Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Dec 1946, p. 1

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~auabtau ~Iîarnpîou Volume 87.-No. 26. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBEI4 bIh, 1946 Ten Home-Peint Pages-Fise Cents d THE WILSON-LEGGO Milton Juveniles HlonoredWDIGNST .11Ju1 s An (' eiCHorOGILîLE, by Dinner and Presentaion i uE'sAgia Iuct .v.c Saluieday, November 101h when Hev. le W.. Erclestone ueited le murrelug Clu Wh Reche th Onars nAverie Patricia Leggo, Toronto, dau- Fluais Reeive Windreskers, roni rs hter 0f Mr. and Mis.W .Loo FinlsReReîeheW'hneb()m"ers'I B on e natepayers ,Nesfoudland. and Leslie Flett Wl]- Thestre Pasme and Group son, son of Mr. and c.W .Wlo Photos at Banquet at Milton I ili Investioate Mlo. hebie wisngosned in as O ria ve gi bloc sheer flenglh gossn o'tb LautFrisy !efill111 kiri and I 'heoet neebline. Bewe 0an 0mmer fMl ater S p l A halo of oenangeweiilossomss eld int towueoni4 unitl1Cluebeero l il- lIme lier shoulder length Veil. SOc town JuonileanBull Cluebeson-erred o rascade bouquet of Tulin- tuneuun il th sud olber clebers co- Mont Enthusiastic Meeting discus- mau roses, bronze smu unit dber.v nerîd sstb Ie bsebul clb gub- lr oii Isattenîdanisl sslier sistpr, erend t 1he Milton Inn un Friduy lust ses Incorporation of Village or Mrs W. E. Lion, slis sens dressed lu lu enjoy a iinner peovided by Milton Formation of Separate South ln ue lo-rghgsn el Couneil. This dînner wun 10 bonnePn he forlnt gw.wt tbe Juvenile Busehol ployers whobac Trafalgar Municipal niatlchii -fratîselîeuddress, lber eus- up t ad"- bîuîoet or îPisk carnations anui been runnoeo-u in lise finals f the Area l :1e1sntrus iOfeusn OBA. ehumpionship and huit usly siiile10 ibthennutOc bidhe. Mas - been boulon by Simene in the tird The Bronîr Rtepayers' meeting liii toth l i roies Oeill game f thse playoff. lîeld in tOc Community Hall os Fi- viln Wilson%-lsh büer et ABter thse iinner, Mayor Cen. H. duy evening Nosember 29, mus elmn Daweson elted the meeting 10 oritor uiicnded and îrosed lu heonue outhIe .Fillosing thecremony, ol ecepst- as td llthut lbe mus ouly repres- ist înlereeting sud constructive inws. Mesinlilsteonbeeroffetan enting the ritizens of Milton ilulhon- meetings brld in the village for a S.pess'inils oncd A hee-buftîc orlng the boys seho had doue su o ll1long tlme. Sscddr 'is eureued1Ae br-ie uI durlng tise putsnaon. Ho stuled ntMr. Frank Sullivan urleolunchit- ehih muske etifulyd e rrueistabel Fathers Added to ~itleîîda~ncvat tliîv 1 oillîe an5îiulîIoud Three Former Councillors ThreeNewMenibers 1or1947 tcHome and Sehool Assoiation wsns h lu M lviltoat Publie Sehool, Wed- eein a A. Qestion for Change of Council uesdoy esening, November 25th. e tn t Aetoil teni Carried by Three to One- Fotheis serre especlally otertaîued Oe afo Electors Used and tOry helpr ta10 seell the audience F v rf r ig o hi rnhs tMto lc te tIse nomber of 85. Ail grades serre a o o m n of Thï Y'fn'isatMlnEec oeil reresenied hy the parents ansuitonay sh opttinfrt edng o te Bigh jenool District tios on - heatI rostin otcholdingos1e 620vosiers iu the municipul eler- Ms enmlofGaeIV wnou i ons colt their ballots lu Milton on silO 16 Iprents peesent. Inspectors Stewart and Skuce Sup- Mouday mIses sio rooscillors more Ther professe moi interestiug sud ply Information for Repres- -leied und o question sehich moult cntetoîuîug. Tsevo nombers Oy saflit- entutive Group fron Hal- change lerms of rounieillors f0to w itrio. Mesdames Lorbie, Haywarit toit and Wellington Y eues scth lorre members electeit soit Foster. ueeomîaiooed hy Mes. R. ___roh yeur, mus given ulilrovul Oy s Andleroin ocri.erollUy fine. A neeles lleprersetties of Cuilsudvt fnal he ooe of impreomptutou minute tlts b hy .lsBl ourds feomn Milton, George- Members eleeted 10 Couueil more s nare of fathcîsserec OstO lu- tomn. Arton, Nosssigoseyu, Esquesiug, Ken. DicO, H. F. WOeseell, Vitor ssu iI und musiso. SuiluOle ose- Eris, Eîsmnoosu ad loehseood and Nories, F. L. Crssfod, Walter Nor- aidssereurodin eahrcase. Rev. tiii,.is.iof Ailonulltended ameeting rîngion and Gos. Hord. Three are GoirdoniPtein uaosîlrdid oditress, last night iu Arion l'osesHall 10 dis- imeseheees nf the 1946 Couardlunit siiundedoanote ofmui'uing ttt e iuss ioi.iu,sion andsecure informat-lii'eeure ne memoes. Theovote n tOrse limes, perîhuîs do sot Omit, ion îegaeuîug 10e formatiosnof a Higu on t0e question mas Yes, 436 sud Na u'istOiugs Ihal are heiug spohen. Silisol District foi, north Hattun, The 153. l'Oc ms-ding eloscit sIlO tOc singîng mes-lin g wsosonvened hy tOc Acton' Follomiug is the sole lu tise aouos if 10e Nationnal AutOem, afler sehîrh Sehool Boardtanui G. A. Dîlls, rOuir- mords ils bIaIls. "i rulleslsdpuk lpes-.'fo -f,000-nmtý nd .. elairmn esîs-1.Daod-B-nh-E N.-Tatu of preiiing us lis termiof mayor The report of the Broute Electrie itsess mitO a corsage of mOlle haisy plesani unit profitable eveing. !Pri tthe1 10e oseseof the meetIng F. L. Crasefori 50 125 134 318 muld soheup. Heecongraulateit Lîgt Commissionws e rosith 1e mumisand reitroses.__ __ --s utsri-seeinformation unit Mer. nyDc. 75 182 19249 tise Juveniles on lise shoisong bhey seretury Me. W. L. MacDonald. The For lOeroe ymmu, tOe bridie Wm. Stewart, inspeelse tif HIgO Audy Ellinît .. 49 71 78 198 isai madte. Ho mus ploaned ithth 1e condtion ni the nysom nit dtise qual-'ehauged ti a sturquoise itrosumuher D ri a ttSchoolsand Mi-, L. L. Shuro. RaltIosMersin Ezeard 59 75 79 213 nportmnship ahomu. Tisebonys serre ty of 'the proseut service more dis- suit selOheosen uceessorles uni tloti- D riel a insîsetoir ofPuble Sehoolu unitsec- Ges. Rond .ý 45 100 113 258 a credit la the ton ou the fieldt sud cunseit. Eeitfor auditiinnl poser Proi.The roupIe Once lahen sip Ar*eîm p ý0,nsu ltry of tOe Consultative Commlttee Chas. Joues... . 19 27 50 96 aise on tlis nreels unit enuncil serre unitrehuilitaîlon af thse linos more residpien nkablîle. cton Stati n i5 0aunit Me. J. M. MeDoualit, norîheen Watt. Noruglon 48 107 117 272 isappyla o etOe b ots. The mena- roephasized. rv1frIo r memnbre ofth1e rommitter serre preo Victor Norrds 56 120 144 320 hers o t0e bsein h een altoaaI eufo fou s, ot Io gise tOut information unit au- Ss ad 0 8 2 3 boys anuittier mre nimporsu .Eachofuthethree village rummis- PtIBU8TY <CHECK --suer questions. BtSam înclr 26 8530128 132 tettam, îsoru, recoully re-oelet Oy ardua- Br icar 3 6 5 3 Tise beys Osit mon the Huilas station,rerpartrioteacestisitiseof IHARROW, Miditleses, Englanît Wlîrn urai laad of Oogn mas iteraîl- . Me. Stewart, Me. lOucerunit Me, H. F. WOemell 69 141 171 381 County eOsmpiouship; Central Dît- lic pust yoar. iCPi Jay-wathees and esreless mot- id bast Friclîay on the slding ut Aton MeDosulit dit gise tOut information Question Yen 76 171 189 436 rnct lun iefealing Alliston: Bruco Me. A. N. MurDonald gave a repart seisîs are "tîlllorleIinlushop sinitous stitIion. trattie hvteleruToîronto unit fu lly- "le iiscussion Ieelai mus livety Question No.. 40 43 70 153 District lu defeallng Walhortou: On the sorh doue us the sideeaikis, Oc liolographutali elu y 1he oral London mus Ouily diseapleit. Mrulug unit rougOl sut altI theoproblemu_________ Lalseshare District lunitefeting WOII- thecoetioln ut gsehage uni thtierare safety eouil. trains seere esuelleit andtno seuil mn i eleisng munieipal reprecsrualives.I bF sud it ot out sutluthe bled o 10te village itump. He infurussd rtri-ei-iin luAcionutil] the esenîng WOiIc il mas nol lsugOt mises the GEORGETOW N gamne iO Slmcae. terutepayers outh1e commIssions tuint- rral Idciilauitonc f e ted ta np At lis point 10ebonys serre ilu-eniion out reeetiug a trattir ligt an 10 oieîî îte eseeing ofdtionl A treight train s'as sssiteing cuiars ouii cthn lupuetbtl trouaei to0the gathcring and then the corner ot Trafalgar Stret unit .eeeei'ionul rru. in the Action yard osit tOecrarîoad of moisI paets of 10e district Ihero ens Onur oflth0east distrietservicemen li ht tOheoileli o the oui- a dsiti- for action os the question I oretaru fesse oseesean, Dur. Eddie W. J. Snyite, Sec. Treun. Ontario No.'2 Rlghseuy. as iselias iseposino '1hat ilfulelt inditigs'immitter OrIss)- n nsvri atane fr1rm oe atTusa BaselsalAssocition: Wse. Bradley, is sied ]irait theough 10e sillage. lîis'iie isecire s-informaioniiire-gaed- iuisdu iOastof truekson iasit israiort anod aor nd wiiicetime homooant Thurisday 2n iepeietOBA.: 0111e iMeE. elyra reporteit ou tOe El- îng sthesrsation ila a iis-r ai lhi- track anil the filieset umping n Asoofhnurvnldta h nit seyaue ndoita sparn mte, Johson, peesbidrut Hlo Lut ig-t Cosesessio's seork.le TOis euîmsî e ivus t lu dtelad l o gth ie.grit osit of tiose preseu serre Me. asnd Mis. Henry Stapbelun, Nue- League, Teery Wilson. Ser. Hala uulluscîltOc grostî of tise sillageisumiritiOes of tise Village Commsission r ssi 'css'sofl ihilay sorhersur- in fusse of fsrseisg a North Halton val. BasehalLeagor; Perey Meeey, pres- thei' sut feu' yerand uth1e prospects aso irstuc liouusg semOeis' iuuo'th le sorieabout 10.30 anit RugO Srtîol iistriet anit noue mero 1,1 Col. C. T. Sliarpe, ED, Streels- itent Hallon Agriclturat Society'. sut espitexpaunsion su tOi'rneur future. W.IV. iSusgint> ).A. Alsis. Alis tus'esra %%s liach fiithe r'isi y 00015 tilissi sl, u e ppiti u oeui Dr. C. .Stevenson, cduO physielan: li-iesqoleitfigures son tOe overage Bumhuy. filA. IHopkîins.. 1<Ciso. C ti,' us su- ss 0id ienOct unit o set Asevilesltiueeir ~10 li-batomen Scot il Daffommand aud Jan. W. Blain, Millou's Most ur- ',uusm-sout of power andltre- 'i;îtso, L. M.leuît>. Pt-eiun W if tiusuhail iitaic rs-ilui'.i. Cor- smeetingiwss IbsIthe Biset und it Lion rSctsPe l, Daceoriin adr itent hasehalfan unit finullytOc lilit tIsaItis %usuli espitly soreasse Ilut. i. J. l'rade. lus (ifs sutesilîmesi, sou de-rriekshnditCouneil of eaeh sionicipality soulditlsloneiryne)acdqaetrrs Mlita eoaneslmereiutroitaeeit. I a. steesseilthe-need 'l'lieiscura tiOubas ousieissIoadtloaocuitftsl'ailoiisoienssihtrco seand seue anoinion 0f Dis1~trietlNo.2. Li.Col, SOrpeas- JuitgoMunro assarei thgtOeling ftueslses 'ilagcsurveyOftilis sîrcets. ils nuisoii'is di s t inig bakail la) i"-and offic'ial i ce Ptuseeformtri hoity sustIse foemisg osuth1e Rîgissmi omnto eiu,1 a tOt Or boait thuroughly ensyci th1e I31eA .ensings. rOarsean of Ic le ui scii'liuit on ail thes' îssuutîl- sfthe day. 11lsounidiotseanfoi' NoeO Halto5 sui garnies unitlne tOougOt 1001 thcre sson \'ullugs- ('ommis0sion gaveoa'uso luiste sis (ui t i'ssluiung on asea 'I'he fass-ngselsfis ront, TorontolitIIsurh opinion soolit Or forosuritdo wels-luc, Es ar mp t. Cl .L moult bc ssortOy suceessors' to Mil- s of thilli,- usork ut 1946. le es- A sesulîuutuotaIlis ms-stting msit tIoSttfosi unit Loindosas itetoseciltr Me. L. L~. Share. Seretsry o the l. D Baellu tan tutermeitiates. He mas looing plulisuri thtOcIueclasi-ofuthlOdvillage Il- .'itilY uii us th(, gus wkoit e aIliu uisaiisltoun. 'l' o'ronto hourdoîConsulative Cosmese nI t aIre A district untiug purty of 8 mon forwsard to muysmor ycrs ors-n-ctui andithtte-vork ut tOc viltageilti oinisionIra- lueths.eIO.Fuî1s'ouva trainshum LondtonorinthrougO Fcer- ltuosl'ceeshee18tb. lii goduc in aeecntltripanorlb joyable basehallunMilton. toircmoo. Me. .1.Gsus se. Firi-moii îussisss'îl. fus nit li ,0Jonction, Tise resîsires toimssfor applications us On tOry relurnod ithtbfour deer. Major Brase Fitzgerald stit tufiiti Iasu talkusas thec uusiblity sofIfoa- ilusCounto' (ouricl uni th1e l3ecr-tî 'le surcecssul marksmen serre Go. the oyshadlef a ceannam wih in a i __________adavil_ met oft dclteios ocre aualible tfiire, Rarold Campbell, 'William A. the sportsmausOip tbey hait shoon lig-s' incrporatios. Mr.Jesusugu sîstn O t iss hoer lieuste vMavor Morsshall ans Bert AOIII of Belseani. unit tOry eau Or proad oftsheir rec- lusnîcîl sas 1001 ose illage coses an adRee.CucJ S n c'o Olesi h alywr he .G ord. The Agrieullurst Society sere asucsof 40î(î)sissoid t 0f1ilu sIeinuiuiRdis.CsieiMas nt eu i A.tce En.tcpty moe ieo W. G mont beiptul ln c-oiperting altO tOc ai preisctsppros isatety 850 ltbiOl- iI e) *'sa" inMilton of GuelphOanuitAIes. Mitchell of Ac- use of their park for lisebosys. TOc finis Shoulit incorporto i o-NSAA EASH O, tn-ead genrronlîy nf the business men hOn i uîreit an aitiitionul 200 aa-tu migu ASA BARDEASCOOI o Rrlt onsisirith100purcOsse nI 30 uniformo Or arquent if 10e prese eg xUIC 5 fo h ea M L VNN uni th 1egencrosity of 10e fans wmOs assoscoutlnueit. RHeLiaise,_______________$ bad bepI going lu tbe gasers mas us the cosultatios wsitO the De- ASCILEVNN very brîptut ans] enablei th1e cu rIi 10lii Ient of Municipal affoles, thc De- -U ihisiraseospsosos ossibilily of string- lait 'l'tioritie'nsng a5 5o i ~os- E et u h isoep poing. Dr. StevensonanditAIes, Irimeut of 10e Assayer-G.esoral, unit RePort Of Fit-e Chief Received al ing .colureit lugts ucrosu tis e sireluanI lime.uaus rloyei t inruM. anit Cook, secrelary, lit bobO dune mou- thc Deparîmeut 0f Hîgosenys. Ris Counicil Thuay - Nht Con- mas' itseosseitandt omiug lo 10elaIe- Mm. C. J .Vun Goozon. assisteit by-I iter ut uek ur ise lsis resorO ser Engged-res nta- aI (lie.ssustuui wsîleft t Miss LyditiosereissstsantOost- Ao ofor riesl.ings, Con deflwr o h lb eak eerontaiteit hy mento- salrahlouclo rsfr 0 rag o s nsoca ig ci c1 e ,usour 15555. Ensto, utos lOti. W'isn W. J. Suciter mas raîbeit Op-ing hos e erth1emesehers of 10e Coins ale oIl nae-ýeet-CucilrCafr oarnefresa oia vnhaiiaecatel et a us, lisestatei thtuthtere mero nearly mission but seorhodIt n marseony idur- tion to Additional group of Ser- the beolipossible lgts for tOchersiners of NossugaseaSlotA- liren, aseas 5 oid. mu ise, nihs 400 clubs under the0e 13BA. HP ieg thirr tes-se ot office. vicentren - Street Lighting For Chrisîtmas season. rit Boarit uni thtir mvises, Me. asu it ino in.hg - n tise heHaltun Presidoul, Dlie TIse ltler part of 1he meeting mas Christmas if îPossible Cj nusuiseuin usine lii uns suis 'mnais, fic reateahe Johnnfor Ols mork, sol unly ai shromu open for free dscussion. Ses- arrange 10e l'osnes mlloeers Christ- andithsuir iusasuasnit sivol lu CansîilclgOt Service ut Boston basebali but on the ulletie fielit. HoPreul raîrpoyers iteplorei theOc rI of A speesal Me'eting of Miltont Cour-.sesso rcererance. Bloomsshry Sehoot, S. S. Ns. 9. ChorrO, Derembere1510, ai 7 ociacis staîrd tisnt Hulas Couty moo tOc is-operutisu tOut existrd etseee 10eei mss bell ouTuesduy, Nusember A check vos oritescit souri t10Chiel Aller a tfItlleuhuig of contrits 2- hlggest tramiug carit under bis tue- i'Trafalgar Tosenship Councît andithe; -2610, s'hcn msers ofsbthc Milîsu Cssoiug osing t0the cusi flivingsuit gosses tOceOhappy gthcriug sut- lsditîtion suit mOnt mOre mere stisaysiVillage Commission. asd esptaincit Branch ofthtOc anoitias Logian secie sIthrae0 saigl itn tousaeiec upr' On1e Christmas concert ut Boton Chuc onquiries oft RowssMilton eahiig hose Ibis seas responsibte for the agi- plîseut in sosuerîson seuls siguing Il mas stecidesi tOutth1e Clerk uotify tsets undi e croîtra osere dupos-rtof, Dcme 3d l83 ..Eey nul lsîlon of au lur-orporaleit village. Thc til se nefor tise Aima. A y-iase ii[tIsus ho luaoe sot yeî picOeitap Itue prizrs Nîree suosdedIthe Ocfol- boylelc e 2îtu 8326s. r- Ne sitoiseit the club t1, stick 10- 'formation of a seplaratSouth Tra- sis huusid=nd thic lroper officiais issus ering-soditi cîtll tuaIIy lssisgss ins: costestisMrs. Shucohd'e loe.2- gobher satd sin 10e basepuonsOi;sIflgrfse 0 oen Eiu etO e'eaulhisse usbigu 10e lesse. 'arcai lOiesiTonIlusil reoityfor 1thuse Mcrl'Dudiley, Mr. Bryont, Mrs. CurO- seul year. The OSBA. wsns smedInlusoi sOusdiseusseit as n possible sl- AI is metin,îlt sas itecidicita 10 îsl ld tîrse'P. Pit eurre. Mes. Alec. Neur, Dr. Dns eoslcHlDcme 1913 suit ilt crîes more cluOnbs hn lsion ifseose coe-operatisin unitd - forsu,'lu snught costaîble lise A 1itîtsi ss '-50front Arlos Young. Miss V. Nightingale. Me. Ray fOlhuso-pices Nannogaserca W. I. suy oI0ersrgauizution in theNorth si.sosts.ec5 mansjt by th ie,- ir-' l'sOslOfMhlton. SPhol Bosiiainvsitng lic Cur il oLamert Miss . So. Ms. T ny-AiNssrcsue Aserican continent. 110cstalfi thtslcnt towshsip rosil.It mus cm-l - attend a i s'tin ions, oMiton lier1 Muscofuth1e bos omObIar!tatkes part' u 'JttOlli otcu ramie 'lue scguhur mecetin utofMuis su eus utAh i itonso i ..... loMsrank ib.Sitlairk ic hmesd lu OasecOsl20 yearc ugo seere nos'al) one-testhofutlhe area of Teofal- fCsoni ssu Os-Id (ino 'uesday eeu- I lihisiil selussî strictleetin Northu bbl- NASSAGAWEYA W . o e. ls1.sO ededy leaitersin lthe businesufitd. gir anit ronloissul ose-hill lise popil-ssug usîllu Mayosr lDuwsoun 1esuuluug. Issu. A rpresentulcatIe soou'sel solO MAI<E PRESFNTAI'ION luis'i-eir ltli al 2 lise. But Corbelt, manager of thc teuse ltion mIss carrier] lose 10 50 pee enut. ,îueiIs.1. W. Iliigui. VJ. Nul*- t7is ince:ingTO 'AR BRIDE- stateditîhathe was a ricenrrivl in if th, scsss-t.Matyiitsaologi's lis, F 1, ('susselri,i(. ('.batausit 's ussssdPn e u'%, st lud foso Ms'. -l'use eIcccm0cr meeting of the tous ont enoogh ciestit rouidt of usauuOTetl unOpcrIc iss-s.Il. Iltsloîs uscuc hersent. uhlîti Mu'l"lliio lOîha isg issuueil andsI iieNosu-iluieoiesting of ftts- usvhus l o ick W. sill ie 0e Oclt th1e giren 10 the boys for thele monO. Re ssîtlins' i.lOs bienteo sspoticslorle Mssssss lîsîsuso nîmadeu' lsescisluitisi u'itiiirsti -siu'sgne tisgs'csnls-uisgais'yuW. I. ' ss bellit ai lue Ioneu01oh I. AlbertlPeitiie, Dec- moult liOr 10 sec tOc boys stickro-t 'u'il reiscul oy thc ralepoyPrso ;etuis s sssihucu'îîifis'ssîsIo muelrs 1us hisse îy lith'eus;a coud Irosuiîuoî fMrc t. Richardslon, inuss 2d. getOerefur asother e05u5's gfumes. sisit briOs-r herInformtonoas titIs Osilnlii' u'lfuisses sehsuhoall 0551'd l'iiiiiuuilisse.1. A. flausut]fsmily'folue l'siristol ssit suioilsunet oy- There are oly 2 players seOo so011formation. su'sstantîyIssu-us oîlîscsl trisse liIstIll lus' f se unit lic lelime of Mes. 18ladsieisOe' gig mypetlconoses' Aliuoessitcestst in forsing, mii- not ocuoalailheforunextsiou itOe One rsiyo srl cuhoseflic î,ohs-- uhissusg stco"guitionssast sasemr. l fissl si ad ihOssl u ls-r frontu Ass'iryguiule'îistofflliccofoers-ge, hautaisndi~ecseceleagoes are proscritflie.He tbinbs tOi- peose- shoc, 111110M P sulul espeu-t leucros fIsusu' lsent. fuir tOc iecscntstsositkisss TeIl. t-. Wlucss'sl lus aîuîsre- hisuluinluse:islh sgiscs Os Mrs F ecqiiesird lu attend a meeting is the ulion of sportsi s ery fine unit moult iu- leadteship slong os thc Tossn-imc 'se IliulSpNIague, fluiess liggiîui, iI issu il liii-floîuiu'îo 5se ns il cuihur 1 ssî, os tus isswa.,tis e tlcgoîs-to cuusînil clasees, Wcitucsiay, Dec- 110e 10 sec ser proisîion moite fur hip Coancit mus cosepocct ocixrui-ll,. Il. Slees-î W. .J.Wilsonu si iilsii 5hi theu lbasiitsn (eurraI l 'fl 'i'iiterl io. lPlano seemode for emuslerIlt Il ai 8 youngsterusun thc Ration Cossty sly of fosmers. HeDe Ict ftino lcgls-1lues-ent unit vieui-Ifilsii d ose suiuspita.lancesu usure fi e ldhi eurîy sinDceiiber. League. live bodty coolît present tIse Oeitîh f1intof hIsubroblire A. V. Wilsoun. Fs 's- issîtWse. Rilislo nnual Plahnossuee mariteun proiiting 10e Knos Chui r matic Society are Stewart Rannaut Ihal othing 10 'of siese uecesss'y mIses pretoseinolei Me. Walter lSithOmus risest asoi ot u nssiril. In il lic stotltui lunchlfor Illc solditiisrecpîlun. hligoCrssa rga nay bul Oy ait reports Oc wsa a erY 'hy any sue uceupaîlonul gesap. Thc ocispicit tOc ring ansi 'sris'icaic of thuirei' s revrselouai riresoand tIse Il mas a pleosare for tIse Iodles 10 Saniay Schiosi Ruose, bis Sunduy efficient bat boy for tOeclub. speaker flfr nt b isetOundies of bus suis, A. W. Smith. TIse balance liri' los.s sas Outy $05 for, thc e rti resoct o glîl 10tOtouhat or brite rscning. Decersber tilt 8. 15. AIl O111e Johnsonssali thIat bOr sen-0uasle peofesolno] ontd business secs lu if tOc rings ii Oc maiedtob buse Ti ue odiclite u eoire ttenteit, sulus saii' tathe ii'ilyts.Mss ,Arthsurouicoolies of1fle Cisurch unit ber nred sud pleasot by biug presideteu oth Traflgar, il mus butecd ita-enliliidto1tho0cmin accardunce mitO King Calciume Proiutcs seilO a bsn utfIssuentil. Mms. Mison, on OcOnîf frienitu aie cordiaîîy issiiet. nI lIse Ralton Counulc Busebail fOrlunale lOat sorte nf tOc 010cr ne- thc ruliig maee y croancil se tIsaI $40000;Walbs'r Bios. Pouutîy Farse, ofth1e Institale, turesnent ber lt5 Leagse. Aller six yetiu ut no orgun- cupationose ere nul rOsses 10 repi- the precoctallons ii Or romp li os 07,0 ontl FinitArmstngil swssslcîs blaushet unditls sîbun Ceci-mOrmeeting of Mountain mot Ohall, 10e Halton Cnunty Lostole sent lis tarora lutOc Tomnshsip Cons- tbiso eur. isc$4,000.u isec ise leseutionset.i Oseain e o t e esers, Mm, Union W. I. sel meet uit the home utf issit2 clubs lu the finals sut 0e cil. He recosesentedthbIe formeation Repoarts sere preoented trose t Ise si-chonitinspection, 15 ire esulugu- lise lsotu seOo ls teoing the slciiy, Mril. RoOt. Bush, Wednesday atter- seonb t te ecroord spesb for If- nf a South Trafalgar Rtepoyerq Au- fuîlosing rommittecu; ishers hlait een Oaereit unitsuime re- mos pross-ntedt euls"ufil1e gi n'Ion , DecemIser 1110 at2.30 'clucls, self. soiattos mIsicO shonlit boIt sontlsy Wateeseueks ..$.... 94.01cied ne nt salledIn alu uos entaIs- isu. Pathas'y, agriraltlral cussen- Mollo, "Il s re b leseit to givre Major Fitzgeraldt presenledthtO 17 merting% for the tiscussion of Lise-Printing andt Csutiugecrics 344.35 insents about muses. lic statot or, bah tIse chair ast gave a shsort tOuhan s ecri y Mrs. A. Colline. s eeseIers outhlie club wmus a 010e ashlore peoistess. Fiee, LigOt unit Poiler . 796.65 houathout 500 fted of ne o se mtiiusa lier entittrit"S0or1 cois ta gond Miscllaneous sale. mOlte mlntieeaiser rose tIse bal The Ioloing ronolublons more seov- Tloses Rail asdProperty . 14.25 Ocrieeit luIogine utequate tire pro- hrallO. Mro. Andersonsgave a very club, Imo passes tri the Prineso rit ont pacits lSrcetsn' ailtWals . 79.09 lerlhuun lIail parts outh1e toms. inhcs'esling poper on the ose ofthie- Theatree rose M. Nixons ant an en- TOat the precct bull parislir re- nitotrial unit Arna ........ 4.65 RIltoniug Officer Jas. Biais rallir- pre'ssur'e couherMes. fMlatison toIt oI St. Pauls UnilitdCOurci Annual largeit photo ofth1e club frose ROss taluet. The meeting troufîy uppos- l'le Finance cosesitico pussoeittOcedrttIsaI here seere 620 soles polleit ono Chistismas lîluts. Baaaur ylîl Oc Ielit Satartay lifter- Peuren. cul the suggestionuoutellug If. aov accouoanduntheIdereport,malt- in tise Munliia eetsen auMony. Tis ein-ig eluseitOy slngiug ruoi, Deemhe 710. Afternaun ten 1 ______- TIsaI atiitioal recreatîsusî groundts isg ototal of $1,543.80, 'for papserul. Conseil aitisunet ut 9.40 10 meol "Curry me barl -ok'nd VIriri ili Or seisot. Corne ast pateunizo -Junt sixteên more shonpping dapu OrieprocaredthiIin tOelsitsofnItOc Counsillor Crusefurd gnve n report ugain un Tîsesiay enenîng, Deersehoe A soill af hoar mas enjoyet by al the fnllioosig boothn: Colton.Giflu until Christmeas. Do Il nom anitduosillage. ou thc posslbiliIy of oOîalisg roi.-I lOtO bucosierapplcotions for tOc ,anit buncOhseas sesset by tho bustess unit Nuvelîles, KEutItlg, Qoil, Duls Il lu Milon. TOt the Coseseolty Club Oc oket joureil lighls or e t rertu for lIse position ou ulgOl eonsstable. osit ter Ielpers. (lolisoanitCanity. 24-2 a ýïh-t

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