PAGE TWO * HECNADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 311t. 194&. totalitarian powera. Or between free enterprise anl i Business Directory nationalization. Between the Fascist and the anti T he Q u1anrv T ea i#t (lanablan Obtt&R411UU Fascist forces, as the Communists would have us be- DMICAL MILTN, OTARO live.Or between management, laor and govern. MILTON, ONTARNO ment for thie control of business.D.C..STVNO ~ 00k ~et The real struggle, actually, la sot over whom but ~ J f _ _ _ _ _M.D. L.M.C.C. Aothckett Ottawa oser what? What ideas are going o control the-Phaeanid ugo OtI55CRSPTION OATES-40ma. P et u la sdve,j custroilers? It is a struggie between the world's mur- P1.heure 2w- ar. -S X-9 R a.d ,dd,.s,.c.h.ld -be.u w.hehs chne - ai and spiritual forces and its materialisttc forces- CrnCP..adalSueo .dd,..i under tihe dictatorship of God on une bond ond ut la -i.u. cecoco hrsdko. men un the othler. Some foolisbly think fihai we f ft D l A D&. G. E9. SYEE cc-,yp,,cuti.n oi be taeo.t.~~ -d cati still escape control and go cii living as we O R N G P E O E Physicen and Surgeon onthe iîertnirii àc.rtp ildfle.tb. libefoci an lae ut thot is impossible. Men unconîrolcli fieJmsSre a ro f..had . e!ti oct ed inbl wrtcb pae. Bo e but beasts. And, unless wu bave the --Pone No. 38 theeise an d ceure are thot menal..bsi Office Houes: 9 arn.; 1-3, 7-8.30 prn. office dole sigoedhth n~u self-control 1ha1 cumtes when Gud speak o us in our Crnr-M0 Ca f.yer. oc a tý,"c b hm- hearts we itilI have the irun control ut humant dict- S V O R O D R O IK DC 'th iice ci -ch do.,ti..cnet .th rpofiel AV OitadRO FLEA tl.e d oted etec hece tc th cl ncc t.eteb Comipeting un the uide ut Gud meons cutling out som utLO ourLS pesnttrm f apiio t oe American Liqasid Roof Cernent ends Your Rouf Troubls- W. L D1010. KL.. BuieqOfc ainO StrLLt Eite in politics, in business. Moral ond spiritual forces cen Makes Your Old Roof Lat Ten Years Longer KonNTOO Y.oW AorneyBA Siee, fic OteSest5Iic win thbte for contrul by tating op a mure ENTW.IC BA oal bn prtale yo ie ndpoigt h Barriotere, Soliciturs Teicefoce Ic mura t spra a tltodpuigt h SAVES YO WORK, WORRY CutHue - Mlo worl tat t ors belter thon any other. MONEY AND DAMAGE ON: Telephose 4 Firealde Adventure BUILT-UP, Grosel, Slag or Smoolh Surface T .HTHNO E I O I L Wilh hrowa leoves wbirling duwn fromt tbe ROLL ROOFING, Smuuth or Slate Surface Baeeister. oiitor, EOc. branches o galber on cruncby, pungenl-smclling CORRUGATEDt GALV. Cha IaI id ai tmion ffc Pnlicimg the Sesail Towns wîndruses, Ibis is tbe lime ot 10 go over tile CORd'DGL.IOTN l id anreet-Milton Have you cver stnpped lu consider the task of tbe bootsbelves and lay in a stock o! books for winîer. CONCRETE and CAN VAS Tlpoe5 police Constable ut the smoll tuwn? Have you ever Just e.s the cunuy ousewite uines bier cuphoards GEORGE E. EULTIM gises a îisougbt to the meny unpteasatst duties con- witb jars ot jam, jetly andl picklcs for use wben the Roofs Either Fiat or Pitched amrlter. SeoLcitor, Notacai Pubns fronting thot sery important utfficer? Beture yo wbote culduors seems boshcd witb frast, the seise Office-Os Formersu Buding. Main next criticize the policeman ut yoor tosen, stop a min- booklover wiul take îisougbt flow for days sehen Tell us to saake s detalled inspection and estirnate of your roof Street, Miltes utle and think whist yuu would do. Ininsme ilb nyammr.Teîephuoe 70 a tbe scmal ad the perondat contat, fetwlies Who cannot tbrilI to tales ut beroism in fer off -NO Obligation - Just Write or Phone G. HOWARD GRAY, K.C. thme ul fic or the indisiduat citicen, oflen mates places w bite be tounges seitis pipe and stippera in an flarriatoe. Solieitor, Notarai, "o lea mure ifctasetfor the ci fficer u o perfora isy easy chai r befcre a cbeery pine tnut blaze? Let tht H. E. McIKEOWV N 23a Keele Street, Toronto, Ont. thn o becaewiisIb ctyolierse ererits rst brusb tucy patterns on tbc seindose panes, lut O e ~Phone LYndhurst 8612 his wort lite o machine adctly nwfeofthe wind moiirn in tbe spruces and tbe cold bite likt ATcile BOOM OanenneSevc - isT IBI tbe peuple user sebor be bas jurisdictiun. a polar fung--secit face Captain BligisI sitb the WATERDOWN 56w A W z-mTNn Tairfhtimest t ki abe im aesl a ibe Bounly mtnes acMadame Defarge ut bier Governanent Standsard Lightasing Rod Ioatallatona Phone Milton 15 the ot f te smll ownpolce of aywb ju t z o-feu kiinin revoîutiunary Paris or foîîuw pthe tu b ml oe olc fie u tep Sbcrtock Holmes sîraigist to a rogue's bidcoiil. LEVER & HOSKIN puste.Iimmorial ciassics bave Ibeir place ut bonuer un Chartertd Accouatante It migbt be wecîtlu o nd out a bint 10 Ibose seisa 1 beît bmtebotvrsu lce --~Sueceasors ta, toke oulsantage ufthIeir acquaintance witis their tIm- noeîrîs t tise d rc lent daygoo blve iots p bo JENKONS a HIARDY aI police ollîcer, sot onty in Honna but ini every oui- 1303l ofepuie th reci er smatt tosen. Tbe speeder seio drives dosen tbe great Unes, by contemporary Cannulian, Ameia c4VctraStToot street ai îbirty mites an boue seould flot fair su ilcit Elg. 9131 aodop favorites.ENA perbaps if be visiîed one ut tise lorger cîties anîu ihtubelnîaîîwbig licated tise trick. The chap seiti tise ;cg bitoi at fw burapbies of grcat DENG.AL _N tempts t0 drive is car, sedom gels away eitb ffil meni and worien for inspiration and unie or two se ts o reli rcae iîîr informationf. liait a dîcen vitumes DNTL JA.KIN tbe ctwhite be tisints tbe police of tus bume tow n liDrvtadîuo be lbitrrOn 0 bfoe--.EeTALe S yUAGOsoc shoulul tomn their bock on blim, hecause ise is acquint- oflvi. adtoo he fhst on u h fie nRylBidnMlo cd. ede wi 1 leys--5 Seie irieponen In fairness to tise small tosen officer, dont fim- 1 And 10 lit hi hnig iod thta sseaîae wIIBAKMINXRy evc eeh 9 pose frîndshp. ont xpet tu mah loci-probabty add a lttle tigister fare-perbaps a bout of once isecause bou are acquainted. - Hanna Herald, cis lu tGti bi fancy Tis odd botu eya tlie yCndsStpe eccso oei DN A S OOIK Albserta. colcinu ly u îdisWY11 ieIbOOffice uvee Peitîceca Theatre too 31LCe- Night Appootoîenits aîay be arrangea Y ~ ~ X iay Service-Cas bEstraction Nuernberge Lesso bn cossaeftedadols On5~ aded lu ue casse utc hobiesn ur pec r I OLDECN Tise t'lennberg trials bave becumii bisîory. 'Mce- bouts ade I k bro ofh ise boreiab ;- LIS70OIA flus 9 t0 5 iciephoae 65w mann Goering and 10 contederates bave paid fu.- teresîs. tise bookiover can MALVES NIEItheEN-The CloiropracOo their git itb their tives. Seven thers have begn blosier firisideChrorate tu serve long prison terras and tise tbrce men seho ot quiet culîl bn and use joy ebîcis unîy tise MIXid 2iDyriu rapti seere acqoitteul by tise International Tribunal stilT M odselarr tiuWs ~ Pga.090Mon., Tues., Fri., 2-5 p.m. Tise Noernberg verdict bas iiot ctu..ed tise case adetue kccoow %Ved., Sut., i-a tant 8-a) p.m. the Unitedl Nations agoinsi Nazi Germaiiy. Thonc EI>IT(RIAi, NOIES BRNSICKj I1~ C se Ioi5Soe , OrOCtOW are stiti tisousanuls o! Germant ser crimniinals. largo ______DominionStore,__Georgetown andl smal, seio have nul yel ooswered for lhisi, A blouse depenuls os lise deptis if yoOr pockt. QO co S Phase 150W crimes. Somne seul ho tried coul seoîeiiced in due but a borme dcpcndý on tise depuis oif yîîîr iscart U course. Qîhers, no doohi. seili escape justice. Q U A K ER O A&TS Lu MUSIC Opinions difter on lise trihunat's fundings. Il bas, y u cao sfic n cîouiog tise îiîopp:tig d: Y onti uAF UWL been said tisat tise deatis penalty seas unjustiOred, tisaI nu nation or group ut nations bas tise rigisî 10 pars ieBA L...,MST Chimasy if.774 ,a,. ansd Oms aauoeiate judgment on the leaders ut a defeated eneniy. Olli __________essu VOIT FLAKESi'~bo Px a23c 9 ECER F300 e r s a v e c l i m e u l a1 h t a i l f t i e d e f e n d a n t s a n d l m a n y o b li g e u 1 0O R o u rP u n r b c,& S U E S U D S M I S B ETu J O W Io s oîhers shoulul have been missd osoatl cdlt ut U E U $ 1 K 2C Bx42Poe38 sisuuld have jouneul Ribbentrop, Keitel and tise otisers colomns tise pas tw wek but tise causes seemeul a e,0 37c JAVEX BLEACE T IL4C Milton untiegase.bit beponul oar controt. BOVIRIL CONCENTRATE 20 37e But tie significence ut tie trials des not consist RIZBS OD-3TN 5 PIA noster of tis trÀl afLu.undD I ofarseoftemntid on guitty andl punisis- Prom 1939-46 shurtoges sere hlameul on tise sear.i INH .LID O Pd o sterfiltmaue yaqitlb rom 1946 s e ctan place must of tise art 290 /JITS E CT A R edet~~~~MlT T me ycutas byenon t~ss20OTMRnT-O Oand m en lefI unpunis ed or by tie um ier seo m an ge ul blam e on n edless stries. o s ociseot tise gishet by committing suicide. Tetrials have esîoblished 1h01 any mon or Halwe onet andl a nigist for good ton, es-Hloee ong e 1OPoeMrhn'-5 rut o mcii seo plonge tise seorlul mbt sar must peilyfor lise cidren. Mb. .,c,,e fon soch thtùi WZDP£ et.s EIC Phued Maeaseas Pecr tete tise responsibility for their actions. Ntoge-everyone cao lugis sitis you.SNC SCS may on aggeessor feel seure ini the tnoseledgc tisat ____________ ]100LotTAELESGIE le case ut defeat he cas spend bis declining years tZe;- co ercreltsa ieOtie tI90sa ANADIAN GAUIIDEAO A plotting revenge on o remnole islasd or chopping I a crcre htteOtbro 96wsPCNDA AII ALA Weood on a Dvtch farm. Tise lises ut une or i0 te une seiote monts of Inullun Summer. Selduni do se e'wte 15eý STANDARD TISSE 10guilîy mes are e pour compensation for thec lives gel as fine an Octoiser ini these parts. WAXT SEAS png dat;.37 p.m., daty; 2xeep 20 anO7 oioe Ecot-7.31 arn., daily; 2.25) of millions ut innocent sear victimts, bsut a measure of 6.0 .da if; a justice bas been donc. A receot visit in tise Unitedl States reveaIt tisaI 6.2 est., da7ey Go12W .27 m., diy ex-03 Fe ol cftous enougis ta betievc thec mosi of lise toIts on tise sauts side of tise border M F IN 9pS2tas Suscoy iflati. Fuesner eritd howit bring about tise cno utsorlul have nul hourd tisaI tise Canadiao dollar is ut par M U F 1N2 ,-230 SUNDAY seas.Butanîm ba beii,-me .,,,r r myb ..oy.o sen W"o.55 EU- Gcing East-7.30 an,.; 2,25 p.m.; wr.Btaimortant first stop ba entaten. seiti tise o ercan ola o abthydnt wat 90a0.27 p.m. _____________ 0to kos suchiss tise case. SA ETI .bee-Gaiac West-9025 s.m. itiagi; 6.26 Nose It's Lite - Or Death _____________0 &IMM Cottpetiton, alseays tise lite of troue, is to-day a Hero andl tisere seC note tisaI stlvoral commonilies Gobe C NArtIA 0.00NA sm. WA motter ut lite-or deelis. It is no longer cotfpeti- arcKM aIeLl prprn frOu oso Wes frb~r Guiot Soutb-.30 p.m. ion just ta sec sebo cen mate tise best maousc traIt. 0001 sommer. May soem aulttue earty to mate o ATU NEWPORT- l is more a cumpetiliun lu pruduce e sort ut mail"u starl fo i sntO eioulsa uutbtepr- *f oaa. trap-sulletsing 1h01 cen catch tise bearts und minus ienco shows tisut tisc m ost successtul ce-unions hase fr1 ~ D n H n e of millions and contrat tise tiing and ltiving of the seît establisscu orgunizalions. SEBDLBSS GRAPEFRUIT> o seurlu. If tise wnong forces sein tisis cumpetitiun il _______Large Sire 2 17c. D aPRIn ED LCn SEr selli meon, sot lfe, bot deatis tu trede. It seili mean XEIN DLC SD the end o u 00 houe seay ut lite and, for many ut us, Recenlly Laisur Ministor Mitchell reported tisaI ORANGES AUCTIONEER utc iîef u sal elirî nosaeteer bc. the CIO bas dirce eleven ut tise twelve strikes le. Size 208, doz . ...... ....3 CWith an auctioneer for a part, tnuwn~~~~~~~~~_ in.I Ainu y Canad Vnfiisflo00 ,2 2raidyspnlse cp-îy