CANADIANS neyer shall wcar the shackles Al ±ose serving at the b attlefrolt s arc of slavery. This is the stcrn deterniination rclying on our support. Back thei up with of every man and woman in the Dominion. Viciory Bonds. ButFreedommust befought for-and paid for. Remembh Today, more weapons, more equipment are a soundi a dire necessity. Victory Bonds -will help by the na supply them. - i s ro Deal At Days" PiI.Z (>1!)W -XliiER AHEAIJ' Empire Range or Heater StN*ý ;, 1,,.: for î l.: t uLîig and ait- i(uand coilin,,umy. IS \'-U< Xîît'iiitHiORS -IEY HAVE ONE- DamoI ilîpî-rs,(.îaIHodi (Glias Putty. C. T. DAY & SON MLO HAYWARD TRANSPORqT Daily Direct service TO -r, ber, every Victory Bond you buy is interest-bearing investmeiu, sucured tion's entire resources. ils u r-or- iî, ,IE~ .u. A-44, Lieut.-Gen. McNaughton Inspects C.P.R. Tankis ORONTO MIILTON - 1AMILTON sîsol nd -),- isItanîce Crtage and hluvaug. itîtîN ~ :11 totiiOli I TON 318 IHAMILTON 7-1W0 - 9ltEtcîl E t-.oio f0 uttink t Ee .iportto i te fEitîc A > - a E,.,pif S .uu*A .eeFAeeY.eA.e.Lpctien tE:u - ' - ot, T. po-Et. H e ýpEuy,,d hec.E, in - E ,, ,,t hi'EOop- wXchru LuiE.ýt.- en-. A.t. Il. h Mc îpip uiy w c iescaitypte thol Ceo', PluinbîîîgJ. a4aC fl L Nîclu t tuo dtiEEeEEbigtPci- i tci nthepfieo o iti tt:-",,,-o.E E. o-too,tue i. tlu in t i h. EEg( iîE,, Ptun- igiiui i tto f n hu M ttE . Eh), I.E l. I-, ie t '~Floor CoDtractOr "i'on tou-u ýip Eut tf Nauuc tuu i fit folIo: of theio,,; ___________ __ - 1 ait 'lo t V :e.Eu- for- otoi- H nshectionw if \ ,fEc icut , i -C l.E V ., R. ir O? f _________and________ ahela tîit s tii kfi hui ýiîreetu uc c'ft- ,--P , E 1;'--t Il. eatitig anuII 8,1:Na Atcîipiiîecd btu- kingoffi-ft i m te Atg,. i -'d- - -,î. WE 1PECIALIZE Ndait if te CutodEut ircianid teitit> Ue, ruciitout O' - -.-. ciOLD .ooes Peiore fficccu uf te Cuîudiao utups Mtdway, wuEoccoil E l -- i.he îinsm îtbîng O.Pacife.sI t ier r ,cEd fictit 2 o.îc-1 ufuu îlu ette, tnd E.:.. hp1).0C0 5isuuesbsCrsestauroftalutk uicotut o m cii iuueuveratlityi. ST, SITONONT ~ I IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE. Galaxie. Ha» Toidem.y Sllk.Worn Cultlvaes 'D'y Calsng Me.. Th"i Te Follm laft Chutea . Au OId Chie...Soud a Deping Suit loe Vat An iavsstigtmae ukisilad ie a' Tieseeikworna can'lice, mnd bas iWo a. aàma,&suit miaaid ho netsdoia almof mitise as if thi. ived i many paria of iith e rl. cimmomi depends et the typeo ofsuit, coms wuamadeeaoany by Dr. [tetfinithome wooChina, adhomra lisemortutfclar Iligâta aid lte EricelloIsab.rg cif théLund observa- it toiiid for centuries butor. Il occupation ut tise ceare. accordins tory In weden, Who la aguestte- fourniaettor placeil Uv. Tise ta the Cinéseand Dyere A&ui s"artollt*uow ea t M.Wtiet. Los Chueze, kuooig they ismd a god tatoa of Californie. Angees. lRe studjaeil isjitribu-thing, ltended ta keeIli. Tht Tisa suvet odor ublch smas lioa la seaaor tise ossimde galaxies, peoalty for taking i*%a uniqueldamaesominsuina tal ier ili a. thi. ldividoal univeres e "'hoora cor their saga oui of teclitnot- ues tromo a &hop dos t1t udt Mils>, Way. Tise>,sue sut usifora lu>, woua death. o eatotea saig utof lannons, theou IY ditiut dhbt seetsoauorullOe tory lathat the value stto n d delores.O ihetonutoty, the-selveit eerlostreau. th sititcconc s doocuredhe assatol în c<i,surue suivent Lr. olmîIberg udtokîto er ic aChini-seic pccutho acc dosnet lnov an ,I l Ipro 't~d .1 tu?, 0,la in - -]y M ... ý ga1'les te gelmethe oîîgura- op uthuto'à. Whcuhliltd i lvenltlte becuoe drtylloho ti0ens uutatug fruu a oeruudoisdî-out, te gocoo substnceuîu hich odue puraluta. lutriutitrougit space. Galaxies inds the liberu sdalheau soteut, dy ce>,urning, te soià la trous appeau hi bava a tendentu fohi fuansd the cocuuu uuraeled readil,. tered r i tahie fahre e isauvent loto clusters, lat su idividuel yltldiuf lish tmt hresd. Wbulb. If hie suivent linul tpurifiaid con stars seem ltu ater In.omelsrea ouerthat hi hie true tuoiryor eut, oanti>,, cubtes chluh are ctond ,toron a golai> ur cusater. Churse legud ha il Ibat surtot ulnaeiitesend of the tnaay amrie iAuftrtaasthie amaml ssemblages ture, the iultivtollof ut ilhcurms, tuoa hie laniog luchters dirtitr out clustes lctes oncernd,thitu a uderlakon unatlarge acaîr tisan csen they eolered. distributioncao enfatitent cithiaftirthie trot thon hy n Chieeepub Ti theury tbat an assembliage coashb- creutut hie ugaitln outlber hua.- eus la cure hi de>, uiaoig ig tureoilor tiiet puelout os- buud, soouohihg ig tn 2,013tiyeaua baon ust dompag a suitit t hr sembhlages ers breaihitup, but belote Christ. Hou celi tha mortel cienig est. Remulung thiespurs te Inuger stuunaig ofun ilveresas ueguuuded lhinhdirateilhy thie picattun, especilU>,frocaouud thie onteotrrboulls o sapne in-atthatiltcoaabout 30A olelr@, ahuudermmendloueslasueuy dhrudtdhiai thie formation prooeou ohea te itduatryeapueea iJapen ùprat hntepesn e cuu te more iset>, une, and thie au d ils, and 300 yenr.later h. hqutepaticTuliatenton t la- coîrulatlus cet. basuld ou hits. fore twoi aont. liig thair itoluape] hould neyer lbu pressedt fai ut Il ca n«esa.>, tu inuw hiot caneu withi ngus. muggealât.loftupresued. Il ahuutd bh. mlled lte magnitude outh@bmfoecea hiul loIrmu l y>. on 4 Sptoi cachine. lotte opeuatig bulceen galaies, Thtuiltice out hieOrient tcers Ouedit- out Sioeuetavart>hiupneeunai and thua rsqulred a dehirahiutioo ed os putîttea treasuteala thie peocdue for dîlturent lothrie. Soli uft hieaverage numiset ut sons- uorms *îl t i edlrana potamatertasare tiniaed cihidry, thitla tars-m~ieach aluu>. The Iun Rm,ieOil waald for eoauy t eanandcwthul pressure lohtîh togure.urrtivait ib>,Dr. Hohohtrg lis wloultoilugold And~dilcu. tethie uap. Nutdwortede li 0,O,0,W.trc îpreud. and gabardioes, on thie othitubund. But Chiuau eeaned, uti mod- sh.uld lbu plaîud unsa macihi" de- erntiathelnd ofilk. InoWl igndt aofshùet Smokisng Causse of Huart ChinuastloOws thie coutls teadig Dseiaee? Answer, Ye No produieif iSk, wcîhiaun ul lu smoking a cusue uf heurt dit- tliiu tha t fJupon. OuptFv-Yea,-Old Moiher tome? Tihi pereatial question ta- Normal ie Ail Respects erulsed a guoup ut amiat doi- nL tae fSik. us Tho-eeeve bn-y So-uth Aeeul. lire uit hieAmeieanu iedicol a s - g sSl pu. luya-tbihtuimtr souuaiou meeting. Tht Journal if Mahing Of SUbuttUte# thilesoutlber cbttd ansa huhy brut- thie A.M.A. tseited theîr urguments. Amtrlcuus hsvlug tailed i outu- orbtrs. Paul Kosait, speclalisi The dictut puJed uluud ofargi.u- iultl u monter thi ote adinilu ib driuratititatTemîhees cul- oututative %moite. adlogeColumbia unlvesily.suuo D:*. Frederlis Arthur Willisif teediug utfeiscuorme. have devel- hieu arrivai lu Nec Yurkh tetti>. the ayo itrae przentdýa ta uptdinhirecetlyuaem new cemst r. oa lehe rd cid thetca Muy Coiprmeulthée alh-?f lmltutlag thie tee lundlooutofsi* ia uatsImot bi Ilulculetuy empsrig id elIn lufubric made oui t cwoud. cutai payehuoglal oto ha beuepermit ofothuuul hiusanarmillieandunon-and cual: ted lu malle studies ut Unsé Medina, umubers chu hadlluird thiee tiiî. The hreznug outtoar ilkstouks il the Petuttun cbltd wlo sutouuded Coclusions: (1) lintON mosete lie-. appa, wltît ire turthier amiimulus aleuisets and cedîcatlomnto o tlonte hoses of40 nd 59. he t te fun-upndigiusritues. earsutioby iv llinghritus pet. wue ite tices au mach henut 'chichir nue ily dresessupbui: feuil>,normai baby. At the tIcs i dilesetasI a sientar numbeutftery,, uctîbîes sud siitts ua m urh wesu cuideusil au unhuttevobte thim uîu.emkers;<2) buynd 60years prîîuctu as ay,inylonuandiluhoc s tv-itr-od girl cudgive brth 0l oge, nou ateca-th itdftetenrei eyuiheticse mitU la prouesu ut deveip. dbat it cas hiledthiati te muai hi ih. beuved." en.Waushiton mes utdethonsuppuaed. Othr ocor pomtl pichd gredlh m eut ,obever. t fe iigamre fitii ino he lohate rupti>s leu.atu hthi aegny crotted Alrsunaetsu aui lotr.em Franiaun. bythie stoppage ut Amnertuani mporte truie teste hi Lino. hoeuet, Mu@. D.FsîmDaniel MurphyOi f utJupunese tac ajk ils cispur tx.Cms a aid eite hue noudoubt hie Milcaukhee: "White andad ibtettilt engineers hi redoubledt efforts ile îais cutera oele w055 luetl ti on 1934 eloled thiot hieicidence if their drive lu puodute lte suaitles iveu. cooayhatdsael ae ih al ihutt.ado h ite *Lita, eabtaïd, "la aboye air- er lu uu-aketmthian la satoc- eilucita. ual lelilgeure. Thte baby, a buy,. ers. .IlMore thuui0par cent ofth. eiba perfnlynormau ad laPbylcl- Dr. Geurge htudolph Herumann Aurica ue u gao ie thie e better deittupuilltuan theuver- if Gatutelun, Texas: Wr setit nlySind if utoîckisumen core ltght-le .ges aelu-Spanieb iudiu-cblld, tbr fec icitentoierae nd ]otuassigt ig fortiluthie sltoes mlter the so.ioalti the buchili auseahuit> oftheugreatuumurur famstokr& wbu etmenl'a freuitg order. The ,rothertandsau diethe ttluf the have nouymphimm tu cauai them lu 2906,lui douen patrs utrnyina-fl amit. Tu thiloh hlt bd s li cîeult u . .. Wr mrer ihiel>, h iebufaîbiiued hbitet> alinlaÏ94),ibeit inuiberbaby," oiteesed . out msger clin- firttyear ofprouction, erts 7par MsKimabpaed a ytaeinParu iual tuperenue.' cent if thie totltsusioadsales. uludyieg nativueîitilde. bite mid . lataelettuaid him oalihquicmand t 't uiiigenl. Southi Aeria Goneds Derivaden et Bible ffugsWiltibas Lueis>,Na@ muresihola cit auor uhodà, Bible in thie Kugliatuiorauof thie Pethups te mielremarisabla of dis adilei.é Grueitiblbasud frioansoitîttlail uit cideuieconcerne s choie - _____ "ltte huila." eriru if uhptutechut mennmil New ihlia Iset deatvee front HuglitWiliaes, chus e rcamteus Uses. Cisee Ars Quert bibles, hie urd thie reeba had fitrecaereou record at Lloyds la For 40centuriesthie Chinois.have te pant out ut usue lfumr bath Loudon. earued thie reputatou if bains lbe tht Egyptiasa de chat ce caU Ou Deceabe, Ifi thi. aillas amont cuasurvative peoptulueInte ltteir ctitiug papr-papyrai. uhip Muusu, cessaig tihe Straits et uurtd. Tht>, euh doueiryhilut I con he papyrusat an-Douecupiedsinagale. OfbtebacImetd-8oilmeemamtu heoc- cihiolbhouks care flest citru uund i1 putueutier ou hourd,.ioeGl i>,edental poitif vîtu. se il casthiat iblus came hi uai loue uuîtd-ltogb Wilitams. Mont peupleenudthir dinnes cîhi nit ual>, papyrus but bouit-u>, Ou thetury snne dayofthssmu dessert, hut lite Cbueseo bgla thilt book-as vieil.moitt, i 17t5, n pleaseir.ecroî ithbdessert. lu Cihia, te curu Ntulqste ftou uentuies fler culled tht Sea Sputte ua uteiked wuar thie pente sud the men cear thie Chrit,.Chitlsntty had made suihtnestthie tale uf Man. Thorr. ceusitts. Wuaeu coil thIir hhet hi teudcuy tbat thiecmmpilationuouthie titiperars aoard, amaf hien knouhsudthie memuethelu baie Dtd and New Testaments liad cime one Huit Wiilas and bsfai, long. W. pa>, s diclie chou os t ie enteemdutheboo or Bb-h hietre.rre augr al. areeici,;they pthe docturubeu tin, tht Oreis worduhlcb thie Lotiesbut tenatour ugh Wilamssurthe>, are ceti aid stop payiug ibrus teckboverhbodiyanduda s sinl- îîîed. cbtu he>, are ich. Theirnapokeo gurccibe mna, and tria Nolo comelte mut ammaigpari loguage l ai ctltte1ad thele chuth direcl>, e bavethie Euglîit ut lhiu rearkahie stur>,l On jut> urîitt augusge hi rut spou. nord Bblbe. it , 1940, un Eugtish tracter etrucks Theu bookse arr reuil bacurd E a Oeciou miae. Tcuuft hie creu ibheir dressmaers are aen aud anur-euund anephec reaclsuamedthieic loue a rrot>,the bordent. He Knossaes Anywa>, HuglitWilias, cure tse oui>, one. Whlt black thebrcialumae> Wiiîhm C. FuseutoutFinas, O, tibu. tud. mouentos gaeh, lu China ilia chite -- traveted murethian the istiianceaduibrtdesmaoldse eu biseSiatesdt aoud thlbehi10obtuinhiede. oftchite. WbentlcChiureegen- gete of hacitelur ut law. Dry, Mulst Costat tlmen aeel, the>, salut. sud eaih The wus ut Attorney MaronmG. Thereretticidistict nmehioda if tObrn ahobes hia&ocu baud la- Poster, hoepase!bte Ohioalaitbarued lu meut eiutry, linottasaite stad outhie trieud'a. tualuatioo recti,,. cysof thacooighe enuder and Forthte yers yoniPonter tuleutedcrcula (au butchur linilt îuaauted hoiceen luhuhla>, ail Ada yru a duty ai>, cut aseTOUGONI).Transfusuions TiegiBoes lhee Ohio Nutheri'Uniivrsity in Thetnderuco ta et are etubstl Bluciltransusoscorie bglvee lucateil. Ne eie d h coreil by dryheatlchbaeshby rosat. hirough tebus eaas vceil as $re27.WO0 mies 'hmlsgh ail kindo îug, broiîitg ou pst-huulltug, aid thieugh the veina, tiloastrcely ut ceothercithuetbaigs laie futr itevethicbtiatls ten tder eul repurtoil. clus a ay ilme.mayhleitederieed byyaucltprue. Ine17trtisuof tis thtd onlit In tact, Poster saklite lutecraiuttcsse. Tougb cut& used i mute Patienis tbereca oui>, une faýutr. bucamanyhusemae ated aliug auduuuttyilongslowccoilus, sua Subtacesijetitltutuhiehbons te Dixte hlghcsy aid touts op bu- as bcoîiug, tecing or ehosuerlin. maruuenter the blouil atres ap- Iceethie Fnlu>,corporation limits Peuhupu usaortieofyusmu a oder- patenti> unebaged snd ulseoul as uni tht Adla brder, @, afmailierlis 1iug itou, tetc hehier aeut làtmolearapidi>,asu chanIjectait letu the caeclithhuroutse le aveled. 1deruand csuhe couhedby dryheaut velle,bs>,yreport. "Thetemare 40 on *riht aide 'oîehEEuitin essatender aos Boaneuulb outlsupptuttceinaas and 25 c he lofttsdeyb h ecallud. chuEd te cociheil b>, mutast. roaefotrlotrduciag bouduoruh- ETbsuitmuectes usait muet b>,thieor substances lotnheibodies ofplis. animltaeutscc utender. Au ason-.tdents. la uoecoeditions,.lune- Consuume DfIenMPoeiOsis earu ie, thue" culs ht lie sioug *er il indiffiouiluorimpossibleto Auyuue couli tarethie losîiug te hbtuît nare te vesyt>lendlerutucituotohie velum, Wdepusds gratitude outanmn Rglshuesuan lu- oic. lu bref, tche bruahi, thie mutiltions,bhuna, irupa>,, @book, day b>, gtvtag ber-utfaanOhig-u dit. purtlrhouutor T-tous sand air- sud poorly ileelopuil ut ibliterteil hou ot unlons. l its liapprecistli t ueuksate the ors heslcoukeil veina are coudittion lun ch t@ our mont hubei vegeteble moue b>, dry teul. houa transfusion toute mlghi peovo tou csdy. Tse unonushorloge l in______ vitail>, aetul. Inlutlle lable thie Euflouihoas buunscutedirauultu ,vainu ee fusutia ouet>, iseel- and et a et csmrty purty in Loetng Gld Withflorseiniil oedbfiathIjetnlotoutuhissart London, a basksea t ohsluzig s dîen Glitugu huit s utc prumpectiog diffcuit oreimossible. tuege colone, Ut it hia. brighbo db- ltIlte hirstlil eti lEqulatum _____ bou. c se suetiosseiloff aie $20. oruenuet. wch tgrevéos aidaully bluriPeunseaut the tittebu- suronstlhe U. S.and Canada. Wheu Dirtisalmes wail thttruaiot-lee pghO. The lt- ilgrI oiitEattgotd content, Thesbrtlhaesufesahihart cueilles, cundertug ihiecWite-il hugril>, absurbauthie moels. ltaoaJanumry, gamset; Fsbruaey, re nest, cuaptaisti l tlt>,auMosus[Ticket Feederih Luudherg ut Toron-thitit;March. otusmaieiorutbtud- becausethie>, iad ausse. hititili te Amerccu tailute of atone; Aprîl,ditamouil; Msyr, amer. Aaorcaas consumol eIttuer a NMiuiug uud Metutiorgtcat Engteerm aid; taie. matote or pesut; iii>,, kiion peunlils A Ysear, coulth t ut ureetiaCanaden prie- euh>,; Auguat. sardînyn; beptusular, $17.titiftituhigmwes, oct cuaiRig pechirt bai beet toustiog guold b>, sup1piie.; Ouhiee. Glpalor tlusua thie tions fitIcousols-garlîr, lburulug s ciump ut huesetai, as- lise; Nuveabet, topez; Deuimber, Ile.s, ebstiatanad chlvss. yiug thie saubes. turquoise. TItACTOIIS 0ur quîîla ultef-, - Alabl. IIbuimrs'Ormtur.tutorFeheuresl soibats - baif i -nnrctiît THIOMA4S sER O d Tbeuiuutett. Th, re wil h-y DRPJMQUIN fueîoa - il.0houdslfmusr. b dmliTr.ctor Ilarraise Company VICWC*5~5~ = Riatofbiais 8t., 10mai S CONTRACT PLUMERRR.1 Hmltn Reasonable Rates Min of 30,40,130 PRIC S-- us. it. vtco. uI. 411ih "Y ont 1sma im Ci ssses- -WRITE FOR MAIN !