THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THIE QUABIRELSME TRIO SPRING CLEAN UP TIME 'h udvSho h os When you hans t0 the volce of tise Thiostis e time ot yeac risen ci- Ashiuleiserlishanerril zens ciii be tiinking of cleanng up Rememnber thse tact iheir yards, gardess, cellars. attlcs, es G o Tra m n Tisat the hoockiog set etc., niftar winiers accumulation n G ooTefm n Requires ns braies as ail. cabiish. Exireme rare shouid be taken BUNDAY, MAY th to is grcr ot ia dispcsal aifliis materiai, epeciaiiy _________________ There are simiiorities heicreen When pou lost teg lfth by the ionire meiisod. Be careful ta horse and tractor powrer. Bath need gracier, U A1)A As yoo lissi ta hic ceaseirca grocri, ihai sparks and tînmes ds sot spread SOURCES 0F NTONLCON- a tlSrogh aserisauliinl preparat- Ysuowill please rccaii tgarages,tfencesisbarnsi]amres etc., FLICT ion tor isravy work In tht Spring, Tist adrig isaica-cacas hvosensofdead sod dry Golden Teci. Amssnaide chaihun asili lceeaograduaihreaiin Iis oiarn enlccohccc a" i c, 1,Ig. iicicr-gc--,-daiccayon b ieigahii oc;iBt lc.-icali s of a In brauy wrsays J. G. Statisari, As ac ýos clvat ce .15 il ofIl. ose ccccjcc-c cccciioc ir cii- ccci bJcu-r ioiy spiriitaiii ccin icc iccicciPecc. lacoisr Anicmali iusacdry, Gent- Scekea-. rels utsisse or¶c bisisand maise '-9:23. roi Ruperimesiai Farcm, Ottawca. lA yo cdc-ice ch icosnousakik, sure 1h01 htistaiembis e uetinguisis- Lessuon Test.-1 ings 12: 1l5, 1215, Witis tise horst ifis ils general YcoIi niserve tise cuit cd olier isorscng ony materiai oatside. lt-2t. conditio,tees, possibly icets, anod Tistai iscibro mule Tise majorily cf cross tic-es are caustd Time.-975 B. C. lise Sonnest, tisot wiil nttd attention. bs greai aitlise saimcoid ir1cis. isy cîcidres ssayisg oiis motcises ond Placet Sriscere. Il is possiisle on tise gestrat farm Tise isacrer, tise grocrier. lice kick_r. parents oct urted la wcnstisem and Fauli-tieders, large and sai], wcrco lien of danger la lite and pro- Esposition.- I. Rehoisoana's Fotiy, ici ieep tise horues in good oundition Wisal do tisey nerd erly isy on innocesily siorlcd tire 12-a.olter iso re iorses sce osae For rocs dys Otd? utiingt o01 a snd. Tise Fire liepar- lise iingdcim of Lron isodlreocised worlstd, saime isougts iooid lise Nor brocsdny seedosai] nent ncoy ise ocgenîîy needed tise- lice amis sofilo locy ucoler to gestiig tisem ready tor tise No icuis, o Once iio to1. cisre ociile poling oul o erasa ire. Boltlisere wcreieotrni ciemenis OlfI ieavy trcsIn Spring. About two - Asoilea uine dî,iina egieciedS hu, deroy aiucoris. Wiiis inerease 0Ofseeslta amontis ietare heavy sons APPLICATION MADE ime ut sear as on e\amisolios ofcreoithi and power iad mmne, as si- uarîs, tise tend soad ise tncreaaed. HALTON CO-OPERATIVE umohe pilleso ond ciimseysoitesiai- cayo. tosury. laccoess, oppresson of t Isouid ise increased gradually to MEDICAL SERVICES lersse.Taere isaiendeny to mielic e oor, lustosnd dcayotregardtfor Pctosaome eotrantiesh as ellîas tem laaî ustil i is ime 10 ]et tise (;(cdlaodlicberaliiyin religion. Ad- 100e tise hisce op geseraîîp. (Intendet for Lat Weebs> tires oui. Foc liis reososlisere Is lise verne cisanges hiod aisen place le tise Wiile tise horst lu retarded ansa In Milton last Sturday tise Proc- mot dangerons lime ofthtie year tor toreigo alliances, lise dyossty af dumis animal, nctoaily itila nut dumis inci Board ut Direclors of Balos ires tcom lisese causes. Tiseretore. priesiiy Pisaroiso cilla riicis Solomon ut oit. If responds lremenousty ta Co-operaive Medial Se estes pil hc our ieoiog eqsipment andcas allied by narriage isod ieen v.core and ronsîderalios. Il shoutd Co-eirortimeeig.l Servicesthed lroleet yoor home ont oiso your erlaroowo and itheson and soccessor i eholdadgomdrglre lseretrut mesete, thes-iscis sle oegssostoPccisr osaie1iram, Solomonso triend, ihadl iseon Machcuf tise wister cons caoaise ce- Serelaty pilieeledplisener aay- and flirmes. ossasinoledtai Tyre. Tise ultimalemvdb osan roigadf ttmu10 ohpe applicaton o coc- __________ ooicomne uttise Split ieiceen Judaismh dh unatgomogadi erv 10 icpo rie s Hoilo he nCop-od Icrael reccorded Io lisslesson tilias isdoncse rtiosg sou mach rhen eraiveMedcaiSerice uoer ise FARM BOUSE PLANS aras flice captiity and dispersonof ieavy wori starto cr111 ise avoblet. To Compaspu Art of lise Proovince oftohantions . eisaisom cros of isud imirove lise-pîuliog pocrer aod ctten Ontario. Five tiosaod lue pints aosd absout stlock os hics moliers side iris. 14: 21)1. avoid lalec lamneoss, lise iorsea tfees Tise aijects and hp-aws oece dracro 310W offset pristed siseelo otfisuild- Tise tact licoltlise people crere iented souid se trimmed. Ia horst doua up anld approved, tise petitionoers ing plansanod details cre maiiedis y Jercaioam ivqS, 31 crises tiey sol put osncreigh it li gond teed and fraand memorandum f agreement direct ta 4,11110 ppliranl s y lise Ar- came te Reisoloam shocrs s ati ley tlis a wr solprig sib tles ssutfilse duly olgosed and citoessed ly ail seven chisieci's Office, Centcol Esperimeostol seeotcrasy dcase orr eeliscaldse t ilhtdIf tisI tseorose memnbers ofthtie Bonrd and tise attid- Fr.Olcr.drn ls issco l r o tise dipostidît. ic t-ti.dlgeli-cidrngsfomte avitsotaises etoce a commissioner, Sear ended Marrhis Ssi, 1946. Tise tsrnels omplinot (v. 4) o-os ost aiol- teed ihs danae rm h tollowtsg o-hics tiseSecresary rus io- demnnd tocrtocm isause planso and for logeliser most (eh. 4: 7. St, 22, 23, 23;fed clrucled bta crrd saine ta tise Pro- lice stocs, poulirs. ansd service bioci- 9: 1In, 3.I s aas o ru- bîddition la overisoulios e sear- visil SecreioryoftOntario. isereby insciclarge and inreasing. Tlejsraticras oaiy reocinto.iataaifaneccycachisng. meding andoiliog, tulfiliog lise dities calied tor in mais-plonc and information sheets are de,- scia s il Som.lic 7, 11-18, 19). Thise is impaortaost tisai isrness he prnp- isg lhissapplication ftlie chane. igsed particuiaîly taoi malilsas ant puise cci maeilaumoos mooarcis s l ry litt. Naicng iinders sthe etl We undtr-tand tromt R. S. Heoath- oareaalbfoi r tcgi-ocrai distribotion.. ericaglos, lise stccelary, tiasainoe 500 lirngthlie yeor. lise Acrisilerîs Of- riecous"; there l t o nec LOuEperormoacoofi herseocre tisoos an - hose yohr is tria yligisI iMatt. l1c ci-liose gcoulac. Il souid bce oeither isasdced opplications have lceady fac epcrcret plana. speiticalic es and i, î snî îiaî ha co l cabiag naîr tac mail, ibut ssci tisas iseen maiied toalisose inlerestet. He seiches for, socecai large agicoflara . fe v )wsmd ntedeeo ýl lo nee itiuino h sitro i holtishost loserestet cr111 lanad lecisicai ibuildings. incea ily. Reoaam caa a% sc,-luc jouiton lice ciolders.For lise trot Sendnecir av eafJae54______________-aising cooncel crus lice sit nies 1cmwdaccctvsacacyc-ockhe cosditin ont ler. li. (v.16. Tise coansci ufthlie (ccidmens o tflice alocldeca slanoid bise ulese - - Notice to Creditors gocdt(le 7). Tiserout a cin ac eoircou rc cacllundccthlie faceaiflisee cclior qsrvcie cMh. 10:43-451 aIfve serve ahoult c-ieptcI laeac oaitgriosd- ANNUAL TAG DAY ciie s cs %vil]iin cîcaîi Ici servcc e -laitoic, t-iculdrrc IOSS oftlime FOR BLIND TO Insthetiratller oetthe lRtat e ofMARY ac,. Il clscr' o !mc-.pila ar-k hrlailgl bre-aksa ant isjory 1ta sic BE HELD IN MILTON JOSEPItNE ORR lâte of the Towncoiclccsrionu ai aut lsep"ca-cfc-o-n al-slcftecnc- oyls -of Miltom nte h oanty oct flaileos, ý l l'o e-lk ýstw 1 ,ie yt OSaiarday, Mav led, cicr assasi Iidow, dereasesi, cui rpjeîacrcsiccaccrira. cfar e-catcitaccusecal lie hre tog doy on iehait ufthlie Caîcodiaca"ir s lýgilat ifrneI Natisnal Incitule lcorlise Blind cccii Ail laruns l'iving ariainsaain-i tlicrrcing orai l-ioaaoai. qustcion bc hld n Mlto un(-i th spns is e clair sf i AIIY .OiSRI'IINE aa 1crpulit a the11c auna mena-ont os AIBINO SUUIRREL sip ut Imperia] lieder outhlie liaglc- t.lse Cor theliafîcasof iutondcneolicur ilaInîfisa0cir ien1cr.pc.alla StARE fers oflthe Empire. ,,coact.criaicd nara' aolllcil,,1thh t iglcicîf pcanicor r lrpc, This i cul he ie csy appeai male do5 ai Morris. 1947, earecO-cflu a lc - - sctcalccciy-o ancsc ai or ieislofotsiehilesa ieuple during _dth anei htud rsindit c.c lir fotn, la ciueef,-l'0eatoiyon(7nda lc thte.Scitor'lac occr cara- thtel101hadat cc-ca coniccli alids fronas cii artcfn-.caaca tca-ahie crgcs oiiteclig- tisepar. c heone occascon aI May. 1917, aclicrailise cclh e c t 'cr, lacer C n,]ci acccin bNecr urpnoschthlie ciienas-will 5e giver ccii l h i tiiaca aiihoi rcarcd lc Illcicoscci",fuislcoc-ai1-20, i unoaciacasd afi aa., hrisnce bhc opporlonils of eaprecoiosg tier liciniaca b-c-ofscait] -i,,oboc'ctîf,11%,las- i- ofilc ccccua cacsio. icc iictMicmac oppeecintiosniflhesr peclous git of GEORGER R. RLLIOTT - aî,iu aIccî icci ci cig ccns i sigii, loy connsciiuting ta tise seganizal- 46-.1MiltanOntoria o ant -roif ieacival -ocrd itcs a -inalan i ulca"tih I Slicitsniforiitheeculciec. .-).lutlicaclciiclso n 51crlaou fl fostra chc rvdssrie uts esMilton, April 101h. 1947. 1c-van irsccc tly or lisguit tAc. 2: ia cccl --Isnes-materdays, soys trait- Thle nl Ntinl ntiue s23.Wh lie di. hicidi îrîîe cî;înî 1 clinii-leiMicmaccandorlMohlca-kIs Lo- teAgesey chics igisis tise amp foreoiloailscruschate ;r*,pr S .ioceRV tisose wcr iss IIbeIn tise scold ot ifhit Wrd"thsras-cIrd cii Gt etl soce" ciii liis-en ia-cl. lo deg cf dnrloess caused laitof ovision. Tise f4Jlitcadclns W]"Eeail ci osa la oie Suter aic-iniibiohina hutais durîcluce C7anadian Natioeal Incliluetue i.usa VM ILTON1 lscul iel--- rau e.Gd ici-iliiccsi n .Aaoce Bids the nly agecy In Caadi crocusrtflsîcrocetafrla rny 1; eOVrIl pos ,cil.son thti eupedt ede h flo- W ELDING sn f its ar people. lTise training ontdtoopbnyment -msnar aiseorusptrccmo11crcri. ict cîrn, ocic ci laf-taliîrepe cives sf employable lliot people. Tise use Eeear n Aeytoe edta fl.31 ic.alifrnt soirlmca( clc-c-c-secanicl'(-di0sonoe. Ftekl ofa tors type ibraers servce, tise Esud cans-scrbc'd ai Il 3, .3. ogt-ice hl anylolcîl dodo gicc'r'Itra-ai itcoenar b a rai. For poviiosafaassleseonm serice, c epaie Wetdieg on ilATtype@ urcl. w rr ochrias- pcairî suras. Siac-oNe«citcsd Mulcatr, issunoa isisth wcirsenbies b5usd people 10 pureSi- Portblle Equtpmeost icii, a dii as-icaoa0s, i, s flus aconitcor ilîcl a lal ccd-r 1r he osr- unte esc motercals lac tise mnhng u .11 u urnc-a-snofIacfcclc isi cciie i irui iaedieratts, osod te dtspose outhlie PHONE -_3M 5).-ron-ils s-Sroi i;sad sInat pc 5.ilcccyf illwhinesa arm1.A il ci rudsia inishet artiles, adrice and Stoanctal imi S-HLTN -.rric tic-pipth raiio iri s li î r-cci-toc-e ccc nccanimarsdila 5ciecos assisancee ciere oeetmaey, as le h s K0 -NFTN .521 acii lis cps tuTiis arapcisarI 3.iccuairetireutnasanic-n arthave binaa. n hosot other sericeos ail ut .cufyc isc-cc cire o errai muny it -car T5ey suif wcirelra ai ni ort nu. arc tceeiy arnîtoisie tao5usd peuple. rsly. -lac, cire rapiatOmyiori lunecistila bclofthe mbotpop-o Tise value of tht sevcet peoacm___________________ la-cp-c sruîresyinr Yn u st et s ua-oaa i ic- a ils- ion nt abio outleesi aiove tropnest 5e valuet sltrly btté uet i llreoleto fabn dollars and cents, isut dollars ad netlary wcri n as-lc lac clins utte isacr alcrr-n.,. Nci accy a white sqole- cens ae vta taItsmanteanc ad WooI rowers Organization tlie nfuaoitclled îroîchcIfarise ita ho c-f iact s sbutsot ht id thests evitlon bmoi shoaoseeInIf uj rg la f 1w iti s î scwtise ullfisd tl ram in ecsCrissalic ia-o-ci, lbon ant mientien ni taemab ooae sil W c p icc-ii-c-r toýn fulfled t. cr )')use afana cclcitanoy iuery lo ayo y orariisa o na utisen most excts andsinutec îcîrcotlnccc,.c raIucrcsaccI-mcily of dushy hue, h l ayn oy trarting ntattoos cian sic i*cn-tain bcd ltce ortuiflljl;îccîcoîs -a-cî sroeu s la tse lgenscesr.,-l prrscb n du tocime ilI hie toi- iic-itiotcama-onit drliienry Is blcl SHIP COLLECT TO ftchad olti the m aci rassiandr sobriccly I i-mnicky. ON TO IIIEALTH OurnRegisteccd Warelsouse No. iteans."i uem fIeq WESTON, ONTARIO icaat's prami asd iccalals-,cnta hffaca- "It ce simply sit dtascncetise sordotratuiesh rutcollf imony 1cccccisa fodiliis lac,,hlct Ailhaisiri. 11c 29- ofi lite ce mort expert la bhe rotoan Carefial Weigling mins hic iraliser hsotrincgîc rSle im if 3)orur 1 ncIat-t fbai; i, re- aise leesming lite ai ime," nop Cas- Reliable (rading asicnis hSoai tlai Ifc)heurt Ie - iii lsco uniai ccfcodinry cdam- atinsmetical leaders i s ig osa- Pr. 19: 7; 28: 25; 29: 23; 15- .Iloscia csa.cii 'o Word avas olfilites tice apperi 11t0 targint o ila- Oltatosnationand inie fronasa c ccca's iryahiad cci enin0th fr'YI-l vs192;c.c. ths. R. A. BROWNRIDGE, Milton ili, ljisî cofl isattobisnacrrclal ic 29-361c. To stcre tant mslntain Seabtis, con- Chans. V. Camipbell, Milton rdccccria's; lits roir aras brccuglcl 01cm suons effort ls seressary, for, cap toc- bils hic d-ce Ilirsa. 16: 19). Il uis lors, If sce daosthiosg, diceost ont ortdirectfran lcthrraesoxmple hildc'cc uacectda - tecay ciii oveesaise us. <c'ANADIAN C-OPERATLYR iis leoriisa. ouitlstîrca bbcaima b WOOL GROWRRS LIMITRO liabcrp raoit hvhu ecean dîttarani. Ottawa may resame une ot ite portas 2Ill ap Street, Tatonsta, Cana" Io tomices osc sinos sac le prirme after Barbaraa Ann Scott. ___________________rcase outhlie divisonof ni arti(Irs, lb: t, 131. Nonetiseiess, lice division o-as flice direct dotrnme of Rehcclcccms n- prite oatdtclly. lie 5w!dirne rise j îlil leitta10hlm (v. 17) andtihis scas COUJNTY 0F HALTON ndue to is graosfttoter Dlist aIl- LOCALCOURT LALLlUAK 1941 intlesc. We sure sert a very srI c- 1947 - LC L O R S CIMa,-.a 1947a, isg Illosrationsciltise advansoge ut o gotiy osreslry andthtie didantaet laeniti oue ni ofSitting of a Ma. MatIons5eea uts, yI IleReiso ,IiSImi Pl.. osiosar.Maa ielsrset tfoc is groostithee's isiitol- _________________- - - - - ness ast cursot toc filss tbists PfOI 1<1 1 Mison _ Fit s la 7 n e7 3 7tailchtoiosesshu tgance In this roe C"Od"b,- Ill. e'7-.6..n s a - nisoseaiove judigment. Wiscs Re- 3 Gooreto5on..'oVdes.ta,- ça 7 .55 4 Adtn Tiuestotsy ol 6s 8 m 4 6 i 8a isoisanhedoftchelc-breeoment of 6 BuleesW -1Mosdae - 6- 3 5 -.O1O 8O 3a 1n fis represetattve, filss iuglty pride AllDiýsioanCourts Oenaot tasndardTMos uddeeylet im andtre ec ahim in Swiftuont istecorccss lugtsfor Jecus- O.Na.'an Ad....oo C.k'" « n»tt il.n a .h posob ien v. 19). This crso a suddeos à aIslble; , El.oc Thcoar., ifoc.oalso... ;, 0caod otli., Act.a .; ,C. D. 3:1i. camedoscfotth wlin od Buliegeein. ot v. Id. But tise man miso dents icl CouCour andcCcsiecaSessios, Muda, oijie. i .o.a Moadt.e.t*. bracvde dilusercwlialrays uisee Dseeýb, o fa. bthIis eele sonner onelir.Tisemes Siis of iCouac e Cauc itlioci lace. Montue. eah Apeil, et os a.o.a Mondae, o-ho le river others cîis a ailodfn isis Onsoiscet asta os, mIos are rsreey, It eer, tiose clou AudoflCnimlinal justicent Cooese Ascuont. Tocadat. ?this Jase Mon-ioaat -tissItloey are toise su du si. de, taisApel; Mnsd.lois boita Tiasotat, taisOsi.b. .Iltrwan a stopit acttos Resoisoam'séuo BeOrder W. L DICK.MIIWn part su seedthtie collectinof ut nisute -Suy tatosmechu isad ceruted tram lm; Î0 CP S F Cielkof e .Pesce I est onîy sucucet elsiser nnpanctnos- - - 4 sabe Ignorance nf chat Gd(luactae- »0 To mark tise pasaaag of honr n t daneass, thee lolau man telsatame ybplrailwuch.Houaionoce deaggedonain aseiess iativiy,atieaowprodcie and appybecaaseaofthe occupaionasopen ta hlm glroagl traaiag loy The Caaadiaaa Nationatlntituats for aise Bli. BBand man am piopesias prupeicesof cautacas, saoacca sanada, an carpeaiera, ascclanion. Thea.titta chich e-ashlotheanlires of Canadaa ainhltics, aresiaaghtand eaoueaged loy Tise Caaadiaaa National lantitata Lu e lin id. Widana pose fitoatciat sapport, ta genai work caaaot coninuae. Gse geaeroustp NOW. THE M IANNTOA PAGE IGHT lklul(*LPAI, mal igr, im TRURSDAY. MAY lot 1947 Old Company Lehigh OLGA POCAHONTAS - COKE CAVALIER STOKER FOR FREEDOM FROM WORVY INSTAL A Livingstone Stoker OR Aa LIVINGSTONE OIL BURNER INSTALLED AND SERVICED PIONEER FERDS CEMENT - lIMà R. S., ADAMS Phone 48-----------------------Nghaim HANDS THAT "SEE'" No. 2 of a Series