Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 May 1947, p. 9

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TRUPMSAY, MAY 22d 1947 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PMCE NINE Halton School Children Visit County Council FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING PHONE 356w MILTON Cemnent and Moun tain1 THE 1947 ad~/V#~W/# [El 9/ FOR CANNING MaltasCont Public Sdbooi studeats recentiy eojoyed a viait t o the CounOy Counl ochere they securod 'first-bood information on Zt?'4 theadmnisraton f te Cunt lnwhih teyreside. Above la ah own Miss Marion Pedalir, deputy registrar ot the Surrogate Couiat fo Iiaioi, xpanig hefncios fth ofieta a gru of boys. She lareading a wiil i the request of on ufth l ads. They are I BS R P R frotslef t rght Athu Gan, Cmpellile;RayFod Ash; B leou Shortt, Nassagarurpa: Joe Thonîpson, Hornby; John Aulal, 1 11 .8 .P U ER O Llnbroab; Erwin Lucas, S. 9. 3, Nelson; and David Li lycrop, Tuck'a Sehool, Nelson Township. SecaophtbyRsParn> npvojs ea In pcil lo- mas tterail ut ' fadngonce of sugar for canning wilI be in ERIN OAKVILLE bey pride' and "giorloua addition ta the regular sugar ration. It Woronen reremdelin H A. Frd rme -The Sundy Sehool fiower." So it la wieth every cbapiet ut will be mode available in two arnournts WokinaermdligH . Fe un r ns -elected presid- SUT earthly prote and ail tbe glortous Gosses building at the a-car af hia est ai tbe Oakviiie Amateur Sports Lessof hcauty of tbis preseot world Il Pet, Cf 5 poundcs each. rasidence, preparing il for the nom Association ai ias annual meeting T, T'.24). The prophetas ansmer to Li- textile tactory. bell in the councîl ebamber ue Fr1- SINDAY, M.AY 2Otis ra confidence in the crorun ai Rooently a motorial mas piched! up day eveniog. hl______________ PraeataJbobad~iby i hsvcn ty o ste folloming char- Bels Farm Forum, Nelson Town- a AOSPRS nd strong one." ThisWvasthe king of Ait]* twm p'ufla Oule,- gos--o driveras licease. machera, ship, ocre the tirai gruup lu complete WH IrNaEIH Asr 2K.1:101) h . brikls or ligbts. antd bond ina iheir aigned applications ,rulcroocc Lesisool sycuans themseîvea wccc a "bloudv". Erin Fire Brigade and Village for membership in the Ballon Co-op- i;olden Tes). Foi the Lord kno,,- dcccit fui and a-apacioias people (Na". ~ » YVA AIDJL 7 Coancl are ioavestigsllng and seeb- .ecolive Medicai Ser-vices. cth the wacf t he rîghtcoas: Bol flic :1: 1), but tbey mere an Instrument inV LID M Ylt AI UY11 lng Iformation shoot nomu and ado- Memberu ut the Moggie Waddcil way of the ice shall 1îecîoh. l'S. 'feho,.oha bond for folfilling His mucd Coupons Yl, Y2, Y3, Coupos Y6, Y7, Ys, quate tire tlgbiing oquipment for tbe Lodge of the Rebebohs gaiberod in1: 6. and brirging iudcment upon His Y4, Y5. Y9,YlO village. the lodgc-romn Thuruday e-eoissg Io Lessoo Tesi -2 Ki. 17: bal' ho'oiaing people (Ps. ,6: 101ý.bjThe Cossobs5dnSldff55s~~v~d Two yars ave assei sine a ert- onorthei fellw menberMrsolso 22-23; fia. 28: 1-4. 1000:00 ot the Assyrion na de..crbd hopnoo euede e Af-t-rr-etvvld Tw achv e pJuaai m ~n onces fr1,'m 1br.Ma.m e - 1-î B.U. o iheertîla figure: "atcmfîst If dates, and wmli romaoin void sutl et lseit Dossssme 315t, oral anas mou mode for fonda ta amsR. Kendall, on 'the cumýplretionr. l- adt 1947. rehuild atleat pact of the BUrof-I 60 yeora of active service in the P acro lionioclaotand :iem hî , dsroyiog stoîm,""a temp- Reeas Ms edl abl eue posltion. I. .iioiiuJudgmeoi cul il ooighty waters oveetloming." Eoal mpo la gond re the puolm.» sf 1 pooeid of nagor. Claurch sbed whloh mou deslroyod by Relbho 2acs Keni s7 5ei-e The ihcini:tind nths f tire. The pont minier proroal beyond lu he the oaoly woumon it Canada, ruih cnteIiii) of lucri. 2, i 7 -Vo huh utildnterlt a d.oabt the necessity for nuch a ahel- igeecpin ihao 2oo Ion r1h01 ut idedon d (c. u:e-9) B ter for borses and it couid siso ho used icngihy record.-Recurd-Stor. Vor9 oi- a .c g cii com is Ios. cdsccin h :7 iBc ii_____ me-n me t(,-rtii iho a I o:ýni:olIiisorbof desttoclinn. devf5- «to siioviato tbe crowded parking elcsdy ial iiiio -cr i.î rna a-oileli on wus the o-a-oh ' The world sogar situotion ban becsas improvise and bas mode codiooa-tho mrieeîca - AC O 4Iodn i r ol eîi anid i-r ul,i.a..ed :1 i;:uIta ut-in 2: 4-9i. Tbis aleolcuci- , possiblethe retesl inreaes in theCoadion allownce.Wold AdvoTON Io oihcy Hîi nad live foi film ru:ha i 0P Io. î t he ilî,y supplies, bowever, are st11 saudeqoote ta meet demanda re- ________________________________they tidi th:ogo igiinst Iim. They ihîpoit tut the voire of lehovtil their qiigînee aos Prsmptly ut 10.30 Monîloy moonong îîîoj as -diI tho hcothe- Is not tb;s Cui, (2 IKi. 18: Il, 12). Jes usea-niigcotne rtoi _____________________ a big black cor rulîrd in10 the Actoo truc to-a o aun> ah,, pro feso la similar figcure regordiaso thos ahi,) Park and Lt. Hayes beganthe thld lic peopîile of I ,il tîhereof dc- hcuc his motds anal do tbem 011:a . onnal inspecin of theActuflHigb marcatiunîl 0,e hcllei lc iirîh ~nd iM:itl 6:26,.271. '15 choal Cadet Corps. ItoBs a luveiY the morid a, i;fiar.sitcuanO asIl oulli - day and thV boys anal girls look-ýd la ob, a tlah le otcîîmî of il;s A BRID)E 0F THE____________________________ sborp in their uniforrus. i ar-e i of io-eluiîc on Isciorlu port. EARIY 191h CENTURY C opeOn Soîurday My 3din S. Jo.i sO orudd i v.. 6ndl Gos- J pbs Roman Calbîîlie Cburch mlth joui the sotei:i-dop.Th 15 oi lia. AniuOg tir mi:ut îoteresliflg co-i le IÇU Reo. Foiher V. .1. Morgan officiol- Iscaci aid these bhitgo secrelp. or tune nom on vicm on the News im job~ J ng. the morriage loch place nf liovereal thase thingu. diii not bide 1Arqaisition Gallery ot the Royal On- FI .. Macy. daughler ut Mr. William Den- ,tt fîoni Ilt era 'Ifi Ji-hovah. Thire î:îriîî Museum ore thouc ut un I"riotiU B N K I nis andîthe iate Mrs. Dnnis, to Mr. isnobhiiga nythiflgtlomfilm i.i. 1bride of1828 andber bridesmoid, let John P. Hoslsno Mc. anal:39 1-1i2; îîîh. 4:1.) cNo ma are1b ~aMris J.~ 1 TH. FA RMby ThisiUoeR E Announcement ma ruade this mech Ihrsiýevcs in lhe tligbt tbat the hiatiorsi ut costume ait ls or u&. ibt,.uhict lu approval of tbe Pres- cIftig tp1 c-hldn hî glias, Igau.ý mide uleevsadant bytecy oference anal Settlement , s nothing hîdalen froru isd. IfseIimmîtos. Much nlress na ld nowa- ~ % CummitteeRen. A. Walter Fosbury 11....0cr" ourn:ins -aro ndproper 1dopsin the dri-si 1h01 can be ascal ruho bas been minister nf Acton Un iProu. 28: 11. fo i o varîeîy of ccasions bp the al- ited Churcb for the pasi fine ycous I ehv ind h et'ieI rele cesr will becomcruinseruofbhe Unitedmwerandos Ioncover il al to Coid a liistII neru. Boîbihes WChurchat Hanover. Rev. Louis Pich- hy luneiit aduni n.anda"Plte s- otîichave tmoîiir ofsIeevone eringsshos been mifister at Hua it ariaoPlifotonws longoanal one .b,li anrd.arti r rie o trhe postlen yeasmwill cone theoinichloil(ut Jenus Chist haso abouiful liitle capetaor dy- tu the Actoa pulîîil Bo-th conurogli- lu3113 lîî1 i htT e r coring up tbe tom ncrb - lons houe esîrnleal colin ta thene tain- Ihingsat wer1 nor it right.' ruhirtu lot- whiicii ,as suitoble for eceninge liýteras during the pool teru meebs andi the (hîllri-n utf braen Iti, il given luoctlios. Other occessories suats the PItcnsftr roi iîhelp lobe jla- ait h ro uiiîlnueso o) iliail. Thoe %liici. gloves, slucbings, analth inJuy.FeePrssire foaui l:i:ol ihesiete hiooîlorn hpthe bridsmaid com- ;III thing, wiaiooh .iiho inita opccili- îliqe this iclightlfui tliaplay, mobinu Wc know. ... Iaeing teans ciails 1i1, r0,0 iil o-. quieoýIion forci% hotinbs its rso i. At the ceguaa meeting uftihe Lions ito-lt uluos' li ooo d init a el ior l---- copitin u reoponai.e Clab beldi uitheb Brant Inn on Mon- aie0 surh p lla itiosison ofo thua-nml 7 bilitien. ~ ~ da Ru ee O" evenîng, .1. licirdon Blair ma iam? rounding up yoUr tao, chonen as president of th Club for Il wa of) Il greai r thnt Ili- J. A. ELLIOTT viii you try nuL ta Makis lbe nsaing prar. did testily agitnltheru (v. 13: Neh. iesdAcint The folioming studentu ta-uru Bar- 9: 29-311. Il mos in tîrder fit uia h-bm UaadAcluc tell many coils ot once? linglon anal district mere omong ihose fa-om tht-la cvii ruvs anal thon to noce r3 - H adiont ibs anbo Bememlser-somte gro.-r- ruhu gaduotel frrum MeMouter Uni':- theru. But Isranl dial nul reiioh titis T E adto onhsbr a rsity asnd rereiveal tbeir S.A. dege trstiruuny tif Goal, rrbelled againot il For tbe Cosnios of Halton T enmode possible tbrougb the uap moy need lihait Party st the graduation esercises beld on anal pecacculeal ana le thru e foltbfui anal Peel banking services and belpful fin- limsein a hsrry ... Thanks Mondapo thirce yeors course, Ellon prupheta anal senrs ruha hcoogbt il. Phono lOlIr2l anscing of The Canadian Bank of a lai! Margorel Alton, Ariel Marie Cleave-. Sinners ond moa-ldiy Christions do nnl Helen Louise Eydt tAldernhott. Joan enjnp to-day -the testimony o! Canal Rural Route No. 3 MILTON Commerce. l'on, îoo, may need tes Isabel Isard (Port Nelson), Patricia agoinot them by the moul of is ________________rpise o onrc e nid P ART YSLUNE BndyJabor Douglas fihul srvnts~ but il la Godul -is onte yor fosris w uid COaiS ibette Uiverasity. Ibinga, anal rnck peuple ti ulccp ;n NO T acn ontn The Borlîngios anal district ina- their sin anal morillinesa anal easy-go- 24 BOeur Sernie Commusslty Bond commltiee heldal ng Indulgence, a-e tbeir groateat on- N Trp L *S êl" meing on Tl'esday evonlng sehen leicae. oals constant ca-yI1 selomn otar oednusd nlJdbmsTany'ts. f1sra,. #*(AtR S OW110%lelu mas announceal ibat Elgin Cualeil, 2h; 55: 7: fa-r. 7: 3-7; 25: 4,l; 35:,11; *p5ce Pntiing it inllo pracice rubo lu becoming a reoillent of the Ezeb. 33: 11: Hos. 14: 1). Ifi has eibr il pki lgufpisse . nte on every call you maie torun, bas been appolnieal bandruasi- been (Cuda cry 10 men iba-ougin evmry %4JI LIVli neilne panaSO or, Mr. Corfeti bas completedal tare prophet (Moit. 3:2; 4: 1;Ac. 2 A I S R I EPIhsie fri entai music aht 'the Dans 1ntaeo! f. The Destracion of Ibe OronK- sl asnesFul nuti 0aP finsr. n d Drainasse~ Mise ftiern Yeu. o is Musileta Warren, 0h1o. Me la the ords ut Epbiralm, Ina. 28: 1-4. Tour Paitronage ploins, I"dlllng ste gLo5,ad liCFr oniy mon ln Casada to-day thot bas By thc 'crorun ut pride" s meant PH E28MLTNcenfDS naae ercorupletoal ibis courue and the romn- the clty of Somruori (1 Ki. 16: 21). fit POE28ML N ._______________ conin IL Keep ialls brief. rultice teef thhy are very fortonato la compareal bere toa ochaplet id flov.- Iuubbbhllee lna socsa-lng blo services for srh aers on o da-unharda ba-or. This obnio- 2. Spac paSr cals. morth-whlle projoci-Gazetto. foiet o oers, onys fiaiah "shahl ho Inetigate tise onaoy advantages you have Ci» tigofwcyirodalen undier foot, becosse o! their 3. Gise ~ ~ ~ Sm anal pride. The people o! the 'Was0L00 Gee.nJudrts ai Iar letLa ln lio na-gon cals. P!UTS northers bingalor os a nation arce 5hOU lau Conte in and discss year financial. needs - pohen ut os "the drunhards o! Eph- Concrete Sand math our local Manager. A dîner ordereal anal aie fOgr raim'. Dronhennessem ho ov poacheal eggn, a donen oynters, a hage hein su midlesp-coaad as .o ! o o Plasteuing SandTH A D A N M R

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