr. Gr- .00 as-Hait' Cummlos. asti oi the iotiy-pop. Marsball mas hlcaor pee h m itîe don aîbrneai orotoant Mt ani 0.00a.r.-HIt'Comunin. sent Is bt'Manager Haywarti. mPisrenad ime. Arroogeti as a asea don olbone f Toont, an Mr and11.0 a..-Hoy Cmmunon. hupes ta pull the ft ouofaithe ire. insing amne, bth dclasmre lIed7- Mr. Calvin bIcCorquotiate antifeam- Sr. Choir Pracice-Tbus.KEveniag aI anti pt the lucoîs nul la iront agis snecesilating the extra trame. Lead ilIt ut Londonosand Ms A. C. Mao- 8 pa. dring Aug"a. He onît' ataet ivliIngs anti mantee2 isg aI the endoth Ie eîgblb, playera quedale, Shirley, Francis anti Joycee ______________ c_ a nme nut ailer Pollocks claule eti rtedt tago thselirait. cfGawrh MLTON a lhree bagger. Grenke, aler borlbang. The isitora countent a pair in eaeb Recnt oeau a Crigla lcloeti BATIS CHRCE three games ithin a merk. anti 1 tisenithe fral wImainlgo. ils one in Mien eta . et dholeM.a nludMca. A10IST CURCH nlghtbeetere eal nnagain. Stout the fililb. nxtb, etghîb ant i naI. The MiW. . amera.Hot. and M. . t kerasLDERS Bidig earteetia dine hase the OmIs Coled ta grab a cousier antit O..a mkers, taMarySan ers. I Mina a'çBilin tot habail the dat' Sabre. It mas the aeventb mban they conted ail Reabelle Chriteine anti Esan. Mr. SURTJAY. AUGUOT 171, 1947. ton rnh o10enpect ai the lad, antids he ia stattig m onr t Dougas cConeyMr. . H Snahmas iltr sevens It e le lst ImaMcGibban anti Anderson. The basas Doula MCone',Mr W M Sats,10.00 arn.-Suntiay Sehool. tramnu'ere loadeti tor the Oiral andthie OmIa Mr. Frank Irin, Miss Vioet Cteris, 1100 am.-Morning Worsbtp ant i TbenPart-tomnee-s mere blttlsg Mar- badt to on for the second. Bath Mr. anti Mr. F. P. Banttey, Mms. Win. Hoty Commnsuion. saoli boltiettiers ere nabbing them timrtera, Zess anti Colsan Iturteti gond Whte, Mes. D.H. Ward. Miss Marlan T700 p.m.-Evasgalislin Service. In the lest. Pollocks [liedti 001l etI. kall. is. SmitaVrsa otkiss r. eTon-H.Tuesiat'. Ao. 151h ai 7.30 p.m. Bibte Achesun poppedt la irse anti R. Houper Goelpb-Basaset. n.; Lyte, a; HnGill kin is.M.stVeaTon, r, . . Stutit. fiatout toStnver. 0Oruns 0hIts lIf.; Grangeeta.; Fraser.; Koene-. Mary Kirk, Dr. anti Mt. Drem aimaok, Fritiat'.An. 15 aI 730 p.m.-Cottage errura. 2.; Zana, p.; Clark, 3.; Currie ni.; Me. Kasaett Oliver, Me. S. G. Rossell, Prayar MecingetaIthe home oi Vaughan puppedti inluptcber. Milton Qast-Chartes Foy, c.; K. Miss Helen HarMmnanti Mrs.M J. rs G. Hasettelt. Suok trock oual. Then Keilh Fat' Fat'. I.; McGibbon, ci.; Hearas. 3b.; Parker, Me- asti M. McCesney. Mr. Att Are Welcarne fied nut su let tfield. 0O ana. 0 bits. Andersnn 2b.; Caulma., p., Kntgbt, anti M. M. MnChesney. Mrs. Doddts _________________Oere-una. l b.; Petidie, t.; Noylor. e-i. lot Inini lhmpires-Stan Fat' astiMike Mc- anti Mes Rosa. Mr antiMes. RobI. Anti Ye Shah EKnoas the Ttti anti the PaItrsun grotdeti nul shorlta uset Doncn anst Steartant.of utToronto; Trath Shal Hake Yyiiîee-Jno. 8: 32i el Cnl. Mr. SubI Moore, Niagaranall ..; t. Hopransfiedtio rsy ati dasi Mr. John Irvisg, Hilton: Mita Ata TECUC F HIT D ope addaafyadrud 1-u- M,- A-M- 'r V.OMAGH eti hume on Stans hil Rutledti eare Thiraty1 Tise gooti nid summer time is o neason oC pleasore . . . but il also gnneraîes a tist for gaod, caoling drnks - thîe kiati tisat are delicious and re- fresiing. PAGE VIVE Coal is Up OIL VILL BE SCAR£CE-BUTTE OU'¶N TO HRATING FUOBLEM S 18A Livingstone Stoker EFFCIENT - HANDY - A» A MONEY SAVEE Aakç the Many People Who Have Them ANTHRACIT-ALL SIZE CEMEN' ImE GYPROC SEEDs FEND -0 R. S. ADAMS Poe48. .. .. . ...Nghta l