PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSOSAY, AUGUST 7tls, 1947. MILTON, ONTARIO Pubi.hed Estee Att..... Athotls.das secod as.ail, 0 P.t OGicea. Dottut.. SUSICScIPONs ATES-4S . t ser n t ad..aa. United5Stts.ose atditioaL. Si g tcopi@ je. luth tSi gsndss«Ib.ases.. shez chae Di sdnr.. ta5.mqut. ADVERTISI5G RTES%-Os. apcts.anditest.gis. ta foc. c&. ugiet. hilss. Ath-sgh rs ne-uctton v.55tb tsh . t. .si t h. Dduttinssgiig tht tif tusstfb labl. Ltersy -, i tio ..y sont nbli.h.ti 5.nnusdeaises.c 1* -nof t uch stio.tiit s rei nqustt.i w..itlsg by th sderti.r ntd etrned t the ChaOupis. buss offie dutyuedgttby te dvrt su ad sItb snbset orncrretins. plïay ted t.ii.n itssg tht.... Mdgin ht tt tse, t-Y s. --. t- à t Tht Gam.. h..t. fitbitty .hl ti seed sh sàapropotin, of th .stin. n.t oni-ehaitdvetisecet s by the -,rtetent- theb hole op.-ttmph b, oue sde.tlgns.t. G. ARLOF DILLS, Edtt Roi... Ottsa.. . .M'stm ttt. 391tta Tttpht. N. EDITORIAL Canadian Fiag and Unity Comttng back from a holiday tripin the United States shere Old Glory seem to float front every hot dog stand and certainty on public buildings, one casinot help but note the absence of fags in Canad- ian towns. We wonder many imes if the adoption of a distinctive Canadian flag would likety do much ta make Canadians do a litle more flag waving and a great deal more conscinus nf our status as a nation among tise nations of the world and incideotalty make more toward Canadian unily. We note that India, tbe latet of tbe Britisis Empire ta obtain dominion statut, bas already adop- ted a distinctive fag and sot waited eigbty years to take the stop. Tbere is notiing disloyat to the Motiserland on saci a sîep and we would espect to sec tise Union jack displayed along witb tbe 00w fag wisen adopted. But sorely troagis peace and var Canada bas sbosld loyalty and davotion to prove that a fag of our own woutd ont be Èisloyatty but merely a sigo of a nation growiog up. We've bud designs submitîed. The point bas been argued long enoogis and political parties bueý made an issue and disptay tbat is tirenome. For tbe sake of Canadian snity Canada neads a distinctive Canadian ftag. The design is a mtter to be chosen by parliament, not eigbty years fromt 00w, but witbin tise next year. Adoption of a distinctive Canadian flag would certainty be a frst step in paomoting Canadian uniîy. Totrst Business la Immense Soure. of Revenue contruct and mintain. Yet ail thene roads, often lcading only ta small iamiets are back surfaced witjs a good fiicknean of asphait. We aaw none of his no-called road building wisere oit is nprayed on tise road and a layer of saod in put aver if sucis an han bren donc jant 00w aitishe Burlinglan Bosch road. Ontario han o grand toarint country, attractive to American viitors but if it is ta ha helti, the On- taria goveransent will have to taore more of tise eleven cent tax collected on every gallon of gasoline and some cof tisa icense and divers fees colectcd front motorints and pend if on bettar and marc persi- ancot iigiswsy constraction. Rouds arc not as dit- flcuit in Ontario to maintain and construci as ?as many atiser places. Amenas, anis have tisem in tiseir own cuntry and tisey enpect ties. whent iey coma ta Ontario. Less attention b aoverseas, ravel and more atten- tion Ca Ontario iigisways and more expenditure os them froro tise roney colected sisould certaioty be tise duty of tise Ontario goveeroment tisese days. Do Not Hoard US. CurrSncy At tise requent of tise Foreign Esisange Contrat Board, tise R.C.M.P. have commenced a coantry-wide ciseck os tise way in whîcis storekeepers, service sta- ions, isotein and otisers are handiiofUS. carrency received froro tourints. Tise US. dolar expenditares of touris in Canada are one of tise main sources of tise foreign enciange oeeded ta puy for Canadian imports anti otisar normal expendtares in tise United Statcs. Sa lisat tise US. dollars spent by tourinta wiil be avaitable for Ciese porpones, tise Foreign Exchange Contrat Regulat- tans reqire tisat Canadian mercisantn and osiers ton tise US. currency îisey recive inCa tiseir banks. Undar tise Regutatians a mercisant, boteikeeper or ahes person cngaged in a business serviof tour- its may ccept US. currency t par and muy moka change anUS. csrrcncy for a non-resident tourint who tenders US. csrreacy in puymant for purchases. For tis purposc a merchunt may kaep on bund a reasonabie umaunt of US. currancy bat, witis this ana exception. is acqaireti ts tom ainta bis bank titi US. curraîîcy ha receives. I nu circamstances ns a mercisat, hoîcikeeper, etc. catitieti adar Cisc Rgulatisas t apy ot U.S. surrency an escisage fsr Canudian currancy or in change toau Canudi an rasident, even tisaugi tise tat- ter muy busc tandared US. crrsncy an paymcat for a purchusa. EDITORIAL NOTES Tise worst part of a holiday is gtting iack ta work agaio. Nant ibig aveots wiii c haeis Canadian National Exhibition ta ha fliowed hy tise local fait faims. Accorditg 1tiste Ontaria Dapartmesî of Traval A ne machina bas iscan inveniti ta tenderizei anti Poisicily whicb comen under tise directian of steaks bat it is videnthy nat yet in generat ancý Hon. G. A. Wesis, lise banis business of Onîar:o tisogisout otan tise country of its origis. han already increaned 25 per cent, mare thon tat year anti t tise rate of etry of United States touriets Sidas. dues Augasl came aroanti witi tise grass il ix estimate t ta îiey wilh spenti 25,000,000 in Am- anti trocs no green anti frasis. Tise regolar raitnsave erican dollars iere hefare Iis seanon coses. As a matir growtis spendid rven if tisey havaeisumpereti source of cash wealhhlie toarint traffic now stands lise brvstiag. second onlyty o ewsprinh. Thon Iis toarint itetm atone offsets about one-tiird of tise anfavoraiste bal- Eacis yerr t tiis tima tisa naed for a swimminig ance of trade beîween Canada andt he U.S.A. Tis poliscomes sa urgent tisot ih uppeurs somtiag average ciices acceptn ibis poucafol invasion s at ca strate" wilh ha dosa about it. but Ibea aib e mattor of course witboot doing mach about it. winter tise argec s ns uhoiti aI Tise fut iv tisatishe budgets laid down isy bath Ottawa anti provincial gavrnmants ta attract tisa iJiesdas i paii and dachrai isy Caiudianscoon- banIss are insignitcant as reured uganst tise posias for tisa rsî cîisht montissof 1947 total $215.. returos. Staffs af toorînts isreous are avarwbaime.t 404,181, ;tr in crsaýc ai 7.', frîîm tise crrespodiîngi wiîb esquivas iras.tisa U.S.A. rigist tirogistise pcr.oi iif h ot tsar. Asgussî iviisods, ait $12,221,890 year. Tisey ara givan littha time ta orgasmze widlvareslishithy iff Irais Cisc saine miotiof 1946. on lise basin of sduatiag Cunadiuns onsoisw hst to encourage and ccommodata tisa milliLcas ah mtar J. tit Cronstio. wiahy knoîws ditov ai tise Mid. tourints wbo coma 51toibis country. la avary sml ]usd Frac I're>-s Herai bas iisposcd of bis busincss town tise passng of U.S.A. cars is accepîrd us aiî h is sio Wiiam Cruostas. Wa imagine ha wil mtter of course with is tto tpain tuasnta moka tht stihi icnd a isciping and ablehe sud to tise tes pro. visttors wocome andt 1 grealtisaem as guants. pristor on5 may un occasion anti fortunute istiacti s A breadow sn tiesepndisg of tise qurter bil- scis us arrangement wisere tisa iseseht asti espar. lion of banIs dollars is gtvas as tolhows: Rtait iec can cush passd os ta tise son anti nuccessor. stores, 75 milions; restaurats anti seeping accom- modation, 97 millions; gasolino, 30; tisatres, etc. 22; Tisrs bas issss suchis itercst in tise poil tobsi with varixas items making up tise baance. AImant n tis e Uoited States recestty isy a popsiar magainc. every Canodian iandies Amrican dollars daiiy dur- 1h t idite tat 68t'i of tisa peopl e axpressedt iem- ig 'tise seasos. Aimat evryoae proits asti witis a ranI ondifference. Soundi asteap Sanduys, sec ict tourints drift biroagis towns sitis no braakfast. Tisey sec a cafe sigo: Nal opentlii1hi .." anti pas-n tirough, 'sostering wist kinti of people we arr. Thats not gond esougis for ony IoWn. We with- holti friendsisip asti romain impty tdollar grahiesr aI sur leisura.-BoWmasvilo Statasman. Tourisis antiRoas In anatisar article os Iis page tisa esteal of thec tourist business is shows andthtsa ffacl su ch tradc han a granst isrc, nong hhemn are ils rissîn coma froîm 3utis. Tisa iccnse ,n iesa sacsos sac mattar of isatter ,ast waek ase 50w )rk slate asti mare sania among thes tad twist and turs in roany canes are id ere difficuit la bas on Canada gencroliy. Canoda h oi toarint attractions and ciief amo lakes and risers. Mot of our toar tise nighboriag repoblic ta tiesou t plates ai avary state in tise Unio ci hi giways t this ime of yaar. Ontario couid do more in tisar raads ta attract tisese toarints. ta! nome of tise scenit drives in New Yor especialty in tise state of Pennsyt'ý Aleghany Mountain wisre tise roau and traverse peakn and dates and i but along tise face of motios and slves sn fustr of tise gosero ment laginatios la pru. vide frcea dctar asti iospitai cure. Wisas asketi if tisay wootd ugrea ta a 6.';iatiactian front lisir waegs ta inaonce su ch a plus osly t6', saiti ye. Higissr traigist rates wili ha noughisimatiiaaty isy Cusutias motor fraigisî carriers ta offset 'Ira. mestiaashy iscreuncti oprating csts loppadti is' saakb iy re auge isarnuses of 211 ta 255,,wbici spokasmea for lte isduntry dais. wih pal avary carrier io tisa rai. Tis asct amaunt af tise fraigist rots i ncress'ta bciseuket islabisg stutiietiiy lise (;aaadius Aîthîîmîtive Transport Associaton ins ligist'at imeciiote naeds andi future palicy. Kiters chace of cscape in Ontarioa s amast 5(0-50, says tisa Windsor Star, cîîmmesling tisaI ot tisa 12 msrtiers committi sisce Fshroary 1, 1410, no fawer tisas 45 reanuia ssaveti. Tise Stxr suys tisaI 17 ofthtisa cses wra srittes off after suspects isati ieen riati anti acqaitheti. "Mare tisas 40 of the pasons wiso hava soaffadti uliuman ivssis tba paI eyes uand a isuif yeors ur wltng about te. day. Tisera cansot have ieon tisat masy 'perfect crimes'." Prevention of Fires The following by-Iaw was enatedl by the Council of the Corporation of Miltonu wiieh contais the follow- ing stipulations: 1. No buitding or buildings thereto, other'tisan toundations, tound- etion watts and externat asti psrty watts ot bicke, eement., canerete, steet, atone, tite. terra catta or other Incomboustible materW and wlth rooftg ot tncomistibte materait, halha ereeteti. ptaeed or moveti whatsoever withln tise herelootter deseribeti aretawthtn tht Town of Mltton, oaasety: That areu houstiat on the Nothest hy tise Sistees Mite Creels; on the Soutihent by Pearl Street, Chartes Street, East Mary Street and Wet Mary Street; on the Soatho'est hy Brown Street and James Street anti on the Nortismest hy Mill Street anti the Sixteen Mile Creais. 2. Na buildog shah hbe ereetet i wthin the atoresaiti ares except the Osie e covered wtis Icombustilte asateriat and a spectsl permit ln wrltleg bas et, grat.ted ta erect the tainte iy tht Fiee Chief and Fireeasd Llght Committet. Sueis permit shall he Oed with t Mu. ipai Cieris hetore erection la commetaceti. No persos shah wthin tise atoresaiti area, hum asy papers or any articles whissoevee.cept in a proper mtai container, itteti with s top sas to prenant burrslng psrtieo golng through the air, and sU ouch cotainers must he approveti by the Fire Chiai. No perses asywhere withln the Town of Mlton shaitIltght sny outtisor ire wthin thirty tort of ssy buitding regardiesa of tht con- struoction of sach building asteas permitteti hy tht Fîre Ciiet. No person anywhert shahle ave ony outdoor tire anattendeti or teaue the premisas withoat property extinguiahing tht tire. No persan shall plare ashes wthln te, feet ot any building, tance or other ohiecis whlch wiltibr,. Ail ceosonsas ibthis e storesaiti ire ares shah hkeep their iack- yarda rieur su as ta alisa talli grens, regresusor egres y ail ise eqalpoatot. Tht Fire Chief eC the Town of Miton ottali Se authortzed at ail rraanahle tmes ts enter upon any pcoperty anywhere witltin the Town out Milton to ascertals. whether tht provisons o the hy-law are obtytti anti to entorse or carry intoffect tht same. No peson wthoat the consent of the Counoclio the Town of Mit- ton shahl disposa ot any gsrhage other thas Sy having the saine cotteet- es, remuseti andtisîponed ot acctrding to tise ttrms ot tis hy-tsw. Estrsct Irons tise arbage By-taw FLFF ?. 94»LEMON nIiz* c btuerA»TM S, et mT5MATO 5"Vos - AYTLU n ?»AIM LIMA De "TOME 2ILC SAUCE -25C BRAN - 11l/2c, 17c SE»AP5.EOT FLAKES 2 Px-« 27c LIMA BRANS sse MUFFTS SPIC asiE PAN 23s R.-à h33919Fe r Js 2 .t13C Us~Whs.aitttst))FRUIT JAR$ tagqq X3 ass5ciIJAR RMINGS$ 31Ca 2 C PAROWAX lac LIQUID CERTO c.. s NquGGET 8110E AEK"ou TU OVý" LZIDZD POLIE -se Ta.."usmeo "JUNICET" Messes nss,± i uu uI1C E .D?"Ra SMO 2~25 Ica CRExaU __ S 1. .L. TAPIOCA JUICIE 2 27c 127 » BFOR 270 TREATS ,Pu24 MUINE VINEG A soi 9e CHAMPION DOS FOOD 2 27t CROCOLATE STRUP .st 5e QUAKER SPARIESPzs. 7c, tic CUANP fer Greaay WaNg re. 19e KIPPER SNACKS 3 et.. 39e ATLMER PRUNE PLUMS Tm. 17C OTINER PARKEO R'STA W 44C u« 7 PINEAPPLE Jules an.q mwoeonsmmaaJuIo ~uOc PURE LARD ÀO"G]g7cl NICE NEW CAIIBA<E 2 Heatis 29c FRESH RADISHES 2 Banchas lSC NICE RIPE BANANAS1 14c lb. ORSANGEC. NEW CARROTS 7- l4usciscs15C - (ANTELOUPE 23c 'c Nice Firro CUCUMBER.S 2"--15c tai 288'st C 31 52's35 doz 220ns45C dur. Business Dfrectory THE STEVENSON CLINIC Phsones: Milton Numbe 2 Camtpbettvilte Numiser 3M14 Dr. C. I. STEVENSON Dr.. W. J. ROBERTbON Dr. J. IL BEACH Otfite.Mourut A. M. Bp Appointmtnt 5.53'. P.M. 1-4 7-9. Ssndayt-Emergenat.t O.siy. MILTON PRIVATE H-OSPITAL X-Nay Coroer, C.P.R. ani Gant Surges. DR. G. I. ST-ER Ph3mSSaaamMd ueant Office-James Street Phone No. 38 Offic HeoMurs: 9 a....; 1-3, 7.830 p. coronser - M..H.L DR. J. H. &MNILL M.DC.M, L.M..C Offite.and iel.ce MAIN STREET MILTON Phase 412 LEOAL DICK & DICK W. L DICKF, R.C. tCountY Crown Attorney) RENNEM SY. DICE. M.A. Siscristars, Solietors Court Hosse - Milton Ttltphosst 4 T. A. RUTCHEINSON Baelatee, MSoSiano, Etc. Offie-Neot Door Champion 050e. Main Street-MOtan Telepisone 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTE na..o.o.r, Solicitr, Nase>'ruba. Officet-In Farmer' Buiding,. Nta Street, Miloes Telephone 70 G. HOWARD GRAY,LC Barretae, Solicitor, Neb.y* ha. 238Rentie Street, Tarante.,0Ont Phoane LYndisarst86122 -Alua at- MILTON INN hy Appaintment LEVER & HOSKIN Ohaerd Aoounesamai Suee.ssors te JENEINS A MARDI 13015 Metropoitan Muig., 44 Vietorsa St., Trante ESg. 9131 DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Office in Royal Buiding, Mites. Hour-9-5. Eveoinge isy Appinlst X-Ray Service. Ttltpione 197 DR. F. EL BABCOCK DENTAL SURGQEON Office over Prinatos Theatre Night Appoitrotots may ht arrange&s X-Ray Servce-Gas Extraction Hours 9 ta 5 Telephane 65w NIELSEN-The Ciiropractoe Drugi... Ths.s<.hO. 33rd Tear ut Practica 6 Lady Attendant Mon.. Tues., Fr.. 2-5 pis. Weti., Sat., 2-5 anti 8-9 p.. Cioseti Thusday Over Dominioo Stort, Ceargetomf Phoe 150W OPTICAL I. C. LAIRD, R.O. OPTOMERTIST - OPTICIAN Mltoo-Thurstiay Aternuona 5»d Evenins For Appintmets Phone Marchsos's-5t Eyet Examinti - Lenses Preserthmi INBURANCE R. W. FOX Agent for FIllE and AUTOMOBILE INSUEANCOE Phtone 064 Miton, Ontario TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADtAN PACIFIC RAtLWAY STANDARD TISS Coing East.-7.31 s., iu.dity; 2.04 pm., tiiy; .37 pm., tiaiiy except Santiay. Coing Weat-.07 a.., tisily (tieg); 6.26 p.m., daiiy; 12.47 a.m., dsily ex sept Sunay lagi. SUNDAY Coing East-7.3t s.m.; 2.04 pan.; .14P.. Coing Wext-.07 s.m. ttiagl; 6.X6 pr. CANAIIIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Coing Nortis 7.58 a.. Coing Soulh-7.35 pr. PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TRURSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 19dT.