PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TMURSDAY, JULY dIls, 5840. Watford Publishe T. C. A. INSTALS OPEN AM IR TAIMT To Head Weeklies The Week ai NEW RADIO LINK KINDERSLEY, Sai. (CPI - Wben IlWINNIPEGS (CPI-A ighly flexible f Ire menaced a beauty parler bere, a W. . Alesorh Nw Pes 'in OTTAWVA ytem 1 fl communcations wlilcb ladies uncler treatcent moved inca he ib W. fC Apseaill su me idnt lmailsa wtli fac utany airline in the middle eo!thbetitreet wtb drying,ti cf Ontarl - Qsebe RTM. DENT RODOSON . oiidi mlisuvu lie In une liy 'ran- curling and oclier machinses and beau- Divliioil facadia Fresa StaSffl Weier Canada Air Lises The nec (ccli tirians finislied uperatieni in the op- LODN n.(CPI-W. C. Aylea- i iques are a cumposite uf narcisseen ONDhoN. frt nt ws drte velopmvnts anda(lie curli utT. C. ]PLANS USE 0F IGNITE morli l Wtfad, ntmaseîeted OTTAWA (CPI Witb (lie cuaeiy- A. engineera.- preident ofth(le Onterio-Quebec Dlv- guarded secrets ufth(le 1946-47 budget Tefrtu eisu lcinc OHAE n.(P nai iasiunutsliecdiai eheliioNw-sucpl rpue(,teCnml 500-watt transmitters bave beins r- Mniter Frost ban writlen (lie Cucli- papes Axucscln xc(li diialssasttied duwn in sweitering liet stsiled at Muntrent and Muncton, and rs ludu rd btrm ig ainnaî unnstis lire.dru ou ir emasin busnes ~ iilie cfolou.ed iy similar Inallat- aile ss.lI defiiteiy blie rule(ed in Soine 200 publisiIers und stuff tac ssin oars aaa asS .Seesteae etwne l ette menhers eofiseekly neexipupers at- Fo, i.tCzinzins e li(' budgt as IirLti-incomunicatiusand.Steeus l, 'es svt sib el ee00-9 tending the tw-duyonvOention heard (the mainifeeuoie eti n c ,* îroievlopotunt for tons ciîiîiî madeiîsi,. abl.ho3.0 Secretuey o Sidue Paul Martin cxii iclise sesin, ad wcle it 41 un- cucse'lpetteT .A slci i aesulhe fur tumpiete naiunal snity in mat- nouoice faiciy substantiai (as ebanges ý The eumpany in(endnssuortly ta (cru ut race, religion and plitics tuasnirli lad leus oped fur heliverais, radiu-teietype circuits lie- auure the Dominion bier riglifful chaunges wcliint lecumne imsciiateiy (ceen Moncton and Pretwcdl, Sct- AU T ON S E pielac ite nerld, effective as did clisse ai (helast biud- land citb (lie nec transsmittera. Tlieae A C N S L Speakinn at thie dlvlins annuai get, but ilii gu Into effet îanuary ecas uperatte at peeda up tu 5003 bansquet, Mr. Mris tliled assuociat- lit 1947elaracters a minlite. Tliey cere ssed Or HOUSEfiOLIS FURNITURE Ion mesilers fr (beir aclievementu ilrstnew*s tr Vie scal age-er- extensiveiy during thie car. un behlaf ut Canada, during the mr ner cas tlie raising ut persusal tin- - ________The underslgned bave recelved In- structions fronm years and saldtliey a pon- ruine tas exemptiuns fromt $660 lu MRS. ( DR.) IL A. MeCOLL ertsi rle in muuldisg put-car pin- $750 fr sngle persuns asd $1,200 ta FIGHTING ALDERMAN Tu aIlipy public anction at lier ion. $1,500 for marrled persauns. lit s ATrACKS BILLBOARDS residesien, Victra S., Milon, on etimated (is ciii exempt about- SATURDAT, JIILV0$th Wisners ut cumpetitiluna mnducted 8Alrearon frbbs i o- At 130 ourlurl tie futloicis amus e ie ekies ufth(le Otariu - 550000 persas f rom thie ebre f Alreamutu9rlbai u- pincs Dlalsg tuum Suite; Wai- Queber division cure announced et paying (lie tas. leced invboumes under preset renadit- sut Wardcmlie; Scuil Cliesi ut Druc- theanqet.Slairng laver dih(lie 550,000 s- ions. Tliere arr tla cas and paper ers; 2 Scuil Secretarles; Sus ci bnue.empted pernons in che Incrnme ao pckages asd coste of mny sorts. If Louage; Watnut Kneebuîe Dealiaas The Legge Editorial ropliy for (lie ,pucîliî cuwre an unestimated riumt-uloced ta urcuniolace tue may Cliair; Scail Lirary Table; Hall lesc edioriai pgewenttlite Fort ber of ocler Canadiens in cage els. itmahesualargeandsunpleas- Set,iBoxsand Mirror; Round Oak Erie Times-Review, wih lte Elsru brucees lust uliove (lie esemption oct pile utfst. In su far asil s Table; 2 Gluso Fi-ont Buulicuses; Op Expres, te Piton imesthe craa enlouheuse; Odd ilvds; Loc Double Expes, te icos ims,(li -ral ccl, cho tound (lir tus tredutions lumisohle, il Imay bu u ire busard Sertf. Box Mucresand Sprints ruy Age-Dspateli andl tbu Hustlagdun ,.r.kedot ta 50 lu 75 pur cent. Most if it is in ,se urrny tbuilding. Muluguuuy IDresser idi srry large laner reevilg honorable mention. îoxpoycîv hoseeser, ciii tube onîya l'ieridesl mehd sd te iecp surtclleo; Bird, Eyc Muple Dresse The E. F. Steplienson memorlal '10 ta 15 perocent, rut sf lae lt c h lms h i llih evelled Mirror; Snglv Bed gol îIusd îiî h he ime n thitsprlnssasd mtîrci.; CuhsB trophy. pesented hy A. E. Stephes-An d(~ eifsllcm lrolitde.vluiusuc lîîrn- ht rvvs abesîlovuliesB- son~~~~~ ~ olteNeliier pvkr asimpliication of rte scedules sand urimailes cuiîfituîtregolaoslection iond chir: Roc, 12 x 15; Woocn Hall mnemory o his ftiie. for tlie lest uîeeting of ffomilysalloîacune puy- (Il iubhivîi, dulinhia musc excellet Rsniier, 21 I.:;tLouages; 2 Wîcer fronlpageamung memer pupes insuint, inte the taxation sructure, plIan.Wh,r,-tiatitsntitdonc, th-, Clis: Odd Esy Chairs; Bedrosm tOsrns o 4.500 ppulation or lesu. sith fumily llovunceliing ode disposaiof ut vii, uhiiîli liiomi--. bChaie:R; Fies;es Wagîiond Barue cen t th Hnlîgdn Ceuor ui- coiiusoiiney.hile aufioie 0300 i-'emli- 1uiirc Il îcllleoi. It shosld hSi Scultîle, 3liocks:Kitolien Cabinet nets-upvire (lie Pîctun Times und tvin fer cech deponiteutosie 16. ont.l(Iit sut o iîgit si far os posiîh-. 1Kilt(in Table; Qui-bec Hetîr. No thu EssexvCiunty lReporter. vîeiioith aloi u$108 previously. P-il iaiihslitdthotiftheruhi-.li2 olcintn-%,,;Sheî-t ieon Hoent TeStosflviîle Tribune %%on hue (Corporatinitaxes ili dropli-(ouis i nflluuisilî-n ii c usc0 lioîtol Bxnd OdTiîlsExtnsio Josepih T. Claeki memoriol teeophti, li, ieitbpren eiov.iOi id'Il ranxiivili (nhodvCuf Ldei(cniuotv:t<itcii Gadens:E!c dunated hy J. E. Athînson, îulisher ovii iits toi., xpplving on tincorne: Ili --eloilr.Nave nigiîorhnuds re CriiS; lecteî c r-; 11o, of the Toronto Daly Stur, in meui- cvv-î. ou 16, percent. ofvstand- cight sel", le- îîiiileui tor thini ,llatc os U.-iiil Dol)ci1ad Soc-sg oy othelait, lue'iClrk, turmcr:,,l,,ltvil]hc loweed fermnt20 acîi hy iriî snie tiîiutiucna Ii b(ins-o m ndBnc( editor otheStur. 'Thsucoard is g-it, 15 pc ccnt. SoIe peoiietiîvîsi -lllg in iff lic iuhhîli li t coulerintcc euvniciul i-to hi snhan vu t0 the esi 01-round nocslinper uad îetiiihipn xiliiîlhoovempt Ion vas.v'eniand Limogsgovpattens: Pîctrs pulisihed in ua I on or village ofitie i-vies, profitstas. Bookis; Pilliiin; Oild Bl3lnbotv Coik 1,500 or less. , (ONFICT 0F IDEAIS hf Iltonsils und notrie huschxld et Offîcers elected liy the division in- hîs slîtetvrliffriri f s: ul sildiidyu riudd: unurey iesieni C. iuînînc industey. despile numerous PieTh lîîîe s (uit have ,en insae Smith, Crerinor; ice-prenidentu, S- reprenenctions'ttrom miinf Inreïsire ni, te'd Nîî iraîv i-tsien riioii Nirecv#îoasv the (riirii-triss ha Curry. Tweed and C. E. 0usd, New cross Cocada. The Sento Nturul and the ('nîteit States-o on c ii-crvtediii-iiomoý Liabeard. secretoey reauuer, R. A. RciaurevvCommutter. wche iard (lie and tuvuîu tr, , oposite ointHIt3ofAISE IO Gls, Lachute: directors, W Kecuetli reproseultîtonn and fanured sruvg %sou., rc(resent the effort 0 WlontluCeli2ilt Walls Barre; J Mi Suiheo-, E e(xv edurlionv. had lrsught downc liii,, -csls of iileailvteinfluence hurnan er; D. R. Wilson. Shawinigan Falls; report muhîug Iheve recommend- lif T,- hei Brîlî elievi- in dcmîîc- Jacki Picklvl. Paris: Laird Mller,uîtionsaty s t es,-dsys lictore Me. eucy. teeod,îuîand Fr eeteririv Jarvis; W. H. MeFurlane, Arnprlue; Iiv'cp prevvnted is liudget. The Rusvionv nuy 1h01 a oci i" E. A. Spesce, Stethroy and Charles . lîxu-rer. -opinsgdmnott'i n---ii i ,iîit us Nois,Stoulfvilie. îrevioiîl 'srecconticued, the speciat seltur,' ,bhich idenruisll tînu ls _______________ rte sndee the uorpuraiosn crosse'lrovis-mut îîîîîlr' .redoedteucî8ISto 15lier tiiithîuîîdifereni.s nîighthe cin FARMER'S STRIKE cent., uni t1Ev credits aircndp gises idecedil iii- iî-tion hti-tocea eve SEA1<EN'S STYLE lus evplortion evpenves in petruleuit tc sels of idî-îîl. tii e vshich il nauucutguuand mining will lievcon-:îrsovili e miitluimuusselfuretuait The comcuistuorherq,isho areiinid. iliitheinii),l forsial utprogressv reaEonbleness hih cte rurrent frouiti'vcevv p,î-.itstovuandisre lia-u;ilin favie ofi r e îî.io,u nd siie, wculd sricxmv s fumrs ble toonly ,tin18 per cent. corporal -i.iiti.rliiv. iineii, ,iiii(l) lias ipr siîlesilh accmpusying distcesund in tasv. coiiiedsilhuîl cnrlîll d irriii t ýonla )«)li liîterness. Tlieyaue r pcmuilp Inter- lier luent. rce.lo Nus% ,î thIlevcîrp- vii ta, loi,- , sun îî 'li nd- ci estd inhreuking theeoouncstroct- irtieul;ivr-iliiceit eo i i--ct., 1.0, hni #(ni se oflCanuila. Union mosuheru arv ne ii innitliovcoiing iriipro- - _ (bere ool,. ductiuon i lte novttihr-e oil i lull s-R I 5.ISfu Notliicg wouldueve the i-euiuiun- veri« i1li luo-iaolilieorvi17)p.0r Its' purpase lieter thon h,- preai ent. W1'NiS0iI, N S lI1i 1 «v othlevsiudcoriesstiihvte faxai- iii.i.siv(.ii. i 1,s,thif ers, wcllil, o course, unlhislishle. Fains-îi-r..iid vurnwn -re irlat- I11i111, fo (i li-,.endloilPl is vo Tbey bave dons everytlilng possible ii-sisctly ploassi-lsicI, tie grunling ua iiiir,ii b%,iOi-l iihdi nd Z toheringluessers intu hir bttle..lionvsgtiarranugement ahrcoylayirgeilon o thi, 1, lii iiii.. îii-l>ini Theybhave reluedtsicaie thaelboxes tue5 uiiiy ,utheir ineome taxesonil, (1e si,,ilibi. li,ol ll. Land o ier farmers nced ta parikIlire milion theIi,-sînisthir average incoloeovs-r iskîil 10,11, iounoiil forii Iinia I boxes o fruit chic i s resdp foreIs threr-yeur perid This isili uppy ielaiil C 10h. , îii 1 rotert *Ia marliet. Te asurances of tic At- 1fr 1940 and in fturue. ai i es f incser Windisor. lng Prime Minister, Hon. J. L. Ilaiup Saimolutrmnoganizti ons rumplin- and NeMinister of Lalior, Hon. ed the changev did ntgo ft- ecuugt,, Humplirvp Mitchli, have beys trust- 1 ltiat uiîs amuse chicli hall leus C I N A rdd wi r on(empt. - urged for yes liy the larmisg and A C I N S L Tbervls sot (lic sllgtcst dangvr fut ishicg indusries chose inoande i upc- IN TuE TOWN 0F ACrON turmers joining in tbe detructiv, (o lutuate cidetp front, year lu pear I anti-social cussaednvss of sosie triiers The nec arrangement clîl men i F 1flOUSE FITRNISIfI1NOS ANDý but chnt liavorc osld lic creatediftthat In 1948 furmers and fiolermen TfIE farmers ceeu as caloeux and as lrut- aho lisse marie tas returnu duor 194f6flic sndî-rigned lias receivedi-t.c -al as dîosc mis are rjecing ail f- and 1947 diiiliv alioced lisaveage -.rsctians from fortu tu effet etactiesscnts. tlieir icruses for 194"-40inclusive, vOtS. NELS(:N F. if 0011F Striiv action by fermers, to match snd psy for 1948 lie tat x-ieli dould . - th tcic f h saen oudInlilisi-llliyoauctio t lrre.idenro, 4 (lietariesnI iv eams. usi In lise lvenpaylil oce (ie irv- MiiuSt., Aclon on vove lie complete stoppage of food por peiod hadllivy vsrned lie oser-,TA, fL 1 slipmenln. Homcgsedeners nould lie uge iainenclifuthelivtliree peurs SAut 1 ocJloci hup eegored as steie-ireakera and lesv (lie umoont of tus ureadp fild ', .ýniltc Wa-liug Mhine gangs would go abouut rooting ap t(licin 1940 sud 1947. eattgyîile mir n,-d; AcMo aine, bode w luling (liat tliv police In sonnecaseu, M. Ilîtey sîd, (bs lung-.vmllvie; Stwr un-r were cousing trouble If tlicy iter- ilît crni(he tai-mer dould blieon- letreRdi. iti. gsond une: urvia fered ditli (le destrsctiun, or cilli titîrîltaoa reliste. Etiic Vucusex Su-ceper ditli 51 - tachuuot.- ouli asExteninsTale;, (lie ssn-liasdliag of protesticg itis- I1-4 DIinnt lovm Chauirs; -4 Kitcee es-Tliu Scene. M. Illcy. whsse budget tplaushld habirs. Buffet: 3 lectrlc Tuble - ttpenddioeualarerestent on or- L.up; 1 FoorIuwm,: Singer S-v- reltocce of the Duminion propossî 1lI ucun-. nlu-rtort conîdîitin; ohic el fialt a ithe Dominion-pro- a(2%;i o ,iun!ity f livies; 4 smrii Airborne SerurubsEnd abl:Wîîu is, vineîleconteîeoe.offeîe anec flve- hivîiissî-.;t(oili;e e tieî-bus- Fights Disease er ugreement ta provinces wcie ,-- pletrue Plaioe; Kteen Tsable; cisbed (tubaie destage ut t. ICuîîboaî-ds: 3 Bedroori Suites eus- Early provincial reaction ta (the iting of leds, sprints, inttresses. WiII Be Flon n lto lslated Ep- proposats--sot murli different trcIlîleseriivanîtwslstucds; lIsp Bcd; 2 illeie r«s thegrierrmen's revousproosa niSets of Bdîoom Diolien; Commode; idemc Aeaa tli goercentî prvias pupnuts2 Fernerles: Asminter Rug. S s 12; - cns csutîouu and revervvd. Tliogc Linolessi Rug, 9 s 12; Llnlcum Raf. REGINA (CPI-Lilc-saving serumu. u ceeptlng (lic ogreemnent, Me. Itlep 712 o 12; 0lu Burner Parler Stuse; vacnsadohrmdclsple ad ol eri rn eyn - Oit Stoor; 9 paie of Wicdoc Curtulus; vi ain e iand le edcoat supisonauid, codrefratio nanefo vig e-Cliest of Druders; Magasine Rack; dlmieasoIn li avaoilat scat cp vofut woudrcporsalunInrme ttares, a quantitp ut hvddisg and table ic- Idemsi n litirtuisoate aras t bt cisl reelv s nifrm au nf en; Fruit Jars; Extension Cord; tlt Saskatchewcas. Thie supplies ciiili e fie e prcrust. frus itciv Dominion un Garden Tount; Srpthie; 2 goud Lau-n droppcdi y paracliute frrsm,(lie Sasli- corpration ticone taxes rlleceid Mucecu; ross Carrier; Bucki Sacs; atceweas gveeccents fiying ambul- cilhls (liir bassdaries and Ibeir tub- d0 gai. Oil Drum: 2 Step Ladders: - Woe oi;Lacs Deroratians; Te nevd for gecclng thu emergency dsrvd bp (bl amount. Thie provinces Electî-ic iron: Eleclrl Tostier; 25 suppies to outiing districts cas could liold lhe lugging and training l. Ifouve Orales, asn good asnew cees liy Dr. Henry S. Doyle, directur tus riglts and If lliey clslied, spii Cookn Ulessils; 5 Corner Brarliets; f te cmmuicale iseses diisincilli the feerai gocernensth(iee- Dou e;rCliets; Hall Trev; Screecn c f tlivrovminialat disuamn, divilos LeuclierOSit Case, 3 Trans; cf(le euinia iailidearmeLcessioun duties. sud coup cier articles uuully A graduate of (bu Unversty f Tsr- In returs, Sey cosld rereive In foucd Is a ccli furnssed liome: a onto, Dr. Boyle did public icalti nurli 1947 an appiroximate tutal ut arosndj quastilp nf ismier and naod. lin he rrnyandR.C..F.histire$181400000 ANTIQUES - 3 Chiairs; Rocing la fige drmy en ...F itce5f140..Cliair, Armeliair; a quantity of Difli- Jofnng tc dpartnent -es; 2 Spisslng Wlicees; bliosider Pllt ti the l-brsepucer Noras- Fittingip enougli, lie cîinsnîp Yske; Os Yole; Harvester Cradie; osasnclilcwlii du the orklainecic li , gîving Canadiens a distinctiveCBoringover 100 peurs asu; oit Lampn; Msaleom,. a tormer R.C.A.F. fiper. rtizenslilp, cas pruclalmcd us Do- Gunsa. Mrie niu ul Maleolm noricd ith iDr.-Donyle Il is iîlnDay. Monever, becase ad- TCiodli HM A S perfecting tic nec tecliniquc. minstrative detaila liave pet lua lie Pieuse conte esrlp as sle must LA a Tic nappies are droppcd troc, a curiud ot and pIuved In uperation, stard un tissu.LE D R M T licglt of 300 fot and arc hlcd by as(lie nec legilation lic ltas changez WM. A. CISSON, 8-tnot parahute othtyie uned in -clii nul cosse itatacfert satil Jas. Autioneer BUrma by tice1R.A.F. lac. 1947. F. L. Wrightc, lisse s B-p57-2 BREAK FOR TAXPAYERS TOUSA ADD Il? VICTORIA (CP-The carrent pap- VANCOUVER tCPI-The fiÊst d". -r shurtage cauaed by the loggera' ruw bridge over Burrard Iblet wbsi strilie bas bit the city tax depsutment links Vancouver and West Vaaecovw ielaying lsuaace uf tex bille for produced revenue frrnm toile la lAS more' than a ceeli. amountlàxg te 9$M5,379. CUSTOMERS' SUGGESTION CORNER TO THE FURIHRERANCE Of ACRICULTURE Foavded nd developed cenflie basis cf hlpfulness ta tlic formcr, flic implecent indastry la entirely dependeaf on tbe Prcsp*ritY Of agriculture for ifs ace success. Tlircagli tle yearf, flic implemeef cuber lias, cifli qaclity of prodacf and genainely belpfuf service, won flic bigli regard acd gccdwifIcfliote usera of bis prodact. Tliere are few farcers wia do nef value sincerely flic service of flic implement cccpany. - h for ead the implecent cuber bave cafual inteestsin te wefareogriculture and ifs progreas tocards biglier standards ced imprcved meflicds. Warli- ing for thbcocmmcn tasse bctb bave ccntribafed ,vucb te flic beffeecent cf fcrming in gencral. la tbe pcst, nec devefapmcnts le eqaipmenf bave enabfcd flie former ta do bis ccvkinl less fine and af less ccsf. Ssci cquipmcnf lias lielped flic forcer cffset adverse conditions sacli as droafli and soil driftivg, tc cccbat insect pestsancd cîlier types cf crap destroyers, ancd te replace canpccer in fines cf labaur siartage. fTbe seif-binder, tlic fractor ced power farming macliines, th fli ce.ccy disc ceddflicpu-type combine, ccli n ifs fine lias lielpcd flic forcer iiin aling bis effcrfs saccessfal ced profitable. - Acliievements ile icpasf bave becs notable und fraifff. Setbccks frac fine te fine dcfaycd but did nef prevent flic camard carcli cf agriculture. And flic future wiiilivbing advanccs le farming, fou. Thec seif-propellcd ccmbine, perfecfcd by Mcsscy- H5~ arris prior teaflic car, lias epened ap nec flelds cf possibilifies ln implccent engineering, ccd oflier nec improve cgricuftsre, fliere mifilic eavciialfcta flic former e qaîpncnf fliaf ciii effer greofer bdvcntages in savieg fine, flaor cnd expense. Mcsscy-Hcvvis is prctd cf ifs long association mithefliâamcrs cf Canada in promcfing flic celfare cf agricalture. SEY-H A RRI1S M&E Ig5ILEM5MImuI ImcIIUDicKI§DIIEqqa1547 SINCE 184 THE IMPLEMENT INDUSTRY PAGE Mx THE CANADIAN CHAMPION . THURSDAY, JULY 4tb, IM.