whnTu tT5Ue fflrth f fie Wlrd.o T,5 Oaci D"ARAND 1 + 01 O anîpwu fln Ire, wErt lTnot .ri CAR»? ber Wirdrr, Itht Sme DAENA]IS VOLUME 83. CÂNADIAN CHAMPION TRAVELLERS' OUIDU4l ,gyny TctfittfihitoooNG O )NADIAN PAceco RAf fWAY MAcN ET.. . MILfTOiN. tONTtOt7.36o.-Drtiy, fier. 5.55 p,ur-f)iy. 8.45 p .rr.--Dirtr --.7 rocerrttrr.r.r uiruo Re .27 rr-n A0C , fng. e.ete.r.rfrreccr.rrrru5 cr .2ejo. et -,,jy 'frtêt.pýoc.m,. 12eo t cu . ett.utiooetpt toedeo,tce pMd ___._d-.- _ Ooico Erret7ee 6et».É. .7p . coâTjlü RTE .7m. fA t W. do, tSPe» net, 50-t un.,..-,11- r=- 00t"of .. It... r o1cr.61t tt.r, TS..-rot f ri.a.1 lr t Aerrrn=re. ruthrr ..rrrarrefret.orhrriocyeitero. Eren.. cf*1 bi lac.c.a. ... rrr.--tr. -,ro- rc-. BIURotT & WHIcTE. MEDICAL Drs. STEVENSUN and HUNIER phtyiciensrend surgons Ohocr. 2et-c I-RAT 0joE, ltt-b-.Wr - t-t- . -t c1 Iirt. O.Pt.cad Olof tuoc-g.. CAMIPBELLVILLE t r. HUNIER and SIEVENSUN Ait, 1r-. itoltC-s 2w Orrndîyr by cptontetrottt. UN6. E. SYtlS Phpîlrlsr rnd Surgro coroner. 0M.0.1H. LEGAL 010K & 110K W. 1 PICK, K-C. KE NNETII Y, DICK, I-A- . A. HUIUHINSUN Hffi8ter SclcIitor, Etc. t fjicor-Ner Coo tihuoùiC, mi tere t-Mit50 T-ctpitns 54. HEURQE E. ELLIIT teocnrer. Soiicitor, Nutteot- t-blis. Otti-ce roeoBWetdir- .Mat. TrtrphsrA . ODENTIBTRY BR. . A. KINO6 IENTÂL SURGEON OffieinRoyatpi lincg, Mlon. U. F. E. BABCUCK DENTAL SURGEON Bref. r-e Il..- c.. e NI ELSENC t The CIr.pratorfi 28t h yrof! poti-hu DRUtOLEHTo PTrrcrx-cso 2 o 5 -.M teiQ.It0Ap.te. Ct-oct» Eccro TosturSAr fir oDomrinuonStopo, U00A ON Ph... 1i50o H4. WHEELER PIANO -:- VIOLIN GUITAR Piano Toning andi Repairing PHOfNE 24 - Mi1i.TOtN c u<0051'OR TGRIM P CANADtAN NATcONAL RACLWAY POLLOCK £INGlIAN 8u 0Tor tur . tit &co bOtoth MO.NUMENTS Dcrtgrro..ooquftt. j GALT. PSt-rn AcUt ONT c. R. iTu R NERF Faneai Dîrretr ard Embaîmer AIC..e for fler, Ptucoor igrtrr pausr ta McLTON. J. COOKEi 9CEMENT cor!CINDER BLOCKS BRICK and TILE W 01cr p-to-Sae.poer orobir 9AIS etr - Art n amhf..i'o 3 NEW hT. PHnf4L cor8 - NURNCE Lite,ire, Aucrmobile, Brrgcrryt Place GIr.,Acierhltb. F. D. DEWAR **îcsnsed Auctionear * ýt. R t ht-.i ML O ST. F. CIIISHOLM *Lîranreri AurtIrnaer lot-et-ýN,.co3-s AssrOrno' GALT Monument Works 62W V ýtoi ht-rot-Os"Oh t. ris Monuments, Markers andi Cemeter>' Lettering Pnrits»dosnns W»sS(ia»ýeo.ocd b,. R, OLTCBSON, Propicr 9WELL DRILLINU MATEN iREAhOOSABLE EDWARD A. CORE - MILTON, ONT. MILTON, THURSUAX. 1MAY. 14, 1942 Chuldren's Aid Society. 'T' L ttr »,'l llVPtl',:tld 'e rtsstrnltert Rent Contrai Law CIarified I -drttttscrrtttparrlis.fors futur stttrrhtr. Aise», r thhe heyo ryiteJreLourittherne (Cotiueltironstrfitet tereor> Tttssgh sitee crtslrof the oirty, rctt. teht rte"r>c h rdr ylajed Mey maDly The Otsrprinttrrtstrt'r rrort hrtrthoetlivitr ctnditiottsof rbttr ttry brrrecrtare acmitele, cra sre 11dry. Brttrsyerrett 1.Mrey ratttbrrr hrve îtettrttsttsd, rtttrtrrrrrcr settlytttcredofce-ernr ndethetrmalnschcrte' Il itsttrtidtnctarep rorttttthe Su- iterchier afrastnifns ..etil tth.wrhmtefo..trrac.rrtrryisirthrywllntbdtrthrther. anc Nttith 31, t942, Ittat.ith thr futtlrs.[btie n rctty ttu eattrsllne cointttt-theetrrbarodert. rlsoen the Hunrcdo f qurotrr r bctrr or- cc»sti shlit stur Soirty, aor ire. rrtch ttty. ort rsrfcrc ccd, aetorh ahr . ortrrvd ettherefrrtirt the srfthr III ('bilA Wofesr Agorotrr tethr Legart Adptnr. camsror rcctttrthtttlty, thrr.e w eoPtrrcr TraUsr r Domininlatt.trfrssdtnthrhrrryrr.- Thedestts cdmierthtr ctrttolrite trerreaor e terr crtrr trrrdgtrhrretoon et couse sonsstil),tly dote» e cdttec t"t Act et tsts iterrtsngaoneccorfresslty. trort betet fcsnrthabrrr trrd e tlsss dststscsd alors rthe srthreh rtfthr hotrht srosetsof tteSrcitcy'- A cober ocf tbe shttdre tc chrar Latemtrr pcnt inttgoct fthet rrcttr ler Ail latd ctsotion tttracnorb. 21 Itriri edoptisn.-hvbrrr brraIesrrharrr brrr pfaed Itryctnr r co r orrttc»crrrd et ohtsh thsy -tA d fl os ast- »thes ronootrue, cteptotadit tssrrtî ors totetyCror.,edpftion hotees.eh. .ethr'r fcrmcrt brccned to he or 0sf. 1t teet. t,.ed- 1 tu drithe siffeusttttrts ssdttrstts te tcrs etortoserrsacrer gcr senrteadopctr ietrbercrc beerd.ty etycoctreceeore entIîd1 ýA o atelts t cetnof Mhotttttlu Le tsbtg ort-rc or rcdaichiertshrrtfie. Thots .rttcoet. brrr hothctr teantsothoutrmirrrtsn se atonshcv brrrhco souctcrdbrrr ebteterd frortecerd lfersco, f tcbo ortalrttmolltctettr.ffZ r lstaIyLs' 55» o srcht cs r drtec thr et ton Y-e8. »rrthe eorte suppcrot of the rrtd sbttdortrre aseM e e ctne e t. rtLmI. usotsft hs1ttGrrtWarOusrr. ctsrrcettttrthor rcc16shcitcsetri 3corstrrdcefrâ1vrtoce, orthncthe fotheyh c gt ttAstadrsrorodm erionrrrt.tdotnpobastiontontssotr rotttnrsosurrd throchrocroc»rrCou teme eteohbcchrr s k.Th r o ashrtoengoto-dry ~thrliecetpitson sf thet tte-yar-portdil$630.65easbearrurcstod throrrgh tecnroet reocrd lnte lentlas ai -gtttlitshbg tooit e lratnderasmrottrd hytor-. l tettcfthe thtr cffic oner reemetstaned Ir rrcs BcsJanc. e, 1940. til ri'rsl ss .ftrteteof de- ehrsandschrnrttsodinsc,thorrrmorcnorrand frororddrteh fnrtaesrrwr-h larercteeoh- _o-,bssstsy ard rotf-srepcst thct rr ttti osanteec ccrttror the Povi-citetOtfieofor adminttrtonoetrc retrd fcor thc e ttercot ita- shonadrAdottn (o or. t-rotMprrosttve rdoptvreUparet. n e hhef nf tbe shttdrr tcrrtrrd oralrea co ottte e i. thnrtrcd hi natiore.ttnth sentore tIs r hecalc --tstec. .hoorrr, rrco Thr Astteoasris ontft e fr trtrtre t» dtrrte te hr crcttetntct; If home, hnta onChritia techig.riment tctor tce Lofent shttd, msrtesctione rcette ee trd f.rhthe tcndtsrd osrteane erottor te hIiîîy andduAtt' nt oro Mthoer eee sIhyte tetty Lrtsrctptcarrtcs .Uobe.trorerr datrscrlrtitoe tprie Wbso or 'chteIk cr er rf .tadottonsea c eteor thtorec onntlitn e hrmisrortcherrthteeootmrtf etroresorserrrtc., brrrveorrd srte [tlaetoSth, Productio too f 0r orotdorrd lttoby, thetfntlor cr o teh or her paerntr ,trh rty ac- the hucte daetbhecaltort lag Osrcoohcodtensn hettto ch shtthfrtey sinrecand lonlonrancarce rorodctecrseMayhneothsrcligrrorrîIf theî foIîî,-foosohplieshand mancpowtr ri thr1t-ogiesrfilet art-o cttfor thech t-bit ihie chir oc frteity. rttrrtlnicr tr sirr rhtettc j whivl udoubedl hol fit plce.ye a îrtp ho br. shttd. Aitt srec-chne r alyhl otstt.tht honte froufn lhth a aet asvrd rvsobwvý a eumd sand th, ooftrr of ours rpe opl, su b tchsrtcsncccroc.W ey atHîectr stt- thri.y oothisoo»rtth r r ' c ri ittr tilllobirtrImrm r rerBtte rccet of ororrstcrierd l mn 0aotYsoungeidienrhontt arerE n rle otitc sil, andA cla.b tcs.friiy oridod rpterof thr adsptiosn Osdct.acomotedationcf ifehmacrprovo tete a hy. i he tst-ts»-dirtcnt fttr, C I dr.r In Cars. muctairs ocmtterthet thoete rla ,i11lefct-d owith threrreso» Sii ,t.wIloie hotit b y the trtetci Ero chret ter-horoos .co,ertrtly oct cf Uneo rth.tho srete tt»îo it-ngihes omtcoiof ortioîo.e rh thrflc ndo f-theo 0 0crcmthe cccrrdey egtcath, nco te cf- rrrrtOng once ttt. 1tt forrrhniar c- rl .ýditict te rho ea s Iýrc t.. dt-eenierooothrsorof ch, fetrd by the ocr-tttecprictsracdctemmodatior lnte millrer otntyc. 555Ay are o5lt-'s otrk sd the nttot-crdsocf t1 fronteao rritedrhcod'sr rencefrir. luanrbutrrnte c e t-ccfhirr nthe od "'-'yt.sit t»shrtc Sotrt- ~r41 t -endtoars e nhomers hre rdot-dnstantry thr board,tcccrtd lordtmuetcaierhowoiththrehnoo. t» o ft»~»Art t»Arr WhIl bst,1t-cd herrmitcdentra cr,hot reanufcetrrutofprcteir-era- tertt- toTanrha b, c t-hostie o ss-ectiîy b gh nc odlrdop»tiosohateonhotesr. tettitc.-troc creitary totebtet thet Ltrer 0cr hy cy tfoarocet_ 1., -ale hnil.tmILrlnroth-rîrtChttdtr cr Stre r t-tet-carftrs, rtch theohnrsd'r coproori, siencout ce spttceri eaturreteuthey soli lt h ucdst-t 't n otsonhuitru tt-airael d cadtcctltvacrois., hath tis,,af cr4a nd cdiorcr4dteantoho rroitr t insg h»Octt-i ndsdootdr of sihe ot-Ositti ccisethe fihersoufcrtrbtt-o. The urderclaiicattion cf thcretalrt ooctiose, t '-i'cdtherotcinetoiymit ilotyty*t Unrt-thsotrottiosrdr-tif-elistiro c. r ,ndrr, r hrdcdrrcoi-tr-o »Mt At-op tioad Unter-t-iod lstsibot t-srctiepteant-srrtiotchthtrbr Btcftrec cicrfout- fort bhyhbroc c. ut-oc- r -etsi uotsie o bernt bot-cas crîîîrst-1.rrr8dor hstaeotnoindictionîsnrrmres ixetrhrr. andtorefort-utit corrorenttiro. ritterPrit-or ord iolý he t-s lh f rs ho'thr ed- shtdresssonfat oto the orr. cfto rcrdantthtr t, thet oosrrponeotycre. TraierBoard. 0oo 702, Nothsrn Ont eto il tsDosondrou' Socitytt' Aoststlic osung en srct-. fohs tc tch r-tn thebrfleurr.ed our»nfBuildint, Torot-ot. Whs sftrt atedci Outoor Soctino A sI=thot-sf thoIstrswarodr nriso lntherolrst t-iregtrc ype-rWblehblong tofhflcsontri ot-St o utsosth i tddita'rftertticr. Smîdibtaor.-- htocst o horb aobctcinod rtndscitler t-f thr hlors The rcrshorid. hererotrcStthr roiorrt ztl.gi I i d il sotutrtcioe asthe nu o ttteknt tord. Abuust-scad tedustrieli rocrinkrtcnoetltng- Ntrthosc OntroButlding,30 Bay' ss»tAriina rt-iutesstorhitotlrr&o ctoofitheîoyst-rift theoerareemanfaritd.Onsio Strirc reetTrsnto. 'tsiiss.o.nsr-rcir tr-trn , gostaois -ont ohcro hte rrdcrttcresry aecthcrroohrrt a c"-Act dea.ofAaisf ancud mty taux a ouserin trcthinso oht-r»r tcrctsor ead ftlmer rurof. cfndu. ancide ntdotirii teodtht- rostrflnet asheittb tep etit Ilrmate-rWar Sonde Prîtes Up Famîco' llesît.. thetcorse'to nth hir oort- ocafetured. A amAcin ,,,!ewrs 5Iti tsoiffo wth cutol.ersso. Thtstrtt 000onhallctccr a O' twW WAT YOUCAN A amAcin liiesrn itssrroosshyrt»ttsctit-eiet-siteitlnths crByNO5W thorc edtnttgondrs -stîsoopt. ets rrcf teincîîy tc.t.r-rol-t-otA In th. frt-te-ori .lorerr'frrrtthoerdfc prcth. foorc5Sntrtor-ohotrth euitotttoc or cfdtta iir e haor sot tprcnd ofthe 0cttc.usttbo B ctdfotrn tsoad rotr e t rttr ocitoIftt -s"» it ttd rono. r-ti b, tc r thoCort-ott eh» -rISt-rc thtarOntarhiotosarttensdyonoe naths, cci -toal st-tI cho bce$.fs r fIttiseVtCort-y Wod catro th h s witc. scellr rr or tr ou prîrrof the Scre rmiauttos. Aot-ttsutorr 5A 10 ltas n rtcscvImmd là.rtDthr tolo uttrgo. Thtt ntr ooitNO00W. Harr0tcInn.oue t, laprcrod rhsothtflitcdacsiraftrthetors 1,11'At-stresoESordt-, cd 10fr 1orstesotsdl rettclafor000W' tHavetthesroufsoepottd orsoe. ,diorie.. ortttssorsorti o. th. tcr.cf crev diS-fthet tir c1.eafui-lustiirtton sf thcisood 000W. Put cncDr- hrrftrt thtbrocrs aprtuitttc iodret' t.,sis.Atotal of tostty .cs ilh tcot-coIl otsssptih o -ttttttoct cc btt-hr OtotocteOrtthO fousils h-bit'ho -frî ýcd t» ih.r-cy .1fmaling ttt-ss.so»csrof 00W. eS font-or 000W.Mjord th, rrrtesrtr r il lI tels îoîycthttdrn bio ln-thteshidt-teWhooat-sPltot-stintehis hbsectotmet orikr 00W. Uedrosoc- G hrea t ri tor fosotfint-t tho % cas. hissonn -by sill pens he et puchamilNOW hve nd ot. oarktt at trit-csor than hall tht-to - ibcss-tt-t Aisoweorrc d ock-ondrlnfcho~s-st h oo iew ritt andctecrsry thietr. fLta-ilctr. es.siorc fio.t-- ls-PlacenA-t e trOt te, rsAlld srcd e- OtIcctulg ettchctocorihic» ttaglr coesarnd i-teo o-.î,» ts- oto -Or tc t-rseIt .r hir, homo. gtoiand do erh b rctchtfnt ossbe$50 t $25.hBelto t ie r-or. hîtoit-t i'-siItiithsecrdt-,t icnia- The ot-toori hsoith cf the thttdt-t-nO5. c»»d trooch fcot urponr, ssotid s!w ct- inori'- cni -fit e -hosoroA. esh thitd t» Wr So-rfnither re t--tw ro t-oiedata nto fr$.T h t-s t-r,- isi'ottct't-ir c tte» hs cabt--rsdruy infreesand nitnregt-rdottthrtetttefro to-tosc"r-hi ll i »ll. ioutiitî»cmxstitng. rcc oulsotsr hcrhuit eoltre-i gihrod hoytrc end dotcr. Seule urges go» thet- ctc»orar fu m horbsrr8 sO i»sst-»rptcrte -tob mrtdttot anddentistlliocertostch thet-bihhtscnser neosoh tulud hvethrorthtntlbfot 7te bscIýAstfs»csrroneeahins,-oto erssry trustatietcrocidrd. tetgodcadrt-cctrca llinsSotade9. csAhbiodorobh h bdet s tt fi ,î j .ss-issîîdi-ssor ns clrg C-srttuoout-, trWOof os ceoSe hae, sieothet fttlt. rottu osume rttoo.. itld for 2r6. Tht mreht pritc »»,»»» s- _ Ttis 000e-Othoght.athssroh occidest, rufOocd bhoobe 00W torde Llri ce-s r-it-h tery orthe macyhitos-dcy. Inciodint faid h- r5 singoogottd ttt- legt- o eohy soro rioent fulritt- t-c ooer lehr, If crttcrmpcrtile, torat-c s, rrar$325. Mostsr rospotr trtt-,50,ont.all r 5sey-hssordýi-ocdhrsttratsh»»thrilthg.000..trthrectae, ot orett8Utal.ao cte srcpreroo c»liutss stssla»ohttastécattrs ofns byttst-nscbhosalcer ienht--oyandcodSNW -hate rirrpo.rcibad IO eraoo.,urg4,..,i si1 sAsshns, osf thoomath- hrefor»n»tbfnie. Aoietcdentuootat oc tboyrcnddûuo. Do hrt for$r115.At-son-t-awrr-.t,ir.Î. o- si- t-s's. ghauve otose ledUnssd oîk . lics»eintd n-stoos 000lttO 5 titaitcd, for trt-cdr ttio hotr-, sait!dors$6.26.rSiosiry, a"c. ii, it-. tcd opperste bc ti»c niththe hhidst-n rutho corisîfil a riait..'.rud eat-oteontty'r 1itt fornicuos ht-nt, prcstt-r rbchsd5cm »»ii t-1owateoot-son ftrhboles.ctsue9vsttaiciîrnsbttti. K-otneodemoi ntoacil tîrîoPout ntheantiquesîcran -d c»a ftti»eisltah»nrd »tads sn5fileead and on aveorge woing5 rtossmtoino00fiWrecer How rrsrttoctr-uorbt hr ittt :;' .-cilt -haîî ise oososr. It t-Or»f3St thidîoor..n..seooth Otih. ictnoff.esdino dotrifrhortly If rtnhe t ifst "e!Wiboo cthtito ren nrist-ssdi inrrht nut-sdto iuh hrutpresst-Mrr t-soccitirsrrtlYt.r-oirteororhesoutttonure fr»nfcthr Sht-ng front, t»i-sttNs'idrouooitct fs prt-c- hooke od ith tshof the o cieîtt- dito tu ondurs the harets honh tihoyreoosctlo lih usetgo pelie ci lteorsbaint.nîme.îroncIlsrtloi-orfnît-sMtts an d frtht-or teyhoiechaud.teîla rudecetocusd titht. taes-ists .rs .isilt.cretsrt rmt ictlýttle.ulintlnih)t-soros of srsomth.- t- . i»,Al.s tt o .,-id diresct ta-sots f tht-ot--uldt-onpt-ie-d fslt-sîs Oc. if t-ut cnarte t» sert hc PLAIN PACTE FORocvERovMAN t-ý. i»Je(.% rtalcotes heit»tsr.A hond cf fr»ssdrhtt-a rta.sru- odo4» cdurrterthinrr 000W. c ioot ha, r ihArhot or -t-hiot MORECFORBaCte PRIVATEE sliera rtsdbyt.iBord aller th h -itAgos Otouicooho ossid Thac io rtam ooohr tr ttsidthopohor--roo .atiIOttawa. Ths Dosstdtntr cSuopt-ir- otttshtos.e oS t cIndoentrohus.h r-triS riestihsyetidcln'Frae,s.Ntora, iat. 5ii0i- 5 t 'tt»ondfrs tht.ojdit-. ttn Citd rcr.rr the .9otropcy ot th. 'hocS prinae makoand eS orstof aoconpoopusd si».ootr»ttc-ont.r Attiarndtfith.osoorth...t.t-Inrtheoot-fsoo $21Careorthtcrta 4.adoot nqrrSrsdnoBthp- ilsiibo ut shidrto on sosu ths tcormtte-on- ttbabeahtare ot-t int othe otrdr ton tl diS. Ain., ptsfscrt. da nit,tha.orssOsortcooorch,,hearhroorottoaithetcrorai cpsitrt-Ssfroti-on nosrrefo tae,» t»isostorfebrtssmrThrrr thidsschs hav i otc to ui. rhe ou h»rndr cf mn reorc Whtt-arsrocdto otIlorone -i s"' ,iast- y trt-orttenfltit ciitorddly. arcootdîngsc thon trgu- orntct hith pot- cinhe dtfotcr ihiso. eososil-hihod 0crmanchu t, li» ,isi-sot icslytand ram ruita opt-st-cin terlantictr. nt anittihitfsr actisetrrvceso t-n et- cna i-c rocton cr rspettvrtt sîttorcîtt. Whiteiocaurt The rodirtmacensrt hatestrcof t-y for eotontn truhertdty gror-- Ail d un1Il -c htebtlnastthroosar ihorltivresccnvtho. irtoedtcarescrortdcdforoho the otc btthonsr-rsyOforrsoinrooecs. ,l:!; »nii 3t6ttchidso trot -cesr.Monsdaitfor oss o totoo ohrt-.tf ountry, and btet-rnterprt estcurnircie-c fanos omeo 1i a as ttlii hrht choc ooth tcntisc thet-arct-o ncrbaosthiidsors thorfrtio and ncci tan tedr hr cluinfiorrd tenr-htt-h menof atoutbehont. --Iss»srd lmc.csrd e nte andfumhr. surnsty 0crncorrest int tor-oBritish fcohint aimais. aeoandait t-b»conteionrss ep-un ld s-ttsis cth'a- fth tstircrsbOs. trrido totcersero hettrhry oro' ht-p to lý s-t"» io otîhousP le honcc A ritr ftouistnthe prtocof fil. monocitid theeor borthireobirrrO r-ii rs r'ct t-k. jîl,. -peir»t intîîg anda ge 5rt htoiranily o5rorithoetci-ssf o-h peitoeroFOdcoottiottWilbroecohrrgeThottr ratho e a or ofiish Crortuor l (1o, insth 11t»ct t-»trttn othAa the sort cf$5ttt posMett, »f the reoretg ericeilntrtheoUntOdrd osirt irriehcrotrtord. t lllt it-» oirst-» r-hsicg or Whssrflihc -r-orens rh b, Io s-et-r- thosh. Wborr Vcc CefIr itei s.I»,sg, 1Ictethe nib l-tuan ttuothB fnistb Tht M»rntrie t-ion W. . lntraitAt thetbrn ffl ,Cnd t-eerbsig ieMot ittporet-t-irand dsor- or Osintsrttott aleOPthbodifor the-hmeorfMors.A. CoitetonW»d. hidaevr 5otsrtStftbtut-A. Tot AI ins itg tossirtoding onet-t-oThis ri br r,,t.pprotaitedcocdrt-. The meetnr cpcrri ith thersi r of roanadatotoi fliAt-o. -- t-e tni»tesir-king.Sic-rtih theowobtirestro 0io»r. bouthet0rsyr. Tht gotons M cirsr or. nwtuaasheRgr r.O fileis s-t-la,-,- sif o blsfinito it». honrsc.»sp...Iiit»y hotd. M.r. t'. Mtfcit c1g r eorot thet srS kof the WarstherCterof it-sr -11-1tet Ascdo..nrn 1r s- ito ahsrt- Irdrrd. sihit isr eeting. mise noruoh th. NPA M. o-sor.bilizeda.eand I.i».st-e notboot pî-ot- erorroe Pro.t ioOoetrsngarolo.oiAnnueîrpots- TheoimmnreAd rnthss andlhes of theodtOoerontusstottsrr ILc0v. f th.oActiveuAry. ArchtDitiro» Thst".),,soofuIitit- Mlr tds thiS oi- aonttprosttiantdsde~. hOm. P. Hrdtou rsangrarsio. Tht- Osbitodrthrwofamnep btioA0t-so»othsr uppoc a i rcetidot ofutoondtdtcoc- Meetint-iorrdootboctheNtnciAo ithtnotertr-s its,, t-ists Wil, hut thoso l»tononsothetpatothibmSot-iet-. The toor- myt»o rooDi t tu tho Oscr-tmano igl wsu whn heom Ilon e te Umarid arAros. t-so t» thlt- 0cr y woro of - - i.,istd oatu-o diffrosn t «.coitrtActt -tnon..defiledirecssto wu r inDAAE odosrt- t-pht-siaitcnt oritIL. c1- i-!r Os forMthprsAtinoit t11caesc citI-atpsotedd itf-st tshi-tF.BIrn LIETcry.hiet uotr- n t to ht l n.r 1tnitr»tt-ic i-obrflttofic. Nooditn Ioet-thisrtui]rua AtJuSgt banthtrdoAtr-lnt-uciiltorfothoAt-itcsAoyntonneo. »"sIllebsthildai-sn 000lt-so.t- 00000dm]ot sorpodsn o .A tost-s curtractionetToronefoor Turrdcay qut-lt-sthe tosrscoArrtrn t pt-ci- d.,ofs oSosie-ty. g Oeor 50 cse.%ror t-t-deuirl th loriot oahouli ilcft-rttt-oirr irtortcthr mc0 t-1,ther totit rtooulslortt joit tetiaiiessor otrsettohossrt csnesnande5tcr.rput-ohs-tororrht. TheorztcmototngR.toos rs ofhonceSsfon -s edrouocnsteot-re roesdît- et-tîsetbt-sobor Orenococfro itanecmr adicdct-rsioAcor-Cl o1»Y" tMe.r tht-haonC~ote it-rn. r rightoodrtttolttihi-o-. Mrto Laor, etht ttpI. rhe r borchu Ait mcr Ct t»e550oer staeoio ssii, s-rlt-t-lot-ongo rr er-o t-ci-r eiahenhritittoct-re. ioordod th otetr ercitl rerrrcy ltiroror 1. sC mo- t 0"sritenttribiiiy ,,ftht-st- o brrrsot0ortefi rotss. «hrtirnyd 1r. 1r3rm r syss s g s-.tiit ________filet__the_____ liedo-_ln s ttetorsA. oC. ri*1ýs»t-t -tebIitofthbsttlit-tuea o af1 olc, i 9 try.Pictroon1tu 0 et-s of e -j te-t-ct0oo ndrocosy torsrA otBrarNOT oitttio -a,»,ddscosdition-iit o ttho ital io»bfor rhe ositre rot my. stiss-sio -t-c-iOtoy fflicthSutcoor (bCmot-ro-the Losct Scots rsnP»t-i- -br nosr ort-rreof hrs tP. cead 0H. ret.> t. Joit-1 t0th to t-»d,ý. Tht- toreiicoho r - Arrrt 2ed. irt42. tei lit- eistov hîrpat-cett-lace, w'Itl 'if) fxed -oit..d-t ietr- Huur lThe Rm edCtrois __ __ _ __ __ _ 'aIh, cote hog-HRLP WANTRi> 11t. iitlet-outor. r A Vtoî edemt, e l0,r ronse cZb 0.tisubs .D40 o rty, otca p, r oe A tesdct orl stent m r oc o frrd tl.y.toRren oportun. '0 "m fAu otor-roftoMieghLr ft-o ..frrror., fly7WcLLIAMS for»,isîd- oung Onnr ot f titith r9 0510 ico.r»eonpbtiae,t tlesftuetapoeio c fitch ATTENTION O Ledîr.' ard Rerrcr a sbmciidrn arotnet celrortheeait br atesiits __ir A. t ar, btrinitgrand srprviorthn , la il»bya. Wilknotrr tc rtrribrlo, ..P. j st-»st-05t rcoord e.trrreop cenra-z-- R. BlerrIAccU..r. Cie or telephene fines for ALL-OUT PRODUCTION YceorCanpbrn r eo, 1 n- Ont- o So p ,pht.tr crStt porrdr BE lI E -crs0c ie tho ~5to. rne orcy. . 2' SPEAKtbr, Ared jtat 3 bANSZE.R Prtpfcr o h The Trac la T. Higheat Grade fu I ERMIT HOUR POCAHONft C F R B Little AiL SUNDAY 10 3Lm. No Suoke or Soot "OLD COMIPANY" ANTHRLACITE COKE - ALBERTA CEMENT - LIME - PLASTER JFOR RES(lT!rT/MAT PAF FEED T// DEL DAMS PHON E 48 ANYWUBRH RlSADAMS BIGOT 18 y COUNTY OF HALTON 1942 -LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR -1942I .r rr.rt-ef I " I G - 18. . ortt»ror sr. rAt r.. l, -1,111tr. Z (Y. t't -1 't j , ÂObt Of Crit-1 Jetjtnr,e rrth .rrro.r, cI» Aphi, , 'ch Jt, br. Ot.- W. r1Arr)wCi(iMil tra. b.r.tOofthe t. I OrohParn "Lt Pays To Deal At Days" lm IKerol, Creoliri, Zenoleum andTi l Farm Disinfectants. M *Cooper's Dri-Kil and * Dr. Hess Louse Kilier IBrooder Stove made hy Beatty Bi-os. 1 Water Fonits - Feed Trouglis. m * PEON 28 C. T. DAY & SON MLOf