Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Oct 1946, p. 1

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wh &u abiau 'Iwharnpi0u Volume 87.-No. 21. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3lst, 1946 Eight Home-Prnef Pages-Five Cent&, Norval Anglican I Church Marked ilsI Centennial Siinday - Crowds Fi11 St. Paul's Church'd When Bishop of Niagara la J, One of Guet Speakers le 184-Men, wome, vtldren, intic farm svagons, buggies, os horsebavk, vo an foot, arriviof te Nrval valleyon , a day ut sunohiote; cloime ot a brît; or double doors uof t1ino-ge v, stuceco, ', church edifico opn o d; scts With- tý in fillng steudity ovth o orshippers- g the Angican Churvh o St. Paut, Narval. erected 145-, had been op- ened for its first srsv eofolDison, , Worship accordiog te, the cnturies- F old rites and coreoonioo of the ancietK, ChurhofutEegtund. A 14-Met, o-omeo, childrtn, in au- IV tomobile, motor-hosos, on folt, aris- 'I ing in Norval vlley on a day a sua- s shine; oime of a bell; double doorsofaIF s pine-gin, stueco rboreb difire op'At es wide; seats vithin filling steadihy i wBb maorohippeot - the Angtican t, Cbooch of St. Pol, Nrval, stiOt op- f enasf100 100 years, o-suceebratise 01s C centensial. The date, Sunday, Oct- t aber 271. Froom distant pools ut Ontario, tram - nearby fannos, ram ister churobes ot OC the Angliran Parsb af Hoonby and I Sleo-atloo-n, from lithoe vilaget andl t goosl cilles, tbey rame, tormer moos-C bers of St. Pauls Nrvat, sons and i daugbteos of nhe "otd hume huoh'. t ratlying for the gceobeot day in itt listoy Tbey rame in hundreds,1 craauding tbe churrb la rapacily ai h montng and evenioug ervices, galb- I ering in groups betare and afler vi sblp ta tsIh oser the "oîd dnyt. t r wassthe greatest gathering of Norsol Anglicans in mony yoar. Choritoot rom the , Anglicans Cluocb n Brampton, onder Ibor I coirmaster, wîlb Mr. Charters J. as gtest organisl, led the singing ah Mornig Prayer.o-hen the cetennial presober o-os the Boy. B. W. Horst,. MA,. B.D. (Wyciffe Colege, Univers- ity of Tocono). Toinu as is test a passage tram the Booki of Rosea, Pront Horan gave an nsiing addcesn, eating f or dloser slady ufthne Huit Bible to-day, stronsinu the faon ha1 the forbears o! tbe presonl congeegt- tonn ad been s "people of theo Book". Bibe-conscious Chintians o'ho coutd naltfare lite it a nes countryoiti- aut theogoniord systeos ond upîit- lag Influence of Chorch o-orshhîu n«rbcy carvod outl heic beyms. Ihey Soilî their chorches. they bore ther w-Itnons 10 ChisI on esoole t10 os al" delared the speaker- The visl of the RuhI Rovereoud L. W B. Brooghnbb, MA, D0 , Bishoy of Niagara hn the evening. sasv th, bui!ding pooht-dtb overtiowinu. moust worshippers beinu ptoced in odoition- at tentst in the inte and hooc the poîpit Speiat o-asie cs roviri- ed by organisi Mcs. W. Bcodtcy atvl visitinu choie ot St. Ceorgo", Chorvh. Ceorgelouo-, by ind prmiosion o! the eorgetoo-n reobor, tbe Von.C. W. 0. Thomyson, Arrhdravon nIfllern and Welington. The roheol choir o 27 ehoristers et,- tered dring the processionat hyn l'Ono-ard Christian Soldions." Thoý great congregation sang tstt-tbrootl- ]y, fervetty. And in the deep sol reverent hush h01 folooed the "Amen', cme the dgnified, heaut- ut phrases and measored rObuai et the Atglican I"Order for Eveniovu Prayer - The deeper tones of voots vie Stendeol o-mb the clear volcet of mi- men and oblîdren ibe Coterai Con- fetson, Lords Peaper, Psatm 84 1-O tono amiabe are TOp doetinus, ho0 Lord o Hsts"), Magnifict, Nunc limOios, Creod, Respontos, and (Cot- erai Thanbtgising. Seritore lessoîs' and frayens mre ea- th îe offi- tant. And asth1e bymn "Jeton, beey me nese the Cross' rang out libe a r fronm the eart 10 the Sovior of Man- knd, the Bisbop of Niagatr nlred the plpit. "Mp dear peope of Si. Paal's, at yaa nha have gathereo n suoh l-i' numbers on Iis great occttion," ho- gan Bshop Broughi, "I conratl- aIe yoo mot o-ro-ty os yor 10051o anslsersooy.' Taing as bis tet, Vie stordS "The Lord preerse thy goisu ouI and lOy romînu in, Rt Lsrdthtp preacbed a deopty mooing sermono, grlpplng and holding the oatenion sJ is Iltesers fsom first mord btotoas. "There have be-n o-tnp ocomlngs Ir' and gongs out' n lin poneer churcb. Cenerathon aller generothos nf Anglican familes have entoreol thvn pacenofmorship, and gone ouI 1a Sean lestOoony 10 others of the saviolg poer of Cistt. Bisbnp Broghall eo-pbasizod tOue great eeed there s tb-day h01 ait woS name tbe Name of Jesos sboutd Sean Iboîr o-tness etore the oorl. We need acive propogandisîs foe Chist Dhers, mho tbacS ntI btu Crst, are vry acive to-day Po'- an teachbng s etng spread amonstust wltb vigor and enet-gy. We moust mo-t I, al of us, mth the clear teaehlng of the Crnss and Rsrrecîlon of Christ the Lord] The ploneers o-ho hoîlOIs nhurch lifted ut, before oit o-rn Jesos, the Ltght oth1e Woctd! Keep thol 11ton Swine Teani IHALT3N BREEDERS Parents Go To EuainW e ut ro iii l FA IS'CA AE Bvrg o~îanid TItS WE EK Vvlia Prolslii> t ue41.. I ouStiol Hulotolou BY EDGAR SIMON GiveS Opportunity saebliOtbr22nd ut Guetlh, J. _._ Pesa taf Wota Local S h o Tho provincial isotr-clutb cunmp- W. andl E. H. Curney, Georgetown,. In Miton Mogitrto's Courtuost: eeS h tIs frGttl lbmmouioo. oed flic toi)p licof ut$1100. This Wodnosduy. Robort Noett uead bis 1TORONTO ICPI (;Good nowa rance titio frut ta rfrtolumîno, sitoul-etfor the yearling hull Bond Havesnoito ;todys joiotly rofo 'taluOnturio und QuoboO bhouseolders etth echrNg y, groin, Intaitles, and otothtng wre Rag Apple Boy. TolIvire for a le- nogtoviog tSir 1h roo ohildoon, o-th on indication front Reconstruct- ," 'ho e t in Milton old aithettvo G trj Agriouturol Col- motoe,f $8611 o s loo rov'ivod by a pletodvigilty and ovro finod $20 and ion Ministor Hovvo bot oweek-end fihit Public Scho etTuaa sue Cvolp, n F-idy t at oeo Itlton t'oonly h-vrer. 'This ouî for casus or 15 doys. Arrording lu Chiorflhe t hrrot utof totfuefmino had art- hrrd lier otsifnod by W. At;C.W. Cnning tte loir letIthtirtvurootly eodod. MrHuvr anourvlThisyear Edoulaion Weobts botng 19tennis out too monhers uleuhpur- Wiugrov'- Coovtohotviito, Alengrovo clilvltrein o rar oittout lunch, dur- the ond ut foot restrictions impute-I ohîovvrd, Novrmber 3rd to 90. Tîhe îrvîvtrd itt thoevty's lrorum. ThoseW 0000ivoopo o'pro , etd the 8437 l'loeltiooEdoor vo ostoovt liftb t the ov, o thuderstorm o-hile ttoy werro in 19,13. Ont ly ui nrrivoslogan io "Mont the Toucher." toto tvroîle orottrd in te 807 rlubs receot tGue'lphtv t'ionOOtp Shvo. oio boul heverage racem. iîfitI201petr cont, ut revuiromonts EuutioWoob o one ut the mot cuuanized1inGOtaro in 194f. îîuîîon Othvrr Motivvon etors 000v' Mus. r orrivev twtto volts frooo riîioooo oniut bc-' uv lin interior or Cvss portant oerbo vio the svhool yoal. .s rejrostoîvtoh silst inmiltt ;vovvttergF. ean woo orurdouot the rhiîdv.entvtfin aocaoin"C" fuel- Parents havoanuopîortunity to tvit o en in di r alltî lto. o .ad$0 o i-, u hre vayo-t.frordt(if atvotel,' th,('lrhtstiied 'tehnuiruttoovor teroashuerynhsho rin. andoor uohone - nbtusine a-i OfO ly lto l titd (vltm termto -smîiv'vt l y avooroiuu 1h01 thore 1 yeor, muet tîve tearhrr, and bib uver îvvîîing. tiî' a'~Bvvnloi ~invdfvralierv- rin tîvehotot, anvd nvv guarvvvoth he 0vfootltitt lv' mouladiffivolties. Manv, $:vI(vv) vvrio ifto i v-yavv-v-voIv ool hngr ovvitotvv'Fvvv'testimotos ta date 'Thvs yror parents of ppils ut Mit- Ili th vine vojctsvwith 2 clin- evt* end lilly %%vie coviandvvudF 0. ies relvrriýntrv ,the Hoton ta (f$.framt urevfBt oenoomiîdlon nlv- fv-Oatvvoetvdermite'osurance 1hil ton Puhlie School oit haveoan0c0i- Il îvvvrv Nvrvl,$38'05 prettvvî v eigi teg' ni , Fraser MrNohh.(Georgeto-n, aod cwthvv'vv-g'roomfioiveoed the hit- no vn' oilgo shvvoras ftut as uvntity ov-lnity to"Met theoTeuhor"il Keith MerrY. Ilorooly. Iwon top lbunors. AguvtvntliootvIvu îîl' 0 -rO hongry. "Ttvey svore led of siovltvrid toh $it y. Ilel'hlr srhool hotgovn'.30 andlu9.30. ss o rsotv. 10v-y vuld te Form rksovhmovvhrvogit $3511 tor G. W. 12 o'vlvvvh,"r.' Me ero-tsal. Nbtvvvord ilAgI1h1 Ertinlim oPuetdca itovincina"llvy. mpomshlomtou h ipv't srh. "î-vl hoovrin'r tocks invb t0ho' cevntrvalprovinces o-ee lion vaue Ilttbhoshoo- in Grade 'rvvrutChmioslifor th en- __ - Illercourt, "poplvedolmal Craml.-'17eri.v lvvvreviremnt and VIII cssroomin throo0shooings l uitvg tvelve montho. foidenItthi Itplvinto tvvlv tie sthr is a roo- 1haslitvmvnts of hvtuminooo cult745; 8.30 and 900 p.m. Parents Fraser MNahh %vias thehigb mon of ,,,)*., vvfl.tIl yenucontinue ta neglert wce ,000,0001v111tons bhouw nrmoi..should vlan Ibrir visvt tu the snborî ho romîvttioo, vith o score ut 530Iý lltLelChLlllg ilogedîti :h lt-rtivvîvthe rourt v-un tube lb- Hoo'overr.tho' hurbtog hassince lievai 10arrive ut Crade VIII for one uf ontsoton osile 600.prThes X eeii f Ile lvdren awayu nd placethem wherv'male t),01hyinr.vsed imprts ofan- ltesho-ings. twoyoug mn 'wil n9 reresnt t M -t-ill OfH( ttvey 0,01 ho- îroîrttrCulre for." thruvite(roul fromttho Unitrd States 'Ihe Milton Publie Srbot Home and Onaiotn he ter-roinca Cub dSe Magisi> lvtotrle tunuvton addcd. ot ayl nd un effort hy thve raitovayn lu off- Srhuot itI serve tea in the Music inter Fir, on Nuvomber 111h. Htiplvte v-hrîiehoi',r. 1.of or-st shortageurîovvtrd by the Grrct Room of the scrboot Be sure 10 tee 1___ mer, Que.-,o-us sent tajlit for 30 Lobes shippîing tribo. thir display nI Put-ont education lit- Theo(;coin Cub prjeot hî-ught ouI' 'îvo Ortvor mee-tng of thr Homo- tovvv, vn h 1ietoodv-d guilty oaia Mr. Ilowco s nooiermenl oaid a rraturand hIrrlbnetar table. Il fetrams, and hero the Hattn Gravn anol SrlovvAsociavtio, .Milton Puo- chrh-ge-of -,touing $5 franm M r. dv-rrese ut tom volatile rual supplies Parents and those intereuted in Edi- Cun Teund ofa o Currve f Cri ofWednesdoo 0voling, 0vtuber 23rî1, '0v-toto-r 6th. Ptv-oding goilîy lu live oge of rodssurh an Porabontos. Bot eor for radio progroms dornna Ed.- Georgetow-n, lurevtseond-ood10Brant wsOo vo teuîrnvîrd. ixity-nvnr po- v lvavgeo s tv-'ots-vurlous articles tv-overauit pitro or o-s ronidered ration Weeb. Be an nterested par- !on. holi o-îlnrrolasthe somp et vtoand tvrods vvoo-lrescrnt ta en- von o-oer 12 franmtheho hme of W!]- someothi t hoter thon aest Noormbrr. rot. "Mortthe Tearber". on. ma orovte onsvotheon, d1,0 oy n ex-ellentlvrogvum. Mrs. Me- ]linBoisrtte, Oab5itlliehoas plared -~- _ vig mn o th rmîotvlon olot (rogan prriding. ootvumed those un sulpended 501,0 nce oand prohatioov Ievomovrndotioni- nhirh may tetîvîLEDWITH-GARBUTT a score of 533 ouI ut a possible 600- pro-ont, esprriotty ony' oho osere onvt for a yoor.H e o-os lso ordorod th o la ubig stop foroiard in the pre500'- WDIGSTRA Halto's seond tam coposedof oevioonty ovv1ainted in our auouo'- muorsttution. The youth ad- tion iof Nootheroo Ontarios toreots are W DIGSTRA Gf00 Wilson of Georgetowvn, and Vic- .00,00. mittevIto poire eobk the artirt" eingonu ord yhyeI, Royol Commissino IN DI DA CHURCH or Sterritt of los Williams, retires- lr ;WPotrvorrtd00 ovt tedn ut tBieîuo oetRsovr vîhshti enin teli to GlreBtho li ) RHnGtWtPreron eeteColoreilatedig Borleiyoietv CnIoesosoreswheoi hldn îvtced lonth sin he saime contsta.-oary President, tu lobe the place vO thome. tIo'ooings aî oaoomlrrof northeon In the Boptint Cborrh. Dundas on hloo. Mr. Kvo-b. rerentty oemoved il, A rhaorgoe ot nogto-v-ing tlherrhîtd- cilies. Saturday October 26atl 4o'larv, Rev. In thoefsiry Cileît- oret, 05111v -Hinilton. ron. aogolnnt Clrecerandl Asonv. W. E. Mooroo- offiotaed et the oed- loomo ompotng. hoMiltutHhe-business orion ot% orl--osudovr omh M ingof KthîenMildred, daoghter stein Caîf Club o-osoetresentod lvi lte meeting, t, veo-y ine solo "Serm- roqooes, of thoedetendant. rJ-,.LLI'I ut Mr. Williaom Carbutt and the late Douglas Aexander iof eorgtown, 3ci , 1 ' co.Gilrîvin-, .,hn C Stover. 21, oho i s choriord Mra. Carbutt, lu tomes Michael Led- onv Crdn 3uhy.vî Rrh-ovIetdervil 0v Mc. KenItundalt oi villi h ssovltting PoliceConstahbleSoto Ml. BruceBritoos.Mr. HooldBrîl vth of Mlton, ldesl son ut Mr. ond vhîete Hlulali .trsoy* vClf Cul ta enc voh vre. "In Itlie ivardens W1re tv,- itrishi ivi-isoii oisu v lvtvteraharo- -tnvand Ic Ilvry litson o-et-ein Mc,. tomes Lrdo-itb. tos rtiesneleh Jams Deviniitf'v;,,,-îlrio." vurihor tli--a-gitrvaeandtsuas 'T'otoovMoilvoattendintlhe An- Gtvenoowayhy ber fthor, the litnndoAtdeovtn ofllo,nvs 51v,.Fiiter -spovvlierieflttveoroe v-o-rtcdao oovk on revivt-t vîtnut Banvoel of ther Toronto Mitkbrhtde lvss onod in Durbess satin Whvevs-vstfetrio-i-iutolfin g thelv'paornts ofrhildren Clîown AtolesW. .tSiî-h The'lTtooitAsoitionv. lvitsethert ncline ada long, o-o o ndeostanv ile,,ot'motte as n i,itlo't L 1, '.o-llvv-xtrm, -lcoo-ssatved iloas unvhtvt o.roe'vTh"tl, aleonvoJuniorcFornorshfeld foll] shîi. A ttngciptength veil exoellnlsho,ing in thiontrong-voi- ivSoloi-'tîviuovtslvtin sbovhplsanceiosttlnnlsduîshoaso-vestthotteadaneo-shtintaeyaeadesn liolilion. .1f tllevhihvtOuGradoe 1tvhtr I oIlol le 10 aIs,, chorguld sithtin fil(-cov-vîo-o al l o nFriday. C. malcbing sait, and the bride caroied. irils' Cothnu Cluh lso prti-- tos Svbvîvai nd Mos. S5l-iionsi-s vvosvtmino iotîor in vs illoust plaeî- W. MiçrFv'o'leh.s.Bol, Burden. Mrs. D.crrtmson rosesand o-hite rysanlbem- livtcvithevtat0 ttvoram l'i 1ilisitspitoivoflthe ioirtani.v.andvlv. Av-v-vr dta (-Chier Cntinu. Cons,. Wilson andl Mms. D.Wndoerweco unmo. MisoDorothy Hnand,maid of hovrsiecooon hy o boom o,-lvves- îroblvtv-ofvî it- vlildx si rins t Bvitrud ar roh-ssootbrchindllain ll ies lv, v-y îize vin-rs t crds. Mus- lîonoc. and Miss Joan Pugb, brides- votiog 1the Vellore cuo (i ho l, Myis(lian, l.vs schovvvtrnos.- ilin n ocuno-et il ho boNvvn hall ic isupplttiev-hy Dovris Hllandmrald orehteandello- taffeta h'ony.Itito'so tervh prvsontingho mn. rié-f, n n d lcs, iv,- o Soga rga l auvîo- ,P l.v r rchestravosetvey hi owswr ne th Cu. ý,nspoe o liv îîtvr in Ii-vt htheca oan l.'tot't'Il s olegte,-vonstaloOoo- Mrs. Ilnîvo Atoîlv'svoof Torcousu vvth la" and they wssre halo heati v-e Mise ssi(lone] M Nap toinutl It. ,ivtIttIfttil- lhil -i î.- o î o ck îieoîlvîîn lIv,-fbonI stops nuthe0 siileto-ibi lcv.istoc. Mco. Fred Fax drvesses vI oftbfto Carlu oarryisg Oa 'vîtt th(it tiovotadea moot reditali)'- soit','.. ut lit l5-r mîuhîblivoa--entrnecorthehllbioti. l v,s doito, vis,'r the ovvb-end. soseuoy of vhrysantbemums. M. an lxeIitprfrane aie.tilton Privaiotlvspital tsvftoinit Miss Fromvmovf St. Cathaines s tohtn Hart of Trtnity College, Toron- In short,.bhctsev-yoong pltvii- As so1it-iiisiv vitfvusic in itl ahitsvanscalp in.l .sîvntioiatttidaysvsithfriendssinito sttvth est mon and othero pa.iiai-iv frvntiîMîlvlton I %, Nrit- s-vîvl 1,tiitn-i.ti- n t.î- Ct'vvt,î-oOnua val. ofc'oonvo-tlingIlle vitit5 - - vei-e Messrs. Austin Ledwith and iioeýna i -tîotn îvîfs -vsfg'At ibi lclli of a vhildvbîhy Wothoc. 2; M. Haold Bv-ttaitv of Arhon . ', W'ithiocvh aîhott of Dundos. The or- Critby otHalulln. Our,-sincerev-î-îîîiitito-vt itbondvvoMu-sic'riiii fori ansdîbvvî Sc iîvMrs E.Itonvhosospent Mr. Daniol Hulnd, wonsang. so b'as,INtNshih ,and Eebh M-rcrl.lîvî th,\tîV viiotNiGon a ivl-d in the Choocît Hall. Tloe on t ýli l,î vs Ittîvî ,%sin tfor bîom.--, Niaiti, it flot hv I'-b . v, bvta'o tvho ___la____-lti v-i, s to'v . ro M. Pogh, receiveol, siis adtir (osobo of Itlienlut tscî.ol-vhvs s, HaT> UIRssistv'd hy the croom's moîher. For - - sîî a 'î o uIi TOSPONSOR ((>UNTY V I hotoisvt'ding Iiptia1DeOtroit, the -'t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . vi-tî dl.i,-îvîv :,iiI- dlt- tvihbv'v Ift Sl-%KING Cîs),s.rossaNesnve, t vh fuchsia. o fuchiarcasuil T. datvuii-i.,svTai il, A llliothitttit'nit - 'mor l'lv"vvtFtioctiilhSNvvolith lvarbhfot andhbcos'es- RVRAL Ilt'I OF i1,vt,îvtv-ît Ccitbt..Oo8ead 2 o-ii -"tvvttts hatrveoîîîî-vv-îîthevro-îvutvobon t. 7soss,;Iit,l-'tt .iv lticir ttme't- suriv,'lliecoutplev îvvtresde on Vi- SAVI<~SBON)S EEF livil îîcîîvîî,cco tts',to"titi, utheintg an,v vit Iletost active uîtoitongit v, Ohooshtvtt Sthool on Mol5otori trehetMiton. o-utvli BONDS O cv-fi,,inîOntario.n17,ider flcloaihtrship ,0 g t hvctO\,av,* 1-l TO CITY SALES etort-nf iti vvrsitet,-b evv S. Atins anvI is toI. -vndhiltvely dhisssn ooood the LADDERS L7RE _____ 'The- al,-t-il. t il cvolose l'ybi,lv' h -'rutve~oico-rsofotthe Coonb,,Fiv mo-htîîoîad FISH UP-RIVER 'h l'O tt,vaOu ovile %vs recisvi sninu vît "IrlecKing" fl , v y 1 tovierlvcv sct-ao,- ohrs v'n oddovt sov lboenoO yeseraygivngth reuls f alçs .,aI ai hni,acenotpoid hy ail h - rîrad oo-îrlensive proa- Annisecrsry s.ervoce.\%il]Ilhe hetvtin NE WSTITRBC.() o Canadta Svings Bondos orosthevcpofolingrcint otoebvlvvs. l'bios 1 taoe tbh îov t'ttiled (horhneut l)to-io-on.____ _lico oo apublie sîvainu campe,- Sonday wollOtRev. David GC Paton B. Isolvoos usthe opper teoches of the 'Nminion.hCouttv slsttali ' -,,on. wolvis scedutod for the Mb- A_- Bts. of Ctaioers Choîctb,.Guelphi Fraser River report o tenfotd inreal t'anoda Savings Bonds stands a $217,. MRS. C. PArUERS(>N on tligh Selloot auditorium, on Fn- os uoe.speîteaithbe mornîng se- n tho slmon eoming of-riser as a i ove prevous ttal.Payrol purhaý.vooanivipated lhvt î-îernltntives ollSronmov ofvthe 1,0O.A.C. giving 1e Salm Ion tugdda rdgeRier igsvr pooostvvha aovo56 714r5ha fil->SHOWEREI) BY FRIENI>S Avbvn, Milton, Nocvot and Potermo address ai te ovening service-. vo-ntagdu BrgeRe, rag Ouas ceo in ted for $56,71dJuior50. Ruaric- - .The o-înner 'lOrre oitI ho speriol musical nomr- Vancouver Island and points beaw ovon wo-mbuhying nWnipgod On Tl'ooty evotlng, frienols gotO- in Ible Halton eoplinleiion oilItalerort baouI hsecsices. Htcoo- Gte anon aebe a other urban cent o-ed ah ihe hobteol Mrs.Caooence omîvete in liteIDisrict Coo-petitiooo, Mr. in.t Atison of Nasoagooeta[rmtewe. Mnohrothoying otoîy0ýTrimblv toc o miiveionoluas sboo-rr be o-nnr of u'hich iii go la flic hetd a vo-ny soecesnfot sale of farevlIdenoo rebteaio e Mhandto achuat tot lyal. in oo Msl orne'a r[Stî,vinvîInt.ockrhandl io-1,emenls tnst Frlday. tbon of big rans prevalling berue the Sbc oas tbbc cienrot of many tovviy We î,ndrstond fromt President.ThoOo o-Os a good roo-d and hddtng iato osrclnea - anvi useraigirls. Athns finhopbbphle s curltyIn-.o-as brish and fair picen o-ere realiz- il'lit ecvoning o- s sîen t îtaying vvt,'vtoNovemhor0lb 'rTheplrogrtto- cdli INSTALMENT NI(,HT Igoresalter o-ieb ou ,rirlvos tonchrit,,him oecasioou o-ut onetodd d iîî Mr. avnd Mrs. Reg. Wilson of Acton FOR NEW OFICERS o-as servo'dhy Mos. Tl'omble. îlintinformai dance. ,isibed relatives ut Ktatchh5tB lostI vnsJs h REBEKAH LODGE Mc. ond Moo. Thomas Rchardsons 'aVv b te S P. R îaI ~land son Orvitteo0f Fecgus vlted ret- Anvineouoneof Sloao,, CIn 'Thoeo-o hrs of eonvng Star lhoh- A Word(0 o the iWise Ruralit 1iolives and trionols n Nasttgao-w e shas, ns thv c ut. -oude obah Lodge No. 19, Milton onbtaincdiover hoheo-eek-end. baI , scha -rt. Ia cenwth n vi.,itorsfrnTont ad - -e _-,__,-_ ltro, ooeroe f-natds anouieO too-n 7hrsday eveninu, Otobero21 ra'-W AT nts afa.5r o-h,'n bîvi-innuot installation ut of- I - 'GEORGEcTOWnNDno -Otheblda !fi ccc, looh nlace. TOîe nro-office,-% .- Hchro ndnge all Nuembelliînt ý o-ch-e nstltîod by Mrs. Marioou Dr.SandlMe. J. T.Birbîn ofSarniaHornyOag alNvme t1 ieh-vnd olsitoo svlboMn. a lldes proside. Admissoln 25c. C3andystOf.P.ofCetre District No. loewe-n iiol t r n Mr,,.Walle BIýi.O1iDnce Broottie Hait, Novefhber 23 and shaft. M s WtolbertBisOn. lav- 111h, Btoomsbory Orchestia, musdie Ligbl ohinng. It is yo dtsaîng ttvic firsl hockey proctice Sunday the abuspces ut Massoga'cyo W.rf saerodpiitgyourîtasbt" otne-u ovn Rn.Admission 35c. B Ale rith r'Zg' poyradBls-1,orgetonsBah Cotdtum reoeiv- 1 n h ertheo Ehibgaer deelyInsi- -vedthe $50 hotus for binu the first Edocation Werk, Milon Public 50$ te ihp tedelyIsi-Maille bout hockey ployer taoscore a Srboot, Nasember rd lu $tb. Te, ahg servmc 'n duo Wi teR OsI' untl in flite 1946-47 toaton. I eoved Tbursday evening 7.1-o) 9.30 y al$m "nOr ta evig-0lit As a rentombrance frono Ibeir mnnY the ladies ut the Home anod Scotol For a ful our aftîcro-rds, theo tviends On Ceorgetoo-n and district, Assoiation. coo-dn lingoced, rbspinu the bonds Mr. and Mrt. Cacdon W. Mcbtntoob 1 ofthos whm thy ha no sce fo oave rccn tty reopied o hanS draft Mapte Leot and Ct-tugether 1mny tboearo-hom ntboyhodng1,eolngtoc$350. At flic lime of Mo. MoLin- GCopofutKnos Church o-it hold s Andi o ueal day o haypinest, desool Iotis rotirenoont loti Moreb o goouy joint "en Salsrday afttrnoon, Nat- rTbanhsgivlng ta Cod ond ricO mW meer-o il-red gttgtert li eb 9a i nxSndaey coo or o-can ta ils close. saine sont ut civie rognhllon of bitrmont. H omebonu n aryo The réclor of St. Pols, lbe R o'cte 1 I oro- drigbs1 retsotheusl. serend IL.Iegh Pink, L. Th., officaeî yers c , ce mn,aeoof flic Canool- Sut hobh CentoInniat Services oillitnBonb ofCommerce. As aresulb Baaoeoiltlebhed t St. Ceorgets f sîoho mosI Cordial o-ocdo uo etcoom- "lvs a v ,,,s îv esg o oiih ooa oft hoeomeeting, donations oere mado Chortb, Loo-vite, under the auspIce - ho tt Ibesent Sostîo lnt oIi..h Mrs,.sins-y Hill, ofoCoohtvibbe, Ont. rurat lobte suam of $350,mil t îlos maney 10- ot Si. Cerges W.A. on the evenlsog '(The roof and o-hite roses on the 0al. 00routoind IntIloeti box ev oot ibt oeoh. Mot. Hili, bnawing uetivcr oitb oaler frointMaor out 'irîorday, Novembec 141n. Baklng tonfor-eott dosotoolIn momory oflthe agood ttingo-hen she sees ioh deohcod bfinit he ouod lote na Ctrvoa sent to theeopeIn Tor- sale, finbpond and ale ofo-nnsood t Fouondersofo!St. PouIts. ho-oin gut-Iblofta hon batik ho hy o reul oe ont.01. -Hrald. tprugramme. Admissina25c,.

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