UN.. w Ta.Se" oTaffU5l j AINANDO > h Eaua~iau O ampiou WisasTowsa er.tTnth ast. CANDT ITnt tlala.. Ta.thbnp. BAINNAILDB 0.JNADIÂN CHAMPION TRAVELLERSI, GUIDE'. ÉVIRIRT TiI2sSDAT M085<IN<i (Att TastaBat onaftaadatd Tiasa maléi. eaitaaaataa. tANAO>IAifPAOIO StALWAT MAIN ST.. - MILTO3N. ONT. -ttaEc- - ?.~ a.ta t.dp ag. -f Goiu5aStSa it p.aa-tt.2 lin6.6p . stae.. a tt a. aa h -1. s0 î . r= n aasa . 1.1-- Mtau-auaMa. MONUMENT ..as... aS itaa. sas A..a si Ut u aWhiTBgfl.MOUET CAPEDIL GALT. Phrasa MILON. Drs. FREEidUandii tIIt±II Phpstaaaa ad Sttaaaa Fm.an diueal a te Phtt iza nd -uAon Pac- r.s. at n .cha baatr.- 't. al idaattcataorsa a i ..r J7i aussa. aa.63 ari og. Or s REn and SurgeoSn ___________ hu It 17pasJMatca l Ourfltahacr-9 L uaa .. .2.a .47- pa E. W. B. I ER O. b p.i.at...A&. sas.iiBLOCK.TrSas PisysAisaRICudanargoa Warasar. MOtà.&;. acAhI - - iduant DR. WARD y. DDICK .. e BRIGO a3. ag s a O F Lea 11 ir. hatA- Ha C ISON . (Boy* C ME n CINDER r"-as-i o.,ihapion. * BL oCKSato mait. str-d.a.roar uchit W- ist . NDaCE Publie. is. Mode ato p the.at KENItIIS.DiP.IAN OLINSTaN Off atice u 46 atttiadig iln T[r9l . A. .IGRNSO Wa(oy1)9CLMP' flarlaar.Solsiot.i 1 PianTlsng aD epir a ng OR T.E atthat a. Elta P N 24 r. dMILTO 001 - Pl.-ELLb-$- SaswrlA. WFl AYr a'" 8 aahC. MuEtRa I hcc itta. m atalu M5 n-E". TTR s. H.IWHEELERn Stata-aa& ttOhj$ MArPIaneTing athnRpar Dh Cia F E B DCDHOH NE M . 52M NIEGLSEN..S TinsmitX-ing 2The5 C7.0ro9.0poto HOO 0 tta.cSt Evcas u tsctAu ih @ iD iIT Ova.DomainiStoras GBoj. a. S. A-a CE Lifta Filla Auambile, Drjisry T. G. RAMSHAW Plate G",sa.Acientla ihoa. Vaimîso ad AuioSu- A V«Sdttsapasplutp sasaadadgoha F. D. DEW acaleal.'Phasne 72. Sasdtt.o Mill 1 t .i P.a.» 10a8. MILTONSL _ Knowledge la Effective Weapom Atainat cancer KtcutLdg. te 00e moat effectiue wttpon0falait tha dIl..aat aican- aer, Dr. t. Mitieu aiMaxico City, wtetnana sarticleta inaniais, and Ignocracald slattd ftatshaout tht Ipealal dissuca aititta la tha Paieirntalcertaan superstitioaa that isubavenortaaaa for talatisg, Tha matatacats nfallsti.ar. garding ctncer au that n n hnous hat tases It, tht dastar statta" But ore oattc.whit can. ce ,ald we alma anter uhal casestht Itualapaettofaicertain forms,1" Dr. Min-s.~ap. Cancer in s haro ustoe holaits tnta a trg.esuhoraifafflitations tahot stacmca atstl.c, tatht grcuth oai ssiloitteleSa t par. ferro ao asahat faatotthe0.roai a oftht arganiea. taIn aime t aio thteistau cactrusConditiaas, tht dlirectfcasaeishae s apratanged irrihtatn Thtissut tut ho cet! ailsd. irttive or dcyed tath cal cancer af tht Sip. ta frtqa.sty foutal peopleiwhisa oho pipas t.rtc4- artts. Parmentewo hia.ilq lyse orthisary htatsdluaiatisg greasesa anter aboais r* rqiatt. ly evttcancaer. Mealsciencer, sordias ta Dr. tIiase, hha a bralal 00e falSry that1 cace ta Contagieua. tt in ps- sibletehavsutllcacrir raaautg1 tht tante qfiIrritation, cati attatd. Il cacer laclapa s la eiteIha55 talts, ta tanat liSsit te.. macs1 the grwtlasy surgery. j Conaider Chld'a Hobby When Clsoosiasg Caartaina Beaettht atletocofst rtatas fora. schili'. .cau ascatld totahan csntîrattat tht petactalty snd hohbbie fthe ycegster, monttstcth- rsafladtIlmretisaeayht an cal misthata tn us utalsnow haaftags. Citîrta tva ltftruatpy, thonrsr thet Sou of dacarsatas tainthair racus. uith cataipanamot imaportatpart,.ialdhocisayed ha tttapticity. Actasit ha the yardagt Irpartoett ?fai cap - satorrasoit show how tattpteaietp sartata., hudaprosîs, pttaaea, casis caes and taressaing tableasirtasasm ho asatuhil far hath boysancalginl. Cartata-uahtag ai tia aort ta-1 quort. ao groatst al, thaagh it tai htat te as a largft surface forJ satttag ald presatag;therristhta. to ais a athtag mrt..thansimtaplea ow. tag.1 Hrrarta fru tip-hap Idesathst1 uap ist ur asgît. treh.aioand . sparklte ha istdren's ros Gtagheamosaontaatstaractite ald psastcststrtatas fortheapaaagi gtri'atassa. Chaos,.aariaplisnald whitea check. Mahc thru shiaigist, in MIu 2thtis ch ilth, isacgias tata tht top sf tht etalcu atetha aitl.i Wi00 th a dicatf guide. staais, mentof yaa seiugumahine, Yeu1 tawn l htaritis-rat isata as-a i caca] hardi, ai crisa.troa. stapa,j an s l aaatrim arcaditheatdga of tht captains.Drestsingtablea atart. chair caldisadapreadmigist ht meade tetchati. Whta .lttaattag tasarha. boypa romcu, ailor hi s hbieata ast thraa tantreto aau a boni a draparitz. Finit, stthbats.air- placra, or asimsale a estquishy ho apptiqcrl cao he . srtata. tn ay tatoa, aitis tht aigtaggtr attais- ment ai tht atuta macinea. Or ty the tacatahaaettci tripes. Redald uhite a.araachor spptiqaal tithhbrighthtueachraiin.agrand Figure Ansount of MiIk 1 Needed b>.Husoas Body Thtraa aa vary simple raîthod failstatcac taneate isure oucs satist asis par.ashatlddriktvarp ltcp. ttaaat serphawarisottso tua tturs iwo quata facr, tap na- trititot peetalitah ivearsit t f 1-i aaiasettllgt coftaiuture. Caliumt, thtbody-bulding tacha. tas ohitisrmilsla inta. patuary source.,taerqairal ta tht husa hady ai tht rat.etcf front iour ha six raitttgraua 6crr tSth paca 'oi haodyutigsa. Bis onutttgrau.ms ho tttaisforgtcad otasart, saPtht aitritiaitat, ald matltil hy ais. ataeasttheoprraswia. Parla.- stancet if h. utigs 1i0 pocla, the rtstcttaf asut.wuad ho a5tSo. 160 ce900 riltgtaua. Front this ntnhtr ta aahtrasttd 300 mtligaSos atsicr that la theamsutofails- cicat asaaSp rtcîletactsntather faoodasarea. The figara reastatg wulad eqalthaecaataofcalcium te bc arnahd by the mlir dmpar- utondris. Eash aises af tali centine sp- practuatets 240 mtttigrtaofctasti- aue. Thartert tht tiS-poatl par- noa, dtusaltag ai Isant 360 utit. g ras.otf caliumsafrata atiik, sissal drtisk aisment tac stadard Sica gtasa. aif utsa dey, Firsi Mttha.'s Dtr A pitatttfor mther.-at the end ai thr Cciilwar-whrt tht hatrtl of men,uwhha oncthttsiriatls, still raittt-thatu atha Oiretor amiral Mathera day tainhsctry. The ustheruisa ptaneîth Pic- niet;aisa ot thst day sate thons uts heoetfriane.agatnancal ict ho acathars' cnam caca mort, liaI, but htrlaghtar. uha waa tuas-a hart thon, cartied as the scal cars. s...or.sAasa Jetvia-taapital hp thesrond waristiatisruaother ht latidlas.as-aptrad the idea ai Mata- er's dtp, hota ta s ua rialte ari satctarada lawathnofafbarors. Adlte, on tht sondl Sander ta May, 1N6,. as.hesod rsaa$atl Mcthtr'a day osa argasit. MAltaln 191ah.hesw the pssa of theabhll taistas itatr'. dtp a nastiosal flsgishilay. Preasdt Wil- aun prasatal hr ulta tha paoulwth arit ais ignal tah alL MILTON, Ti-ItSDlAV. OCT, 31,6940 Thomcas Hsalaasd'a Fume rfr theatasttrinasddPoetatagtauu AtsCICIISiOker GroW& sias ta co-peattira uaid. A raill aitht dtatangatahrd acii blitctat ut tcchat 85 parcent ofal]s ctuisuaert ai tisis cutry, ar. tai,tataa httcedtanttepi. rcangatintatht arder.of thet5tit- P tDtr.tesst-tsd ttt e otcboa- ira.".ofaisut. nars, oldBasldthe ttcd ciaaty itO-tqatp.d ta tahr naeofThomaastiarland t57Wl-8511 ci rfaather and hahy aftt.,tht at Narwtih, Caca., nimmigrant ht.th. fara Eagtotd tan1773, hfis aras thte tHat, wtitat Georgt P. Andeonaitatha BotoneTraattrtpt. Althtags isrrta mat ille .Da-c Crstis harteisissfueha.as nt berautid- Gr.àd Caat.. edama tncthreaate of sadl.reccaslp it ha. beauada-.Waahintaona, chisis hatsotlirdto tsactd b is in atcasiontanthtecowplay hasdreda ai hadu eofceacies cauplttd asd igis5p ttcritattt fraSa drttatt taasctaratacpu te tht uarh,eZ 6"Ditaarcf Acrcaawrldc5a arst power shoels, now Bttfrtphp't <Val. VOI.page 275). htb as a pcrctr uashtptataietr. Ta attrept tai fr hta atteact Aatetfhthttsaagiarsttha appapa. platcetantatars hban ofifatatta. Parapasascrt. ittaapa ta tas wcaud ho ta, challengetctarovy gises structure that cculd set h tuteditaalp, but ah.ecnasenusaeru.ftred athis anad it l i. ttg atd In ha that h. thcc0d ht fttta a et Grad Caaet rtattapscet the promirect postioanaasc tsurtp -factasteertptutocehaineta tpatthe Aaaartsaa cloathus5ar,proaah5p244Stu tue..Thtc a tnta tass samongtthe itcta r Ove. fa. uachtatcy isttutra tht steeu Netwoaa cdtast nadsappar tubesasd the allSaunthersayrt. r ently nasur his h.portrait pained. ta httag farctd ta thraagh pipts as. go dI tat t; i tardtatautetts, detrpresu.a. but dId tutrythies ithtsaday'a uars The puprtteteahinataGrand sarS llas ht asIl l od a htir'Coulsatdeliversthe nratrttroah fuiantsd ilaîtuthr. Htasa aapipet1390eta longaadtt at .tardp E.giiisaastrssftratd itlitt abouthaa43.666 saiityards of a resoascefldConatauaitYankee. the xu reattasel the tsnnels.Tht Wisther w taea sr-tht pardatticituretato alta fSae, car tht pplta hi bisil. hi.erisarachar a. tisa artistit aaty ttght tachratn damettr and art of hi.suwrs hr staads ta thteaaisdpoansathepipetictg.Why? Laretrant. R.grrttastp hr aid hi. Wtt, a pipe stagged aeth 10tas light nder asaist, and ararcisfor oai tacstt ta .atrcsttd qcartara aih, accès, 0af1hi.,tiit. npttStatO Eight sahie yards.ina a atsh, Martypupaalg problèmea. about 60cahic yard, as hec, ta the lthaogh uach of tht lis tarYcapacityof theapepsco te achine of tht Pineer inta hrcaded tanatys- at the Coales. The ppe railsafor tacp. tht,. tain ifrmation ohchahbout 80Opounds presurettoietp dtaaaa.ttates that Haciadpas- the amixturaeatacsag. iada.tttaa., wont read. a gced citi- secaaadaadst a. tahia gifta and lngeErtataa Laa. achircttrata. Itsi. prabable that lh. Tua bittion dotlars a year ia l was hrt an Nowih, Engiaacd, tht. ta Amcaaaagricultuta hsagh the ifrmastioa htiag seasrytd ta 1923 depittiea af tht atregen, phoaphorty uhea Mra. Irtat tartad, d t ie ofacid and pataah supplyin a tin ThaataShiraad, grcat-graadaaaaof lads detarsaio. Itt ta tti- tht 'original Thmas a laad, gave matid that 63,000,000 taasetf'plant thte o ihhiadtlonghtrataintfod ar tharreoed fattheaceil thttr faaaitp ta the Wadaaortta Athe- ,ach year. "Tht aeetd fora mr anuaea,aofHartford, Coaa. tar-rahig pragramcofaeilcycs ___________ nerrvationa" aaid a tattattat of tht Middle Watt Sait ttacprcctat sci- Long Yemr of Schooling miicea. ta iltUaeil td y thetata that tata ihat 5,000,000 aca aio Not Neceasary for Childa Parica'a 380,000,000 asnalcairp "-- p thtthfidtiaaahaottI. a crtaetaretstatdsith commer-s stlogathat ha. htta tacrasatagly ial ceaiizat r ry ypr. Caaattcap. Palicier ta Acarica fcrr aay et.., tisa for tht rstipt cocntry la saghtiy adanaimaaraaaataofperasoa] mor thaatnspetrincforthe ne inflaease aad .chaat propagaadeanhsaa haa6812,3500fauae. hora autd ta justilacloagerr.ahoai. _______ ttg, but accardiag ta Fraank M. Rtch, prtacipal ai a puc ahot tanPater. Nw. Tsx LOti son,.N. J., caaata aratc oactdci. Tht autaomobile tadustpy ceay b duc that thrrtinnoaacytity far fas.d cith a scasacas budcs of it. $4.000.000 annacahpif a Colarado "Net preparatlaa for lf udt ar. Pra.edrattantpplitg yhai astr aiilitist l it ta tht hrat part aiof ctas tatoar itt ta iated in tdccattaa,' thtepaitet trapa. aberr tatra, a naaioia-e drcey "Books arteasa odepiai aaurce i hy thte.magaztaa Acttacitetil. Iafaamationanad isapiraato hra te reeata tahcnalatag ceth stacet aithe can- tra te hic ricaca chthep MraTp htip ta tait, hut thetiasa Ta Morrea taad ha O that ahitdcaa and ysath artd catira- Ty t apacdtufrthis tard tatraat haook ttarsiagtanth.ytar are ahaou t15pcettshadaof exclsioiaoaip.ascatly alt]teid tcotparative 1939 iguresa. P.E. cantactata, ate th addettofî 0.hraprr.idettof tht Tep Manu- .duatitt alcaieita-h factturera ai thte U. S. A., Inta n« Profesor ien dvocaes l ae. aat.cd retratiy. Mr. Lahpa atta Prai.acr Rith adesste. tated ..tisai tht Asaritantoty tadaa, catcatat cotactstwttth tht huai.t- ty oaa trtuaty ttdrptadcat aififp- prnieMp un-vctoalatvacnsure fsppy and regard- prtaat.ahp, qcat-stahaat teuai- 1..aai atconditions tht. eeatty'. tS ta thtkistchen, eatrhrOan td normal qutaaOf$00,000t,000 oth of gardta ai hamt, and alttrpattaa tof toaa taaad haes'ailahOt. a stasaaofrpytcpua a suss. "IhyrrautttProtetttht.trieves soaaofaahaatattradaat.e. hplpactag ard rrs arip asaagh ta prmis th. manactture of themer. DSatBSavarTriabti ch-dt at, Aaaritaa tca' aaies..ar. Whenbeavrs bgan uttig domtcrtata that th.pacat ftttait raqir.. ecobl ibe ro tadut uietaas caa oraiatetr uhat hap. ai dOtena.miletrarar tatangtat, lTensatrttstalietaiad.i Maa.tra gr aa ud thtp lie .dd.d. ha.sh rtc rfrstrd ia ta. hait a ght at thtip bande. The rae rdcin ftyarlns haap ittit srtatcrca had a damac tsodprsadsaataprptAata narasy cpttd ohetht ialled rat auiaorme,. aitsatutar act tresa rtttaaed. Thîchiti ranget. as,,dstryr,.aeaaagcsdt« satttd al] isadsanad dynamat iata.as ifa.auraamest arat pacts ta tht data. Tht htavest ,ra airc rfautes,td cka atit fiied thrmu ar e. aght. .ragzadgnrsbu.o ats Net aaixt-tach asea ppt e ws. ________ ptattd ta tht damta tadrain ta. Tht. paaattd tht htavert for a Flater Cracks (Ossuaidabl. coupt ai daysa th.s they iacsd and Tht.'. aathtag qit. as diahrtcrt. ptaggtd hath tnds ai tht pipi. Tht tatas ha a htcauthr as a ireahly water raSa agata. d.corattd raau tint ha. taddtaiy Neta asiphanaofairea.haat uasadevsapeid aftyPlpatrcracs.. trttd. Tht htavtra gnatctd it Traithacfh ttuayhri, ttaaan. thraagh ta short ardtr. tinaoy, tht dtrtatdahtt. Pat.rpitg hptag. dama oas aaut tttcrlp rtsscscd Itctat hthoebtiotr 2Wad 300 and th uat.ralhaatrd sOt. Tht glin, of ater thât tauet lie tsar, tharangersartaatdup acrrhty rate. Inathrrsparattca ppasesaa teaig soarts.rw hapisg In rifhtenthe . suhat frautag sftht homet ta tht dtrucati.ehtUtilestrateaoay. aahet te a arptaf snd t.ttti. Tht Did Il? t ahbit. Thtpctdoaturel rcts in hsthtapanter. tht scarts.ata, dttidrd hita tato A atto ad acr..i soltiott t cemnta latces andaatedhintafor this prtcht.uinthteuaneaistiuio building a ait, lau. Attr that tht board lath au a panter hat.. Tht heasetra uerrtrapprd uts. Il waa tath fomarS 5 tctcStct-tttttaat ha.. th onl wa t akeathttaquitttheir rit. r tuarttht piutt.atd irata- buildtag. toit ohich tilcnt haslt au the pltatr drit, out. Tht tt.uatttg tath tlataitcahtt BsbY Caro lafHospital» ta thishata... ai one-hstallinh TS any apcthrs laeth oth.So.,aatr Inch and onetinch aa pitaitith ther tret hahy tithacattahr. a aableaItatilatian proect- ktaig hccattahtscastofthru.îtiontitadadition ta prasidiag sa Dr. Jatica tH. Heaa ai Chcago tat- toaf..plats..haae. arite.. 55epitata .hoctd lhetetac h. taf scatra, lh. ,alid, oh...tht utthtr tcaast tahai ht hahp Na Elle ar.ds. Tc asssuptiah thisaimn I aluh1 o.sta prara hefr apyoe.it rttauuatdrd a laitaervttetof ci>aisPapa5ar BIcfs.. Ma.tateard shtcy .tttristas and hahys tttciatttntaEh etthaagh Eli Miler, EtiiMartn, tatry htc.tctat ta prptrt thtecthtr ESj' Campbell and Etc Ohast ci- fo ier ht ats. titd$eash tothe child wosepar. Moer hzshoul.aad h.ieptat-frd,nt t tchthat nuatat fac thctr t-hitd. ad tht catp uap ta saaetast tht Mr aad Mra. Carenca Mascmeau uathert0f tit trrd and Pttptcttlher de.cand thtttht Elle hasdaoer $4. IIAVWARD TRANSPORT: Dally Direct Service TORONTO - MSILTON - HIAMILTON Loccal std LaagDiitaoCartag atd Maviaf. TOSONTOluHamU MILTON Reis HAMILTON, ONT.1 'Jay Walktr,' Are Not Same.as. Jayawkrt' 1 Jayhachescand iay cathesret ntseeyaeycoser,,yc,.. Ttctrrta set , i at.the.rsetst ascasie- ssy. Theteryra Jayhachet aet- taiced ccdtaprtad tregntionsdat- seg thet rtetsy oersyths admis- ies f ainscasa ta tic. Union, rgaa Oec185. utlctcs pyir.d hy Easaaea te thoet sha also-esarthas Eaes)t hc adrittl as a frte acatc ced taisearos-eatltht csaagceisa etftht prslassty areas. P5.5. te thia lat, hseey. tht macer sas.intas and ldqatte aaaahct igiitetu ietd toa ouap ef yacsg aI. vtctues w ehatiGctcsisarg, Ill., t tht Assistagauofe9afarthtctCatiarat Laccr, in tht scan wica sa elt ta Deach Valley NatioalatMonacecna, thec gel-aeehra scrc for a swhit tsavttteg scspcanos ofis ano. lry. Tht rapedliîsahbuta.orhiscours.. agetwud1 havt pcrichcl ta tht Ira- M.anicsciatatty ait thoet cis atacsaptsl tht ecrney in189ca caticI fat ytarsaafterwrtstl Jay- Hetas, tht renatsd l acas. uhara Malty htatcght acct ta safety hctcsblogtd ta the Jayhtcsahc, tr d Ith. Jspisacertthse.te. eaffcrsch harîchipa a. thcy ta- lastl. tt lacea thit tat. greep thct tht regias ececa its eanet-Dtath Valley. Wcoro Ta.p Flam Eittara Onetmoestpcaet that caces aes as mc esisesta m eca ifest moes a . seh' ahly tht cse s a 5 in tht iaettahat cep filics di torset Pac. aceacet. Tccacccth Cestury-Faa, M.cra - Geld 'ye - Mayts, Clacehia ad CecilDe Millt pac ta are ait icraie. Tht tesaacfor this a tchat aca ra ay hastvet cnty tht vau saceas. but,.is adtea, a tmor tîe e1tnatarec This a ia saicah.bei.u 'ta iidîgeupcthtasenti. maetal ida ai tht pitcrt. As tsonestahe photacraphy onaa ceaPictare ta scsplttd, tht milta ai stluiietaetutrnedoeerta tht tuas aditer. Tht latttr laecs.i py sac ashoa sa a a.dt taaoidgtet Itecea, icracue.,musctsand tcs-n ýdp, e feeling fot rhychm,,acd a ci eofetetttcat aluaesi. fSa tht fita tîstar tahcs tht sritaieîd and cusilta Ieata tht proet Otsath. Hteceatt dide hec nocai, ai eash scat alata goa t thtutita iuhtd pitescelndclAa thtessastc acqueccaoriscat. ttca cho h gluesatht Placesatotgethpc entcthe A lttoetthe asucaet ofayr ltae dpicyttIa psa the iin5 edtes, and wascese a," -aretthas holding thtit se-s ie thaet dificlt Ofied. Salary itr Wtvst Tht dtcsand forsadequaacsrtctt notaton uar clecbashe epa made site, andhaas aaysamt t con. tscspttcyttils i resa hashaala. Prhapat ltcgtanes.tldustuttr iogc ta aah fatr mtoreaacty iS, samesteh aisedy havestaecsasis Sac. apart isece thtvage e a et ci .oarltree tacetslchth ia Why eci? Thtscuntry bh a eî rae ttayarsccsh epraeact sactth. and eus shscid taivs h.tht caiy peoptesesitdd tassa tying te ansahacl hc taidyh ichhusaed te the tccseet ai cash and rPtcpes- aîhîltty ahc accueeta.ne cesattcacs 25 pcartctfbhhshansatsses cacl ht tait. Thts arranemtaccas cdI ofrt a tact chancr e iticathsemaeît- cstadwoe-ics ha test that paris strtcagestndtacftselt-exprssione hav caci dca fer business arheîss ta decsdt hec mceisthty cantetd te pas foctthyts ccc tainecc, toc met. Thts c-aatd sssinlysty set fesscd ta docaoksho atch heyt ttseststycad n alent. Wamaen Trathea Navigaton Shalesa cf ccdîttc and tht Oa- moertel Mstsator, matas! Futurt ahtpc serspycatd heshacmattsae haîsg teaha navigation isy a on And that it a l]. Oat cf thtcs ta a gîi, ced se ca haîdis theutx tntcnd shoot thteacenaiîandity istiss et e. taccideathtashis. t. sec tcscs et ce-or eoil? Tht chkipP' aiftht sliassa suMica Ftcr.asc CMisa, and eht ddat les= ait ci h.. rseahîp ou t hachak, eîthtr. tht hesacer tesresatpîfuracs st as whtî, asesd Mica Vittisia Boat.as artsechs aueRoosevelt htgh shetinte Oatte, lictifSatt on he . ith ftsîghts Mept .aneaa Thtecatanasnd thcseffisyra tsi- tiattd thtcs entc tht e mt-es oc ltad rscaoitca.scmsetaeuîce and dtcsscsiîîg latitudeanad longi- tuet isaethesrcead stars. Mica Milra sseshsd hoep cth e setyof-thesats hsetdgsetf astu_ tîioi and cîit a dtaîssta e. l ef t ttcnes poincs. letookach us taagtt y Piat. t mayledF.Fat- weitat tue University su W.iahiag Matis. Hay H.., MensaociMouet Athos, Ccttty, scsieyin eiyts ssirrtc on ascccy, exrscige oftheppîi.i ttgcs sahicsithavt esadethpsi a law tathesa.tsîforcsturits. St. tag cerempti im cprtlat.as, this liil shta Perte hay fracs tht Uoit. tI Stat.ta ht 00cosa toaa.ourtht0t cosu eauts s athtp thac rat- hsisat tititueppiy sn tht haut maarktt. Tht tor actaIsparted hy msat ofaaipecial Perts, w.ehilethe atcstsfirttgtttasoatpro. stîrd isy tht Battisof <Soee ai Atattal. SERVING AGRICULTURE A grrat any of oaar Banchffl are lIatad ic Agrts.aitural centres and aSaU aiaggrviejpar aasraaaratiy aaaiable. Savtagt end Cheakiag Accoua. Losara, Pe..dttg recaelt s.d 1aaam, Monoy Orderes ad Droits forremitar.aas Eaa.h iranch la in hare oftaManager ho la fin tatal with conditios ad ready tea saat inaa say posstie dtirctio. Kow Yuank-it ca c sfo a y. The BANK of NOVA bSOCOTIA IS.t.1832-OVER A CENttJtY 0F SA 05100 taPa, tat DEEDA . "It Pays to Deal at Days" C. V. PAINT th- t. V. Pai.tîs ta Ita thýht îht a aaec....td g.ic. t -ti-d d i -as 35.60C .30a.e i t cch.d Piccr,, sýicaiip ttights 5esttt Qetek àattisa tscuuui t p itaiitar II- PHONE 28 C. T. DAY & SON MILTON HELP THE RED CROSS COUNTY OF HALTON 1940 -OCAL COURTS CALENDAR - l940 Pts.aSO Ss. !~ as. Ms. 24., 10slu ô S 7 ShhaAtS...... . OKoibth TtSa. Ja.,t0.s.. a..O;. thhasuaOaaaa.. 5 htarA. .W . autt.Z!Zioa..aaa.: o B rdaro. i. C. Mifib" Otas aili. Pasa%.t epÀl le ,r p tl