Tise lewly nut now enjoysac prom- met Position among tise 20 leasing Canadien importa. Durlngtishe SMe sevuS nctisa 0etOSCanada pur- uiméoe lsi h4w . tt g t ~ ~ v1u = >2 tio 4ragi. a-dIkur tinsetisegnre for vnna srfelnseurlgu Ws Vnat aIésprmm mqgon in Ove hopply te Hse.iappin- AU 0 tI h Onbnorte4 lae th ie Demin.en. atehm l = tru 104floé sby*mnde, an eiut a comuupity, Ansi helplng oea POOM1 Meho Md m utklu lm anetiser ih ouse oitise ootunselfiais 10Montisas w milepousdse et Pa&. ways of M"ainteln nce.a a Mmtswe r iruht tn ceisadet a As captaie et tise househoisi we oug- va"k t Ofou caha. get c few ways and meainshy wich Ciscap a sve occurudsi ls tise yosauanmaise homo well-romnemheresif ebserceaOf sopply lis»M , hg, «-1 Vour neet door nelgiheor 'mcuid *p=Urtu CauscaIs 90%4o ade e posibly use an extra baset cf fruit pinots.- wtls Indue s ext tam or vegetabta which youmu 3 eu# . b %% iad, aî a= You hava in abondance. Teolsi th* lledé tolowesi hy tise Uniedaylng, . "weoto not, wset nor", sltauIndila ansi Breili. AISIOnds *aisoulsi W a fortaought. a wbhl usesi te cone froam Itely tise 2'ise jer f sour crréamt or asti otisor tlOltsi Statse,, France. Portugal ansi product wich l'ou do net une mcy COis. crsnDow ohtainesi troma in, bWvaluahie to nomeone eloe. Phonec ans Portugal. An regarda wlnut, Y0151 friaesd. tise Waseuminatesi itoomaand 3. liefors you berome tee, tiresi te <sIt"ansupplies. T hey 50w -coma, th»sls surieg tise busi' weels aheasi irons tise Unitedsi Iatea ansi ftlu. IaM onsidar where you have heme- s lollesi States han aivrays suppliadi -ng onergY ansi time. Lt tiings <Nncaftwth pocas. ,Flbera sisiais go-by-tise-hoerd untilyou have rce- lubaate comrontm taiy no ofl adJustesi your osons. It mey W et 1ÉVOIR painandTarSy l bak Wih YV rqu r a askte oholsi ailtisea »ftthU@IOtjý Pltachoand in rleningoqýuipment for t1W upsair s nota. lirsisisenssBralinoe ansi worh-and there soulsi W on. ar- tise Wat Indicen are tiese psrce of oued et tain seasone. Il may ne tisaI your itrisen table he toc, low eecou~a.ansi causes you te stoep. Ths$ can l'ioN ~be Wremediesi witis heovy csre FRON AR WAMNS whici s aoulsi ho noten yenr' lm> HOME TIUKE shopping net. fine coulsi writen down many Wyants but littie tiinge EDINBUIIGH,(CPI-A amean fart- do help.E orY epenesi during tise wpr in mais. 4. Croate a benuty spot In your living etier hemn shaftt for cemmnando roem wth perea cf aismis or ever- islves la continulng bn peacetime ase green. a produrer et hem as. lrays. paM t. One of tise host amusemeninfer imives, nisin rings sat cllera ansi chilsiren on a rahny day la showlng otiser amn articles. 1 them isow te mahe their own tory Tise entier wen employesi for lste boock using iesieore pete pot ansi isn"edurlngtishe war hocause It wen olsi magazines. foundi that wet bande disi ot slip on 6. During tise sommer montin you d it. net have ime te reasi. New hutise lime to devote a littie while every ~IE-UCh~LE day ttalabispiensure. -- 7. Store materials seperately. Sum- An appeal teopeenle te permit mer wool sweaters must flot ho tisor cihiren te taise lites lttie wrapped wlth rayon f abrire. Ansi Beestas, le orsier te seveîep self-dis acOrslng 10 reSearcis, tise bet taline ansi asifuit lieir hohavior te metisos le te place tee garmenin le social standard& le made yhitse De- aebcgor aboxsantsat tey wilho Partmot f National Meete, ansi Wei- pretertesi trom tlie light ansi det fers, 01ttawa. 'Learning lise bardi witisout mslslsg tise bag or box air- Way heàa edantagee," tee department~ tigisl. *tatis& "A penperesi ciilsi bas littie . Iniials on your hlongingu Wnl 'OPPOrttselty te learn in enive ilfea suiove a probemn If yeu are taiseg problema In teeeisool cf hardi-hnosdss Isundri' over te put In oitis mts- tiscoogi triai ansi error. Only tireugisrs or tise neigisiluras.4 Persssal experienre an we leam 1in . Do net depensi upon poor ligit iMofrmn te thé standard&iofc rndort wisen you are delng clos. woris. whlrh living demanda." Lesing autisoritien agree that In- adequate ligiting ran cause fatigué oEaMuE NEW tfISH ansi oye airain. iTs. queston Bas ROIJYN, Que. (CP-Rev. j. T Mc- Mc,. J. T. aise: Hew mucis cocoa do Manus bas hes appointesi t ii you substitute for 1 square et choc- Ofia eewy-rted peris In Noransis. iolate? Most Rev. Louis Risesume, sopof AnbWer: Us. 2% ,tiasp. cocoa plus .11lnne autiserizesi creatios of'tise 1 top. ot siortening to sbstituts for Parlai. Censtruction of tise new 1 square Of rchoclate. cisurcrilh expectesi te iegin next Mr. N. L. asea: HccW te cemeve seins.pes tain frorea ablue île. apriag.Amwec: Seais immediately in swe-et milk. Mc,. W. M. asu: Hew teofoten Peint brueses. Anewer: Simmer Is vineger. Mrs. C. G. ashs: Do cookesi peanut - iullu iari a riilsi? - Answer: Peassuts sisoulsi ho given te rilidren In amali 'unentities as they msy cause Indigestion. Hulis are ce- meoved by rubblng on a boardi with a demp cletis. -Mrs. B. A. sys: Hait a cup et fruit Jlie pouresi over poris rhopa bahesi In tise m'en maises tisem delileun. T@SAIO* Fiddlers Show Wares ______________In Old Time Contest Judgee Sit hhicui Cu"tali AsVWe SWII7. CURREN7, Suit. (CPI A licitis war bride descnîhesi it sas eeuding 'lile one of tise fermera' danre b Sussx. but liveiy. im'st it? Tise evant WUastise isitisannuel f04- diere' oontest-ansi dance wisicis Oued lise Ratepayero' Hall bore rerontly osite muial Intricarlos cf reels, fig, iÉrathepeyn, *altnes ansi hernpipeW as well an five. *Betoscen dancee anme 300 vistorg f rOm outlying sertione eft tiis Soute- weternSasktcriewan rancis contry, lietenesi teosdleru vylng for $30in prise.. -Ladieuset on honcises slessg walhs tofethlie hall osien flot dancing' andi mon Icere oarnesi hy asiogn te "-stand be- hins tise bsck lin." wiciswu drawn arrosa tise fleer at on ensi of tise Sset beisinsi a backcrtein, liteelng baUte Jugen fts li-iefdln 4~*P $VALUAUOLO aN 4 V5EglICTORAyerbCi -Ans a Bible 44 q# Eh'SV ITORAy<CPI -adChuriblof PrIntes in 1810 ans i 165, refpetlvely have been loaned in thte provincial lihrary y John Wersi of amloj -~ B£., ewner efthtie anclont iseeka. Ho*hl'Storage Fruits, Vegetables Houseisoldsi torage 'of fruits andi vegetabies b flot adiffirult; matter if a feW asimple! ruies are csreftilly, lollowsd. 'Th-es.rules, with Muais aiditiessal inormation -on storage .111 ba founsi ln two publi0.tio0f the Dominion D.partnesst ef Agrlc- ltslre. namely. No. U32 anooseiolsi Storagi et FrUit.sansi Vegetables" hy th. Fruit and Vegetable DivWsn Marketing Service, and No. 7«e "Construction andi Operation of a Hforne Storage for Fruits ansi Veget- abies" by W. T. PhifloR Division of Hforticiiiture. Ail frsuits ansi vegtebles seleetesi for winter atorage ahould b. weil grown. fssllY OstUre andifree fromn damage causait by insectg, disesae, mOugis handling, mecissoical issjsry, !reezing ansi chislng. Gireat car muat b. exerrisil ingrasiing andi sortlng thse prosluce in order t10 .1W- imate decayesi or partly dedayesi sperimeno.TILah essentiel that ail spocimeno ho tisorouglsy dry ansi ciean, because molettars allowed te remain on tise prosiore iodures deczay. Eluring the storage perlosi. ail tise fruits ansi vegeleblen alsould ho sortesi regulariY ansi defective apecimena vsmpletely removesi tram tise storago oro. Refuse sflowed 10 renmain ln storage causes contamination oS Poundi stock. CALL FOR PABTEIJRIATION SAINT JOHN,.00.B. <Cp) - Pagt- erization of milk In al] New liruns- -îrk rosnmunitieo iss been recomn- mneln a renolution adoptesi by the annuel meeting of tise New Brunswirk Medurai Society. to Now -On At MILTON BEAUTY SALON' *Muskrat Dyed Coney (Dyed Rabbit) *Grey Dyed Coney (Dyed Rabbit) *Grey Broadtail (Processed Lanb) *Black Seat (Dyed Rabbit) *Brown Seal (Dyed Rabbit) *Brown Mouton (Sheared.Lamb) These Coats Supplied By * Persian Lamb ea.d ~ .?Ai Persian Paw of Guelph Ont.* Hudson Seat (Dyed iNuskrat) ALL FURS-ALL SIZES-CHOICE PELTS Fr $ 10 0eto $10000 Th/is Week Onlyl MILTON BEAUTY SALON For Norman4y fln,. P01111104 ehalesan if tisa dparinsan of romance languasge, mcOul 1v- ersity. Joisn L. Launoy, tise eniyý Frenrisman 10 isolsi a generel staff1 appointmesst in lise British Arsny, is a history whch re lic. fiction. Wcrtlme experienceofethtie 33- year nid prof essor, isoi fougst snder Lieut.-Qen. SirNon PittemlâIclusies a 2-mils ride le a Efiis hbrIgaies staff car tisrough an ssivsnc l . umn of <Germon tane a, ansi evacuat. Ion twlce from i»rance by Britlis honte. Lauay servesi 22 amntisa In tise raniso et theeBritias Army, et tise asme tins. isstng fer a hi rti .-i teste, necessary for a commission. Fin. ally, ansi Armny councisiecidesi tisa, siespite regulatione, tth. lacIs et c birtis certificat. sheuisi net isld up hie mditary carer. Lttia sud Professer Launay reas witie plcylng se a boy on thq Norm- andy boacbes, tisatiis itimatilsnow. lesige of potentiel landlng sites would one day W 0of crtIcai importance le planning tise Invasion of hie native France. As'a staff officer iseislpesi select tise Invasion ils ansi playesi a signifirant roe la 1lis opération. relatioms Wtween France ansi Canada will give mne great pleure' saisi the youtisful professer wiss tauglit FrenchIn10Englanis, Englisis literature in France ansi now wlll teacis Frenchs n Canada. DOIJGLASTOWN, Que, (CPI -- Large spmenin ,of Christmas trees trem tise muntien of Gaspo ansi lon. aventure are expertesi to, W made early In Deromber se a resuit cf ree- ont risits isy a nuiser of Unitedi Stalen isuyers -WeCORD PLAYERS- .... AerAco 70 u WD M oMsUm wA»iaow *oUm PEAURL STOPOETU PUDUC SCOOL> A Complete Eye Service AT C. GRUMOOD kwder Acros Frem tise Champion Offic MAIN STIIET - IMTON - PHIONE 113 EVERY THURsDAY Our Servce Inclusies: 0 EYE EXAMINATIONS le GLASSES FITED 1 MODERN LENS LABORATORY ONTACT LENSES *FAST, EFFCIENT SERVICE Cali et Ahove Asidreu or Phono for an Appoleteset.