L TEUIDAY JÂNUAT M&. IUT misseK. Dewear eorhl tous ouet thse week-end sith hec nother, tirs F. Dlewar. mm. W E. Robertson la vitlng seIithfitndsI Somerset, KenlUbdW>. fer a test seetks. Mc.'mud trs. Bill Mottan et Mam- titan eni Ushe sweek-n selUs M. ted mmrs. J. Mtem Mr. ted m palmer Book cif GrImai,>'vlalld eth e Inds i taa fer a test day. slsee - TiJO t'AMAImiAId CHAMPInU PAGE 1KM M. ted Mns. Grdon BaU tnd 10.o daugloler Boiteo etcourtrigot. vlated 11.0 uvi lis famil>' on Frida>'. Mc. and Mms Bill MU and ma 7.00 Bm>'y, of solosa. Virginie, are vitt stll Mr. ted Mm. Carante Miliand lond>' this seeek Committee Reports Hon On Town Hall ei Renovation (Contnued tram Page One) Toià celleve lise contabist duclng their ime off wsm lrouglt te Counnola at- tention. This asa dlcued ted Il wui dei'lded te Itave Il sill the Pot- A1 Ire Conuittet te taise op sill Chilei Cinnisg i regard -te tise days or- niglte sorked ly M. Brush. ( Tht Properi>' Committe reprtd T thal torage apace had loen arcongnd ai îlot Aena te îlot stiafaction cf S tht hockey club. This work lad beau, 8. compltld ted cupisoarda buolL 10.0 Il seu decidtd te hava Assessr Me.1-0 Niveis and Coont>' Amenaer Roger at tht net rugular meeting te dis- 7.0 cuite tise asstsIing systtmn wtll the»n officiais. Couisilior Mris iqired Mf thee ws a nythlng te stop a pereso open- teg a rstaurant In Hilton. There ào coni> tht malter et applyig for a Tht mater et a Teows Crus a 11il breuglt op ted Il wsa lat seth tise' Planning Committet fr frther con-3. sideration. 8X DRUMQUIN W. 1.La MO STUDY BEAUTENfYIG TME FAEM GROUNDS y Tht recuise monîhi>' meeting of th. =es Dromquin Intitute met ai îlot homne&n et Mr. F. Weller, sitl ten members prustent. Thé rail ral wsansertd ly Newe Years' resolutlso. Ameng tht mas>' bookos avalalit aîth In- oilut Lilras'. ose on hese te beau- tif>' tht grounds around tarm homes sa thomes te ho ruad at tht eel- Inga. Tu Mrs. George Balley gave a ver>' I- tereatig paper on Hlome manage- Co muent. Tht mmlt Important thlng I ronniisg a home la etflclency and av- idlng wmt et ime, Is that sea> a louesete han more ime te sptnd wst i er chlldren. her hoby, ted lite stiie h murlo more iteresting then woekisg op le the let minute every der. Tht meeting eoed stll tht Lord'i Prayer, itter whliclo refreshmtnts stere secved ted a social hait heur enlo>'- ad. "ONLY A KIF A brgiar lungled asd n'ai ctsght. "Wly," tacislmtd îlot cep seho batd is bly th coller, "lots oni>' a kld " Oni>' a kld but. In our growing crime seave, age group evtnteen marks UtI Our ceunt>' le bcoming terrsriztd loy ite juveale delinqoonte. Juvenile delinqeeno>' la due, lt'a oflen sald, te a delinqueni parent. Nt jut a faiher ted mother sho ttep eut a li thamnelve. But par- ens bllnd te the nature ted nteds ef cldron. Parents seho negieci, spili or domiinate their chiid lotrause ît>' are "jut ide'. And chlldre n dont Ile te ho overieelced, or kept nroton stel or a prison el. Se ît>' escape step eut toc themstivtn and get bt trouble. Effective In meeting ihis serieus 9tua'tion lois bats tht sorl ofe Moral Re-Armament. Effective bcause Il; etrihes aI tht cool et thetriouble. Il starlo witl îth home-gete parents te change and begin te treat thelr kido lihe ceose-eps. To btae their bande off. Then Il gives îlot ide adui ceopon- alloiity-a grosn-up progcamn. Ho mare pîtygrounds or boys' clulos but a plan for their ceuntr>. A plan te huiid sousd homes-seheele shece tht>' go bacauee ît>' stant te. sel lo- cause tht>' have te-gangs shiclo art oui te luiid up thetlown, net te tear il apsrt. Sacting tram seracoli tl whiie ao, hundreds et hoeet have alceady loten nvai trom divorce. A news prIt wirh hoas ept Ilocouglo scores et stheeie. A gang et former hoodlums have ecome asistantn te îlot ire deprtmtent. Tht nrhonl board ted tosen council havt enited anever lottore Is ont mejor. cit>. Gsi>' hids-lout what a differenrel MIOTOUMHAD EPNOUGE MISSOURI, Ment. (CPI - Mina El- izabeth Pearl, Ciarloton, Waih.. higlo acheai ph>'icai eiocation innrucler, drove 300 miles ever loy highwayn ansd nos-coverets mounlai panes sethot tht eligloleal m 'h te' oflsd Cistas at hec homein Mis sosla--osal> te have hec car tal I lbheai et Mleoula'a luineas dist- rict 12.'15 Nff fflx us NwNj .tJtiA,&,JANqUA21ýt7261, 1047 » a.m.-Morning BService. 15 arn.-Junior Sunda>' Scool. 15 p.m.-Senior Sunda>' Sohool. Do p.m.-Eveoing Wership. r PAUL'S UNITE»CHUECE l.be-Da. iem W. Porter IUNDAY, JAJNUARY 201h, 1947 i0 amr.-CourtisScisel. ,0 au.-Morsig Wersiz e sermon. "Pilait, Tht olitcan. G00gm.-Honthl>' ToolloService. .hee:PeoluUtisr>' elgion."1 h1 P.m-A Flotelde Heur. A lalk Mo r. Chanes Ward. Muaic t£ed rttcsmenh loby the Young Peoplea Union. on. Jan. 271h aIi 8p.r. - Offical Board Meetig. ed. Jan. 29tlo-The Mc. ted M. Club selment at tht Llrnestone Scooliatd ai lb. home et Mr. ted Mos. E. B. ChemeisiCors seil itave tht churclo ai 8.10 pi. xs. Jte. 28h-TheReorme- hig et the W.A ul latte f.c eta Pot LotIt Supper te b. heid hinîlot Sunday Sehool Reens aI 7 p.m. LCOIIDIAL WELCOME TO ALL GRACE ANGLICAN CHUECII The Bec. GEAT EAED SResere SUN43AY, JAJ4UARY 26Us. 1947 LOD a.m.-Mely Commnuion. M.0 amn-Sunda>' BoeL MO a.m.-Horning Prayrer. M.0 p.m.-Evt'hig Prayer. HEILTON DAPTIS? CHURCH P.atec-G.UMIOLTON On lb. Farmer's Bildig SUNDAY. JAHUARY 201h. 1947 .00 s.rn.-Mc. Richardson, speaker. .00 pin.-Snda>' Sohoni classea for ail ages. 8.00 P.rn-"A Feel'a Waalth," Mu, Hoset. speaker. t. 0.00 pim.-Prayer meetig aI Use home et Mc. Jark Brlntese. Tee aruestelome te milmeetings id Ye Shah Kilose otTroUs and tUs coîlo Shail Malte Ton Frae-Jno 8: 3 TEE CHURCE 0F CHRIST 0MAGH SUNDAT, JANUART Milo. 1947 Services aI 11. a.ntd 7.30 pa.. rutida>' Evtuing-Bîlole Siudy ai8. orne Hose ted let Un.Sason To teiher B"th Jeloovahlo siabl* 1S.1 AÀCouplete Eye SERVICE At C. GRUMOOD, Jeseuller (ACROSS FROM THE CHAnMPION tmsOFCE) oPADDY WIlSON MAIN .STRM Tdstilo y pulieo auction at LoI 6, Ces. 6, Twp. oC Haisagaseyn, 3 mnilea INIILT N ait et Campbe.lile on cont>' cesd, PHOE 13 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARJîthl, 194h PHO E 13AI i o'cloclote îlot wng w, wne M ORSES-i Bt>' Gelding. 5 yce., 1 ILve1ry TiuraeUGreyPerceron Mare, 7 yrs.; 1 Be>' CallaitWme ddr or COWS AND YOUNG CArrLE -1 Cailai aoya Urai or Brindie Cous', due Felo 27; 1 Ayrshlre phone for an appoIntaiet Meifer, close apringer; i Brindie Mel- ttc, chose opringer, i Jersey Cost, milhisg. loced Oct. 23; h BIse Dorhoam Gost, miloing, loced Oct. 22; i Mere. ___________________ ford Cose. milhing, locif Oct. 2; 1 Holstein Cose, slnul fose, loced Dec. PRIN ESS 1; h opotted Durhamn Cose, due Mac. 5; 2 ced Durham Gows. milkisg, pie- D ' tort loced; i Durham ted Ayrshire T H EA T R E Cese.miloisg, Pasue e red; 5 Dec- ____ ___ ___ hum Steers, 2 yr. old5 Durhoam rncf- FRIDATaid SATIIEDAT 5 bost spring Calvet; i Holstein Cett, Matset alsrda' Atercan ham Colt; 1 Durhoam Bu]], il moellon Cacôee tndis Allyn Joalyn oid. 01T SHOULDN'T HAPPEN HOGS AND POULTRY - 3 mature YokSos, hced 2 moniho; i yossng TO A DOG" YorkS Res, hced 2 mesîlos; 2 yoesc Gerald Meor Janis Carter TorS Sos, e, lorin Dec.; 10 Tock 'NOTRTOU LON woi ~Iisabout 150 ihe.; 9 Yoro Pigs, 'NOORIUS ONEWOL' aout100los.; 75 HorS Peltn;8 Striai "Tht Phantem" Dodos. PEED-50 ion (lover end Timolli> Newes Ha>'; i Staclo Mev; 300 buso.ont.; ____________ Qusetit>' et Cul Strase. OMPLEMENTS ANDtI MSCELLAN- MONDAI' and TIJEOAT EOUS-M. D. Grain BMmdec, 7 fl.. eot i cr000; M. M. Mester, 6 tî.; M. H. Dent Andrese Richard Cente 13-boe Grain Grill; M. HI. Inîlorose "WALK IN TEE SUN" Dise ; M. M. Ootthcost Dise; i Weiiî- mo Piesews; lest Trucko Forte Wagoe, Coiered Carton - "pieie 2 Ha>' Marlon; MlunloScaper; F'anning Panlo." Miii; Create Sepoceter; Vessot Groin ____________ rindec stll spted jarS; Gos Engise; 4 h.p.; Cieioc rosew, Steet Table and frame; est Steet Whttl Wagon; 4- GoMNlo seheel Tcailec wstilontch racko; set et Frida>' fan.Se Matorday, Fais. 1L he1<>'Bretching Marnss; sel of Mocotad u s; edd Cetiars; Matinet Saturda>' Afterseon Fochu, Shevels, etc. TERMS - Caoh settemtnt selîl Van Jeonson Marie Wilsoen lerlo day et nalt. «NO LEVE TO LOVE" PuNo reservsthithe proprietochais Gong-"lGolng le Press." ild silI use lhis farm for peature Strial-1The Plottn" onl>'. Naes. . HINDLET & ELLIOO'r Auctioneers L. MeMilian, Cleclo B-29-2 MOFFAT Oer commusit>'sugreat>' shoclo- ed loyîltetragie happening ai the horneetfMc. Andrese Laig, sen tht root ot a barm oavtd lnn stlthlb huis'>' seigltof sC ncoseand lot, and trapped litl i he, ccunhlng hlm ile îlot anost. Tht Coilietietlers seere se loeavy that h staa Impossible te lift hemn freinîlteunfortunate ho>' silloîlt help that wsta avalihle. Tht mother who stitnesstd tht accident, along stiloth t other son, Leonard, stu unabie le reitoot Bllie, wsea hersit strichen wstlgrief and ahecl aed ptsed asta>' stlin a test hours. A double tunecal stas held, et Eden Mles Presbytecian ChurCcl, Wsere a large orosed gathtctd te express their sorrose and sympalo>'for tht tather snd Caml>', as mether and ion stece laid te cent. Servceintsthe Commusit>' Clurclo loave heto dincontinued tocrîlot prus- est on accouet et thtestether and tht elipper>' condition of tht rondo;. rTht. trame stoîke ofte ehome ot Mc. W. A. Fraser s aIment rom- pieied and isose wts th Ue blockl- iaers and plumbece. A nueoc tom here sttended îlot Home and Sohool Association meet- ing et Ne. i Schoot, Guelpho Junetion. Mrs. Tureer hoa. retucned te hec home atter speodiso seme lime seill hec deughter, Mrs. MeGrogon. et »Milles. : Mcs. Wilisono, our ieîohtr. speel îltesweeko-end wstlher brother In Guelph. Mc. tnd Mc.,. James Quigg tormeci>' of Guelph, oct nirel>' eettled ln iheir fsese home ln MotftI. ýf Tht National Film Board preaented three ver>' Isteresting amd instruct- Ive films te thtelboynsand girls fcom ocheets Ho. 5 ted Ho. 4 ai Ho. 3 àSrlool. A number et tht parents nsece present aise. r Wifo' "D'arling, a moth wstn inmy lobatlhig seit." Huo:lo>'Wall, il mut ,have looked steti on hlm." 7- et T bi w ti s JANUAITi. sou. V. em e gor k wdau& COL PIED H. DRACON afte 50 jwri of I.wodp. Ais thet reto font a pedsof LT-COL. H. L EDMONDS Wwi l, howeiocr,coentirne e t. bu «.ia with tkttfiriu. lVr oar happy te annotire t/w admission te parmnership of MR. BENSON L. COYNE, B.Coma uho bas bren assoiated uît?, the firm as MXanoager of our Bond Department. T/he p..rnrrs of /or irm are: P. COULTER DIIACON JOHN S. DEACON J. REG. FINDLEY DONALD M.DEACON BENSON L.COYNE F.. .DEACON B&CS. Business Etablished 1897 Mesebers Toronto Stock Exchange 197 BAY ST. - TORONTO 1 - ELGIN 3401 NASSAGAWEYAT Mrc. Arniold ;B. arbaIl of lot 20 o GIDI on. 1, Nauaaweya. lavng old loisog ýam, beldi a succesiuutsale cifM lock and Impleesents laut liodaY. Isere wua a large crowd preslent and lddlng wua brisk andzgond prie.M edtn were realised The Bloomabur> ara hrm eid their meeting on Monda>' eveoilng I District Commissloner, Mm. T. E. . S. Ho. 9 Sohool wltlo a far attend- Robinson, of iterolo>, athUe meeting f nct. Athouglo hendicapped ly thteofthUe Girl Guides held on Tlsursday,L Hydro electcic power leing off tley Januar>' 101h, te whlch parents andb secured lanternesand held thelr dis- triendo haid been lsvted, announceda oulein oethtie tapic fer the evenlng. that the Ceompany' had grewn non large which was fllowed ly progressive tisat Il waa neceisar>' te dlvlde hltoa euclre. When the Hydre came on two Coampanie&. t>'y lad plent>' of lglt te end the The lt Milton Compan is>' ieb meetng. Lunch seat atrved ly tise Captalised ly Mrm George Elliott, Ide and a social tisse ment. wth Mm obllert Guld as lier Uàeo. Mr. and Mma E. G. Wlson, et &R. tenanst.and sel have thrte Patrels 1 Compiselvifle aent a jae day. hi under PLi2. Jean Glddhigs. Mary Toronte lait weee. Gonclo and Merle Thompien. Miss Mr. and Mms 0. ShtswoOd, Of Pt Jean Bliico, seho lo aita preslent, ne icl ted 1fr. Wesley pilet itI dLiuittet te silaîther, sel loi relatives ted frlendi ln Nassagasetys Captaofe the 2nd Milton Compte>'. seltl oneoî Berry ted Janet Efiott lut Buda>', ai leaders et thet tseePatrela. A Guide Compte>' nhould have, lot- (ADVERTIBEMENT) ides tht Captain, at leait oe Lieu- tenant. Mothers or oilletra lntereited A GOSPEL MSAGE TO TOU ln tht teen-oge girl and wsho would q HAVE SIHNED,- lot willig te give their services on Confestd Ploarao when the judg. iiglt a setelotelelp Girl Guldlng I ment passed ever lis hted. but once tht Tosenioe Millens hod gttLoi tht judgmentis etre ever, lot harden- tesclo wth ontetftht Guider. M ed lis heart. Hisseai tht conessionl BMineneeds asaistansce sethher et fear. itoselike ma5iy a GeahedCompte>' tedselîl seelceme anyone ceonfessioni, Hose like the cries o h anetclamkth het Mercy f rem hardtned mes on a aik- ho aorcnmlettliee hin g hip durlng a battit or storm! help teacl tise 2ssd Compte>'. But let tht ick mon gel better or For mon>' yeara, lrs. Robinsoen car. tht alnig saliers lot rescud or Use rled on Girl Guldlng fieru practicali>' torm sublsde ed hese tten like a saaidtd. Soeting over two years dec do tht>' retucn te their vomit ag, Mr. ud taise front Hersis>) agaln er lihe a sos retors te the bem e n Lieutenant. Thesa sealiosing hitht mire ted provo that bcm e n their confessions seere usreai ted two ladies, t great incosvtnience te useless. Reader bte reai for God must; thematives ted their familles, hava have realil>' and >'eu ronsot decelvt travelled te Tosens ailltul>' taclo Ged. weeh te teaclo ted try te Instil loto, "t1 HAVE SInNED." the Milton girls, tise pririples et Girl Cried Judai tht Traiter, ln tht t Guilding and encourage thtr n h tht have etrsyed Innocent blood". Cst- aiubrnhsoatdlidow Ing desesitht 30 pierea et iiver hetore vreslrnhae td'li os tht higlo pritat, lot sent forth and loy Guide Headquattrs. hanged limatit ted sent tealis oses Glving et thelr ime ai tht>' have place. His wai the confession et ru- unstintlngi>'. Mra. Robisn and Mrs. morse. Guild ohouid ructive the thonha of Shall ssch a ronfessio e otwi'tit tht Toselofe Milten, ai they receive frorn your heart shen once y ermserto eslseeh> reaclo the end et lites highwey andnorm eatn htevbu enter the circie et etersity? their own uniferm,.boksnlstd equip- Shall such a confession lotesrusif ment, ansd use their este cars te drive n anguilo Creom yeer lips ln the taeand tran Tews sequtntly. httomîtespit? 1pra>' sot. "Nosela Lut toi, Mr&. Robinson wuaiap.ý tht aLcepttd time; lothoid 50w ln the polnted a District Commission toc day et Salvatien" (I Cor. t: 2). Guide Componles ted BrownIe Pacha 111 HAVE SINNED,' Sololod tht predigai son ailis ln Actes, Georgetowen Campltlville taller tell osloin neck and cevered and Milton.Teenwduio e him witlo the hisses et torgiveneso. gether sith hec home cres, hai made in waa tht confeasien et rupentance. t increatingi>' difficuit foc Mrs. Rob- Il l setîot econession et teartatealien te give te tht Miles Compteny lot rtptnted et as mss l itht pressure thetlime ailot teianecesiar>' ted feels tnd crietfor tear wsaurernoved, ner htwhlirLeentscpbeo tht contesson et rumorse, îlot despaîr- ta tlohrLetnnecpbee ina Mryet a qoul sppaiied at îlot con- tsling charge, ahe sel now elo able seenctetflis sin as he lsahoulte te devte mort time te hec district fait te th h aym fet he. sork. Bel Ilws telotconfession et trot Tht Guides aru ver>' thanlotulta cenuise repentante. Dettcmined upon Mr George H. Dawson or attondisa loy thteastînetirouglos of tht Cr cous- 1 ry l ied tht pred icaile retrace lis their meeting and sheseiug îtecitai teps, ind himotit ln tht prusce et ted caierful pictures sehiclo lot teel thtestn aglnst svhom he liadt slned on lis recent trip ta Briish Cosmmbia. and there wth thtestsrm emrartetfIt tht "Oh" ted 'Abs" fremîthegirls a ftahers leve about hlm, peur out los weru an>' Indication et their apprer. conession. e thal coveretlo lis lotion, Mr Dawsosn shouid have no g inu hîli sot proper, lut Who con- i tsstth and orseleth Ihensahli have deultofe their teelings ln tht mtter. I"Mercy"' and "the Bieod et Jenon The nmemberi O ofteTestsCouneci Christ, is Son, cettssth eis tramn ait wlielo lois aiwaya loes moat ce-op- sin" Prov. 27: 13 and 1 JolIs 1: 7. erative. have grontd permission ta ion, t1stoutd lot glad le heip you. auioum eth Tes Hllo Jacko Mountols audteidmafyeveiTs orntHall mon ____Ing. The 1u1 Campas>' metsteroe aaE-49'to os Thursdays. S Wateh tor Informaton iterln tii AUCTION SA E lumn for Information on Boy-ScoO GilGieWeek sehloh occsrs ln 1fOF FARI ST f tn»iM'u. elruar>'. 1 Norn Craig O~f Burington - - Warden 1947 tContinued froim Page Onie) nembera titebndera ahloid le cafle for testtead of payi1ng fat ratai fat lt seerk. Twe rnmonlcttionas eer rcelvad from Dr. Struthers, Toronto Moultu Unît, ted R. 9. Meatheringten, memn- bere deolded te hear Dr. Struthers addraio lham on pudblie healtis ted Invite Mr. Meilthrbngten le 5show a filmn on public hlottsh iManitobaa at îlt seat meting. GIouncil adjocntd te meet Jonu- ary 201h. A Young Peoples Raly UEV. Md mE& VIRIL GAITr FOmKlHMAu.sA. BEGIONU saL FEESOFETMF111 PncTEOOWIAL HROLNIS EPSII ON Friday, January 24 at 8 p.m. IN LO ..P HALI, MAIN ST, WULION Yourg People of eveoey duaomnatlon rdially invite&L SUNDAY, JANUAEY 2tb,-SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 arn. - MR. ARTHUR RAEMAR of Evangelitit Conter, Torento 7.00 pin.-Mr. JOHN HEBEA, BoperIntendent of the Canadian Sunda>' School Mission wlll lrlng an ilutraled lecture on ttie work the Sunda>' Sehool Mision le dolng hinoMrth Wetern Oniliao EVEBUMO VÎWELJOmE Are Your Floors Shabby? Make them likeamk- new again. Rent Our FloorlSanders rrs EASY WEILL SHOW YOU 110W RENTAL PLAN 0 FURNISH1M EV- le Coei is %Mme osuor phoe 43 nMILTON HARDWARE Notice to Creditors AND otuInS la lisse Ebulae etBeie, hade Gren, buetaeift the VI a an Mrid, a theconw o>' to Whan, DeaaOoe the E"teof SEB 2CE W U* GREEN, laIe of lb. Village etEhf bride, te Use Coont>' of HItlIn, l Deoeaeed, seho died en er about tise 191h day et Hovember. 1946, are re- quested te eeod samet letîlotuadtr- signeed oicitor on or hotora tht 24th d y et Felruar>', 1947, otistrstlat. tis etaa I tl b. dlelcluled sethtis regard te their clmima. Milton, Ont. SeUctIr fer îteEttenlol Milton, Jasuar>' 22nd. 1947. 3"- Tht undersigeed have rtoeived la- 1 sructions irom THE CANADIAIN CHAMPION