PA«E roux rTE 'ANAIAN CHfAMPOfN 1-rib UAZIALYRAIN 1 THURSDAY, KILBRIDE UU.UUU...U UU I NEWS ol the DISTRICT Mr n r.Jl rde fL nly TWO in stock vrons items ConcrnigActviteu in Comamunties Nearby Mr and Mrm Clark Prudham otM! the new . ..eor d l WhreMmyofOu ti ~ jMaytalrSaoik.,are vsltng amass el- Sn, .5,d ad fe «- Whebnyo u edr r neetdatives 1n tîsla dltriLatClark WU! " n aorATLD D fII ,e Subsequsot insertin. se fomrya Kllbclde lad and thls 1l8 t>II1UU Im a m ~oDu (~A0I1L)TIi~TTy, is tîrat vist to iriends la Ontario Indes SO YY A8AT8R 0RMSAL NASSAGAWEYA .tuuRELILLE 38____ ___ S. S. No. 7 -M.AIma Cers(on s ha 0e to M 00 __________D.________Phone_1M - flnnnhaîîpblvlîle communty was Detroit for a iew ekwhr M FO SLE-Cdeone10ra Tho many frlends of Mc. Wilrd ahocked ihis week by the budden wll vat a alak alte and ther rel- W UEadAplD.Lwn.PnolI. Kennedy wnll h sorry to hear elhe la death o a vry reapected citizenl, Rev. ativeaIn US.A. FOR J ALE - Girl'@ whitetOfl* In Gueph General Hosital havlng H. W. A. Brand, huaband af the laie Mm. Jameos Lllycrop haa eold hi*U AR . FJ. j N' 1 FO SALE GIrl. phit hoo, had an opertnnleat Thuraday. They Henrletta Blair, at Frlday t tho general store In the village'ta Mr.N and skates, aise 6, good conditionl. will ho pleaaod ta know she la dolne home ot lia daughtec, Mm. Rousa Car. James MolloofaiTronto. M S"l and Servie - Radfio Md HUMe APUause Phono S1J. nlcelofy.dsvlla5ge. Hewsi i FOR SALE-i amaeil cook store wth niemoe etwe-nd Gep.bro ti owsI l Mr. James Lllycrop has aold tde, PEARL STREET (OPPOSITE PUBLIC OHOOL) 3hg ak lotnW lovatoa Litt ine Frank hllidhls ton- 8sit year and hin wlte' pcedeeaased house In the vilage ta u.Fe d: hono nw asevetÙ ala aI e ls ee-n e ulhlmn 18 monthsaiale. and Herb Sherwood, who wlU ...................... OaAL-okyotft cOb We hope jimmies days of ll-helth Rev. Mr. Brand was edaîated t op realence shartly.FO A -HceouftP&UO ar vec with thls aperatlOn. St. John's Hall, Hlghbecy, England, MmaSilsle os e lly 50w, panla, patia, aatea. AtlIlY smo. - t helsh»so brE. A. Janes. The week's meeting af the Radio and on comlng ta Canada ho sllant house and pmoperty ta Mr. Leanard _____________ Farm Forum met t the home Of six yees at a Mantoba charge, cOlI- Watson. Mr. Watson ba& recontlyFO *L -_Cmlbws ae Mr. and Mr. C. E. Davonprt whlt tt ahad chargs tNantiche, aald bIs 'FO RSAl-ecc aterntl uer lng ~~asoho! t t armota Mr. Camocon Wat- jakethetettC waec heatri an attendance ai qta)ctn1 that stay'e!Yark, Ehira, Campbellviile and Erin, son. 'Orw.tlitn in one gcoup for dscuOssais n Coan- Sînre lesvlng Erîn ha buallant tourFRSAE-Jre o tm Question 1. What are the Important Lat ta mouro are îhcee daughters, relate7red s o acty). n d ie dffereoma hoetween comnunty Hrs. Rais Cachrt af Campholvllle, CH aIlton utha. Contct . sd agrement andcarels.was nswe- Ms. RnaldPaig ofNiagra FllsaORtAn Lry Pecsterfel ed ailer dscusion that cartels were and Mrs. George Rostan ofi Grimsby; We are gied ta lear the Barne' W M U E minimum prima setb rdcr one 0son, Mr. Arîhie Brand af Haml- rhlldmen are reruverlos frtamthelr as ofetbe pl n r boemakts and comodtY agreOon, ase one bohe Mr. Alhort illnes.s. Saftr thora have beon no BalnttlgPh ond<34ton.rslece monta wece made toc expert pscpînseS. Brand ai Poniac, Michigan. FaneraI other rasualtles. Be.eiono 134 Ilon. Question 2, the 1946 vhet agreement services wera held on Tuesdey atter- fepoocesla atlI cepalclsg L aC)tlwrso llknd, htweea Canada and tGreat Britailsmonprîvate, wth 5ev. . C. Jack- damaes trmoe recont Ire0stComp any na MIII aofslinionadRe.Ale iofSt Cath- dmgL argeth t e soin unrlOadBES, dEng OUSE 0 hariicsghepe as o h ac Ie i aa hne~ Il seemns toc, hd thaet the acltlatlng fuel ad edis wrk 5o m at Ighrpie o o h mr rnzo ltnte te tO euyw ie I e ascnCU ALSO MAN 110 OPERATE "AME dlvr PHONE 21f ance ai aîsblllzed prîces tee hat tour Georges Anglican Chucch, towVville, bh eastruwcteion otac daer"'ns can cause M SL--oug rdeHosti years. Ih thîs ascsund picirpeP breRra eMsatoe ai BUc- sC etuto oadb aasee i Ulig FRSL-angGaeHlta The sop answered Yes. The ras-lingtan and the lRt. Rev. Broughall, Aoywy, is cantcomplîn aitha Cistrdleiny h, 194? au e a ans were glven. It WISs htter te Blshop of Niagara, aslosted wth the weather belng manatanoas. We have O u' 55iYIeltcs oseaMie u ae hnaw yeu position toc Po, service. Rev. S. A. KIrk oaem- hadl liding, skatIng, swimiag and 3tth, 1947. Charles Feathoretane. IL dsclng isheat than ta bave bIgher ilon wasoaiso present. Palîhoarers slelghlag raads In leuota ek pl o o 0C a po Office R. Na. 1, MiRo, Phone 49Mr. prtces nais and dastlcally bier ee Mesrs. Ed. Hahos. Fcank Bib, Motocîta would ho advlaterIve _______________ prires when wold production Sp- Harvey Blarklark, John Blarklack, caretully on île Taisline hl-is Ah W.ANME proachesi nacmalcy.1 Roy ESonl<an and Came-oa isWns. as the rosd 1lat'osy bad. wNE-aue o rc ad To-day isaone ai those days ishea Intecaient was made te the adjoinlas But the had cosds bave pcoved an _______________________________T. D letoP opprtrd. ucaniimaginse a tealler tik la ceeery amas g ac. O. Atiderhven18rPhono- be00 mIe soirnt hetactn rHan ai sss av -bmh.M honsemtld ra te lky an A quiet wedding yen ailemnitesat double natures. Or howetee wuld ____________________ sotly blowing Iceeze. 1.1 Ia ealIy tîl e cry In Caaphelvillte, at the pas espiain taathîe mes wbO ne0- - Atorne, u- Boss e spartment sowing. We hope it cavera the Icy home of Rer. Mr. and Mms. . C cheemtsly tallaO dressesi in thei MflrmoE.msurgfeitî nees.Apî soatls enassh ta avoisi accidente. 1 Jackson, os a Ssîodsy attecnoon at hoati wilI shovel and punit and Ilft * Ma .M ated We are nemi tae hear Mc. Ait. p.Ilm. ihen Rev. M. Kakîns af Mil- ta remove s acrtfrom the ditck, cmis * j * ~ iWÂNTED-Bright yasng man tac Ale a o.8setont udr h inofiiae bslîe I ariseh tesaeme sb rleiOand f~M~ ~ ull time work In genecal dry gooda Alln o No 8 ecton a ude th to* oficate Inuniin In ariag store.are mntaterul qualificationsStrs ualf bytios etterte Dociars cace wistI an insrod knee. Miss Muciel Pearli SmaI, daugîter ai pst aft as long as posible emoving ta P0 Boa 282, Hilton. Mca. Jolis Small, R.R. 2, tle age ta the sommer kitchon. Sponaarcd by Brasîh No. 136 B.ES.L. AC"ON Campbelrile. ta M. Kaci Siokea, Deasi Homses and Cattie tac âmee A T Nson ai Mm. and Mco. James Stokes. -pIck sp. Phane Hilton 210. We Pà7 Afret Saû y ori- R.R. 2, CamphoIiviIIe. The laide isore AUCTION SALE in the MILTON ARENA phn csG DON LOUNG. LTD Ssudymrisabout s braisa crepe dreai iith bown se- 3-2 PoeA.S ,Trnk 2.30 a.m. ocîcmred In île three tamtily cesarles and carriesi Talisman rae.-3-2 PaeA.53,Tcau camne lassoeaithîe crner ai Main teideaid wassthe siater a b F DUR &I AT¶LE, PECE and CurrIlStreets wihrIwould have I7 5 t padN CaI M mO hes secius excepitfoc the prompt- RUr ~ ~ d e d , ~ F Lv olc SSEI GL ofActas Fire 1ried Talisman cases. Mr. Hasmld (thH CW R. R.tI 1. Camt. Toepbne iltn 24i Brig ad e wa .,r, A ecepianureSkating byIcelandila iroun M i r o - P l a s t i c s L i m i ie d , A c t n s l 1 5 i r o t w e n t Y g u e at s w s h e d t le T h e u d e i g e d h a v e r e e iv e d a- f r o m T o r o n t o - - L O S est ldustcy las iuss rereivesi anoiber home of île brides parens, ahera arurtions rm neis esicadins machine and it is hoiag tley iili eide. (3tgyqcRtD0. IBROWN COTM RZ F TM LWNAES OT-Trcrakvint 0 et Up alongside île irai machine pst M. and Hrs. Leanard Wason. who Toeoilîy public suctios ihi atrtinTUEPIES FF IS W RCS LSt -Thmrk. viScLisityRa- intepatwihl o noeain sId tbeir fr t r adMs a-ferr, Lt13, Cn.1, îwp. ai Nassas- BROOMBALL MATCH -FIREMEN maLEGION isard. Glonspey Facms. Phase 154M5 24 boucs a day on ordera eceived by roîn Wason rerentîy, have pucrhssed aiseya, 1 mile souil ai Mottai on île Gasiapny tocliis produits. île home a!fMs. Robi. ShieldsaIa THIJEOOAY, JANIJARY 8Ot1947 e Mr. andi Mcs. Georgt Brister, fomro- Kilîcide. ad l move esly In the At i o'ck île Ioiîaiisg: M[SCELLANBOUS erîy af Acion ceebratîosl ior golden prng. HORSES-1 biak Percheron Mare,-- weddlag annivesasry ai île home of Mr. and Mrs. Roît. Inglis lave soîd 8 yr. aid; 1 blac k Percheras Mare, 9 Hm- FlbacinSa&t., Mta iheir sanInlaTrants avec the aeek- thoîr ferrm ta Mc. ThomaslIdlsofaiyr. id c bar ercheron Geidis, 3 ____________________________ Cut ilaisers, wedding bosqueta, £@- esd. Ws aiîo sdlv urased yrlad. ecal desigina. sssoried pet planta. IA Ai the lame o! Mrs. Caldwsell, the propety In île village Oisned tY ORHAM COWS &a YOUNG CAT- Book Your Orders Now For dlvr. Pae11 TLE-1 Roan Durham Coi, Is full NOTICE - Cheaiecfieids and tomn- KnxAvenae, lasi Frlday aighi aMr. and Mms. Daniel Mater. fliw, nt brai; 1 ced Durham Coi, truposedanrpasteS nomhr ot yuag ladies of the Unied Mm. George LsI ai Hamilton las due Fol, 8; 1 ced Durham 00w, due * - 7 ' -kindaiscatriture. Foot stols made Clurch met te organise s mission hoon spendins a aeek isth hec s, Feb. 27; 1 red Drham Cave, due May F R ILI.. iode.Poe 5Jfr atal icle-Fres Press. Housston Lush and iamllY. 1: 2 ced Durham Helfers, 2 era, nt ara. BetrainiJoaes Jr., Miii Street. Aottwenty-five mem ofi he brai; 2 fat Steera, about 10I bo..Mltn LOWVILE Yong Pepbes srlet ai S Davda och; 1 ft Steer. ahout 8001 Ib.; 4 SOMe Mixtures in Short Supply ______________ LOWVILLE Young harvil Soatooggn eSyi. lt ispring Calves; 2 Fal1 Calve&WYSUs.h aoyofRew Chrh a atbogn atyvsmHGS_ mtreBoo owbrdatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, avisai Monday night. Ater laving s Jaly In monila ai Nov. and Dec.;50 goodr ULiflI L% 'irIP L1NT and Itumacaposeil vo you quIck ael- Rer. Mr. and Mms Jackson enter- tume In île open ail retumosi te the tlcltty Yack Pige, tram 50 te90 iba. B O D R H S U P IScamte reilef. Pic etta Dcug Store. tai the A.Y.P.A. e the retory t Suntlsy SchOoc reaul and enjoyesi a oacI. B O D R O< UP LE 1) tle opeing meeting, Tuesday even- bt lunch. TRACTOR & POWER IMPLEM- O RA WR las, Januacy 141h itl a large attend- The Blair Yuns Wamens Asail- EHTS-J. D. model D. trsctor on rub- Give yaur Chieka a gooas tari aitis a cîcan house, good OOTAEWE ac.Gmsireconductesi andi tee c a beJnsmetit be, 40 hp. avith ighi, genertorani cimn ad rlaI CiKPR.Cotracta labels for buyisg and «U- ebemiolaai ttisra re a ialaav: tc lae a Mm i. McPheo. atalgtening lever, te excellent lgmsrgaeaae iius reidintf, RierpILiyreaflls;Vice omIs lîe rs .C.tcnspeldnmechaniral conditan; M. . 3-turme'uple aeMDSotIo 14 raceor wsrk pceient Joh Rilyrdai; Sere- Mstack hare rîetopins exeriea ,TmaciacPlose an roîhor, Na. 28, sith SiPliLMae 11 horAfr 94 BrienttyJhR chardson;Ser t l S hag o hea ngexrds202 bttons; M. H. 16-plate DoubleR..6,Mlo am, BtyRchrsn Treasuror, Ewt Miss la Telenny massa.g Dise; M. . Drag Cutivatar; i, nt. s ~5CRRMlc landi Jay; Pcagram Commuttes, Evelyn tle Sriiptuco leu=a. The annuel Cuttins Box, 12" tIroat, avth 35 ft i. of IMitonlDistric~I. t Co-oper tive NOPOTN Scott ansi M. Salph Lllyccop; Lun- reporta ai île Secretas" ansi Tre s îinaa isd iettstr Ie; -abthedORualOEtU3im De cCanssittee, Mm. Bmcb arris, Ev- uer isere glven ands aoweds actlvity papec Hatmoer MiI, 13" neman, an PHONE 127 -MILTON avallable, If you are aggresaive, and elyii Stokes ansi Mary Bil. Lunch yl tîls amal grouLp- >.ter th n rubbor wleein; Int. pmreOc Grain Bin betaveen the agea ai 25 and SU--hav der, canri.cuoe travel;suit.iCotnala la wmasthen servesi ansi a social hour stlaton ai île aiacera for 1947 er, O ., an falCracle ai. acaor Pick--taelotft.tisi apent Mms. Wm. Mahon, île neis prealdeni, Frame; Drive Bell. anfil., endless, ---Ina cohtàable bstneesaof yaur own. Misa Olive Richardson and Miss iok charge. A briet repart ai tise t"; Na ai 011 Barvels. ______________________________ Fac full aprticulars write ta-dap to Jean Taylor af Toronto speni tle Gulph Pmasbyteial meetng wua FANE IMPLEMENTS-M. H. 11- The J. R. Wstkins Compea> iseek-end ai tise lame ofir.Mdani gvon by Mmi. MessIes. The closing Ise FertIliser Drill; Ligli Harasea, DeptL -M-O Mm. Blarry Richardson. clapier "Lookins ta île Future" In 4wretian; Ime Wagon; Wagon Box; 2177 MaisoanBt., Mot.ealQue. Fannins MiIIvl ithbatger; Rentrewe______________ The annuel meeting ai île Trustetle aludy bool ae glvon 13'Mc. Sosies, 20 Iho.; ini. Prinrose Ceam S , DO YOU LIKE READING. U Boasrd oiîle Unitedi Courol Pau'sOi- Malan. The rolail 81 sa ansered Sepacator; Turalp Drill; Ray Tesider; __ people do and ise neai an aggreadve ose and Cematry isas bldi et tee by île popisent af île ftesa. Theofa- Rot Pulper; Grass Seeder tac M. H. 1 1 man or isoman In ibis district to aie parsonage on Wodneay lest. The tering wsa dediraiesi bY Miss Evelyn Dm11; Fertiliteor atarîmeat for M. '5Lareneale and noi saubacrcpliti oo elctonofolicrsweeasfolos:Elio, h asered lttr tfacîmeril;ng 2Wlebing lar iet-B.orV Je k e t rissn ud etoctIves- elclonaiailrcaismoastalova Elitsea in rada olerai ac-H. Drîl; 2 S ingSctlo For Th (orning WaIl eiofitand Ou resane ChancI Trustee Baad Cairman. A. preriat raisose ai tle membec Boiser; Wheel rallivatar; Pump jack; sle aAilenet emnetbt C. Colint; Ser.-Treas. Ga. M. Callig; isba ad recelvesi s amatI gt isîlle Rotary Pumlt, now, nerer usesi; Qusn- selesanl inderpanden i e ont ue Pamaonago Trustee Boasrd, Claiman Ii. Mms. Menzles on hohalf othîe iîy of 114" Water PIpe; 1000 Ch1mb We have js received a g andeoritatiat of BROWN cepresenîîag îhe largeat organstion Buroosa Colsan; 9eor-Treas. E. C. soietyf expressed llanks taeHM Brooder, rosI, Beatty; Lsadlng Chute; a M olikndIthBris Emre :Hut, BEM TfY WriterotocEtuiladparliruauansduBoxOP59 Fosior. Cemetery Truatee Board Bac tc er lyaty and devotlis 8t0 Bas Craie; about 5 ton Hlxed Ray; TnPtWrsrnlai ie r nthe oua le i lisforsfull aîlrtiel EmpIre.5 Chanmn clns Cllns Sc.Tras 11e or drlg eryersasprsi adHamness; Collara; Forbi, BHeu, and are prlced at 69c, 79e and 89ces&ci.,Laondon, Ontario. 3-i F. W. Harboille. General businnesa dent. The hoalese serrai dslnty me- TERYIS - Cash setlemeni sita STUBBRN SEIN DISOI5SBi seas transacai. tresîmento and a plessaisi ime is 5cîecb day ofismIe. At lang last Dopendable reiet The annul meeting af the W. A. enjayed oy tog1 Wowihasere preseai. Kreryihing selle as tam Is soîsi. 2-96-piece Dinner Sets, ditinctive patternanasd q6 fotra hîeItirhing.Bucing Irritation othîe United Courml isas helsi ai île Four ladies fromtleh . M. S. RoasiIs Nssaigaweys alsesys opn. outtading v aai ' ah ............. 29.75 ai ECZEMA, PSORLASIS, LEG UL- lame o! Mc. S. T. CouIsn on Wed- alîcadesi the Preshytorial meetilef CERLS, & EL1OTT, _____________ ______ _&_____ F, OOT, and maay ciler IrcItating aesday lai. The eleclan aiofficere beld In St. Audrowsa ChurcI, Guelph. Auctioneers SKIN diearders. DEWSBURY'S EC- seas csducied ly Mr. E. M. Carier Bra. A. R. McMurirl. O'Tor ' ,L BcMilIss. Clerk B-28-2 1-66-piece Diauser Set at .........NT.....HEM ZENT ha anhmeah hlo shîr remulied as fllows:s;Preideal, wssathe guesi apeaker. The reports .............____________ *iENT seto t. e ar no!hoDeWSBUIIY' Mc. E. C. Foster; Vice Presîdeat, ai îhe sercetamies sere ver encour- -$19.75 GiTHo ET aairyofc I RUG Sa Brs. BSce Millar; Se eiry, MH 'i. ocotand tle allocation aiof reae _____ dy eNt 1hi qur, Comioctin e- Eland Cala;TesrrMc.FW.toaidtmeumddollarisn ATTENTION lief pou long foc. Yau nmuet le st- Sarboille; Piant. Mm. Surdie Gun- exroelcd ly oar, ire bandred dl- Ife rmnyrfneI tl hy; Florcer Commiltee, Mrs. A. W. lara. -EGG< PRODUCERS i'tilsoSoi la$1rSt3.t50a ssi m 'Et ifido aa> eudsi !hI Coulter, Mc. S. T. Coulson, Mc. K. _____ h"sadie, 24 picces for ami>....... . .............. DEWSBURY'S ai your DRUGGXOT. Mller. Social Commttee, Ms. Rapy .LIISYSip ouc Egge te Coulter. Mc. T. Rama has, Mrs. Nor- A.C.LDR SAY UNO DOMINION STORES mn Laagtons; Parsonase Contmittee, ADZ BSLYO IIE Mrs. E. M. Rendlead, Mm. W. J. FARMERaRALLY iM Iget peD Wi Also in aur stock are a numiser of every day Cups and Saucer Robertsons, Mms. R. Heatherinstan. -msia~ai siieipea9s attractive green and gold deesigs,'fl e On hasds eeisnsai ai aeel The annuel Halton Junior Farmer markoet priees« ou hn neigîboca ansi inonda beld a social Rlslty ws ebld is Hilton iel ScIars Gac Prlompst es al rithi ek n> we0f8 ovenlisg Is Limetase SmboolIn lonor as Friday evening otlest aee. N. C.PaisiBitlec a! M. ansi M. MolIns Collng Lindsay, superîsor oi Rural Asisst Wc pop extra foc stmImly ieel C ramEpaIRatrs nelyesa. Mm. Colling seas Education isas tle guet speaker. M. Largo Brases or White BlelTakodaîtga f tmaispaialvala a farmmrly Misa Cailaclno Laylielsi, ai Lindsayp In a mot intecestlng addreae Eggs]Y Dsrlington, Englansi. The young reises île erices arnîtabo tsror- Shi Diectte:llcrclFa qim cruinai chaims. Lusiml sea serrai. Eduaalon Board Ge. S. Allîna, Dominioni Storee Limited N O R N T N A-orDo Ite weely meeting ai île Fanm Presldent o tIhe Balles Juiilors was 832 Old Weton Road SEE Forumseasll elsi an Mondsy evenlas la charge ai the eveinga Prosrni Toronto 5, Ontario Confectiollery and Glft Shop i ai île lame ai Mc. and Mms. George selîI osmiades ith aI sshort since Reg'd Gading Station 0M2to9Pon 1o . oodwin Caulsas, ater thoeidiscussion carda ta musc provides b>' île Hilton ac- CssrtreiFe orlPhonohACTON44ROY isre played. mony Sux. ___ ____________________r__________