Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Mar 1947, p. 1

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w au.abiau ooIîaiou Volume 87.-No. 39 . MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 6tb, 1947 Eigiot Home-Prînt Pages-Five Cens,. Junior Grades of POSTHUMOUS AWARD O akville Juniors Wi Rev., Gray Eakins 'Storm Tied District Publie School Give Tells 'Canadian Club1sBsad r Public Shool Gie L ~J1 C L*L* Of DippeRaîi A u 5a Enjoyable Program th~e IaILon ChClb meout hMit.Traffic are Stopped HIh eho Adioru PrkdTook Three Gamea Straight frumontak lnetoh1e Milton sien, Then Rrv. Gray Eakins, rectur ut Grace Several Accidents Reported as Milon o Cptue Srse-Augditeuareareamruhe outheMitAnglican Church mas guest speaker. [ast Friday Night for Pro- outn 'CpueSrif-Ugth niadaQenao thedon heMevl Mr. Eakins, a-bu, for a lime, a the Blizzard Fils in Culs graim of Music and Playlets up Record of Fifteeaa Gantes o cüued, t place Qakvillie i a two ladre ut the Royal Canadian Regi- and PituresWithout a Loss-Will n0W 9 gogal margin. Whdle Qakville mre mient ut Canada uutlined the plans The uuows 010m whiek ied up a-ot loto Provincial OH.A Play-ofTs cru diug the Milton nel, Shamnmie wich mer made for thu raid ou Qi- utf the province esclier thOm meuh, -duungbandvspetngn tekeep it ou ite.Ibtacek'dutte osisin the urrtundittg treuayamumededHigarentolsuad- akvttr Junior Hockey solaad are playec baugtng il roand like a gamu He accompoird 1he Icoupu in two district. Witk mater agît at al- frieds jmmedthe igh toolaud-Haituu Cuaty champiousinnurs of ut shO nuteFreddie Hay, mouhalldlceuiseu atone the outk rosat o Eng- a-ouI a standutill, very ew steteha or itîrla st Priday night for the san-oQHAt.o 1adaeno en]tyu obn a ae ailtnd, duing a-irk practice laedin cttera ere seen in the neîgbborbuod. nual Junior grade program preaunted ., ~ eligikie e lu udosue lut Provincial algOl, lasbed aithte pif , onyty m ere made tramn large bargea. At tf Mik pick-up tram the farinera mun ky te papits and tescbera.fiithme r ntar ht The ittie tata filemagrade une lea ' .H.A. piay-domos. 'i'ey took thebinbaireit paît Stummie int io m lm 0emnmeeoI mr aa usedda oarmindkckd 'a selles in Ibrue straight gumes fromntt Lamerence mus 1he pîayee b 'tbey ere preparing tfoc mn altarO. 't and country scbooia losed. Sever-at the arger cbtîdren in grade four ent MitnJnuo 0 aeMuaya ece edtfri a.qgeIteratiy beieved that these 1 accidents mere repurted, mith a snow thoroagsangs. s oingtiug gaea ud absille by ascrof t6-4. Cngratu- Fceddie mlîrd, the Mitun fans ruf mure ordinary pracliren te promute plum and brend truck meeting bead ebarsus hOuaidlimea. eatiagiîons go lu the Part Toma boys wo bbd Ibeir eyeo. absitte menu hay- training. Subsetiuently 10e men mere on oulb ut Milton. The Iront end the pragrsnil mas a demanstratian ut set uparcord ut neser oiag a game ire. '[bat att appeued mith lo sbumu alarg plater o touthefthe truck mas badiy damaged bal a rassa music tesuon. Maic leackur nm ertr eb taki.A Alec Pudweldirected grade 3 inas tarecognition of the galtant sec- darlug flie cesons seriesci*orpiay-offo fiant iveuminutes lu go. An the boys nm trior u1eatcbd nthe drivers ivere nul inarud. Gray regat-ar clasmusic tessuon, tuten taesinaction againat t0e enemy maklng il 15 airaight in. May tOey continnerd te press, it eemed inu- Mr. Eakins liadtvisited Dieppe in Coach aaapeuded 10e aervice un Wedl- mitis grade 4 lOr decrtked t0e sdvsun- 1rendered by FlîgOl Lieatenant R. H.num gu Ibroagk tu in the .H.A. tiossible for 10cm 10 emerge iota1te mreim Orralyrcgid10'ndy.ter1euarvifduna- edmetsnc l 1eda. Gaîbraith. Mr. and Mc. R. B. Cal- Cbampiunship fari-bteir duoss and sî'oriag brochets agae. model. Tben men. under the Intruel- hy Boyue. A Hamilton bun on 10e saine A nuvelty numberhby grade 3 mitht1 braitO, Milton, bave received ibis brîug honora lu Hallun Caanty. Il mas a good sgnme tor the Qak-iou eea.cimysoid1emorniug hecame msruuned near te Paul Padmeit repreateming tîncle 1 eu h 1e pothumaîts amsrd of Qper- White 10e tarais oral dama lu de- ville boys le in, but s toagher ose mor and photographauortuere Isame place, but mas sOie lu continue Remua.assisled by the clasa lu chmir.- ahanaI Winoa and the aceomusnying test ou Mondsy. bhey ptayed 10heol stforthe hbruis ta leste. Rach piayer days, su tOat euek une moald tsmiar- lfe sitnefo h nwpo us wasau vit reeeived hy 1he audience.1 certiOrsate. FIt. Lieut. Rager GaI- game ai their carrer. Agalu bhey on both tiloms deseîvee speial men- , fnse tmetmtO1e res th nnd dteri-1 braith waus rt rcpoted mising ta oal-piayed t0e lrger and strongr lion. they gnve eeerythiag tOry 004 tenaive messcreeuto10earsemndterrit A satety fitm aas situan by Principal 04 kli a fo- H tay1ehe am t10 -. Nom 1he troapa mre tldaid tl Nai cr tcr n hi E. W. Fster preseting the hazard 'anur 95 avleld oto ae.Hdt lytebs a, ftepay-off iaads ut hockey fans bera-ou empor- afmta rffcad 0 peet anu The ltter trom Wînî Commander Ilîir sare tif thc shahea in the Iat, saries. Qnly ten penalties mere tOrey had been rugaged in lraclices ariiy marooned on their msy home ofcmoodeals an hepeertonoW. A. Qteks mirit arompanlird lb'-but nul suOficient lu overcome a Imo- baodcd out, sis lu 10e bomealers ia- toc a ruai shom.fem1ehcygae IQkil, Mr. E Foster mlcomed thoue pres- 1 amard ays: golidetirit. Again most othe cuat- cludint o major lu Qavisan fr tu TOatrut1eaimaderd Monday nighl. The many cars faand utad aud ounced senior grades' "Ifisa prieitege lu bave 10e oppor- tees talird ogainstthe0m mere screrd roughiag. 10cm limes and rhc men wmrgivra Highmoy 25 heaey but passible cin canerlou aec 1. Tc pogrto'tuuity of scndîug ypusthc operallonat rîîm eambles and tour rlearing 'TOieIcaîttît suticirot ime Sa relitze tOc Impol-bremy hc. Rtuig 10 copnedt otmoeboee14".uTle d m iagsand rertîtirole ta recognitioni mbcu the opposing club preorIt. Qseile - gotai, Kcmp:delta-se, M- aure outhtecopeaaion. Earîy crue Qurw hrel lim etObgb rmnin ro-h Rsbber Bll" and "Bobby Shafle" f the galai services t'cnered 0v pKemî t alite Qubiile ats rubbrd tliti-Naiip andtt t3ios's; rentre, Glbraith: mototng thc Irritai sips. sînrîrd out r eirnt condition and nutrouble Oas folowe b>anacton on an a oi vor snFlîgOt Leutenat R. H Transpourt boys ut several rouniteta avigsW. Curiend Cmen; e ebt'ingraidhuted n r teredutil about a mite aouIt tabat.a iti Shommit' ç anbidlttnll is lît iltites, Puliestîn. Lirarene. Smith, thutplansrmDirmct r ail carsmade on sueicoby popis lu Mrs. C MeQose- rt.uibi'oilb. iti wici ythecboutil se thetroiisdisembarke.o Pcîlweela]crshdt euls room.tirade 1t 10gbt by Mes ' cie ci vtti aOn u antein îtaytius'usetis. 1Carr-. tub. Bllonlyne. irslit. t v . dig Ibemaulvea out. Traffie continu- M. L. Stephen san Sn huus"lb0 ald or doue lu tesson pour sur- Iluflit e pntng essitîn Qabsîi- Milto gsal, ItusO.' îefeus.w Its Worîd mus pasîrd arsund tOutth1e, sang f "Snbonnlow-hoabutlbren t'tnrelred. Bad wcah- ut untîlthtOcS-bend saillitutfMilton GrsodQealBoys". durks 1011rom.but il a mnîhottée htuthIeve tailcîl lu break mt thc esint brus- *moi N. lttrtlîui'g, cerBillH îrttlsstdîndhm're esdl wm'Ore echcOcor berame morûooed. lOu ta m'k in the cin. Pasur Cat "'Atga." indicatise of operations lsm'ictht- turais itongedil altt.sinowolZ' S ulisun aoni IlitOts Qggingoperaions unliarn(ouilthe Mdad0Cobda obmi.gaiit e enriy.snvil] lceoatreal.I anuii1.41v- drn l lenae,(i,-k, voieFv Brcmît Digino a -av bentin dotutl te impersunaîrd bp Qîugat MrCutchrlîeu.urcl memento u apoef lt ufre srînhi.Biî blldilbot' u'tnditu Iuîtl ' Ai111 lm M abusaasmmet vlt îve d rs'aosme umn adBaby Bntng. Tiie :omon laro fvsteirerne as rntaskN.Teair- i li Ilf-rviild it) i sean fomth oylR A.en ndpA tilfoBrilo.gadrin hecrtg Ibm mounîrd berehobby boises 1r f i% lHoîmr and Contry. 1.2 mî,ar lit-o OMilton fti]t %,)liontt îî,îîîîîî, o îitntît 'ilirg vIt mlb'nî mîsvduee s ar oItIssfdle pliss 0tao I . a drillwhich cier une do netcl W.A. ICKS. men ,rîstîtî laii' ta-' ' flts' int Trol-- _______hé peke ris ai el 'tnlî Commander." ttiî'bî'pandt Sullivan rtîîîîieî-Inîl lt.. heeitidmwhit'itm'oveurrledoutilti'. Bt'idrvbt'ay rocoditionsm'itb Grdet sclumdtOcph uv_________________ t'l-lbia-îo esu-Ont 0l&th Na.-gM Ofalai I lit'60011mea-ru tifhe Itoyats cîbu dîiIs ala-csltOttps outh1e ra Grde1wecoe pret nau.t re I tr -NI s looukpatiIltleid oncly 35reltu muoýn nayptlcesv.a'îibititvwaanzero in snd frîrads siagîsg ";oeid Evenîn nlîlîotf Ilit,' Qabille viagr bî mox and )tu1 i tu ifttcv ieea-c'oas mlI ev.Tcera-of 1epue Helo. A piaytton thc igligts vi'WINDBREAKERS (AVEN itlýoot' lIe loral stiplit >Thé-t' 155 ' r it Allal er nd1)-day. M (ed fub u icldHaolaesnea- cid"M te Meov- the Thcer Little Piga mas aértvi--l 1t BS PAER lîîd orsu'sMiltfanlus wo iete" Vrllzîa i-vrýAia' uodaicuMr.tut o,' piasiut t Hcreldverve cnidetatecredil CDor Pr,--:TWO BEST LAYlIZS oI aIda-rets aishu- pansOoQatheilit'efitîtsconsidnaOlelcrei t fo suenc n e. v muchorus nIuved a iti' IN CROUP FINALS gave thc bups oabescly rouand tf - raid,l.îdlthetî tulnity ut eing eir persrerene ineuoming tethe audince A eoru. "Ibau a bip»____ I mittbatîl Occa uî'î'umîlishced "Dieppe resceof uth1e piayers and tans. TOrI' Fo ____th _i,, e etiem tIn stîpvwr mu o ie Nssgapi'tmotl iibs'Oaticneyer îteded oaobrdgebead." liaiaready abru a nambers ai fita culsedoalp.arteold mh e Foecg 0 vllrtt'teOtl 's eunîl municipîal elettuaon n 1947.s lctekr.W ettruh andmohen tbeytearned the pail u Ma.Hrad he'et outvaudîng plapets lite ibeir riabb i avlle rami- tutibth tatetîl- Wîeo M. It. MeMiian masapointerd tvas occlutlalt'e greut otîrrouns players ocre nul mitO 10e crom'd. ce- Ater Miss Vera Slddat'a grade .3 tbe fume Otueen Qabeille and Mil- tua cf îoking the tome ta Oued, blaIcicrh if te miitiaity il ureusit- mOich olotuad.Ilwmson oe grand ex- turned le muke sure tOry mould gel buamowfahe Vaentine" and "Ilasolte" tnSast riager mdSuBiv anroitît créer u n hi'e la-aies bteibrl aedr-il ngflitse50ulte rouaii eietwihhr ele lwsatruh lto h lyr he 'b "nltte us. iominotivasiger ntocllGliteitivuroseway astheheot--yt---o-___oa1tlleeNomnaTonsfor heda uty ehuaeayt abunqcet Turoanstroua-s o 10ernf gainegarimitO ade 4Reamu." Qontotmi abeilîts ta-lte man, oece presented ltOcieda. '[t-v broke upIlite Oak. m c e,-lîl on Mondop'antehe taurIvers mere luiere suerd by mot had 1eucb doîug is shace ut diggiug suri tben ang50the Nigt Wîed" "TSiýt' alt brolrrecirsibte indhrcoaku'î stvicleptayv. ike china on ManSîrI"tnomninatcd bave ait]fMordqualifications ee tcorned. Il mas bbc iraI modern 'sOuvint lu reease bbeir cana. Messge f th CltI "t te Claroy ArciOe irat, manager ai Crooi'. Nul otil 725 îlldLarncerc il pand eetrors isli eetîone outh10m esperimealtan tombiard ocpurablona h eatetatepe i a Fauntain" an ed irdn t0e singîtg o es ear F rae hc s 1(rtti Saein-ulddîa cîrogrmfienî. t g-fitirbaac fl'e n.Flown ndats t i u ftanks ceuutd,[esdup tu eep t0e bîgbmay open, GoalSSuer bbc ing. 1IJc rae.1hinaddecu'îmnfo I-.ale lt-e candidoats aud under fiee. 'The rasuatties bad but il sould tit n aimuat as tant. Au Mr. Pdwel wasassited i fie 'Thst, laes %serre(-djudgcd II insl esveid aI bîi- su treîîîibrui ii Mc.aPaduei s. aistead t hici lI!ANT' iAMPBEIA, oct Ocra canieinplated."nqest inqai'iag labo 10e dualt ut t utslandîag foc r ie ipait i de- bbc Milton blue lite, did Hav 0,1.011 l pranutsby MrohiR. Fusteriandca0eeteE-NST'N"5"I5RI.IE TOc raid mo-v apitb-ea te raid- Afred Couper. GaltI. bo feu frair a ceslattacl.5 ir lieiO t itîtlrougb.bad il ta Hiey te rîo t on tiptr Ilenothsie adiply f isseon i heseie a 91s l: - Aif,(IIIF 'SERViICE igboa.a-et a iOccmau rons'y 10 C.P.R. train mas adjourard a meuh. ,. litbltaediig inthe sec'ond îerîîîîlIci'sn agi icife bMiltonagoa;eI>'_ilMAX O'iOfIEY oites off alhure. "lite riment o ut'- 1,0ev tilt nesses merenailete tbe per- Paierio 3, Lctoii 1I ultitiî'd iscirotîeiTecrOicerof if 14 .157)olîrotLaweceressisîrd. i', N-v1 Minutai milait ieOu tlectolise c'on dfeted os 10e etns'oy gave set. Somne eideucc mon taken feues plvesI)r-eîeIluî'lte autail i%%ts iln-l'avrombie. L.rshnt tbo oia-.'tiai iI, NIg.'îîîî'pO iii, lsing noticeofuth1e mpendiug raid. Th'rose ieatlruding. Mitn , Tovl lînimoos oy tit- litiges. AI He'ney 'titi laer, riglt frot a face-cff in Mlît tto ltI' iîî i t o. ions«î'and ctilite Iopats, vihovere tapposed t1i fond '2 Higbvsa 25 tram Miltas lu Atos tsa'iiic, il ilbueraith, lîit cnt'. , .'iilho'lfit tiinintalu fetri' ma-les ei-co f Diepîpe guI the mors t ira îesed about lbree t1011 an In M lto Arna rchi. ant>cij,-t andil u DvNonwhoéli aloite abois At taI point bbc bearb ia Wednesîay ftrrnoua. Worat drills ivinton Xreu o .5te, eiOiitstlien alp 't n iteclit a-' i Ia il b nIlleîc vMitnt isel250 yslsotng cr110 OitO eiffs. A 12 cc revcoutered betm'een Milton and lii1,,1Otu Iîbu t kit itrrsit, o'Itirstolat ut Mbbn vt.5011SHARP niI)NTRASTS foot sa veutcitii.gîî.rded cctittoibrei Ni) 4 sidirruad The ta-ad wsepa-chle Paiertos îJuior Furunets tut n ite 1luuîeas sîuuitiuî ttivities. Nul îuîg ut hast Shîuîumie.u' Ssiieii ii0,IN MORSILI>fID uiaseliî'd a a-t. 'InT'uesulayfront Aeota teSpeyide. end ta afourga- "îîelng stra iîu ofl iîu'i layp gtugl iog onut lb' vîu'ueuuted masy tf tue' tîlitI 1"ie rubt. iursvi-bbp'meetingib"thé___ the Adtos Juniors uben îoey ' meut meiaé.tia- îlrng tliiîtuî'u'd Oukaie ou Ileii' vbtîls 0 bandT heil'ii,'i uîîicit Icil> i od ap-î ,r-urae'.eclr e1eIo' eita-t bu' (tonne(]tisliskasboa ii1il loIi ttieey. mhOu lrobe fat t rcouetiut'iisuil fie 1140--l7 bitht- Food andi euta 31 sin eceIbeu at "hvs a u î;îîsîîîîon i it-glme. Coaît' Silttissalat goalintIlalie raue. oeild Agii ue Qit, tuOiiitioof fliteUn- is bndungai ut doiglut iestelud ut c- ( C a a d Truck day algol ia 1e tical game is Milton il as rbe iepa iIes i u'duai alt u-e iOc-ufiia.îuîu.uta'îhveJh o ircdan.bc larigeofub u apweu'r tk'"'l' Aesa. The Hilton Juniorn ent o a a i.Acip o ou ' es nicietyi lUgiewl igO td ain,1f1ihSi onBod1ci nteladn -rfmn a sering sprer and defeaird te RON or ttîc and Ilite laviet sport ie lb' vseondls I) gui (lie s te' irtre nrrai. evettis moeu dma000ebrcdsmegHea~~d Oniin val train-4 in 10e secoînd gamne. cve4Yîu cvuid tel it 01 abitu' wssshur nt îaust. Wiie faminet'on- lomier te abrter of the sra-,sult and ' BotO Paiera-o and Aeloe trams __________ sing1t ey anu iItti', skitis ouir dtolîîvafits%'* î-suuîtcut dfor maey aIl maur a e brob~ - 'iVoIîhays Blizzard mereoualtua-R nad rmptrus eau 'lte couty tuimu Ouys if ai ait pli-' mthttiver side'uacu fChinatoatd IoIe 'bspeakr aseaoolined the - igh arty la bbc gaine. As a recuîc III'Y REGISTRATION sbie, as sonticite truck auvdia-y- mîa iteobîle ta Emtoiteare liing 9m tundints Oy bbc other regiments. La- Besides tiliiig Ls eouniy ronds, sud Vernon ridtman and EsrerMasaies -lped. Qn 10e ileunusIîplay of tlIt iltu tif ISio lcories ori. ess.lPeople fer, Me. Roins visitud 1the Canada caing pour isibitity 1teinalorlals, ment spramiag on 1e ice and il obk IGCELPH,, Gît. ICPI .Sureses- ettbl for thr omc-.&aners, Camrro infoud.cpurtag couiriesarerrail- Menatrial nI Via-y and toaad ib Intact Mondava vsnow 010cm sud ig i alas the players uo blibresamate10 araate cniy s ltonsicîuom alparla ef Css- cumbnerd mitO CGabraithOtlv reuit suaint a mnt food an Otore 'ieî notilbtstadieg reporta Io the con- caused a eollision helmeen s truck tOua. lTliefigti eemed lte esete 0ado 550 uttht-ma-ar veerans-ase 1tut. Cuetinuingtelvplein and suan-- aar tue more.' 'unmîtîon per lper- tracy. Visita bu Brmmun sud Haover omard hy fOr Miton LamOur Camp- scrint punch of 1e Atan boys eei regstererd ai bbcQntario Agriratur- bt,mMilton. fucettlet bbirebhecas, son ia the Unitted blutes, for esampte. eiabird the speaker la sethe demil-ay sud a cor eperaîrd by J. Purdy bbougb tOry stormed 1he Patermo net al'olletigc eeefor a brre-monltuLuawrece btted ilhoaa-cforoum a surpasnses last yeou"sreceord. Qn t0e aion and detruclion uftIhene eities, about a mite nortb oi Milton ons the lime and tua-e agam. (laryecouse. For the lirat, ime in seromblu te put lOua- one up for the .11hbnu. rrr or e.,, rlit, mOtrO r ontirmud 10e efficient morh ut hase ine brImera 10e 3rd suddt Grant Hsiopwmss 10e hock-boue fI10e history of the 52-year-ald da!v itn ie hani1 ta-eaI9.0. Wih obirO staarc ituble pur peraou thme ait- Oce.lines. the PaIera- o am.plaint a mrer- !course, a vlodentlsivregistererd trua-Miton si iIinlethere plîrini. Lam- tuelr as tom On c tpee ceaI. cf prue_______ O rbce -tOo sl loua gane in goal. PaIera-os' Irer Newfousdiand. tenue and Puteraun led attaeO afler mur, RS CLNhAeBELvaa ebnOcing oethldon inaaan goats mere arored by John Gabraith.snwbtkdrga l, uig Bill Meredith snd George tauttettermu_____________________________________________ SPEAKER AT HOME AND !about $150 damage lu 10e car. Tisa a-lbKeus Alian a-oring the lune SCHOOIu MEETING truck mas nat dainagedi. J. Shepoard, Actn tlly driver ufth1e truck and Mr. Purdy Alto b oneoa heby , ilt I Juniior Grouaj Fiialists wlo NII E limiat.5.a1I ma i, au Milton PublieSbeboul IHdmr sud acte not iîjured. Provincial Con- stacm-stayed 10e Nrval Juniors, mithO Schouc Assoc'iation belli ils retatar stabte E. R. Lmmun invealigaled. a ftua dditioal players put up ai maebhty meeet n the Publie c bcbul ________________ pcetty tair gaine aganst 10e Mlot Music Roum a- st Wcdnesday even- Juniors mth the Mltonaboys inlut iug, Febraary 26th. Aougt -b othur 8-4. For Miton Nit baretu sor-- business raîsarîrd, If mas ducided teo a-ut ve houae, une n a sols effort end $290bteOche'bave the COldren Events Just Ahead usyaoe end oth1ee iktelut10eotbre. n. 1This nnotantica-iîim Iy For Nrat Marshl a t twao a-tb I me amb te continue support oft 10e iotae-teleuoeCtt Qarna aadBcadty on rarb fa tIle French boy adopled by our ias- ,rti. neruttier Sarîts. tîmuthib, Milton Arena on MatcrO 010 l mtiI soiation at veor. 1iîe.- aurrhsuad, . mnoaI rr Ou PaIera-o v. Milton sud Arlon nvs.I . rade Ibin cgeof Mrs. Whe- violé . i...,eizogieafoe Narval. litmett.mwonthe puaatfoc this minlth.I __________Mes. Q. Fouler sud Mcas. Percy' GODPROGRAM AT Callow'ay ruîlcibstrd lu 10e progea- Euehre sud Qance, Qa-ath bebuet. RGLREIGOOOF., th two pu iasoduels, Licbesrsua- Tbsrsday. MarcrO 031.In laid af 10e REGLA METNG0F, Lia-îî and Liberty Bell MacO by Qinagb Receuoion Cab. Ladies ST. PAUL'S AUXILIARY Sua provide. TOc garaI speaker mas Mea. W. E. Thme regutar meeting af St. Pacias Colin Campbell, ut Toronto, president Mari b meting cf the Scotch' Evuning Axitary mss hb taIt1e of Qntario Fedleralion ut Home and Block W..a-lit Ou ield aI 1he boa-e' home of Mes. G. Nord, Court Si., onu bebua Assciations. Mea. Campbelîl la ut Mrs. T. Chiabula- on MarrI, 0)0 .Tuesday, MarcrOtbe faurtb, Mc. E. t0e daughter ufth1e laIe Mna. A. C. t j2a-.. W. Fostur. presidmitg. Coutcer, a-hatoudud Home sud fterestiet reports ahoituia progrean 'bebot n Toronto, February 1910. Site ad enlerprise ere gve 0 1e vai- tbld of 10e marO alresdy accomplîno- Horaby Wl. mut meut aI 10e hote ousa acretarlea. ed by the Association adouultned ut Mev. C. Wriggirsmcrlth, Ttaeuday, Mea. A. ickensa's Inspriag devl- t.projucts atrundy utrotr ay, Ia 10, Marcu 0110. aI2in Plau ot hoaIsevie adfo isloa- iMp t1eo fradio. breaIre. etc., for techante ut date. Bot lu an Sa-al t ron 10e laIe Re. .".s . .. ei-heing ut Hua-r. bebool sud te Wm. Allans bao, tîCramded Wsys.î 'Coma-anity. Dont torget Ruas St. Patrichas Mes. G. E. Goodciild csnctsely ru- - ---Afer siagint iTOu ing."10e a-eut- Bazsar March 1510, vartety aprans iea-u th1e sateit tsfrntrmthe Firt rua- frua-teftMur'ray renhe, Chas. Ai as Freidue Huy, Donald Rush Neit Hartsurg, iag sdjourned. A cap otebs a-as chtîdrena loting, oscOad laits, Citapter enttled "Uiuted Titaughl sud bld Bird Win Hartabarg. srverd and durlugth1e hait hour 0001 appurbuuity. candy and homne made Action titraugh 1he Chitian Curt- BacO tom refIta rigOtu Win. Clea-enta coachb;Ted Claver, Arnold Service, Nit Charette, ioltsa-ed, a-aey enjayud meeting Mca, aiat bootb. Aternoan tesa-Il lis cils" ramntte tudp hbook on Iodla. Rot. Brash, Stan. Fsy, Jr., Roy icOey Jerry Suivasn, Walter Haywasd manager. Campbtell persunaliy. ervud. 392 ý. M 1

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