Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jan 1940, p. 2

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«MUNT!_UNUL 9481888 044017ploi084 11,1878,4bas4e 48 lte194 12I hangea 808 41 Il, tht, ty 941,1, 1) _41 1)49898t4rned 9ta89i0 in)1 the9c ...4)9 1o8ly 11.9, 7418. 1e, 841û .1)9 Ir$, four1 of the f . epty9e. t Il.tle -la 1 .. 91)191)4 . 9.7 N bu9dlà.991)9.positon0in9the199 f rat time.111)1148 arc091991118 . . Il Trafalgar township9, W. J. Robe7) 911,9999township,1d. H. Oy,Es Tes 9e9 i99)e)9)i 99iilities. TI;9yar John.999990, 0891911; N9579,8,) - ber' , Trafalgar; 1-I1)8 99)9, Ne li Titres9of Whe9. w)1999. 08, field th- 887,19)'8 9bal, 0) 9 2,, M0d R--999 .ý99, 9)11. 959 99 p-1.. 97)999999n 1)0-7,y 94)),119999,1) 1)9))a1)9991, ,1 foi99,1 for9999) ) i,. W ,19 ,î91))lie 19) a. 8992, 99,1 09 huit9)), ..1 he .. t 199)9y ,,u)9 ci] as d for)y199)I) ea)98 Th9 e 1w9 -le9911, 9 f.1811 Bur)I99l9î....l97999 991)9 Blair; (h, puty Be' - Bc. Il) 3111,) 99998 Dr. C. il. 1. ,,1991119c_ . V. Hllh,9,, . 99 e-9919 9 W . A. 37119)))) 99)),))999C.7Ji. M.,, G, 9)199) ZIMMERMAN The9 Coroîniy 1999g- a)i) 9 11E rhr llast %% ]nVs la, ve 99llg b M1is Mary99 98)9)9, >r )'9))))911,)9 Il1 a 9)91999 h- ))) ffl l 19)) .1 1, %il9 -1. 99 ry i lit Ille 93 , i, l a-l) 9)11)) )9)))91) I'V. L no at ' )li)9) -o toit'. offlu. -nutluity. . 9)91,9)). 91 , w_ lT. h i,9 w: I iidu 4),4 1i , Ait 9 1))99 I ,, ta I Caldtifflî9, i--w9s) g 989 Geo 1999,,sA99 ,,,, 9) nody1. 1 F)9,1) 9)9)) NI9 . flood l)),19 9, for )9 t 999111999.099),199)).The lit 1, ,. ., ntaito - i))))),11)1)91-BI .hll 1ý,g h 11 1, Th9). dy ,1 901,'99)),9 1999 l. 9).19 9))))9,l9 19) 1_1 )9g1 91t9foi s1940,'o Ws9 oi,)9198)7 W9911M)) foi- 190 )w, I h1.3)9l9 y P.. W.1 111,9 998) AlbiK 99 fa9,II 9.ý )I)P-1lit te99. ite harc99 a,,) l h, ;I 9)1, l 1) l, g. 9' 9 199 II119897, 911199' t.k9)9'999 9l.or 1191. 10) 979)<,-le 9le, )19 sy)e s y999 9 99 1 78119 .1,8 hurchI)',) 99919) Il,8) )9)'919 11on s1119,) IJ 11149 9 ,1,9d)i)),) . h, for 9919404) of )99 W-741. A 171919 W.919J9) el 'R. sr1.y . Il9999'90)59. 4 to840 99889)9 ,,t.ry, ,; 799 81 84,1 110)14g-IL,8G.1. 81Iteadhe99. 8 ";410"891 A"' 1097181 4, 00818,118Cho. Th e1,e.db 81)1 9 4, i888, .0.140 or the .,,7087 40 etme hm$ 0or mn.n.. L092,04, The. 88.on, Mns. K1ll. wu 8la sisleor1the 18.080441 Ulm..M .1 I 9.880*8.14 M'o. K. 7Poster84ais 89gave 94111el te, th1. New8Yea, lalie -.e.TIs Nli109 81,,1 dn889 979198, 4,19. 91)8, 0. 19118oî)1 8918149. 8J. E Gao9. 11)1919; vice 91894914)0, 9MmK. 1 48997 9and9Mm. J. 89..W110999989e )9988997,, 918. M.0. . God8;ep. 80 ce7,9) Mise18 S.71,1,1, 919. 0.; 91)8e, Mn'd.H' 1771.o8; 9sept.9of Chris.t.ian 110171911488. Ms. Go..1î Mn. -4- Hutr1888) 11Mm.1E.9911417, MIIIII, M9. Field; plant, Misa8,M. 991919. so, M1iss . Anderson;, 918. 0îo819 Condensed AdvetjseI,eî Pola8419-A .. IlP4,... R..g, A 1y B.. 4.1,814.81,phone 21797)r, F94RS8AL.-T,, T.r.y 4.1.. î,,1 4-9s1l,18. Appl81. A. 4ý4, ph... b99î2901) ,.ia te0.) 9998 p FI'..1)814.-A dupex pI0471en,, ilcri ter, a9-888148. 9and9 Mîa, M. 9918, M)Io. WANTED Al i.9)1e4p..198î19H99 Make 4,.orWlsn . '. Mar.e 302 or,l,8e14M.us8W).vr. 4028.9 888 -art. 0808)14 Toront..Zp 93,,. HARVEY & SILTON *We11Drilling WATERDOWN P9s,ý 11.8, 887j, WII88.r. Tend0Ora for.Wood I)148d0)ý,1 1for 994o,1S,,9,i .9, p)lh..-,4,11ed9)9...2), -- - -l m A x m-TYO 9 aDO0L LAR. a r 1GEaT r 0 pFaE ED0N ANNUAL MEETING W.Bye)LMT intlng and Deoeatlng Contracte, Th9e Anîîual Meetinîg of thîe Halton 19îotectjv,. A99,, Elaaîiîa Pait Products citttioo î m'ill 19 hel î in the C ourt H ouse, M ilton, on T U E S - ) -t y & P p r DAY, JAN. lOtit, 1940, at 2.30 .mn. 1o.9. 9 1,mai. 4. u Ail) îteinoers are requeste9I teaftte9nd. W, E. McCItEADY, ROBT. BUSH, JR4., lresident ANNUAL MEETINVG Halton Agricultural Society The Annual Meeting of the Halton Agricultuî'al 18ociety wilI be held in the Court House, Milton, on TU ESDAY, JAN. 23rd, 1940, at 2 pi.. The Directors will meet et 1.30 p.1n. Your attendance is respectfully requested. D. REID, E. M. READHEAD, Presideîît. See'y.-Tr eis NOTICE 70 CREDI TORS AND 0T1114R8. 99 1 Z)ipb. 1..19,1.9. of htI i. Il Z s)M , Ill. ,8, Ilot .f Hî99s, ,,1,,,9 ,12, .s.4.4) . hod)o) 1939, - î-d '..dL0. la. ..d,.,«.d -] 1)9)89..848 8.,,,. 11,h 9d,,.y of 39...9y, 194, ni h-9o.., the ý8tate oo)) hed,.8î,1,,,9o 1'. A. HIITCHI14SON, Ilillms., 9)1, Mil,1îss 087419.723, 1934) NOTICE TO CREDITORS 9919.iAe, . î. .1,-, 'looî .hip of , 11,1,., lF.Il. ..n99.of tAI) 9998999hî.g )00 *14 I.t.of,1h- .s,,,,ip fNIo..,.îh. Uss.y .91t.nIls,, 4,19) F.,."', d.,..,1. hl. d),.d ss94.,19,)th.4L diyo ý....1401,, th.4) lnl,,, t54Im,,' c.e1 IIAVWARD TRANSPORT DaIIy Diect service TORONTO - MILTON - HAMILTON Local aned Long Distance Cartage and Meving. TORONTO lHA 4408 MILTON 3184 HAMILTON 7480M #S#UUUNSUSimUim auUUSSSU OMAGN MENS 1INITITIjTB The 'Jimu.,y meeinget t. f mig M-iiMeId),.98 ou1888 948).7, Je8. arc.1!nit th. 88)11, -n.Ver' in« ~~99î9 )of Bth . ni _.. th. et t'mp8. 88 biais.ed t. _. h- te8. 114.1 )of t148 îoob)t Mn B.yloy eor... a 8al498t.Il 8toi ýa 4)18 y.. 9-187 .lt bat 4e .-8,, art8 bat y.. ha"." ehf91 ci 1 Il4 sas 1.î88 894h .t8040 eh)148. 419Theotîu 1,Ic . saîri. fi.])lunc. T9..48-tl,. of81th.,11. 984,8), )8 in8)1 he 44, 81future8. 994111 . M. Fr)1d8)119bcIn9charge. as. 8)9ed )8)NIr. ,~T. Court. 9)4810 am 994l1) 11)1t9919). Ja41911)9. *9 4.309 7., for7the70484 people9andsai 8 .)l. for adulte. 7The jua494 999 19 91,Bc. - chu41 -il the .d919, .500 fo9e the ))htl our)999This 91189 909 the Red7Cross Manuel in)belli ..4999 , 1, 8and1110 189)4)4)9914194s oy El.. lngto w M 99)941,1)4, Cain)9t the1,440i) tient. 949999l)8î~t le ctu re t e ad ulte o n )y et 8 .. Ie rea 1199.1418no 8.91 meeting on48 41888,41 ou C.888.i 9al Mimas... 88,, 108818911and oth)18,Inte sports en« c.m7).41su?. M *eme.'1.,1 4. e 0o A" rird8)9 l tu .IîhFol 991181) 414118, %41î8)oe 91, 941.1fru. M. rd14.8ln LeY±~ :1:1.] g ~ Spetcil-Autm1lmn &eadisa Raisins 2 un. IC Ca'sPuare DNO@WE le Spee.aJl MI1N CE M EAT Mee. Ld 2 lb-. 25c Wffltffe'. Peaoh BLUEBERR lES 2 17c IJA Mi SWANSDOWN C.. FI-,, 25b c ýith32- FRY'S COCOA %.16 tk 19C 3.20 VA NILLA Extract 2 t 25c SPeeîaj--Lachie Brand PEAS 2 N TaI£ Gowon atans CO@aN 2 15e New. Le., 844e! Speid-IX.L la. bd. 160 2 Ibn. 9 PRUNES G.od si.o 2 ib. 21c S.iI HiEINZ SOUP fi.~ 138 ynV]e FIG S %IOc0 NBuk .2 î~23- DESSERT DATES lb l.121/2. j lb 91/2c PEARS CODFISH il i.».uC..d.. P,,5,,: Mu 15 ~G Plin, Sweoî DIXIE BAR BisuIt,~27e I M lueRb., . bbBlu on gt TEF.A COFFEE Infats os 31 % 1'Jb26 1lb 4~ NewL.w1n, SHINOLA WAX ', 25c *SUNLIGuT HANDY AMMONIA 2.,.-9c ISOAPI PEARL Nw.pbîbt.. SOAP ceb. 4c I coe 5,C OXYDOL Ii 91/c, 21c, 59c 10 j49 1Carroll'a CLEANSER . 5c Sunklet Juioy .Crlop, Tendle.. U Fp..40and Clean ORANGES HEAD LETTCE jS PIN AC H DOZEN 19c 2 HMADS ,13c J2 poLINDS G--4.1. . Sel .41M.)1eNgb . - va." Umme .l 9141s14â NlbeMou . -1 Pu -b 4 teMâ 4eb te ttof w imow8 ,8ly 4. wct. Btr -4olae 14, l. -«" an o ely or 1,,ldgn e 1,0arzeele 1,sw eoe 84. .e et e!.oy it talmablI by 9448.s e9e acuel nommai ie88,eed999 th9e osofag99î,,r,,8ent a wa Indefene oftro nt8. 190n1 'o a1 Ip9, iog181814; biglt e ee9. Cati d11., th ots o of the4)1n9.9.00 18d wu thâ814, .48 ha8 b eau ~ vi,19, 89)ipossibleyn194; l wI0 4 amb1le4the881 81)919. This. 847 b, 10 b, 94)1 for, In0no 81far os, osible, sa il la osght, 78)4,, 8)1.8 94 1hasard1a4 7p8111181 of l)flationary prie ,,^amants818111)88 14te " 48,91141,1, 8141,1 In 44,n,8ng th, 1ut41 8.8 Canada)1 808bas.a 599848and comprebeuie taxaton sye 8and the fin- anc9al rose h)n8ry required fo88 e0e18188 1the4contre] ,bat la no9e9sary te9carry out1a poll9y t198 wi1l1finance t1)9 97999797î14dit1es8 8)01181 op98 047)18 couti1- tac 9,,yeus, .Canada.h1,41, 711.8a1 motte8a81 99lIIy o. expansion In 9o8p47 l 9)1,t11the United1Kinîg dam,. Swde,19,and19,1 tain 1o) 0140ou9988998. In 79018. ,181191140o7 rnddte uy 17, 8918887depeis,.o8 7401and te facilmte on9epansion8.90naio8n998,roduct9)19n441d 99.,)9999 11,89 I 8897989888)08. Ellebas al- af18ct. 9.199991 .8798ucl4191lof9bar8deht tbrouegh re1981 IIng loai oikwInterna848 rate. 88nd 411108, 1 788).t ma ilebt h189)1 81978. Theî netrasait1han bea8 19 of- 1991 a0919894199981d,97.0,, 9In1the cent of 0018188004 The 98 a1 [cap . *440 ProbabIy a0tlunes 89,18)1 by Canada durIng 99)î7Yeu, 0t1illb 0on a188mî1l9 1bust,. 991)18,1. The9 4eb1 8911 19 9881te 848e8118.in4 78. country,. 919991are18991981041in4exte,9a81b990,o88g la 1,9)81) lthin Our1 9999997.the (909898,81thopî, a1 (nie] of1 il.734.419,99 0889of 188 899941498 1911)1 by dl. 1)141999 9of1the Cana,11en 19489199 0949,. 71908 141epo ada bas a seringa44secourt, By c9001171909 19811491098 17)ll))9)99 9 te 8,1419. - 1 vu 1097, lad a89the saine1tire fer b)int)8910. est.9ad profitable 19188140891 CI 'ly h<-tl a 17 911I.89714, hersons9 1the4Most 4091.4191 d-111mt 1 lathe m i lobigat9ion of e91879citizen1te9419, je ) oal h i)9 918 of1, 81988198 and019991,11719bis0ba89 .1 it. bond. 1))0as8thmmasdf ara h.u9I],0I94 TO SERVICE on the Economjc Front 8,1"ge,. and w n"dtou top-0 iw8d0 0 n0Iis u8 t/>ow haa ita 8010y fd &W gwm atko nomi 9904m49 inoo: hou8 bc)1 be idelh878iblg f47190.. To Ycuf regla question «"Wbee can 1 help win deis war?" -thse answer la NOW. On Mondaiy nea, the Governetn of tise Dominion of Canada will offer th0e First War Imm. Tuepurpose of ibis L.oaî 1,090 provide rnoney 10 carry on île, 19r, 001 only On tise bâttlefleds bit aIl along dhe Econoneic Front 1-t us exPlian wbat dhe Ewcnonic Front 048888. 1888490104197 ewainsich thse enire natercl, industrial sud financialresurces of doe coentry are 848d tu defect tise eaeOy. It meatos c.'totalcIR~ e bicih"every citizentaises a part, in wbich bis personal resources must upport duose of tise Natio. ln such a 19cr, dhe ciief weapons la rnoney. Wbere 114 ibis money to corne from? Theis0laceY Orne amwer. ht must core- and come volenearily - fro. tise savitogs of ont4 people. fle différenuce beiween us and the Gernoans la tleat we, of oer own free will, 1«W concney - la laam rthlessly caken away. Tis is aycur cppcrtueity to do your part le dis struggle against Hitlerism. Tise eyes of due wcrld ane upce yen, upon Canada, one of tise srongist mernlers of the Britis Cormconwealh. Canadians muaitesuow tisait teir strengtb, tiseir courcge and tlseir resources are aUinle iis figbst gaiest "bruie force, bed fails, injustice, aggression and persecuiion." Tise news of due eucces cf dais Loan must go riteging round due world. Be ready us buy War loin Bonds. Tbey will bave tise proven safety and salaisility of Dominion of Canada obigationa. Atey Investrnent Dealer or Cbartered Bank is 11 taise your suiscription. Tise quidoer due economic 1948 la won, due 58881er will lue tise savleg of humau livoe.. . due swfier due collapse of due enemy. THE GOVERNMENT 0F THEI DOMINION 0F CANADA -tue Sec. -Treits. 1

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