Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 1946, p. 2

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*Av W*TECAAINCHMIN HRDYMYSt. S syatem et taxationand sow people wmois apaying misat on every fax notice. Tise Dominion and prov- inces bave failed te coma fo agreemeont. Yet ail be- lieve le aubsidies mies pracliaed on tise suber govre. ment lomer doms ties cale. le tise end ifta is e fate payer wiso paya an exorbitant administrative pries for tise dollar apeet le attaining a iigisor standard et living. Perbapa if mo're goisg te bave a W, ar tises it migbt ielp te start off tise confliet on tise tas lovy- isg iodies mise provide sucis glarieg examples et in- efficiescy, ieability te negofiate enibly aed plain elfisisnevs wien if comes te belping eiemselves. Tise populue tiing iv te stiete se days and it seemns about tise tax payers tues. MILTON. ONTARIO P bihed E.ery Thoe.d.e Alenants Aeeheet.ed as second Oes,. mai. Put Office DPftm. O.... SUEaCRIPTON RATS-O... a..Yse' i c..... U.nitdSlon a ddtml. L S..atcpis o. Soth .Jd a"mu dd.hem o bu une whm change cd sUe..,in e.qs.ted. ADERTISING RATES9-On aplication and o.sgO... i «-lo. co- hemdiao. Athouoh eeryre ceotion .111 b. Ok. te ccoid a. drtoandieo th.O 0 ,it ilt eb.Si bfory assautJ -ydenti.c.ea.t eobibhed h.nd.eunie... cue. dly .te'e.d byOth villa .n.h esso or cmer.etonsppinly te d lan eptinahe..onsi ndi oSs ces... 0 .ny eme'a *o e.d i ontee'orted by The. Free ft lgiiy halon eced'otion of A' READY MARKET This year there la a ready market for plump brolera. Feed your ecsh "STARLIGRI' BEOILER MASE and get your share of this waiting market. You will ho surprised how econ- omical it is f0 feed "STARIGH"-the balacced ration feed. Milton Milling Company, Ltd. PHONE 50 MILTON, ONT. blb b e. eair..c te h.e wh..puo.ce oup by This vumnter Canadians arein tihe embarassing Iii .e'h .dc.eOie. ~~~~position et having relatives coming 10 stay with thie ________________________________ flG. AaLOF D[LLS. Edtr for the summer without knowing exactly wisere ii mdc.. OS.. . . .Main teet Milton theyre going 10 pet them up. The relatves-pos- TeItlpiio No sibly 3,000,000 of tttem f rom south tof the border - fl _______________________________ -are welcome enough but they'll present housekeeping RECORD.JfIJ - problenms the country has neyer faced before. C Family conferences are ieing held te discoos metti- - I-l JII >I IL I ods tf sprucing up tise spare bedrooni, unused dur- NL Y R EDTOMA ing war years, and plans are ieing made to have tise a NO RtAIO R tI5RED Sunay a othr' It~ ittle children double up in one routm to provide a:0 18'OTHE oo DANSATONEM Suttday is Mothers Day-tise first one insi tîtte more living space. Tisere are preparuttons te a Sec and Hear it Now give the guevts tiseiest available in food and enter- years wisen tise world is set at war. Il's tise Motis- tainetent and te provide tbrm witb tise warmest pos- Radios - Electrie Mixers - Automatic Irons - Toaters - Etc- er's Day wisen most efthlie sons and daugiters et Can- 1 sbewlcnes0tsIte0l esret oteaan0 bd ave returned te Canada again and may bie able sbewloi ota hM'lb uet oeaan ausda thla ihMte gan tsadyti ncidentatly, tiyre rotiser well-te-do relatives,M 1 bas been onged for isy many of tbem tireugi tisose and il ilu estinatcd tisey may spend about $200,000J,000l J IO PHONE 376 years of separation. Its a day tee, lben otiser motis-drngtssme. ersma bcexra only orthoe whodi no cme Britishs Colunîbia and Ontario bave leeady je- M PEARL STREET (OPPOSITE PUBLIC SCHOOL) hoer maya e utra lonetyfortise wb id nt cm troduced tegistaties te organize tout îvt accommod- bomenagain mises lirtse gns ceas ned fire ation and otiser provinces are planning te follow_______________________________ miere Meeber bad gene wiile tbey were away. ButSui.Bt hslgiaontog imywlnt Motiers Day is a day et remembrance aswlla take eftect for a year or more, and tearist bureaux U - * M dy0f reenfthienor unay uns tothae ay.tnumbers from United States botîdayers. you'e oe 0 tis fotunte ees iebaveMotser Tisve most directly concerned witi tise toorlst bere give ber a littîs speciat consideration on tisat tafc-umrhtlonr utn n ihn O S R U day Ifyouareof he oreunfrtuateclas woseguides and restaurateurs-are doing wbat tbey cis Motiser bas gene on betore you, benor ber memorv. ta prepare fer tise veuves, but tbey'tt need plenty of' ,,Jlq iot\ msrefeeton iseway jemiscisvis trrd e gideyoo ietp feom tise rest et Canada en makisg tise visiter.' stay a pleuasant ose. Bigger Production-More Profits A great deat ot wbat tise country bas te et fer re- Tise statement eot E. P. Taylor on Canadian Brew-I quires se wrk from tbe individuel citizen. It won't- be necesary te polisis up tise lakes and icvers, te ru. eries shsows tise growtb et consumption et alcoisolie .0 ieerages je Canada and tise aîms efthtie irdustry peaint tise trees.r ta do a landvcaping job on the prefty clearty. It seens te be doing weîî je tisese meuintaies and vlteyv. And a ittte effort, perbaps j~ days mies grain neded se badîy te save stoesing e a lttte self-sacrifice on tise part et Ca nadiens Ti2s Europe. tuibelpi our vsitors fuellt home wiut bencfjt tise home 22 Erpe. f aain rwrisLd frtefolks-and send tisose relatives isome ihappy. Lmvuyw xBASaýN 5 first baîf oethtie crrect fiscal year wilI reveal vs- '"' NA PCUT WAX DEANS 2s cin stastial improvement, E. P. Taylor, ciairman efthtie EDITORIAL NOTES PEU O ijO .eCvz1 m board, bold tise company ansual meeting tiis week. 2 n.>2? He outised a plan te increuse Casadian musea- Next Suîîdey is Motieis Eay a titne te prieii c ai, P As5 O UFLAKES Seua 3 aspK-15 facturing capacity by 25 per cent, jnecacsofethtie years and ionor tise efthlie wrld. IlI. SAIITI.eo ta.eu9 1946 te 1949. Large additions are now being made 1______________FOOD 2 moncee.290 uit tise main OKcz:e plent in Toronto end tise main r lise war ni thisiremany tit', Oce îîvcci fier ai-.1, 1M -LIEsa" RV UC cec e10 5 Crling plant nati.atrloo , gandtolge no0w and tise pia't-war prîod se dre,'iied about'tr fo!t AL e. 4 mailing plant edjnîning Vctory ?olls t Tûrontoisret1ttier tii ures oîe ar I 3ý20 O'tI OEEEK'C E RE A mas aIse announced. Cepacitar ni tise U. S. soasd-!r st t.AINO'S C. C. SAUCE se S Coprain fAîciesno sigf' ife. ..0steNUSTYLE EITRACTB 2..3e0 iury, Brewing Coprainf______isnw eng, Wu doubld. lpnKl[g 70 J LL O CUSTAIRD ce' 9e d r.ualed dobet.f re\g aactywul c xtcnd conigratultototh ie towitssoiii Nec%'. Me. aylr dutaed f bewig cpact~ iiud, ad it'. teesdcr aed present editor, J. B. Lake on ttîu despite increases. bc suttricet to meuet demends, U tortit aniitie 'ary oft bat nc 005paie.3l1 a3 1 p»250 OF ai lastthre yers.bit onustal ir a mon tir lîîîîd a d stili to il st. d- ee.eIBYe ".L Fitianciot esperience et tise cnmpaOy, for tise past1 Ptî itr o 'cds PAUà McIeaS U 2c 7 fiscal ycur, preniously repnrted, sisowed protits tc-tuit, s. CT PCA TB' EA fore provision tor income laves and EPT were-- -ETS m n MUSTARD 2 J2- I1 C $8668010 compered witis $4439885 for tise preions I Jost misen weve bad ssuiicce ttat iii corie ta, HEMeo[ t0tej[H 2T*' e.1 - 11.111. 1".." .540iCiIAA 'l-, - -, M l.1 year. Tise figures are sot strictly comparable tc- cause last yeae toi tise test tete ccounts of Bres'- ing Corporation of Amerîca, wiicis iceomre a '.uisid' iaey darisg tise year, ere consolidted itis tbose et Canadien Breeriev. Let'h Strike le is ratiser interesting to ilote intise Dominion- Provincial geaisfote x rates-sometimes eatled ao conterence-tisot Ontatrio obiecîs tu tise plaît tof suis-1 sidies by tise Dominion goveraînient tu tise province'. as usdermining provincial rigbts. Aîîd yet me ied tise province of Ontario delisigtisat je greater degece every year witistise municipalities. Al townsips receive grunts fromntishe province.I on road expendtures. Att muejipalities te Ontario receive e ose miii vubsidy on tise taxes and our ed- ucational ytem tisougisout the province iv subsiri- ized. Theve jitms must ie sbomn on tise local tutu bill se tbat tise taxpayer milI tnow iow tise province iis etping us ont and being patersal. Tise province cellectv ail tise liqeer revenue and dotes part of tl isue totehie monicipalities. le local police courts tise ises are sisared as tise Ontario depeelmeot seis fit or set and tise masicipolities get att tise police orktotelook atter. For ail tiis cre of tisetmolley doled eut te tise musicipatities me bave innomeroiste provincial hourds mise supervise miat tise menicip- alities cas or cannot do-tise cilli experts. Qurexe- perience mitisem bas becs tist îiey vldom give any guidance bt more otten quote tise act wiicis tise>' seldom 'understend tbcmseiveo. Of course tise provincial boards and inspecters proide ptesty et soft jobs for polificol ieeters miile municipal msy- ors, reoves, counicillors, scisool trustees and cemmis- sioners ort for tise juy ut rosdering eries. .lscidentally, theve toits mise ort fer civie loyal- ty puy taxes itisout exemptions and are deprived tise pomer ot tating exemptions. If doe seent as if if migit ie a good time te uproot tise camoutlagtid loren'soae becît sienpliiied, atong comen Me. tirew te jtrodoci. Algetara je is dcdoctitîns for rrrivini; t tise dnniniîîn.provincîal soution. 'iViat wîîîîd tac do wish a provincial îîîc.îec tas iî,rnî' A new tisec-e-icled autoîmoile tisaI te'. 13 miles on a gallon et gos and et speeds op te Ci0 miles. per boue is eapectud 10 scI je Canada ut $400 itii $900. Il's net o fomity car bot a tricycle but for ton and tisere ive't a place for a feue shift je it. Aitt otiser oseetftisose post-wue dreoms. WC suppose. Anotiser Ontario dity bas opped tise sale pice tii foer cents-tise Windsor Star. West of tise GCeeut Lakes ail dailies seti for fine cents. Port Artisur, Timmins and Port William pepees ail selI for a nickel and Kingston, Peterborougis und Stealford are in tise four cent class. lîtceeased coses aie reflected jenin- creosed pices. Altîbotgis e sing ofthtie Union jact aus o iîog tisot "foe a tboosand yeors bas braved tise battie and tise breeze,' tise Goderîcis SigîalSîse eminds as tisot tise flag os we know il s tless tison tmo bundred years old and bas ieen cisenge d sLocrai tintes. Tises a eut- ted lag foe Canada is net likely te be et e natere tisat wili stand forever as o symbel et Canada. Il is ,uistect 1tucisonge. A miile bock, me ere ail tlkieg about thte cuis of tise future, tise homes efthtie future, etc. our rcars and nue iomes ocre te be sometiog utro.spec- ai. . . . Wel, Iis iv tise future! And mit isave we got? Wisere are tise so-called "cars efthtIe future"? le tact. wiserc are tise crs?'.. S, since tisose spec. jais tisat were boit promiscd us "for tise future" djd net come, let os nom lenk ogoin te the future, wisen tuefo a week-end jouet, me ceue go soarief in a reeket ;plane and boonce redue beamv off fisc moon.-Pictou 1(N. S.) Advocote, nORAVE Co'aq I loupM PROS. 19 PRUNE NECTAR & am. 33e Deled Dianer aveT- cao u318 LIMA BEANS Lco BALADA TE A 39c SANIFLUSSE cOO sec OVALTINE nu.sac, est STREI.WOOL Px- sic, sec O CRATCH COVER -TeLab. BRAVER CRICKENINi ce , 11.00K 0GLOBEii.U ,ý,% scg O'CEDAR POLISSE L .c PAL14OUVE KKOVAH Say EA" Z !<ýac SA TS Cutaai"d 5 FrOetâ N4IE 7«'T "TI AILn* ee2.. 19e j.2 tins 25 F leur eau23c SREEDD MWUEAT 2 303.CA R I PASTE WAXý""0_!09950O U CROCOLATE .ea',tee20.~ jQ CELER? SOUP 0 T-w. ie20a CIBcKEN 8SP RE9A D Ie. ( SOUR PICKLES onsme -stmis . 1 ineaipîc-Fosr Canning, New r O E SI.ipmnt-Size 2 ls,.1 for $105 ~ 2 38 cii~ O*.49ec eci,2 - Cîîokiog ONIONS, 2 lb. for POTATOES, New Brunswick Per 75 lb. Bag. $2A45 ICEBERG LETTUCE Large Heads 15C 55C Pt 2 for 29C IlBuiness Directory Welcome Visitora THURSDAY, MAY 9th, lffl -a PAGE um IM THE CANADIAN CHAMPION BEDOIAL DR. C. K. STEVENSON MD., LM.C.C. Physicen andmaSureon Phone 2w - X-ttay Office Houes 830-9 arn.; 1-3 7-9 p.-. Coroner. C.P.It. aond02aI HSurgen DR. G. E. SYER Physicina and Surgeon Office-James Street Phoane No. 28 Office Hours:t9O sm.; 1-3, -8.30 pi.. Coroner - MO.0. LEOSAL DICK & DICK W. L DOCO, K.C. tCounty Crome Attorney) KENNETOO Y. DICK. HA. Barristers, Sotcitors Court Homse - Milton Telepisoce 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON BarrlsOer, Solletor, Etc. Office-Neuf Door Champion Office Mat, Street-Milton Teleptsoee 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTI! flarrister, Nalletor, Nstary P.alW Office-Itn Farmerui' Building, M"i Street, Hilton Telepisone 70 LEVER & HOSKIN Cincterai Aeesataahe Succeosors te, 130Heropolitac Btig., 44 Victoria St., Toronto Elg. 9131 DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SUJEOEON Officeete Royal Building, Hilton Houes-O. Eveotogo hy Apponte.nt X-ssy SOevice Tetepisoos 197 DR. F. K BABCOCK DENTAL SUOOEON Office one 0ineiseoTheatre Nigist Appoisemeonto may lie arange& X-Ray Service-Gaa Extraction Houes 9te 5 Telepisone 65w. NIELSEN-The Cisirpracior Draille.» TIeraetet 33rd Year of Practice V Lady Attendant Mon., Tues., Fni.. 2-5 pin.. Wed., Sot., 2-5 and 8-O p.m. Closed Tisuroday Oser Dominion Store, Georgetomn Phsone 15eW TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY STANDARD T05SE iong East 7.21 arn., diiy; 2.02 lai totS,.40 p.en, daity exeept Sondes. Gici Wes't- 9.9O am., aily itlag); 1628 .. daiiy; 0247 a.m., daily ex- ccii Sonilzei>fliagi. SUNDAY CoinEas.t 727 .m. 2.02 p.m.; Coitg es't -9.9O oam. iflagi; 6.28 CANADIAN NATIONAL R.AILWAY Goîng Soute 7.30 p.m.. Going Nortta--.a. S. A. FAY Phsone 205 PLUMBING HEATING and TINSMITHING Mai, Si. - Milten, Ont. Foot Ailments TREATED Miss Allan Reg. CM-o.elt treats foot alIments for hotis ladies and gentlemen Open Hon.. Thurs. and F1. eventege tilt O o'etoek. AU by oppointment. Pisone a390J2- 2t Arthur SEL GUELPH Milton Hospital (Private) VtSITtNG HOUleS 2.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.M.. 7.00 .e., te 8.30 p.m.. iNa Childrecaunder 12) RATES tN ADVANCE Semi-Private - $350 Private .-.-.-.$500 PHONE 216 - MILTON

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