THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSISAY, AUCUST th, 1947. t of irth.. Mrritge *dD... __lui _________ ara toiletedlla.tha aa. stnua Hearing Adjourned Streetsville Drops 5947iof etr. CabesNofaqUans __ __ __ __ On Bank Suspect* Protest of Fridays THE CLASSIFIED SECTION BORN_______ _________ In_ Milton Court Seven Innmng G m Buy-SelI -Exchange- Wanted-Etc. 197 i ., l. WILLIAM S. CHISHOLM Almî,st tp unti the ls iue Adertisements under this heading 35e, eash wth orde, up ta 25 union o South Arca. .ta Mr. and William Stewart Chlsholm oItEb-leWZhilde Tony DeCecca, of Hamilton, Streetoville Softball Legionnalicas ln- ords. Additional toords le par word. tf cash domsflot accompany Mms F. J. Martin a s0n. queslng Townoblp passed awoy at his cogedwith loklog part in lwo batikssled on registering s proteot of a tha advertisement, minimum charge 50e and le per word addltional for MrAHEN- tMltan Private homne on Tbursday, July 24th allerobels did luit ,ppar before gaume played at Streetta'ille lat Fri- each word avec 25. Sobequent Insertions 25c. to Mr. ansd Mrs. George A. MeEach- Haetoas the second sont o! tha taelcis arme as c0 alled n'agSîrtsLeglos Club was leading by a roueit rn Inea Mary MeNabb), a on, Toaan unChhl ndws1Court yfftrdoyCrown Attony W i162 in the7th innings whcn argu-FOR SALE LOST Douglas George. 1 haro Jooc 3rd. 1069. In his btchot(d I.Dic, K C.. infornied file court hi uetsoîtuoe Nhichl ook ltacotloodCue 20 OT OnMnasnl lc MACEAX --Tu RobertIand Aduhyo aNs leittcntý( , Scniol and-tttl Ioi.e t tt lamillu(o,'l l hih fnh e ]lo (cabol nat[,M OR ALE-'3 on saturday. luit 251h. 194Î. kt2, Es(qoesitg. Ifîl s ricttua>otul> of> 17> l» c> 00 -1.ll>>it'>> tlI>l>>Oot Avio.-2B daughtor, BarSaaChristina. Ena'. Proohyterion Clttrch, Mtoln. clcPlttt 00c-one ogt lt I îo ul oOeL 111RI hMiltton.I Suvvnhmrhis widu>, the Mr. Dick inolraetheltlcourtOitaluuuld go 9itso(ggthe PeeliCoanll -.Pon O Mtu._ __________ Carer Mary E. ashre a ! ap-DCec mu oatdy io Welland, luds thaught (he gamc 0000 lncomplelc F1 AL 1 (>0 unud g MISCELLANB0US IIIEDhelîville, 1000 sons, Cecl al httme and and litit (ho hail mouney of $10000 e uod thocefore in'.ted uon anoîhert'uamntoil, $75.00. Phonoe11W. endrsed bacb lu (ho handsmea mIt atme evemltco sa hudly otclasscd. _______________ NOÎCE -Amy ld's Finh & Chip CHISHOLM-In Eueslng Townhp Stanley of Duodas ami anc daaghter wr cue' r>eradmte. TesllswsI i h es u O AEOe osenCw u hop w Ilho r osed ra August 3tt on Thursday. Jly 2th, 1947. Wll- EvoaI thom, nîno tua grandchlidrelt. MacteonoaSmdsithc Er an mother. The criecttus1 o hedthenat FORSt .AE neMaluen oodefor holidnys band of Mary E. Eoterbranb, >in *'Me fanerai tlokpnce on Starday costtnderd ta Court heoing in Buling- irtt otntest bal came boch ta 00>ie0brr wl lins 701h yeor. Jl 21 ftm ijlIcldic. > 'atol-tlay, %st-hnnsitc alîtared cltnrg- tlic not tlo. rhon thet-Iird gamc byI FOR S-ALE--Chîldu tricycle, front NOTICE-Thc PublcLhcywI ..>2thfothi ae eiecdu,îhvalaO,'uut!dtlr lelretciottcteteel masrn 20", in goodmcndtt- becloed daringtbthewebs of Aagust serice being condicted byhis Min.I io.lhoeh7.auAgut 1(bhceup 9-2 o IN MEmORIAM iser Roc. E. J. Phinn. wth Interocot 1tîntc wbite bcîng tran> in Barlingto Witb S(r(utvtlle admilling (er PhnAuat2(.2 in Evergreon Cemne(cry, Hilton. Augast 511> Balou tsset0ai $25. mistobo te prutesl mceting out coin- FOR SALE- 3 place chestecfild _________________ FErE~ne.elhigmmyo!-Pladng gtl(ttaa cge ofnon cllodtlot nigbt. Nowth lotoaltLe- sit, nearly new aise,3pieebedroom- adTear-Hnsbsr od an Fner.nrI MS MSHAN ttrI, OC.Ttoa s romandcd onoiros tilIl<urney ta Brampto saite oly slightly asod. Phono 282r3 aan(îi Aagasld an hatttrtcHenoyca..AIMFrldoy ta stportoG(ha.Peet sounty Mlton. i'tf DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Ftte tbopa1e946.o AgutAltos a short llncssn,Agnos Evanst, (ha' t lime,.if accascd lispetd$220, (otoners foi, thir Zona Cbamplsnsbil. FOR SALE-I still havensaeneto hscinad ugo iocstalng w*blor ie !AnsHertdlda la f(ho amenant uwingtal it ile, "ieo notîtnd game in ta lho played ai and asod Hassey-Mrrls Bînder parts. N. E. Corner Victoria anud Eliuabeth s.esot pat*bd10hvebar h ursvdwieo rsHandayalyoen eleraoul lke Iohae00ar Tu Hmpitul Sh ast n Gelb erliety- beplaced on sasîtendod sent- (ho Milton HIgh choal grounida basle Apply al bouse on Mary Street, C. Office Hauru: 9 a.m,; 1,4, 7-9 p.m.n And breathed ln yu5er l0opial 'ewa oncefft- ,. If lie fatsnto malle (ho paymest Monday evoning. It promises ta hoe an' Ljuandon. Phono 395 Osse test partine toord fifth year. cuelitasre3 asi al rtrsigsre.TALRFOSL- onal Onty thosewto h as- ost Mrs. Horns mas bhrn snGumpbell- t dae s 1 ov 0daus1(,>etrsigtRALRSFR A Es toIl Are abeeItattoIt hocourt trd. oteel, eloctrir tolded,te'"ire. m lepiintehatville and apentthIe ltaer part o! bier DR. J. W . MCCUTCHE(>N medtt delvery. Phone Roy W. At nol sayiag faeastl. 11e os the finit lino o! Esuesisif OPENS OFFICE HERE ,oultin, Ao(on 40r6. O. AUCTION SMLE Sadly mlsned and ever rememnbtted Towmnship. Sy ais Wile sad FomilY Besidles ber hssband ahe lis aurlem5 HARTLEY-SHIELDS CLAN PRACTICE 0F MEDICINE FOR SALE - Cetflad ranpberry IN ACTON _____ plants Write Box 754, Campbellford,- pELLE'CfERIO"If l oving memory by one son. Mrvin at home; tbr HOLI> FIYI'H REUNION lic. J. W. MeCutceobea as opened' Ont. for illastratod foldaer and gcoa-- of a dear tile and motller. Mary daughtees, Hrs. Phl Hilson lAlicl. AT CRAWFORD'S lAKE os office for (ho general lractîce ofi ng 'bos how." Dont delay. Supply FiJBNITUIgE, HOUSEHOLD Pelletterin, %via pasaed away. Aug- Edcth o? Oshoîlle, Mcs arnt Hotow medicino a itbs esdenre an Victoria llmlted. EFFFMYIS, ETC niaI 41, 1943. don lElval o! Horsby ioua faster 'l'lite fft h reantios aIfte Harlel.- Street. Ho gr-adaated in 1941 fromnOt AECs ilseltebn We d flt logetberme ovedberchildies, Eessetb and Llawreace at Shieldu clais tos held on the beautiluitlho Uinvorsity of Toronto, internaidt machise a.Ith seed re-riraiter, alsoTadesgribv eeie tan desrIy,s Fac ec memnory ta fade f rom aour hume: ber mother. Me. Jante Evans.1 groundsaia Cratforda Lobe on Sat- Ottatoa Civie Hospital and tanb post- Cocshtt Stader. Appy Ceaymare tructcona from licm libe a dream. Cuelphb: one ister, Me..Gordon Ford > rday, July 26tb, 1947 mith 140 memt- graduale worb as diseases o! tbe Farms, Onodas Higbmay, Phone Oak- GEO. W. BENTON Our lips seed aot sposk shen ounr (renel, Milton and une brother. M. hrs prosent. heurt und sorvouas syslem n Losdon, t ille 945H. (o salI by Publie Aurtion at the back hearta mourn sittrerely. John Ecatns, Guelph. IJuring tieterlîraa s the fami- Engtond. Training on choit dsoasso FRSAEEiofru bu IBentona HMeat Hachet,ona Fomgis ef en doisthc hslle soalsa edo Stro,>O snstirbled, (bey oero registared e osobtainod ati Gcoeenhus a d'tSe vlloge o? Hocnby, 1/2 acre of SAT.IWA, UGSTBI Sadiy misued and ever emembered Aagast 2nd fronm the HaeNab Fsnor-1 and logged und etjoyed ostlng asth Labe Edtonrd Sanaoria. Ho former]>y gronsd. limai] haro and mork abop. Commeaeing at 2.30 olc by ber Husband and Fansly. aI Homoin Milon. TIse service wascacb alier. 'l'ienuaino tport pro- practsod n Hamilton tobore ho tout1 Apply ta Hrs. Jamet Balley, Hornby. tefloig cnutdy e.M.Jbsnad !Ont. ..1 Toape Mohair 3-piece Chesterfieldl brother Bus, Sgt. . M. Wiofinerment loch place in Euergcee iccsonmttre, ctsrcetl oual mach tht' ecdirai stafor th(e OrneraI Ho,- FOR SALE New muchines ceadySutgncndtneetyc- billeul on active service overseasa Cemnetccy. Hilton. >1» utîte satisaction of 5-uang and aloi1 il for immediate delivecy, t H. H. Bind- alit; 5 plece Bedranm Suite, statast August 3rd. 1945.1 The palîbeocers wece> Ernsest Wl- kilke. Mo t(eyase eotr -____ r 7' oat; I Courge Whitle Tbresher hed, bed spring and Masrsbul muttrs, Remmbrnces godenobin on.EmoîtMedibosHarld1.0- Ma ndof tha le lounarîpolîes u1 1.1 -442" tnuhrabe. Purdy d& Purdy, dresser, oanity table und bencb. cOi!- Dealb tries ta break butat in>0 00> ForentilîherM Wcgglesanrth. Clii- and li 0>0IHsda>I5>IIMain arocolvant.. hono454 afbner;aIdFren loa4y ie ct van- The yrars moy tospe out marY thingo frd Hilson and lPhil Hilson. Wcteasd rc S: 4 pecair.table Sut this tbey sipe out nooer *l'le tablles f»or uier store pluord Iîtsariindiate asi.4i)alI iiFmoriait, main st., mItan WibrPchStsEO.ho.tbo MIe mmorY o 1005e happy dayO _________ t>îoka 10aO î. î t -Ct loecs. toeddisg boquets, fan- and lalmp; 2 Chesto o? Donuoro. icou5; W,,in1okigstorelaIlandovetohtheor-ludoigna, attorted pt plaats. Local 4 perce Oak Hall Sot.,ariting desb, Mrs' and <ct>' TETHMPs-MYI t0»t»tt tt ct(nttee t>ncarge, hi- I>Iiv-( fferNom-(>On deiveîy. Phonse 151 40t1 hall tout. mircît and table; 1 Bridge- h;"'-TETHMSNMY kt: er itcsoo'îîc(>îod cc>ienIuaIn it oh-LuImit;1 Doublo Walnul Wardrobe. WILSON- Ib ocing moolury tm 'D)N(~»,»I-JON' G REýNIIOtIBF.S oearly ecst-.3imiror.rt.1ITable Lump; deaf b>.Ihc'Eus.uSa sIN Ocleil i-rto , lu> ý tce h,unte(»it Augasl ird. 1945. o hlc ýrving .0 EDSEN I'NITEI) CHL'RCI-I i ici>.lc.oa t I i ricroc> ishlt- f. It l'>.>t»ttt I>t»t tt»lt>,nlauftmeuliflud-crs nI oti bindainpot psats. t Paît Vuoily Lempandt Eed Lump Enad widhr thefl u(ItCrp ll-t 11 - t., î- ni.e-caî-î 1,1tîc o Itot unt Mîîl>,' tt '>.antd Okotviii(' doli>cr. St! Feronoot Pilaret: 2 pair Maraon 1 a tkd.tterB sSitda ird, la..h cîc>l (>î-t.Ind> 'il ' t »cu-tina cî,t, o f u lt' fas> t'uPHONE 257J rfpes; 2 pair Nos Cartains. t pair Who stet tI vaaucnd he l r ton I - i de 'nt-i -l, r ondcttc I îi-intn ,tl ' 10 littt ucsrccîîî>îohi. t -l.E On- sciiFrigcdai>so nouleumape. m -1nait n ieî1 06n h00(e ho>o came marhcog hr hum'> cl>-t i-on St»>' tt-iiitg >iat0 Ps, lý i' ý le latniCn (Iiiiliinhi l'i RSLieO e Vcla r Diapet. 12co 1n 000 lu: Teuaaccent ne off them. 1. laïo andtlu'onathal hvy ,JtOdSI gari. >iil hociu Actun n >1. ,stîrî-r,-îî. on>e ua- iOlton Caetr.,Rog,9-12; I ClobhenHorte: t E>tobon 'Illnevr etiheiuiaohe,OiOer illics'd(ig fiiiîthLri»( i>ct»î>r>ci>bhrtcd h(-O ,,-'>ie i Oa- jIýi'iontWod'sCanlerone used Col-- --plc Srenad rs losethe reretIi,-n,-ttf M, adtt-,liicodcii aïkbuihl-ccIil.inet-or >i-W cirg .înone ttsd v»udon ide SM: 1 locbog Chair: i Card For you sere theckcoi fil tS other nîi lori. ulii houles Rîobert I l ...t>crliitii>tiroo. '>5-n >i, -Ice s i-o nIi>tli-dOal-t» .cli ollî-roneîuîuscd Wood'u Ebectrcc lal 1 r cymnoe Rg9ti.'xt6fi. Your isterrien everforge. pla, hal Ilix- Mrie.'I"i;ect>it-ý'1, h>- 1, î CarbOasilF -i n.; 1 Belacym ue R st,7iltx 4lti Re,-c NI.T'b. Braleîr>,ffct>.dMri'itt Nîu . E. I al-t't>t i llcvtt rto nd cî..i 57> u-s: 19117 ieji. deoînsttî'o , etoMîie. 4 heIle E7" d 3Rua M o> der sun Sgt. Willicam Mrshall Wcila> .îss tci ho>I>Icin ond i >11»» II 1o>tuot-»o'i> ' ,lsrt-» Jcoo P>n 3W Cuu- uie 9>01ter Rugt: 1 Eleet ccc Maffat ,on. B-74778 Cooad>an Pr>,tict Cl>. SîluIl. hl. -tcctr lentcîo f hi, l>o IIt :elleMfoi - igi>i o go oalo a'. RanE ctge, borner'.! cltS igb aven:1 a-bu aat blieul on active 0ev> o.irfi> , -i...i> t i(ltti.î..u îci,»n1(1 E (l AI o>dbo> lrtigc ar Stitielanran Edeblue iEngîand. Augasti boul. 1945. Eu,- ;i%(c o oin >>arnage . he-r lii i s"> to oRSA ei..>0>0 .5 îccîîî Iers î'>c Sort islan 00( ma i d ue Englanîlcî>>,'stail oiron.t-eilcîA'Suoi t hI.>for >I. a Per'>c't>>u>.tdt'tse rtilesareal]>ittiad>; Yoa sioep icou grave in (hglantl . NF%%* i> iuttoSTANDARDSei( li Iler.g.o moiuîîn- TEo CAS In a grave I mac nasor le. andii>l itt>l »ob 15' ls-e sirt oithic c pii. .,>tt'tcî i' ..îu o 's I 5N>ScN)cRS >in> >,> ltci%%, gcîad t(,o O d ruodiCcSH May (iudguideorme 6>04 hau>l ]uni ft-IImintl > rricu i airi Ife >».-..c>: I i .-> tIc I canaa o,'>îrentiltltt i nalîcoîla ne tt 0.15>- . HINISIFS> & EL l I' utn i* - me Osrlîto s.aii.i>it.1'i t>O.i îcîiri 1>1 sits -iv Iîi AubiO ti> Iii-1-c i>ti>ctc oliish>tI,.tuit îîicctîiiistr. el,îc . 1O7C.e'ao;c Ta hla lo e i nb t>>.i i>t- ,fos > of> iiiOgi' in s a>nc>ti tl ttii M>li,>,_î,tli-Il-i t ri lt >>>>>> irit I >>>»>» in 'o,%%'iît> i i-. tu>oîdîîî- pýsitî oi 18 rou> _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Sa oang. vic chi-ciul. tic trour -nrf> iitel i ret- , r- lieriigrandi-i-Il>.ilti liii>i hil-,t 1>.>'> t>>>»liitfliro> '--ini l>tcs i ll t' >1>1ieris.i 'Tîn oI>,,onoder wM- icarti cou> ino > »>> l i oicii,>l--t> illitoe-h>it.ibtat'c>t>it0 N-t'e pid. îtplîyl_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W tt ongîng drue Buttofl urnd a :jJIu h. i l. o- n t. uu,>;;i ltb , . ý, Mi, F, St'1R Fitzgra"oilRai Estut'. Icaotnatbnrelhneide Yhui grave b. ue, il. t-c> r> d ot-ti-r Rî,cut 'ilî.q ît.>. i..,iThi,,h> ](i anPollock & Caipbell The plce 1kosteh oi, lerMI. lil >>>,ýý - i iMito.. t>> cI.. -' ic,ti). is- of i re 1> _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gîtul nosi tees' c.auI;toioccî>ci-. It iic.l aS>t>t i>>>i....>l ->tt»c tWANTED I MSanuatureaof Muay Anglt ruail the Oc hi:c- Slîîa c> i, and ».in I. i .. l ..> fa-, I li.> >>,.>c 1i-iI îî--tî iOt > î H G A lic S ,l ic> o- s -ote,h>,tî'> Ikýn ,ril,, 'la-t» t- cI, c l iut . ,~>,t'i-t t. l'tua" Poe MEMORIAL ENGRAVING Mtarsha>lit I adv 11-7( n Th'>>l+jun-i c1iIl- >1.- -te t \ I t 'i>ilt-l u fil,>> v Su> - t.»Ici> f. >11 .» > p> >,.î .l.,-lî:l-» . Sf . .-,c>.: lu'l. hin 22 j TELEPIIONE 2048 ('v -.> . i-tc lgcc.> îc l.di -'l' i f j ;": co il,.. Ia -. : - lIl. , , I0 - lA, N' .td - îo- 1>1-c- i>~> i u > tt > b.ul.î tcI t cîl i>îco.cî -'c IsiN ., i i'.. --( I f ,.... w v. ccir ci c111 11 cul,'>'>cr(CNBI An 1> ou lt tt 00> ol-ut. >I »> --I>...B...t-U OuIhaf or du le0. lhieS u tc >fiînsT î. h-î-r ncl litt >» -tîl Cr A if> i.tI, ui >n.fî >»- h ho--..îî-i cici lit- o'>> t' f'c"l'l 14f ciffi I tare. rîîtR. . 0M .75 M itE el Eut- su (rroo 14 Il - tPAl fotSN IN BCT N .Su al. edfn ncdtoll 000 bIptt-. a n d ro ou m -ia I tt. NWîboîb nd Mibîf,,,0intiti i-ocios Itîr Ailoi I;. 1 î.uîlîlisI c RandELL IECLI T e E yil Hum.l a i 4. etrr e'.a u sit 0-bniayurro'1%,ticigarit.I.onîi.> b - ,.i - hak i 0- .( R MltonCampl lvle ______________ rSt w o n t t i k o ( )isrtcesare ifM otsh-t Ouo i nnatItite ro ure th - , Mr,. Wrî. îb'i -lb Il>tlev1nd.sn1Jo noa nt 1 a t __ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ An 1trlisust frgl eil id eti(n elru îu tos.îcîr cIiftt,- - I S, In 'rtr, liti, le27,>1 slîut l>e ali lit seconulcul DeuantHomes f au Ctt i fo i 1 EfrocT RE CARDa OF TSAK >'l iito frîu1cr k'-lî-tced iot ThoningailCeiruloanu CROP IMPROVEMENT i-m Is-Ititsin ((>0 hl'attdian Nattionacl Cs ltnron al moiney (atndnghboos AExhb itionit> y nuc'. ]teyrain a i foalowr sandîs temoe of tons ,gl er.AcSOCIATION 0F HAI.T<N l.iiibit>i.ow(i. O so irls are el-S pesovtainnia herrb ofthc Inter- MEETING AUGUST 111h ig>iclc. , prvnilBikYaIl. erjecialy Mr. __ J.E. BEocoo andl M. vTtomso for A Il-ung oCýL .PleIl lrhiodfnoss uaiogthotî-cet det'cii flr uA(. 'tmî i o Mr. Jack Ruhbnt Pi'siilnit tici-itotn 1'>.,;>lm- Flornceci-andiFamiy i>ot'wt't As.ttiIttiin on cei MrAm>csHeanoand aiecy witu;tlî't't>nisi.,bighlt'y1 cAstCII Inoruts-oul i(st hic manor fiend.neîe h- ' lt th(fi- loto itI ge Lu Ai DAiD bor adoeil(lub>vocth(bro lîartîcl &Sn.. lot 6 tiffthe t- 7 ne, i DIsJLD> thaobs adatî pî.nccatiîîe for acs'.ciling 'l'unohîîî. i»st womilu jbv binne'suoi hciuiifltirai trihîîic. tl.î-b Mîînîbîîy. Aug-ttl i1 laIc4 .sT >0 j'lt he ntht-ewrcont tios 7> v îf aoInur mile and mîlhe> i >'cciblv7-.30..C M B tttîInb>ng the Rtvtrt-ntI .ftrb-o r>n OSic <on stî Icî leo 1h>-l..-t I Clm(- hîsý cîîmfotîng st'cdc. ..o-etAs.îîrictiiîn n i-opr R D Y A tlictn milS le ief l'to usbondey 1.0- <ssmnrin Paofment of is' 0. A. C. lind doton rcîîiculed noriî-Ip lests with somne 18, MILTON VS. C - Irevilies - sariotino of oaitseuld barioy. Pco- A(CTON TO PA frssur Jamet Laaglasst of Cilrph - ii lead i he discussion on thesr 6 aC -Poil las dlinsuenls tili reeole vrîties anul other cr55> problem'. il CAMPBELLVILI>E 01J)BON somnmons loapan r in ourt for n- 10 alto antiipaled that Kennetb Me.- getitog their ptoli 100. Naagbt aI the Crop'.. Seeds and Wreds Open Air Dance Brosseb, Toroato, will bc on banul to n Whnpitn ntebtrodsessebhemical mouv los nu on t I Wba plntngs tsebutramtertut pastores. We at nartnl Laad speaker in attoadanro caver al ilsiores to anold spaing Ibat R. S. HeatherInglor, National ADULTS 50e pint on tIsemntad Marriag the Film Board operato ol cer05 ndrteasIe !C finish. or two eduasalonat lms. h usie o a tfro rîmî'rhu ili>touthe(liebghccl ch kup. Phono Hilton 210. Wr pay mîîntily t(alirsii(e (lie posiaur bud- phonoebargea. tou o>tat d.Dam!2552 GO RDON ZOUNC, LTO. ingprof a l>»! 'asiilaed u' n 3 Phane AD. 2336,Toroato April 14667 hîtosso m% et-c halbt o hîcis____________,_____ Weilive 90r,000 ocre perinen anîd l'bENIIEIiistillixrcî>xd o'd u Ag- îîc.->'sb>550 împocarny. lob 10(11lui î ainting iooidcof L.ignntc Rt'ol>îit.S . No. ,Esqacting. Loweast i. o.lîîîc.îî-î"sarily ac.c d. fK M .î,Rcîiî .R.R i3, Milton. 9-2 WAANTlED -(mie Pouutî'y. ighest lîrîcet 1aid abvu etheis. >1e oui> t >11lii'-. Phone Randoti & Morloy. Mîlus> i13:Armtlî'ng's flainser Shop L To rna ent MilIftn 42; W. E. tient. Milton 92r15 ~-eeT01' -wcii> e i..Mtet Zera, 402 Dvr WAN'b'1713 (hîd.,rornt.î. 49-52y i»ve'Çi (opn altetti 0 t>lnoue ocaity fisc lîrnol - dîpenîblte apllicant. well îîî'îaints' tilihdiolcrici. Escelleot e imttnraliiosandsu proprlsu for brgtt fularo. Bluearaind Prîîdocts, 7227 Alesundra, Monlîrai., Que. Ocyl. -M-I. 6-4 WANTED -Atn opporian ily Estob- linheul curai WaCitts district avail- able. If yas ureo ggressîno and be- twencnthe ges of 2and 55have or can socure travei asCiI. thia la yasr apportanity ta get establlabeu lIn a profitable business of pour nmn. For toit partîrulars srte 60o-day to the J. R. Watblns Company, Dept. -H-t, 2177 Mason St., Hoatreai, Que. 52-4 Farnworth Memorials Maonamenia nti Maderata Pdaaa CEMETEET LEITER!IG Elara Bd.autCae.etery MILTON WELDING Eiectrie and Acrîpaene Waiding Isepair Welding aI Ail Typea Portàbie Equipmmat PHONE - 348 MM.LL T,-NRLTON PAGE TEN AIUGUST 15 itga ti 1 )11 ,GEORGETOWN AY THE WINNERS 'rIaek YS VS. CARLISLE OLD BOYS Bessnett's Oreh. 9 p.M. Boath an graai*iiu CHILDREN 25e tmpbeiîcîlbe Bail Committee