Your HotDog Hides I 67 Separate Taxes! When you'ro gootohiot a bot dog atdo you hmS oabout? Probabty rtOor you ohtold have ooother. CerotoOny you dotoeno p poor red-bot and [atotookoeg for hid. deo taoeo. Bt antentooptiog ta expert bas door tbot for yto-ooth Iorprtttog reootto eHeren the dope.on tothet totprob- roS-os T. , 6 ,.ýt hoots r o ii ad bh-1ooh n0000 *0Th. tatol, tiri.toS start ooth tht ery top of the oooy teono the pro. diotethottotheoooumir. Tht paik- ing tioooo, theo toai hbute, two ii f oppty hboleo, thte ralrioodo and the truoheto oit pay taxes that reetooiiy tareitooptotod in the diig yootlove to est. Aod o ptey outttooh ickl you pooy, went yoostand a i theio ht dg courte, gitsto ttthetaxtooueotot, acoiog to th. expertt. Wbototi -it thiohink aot the otot ttoe yoo tootohot !,g,? We'it. proo- obiy toott tiot 000 tiiouit aO bout bo- fore. Thto ohy pjiotio sprtier Report Proteins Used to Buiid New Body Material Suotootoltst itubh omobiootito tottminoo sids, he o ooootid build- ing boks of pootiot, nto mr tootpiioottdothdy subtantces, bats boitottpotd t thei Stanottd uni- Ootstoottttfeorecitenprottio e- Thoho aiooto ottots oddtitdto 8Oolton oooottottotg atittsttoatnd et thortoeotract of the p.p.ya frtorttof atimal tttisue. The ricutt 0000thet formaitiont of a sub- stantceotohich toto ooithttanootooo ad nor apotooo, but raller oooo- thtog i hot-oni. Th il gooo tciettotit o oohtatiaio "break" intttheiong-st-odîog ot- Ottet t o nravt tt ystetiesof protoint. Animal tantd plant digettve op- tems obeak doîhotiroir fotitio to lotitnthet atitoooioo hodt oftpro- tors nhdd inthit toissue, bot n.hdtho-eiohas enide ta Ohdotoi- cotet ot ho ioiooototytht- Sototo oooit o ido have hecto pot togottiher bypoooiy oio oir s bott tie totottoteit for short ot bct- ing ptothit. 'Royl t.osot'of Doce Kinog Vti toi, of I01 tfttoy, fotetottyooooordootthe titteof otu0- teort i 1936 aller he tto Oio hitt ttgions otrodo touogi thiopia, io oeot the t oo hot.ooto Eooo- ptitthan iotiHotaso72 00300 oit Noooothe Il. Ht 000 honorto i ohiteiottooin 1938 by ftalioo East Atoîc, ototoh tootodot Ettopotttand theo tormetr coooiesoo tatoîootErtoand booaittot. This ortshoos hofo c.ntotototoithy Bitooo. T-ho kiog hoashohi oltod tht royol gooost' otMuolini, si0000 moist ot tiho oooid kho 0000 tatfIl Duce to-,s t itiod sept.- ogtotoottott IIy tooiothe pot- soto] popotoooty of the 00000 pos-t Iit of tht Biook Stooirtodor. 1 Vtor Emmanuel ot totoippoot ;npubhie stio hto iooteuotoy sestive oof hot short statureot lopiody legs, a i0iL0ric0n00ht00,tk otis1inotîdiîood. tt'Iie o toi eot appeatOtai000to ritiooolietoo t0-, titod in cOitloO staothoot t o mbe hoos eern0tottotr. Toto Kiodofo Choootog PottoOtotieotoin ut- otiie tootooo jooo ooyheitotire htfuturiiot obch Oto t.oInthoeOtoito ogt, tostjob 0.S t. or000 Part toogh tt Tht toh ot the toto today tais tto oovbuot netosuoooo iiono toiogh toooi ost..t"hoto -t.ot 1ooot people co11t otiorg theo og- Ctoooooog tht Cog, . hoo, it rat bordtoough to.ecooto. o il ;l ot tupig to crnthto y fiti 0.0 theoooerage Attmeit Oit 400000 o0, h.fof oOtotototh have o hot totO Tri 1,sof ot-th iont otootoIyt ootoood hy traiioo 00. u000il0il0 000 attyth ockott hi, thoi...00000ho sooo, winhotalze itt 00t b t. Asoseoir fotth oss and sohoon dtootttt Thsooto hy girloto îioodt 00op- tey w0000in tooto hoot tooy scem tohbe rao i'in toto0ait11hy tretlimet Defrottior Tteth Fo-19 apot othe 010 dootolitrootinooot, lD. Coitooho0.1 Soimplo,t0oooo0oit. of Waooinogtoooonieooity, h. Loo ,oo.l- Dr0. hoootoi to thetioootionot pottito g;,,i,, 00hhoodooto eato000i, .IiO ody. aOoi.oii b! r fl i o.uo , o r ot id "ioth Trt dootot eomotittoiioas00 ery oot e00t toth fertre ooot blrthd.oy. - lb RED OBJECTIVE MAY Friends of the Red Cross Society On 'May i lti the Canadian l1edC Canada for fine nmilion dolilars toi co greatest voluntary servie - vnri<thtt armed f'orces0 prisoncrot (of wtbr, patients to the people of' Britaito's honîb oevasti As the war spreaol t troghout tl grows until to-day thero' l o fit ield o Soeîety is flot activeiy C1012att10in iti I>cedîiog atd ciothîîîg te-1oi itbto ivictim Since Septeinher, 1 9:,!, tlioe 'Catna teen millions to proîjole cottF[orts l'or o raid victims and disaster relief'. T)i. is free gifis of' anadians ev er *vvhere. gifts and donations w~ill haove to coveri itstance, ai. the prescut tti' tino Socic of food overseas to (3oaiitu tattiallied Cross Society lias nowv askeol t anada to and parceis a week for pii ontt s in Ett wili expend some three anti a lili' mili One mzore exanople: Lot t e.ot te Sto-ioty 00000 bod dotoor vciojoit 0000Canaoda. Ti ob tjet too to ly. ily the end of tht yoio t etenttt 1000000 oeilbiot( tho requeot has cootto ho ineretoot ti to Oh110 iltotito ince tht begiooting of thteoxor atouot 7,000 oti trtivetofor hospitool otpplieis, -ointfoorio foo ie ivo(-, aotot 6,816i,804 aottoolto oootrtoototitni t 00oit Coi)s-oi air raidt victimos. Doorotoot 1910ti-te 1À ii îoooo1- TrIIREE TIMER iTlAT ANM f\T. tolien000ade00111 to100()00per tooot to abootto ottot t-oto in i toiý(d Societioto in Brotoon otot cet-to tine, Oi , 1for000 tht- Int ordei to conotinueoo li e itgti ti 0000010 oithe ojilhii tdolioaro. Our Brottocto ooio beooioo- se0 l tot WE CANNOT, WE MUS) T and tiif ooooi 'MAYORI G. H. DAWSON, Ilit. Chitoitoott (0000 ,\. E-. ARIMSRONG, Chiujtotoo. S. G. WIIARIN, Reorettory. MIS tL. CAMPBELL, Treasurer. lIth ti CROSS FOR0l $90009000 Cross Society wilI ask the citizens of ontirlue the work of the Dominion's tl ïnîeans so much to the men itn the s it milîtary hospitals, and most of all ated cities. lie world the work of the Red Cross A loattie or area of disaster where the îfîfortiiîg the sick and wounded and iis oi' war's; terrible destruction. iiti Reol Cross has spent neariy six- our armed forces, prisoners of war, air litige sutto lias been provided froin the Tihis year the money received from %vork oit a greatly extended scale. For iety is sending forty thousand parceis 1 îîrisotîers ot war, andl the Britishî Red ) ncrease this number to eighty thous- irope alone. The Canadian Redl Cross ionî dollars for this one necd. itoottoot by thte Dominion Goverutotent to orgaotiot vas toi rtovodo iwo thouso.nd donations of toiootd week- od titootion. weoe hein-g recoived weokly. leor 19-42 o;and donottooto per weel. wotitot xlootet'r workers have propared 14,255,134i - rtffl vitootom aood othero jintoeed. 1.ast tour ot ns. ,iociudinog 2239,821 articles for teihsi o, 25O,-,hoobt the actotal vaiîno ifsestototated ni o) tto clothiiog and hospittol supplies. Iot addition trossto t tio Britiosh Navy League and nuist other rilt oaod suplies for the navy and rurchant ohipo. St oiy otill reqoiro ito 142 aminimum stonon tise t S, to t Iloousand Dollaro. t cito/CoO will dot his part WE WILL NOT FAIL. H. M. DEWAR, President, Miton lRed Cross lîranclo. oagi C omootttee. o 2Sthie 1942 I E - Thiat Victory Garden 11,ii , - i 00 y.onv -o ,and e o hotOtd d my %t oniit tait oit our loui linsI a ooth. Foret thog J o i,.a-, th. hoe. The exeerc ing ono it , wll b jio4 -gond but the offo h o o, I ' o- 1 - ;*. l ho, otph.otord the it plant, .j"1,ý f- T,)our peoieoq' booth, strength a I0I-0 Ooo.oo oiooooot. oîoI .00'""'0 You RolTh.m 6" »]II in -niiiioihOo0il0'Il, ,i, a 01 oi ffhil toooo hoh 00 iooo'1 00. FUNDS MILTON AND DISTRICT Ilark Every Grave rUanutactUxoors f Distinctive Monument,- Cfàmetery Letteoing, Corner Poste, Markers. No Ageotmi ot ttote Too. No Poi-ott- 000 ootooot tooto to ltttigt Subittel -Large Assor-iment On Stock- BUY DIRECT FR010 US A tiord or Ltt- WiOt BrinOurSerricto sou otor too. OAKVILLE MONUMENT WOHKS 19 COLBORNE ST. W. (On tttgbwokyi OAKVILLE. mi UITN DISTRICT Co-OPERATIVE Dnig-Rfeh et 111S A LII5I5 StOPPLY 011-Dacn - eish nt Farm Pence PATTERSON'S DANCE HALL Barb Wire - Brace Wire, No. 9 DRUMQUIN B llack and Galvanized Wire, No. 12_____________ S tapies and Steel Posts Dancing overy nigbt bot Sonday-Good Musoc. Put Yout' Order In 50W i1--COsz OVER AND ENJOY YOIRSELF-- -L nf 1 Ir 0 -1 .3 Imm