iMMWSAY. 3ULY ltis. 1946. Mrs. bnman o! Woston la viiting wNith Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Cook. Mr. Rober Houstan of Montreai la viaiting mitis relatives in tomo. Misa Marian Peddie visited ils friends la Taronto ocer tise meek-end. Mc. uaud Mco. T. Mupres o! Sco- land rallrd o frcods io toms oSun- day. Master Joisn Flan la viuting ils hia aunt and unclo. Mc. and Mr$. Smitten Currie. Miss Doreon Diiiam a! Tarants [s visiting mitis ber parents. Mc. and Mns. E, Diiiam. Mca. Ida Mannlag and hec grandaan Joisn e! Guelpis visiled ils Mrs. Jas. Dam on Manday. Miss Joan McCalum o! Edmontan hao been visiting ils ber sister, iss Mary McCaiiurn. Ernest Osons and Alian Waters eRt yeterdsy foc Deraottmisere tisey wiii visit wmus relatives. Mca. EBlen Murdacis, mife a! Cpi. R. Murdock s b îriedulod ta arrive tliso meek an tise Lady Nelson. Mc. Sert Joisnson a! Bsmmanviiie viited mîtis Mn. and Mns. Ted Wood and frsendu in tomn an Tsesday. Mr. and Mrs. Morslin o! Tors ita spont tise meeis-end mititise latrs parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacks Turner. Mc. and Mrs. U. Waters s! Tron- 10 bave 0000 viotine mls Mc. and Mrs. Jae Wateru and fambiy tiis meek. Mc. and Mra. Artisur Charltan and famiiy a! Guelphs bave ieen visting tiso mec imtb Mc. and Mc. Marcy Cisarîtan. Mc. Wesley zecard and Neil Mon- ear o! Mt. Dennis bave been viitlng mils tise !orrec'u matier. Mrs. Wrn. R. Eseard. Mcs. C. H. Vîpond, daugiter a! M. and Mrs. R. B. Onlbraiths, saiied !rom Halif anxlFriday an tise Conard liner Georgie, ta loin ber isusband in Engband. Tisey especlta stoy in tise Britbis laies foc umo yesrs. miile Dr. Vipond taises post-graduate caurses. I Engagements Mr. ansd Mrs. J. Janîti o! Tarmoa announco tise engagement o! tiseir dlaugister. Laila ta Harald Grdon Bailey, oidest son af Mr. and Mms. Calvin Baiiey o! Horoisy. Mr. and Mrs. RoisI. R. Anderson. Miltan, announco tise engagement oI their daugbtcr, Helen Geocgioa to James M. Grant, son o! Mc. and Mrs. David Grant, Sarnia, tise morriage totakie place quitiy early ln Augu.,t. OVERCROWD)ING CHICKS Overcccmdiog ciiciss [s tise mault communnand maxI rrnlly error ln the poulry businesa. Oveccrosoding wsntes feed. aluots gramth. c auses not only direct bms but Indirect ls Ibraugis meaiened tocis. Yaunç, ebicisusoan outgram tiseir original iraader bouses and troublie occura If rooto for expanion is not provided. Facis clony isouse sisuaid bc supple- saented mith aItoast Ima range ablI- ors ta enure adequate gromth. Som@ breeders and iatcherymen ar- range 10 supply isnoci-dawn range aielera 10 isnby e5icis osstomners <ut nominal cot Otiser poultry'y service organleations, suggest tise astisarities, nsigit uafully arrange ta, enter Ibsiso field as oeil. Sume soodmociing firm [n every paultry commooity could ise appraacised lu atter a lino a! ksnock-down range sielicro. INTERNATIONAL SCOUTINO INCREASES Inrreasing truoci facilitien btmeen Great Britain and the cantineot wmIl maise il possiblc focrisundreds af Boy Scouts tram Europe an coasîrirs tu camp mitis Britishs scouts thinsns'm mer. Narths o! Engluod Scoats are plaoniog ta ctertain 120 Eurapeun Scouts ln the Luise District, Scattias Scouts are to pay hast bo a similar namber frnm liiersted couirtes, and 300 Britiis Scouts are ta attend an Internatiooal Camp aI Grans . tise national Scout camping grounts ln Smeden. Britishs Scaats hi]] l sat- tend camps on Nacmay and Deoonris. R!BBONS NOT EAOINED WINDS OR tCP) - Franks Snyder 'Wtnduor iouse paloler miso more 8 mailtary ribbiosa nciuding lise Vic- toria Cross misen arreated os tise sIre- et, mas sentenced 1u a year ln refar- mnalory for falooty maring decocal- Ions. HELPFIJL CITZEN MONTPIEAL ICP -Muntreni poie hsave ieen oble 10 crans at least ans atolen cr report ftramn tieir books. A reident notiflod Police misen lissns- tleed an automobile parIned In th,- asme spot for tiree days. Palice In 'vesigaled and faand-liso automobile .paried beide a Oire isydrant. Nems Man. and Tues., Ase. 5 and 6 Caroci Wilde Eveiyn itoyes "THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS" (Tehnicolor) Clred-"Hamaiian Memor- ous" Cartoon-"Treare Jest" dOMDING Fr1. ad S", Anost atSmn 10 Dennin O'Eeefe, Marie MaiSon- "«GEmNG GERTIE'S GAP- TER" Charbon Starvoîl "GUNNING FOR VENG.. EACE" News Ciristisncitero ty, Inunsformout thema ioaliiig epiilcua!o ligist <2 Cor. 3: 2p refuses to isceone "papolar" foc il mosid tisco Se aodcc the wacid and tise prince o! il (Johno 12: 31) and tisus oc tise oery lamer miicimon sa depdy aecd. l'is issue is simply "1ie that belico- el h o Fim is 00rodemned but iso tiaI ielicontis ool s condemned i- ready beriuuse ath not beileved ln tise oane o! tise ooby begotten Son of Gmb " (John 3: 18). Ham foolisis, isampitifully taalias b be ln the "nol" cinss, nlmply by lok- ne tiraugis a foae umoke sreen- misicis leado nomisere but la tise pIt o! eternat tire <Matis. 23: 41, 46). Tise Lard Jesus Christ died upon tise cross a! Calvary for you Il Peter 2: 241. Relurs. O mandorer, nam roture, And ipo tise fallIng bear! Tisy falisor cals-na longer rnourn: Mis lave invites 1h00 near-relurfs, JACK< MOINTAIN 1 Moage Costisuod) i rodui sinepisnce gaierd ointe piroduitantiof alcisiopirts duisgl then sror. ILt.s mude tcom duauamin anq lias au ancin ishî <hict, cee- ors il carrosioo'ycoofal ginsi Insii aod oll mater. ts atiser artisalgea ae:a m"li-desigocd sliî'ping claIrs miin permits tise use a! fine uines mitt<out fean a! hu'cage: a largo dia- meter spoal wmiir gives a rapid ccc- ovory o!liiae mitisoat tise complication of gearing. Tise spavi ls su deigned us ta preocot lise Une "piliitg" and 5e- lng iadiy laid oo. Added ta tisis ls tise simple deigs, misici permîits aIt compoorots ta be readily dismanlled and adjusted ils no more taals tison a scremdriver or cain. IMPOSSIBLE TO ACCOMPANT Tise music master. running is bond tisrougis iis isair, storsnod about lise studio. MademoisellIL. [t Impossble. Ved- der I play an die vite koys or vedder I pay on die blaeis, l moises no di!- ofrence. Alvayo yens ing as If I vore piaying ln dec cracks. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION r Kowing How to QMPWiINw Swim as Important TIIS Wl As Walking B mfui CHURCI nomiog isow te sim leaos import- 11EV. 50DN M DIL ont as knooing how to walk, partie- TORONTO (CPI - RNs Minimie uarly if you enjoy the many pions- niag tormo whicb diaruPt lares and thse gIld eaitisy exorcise Ication ood power linos ln SUNDAY, JULY 28tis. 1946 provided by swimming, fishing or JUst Ions o! Ontario and Quil 1.00 arn-Joint service mith St. pleasure boating. Everyone cao malk week mere biomed for fo Poulos held [o Knox Churcis. aod we lesao t on eorly age. Ito Ontario. i11 il m.-Juolar Suoday Scisooi. imporant, toa, since we depend sa0 l'ise stormo 'truck aoi 2.15 p.m.-Senior Sunday Scisool. much on our obility t0 maiS for our front eariy Friday eveni. Evening ervices canceiied for JUIy daiiy exioteoce, yet misen thse summer fcom Windsor ln the wes and Auguot. roiiu &round, a gIld rany of ns miii ln tise ont and for a _________________________bo spending a lot of timo aItishe beach distance nortismard. Tel or thse simming pool or tho cottage munications more tisrown ST. PAUL'S UNITED CRURCU misero there 1e pienty of water 1e toc for some timo untii l iWaîser-Itv. Godn W Poter sim In. Ils tisre that tise Import- restored. M.A.. l'.D. ance of mtor sety ansd inowing Theo rans accompanyin isom teo om are very niten forgotten ning broogist an o 'nd 10 it PN Services Durlng thse Monts of and os a resuit, mater fatalities on- drought ln mnst sections .iuiy crease. Simming toises on tise imo- Ince. At Maiton airisori Eombined Services at KInox Cisurch portante o!fsaiiing when you pick ta tise weatiser obsorvat ________________________Up youc daiiy nemspoper and rend a peais mmd veioclty of7 about tise many and varied mater heuor ot one time-a win GRACE ANGLICAN <HURCH occidents tisot taise place during tise ane strengtb. 11EV. S. A. RK sommer montiso. At Arton ln Hslton oi RosI., Every boy and ginl uses tise mater, ooisie Jersey como er and every boy and girl iii be going oirocb by igitninf ast SU.NDAYS, JULY 28tis and ADO. 4tlisln tise mater sometime dsring tise beseatis n tree. Otiserj 6tis and 7tis Sundopo afier Trinlty sllmmner monîiss cter aItishe beochses province reported fires1 11.00 a.m.-Morning Proyer and Sec- or up ai tise somrmer cottage. if by tiese 010105bsrning d mon. Mr. C. V. Hodges of Hamil- tisey ros'tIlsmmtiey are net going misicis boy cropo mere st ton. 10 have mars fun. Whiie otisers are Insaiome reass iay crtr Evening service cancelied. oultaetishe divlng raft simming oged estessiveiy aitisotsl around and isovlng lots o! tun, iisey er isand. psisioms benefi miii have ta content tieseolvesisy domnposr. And Ye Obail Knom theo Trahis and tise soyng in tise nsloto mater. If tisey Radiostaîtions ln tise Trutis SisaliMak oin VsFree-Jno. 8:32con sim and are familier miti s e.m ent off tise sic from s THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST o! tise raies o! mater nafety. îisey ta tmo bours, due te st OSIAGHf couid be one o! tise gang and be out tuad pomer failures, bustt - tiscre enisying tise activities. general pomer interropt( SNAJIJLY 28tis, 1946 Tise grestent danger on sny beach Tise Hydrs Eiectric Pi ServcesAY s p. etise Individuaeliimself. People of- sien,. telegrapis and railv Spaerice u I M. odhnson . ten rus rlos s y smimmting in mater said tise brunI o!tise stoi SpeaserCea.M. oisoan. tisot s costamioated, but by for tiseiticisener to Georfetasi Services Monday. Wedneaday and greateat ris s tsken isy tisose miss a risurcis steeple aI St. Friday ln Bible Scisooi Auditor- dntko o eivtio adesrc.ACmblfr Corne Nam and let Us Ream o Ta-îiemselves In case of emergency. lorred te sek refugein gelber Sais Jeisovai-Isaalli 1: j& Tisere Is a danger ta non-oimmers coap misen Ilgbtning misa mal otbiounfamiiiar maters isome. whiicis msyconcesi iidden isoles and NXJTON il's dangeross for a poor smtmmer ta Nem reguiatloss gev venture tas for Ints deep mter ils- sale o! beer ln batet osc GOSPEL TABERNACLE ot aoy isnomiedfe o!fmisaIto do ln oge routine l Ontaris i 8.3 pm. atrda. uly27Miloncase o! crampo or otiser dangers. nouoced by tise Liquo 830 pm. Sforday.hriyst . -Mln Csrelesssess and lnabiliity 10 sim Contrsi Board. are tise tas outstanding casses o! Wisnt ane bsoard spais Msid meek Prayer Service smali ibost accidents. Studies o! suris.."peddling o!fieer" ln be 8.00 p.m.-Every Tisursday nt tise ocldentssshow tisaIt ram50 ttaSi)ltae ise dlscsuraged by borne ai Mc. and Mes. Brlstow. prrcesnt. of tise vcios mere unaisi' requiring tise beer be e SIJNDAY SERVICES ta sa':m. Roming and csnoeing ila o nervedl Otiser re.i 3.00 p.m.-Sonday Scisool and Bible iigisiy enjoyable ond ieattisul form ta one boitie or one gis Study. otrecceutiot. Itnerd notise danger- Ofieermiicismnayibsel 745 p.m.-Evangelistic service. Spoc- ous If reasonoisie care is taisen. MosItomaner at ose lime. tl speakser tram Toronto. isiolitles cao ibe prevented tf a tim Tise nem regulatians. 1 ~simple raies are aiserseci suci s: nia effect eariy tIbis first lbars isom ta isandie tise bonI bo-lise iseurs bevecage roo fore gine outi nIa deep mater in it. isy 14heisurs o day. N ~Do netuse a lakyr otsera'ise de. 10 a.. ts2 p.m;41 tes*iior iboat. Il00 miaI ibaadaandts10pm. A. H. Deforeat aeperlar ta tise matera on micis Wie ooly a 1cm be E tie bots,toi, secd. Lears taeswlm have ieen open In tisese brioce golngot in 0asmall ibont.proisirm ofo!supply. tisec TA I S R I pPlic<i roilmoise ssimmlng a uotelonTsdyadhu sa lmosefc D'adfler.adarisangeisolprlyub, AllPussngers Fuliy Insurcd ii1)Col ss,mulone. rivaforcati<'otuaniho NoTripTos Long 2 )Don t'wmmforat leusîanisî<h cor ate rnmys andep 24 o RSRVC aîîerr atîog. vrg easac e Id 505ESEVIE 1 lCo)ol 't enlace ieyond yosr <lotoin tise aftternoons. Your Patronage Plense leplis ssith ocililolol supports uch os- o hourd. o'aîcr songs. aiore luises, or Theo Laisor Progresslv PHONE 218 MILTON Iloo tise siouldrs of a sonil mennlog iccent stairment sai II ~~'~"""" ""4 ba(l toolisil, ssimmiog companlon. Ils no politicai ordoers ir )i Col sim lac long disiances ioa Washington, Las: ooloý.s ai'omîroiediysaiboat. ros"isui"its programi 5) Dont dive loinmater you sre pottirul deitions are1 not fmillr wih. isere my ibe id Ia democatîecoovenu PRINC SS te lmps nd hddpqrock. lrudersuand memisers." PRIN ESSm roks. Tise statemeot oaldt THEATR E ADn netae eJd Fr1. ansd 91.,Juiy lOt il asd Itis VHAT SAITII THEitE lUIIPTURE? ive party o! rompîioîty JonWye El ans "It's rtI ioplar!" sntivlty." John ayne Eux Rines A grcst maoy People jadge trulis "TALL IN THE SAIIDLE" sy tise Ilfl gouge O f populucily. ONTARIOS LIZARJO- Disney - "Springtirne for Many People in Milton boise stlesded Pluta" oct-meetinguaitise Tais and bave B & W Bnd-"Cirrus Band" said. "I would ltub e 1bielieve tise Tise ilue-tiled siint, News. Goseiyou preacisbuttI runanot isOi,srd fouod incasteri __________ suce usaIt i s aisslateiy truc." Irarrn nn Ontario searL Mo.41ITus. jly29Il30 "Wisy." iiscy bave iscen asised. Si. (loir and soutise Mas*Tea.JuytS 85 "Weil, lisere are sfcm people la and tram Frontenacr Marsisa Hunt John Cacrolilishis tomws miss ieliove t and îiscy are ougis Couoliesnonrthwa "LE'15IER FOR EVIE" ne1 tise cefiiod rîrmeor a! aur rom- Soîuod district. Thisi maoily. Willî çraeicully cocryhody or ]Iards.,hbas calco. B aod W Carnedy-"Grnd Old sise, it i. anosiîar, and se cannaI s)f'cimen iithe Rayai Coco" sec tisai il is truc.", rom s almostl<corain( P. Smitis "Studio Visit" 'î'catîî. oeiser, bas no relation late S R<'5O popularily. 'helisdscaverors o! muoy il Fiday& Saurda, Au. 2 3 asic lasl.sriecc'- mre uuliy un. Friiay& SiurayAag I P îîîîaar andliaiodto'ndure-thsesneers A dualiîurpose lish Daooy Kuye, Virgiaia Mayo oittlho<'istos-ofthe p opulaccusnd rcr1eetsa cr«<derao "WONDER MAN"'- somo coco mcere cxcuted as "danger- ir1l.ious types is nom I (Techicoor) cî ou ai cs. An the old tim gos-""d by a Lndaon fir 1 Diney arton-,Plasic 1n- 1 mich ias snatcherd mrelcised, siaoiiiog featare n< ift ter" d<ors ra i lIof O <" acsi PAGE WIVP EEK FURTHER NOTICE FOX 6lfWritse bi and îîgisî- That these of Water for Lawis and Gardon Service la pted. commnun- atrlctly prohlbited to July 31st on account of extensive repaira in many sestt- to 55frJflte tbec lte lest aur deatsln ______ lng a mide inf, eStendiog BY ORDER esI ta Ottama csnsiderable .i outrap cori- Waterworkçs Committee tefour-weois t erToron- A * aro corded 55 l J S ý 5miles on J J4 is o urric-3 e :ýut,21 val-91HKe tisey isddted 7p in tste ; eestarleda t o v l smwn barns 1n stred. u t n il psmere dam-n bgh on tise olis lfied isy tise Torontoaoreaa P a rk even miutsU UaMa i n i iha d r Istie chsarges tishere mon no fon. AIUGUST 5th amwer Commis- la mn. Homever, Direct froos the Highlandsain Gait Mr ary ma Returned for one nlght only after absence of 6 years in a ciîien ADMISSION $1.00 PER PERSON aIrons tiseir Dancing 12.05 - 3 a.m. :vrigtise Mart Kenney and his Western Gentlemen sd clusbever-à have iseen an- uor Aulisartly AUGUST 21 oesman lerned Re beves-age rastos iy a regutation ordervd isefore egutationslimit lasslise amount intues long. EdIIING REEL ;hbng ccci ssiir ,abe ads'aoce an uriog mauoaci- irm. On' ou!- ulis cccl <knouts ttI i s a pue', MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE Ail Summer Goods Greatly Reduced! 0 Here is Your Opportunily to Cet Cho Quality and Newsst Stylos at a Worth-WIiIe Savings-Choose Early for Bost febections - 0e Ladies Sommcc Drcsses, focmcriy Iad Ao l a! $298 la$795. To Clear ut ..... $1.49 $3098U Ladics' Piafoccs, focmcriy sId at $3.95 ta $495. To Cîcar at sa..... ... $1.98 t $ .9 Ladics' Huts, farmrnccy saId at $2.98 to Aêta $3.95. Ta Cicar aI ................. ...$ .9 19 Ludies' Drill and Alpinc Shsorts, forrncrlyAÛ t soîd at 98c ta $2.98. To Cicur a ...s..! 9ct 22 Ladirs' Lcaîhcc and Span Bogs, facm- ta crîy soid at $2.98 ta $3.95. To Clear a! a4 $ .9 Ladies' One and Twu Pince Bathtog ~ûTo ~)f Suits. forînccly soid $2.95-$3.95 Cicar $ 1.98 $2.49 Ludieis' Alpine Slock Suits, forrnerly saîd aI $9.95 fl To C icar aI . -.... .. - - . . .... .... .. ... 6 9 Ladies' Cotto Slucks, Ovoroils und Facm Tn'fl erctlro, formcrly at$l.49 10 $2.98 . Ta Cîcan 98C 19 Ladices' Sommer Sisoos. formccly sold To 9l oî $2.98 to $4.50. To Cîcar ut . ePAs.... 19 29 Ludies' Spcing Coats, formcciy soId $ 2 5 195 St $19.MS ta $29.50. To Cicar ol $ 295 $ 95 LadiesShetliand Woai Drcssmaker Soito. focmccîy $12.95 to $2495 a[ $90695 îa$1695 Thc foIiowing are also ta be Cîcaccd aI Grratîy Rcduced Prices-Kiddies' Print and Voile Dresses, Kiddics' Sun Suits, Boys' Wash Suits, Boys' jerseys, Boys' Knee Psoto. Shop Here and Save Satisfaction guarassteedl or your money refundedi. ____- Milton Dept. Store PHONE 112 OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M.