Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jul 1946, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE rm TRURSDAY. JULY 4th. 1946. * BRIAIN UIRE To-ay'sRAILRADING FAMILY BIR,<,uI ITaooooooo sIiday'sBeauties Parking Problem . O oGN AIN _____________ HOPE, -Of The White Way Threatens Regina SE HIEED LIVLI Derbshir, Enlend(CP)Que. ICP)-Realdents of ibis Tore- Mr and Mca Bruce Kitchen are '~ Thîrty million sheep, mainly for ex- Are IntellectualHaltnGlIvetae.Cy' osconttwn m 2 mie vacattuatug et Port foyer thin week KNOX PRF.SYTERIA port, must he ralaed in tha ImmedlateHaitnGr veiges othfMnralwltlly ht CHURCH future, H. Munro, sccretary of the Traf tic ProbIemi ot !Mnralwl dYUte Mr.S. Atkîns of Toronto visted BJEss JOHNt lImDELI National Eheep Breeders' Association, Glaeor Girls Need More Than railroading and, tise name ut Legaro wth frieuglo Iu town over the wcek- DOteaer bold ahepherdosud floclsmastera trom Mere Sex Of l REGINA ICP)-The West ducault arc synymos ehd. the forth ut England eaia heep demt- More than 40 ut the auna and ontration lhere. Broadway To-day utten ask the East for advlce but l granuionof thet laie Michel Legare Mr n r.SalyRnelandI SUNDAY, JULY 7th, 1946 Sciure te wur, ltc uald. thcrc wcre NWYRKacui gettlng It 00w freinaSue Gardan, arc, or havc bccn, on thc payrol of Mail re odu.anlcy Rancoll 1-0a.-onIeviewt t.NWYR CP-Untilaul e -year-o1d town ptanncr front Hamil. the Canadien Pacifie itailway Comp- Island. Pols hcldinuKnoux Cbarch. 24,000000 olteclt luBritain but tce Ofycars ugo, the mustglamuru wo- ton, whla in10Regna n er Ispruteso- any. The record ut une ut thcm, 111 oc. Jxio Suuia Seoot number uow 10 oly 18000,000. me hogau-bitten town wcre ional ropacity au statiotician,eccunum- Erncst, whu lu cmployed wlth bie aev- Misso Kye Bvuley is siisiig with 12.15 pus. -Stnlor Sunday Shol Brectîvrs from Bielglom antd Den- show girls, the tati, ternfic hut house, i.4 t n researcht apeclaliot. v oso h arninrn utc Mr. and Mro. John Beasivy in Hamil- Evvng ervices cauvelied for k ac it E Ifatolto-a okocug lhomigsecmo huprtI xaneuu oIeweot for Misa lievcd unique lu Canadian railroadlng. tonthsfork aiJulyst for hlgh grade stock. I u o ethopo did net have the ultimate iu Gordon for alhe wa orhumIluSakat- Ernest, a locomotive englacer Whos Ion1h0 cel. til Agot.their reqairements we shahl have a Intelligence hut mure than made Ou5 oon ansd movcd lu Hamiluon et the Jined the C.P.R. th 1907, la une ut 8 Ladies AId Pienic-Juiy luth et 3 P-m*ct* ter lnduslcy."tatdtcocwthhaiabau.aeutuamnl. rtsr huhewrkd rae Mca. C. Bawring and Misa Elcanur t the home ut Mrs. Gazlcy. ta ______________ fsi oth.brtes h hv ore o r Waers letIbihs week un e trip la _________________They wcre thermason fur atage duor Sh à n i sstnte lnceLe-worit tufr the relway Vancuover, B.C. COOK TUE HWALTH WAY juhnles, easy minhu and ltady lim- en, cmaneoathetonBlanhengeof- Aotîg boteJaey. oa Mca. C. N. Kerr and temly are ST. (lUS UMul w. PeaCe Authorilies ut sevcral specialtie ousgirlan tewuscon elthl e Park fiIe hore,uder the supervision ut engtncer, heu 42 yea . service with aperidlng the aunsmer et Iheir cttage n combine toedulsorCanadWenortwer0cAvruaegi a en k n akDr. E. G. Falud], plausuer ot severelIthe Compay.Of the remetsn ix. etBli eah sv oo ndfodvlese ti ci-Canadien ctc.Michel, Joseph aud Petrlck have boita etBlu eah uv uu ndtudvlese tî c1- These geIs were reelly glamurous; rtrdo esoHnilf h Mcs.E. E Meules f Duhass a N SericcuDurig th Muuh utIcal perlod lInte world'n foodsusppta' sumetimesfo ust t eu lu Inthse rm- At present Miss Gurdon la work-rcrdoupsuMerltIis MmttugEt th e hames fut rhamend NoSM viess. Js theîy hofsituation. Nutrition experts say that pn ftersigZetedboding un statistics couccriing juvelle rallway tta thlis hîs asun busnes vbdtig etthe ome f Mr andMrs.Julythe vlue ut vegetebles, ftacIntante, pnor the ot atkngehieal Carlont dellnquency, ppulatian trenda and whtlc Rodrique sud William dled G. . Ttsompsn. Comined Services et Knox Church ls enhanred If tttey arec rohcd lis oruve weu nogstoble amCarolltraffircuoditiuns. She aays Regine aawe tlInsri. Mma C. E. Bounsl. Teddy and terjces uvr 11esaequiet lutIlehusnesaman !intu s saddeu &orta lu ttc lared wth a serlous dusun- TetcoyitMnhl eac a Tomarevactiulu etther ultge, GRÂE NGLCANCHUCH with the lid un the sascepas. They Diamosd Jies Brady.. tuctu parking problea. rupuscd ut ulue daughters anad Bawmenvllle Beach. RE . aA. 5.13E are againat peeling vegethhles, daIm- Not ta-day. though. The chorus City fathers willlhase btelfndtan fouiohthan. e strt hbo mearrend Retoigta bi atsnt nyfo l girls sow mostly arcYouang ladies ut oddilloual 245,725 square fotedOu railssaymen have a total ut 23 auna Misa Irene Randell sud Misa Mec- self but lattes oway ometisg from ballet rather thotatp dancing pref- parking upace luarrucmmodate the worhîng toc Ibe raîîway. jory Bowrlng arc vsIing with tcIends sUNDAY, JULY 71h. 1946 te food qusllty, tuu. cîvures, sebo wurk bours every day on csperled turrease lu mater Iraffle. 10 Windsor Iis week. 3rd Sudsy afler Triuity terontm eIpoeterbl Miss Wilma Maseli sud Miss Ber- 10.00 a.m.-Sssday Bcbuul aud Bible NEW COLD WATES HEATINO ltheir u lsulimet rnroc helr el -_______ tha Barou spent the hlldey weak- Cloutes, sTE N RTAN hows are uter at siglit ibey gu home, CANADIAN ENTERPRISE end et Wasaga Beach. 1.00 a.m.-Huly Comsmunion and Scr- - ired out.- J. A. ELLI T mon. . For aouta year uow the umaîl The rendl giaor kitIs uuw are pho- The large degi-ce ut cumfucl wbirb Ucensed Atactiosseer Miss Leorcue Webstcr vsilcd with Evcnlng servi cecranrelicd tocrJîyEstlisb luwu uf Norwich bas ufiered tugrapiters mudelu. John Roherthaheupdceumgthgrl bier grandmuothcr. Urs. Usrel and Augut. a sight worth scing sud the unly un eucrs. Hurry Cusuver antd Walter otjority of the Canuditu peuple tan Brantford uver the week-end. Wed., Joly 101h - Annual Suday oflils kind nr the sorît. The City' rhornttn bave the saine uhilicu s n kvcuttrihstitdlu large measure tu Ur.J.511c sdScheul Pirnîr ta Super Park, Eli-vîrical Endureer, Mr. Sommer, the heauty husiness Ibal distiugulsh- the Cusadiau spirit ut entcrprîsc. For the Csunîies of Halîsu Mr.J ilraddaugter Ethel- Gaît. bus dvveiopcd a heatlug prucess baseil e ig lCroladGog fwsse ir h aletoo-and Peel wy fCiao n o.E. ire n ctirely uew prinviples sud evs- Wh ieg Fcidrr h oliadeoreEIlsu c iot it rlccln yof Chicago vsd whMca. JaHi.ergiseers taf i-ot ouos-ev tie srrd have Whl. uîeroe temdes and pioncer days. Wbcn peuple Phone 155r2l Do- os Ilosday. And le Shah 0KnW teT C an h ùdy r ersueu it --l iN sseted insainetO nw and irustier vl us oIeN.3 MLO Trulli Ebaîl Mahc Yeu Free-Juo :3 rus. >Iciu t uNrwich ta sec I. In titîis -îtlvs, and sueur thym sueo-cil thatvl ual Route____No.__3__MILTON__ priicvss.-M-Ssmcter uses neither fliv onsesofecuty ae -luge, there would e sainmesubo cn Misses Mary asnd Kayc May sud 1 THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST coul ntt- cectrlciiy but simply con- icitatingtherdesigtkclî-scie teie. fmetn h need Dorotky and Margaret Morley visited OMAO tioris 'thte raid noter tronts tiseivedrsgp-creslsasd dvircs xifIlîir uighhors. Su a with irivnds sud relatives lu u uligk ctn.M as mach as tkcy once copicd the mou. itisodklctpbsbrssro- borsagh over tke week-end. Ecewv soh ~ i u t rv uteuaet rds lcreM tr Mr1u îs .D.Cutu odu SUNDAY. JUI.Y Oui, 111i Sum- wrs us 1hethvury that Herrc inNieii-York gtrls evs,-haute cro, nddittheisaettrdin sudrc oto Mr. ad Mr. S.D. Crft o Lonon 1 Service et 11ses. 'compression roulcrs licol and is t oyta ino h oe_ nrJa pwt oshl i visilcd witk Mr. and Mc. George Guest Speaker-George M. Johnson, ha-u is provetisesu sccessfai in ic t e ram tsat ox u inkvmodl- baim aqppiies, rocte hume sud ot up Rebush1-ed Pearts os er 1kvesweek-end aiter t- 1 ut Torouto. 1that kv bas bccs able lu mannaoiCuos-er iorîtowe-n t-siac ari-ica a lîtie store. His bustness was likcly tcnding the Cislancreoniun if i Corne Nosw sud IcI Us Besson To- tvaspratar iof early 63 det. F. lîcr mahe-si, aud ishaicuer iu nerdee groALSOow Nuttonuile Park. gether SaIs Jehovah-Imalab1:l1&. apitrot. 17 dcg. C.)tIn a fivc-storry for flit e rt madrlliîg jais. Onre the!lie badlte ierisha, ou is ex- L corpoutdioMrs.Lyng. Thrrisw usit fasuitar btoxus a s urcsigs that yeuses migkt mure than est up is Small Lathe Work Mr ndMs Ll Hri adlh xstrm tofvcurprcsqsio-hcoutisfie Yoang ld aryplsuselrofits, aud the public micht nst bay daughters, Hardia sud Sendra ai MUI'ON bas ike greol aduostage that worhlug md l;nmtady vay t i a ru i gusa tcepra. oklt ee-n OP AENCEode;nwi a i n i rmbs o METAL or WOOD Delsut Harbor, spent the suk-n GSEL TBErCL osts amoattt ta ose-third ut thuse in- Brooklyn or Siatru Islanstdhie wayEnruertirise slartcd the Iremendoua sitb is moter sud aut, Mrs. M. T. E tarerd by rircli-ir or slid fau elt-t.tote rcoutry- for tkv week-eud. dvvloPmcut ut Canadien business, big Harris sud Mrs. T. C. Dales. o.3fn p m Saurduy. Jsiy 6hk19;6 itg BMCE -Miltoni Yoîîsk for Christ. Hear ______-Ts-says Girla Marce6.-cloua antI littie, wsubs uprovlded our D MStret R Jackson ut Toronto, briiiast r 1T AMEIA -Tiese girls or e smarter as a cans people ils mure rountorîs -tissu are Bal let - Hlo preactier ufthett Gospel. Mr. Jars- II4UH A titan the show girls ufpt ppt a found asupuhere cisc. sot oýas kevluactive and losely iypas pemteli o ptrsr- -_______________ Shopping Fun Agai assciatidvithhse who ron-.John A. StlH, retiriug Chief Es- ry Tv etikere_______________________________ SfyOlSDC or Christ rally t Mapir Lestl-'Scouts Association la in Bogota, arc aepte suboaersprtssisu ual i peGardeus. Colombin, InSot mrcatedara e hmk apfsinou Conead britgsairicsid ig thectrst Inter-Ameriran Scout iuavsînm tbtbes. T * ' fa Britain Returning la, Normal But MID-WEEK PRAYER SERVICE Costervore Mr. Stucs wssurecrcuî'y oitly oif elc s odeeforlbfea- ilon D srctC -o e at Meay Wer Vestiges Re- 8.10 p n. Evry Tbusday et the kusured sutb sa tegree, Durlur ofut lkes tirtshou 1kv peretytet'nd i4 ~ j1~c~a~ maisi ~~home ut Mr. sud Mrs. Bristosu. Sciecre, by the Uiersity ut Neweav uîksol t îa u s Main SUNDAY. JULY 7,1911 Brunswick, ubere be suas Professr baàggy suhen some lvns-gcnuas tarlu LONDON îCPî Peace sud a er- 300 p.m-S.usdsu Srhuol and Bible ut Cvii Engineering and Dean of the rickiuni is shulter nt 515e arn. The For imesediete installatioa-One Oil Borner for hot water Study.Friyu plr Science bi'iur akus ginls ut champa gne and suitope hcting. If intereated gel linossrh with Us. tain aronsulof piesty in slîshrlng~P m.- Evaugclisiic Service. Mr. cucin ta tkv Boy Scousu25 peoct radition surir jusI îuiuc lu bcd et slosly bath lu Brilain as anubtrus- Waksn ikuig ao as taime 20 pearu agu. Alsu gît your urderrio for Aberta Cool. This is good ivey s hestrctwatie sorags Juvros pîwaug ugo. Dutsidv ai its uttractious ta Ibuly- burniug, astI ovailobîr aI prcscuî. Cool wiII tbc more cace sud resrictions crept i îo hm 19391 %%îoi scouatotsd Broadw-ay lruducco hnees ilu hs in ihde ieAbr lo unsurd.- lPECIAt. MEETING wisbaar theficcontant proîci for Briquettes andI assurc yourself of o goud portion ut pour Dreamsof ulgclin lî i ap bhe lc hthueik0< m McMrry IAVRISMNT rt an d talciti, Ilîcre s soletmach' winlrs fult. Aiso soat stuvc antI sut Cokc un bond, Coul wcnc ey tract tRegina wou i e , aarscoîîîu saporas iilîu x.eysrus.D u t 0 iky lIghts go oun nLondons" Icl liaIict j it Taberacrle. Mr. )omsvy Was futureAITS TlEncitm-rsues0l:i', as a gpîdresnt stain'svr eiu.D ntb o ik elcctiîcmrisg faiied bectuse ost1h uor îasior "metcyvaru, ogo. 1,Pie - -ITI CRPTREilseliqle savr odpeci bucth dactage and the iqsar sisrlage las kecu prvarisg asdt tachiigRasa. 4: i. n i if u. ogli. Mmdllofuthie Casdy' Wc arc agents for Hoover VacussmnsClesuers sud have or guI orse iîcttvd of heller aflsr V-J mo-ivgiuattir s hrivgiug aIlli .1 scanud Anita Cîîhy type mabe irst one lu stock. day.hiî.a fine utouti ut Chrsian Fsî-îiflauîmiîîlssssf treald in $25 te0$50 a wck IIliyivont day. ~M asicass. n tb a eiuls b r ft eSi -l Bualthoagh thkvmotia hasev 5 a urw sIva erI~i1i5yt testos fivai-towor~k cosanttiP.uhie;i tlcy usu. . rosg Engladtmoetfood csls, no Mr. Dowuy and thlegroup. Yo c '--1-ywaebypi-h t'g iihfiu-tsvbuwo.PH, scussatal ecthes coupon relaxation. E Mis Colai fo-uinsanceaitîiiaisPHNEn12 sud lîlîle pat for sbrîsg cUeuite ____________________'the uaup, Roim. 10: 9-lit; .îrrmiak - -igculntbcoeapemnn simple objecîs lise suîcîy pns, azur J: 22. i arî-rr sndlvîttalu erome a tort ut bladvs sud tlmlbbrasbes aie lîndînt Alamioam fou, droppvd irosu Tsheiî;spvli s nut Mansss vasbut, ecaliti gîsmoa ssistant lu David . thicr uap bath lI!nise eshaps. plunes, prîvvted Germon radar irum Suds scas. ,ahc 2: 1.Il 5in0neticlSeziib. iiiiiit thao uic ruas-ý Britisis suuen hase beraîe dctvat- iocaiîg Aliivd kumbrîs. ivusoîns fotîheur le ut Christ, but t-y bkiiditg tfolks wilh ber bcaaly lat aboat shopping afier over six lie tbroagk the deatk ut Christ, ls. sud rlîîm sudis tise proaros adccrt- years of siorlages. Maosy have cns- 53: 5; lies. 9: 12 sing irlzsirks films. cd tmsfor goudosubait tusu arce _The___________________ Ts:uCasdy Jases oasdons modlllng rcappearing, aIi ast 'under tise cout- esaerongs tsîime lu ime for mure eur-NO I E T te."îhers astoandcd et being fi.r Liberty ta the captive, Mark 10:E45; aaiv sUcs, surit as a rececît ose for c-d pîcnîy uofuaie article prcsaously 1RICSStai-don la 1kv cundetrd, John 3: a rusmetics irm wtirh puiti ber tkv in shrt suppiy and doîtti sut une aI t A D 10E nul usuttractice amnounl of $100a ae e tgerhm ihadozecof T E TPvie arr th ie reblcs. Cul. 1: 20; day. aometiig rather thn, retuse luebbc T Lifeta thlie deati. Epis. 2: 1. P ro p e rty O w n e rs them tl ri.and atJuly5 an 8 ha c e ned is: 0 LD TIME GHOST STORIEbS Courtierushicis sure cmpty lait Jactes Cralg Signa Bass Nlmr hita rivtebt____ year 00W are ill ict Wlbsucis ranI- e-oe hitanatvtis u lea as Kirbyigripa (hobby pins), haîr- 'JANGhlKOLuS Fi'lINEhKS' mure Christian esperiece, Cl. 1: 9- One ai 1kv choutes ai recenl imes pins, razur blades, sbaving brusises,9 o'rîocts 14; urrorilsg lte eld folks, lu the marbed dvrlils thai bas tubes pisce Noîtc s bcrcbp guscu lu aIl PROPERTY OWNERS iu eletir sspenders antI sareictes seel Nut more rganization bus mure r,- snliopular itIvas about haustcd uîxordasc wiîb te Wecd Conîrol Ail, Ihal usîrsus encdn wuul or clvsiug sascvpenu. Black- George Formby generoliots, Juhs 3: 3; liasses snd 1kv suposed actions o mrdketgd nus ur- slams en o ab ~ II'l. D Net more prsgramns, but mors pruy- gliosts. IL icos sadlitkatin iiigrowing usnItur landtinotht Towun ut Mlton arc cul down es - pok euteanohixncsdes olns EOG" er. Phil 4E 6;1 hsu. 5: 17; EIib. d6:los cerinis ouscosere rcgarded I fort jsly 15th and alsu tbruugbou t te scasun, lhe Town may po aileman Ba nh Agathe7.30reaudG10.15" 18: a- bausted, snd sse a -'civrd culer spot said lands andI bouc the serds tut, chargiug the Neîo atI io s eh otn,Coorei arlon Hîk CIc NeRt marcfeauln, but more fast- ta lise is suchi da-î'iig. bcrusc i cxegis ieOor ucrc ieTus Needes ad pns, eel of ottn, Clord Catoo i Chck" isg, At 1:23; theucîrd inoises iîcîaraliy tîardin cs gntthOwe ocridinheTx. string, wancd paper, flolet paper ndti News Nul mure sapper roumu but more Ihase dwclings. Aise glutsussoce truchcry, give lte iousesife new appîe rouctu, Art. 1: 13-14; ssîpîosrd hby serai'tlu îsu ceuiclerica sur.Adab a ot telclad serre yangslers wauid rxuîîlcs E. G. ANNING.,T har.wastor, ube as t an l 1v al MONDAY - TUESOAT Nt more waitiug us tablesl'tI bey Isssed some hsrilipare toc pan aaubewioctandfeaî ier Aice Faye aa urrsmure waiîing us the Lsrd, Lobe 10: trar a gkast wouid pot-sue tiîcm. pancs "ALNNlmr xslosbtmr simsyaesI iîvpvisvîd al ke inda ofalnd ucat ulieru-DnAnrew 38-42; Gbosl storivu werr popuior thes, __________________________________ A few Icad soîdiers and an occtasioîn- Colored Musical 'You 1411 the conversion, At. 2: 41-47; with haird brvalh whilsii mease toitI ah tablier bail eau bie bougt lu tise Spot' Nul mure profession but more pus- a yei-s aboutl lese uscurtbly viit- M HMHMHMIIMHMHMHMHMHMH3IHMHMHMHMIIMHMHII H tuy stores ton Ihe ciildcen, suile delta Popeye Cartoot - 'Obe ins session, Mark 7: 7; Lobe 16e 15; ans. Tise modevrn warid is ivresteil are bath again, eaI isgi pites. The Saluons" ltmr hryn u mr or-is physicl researh, but fil moolt ex-E siNot mure tturryibgsbulemorc larry-plîain 1kv que er nises of "hauslvd io-yar-hdsiso ebae Iton rla ilg, Lutte 24: 29, 49; liauses -os duc lu saturaI cause. enulaloaions outhItalnusurare frutil F su M N . etmoe heloy utmoe E e-F ar m ers' S u p pJie s~ 5be aI is tirl-everbasasand nect., Jl12 and 1 ol Imu.le2:y o mne"ur-; hasu't bal matistrouble apprecrîsîîug j SYDNEYog", STYmLES14 fls irt-evýer lsekwark automobile. - Afred Drake Janet Blair Nul more preactiug but mure souruiSt! YSYLS______ Stores have even wrappcd gersmcnt& 0TARS AND SPARS" lecring, Col. 2: 7; 3: 16; FEATURE COLOR beforc bandug lth 10taIbe csomer Nt more eduralion bst more ssl- SYDNEY, Ausîrolia <CPI -Wkils HAY FOR ES - HOPE - CÂBLE -s luory oly tully appreriaîcd lîy Comedy - "Tbrec Peals lu e vallon, 1 Car. 1: 21-26. Cnda uce r iuigo i Utinac hoIn cyea bacs ulnsg- Mess' We uboulal sake top, alng sp, preacis reasiy have purrkased tseir summee CAR LE CLAMPS - WORK GIOVES glhg hme is rowcd 5bWP5 ilb Colored Cartoon - "Cruival sp, pray up, psy Up, slay uP. but sardrobes, the lalesI sinter styles intimais undensucar drelsed uver the Courage' neyer give up, IcI up, ttack up r shul arc aI thym bceighl in Austrulla. arct. Newus. up 1111 the ceuse of Christlte hult up, Fauhion tonselous suoren anc dis- ELECTRIC FENCERS sud SUPPLIES Wtb the trlblisg bck ut a tesu ________Io______ l. 60: 1; Dau. 12: 3; 11 Tlct. 1: 8; pîayiug Australian fouxsrops lu ad- luxurlea, slight change In the dnab 3- 10-14.vnae obigthmwhte me. Batr ofarface Baiîluar e tom- O16 nd eudcr sul 1fo ladmît- "Jesus s coming! Star the gladisuscd brigbly-colorcd sumles fabrîcu AusI- If t% Hardware for Feras Neede Cali et ingdow, eergntysueer ank te asny evestng shows unlesa Cactlng for Ihose Ne redempnýd by Hia ralsa la nulcd for. Cherry ccd, tang- anc dsappearingwaid te ille aulside accompenled hy persan or pr- Blu, -crnadwrmylwacfvoIeM t n a a a e Andrson selleca In Leadon ssck sanseseventcen yeasr c vec ex- Comlng 10 reIgnsas the glorîfled Lnrddl olors for lise tcetherwcigbl wool a cepl foc m allucea whtch stll ttc Jeaus la com lnag alul' sirla wbicb show hc pou-sar redM i t n H r w a e yards are bing oonuverlcd tta prem- heltI cvery Starday et 2.30 aI ta femhninlly In thelr hune ad eut, garages orruaal sves. rcaed prîcca. TMis la gavera- This cmessagc sulî littccnllnuied, Hala tenture extravagant tsimi of Phone 43 Ailton The ciarahenca (busses), telov ofut m-nt reguletiuns. 3.JMOUNTAIN pearla, scquinsansd beeda asnsucl sa1 the Engliasltu ndweller, are lis is vrpothrflwr udvîîg M -111-11MI11-1HMHMHMHMHMHMHMfMM MHIMHMHMH agatu on mauy pre-sur routcs. c h vrpplrfo.--a- j

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