Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Aug 1947, p. 2

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PAGE H.VO THE CANADIAN CHAM19ON MILTON, ONTARIO Puli.hed Etmry Thrday Aimamc Atin. ai.seconnd nt i. l,. PîiOie SUSIUPTION EATES-. per ee j la aa United S... lot, ddiilnnnîSin l ine je. .Bao* .14 ad new ddr......thonid b. gis... . haflel addest la rqinm.d. ADVERTISING RATES-On appllicaionn mi.asn* ai la %avion. c .nta dinn.. Althongh .v.r, e-..eiif il! . tinhmitanad ero.The Chmn acet., tiigin i s -hme. De h.d .. nndi.g h.t it njll otbc ibln £frnDY c_ i n dvertiseetp.blished hrudenile.. a p' dl i o-h d-rien i. r necquested in s.itinfg Se th nd,ereand rtun....! theChamrinî ...r. off icedI iged hy th advenijrnd u er orcrcmnn.planlyte ld in nritin the-ma nd.!in that S-e.If-Yerrr o ntedhnotcorecedby TheCha. r ioa.ta. i.biity .hal .!tec e uh anprposrion. of G. ARLOF DILLS, Bito E MnaS..iidN.n t EDITORIAL Whaas News Oveawhelmas Two years ago to-day (Thursday, August I4th), V- J Day was celebrated and six long years of war were ended. Peace came and it was bard 10 realize tl. We recail that shortly after three oclock on the morning o! August 14th we received a telephone cali fro m Canadian Press, of which Iis paper was then a mem-1 ber, whicb read: "London, England-Raaters says Domei an- r nounces japs have accepted surrender i terins.' We came down to the office and set up and1 printed a smial sheet annooncing the japs' surreider.1 They were pot about town both in Acton and Milton before men went to wark. Mtter of fact, when bond- cd 10 men going into factories thcy mere tasscd oside and lnoghed ai. There had oiready beco one toise ru-s port circolated. Il wsnî ounili seven a'clack that night that ail wr otficialiy informied thot VWorld Wor Il had cn. Two years later we recali that al dav wc were joked about the early morning special atid right op unlil going bomne at sixo'clock that evciog the morning report ma-. looked opaon a. anther ho,. Eodiog of a coolict of six ycars as ard ta reai- The first Industrial Revolution mas made poagible by science, homant skill ànd finance, The second cas oniy tome hy change--change in the humas heart. It may caîl for as mach change in the beart tif the capitalist as in the beart of the communst, It pnuts as much reoponsihility in the bonds of the business mes and labor leaders as in tht bands of otatesmen and mililary leaders. The forgottes factor in isdustry is that God bas a plan. Ot is a plan bascd, sot os the limitations of 1111 status quo, sor on a renrrangemest of manpowcr and mattrials. It dcpcnds, sut on preseni machine power, nîîr on atan eergy, but on lbhe ener gy rclcasc.. mbco tttcoarc frccd frrnm grccd aod-leur. Il uses nlia onip tht visible, tangible resoorces of moncy snd materials, bat olso the migbty rcsaarccs of thtebhum- an heari and spirit. The Evolution o! thse Shaving Mug Many of os cas recaill Iat whco mc firut starlcd 10 shove, Dad's shaving mag was a imo-section affair mith one comparlmcnî for bot mater and an- cther for tht soap and working ap the lather, Many o! us con recaîll100, the fine array of sbaving ags ibat had a special rock in every modern barber shop. Some of thein mere gold lelîered wilb the owner's Then came the day of thetulbe or jar soap and tht brushieso prepar-atians and tht exploration of exploit- ation o! dcrmalology in ail ils mide ramification, bot on whicb tht average mon mas simpiy sceking a comforlabie shove. To sotisty cariosity wr tricd many of the ncm fsnglcd preparations, some wonder. fui and suientfot so wonderfal. But rccenîly we bad given 0tos nont of the numerous occasions in tht pear Ihat reqaire recognit- ton, anoîher shaving set. It had a sbaving mag-not a tero cobnportment affair hecause 00w 'ot have bot watcr in the laps-and no nced 10 go 10 tht ted kettie for a oupply. Wc arc bold tht mag soap las*s langer and it apparcntiy docs as good a job as tht ather prcparutians io Saftcoiog tht heard. Hurdly ,centm ossaible that in soch a few years tian cooid haove eva ived front shuving rang back îa shav ing rang. Bot 1h01 rcmninds us 100, that thirly >cars. ugo wsenot ta the foaodry foîr serap metai a numbher of type faces that arc oow considerrd vers. tmodern. il iiîes secrt that shaviing mugs aretît the nîs îhings thal resolve in a n-, 'sliteIlt iii nd lt-r the vew r, just a resiai ofthe old. EOJITOIIIAI, NOIES iZt. ~The hîlîdie .ea,îîîî îsve.iîg ait unîd and! ooîiii Seven ociock, Aogost l4tit. had a bit ai doiihl': jay for us Ima years ugo. Vie had ail Ihe joys50 Iegitar productio hedule-. Oil hic iîîî der .g,î.. ilar taoîbchrs Ihat tht mur hud ended. \Vie lsotbnd tht joy ai knoming the ncmwc had spreod in th2 E\un a rîlmîr cati siMd tif pi ce. thes ais.Fr morning mas onîy premaure and flot taise. Yes. l,:ittincii, the raîor(ifi tia prI'icI ot eek iiira, remcmbcr Augasî i4th, 1945. The greut newms ai th,î,lte frire of the stock already ait the shels es. day Was 5a gaod that if mas difficuli 10 believe. Folks in Ibis district arc antieipîititig wîîh ke.i liiitere-.t the ippiietalilty li a gain b Cattudian Jeaouts Neîgbbors Natioînal Exhihition shen il iofens . t a eck front We like the good nighbor pliîcy. Bctwrcn Coni- ada an.! tht United Sîtts il bas dcvciapcd tu a igh degree and Wetîrodc bock and forth reyadSi Preparaîiiins are heîng made tir the Milton Pair eacb other until tht baundary beccaesa . .î. the last o! nest mîînîh and aovery attrac tise prizerle-,t Mtter o! fart, mc trade so moch ih our nigbbor ih oint-. rradyh pines.Gt or 1h01 if tht neighhor dosnt reciprocoîr beiter, thec i.srayniim. trade balancet iiliebc 50moch in thcir favor that me tant bof any marc o! tht Usited Statcs goads. A n enfert ueclarc-..thal the 1fres fpectancy ofI a Thats anaîte mattre, homever, that mc didnt bleti hboase range-. frîîm i30ta 50 ceres but abiot tomit tn discos n Ibis itm. maoy dmelliîngscantheb i îîîn d that didn't die mheîîi Even tht hest a! neighhor-, gel irainus mhen the thuy -hould h ave and8 ither-. 1ha1 have had gîîîd cai e Joncs gcî more than tht Smitbs on.! vo mhco memwei-:jiii hcgui;d for dioble tho-.e periodq. visiting io tht Unite.! States recrntip and 50W citizers huying handerd poand hags o! sogur freely mithout T ~here'-. suint.' re îîy ciovi ncing evidetice hetmr..ii rotianîng, me hecame jost like other neighhors-. Actîîn and Miiloti, thît No. 25 Hîcha ay irciig jealous. Enqairy aiso revraird the price mai the sanie sime needed attenini un a riiad -.urface that iii n, as in Canada. Ail raîiooiog ai ail ciimtedilies ha'. permnoentî. A delour foe a cw eeks iii 0111 be ne- ended in the United States. scrnted mi lb a hut ter rilad in losec t. At this ime o! peur mhen Canad'a has an ahu nd once nf fruit and housemives have tht desîre liidii Wr dîint 10 -enaliirs $(i,lXOi a leur lii heur dis home conning ta hcip ouI tht smalierr hiog dollar, îree ass,-.ays tIhe Ottama joural'ui. )vorce il fronti iheretscems no reason for tht continuance o! rat in- ing oi sugor. If tht neighhors cao have sogar mhy tant wtS Il seems o shome 10 spoil thot gnod otîgfi. hor policy hy jeaonsy avec a hit bit o! 'ogar. W're sot intercstcd in heoring an enflaitution o! thr worid situation on sagar. Il woaid he josî us foatish as the prcscnî poiicy ai continuiog sogar ratiooing on Canî- ada. The New lsdtatrial Revolution The worid iv on tht thrcshold of a tîtw Indostriai Revolution. Tht first mos based on mons discovery that matit- ines mouid serve hlm. Bot soon ht w05 caiicd Il, serve tht machine and hccomc Ithir slave. Wheea divotrces. Tii-. ar il haî- had .15U feonm Qoeec und me migtîa-k if the Setiate dido't deal miîh divorurne mhot mark mîînld il fiid od do?ý Whtch, tif coarse, hrîngs haek the question mhethr w meu c-eiator. ai iJefense Minister Brooke Clastan caiculales irnit tho hiles o! Hansard that the Liheral filled 2,233 col- unîns, Concratîves 2,190 colamns, CCF 1,342 col- omîts and Social Credit 628. Thot works ouIt10 001 iverage, of almosI 18 cnomns per Liherol momber, aiinn-t 3.3 columns p er Conservotive, 48 pcr CCPer and 48 fer Soîcial Crediter. An Ontario magistrale bas roicd Ibat motitrisîs ibat hoppeord, tht rcvoiutionnmos soui-desîroying. mh1i na cieî îcdntmuoiiaîvio Ils end! mas economit brrakdomn and tht atom hoinh. the policre. In a case heard hy bim, it mas said that n tht 0cm Indosiniai Revolotion people are more, the partie-. invoived in the crash stopped, got oui oR.! important thao îhings. Hen regain Iheir freedoîn. This revolotion is sol-rcstnring. Il releases tht futl creaiivcncss ut ail engoged in indosiry. le sets men freeto1 gise thtir besi and iii boiid tht morl.! 1h01 everpone is looking for. There iv a biggcr choiet in indostrp thon beiten fret enterprise and state conîrol, Tht reol baille linc is hetmeco those mho treat people as a meons iii a material end nnd those 10 mhom the mattnial and spiritual needs o! people arc tht first concerfi. Il i. betmeen tbose mho fight for iheir Oms woy, matescr the cont 10 others and those mbo igbt for tht rîglît way, watever tht cost to ihcmigelvcs. cd mitb lruvîng the scene o! an accident, the magist- rale dismisscd the case, staîisg thati t mas meant to tcorh hit-and-ran drivers. 1 A report o! the 'Hinister o! Trovel and Pabiicity" -for tht province came 10 ov dcsk tht other day. Il 1toi.! a lot o! îbings bol did not inforin os howmumch 1trovcl lax (soch as gosoline, motor vchiclt permit-., setc.) mere coilecîcd or howmumch mas spent on mak- ring Ontario highmoys mort inviling 1 to orists. tGuess mc hod tht mrong book sent 10 us and we're nul much interested in bistory. IVashed Gravel Concrete Sand Plastering Sid DELOVERED Bruce McKerr Phone 409W - 1 MILTON WELDING Eletrit and Actylens WoIdIffl Sepair Welding nf AUl Typa Psrtable Equpsunt PHONE - 348 limOL OT-3mILON COUNTY 0F HALTON 1947 - LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR - 1947 place.Dl itt iing One ci Stia J. a. 5 j. et.4 *j sillîna l.nn. arf.._mnyJa 9ei -iO,. 6n 5iIîn .. P-- e - - y, 7 'S ?3 4 Ait. lT tiv Cî.. Ors9 8 n .,Si 6dnlT4 N..... .d nfCar'k-, . S tt,ii M&i. n; ., on Ca 9.b,e.. Onkv le ; aEln., Tbne.. l.. a.inn; 4,ite ,len. .Aeinn; & C . D HaBll. Oiuli.iain,. th 0 t C-,iiC..t ii,i t Jurye. M,n.7tih Apri,t ni n .m.;Madat. Oîî1î..tsîiistJ,.î.e.nd C-t~y Acuis,Tuedy. 7tbjnnî,tMn. Cl fni b.Poona. la UMMER DATS ORANGE and GRAPEFRUIT J UICF.2 T'1198-25o LEMON JUICE 23&-oz.TmILN ..' PINEAPfLE RINCE mîleaE aieaq COWAN'S COCOA Tm 210, 310 M:e ASOS COFFEZ PRO. 259947o N FROSTY MIX za - 19 CUOCOLATE STRUPlê-o&m7.sle GRAPEFRUIT -a&Tu 23o CaBAEATQiiEHHOHAZLOM H67e STUVVED )OLIVES jàz 3 COCOANUT FI-E- la49 TEMTT RICE DISR -0.4c VL 3 0 Z!??? SPIES s",99UP U TOLVAIOCA CH 1 JAVEZ 140 INES O1T83O BlO aSeAPON 1. sec 12PUDlb.G@ for.220 CARRMTS 2 hnches for 13c LETTUCE lOc heu.! CE.F.RY HPt4RTS 2 for 35c LEMONS 54C doz. ORANGES 220,s 288s 252s 53c doz 34 C 80e. 39 C 8e.- Business Directory KEDICAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC Phtones: Milton Numilêr 2 Cannpb.ililie Nomber 39M14 Dr. (C. K. STEVENSON Dr. W-. J. ODEHTBON Dr. 4. K. BEACH Office Hoora: A. M. By Appointment oniy. PHM. 1-4 7-9. Sundayn--Emergencten Oniy. MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL X-Ray Coroner, C.P.R. and! Cao! Surgeoan DRL G. E. SYER Phyonen and aiuren Office-JamesaSremet Phinne Ns. 38 Office Houra: 9 ar.. 1-3, 7-830 pma. Coroner - M.O.H. DR. J. H. 0'NEILL M.DC.M. L.M.C.C. Offica and Reidnme ItAM S TREET MIL.TON Phone 412 DR. J. W. MeCUTCHEON PhysinandBaSuBrgenn N. E. Corner Victoria and! Elizabeth Office Hoors: 9 .m.; 1-4, 7-9 pin. Phone 395 LEGAL DICK & DICK W. L DICK, KGQ iCounty Crnwn Attnrney) KENNETU Y. DIM .HA. Barriatrn. Solicitors Court Houa. - Milton Telephon. 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON Hrrast.., Snolicitr, Etp, Offie-Nent Door Champion Off1.. Main Street-Milton Teiephooe 5a GEORGE E. ELLIOIT 1Barrite., Soleltor, Nntnry Publie Office-In Former. Oauilding. Main Street, Mlton 'icieplione- 70 G. HOWARD GRAY, ILC Baerlt.r, Soleilar, Nniaey.&as. 238 Keete Street, Toronto, Ont. Phone LYndhurnt 861.2 -Also i- MnOLTON ]ENN by Appointient LEVER & HOSKIN Chartnr.d Amoaantat Sucennora t., JENINS & ARADY 1305 Metropolitan BIdg.. 44 Victoria St., Toronto Elg. 0131 DENTAL DR. G. A. KIING DENTAL SURGEON Office In. Royal Building, Milton Houes-0-5. Eveningi by Appointmont X-Rny Service Teiephone 197 DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON Office oser Prince.. Theatr, Niglit Appoîntmentn moy Se arranged X-ttny Service-Gos Extraction Houes 9 tu 5 T'leephone 65w NIELSEN-The Chiropractor Deugi..., Tharapisa 33iîd TeaofaiPrartice fb Lady Attendant Over Dominion Stare,. Georgetown Phoiie 150W OInTICAL H. C. LAIRD, R.0. OSnTOMMETOST - OPTICOAN Mlton-Thursday Alternoans and Eveniiign For Appoalment Phone Mrchandns-56 Eyen Esnmined - Lennea Preacelbed ENSImANCEC R. W. FOX Agent for FIEE and AUTOMOBUM INSUIIANCE ]Phone, 2«J Miltoo, Ontario Pollock &,Camipbell Maufacturer.a ai HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORAL ENGRAVING 62 Water St.. North GALT TELEIPIONE 1H48 PAGE IWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TMTRýqnÂv ATTrIliczT ldfh 1"7

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