Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Feb 1947, p. 4

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1 tut ta the snocpîco reos wcoovci1en orroncdo la ditcb-eevecing cidîbs%, or cccteccaîedl by the mondain igO ebhunocf cd snow tathaoe ess', île caur drisewuy ectrunceos olise proceso. Scmeaofns JaSttCompromise acd enjap feeling.-,of cnsteescted thankfuîneec. We are picused ts repsort 100 Me. and Mc. San Trimble arc on the rsad ta recovecy. They bave been sisk for saminie. The Hacchy Homemnaief Club aocs ketd cI the borne f Wlma Thosepson on Fcbrsary 51. 'Ike girls arc mak- sng cttats dresses Bill Beley is agule able le attend the dances aller hic ecet ljaey seceiend fcom cliig outofaetree. M. ccd Mr. William Aodccsot atteaded tIse Holstee Banquetle Toronto reeentiy. The Wemnen'e Institute nase kaing real succesle the euebres hcfd se tOc home f varions membeirs. Tbe proceode are galng townrds the bild- ing of a ccc rommocty Orunge Bll. Tbe Bornby Yfoung People' meel- lng wce; heîd t the horeeOf f0" BnlCy boys tat Maeduy eveafef. The Young Peoples' lond fa have n ilghriding party aon. The Horoky W. A. f the Unitsd Chueclwcos ketd etthIe home ose 1Mr, cnd Mc. Wilrnrr Thampsse. Thece wccc tee members prenene and toc vfaflars. Mrs. Ainsmorlb gave an !nt- Psllng taik on tho lfie of the Jap- anese people. ýa shisId for tOc Musical Festical i Idoilan. Mcs. Llosyd CrassIoss1 gave tOc is- tsory cf or isst Wl.meeting, aken coere ance 1kvOtofices. Crrent mont wre gisen by Mcs. Witec Ferrier,, and arce1 kegicn tiech meeting. TheOcmeetingcg eimd coth the ing, aller wklck a parude nI oid-laskssced costumes cas conduct- ed. Mesdames A. Maon, J. E. Maban, Wm. Mahen, Howon Lusis, Geo. Biüce, W. Ferrier ccd G' Ingils tsssk part. Jsdgcs cooce Mrs. . Marne, Mc. R. HennIes ced ics Jean Me- POil, wcOn ussrded the prizo ta Mcc.1 Walter Ferrier. A daity lunch n'as sevss'syfoyur ofthe members and the bstssc. Mcs. Fsrank Qinlan ccd Mc. Frank Wkeeiian enlertnincd aI c bridge prty oneTesdcy evecieg. Pinca coco acoucded la Mrs. Wm. Bllard, Mrs JohnoOlimoor, Mc. John Wkeelf- bac and Mc. MacDonald of ilibrîdo. Mc. . Morce eteefnined the A.Y. PA. f St. Gorges Anglican Ckareh on Taesdcy evenlng. Sýeceral fOcm bre atlocded th- acchon sale In Elîbride al f the houscboid efectos e Mc. Robert Shields on Satardey. Miss leat MePhail in spendicg a coesb. olisiing ficnds In Tocante. Miss flauceen Hoberts ectertalncdl cn ocairofMiss Jcan (crampone Sol- ordoy eveicg. Jean teIl on Manday la lobes a rsing corsee tWhitby. For lhcoe cold, bluciery deys, you need one of our Elcctric Heciers for tIsat aaded bit Of warmkh. Several Styles f0cooae froos $7.50 and u SNOW SHOVELS - $1.25 This is the Weather for Skiing ! Skis Potes Harnîes., Ski Wax Corne ini and See Us Milton Hardwaré»I PHONE 43 INWE ARINOX TP NEWS ot the DSRIT AUCTION SALE OF LIVE sToCK. IWMlMNTS HAY GRAIN, HOUSEHOLD RF- FECTS, ETC. Valmn Itemu Concernlng AcIvItIe. in CommcanitUes Nemirby Where Nmay of Ouïr Readeraes I neseThe cndeceîgced has rcelved in- stcauifione fcom RIIssELL MARTIN Ta ceil ky ecton aI is farta.lot CION . 1, West haif of Con. 6, West Gara- ZIMMEIRMAN AR O fraca Tvvp., a mileseaso f Fergus, 10mile o hofRockwaad, n i Mr ccd MrssNart Cartwi sghtk .i Thef c c ig fi rs cf the Onku- THITRSAY, FEBRIIARY Iffil, 1947 slasshîesSi sos, bs lOIes oo. iss,cing siI ,sslcb.l,lfoi-' lis Ftccsda. sisci' sli'etlaorlise vent, 1947: COWS - Roan Coo. fi-esh,, ciii ,asif Mrss.S.Benncettt osotedhcaturduy ffcnorury Regent, Mrs. J. C t ontc; part Jersey Ccs, fceskeiitb wit be duchtr Ms. . Wtta utMulkecs;..get, ca.N. ri t fot; Roan Coco, due ime oaIl Nethlierduhe r.DWasnltMthw;Rgn, .N. Baird; scie; White Caw, mtkicg oeIl, kred Nelson. lt Vice-Regent, Mrs. F. S. Bow; Dec. 21; Hereford Coco, rolîkiof ccll, I The ympclby cf the ommaity 2cd Vice-Refent, Mr. W. Wofe; bred Nos'. 8; Roac Cow, mlking weil, is extecded la Mca. Goidie Cartwsright Treanorer, Mss. E. Cooper ; Rcordicg bkced Roc. 20; Red Coco, miikicg. red on thedeafk of liergrcdmotkcc ',t Sereîacy, MrssC. Cook;Asnis c e1c. 27; Black Coco, feb cilli cal! Ottawa.RessdiistaI afoot. Teeeewsor ar on dsize,e Osrcg a oud ad aaîserlies' rin Seretary, Mrs. E. E. Bacc; goud!soders und bucd cifkcd. Ovng ir ort an wethe thr-Crrespocdicg Serreîary, Mc. E. J. B17rCHER CA'CFrI.E- 3 BatCesrt %%asno curchserire in tise Unitedsi ioîoss; Press Seesetary, Mca. C. A . Nîeern, aouts 900 ibs.; 4 Butîees C'iurck on Sunday, Sewart; Edacatiocal Seccetccy, MIs.Ifeitersý, about 750 lbc. ________ Gi. MacDonald; Stacdard Bearer, Mc. YOUNG; CA'CF.E - 2 earlisng -- ' J. ~Wiilssc; Aosc fcadSîsers; 4 Yeariing fleifess 2 Fsll J M ssisantStanard(",sises; 2 Younsg Cuises. LOW IL E eure, Ms. LW.Agar;PccOs, l, iIi,Si VckSow, bresitan. 10; J. . Grdiner. bred Iann 31; Yossg Soco. kred Feb 'lOcnselcgcflb' ass ssuo A1,îls ros 1,. tesfIlansen cssJe 2; :, 3'hiily t'hcnks.cssî7 l cas 1etingof thesorklai tF silssu sci l bre9ccssscy 1 'licly t'kshaoutol60 1ils. lits ws o av s enHsccy teRscg c in f heevaa cc n 'lhiclll Cîsucso. aboutl 50 Th.. home cf M. and Ms ar lKngo ise stffutltie Higis cssf taI oid- IIAY. GRIAIN, f'Olll'R's 10 Issss Iioday eveeing wruopossoned on sssanses. T'rscBoard sgeed tos'e-ssfgondnxd s Issliss',;isiss accoonit of drifted so. gssge Me. Hansennis..Scîtesoker in c-I 0,5 its,ssef11isr sessl(; sii M5r. ccd hrt. . M. Rcadbead occc ordance woshtiris e ler rer'ciscd. sstfssssssd Csin: lS10n 115-s nlîecding tbe Onloess Assoiation H t14Age otfic e is's, lssnlsIO sslMsscglssl 65lo SiecneMr.Vicos lee hl iemifruIsssî' fîs ndî soixRok f'ssiiss, loing' sssii Agricltorlsol tis onventionsin ltFrsday to frcrse sbots boces sis lsTIL'EMRN'lh- Frost ccd Wo- To'rot tisceek.lists let e in acunsualai rdenst. findsls ' cU st; licericoMose. The W.M.S. und W.A. f the U.nitel" le aso sruedel.., ,cul;î i,hut 3DieFetlie tjbcekheid Ikeir motkiy cmeetinsg tietiuo o lt-e'sBk n1rillithgraso scedlec, cal5omîsete; on Thucodai lasai the homse f Mes. BobAo.FeePea.Hcs Ht,4e Dloey RLoae; MI. e% F. W. Hrbottie. The meeting wsocAv.FcPrs.H ri dtDevryRk:IH.C in chargeaof Mc. Eme Foster, Mrs. Sp'ea<lecicg: oodsrccbiga Erland Cetliicglibcdcharge of the Siraie 'IincgonCa issossîord es cf3 study bok. Mss. Fecîkernînce Coli- CAM I'BELLVILLE 'sseiot Hareocot; Cckbebat i Rgle ing reud uc inteceticg leter c rttet Fucrosn Wufking Ploos; Baic Face, hy e. Elobo Daiets woa s scon 10 -Wagosn, god as nec; Rabber Tisi bease fr Kraea. St. aids Ckoceis beid tbir Ar- Wagon: Wagon Bos: Sicihs. Buggy: The Wcmen's Wid Oup of Pruper cai[ameeting in the Sacday Sekool ('clîe, Bo.% Hock: C'orc Rock. cii hookscve hyIbeAcgsec se roco e Fida ecese. 'oe ,--Polîser: Huy Fock; Facha; 80 rade f willbe bsevedby he nglcanandroo onFriay venng.TheDe-Barb Wire Fecce; Suekc; NrlkYck- Unlited Churcekladies cin he Unitedsi îons acre oedaeîed ky tire tcses e;Doculetrees; set cffksskbcssd Bec- Cbrcck on Feîduy ateccace. Feisco- ter, Bes J3 C. MacSoul,lifterr ablsb ocs, retin: set of Single Ifoccess; acp 21st. M. E. . Miioncas cposicIed ebhair- 044 Colars. mon. TOhe serrtncy treauaes, J. . iIOUSEHOID EFFECIS Coeb- -MePhoigos- o secy cuisfactory ce- 'siti Cresil Scycetor ansd Pifs. plaitloftheIfinonces of the congre?- lpae, iina iisgods HORNBY gtice. Ail obligations, cere met ccd nesso bIhecehumerc Cool Oil t Isss- ci nicersurplus on lsocd 1a begin 1047. ne%,r atnsa Thke Bethe] United COsîcO tfomasso Alil tOc csgsseietsns ece in\ n 'i'ERMS: Ccalon dop cf scie. Association und tbc Wcmcc'o Missiono- i.ectbs cndtion. The Moiouy No animal or aO esic.5bo cemoosof sselsl soltiil etted for. Noc eserse os bh- ary Soce mett the home ofMrs allocatio of theconcefation ws seis pi-or Jlas piscasoed as50 aurss Oscar Cliflon on Wedneeodas011r ssss-5 and ailli tseolisemi.sioauyOc,- ftiem,,stock andsirimptemeels. cosOs Ilise noicc.Febuaory 310. Matessol toc a gansaiccs -secedsth1e fretious "ssî ol hot-ses. Bonds open 10 future bczu asscon csic ndoloiveo vrsgicîg. AIOtecofiseces eros ifsspossssible. outl for seesssg. TIhe Cacoadian Aid se-elerted. te apisîesuion f Mr. ffIINOINY ANI) E.LiOrtr. in Chinueqes vsclef redoCli -Mc-Ntsis'qsercses s vislevidedls Aesso',r R. R' fNoss3. Avions, Phonessss' N .5i*s Womeius Institote forcontmnuait,.,soplemeel bis sslarscy oa Isnd- S.' Qssss ess'.lec I ergacization ccd talcas. 'Tise cnse cedce dlisty dolars. At IheOconcclus- cinr as put on the player lisi. Ie,'ws ssseci sand ail cnosys- si 'rhe 1947 auloionso c1ifftsonplus fellcnshiOp Isîgelîser 15'. cas accefsîed. A sîit ous plas- j'l'Oc(,raceMissison Badhl ei ned for, andil ssecided i o d- I-'eisuacy nie'îssg l oeo sperte mitO Il'e'Ashgrose W.MS. in Mca MrPisce soî lleO esd seuigaspeaker for W.M.S. Sur- Masrnafoosiethe chi.TeSrp dlay doicg the mentir of Aogust, if urc eis-oon %vas reud yIpe Ag the Ashgcave grccp. l i c ss. TOc chu n',so " Mc. Jumee Bell lookch earge ostflisc Bell lac BriOy Bsober"wsrclb etins,ndthe presidetaof tthIe peesident. Acride ltl rrtOc NV..S.. Mr. EmmetI Ford, gs sg ose byMaroi Wac l'i otalkiton India. teling boss il came ncw.vysl.d b nkOcIndisu con iso- Ilbe part f the British Commît- ducesi hy Mcs. Meezies and ce hope sscclttb oINations, ced iiasgvsvg ciii Or very ioleresting. The bictO- the clry f the firsI missocros, day ssseg cos sang for Maclyc lice ccd Aco Judso, abs cre Mass,,' 'rhe,-meeîeg asesssedcoitb Bupticlo, and egon corb seder th(e rayer ky Mcn. Meezies, aller ssilis mccl dffcutiicmstuees't. B"-sîusll blckswercseoed. Mrs. Me- set twon euco il prisssondialesr1 ,' l'hssccsIrdaaide lunch a'ir l] nîost csacitucy cnditions, and o os- en dscd cf jungle feser Mrs. Lster il lies onsccreymeeing cf thse to buse rharge of tOe lady book lsd Womneet Iccitute mue beld uithIe the set meeting. Refreeomenis home f Mrs. Frank Qintan sitO the acre srvcd y the kestesu and lier preideol, M Jane Reid le charge. clicufIter ics Annie Cliflon. Halctoeccerd iktlty Jumbo is evoîber memhee 1osse îîsceep memisers teliig the place ccd[ clog coiocy, ccd s cobt yoa mniglis'er aI their first Insttute meeting sali s prince amog dogs. Be is ene tkey atended. cifor dec eder statesmen, somnembol s Toa ilo eore o fipomatie et limes. ccd gneo ubcnud Mc ToooHîsn epte fr Hosme onomiet. Mcc. Hococon Luth a'ilh is tlaualcît and anaairsof im- portancen befitîlef is station in lifo epocled foc Social Weiîare, Mee. Jas. we secrima fragicg lac and aide upMotion reporîrd oneCitizcncsp. Mss. s,. .andclon th hihwayandthro h daard Pacsons repored!for 10e in-' the fields, apcceally in ssareh of suis-lonce commilîce ansI il oas deided sîsciaimrsesoîfodîtoekcoile 1> have fr001,partises, elliser ic tO slantial mosehoooforooleo 0eckhomes. hils Icm-fittieg skie. Friendiy ad oluo inthoms ksnd, ho pals op ciîk the cdsns Miss Reid Iiaeked the kectess for sobsms, seinocobarieg or coinin. s' oiicsy 100su snl, A good dog asîbal. andf Osisîf seck 1. ir SicO Cildree's Hospital. Il le mIeits The 4,-cisis-s lagel plans for s dem- San f saca ariancee or sssbssy hall. tso s.' ifoone souis bc: -, in.% ein ,ehertrbcthn. huOais 15.00 wsc daei towurds -Notice of Application THE UQUOR U1CENCE ACTr, 1946 I W ÂL.&.linensing Ditrict Number 5 M'A Tahe Notice that fice Caadlcc Legîce cf the Britieh Empire Service Ts Leegae, BchckNemhber 136, of the SPO RTS Tome of HIlaÙton, le Okhe Coenty of Spoclal Meeting cf -The Liquor Lic- CA M E A once Board cf Ontario ta li eled et ý e A I the Rosee oom ln the Enlght Hall, 16 Sailford Avenue, South, la the Miltones P.L.Re ccare slîl raening Cty e! Hamilton on Teesday the Elevenlh day cf March, 1947, et the int tacgh iuek, In bcecking lntc c boas cf 9.30 o'clock ln the fcen icol Ontario Rural Hockey Associa- for the souace of a puhlie house tion nries. 'fhey ocre 10 have- pluy.- licenoe, focib e sale acuf ronsompt- ssflloirb.rne gae agist St.Jocob's isontfbeer incpcosiscos' hicbcmen Mocdoy ight hot rood conditionso nly sre odmitted for the fllowsng 10e 0cmtra arrvic. lremInoo: The Club Rooms of the îo'eoected tet rmarvn. Cnsdicc Legian, Bracch Number 136 Somnebody lipped en the O.M.H.A. Milton, Ontca, 'cled one Chcrles foafOe ohea fhey flled ta draft c SîtrecinkthelsfTonof MilIce. schoduf e ketoeen Acone, OckvIie Any peeson resident ln the licenig and Miltce. lnqeed tbey advcncerl disrict sjcy ohîcct ta the applictio, oach10c nIaîsly-afa wth aherand the frounde aI obectioin c md- eachtea Int ply-ofs wth ohering shalho filed oifk George C. G age, clubs. TIse tecms repreetlg the K.C.. lise depoty registrar of the lie- fhroe clubs coeld louve c sort secu- ccsig district, chose cddcess let 810 sons pracf ire ccd compefillon befare Bock nI Commerce Chambers, Hum- advucricg lofa pfcy-off aeriee. !Ion. Ontario, Canada cf lent Ion Manythaks or he Vleninere-doy. hefore Ihe meeting ai wicb the MocyIkako fr Ie Vieetce e-application le ta o becrd. s-scs-d fcom O. A. Houston, cf Toron- Ocîrd aI Hilton Ibis 101k dcy oI to. 'l'i sscibe io pleased ta cote 1h01 Febroory, 1947. the sonder lccladed c ofeet-clecicc 'lh.' Canadian Legion of the Iolbknowccus a brook. It will aosist British Empire Service League, greoly givco ke ald . H A. Brancc No. 136, Miltoc Oct. licily on Iliing.the srlcg cH.A. f- Hy Bruce C. MacNub, Presîdent, flic g. ' ghsrubn vrl Mlon, Ontario. 36-2 SPE( TAL Poultry Meeting F'arinier's Building, Milton Tuesday. Feb. i Sth I.45 p.m. SPEAKER-PROFE-SSOR ROSS CAVERS, POULTRY DEPT, O. A. COLLEGE, GUELPH SIJBJECTS Gcnecal Egg Mrketing Stuction for 1947 aîîd 48 Bcaadicg acd Fccdicg of Ckicks Fali Hccdlicg ef Layicg Paf Iris Turkey Management Ail are Welcome Tel and bring your neighborc ()îîtario Dept. (of Agriculture J. E. WHITELOCK COL TEE HON, T. L KENNEDY Agricolfurul lfcprcscnlalive Miciolor cf Agriculture Hul tan Conîy PAGE FOUR Classifed Ads adetieet nder chis hadc Adiàt..alwa"d. nP.,--zdI ýh d. . o Sma nthe adosr ti.,e e clamiimm Xcon cencao e pe d addit ... 1fa- h b .5. alSoh.eqocnt insae;to. ccc. FOIR SALE FOR SALE-Qoebec heater. Phone 362. FOR SALE - Potatoes for sale. Apply Wm. Bousefield, Phone 284r4. FOR SALE-Manure for gardena or lawcs. Apply Lorce Mark, Phone 158r32. 35-2 FOR SALE -.. Ovanette with spricgc and mattreso, good condition. Pone 385r4. FOR SALE-Coca cola cooler 25 cycle and ohow case 5'x3'. Apply Mrs. J. Wethecelt, Phone 38ct4. FOR SALE-Jamesway cent bora- îng brooder s100e, hover size 48!, osed t year $0.00. Phoce t89r31. FOR SALE-A flamber of Hoose Pocclled Ooors foc sole, 6'6" x 2' 6" and 6' 10" x 2' 10"'.It good conditicon Apîsly Priccess Theatre. FOR SALE-- Broodey hoose and Hlstein Cows, regigtered, due Febra- lily RokI . Cousins, 5h blie, Lot l1, ',lysutclgaegloasIl,. lodtst JONES' GREENHOUSES Cat floscera of ail kinda. pot planta, foneraI ccd weddicg wark dace. We tieliver. 501:1 PHONE 297J FOR SALE-Limiled comber 2 x 4s 2 s fis, wagoc Icneancd renchos; as pice ond kemlock skeeling. slalos and cocdwood, cedar poossocd polos. We deliver. Apply A. Dowca, Phoce 84, Milton. WANTED WANTEO Womac wlshicg gecer- al housescork or kousekeepee's poait- ioc, hlin . Phone 310. POSITION WANTEO - Practical Nur-se, good reforec, oold liko a position. Phoce 356-M. 35-2 WANTEO Widow would lihe oce large or two or natcforciched cooms. tîrgeol. Apply Bot 20 Champion Office. WANTED-Someoce e 10mole slip- coýs foc 3 piece ckestectield coite. Moleriol provided. Phoce 154r22 ho-. l,scec 9.30 acd 4.30. Deuid Hoccssccd CaIlle for free pick up. Phone Milton 210. We pa2, phono chairo. GORBON aZOUNG, LTD. 35-52 Phone AD. 3636, Taronta. Lite Poullry scnted. Mlghesl prions paid Call RUJSSELL INGLIS Telephoce Milcon 234r4 6-30 R. E. 1. Camplielîvllie WANTRD Tenders ciiieho e- ceis'ed cf the dck's office. Towne Holl, Miltoc octil 5 p.m., Toocday, Febroocy lOth for pcicticg auditor- cum. stage, dck's office acd coocicil ccher of Town Hall, 2 coaIs cf cIl paint. Aiseoceparaleltenders forcte- locer holl acd slaicway. Color spot- ificotioc., acoilable in cloche office. Looec or ocy tecderncol cessarlly accepîed. Towrc Hall Pcopecty Coco- mil tee. FOLIND-laoc' of mec's leather gloses, Apply McKim Bros., Hard- MISCELLANEOUS H1111Flor4st, Maie St., Milton Cul flowers, woddlcg hauqueta, fn. oral designs, assccled pot placts. Loeui deliîery. Phone 151. R-HEUMATIC PAIN. Sciallei. Lumhego quI ckîy rollevod ky ucing RUMACAPS. Reommended ky Ilicu- sands whn have geleed hetter healIt. Pichett's Orag Store. (4) OONTEACT WOEE Cacîcecto tahea for huylcg cnd cui- lcg macoco, grave, stcne, f111and tracter snorh. ELMER CLARKE. R. R. 6, Miltone people dc ccd sce coed ans aggrendve mac ce womnac icnfhie district ta iake ceceosals ccd noco auhecripîlana for ail peocals. 0cr repcosontadvea net big profitsancd kolld for theà- selves ac lcdepecdeet pormanent bits- icne. Full ime or partI lIme work cepcesocticg the largest organfzadcse of les hld le the British Empfre. Wcif e fcr fu1l paclîculara. Boxc52, London, Onario. 3 STUBBOMN SEIN DJSORI>E8 AItflong tat!fDependabie reket from ftho Itchlng, Berning IrritaMin cf ECZEMA, PSORLASIS, LEG Ut- CERS, MEMOREHOIDS, ATHLETWS FOOT, cnd mas, ciher Irritaliag SEIN dîmarders, DEWSBIIR'S 11C- ZEMA REMEDY le an al purpm OINTMENT Ihel no hoe shouith wllhcef. f3et a Jcr cf DEWSBRRS OINTMENT ai yccr DRUf3OIsT ta. dcy. Get that qelch, Cnmfcrting mi. icf eulng for. Yeu omuât ie s. DEWSBIJRY'S nt yer DRUGGIST, Pollock & Ingham Manufaturs er HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 151 MAIN ST. GALT TELEPMIONE 10"3 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1947.

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