* I.. . - Y' O .--~ COMPLI3TE= FBody and Fender Repairs Painting and Touc] Windshield and Door Replacements Motor Repairs to AUl MakE Welding and Solderinfi Portable Equipi Brakes Relined the Rayb( ESTIMATES GIVEN-REASONABLE ALL WORK IS GUARANTEEIJ WHITAKER'S GAF CHEVROLET SALES IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS-GOODYEAR TI STATION 1IOAD OAKVILLE It's Up To Us! 1 "It la up ta us ta a.. tijat the war indutry are kept taraini capacity, ta accept the. acrif 9MOI, "justmenta that are neceuary t VICTORY LOAN with bth handa, ta init aurp BODSenemies.ý-AmEs s. DUNCAN, Pr MA S SE Y -H A R RIS CO. LI1 it Pays to Deal at Days' LAWN MOWERS A good lawî o isiposible withoot a good Lawfl Moweo Lot t sow youaNE ENQILAND, fth lostroîgeot, ligltoot rîuhing, low prîîed bal bar iîog Mower uc know of. jLawn Rakea, Dandlion Ralte., Turf Etigera Grass Catchera. Grass Sheara. Lawn Hoar a Mpeoalty PHN28 C. T. DAY & SON MILTON UNEXCELLEDI PION EER AND Q.O.C. CHICK STARTER F0UR 1941 -Q2;UAL-ITY AND PlICE ALSO PEAT MOSS Use Pner "BUUR gFLUSI" uan oprenet oWrnbea --COAL AND COKE-- "OLD COMPANY" ANTHRACITE POCAHONTAS - ALBERTA CEMENT o-LIME GYPRUC WALL BODARD and PLAS1ER * MLJMlVI MONT 16 ih-up W ork F.C 7daiola A Glas I a iIh 3S o C ar 'dof tla fo: athe dllO fooI, h clii lieue te, t, hie hLou il o... .. a te l Ia of i h oILt- la Pere Flu t lado i t.b a gerut- coda oaga o w aaseell,o ot the'B Bstof Ways Cicg suiooINC Dotin. Mail, BpHall he. taolbo .ritS aof t.di Aloul 1h, Su. Thil ut ment 10.00l olfada fie asCKOC.thtnd O,,îmithî haot mademîhunieh Cao tadlonneh t l u Am eriHa bfa 011 a,d il 7.01-alelna ly kOe.pro, u ftlaniaMne Bhalli, pîia-lia film Il. ulel ill b eardntalol. , I ~ar t of-oo h AIC frot CaIutlC K Oneaola tiet qi. .habc.. 1. au f aad. tlyoang ChnadaOn fP,-ahe :ZAGE i 7l -weu laeh, llitehave aaa elieai, clu 1,the1hmagiele.r frot l01ia oiiti Chahation. andi hia h CT.Si Cathaines; CWOO1 elild. tai aclu. alo lbo, eh, ah aida ),,tclateIte p.Caa ' Juen TELEPaIeNa 141i1it e havty Saîdiohe, Tne7.n0on.0. llehoad ..iidafile, wheeî afaur .4le samil pas.l ie Mariydor lio g t m xim m tlil Stttac, 'fia el fr hi ea icea and read- fan whI,. ieteazzDeaîll bu etocîto e, albrheak h e o fred th wareCitie Cn'nJaooî,icelero, Oy eu Igingl, ta atad ithel ah, la lamore i-l. h- tia laair hala apt. elain' h, hi,,. adtrgv e î l a lee ySnditai tgto aiur iplaaL uttAi, i, eu Heeat id fces and ail Giaiu.iileaeteaig frnt as fi e,,ptyl eDo cie, w,î il aa. l ia n he Cai e to fee the ilihae îhîa .100 es. ioni. Couee. front to ouîllfi dheChe illu b.la îpîi- îtle o,,tue u.TIhi, lad lweî o noad c Iid ai t]110,10,, e lde In clseh11, icilulin haidtr. ial a. of th.. Sule .,&,, t sh ow s i nce M a hy , 3 .N w l iy lit..C1,.11 e tad110-ild ikeMor1, the 1oifi, ahl taietoit.iT. Wliîiî o * i ,th chieîih ittha, it ahI1lame, aid tuntIl aa lîîEdthalOîiilaoîo Olh ime 110c hveda. lnnn Simailla.BSa ill I 1 sorti a ng nof ol f Ploate.lruis e, J.rkh aiyif,,u the1 huh, F io' ashu alsort spotin FOadRa h 6O.lieurt.. fod theigaillofestCha h, aeiid ~ ~ ~ an oiu ealoiewu Oartoledai niaoInsistfanco dipaidihle 10,10the.fil ao ae.afu i,,c Tt, Triveh, o li, 0, Il1 or10,11, aoai, ,], Ba ai d a î. No " e r.hai] viril - iof Eaitud..Milonle ih t Twho e ,oo,-eo, la radioaîtoitî 1. 1 1 0nle-o bris dd- mïIhy (sar ea r 000 î0, l g o iita 10 ay i e ý . o e iihookMaSpl.<,;, av la of mailleu-,io~o Cmi. sa qý.dbehd gte oilly D1.10.Nîl Vital P-teddiai . ,eria.. oal'. arr hy. ldýiýbauan eranM ala exOiing he:. loo. OhaOfînaturei.or Aiogio1oioioiC1h0oho eclahf"pilt' taleil 010 Branfor hopR -oii. i ,poîhove i l 00 . t, i h et dal.liar loof sa , -midi l o ,l ooaoflhafaale,ilWood l'u- Imli da, Ripolo oet0 aîop rni hodfliae ae1.00the1.- 1,011 10 001 1. ht hasp heremiousfflai 0 Do.T. aîlo oodpod, lii dil it ad îîu ..dua., . the» de,, aTodoatouaCh talionlOP toe peoae In U niia idî td mîbo a e - .ynIdipnale1 h îaled tht poiî aeolii foI, bi h lu pilhleiakoîlo lyai îidoi ,oA,,iioo the eoata.oeaac.dlhO..il i-l ipoy la d- ncea n..,1,0, . rcaua,, ,10 i nh au îe ,oîiieo 0011d 01 o,00 theCloair ae ach on aiutî8.01 11e laît Wit e îpî leu oeî ea fort eh lade aio 01111 00 iti,,ai toy oie oiîd 10weI e ada oingu11i.30 eso Sohiieo, c-hîoî lhengagemedt..if-il miter h,îîooiiutîoe... 0 t,e10 ifilhlai 001a, Ofeu- Do. Gooapted iioaîd h onl 040'.laitE'bouechtlite, ia Aoild,îAdoolrlaiveothe aiaa y "ea Ohutat lal'haîdn.'yyoü.r pantae- S'i î ieooh ofa,îd hou h, anos.fei '.tO mti .9 o .l at h odern n00oaoolloti afltrdalldai.lelîDoubleo Nth de.i.1 cis, aUniersty f Clifr we, al" eioflthireI.et"pfil a hlîhî niaiflicl ide . un- , îut i tOn a ay, 10111sh oso te irela. wil ek...dcaaaaone-man exeaI geardollaigh,,t a 90ooohai Dr. T. LHoa H. Bîoo , poolî,diea l T a uhyaireie W ar-l,c t olh nri, - Odo olli, i,00iatioa, ic- f e and a ihico t, lIt paît 10, îall, lapl iîdooiof 1 , Pdaa oen eladaîpu h i oao ,Inîibis ,de, adatopopilOahî,olerp , oealy I.Thyoig, wie od er POOtdirect diob lo- adly 01,pîîî-ych ,,itoooon a i îer, one ofhi a ui1hJalhtE. H wardsasof the thButlthe 1 ldect, ciiîd net hoac0 h t , e u a tlî d ienceî ail hy a 1h Wiooool a ,,ne ase h îtat. h ula the cltaîî 1,,mule, id ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~plun îltldyaloa îo',îl .10 hplei,l ordOe a.ie$,and o,,iii1,a,oioeruhdtaî odaîîtîîîhhîîh,,îi bacI e lative.d ho tive îo eaîp hia Adaîof cIou h e. ai 10, Driliood eaolîoihipiOhei.tafiaae V*sI BNSSl-oilO &gain n searh ,,o sed 1 om,k oîlher, 6 ut0 l, ck. o aol Soigioothaoattîopot ciha.f e, 1lii uiieoo oime ,Ilitgr i lihîoloitoomdRevivdadi 1 lleoar,inoms iayiorlîlyhr-o o'- o,,0000000i ditreiveof1da-tho!est ofoahe drid.la eo f I l.,o - lo i om lsy l .gy ,io i, o p ens t he s iti' o 0 1 01 0 O thotîaeg ,dol, 0 111houh of teî p t.i tOt ihlh olih, ot,, Lewois, .ro n, o ., d. obîdoî Nel. ndw lene HtIerIsm-Enlist Now! y haveiorkeanad plaaiild-yaalife, yaa hiuiartiaioiîd- ai, priodi coapiai ulh whlh ta cuu.h thoaa, ea opsi are ,.olsseihaat MEN. for Sgais, Amored Cars,Taniks, Iatry, Tranport nd »uplyACTIVE handl aoada easo aiOd1ta'Yla1lJîlCa1IERVICE Go lato o iii. eatioit Rerulitng Office. Fiîd out about Ihut MRTES OF FAT IN THE RMCII UniI; how tbty weik, whatthey do. Se just erîîyoaHilfit~ in. 130_prDa itch loird, Loda- S"'î h,'ii aoy piaioulat lilyau paaiose an hsboitiliuiid. ae povldedEXTRA,:II)lRat, Thon juin îap fo ACTION. bue.lyiltdtudt250, to 750 tea ntoocd.(2) Dtpiadel Aloailia Apyt ernDititRccruitiflg Offie i :l,$35 tu wcdt, $12 cac pet, Apply ta Neaeat Districtoar l hi eldoe- 0010 3 or dpîadetl po ldiîo Any Local Armalury DEPARTMVENT 0F NATIONAL DEFENCE CANADA Ilelp Your Country to Victory! ENUIST NOW!