MHILTON, THURBDAY. 00T. 28,1987, No 24 CilDIÂ CHm PIo TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. Ceramua F-ctrla Rankr OfB.hPo t )NDI Aid.d by' ie Patrons A Color Scheme RalieHii roeae ejVut~ I T 5h sali ar ailai retaI -Ernila hax ainays bain EdaauldB po.u.a D'es c hat asvnmt ielry ard a emblea of purty, itli9 ,&ga HU 1111jNN, AADAr AOIIO _r npai heus f h d Suer sCiA LYRECI< SPINE tu ita ceareu aad tahtene i. e 148 £Le^ . GRANT aya TItO380Â N..4NO -~AADA r'OII 9y.AILWAY aeaiaheelnthe Meesaltca-Ndsioe -GaleS Usr- eae tlala urope Th ce- C M InIa, th ti 1 rag ai w Iwrdi Ili tae weur- *aute1.juirriat ' MAIN BT..i, MilTON. ONT. 74.rirat fattrig ln perteua awed siew.ILu 8T.22Pthelr 'ut0a the iauur gir' aig T Hi thiebor lail neia uan-d t -Del.;.I uZ-lhph Y=il Th mARY ALLEN drauued hetn~utidp hauacuadTtniha.r ie $.00 làp -Vnawi er- mnia. e ptrai rosttata tiin suit ta tha flturaofthe hbu derstand hutEmma Putau St5itMe5i~i5-90INGii2 IMT Patons îthg euaia a.r ith Edward B. aid hui. nattes. Per.- .aiI5I .i.c5ia~u '~sa a 9:5, Glg an ruh l eaid dittriutan thi bouse dressing ruaer. PuY uhe .3 . m . afvrtscuu- ut lv n fle,. pr 1lsu tt oe,0Inthr aimens saiiiiu Au * la e.) Ga. Idnurla tit. vit tan lraria taudu waatn tireY ta taie. ubeco p.aiat ibh rtu t -vaer 1u- ta tac thuîht. es ahe nuraeyad ha. trbn aiadaaienatiuateuaaiah a 12.43eaatiai lm-fc r.I nteedtecu asfgr t lc ahn ut u t llhertY ta dui ar.Whenever the aeighhura ino - latu .aiiad y a. tapuyra.Oh.The ermiste narsi hy the muonirrh tna tiiag hier palcuy iJn, nth Gans___ &2P.. u9.81 iser huurovd hrr m.n arun àcoely mirked nlth spts. Theaen ulthei or draggiag her little aiana tita pua a at rysist der . htl~u re-ree ap, i fr s ap af a dahes lu dcuratad wIltarrt rough the atretunwitha ai, àviTOieB U GiaWsai.9.t&ma. tlP.31 teIt ayo h ol thns1 al te fe a rup -h ollctrs Ommta y tok e.tesnla a« es tusarm aha fuuud Thlet af ab nqlacksoso hetari Ieiro beudi d taIt wue tuther I.iaiî.a otOANADIAN NATIO14AL itAOLWAY arding t a 8r ins t h lia ie dd Jouih nicr. Shr usihed ele th aidaa theýir edadtl n nt b=yl2u. woe PIEiu aa.iasf sinex gelais Tisais. ahabi a gth juutu onuera Hae i e aia hutirani. touar un the rihtnhit they thuht of tht itawlep AteeiViseM I iic. Tbe rt ailn dte aa IL int idetpra andlbesoh nut Ad Vain. Ednard B. gntn _____________ vins nu audluuurared la Earupe an' "aueltsray alroses ofspotsau.ttiriintainarababre i ron hewaer bui ie __ __ __ _ aueh t o di anhiean batrou .egdii ti athe beglni af tac Eightecath he cme ir Iran ohe naar bleipaaronaintris.h Mle.dnîtaantshei aidra tralght nuse.. Hec aai.eaiat. ah-9-d ietuy ..sma uheislta had maude eues upretint. h. tuahai. thought rani ai spots an eh ad rc a inpl i th e i -4i.i Iallaffu eu.,eeN -.r:%ng teyiag ta sure talu the haidaurar Yung man ntsu euIress a p ria re apttad accrd.aurriai ~~~~~~~~~ ia. ua.euaa.âaea eulaahtiebt nre nou a- hl ua r neued iaider a haie ara- la tu ti bhuia'u rak lnta us Da thirh yettn caine. Br- .ai.aia eae .m a ~ e ulus ria h attet-u , ai ua-va atia unes a thiseia a i i rp tdnard . h ald 8..aea.eai orh cstu.bel, bu Wet-ie aditr pistae. Th tau rbs fJugnt dns ai toeo ai orsix a aaie q u rins 1. U EN The kgrh of Dreiden or Maisen taeng h agi iutritaiare triaune ethraas MO UM NT "Onra"TIemc uc',. fnut ta On:i o onae niag ha rnund a ltte. la et ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i huew prase the mit a nftoais ri Designtir ni auta« uuid- Thegmark at1 at. n h et1t h Ntr a an eykldI t.tathe pront ha bbas it fi tai thcrrse tte u rofpol GAL. b-.m NT u a a& rela ipiedmieod ba;. aroid ielr itcheak Hen ruwsled ber handa un ahu eeally wat you au hae .a elephuae. Maay _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l ti ,h ab u j a tit e xcr l sie m r k T h eaY u ng a n rin na ia n d c a fl la i D ar i on th e n la tar iiiitb i t h e Z r p " a d ai ho th a i nh d u 't " n h a n o ya a i b utaa e y 'ra i c MEDICAL uitcP 178. han aid theand ur hrider, eu.setin hec eyelant unsa l ie n aral _____ e heuut t he r p i d alge a am n i nhres eii t tereted nerertheleau be ueef huayutel & N o e n d r ath e n air fie n d tl u e s s " I ' e r a i m er0 i T p r v e t l i b ai fe g u c a e e i r i d d p h o e m e nu sta h e iu r r v i e . T a f e n e a C. R. TURNE R nl~ a ucllun ar a i grua ita gied yoa drapurd in.1 he aid. esilYun it Il ra aut, ie uaunerd B hanered la thehbachgrouaidphuurtilcrrsada.reaiea rSTEVENSON ROERTSON F1Detî paela ewtteaafigcu and er' Mary ait ap qirhtut Itearenel, rat ai reddth -brann hcanmeuîîtahà; Enset:: lare lac signeidrdaieearnudl Tamr e. Fanerai~~~ lic@ a tae ma "AR" la eOnaiuria. a Yaung creuture ie thin trysin ian-nhlte: hi aitu bit nlchseu iniideatdruetlsadi Temoetee pby iaaiead Bue nei l a i e * S a pleacu ar tap a ie of ta s oah e u ta an aId u d ! tue - ahaig ralird i ta ld, en iniaateuraternte. phconn-s euh g e e r h r lr u r inau an Agents- iaSueeiLa i uS.. plaesad.a. rh aai tuPOe dni ua iahet. iet chang erle nthe te" wla eta "Il'. ruaalter tuuri- pnes irn secthe greaattaerrevae tasea X RAI the earltet Misen parfaid, aid; .a." a- hi mauied tu Bay, "hupus in aways Jet blarta The trapperi il ~ ~ ~ t baW a W oiu md id rutru the onr hi ol1 nta reeut h brdle e , ethe i e icutauinitelr- fr o r ine." "Shn cn - nir ront, herayaithrr ofaahservice cos an.ilnea:. 1741j. tri.iAgent or TIl tau a Gsa. A pie tartd ta rseut heptioutatm.b tuauh t iarttditsttuhlng theîltterin ' andarericeruupe, rnryferrrlis ereatrd in K. raaaiidtiaiiacgaa.oaithe aonudi moins lit vee. atd in hie hetgid rumaerutilly. trmila e iia tae lit, onerhiai ta heap se gains. Our< a iiu l t5.0. L.i.. _____________ tenwhiteand decrated atasde the Might h. lai ta etay auhite, or, mut natasd tra ai tae market, "Han asuh?" Edward B. aild gNUM ait yeh. r thfo-r aihdli ad mhn d a vecu higb prc. hatdmgeaut hsiallhaad ar thr etter an O R&E hYE lu rauDae o the qaestian. John, wered, gnrlug hiW hond und rr- frfr eehn evc Wssndsadsugo.a1.Lie cidn idi motSIMce ids wolem t e hr a ottst o fr olpoe evc Phîaiiui ad bedun Pir. Lie, Aiidai. Sikuse. Mui St Miais iid er stre taiare hie ft e r uaI- a Cisurai Muais trniug ta hrr tuba. Heu thaugts Absdn surd' h ron.y11ehe ateauea nerded uhae and utthingarnw neecI Aîutibli, Ec. 1aos aI' hard dayns nsauh 'aha eren had 0W..r Tha M.tisdist lau bth af inte. aenwi fe on. of tas restant and teaugut hilavritchar ithetiliig-rom Th Luthea churrb lu abouat tnu "Twnay dataral" Ederard B.1 <ss . 5..1. Foat anioflrtomit Younia man aentuueriest aider thon thré Mabh aidod tuai uel a mon Mnt Si. Mihetla n rittany. Witb Th e ndth e auirn, îtrs.tdraa ahi M thudutn. sttd Tii netttt F8.S. ITZERLD dep aenag iai hirdiu.nauryit he, 'Ihat uill beeu yaa ailes i nrita n lathi Dtrait Nis radia," lie ruinai. "thît l'oc haed ofa : Mrti St miesta. tide tanve. rasilg arhk, su gtlîag hrned. A fa. il Au ils nrme ladirates'il, l un id.y sue an for a lang ibre.. In OR. 6. 0. UENION Phnet O63 u. mil il, r m te eîght miles il ha shed1lfe ya.-sre bald be pruetd." it buMrtin Luher, erbine ap asas ta. talag ta put ap bers la h. paestla aieugisi t ebb.lide and taut fe '.My aber daeu'l lai," îîid Mary. 1hain ta certain dactrlae eid prat. hiarbea. Onty itoia.filty." phyicauan srgonminutai tranifarme & hbo tut 1(otr lln ta bru rise. tir. uf thi Citbetla cuhb tai le Vihe Edwed B. etaraed lar mup- 0. ousliaC-2- t- i p.a..uerlya it' of imleadiacsbedirama' "It'n turely. Whuuureuua¶" hist eamenioibn athi. Th prhehdpinîuali Th ighu iiu deso l tauheitei air. 'N.dnsl . re u'r rginitatla cil hi. shucrh beaaa lil tuais putlriaid a SU Ra- 178 h uieaadsaiteya u a eriluauderaes Yuac idn 1530the Augs'ma sig ataie in tae living ruser _____________ es auc h sraAd uur snrrllertl han juats uueyusih g Cnession na adîpled as iîle attirdflahrchaest uýlthesodE.o LEGAL sqaiaan=iahaiae uii.ntr t>'u her gil, ad yo5us ualOU gaumalt rerd. rm Wten "dudn' he atdus lu The Georgetow n Lum ber Co. L1ON ______________________ LI.,Fir, AsemeilO 15.15e euaaaied u nter. At thîr irates flrne ta tural." lae serjîd. "Ara hegl aaa aheaunisunspreai hnm "youuchange avec. We'ce gaing Listae Rtmbi.Dr rauhut the yui e u iend t ih?' ahraaghutGrrn.ndn.easuieJnlfualcupr" MILTON, ONT. a sel Mnf L thd "Phapa. o un. mrk, Netheclai ,otnd ag-th eeOanebotiu w.i IKplaie (une. Aaadst. cau5h. laD mut tas aide itaied raids hoad Hug-Th.1e oxwnfrotd thuug nul reuiptieuoait11 r e u a u a hy li W mry. l'i ns hes ri% tir nids pite si nindwns nith W.1-DC reunho rde hdeg 'Puaoca tlmori abtuta mrp he t auie The fqrat uter14n hcss a- l ShtteOe LaaLth hnls rms aLadTi auseur F D D W R The ranite lsutt ar, Mont St praers the alhr girl. Shais just et.iblihid si tinîcegnalas la 1"8'. rahhsr plait lu a green tubad1Lm e atSig s f in ,Ssh and Ti F. .EW R itre 21 lent. The qaiulan rday reaslre-dus' evra The Mehdit rhurrb nai ant uff. green balte rtaple hangini stisaerý BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Hal- h ~,,,,,jteu$thabey adcueareesuc'r- ath. y ewn n ontcngose ie eommvmn ak Ioneolduarcd n 6t ie adalPatr yrc shl ruded hu a miedienil nîtilîad "shle ous are dazl ng nlu ck h ia e thifi abaet cuhl. jab anid nuaiued tissa sappur vi n.rnntu'y(- et ie adrilPatr jpa, Apml T. A. IIUICIIINSON auers d- 'lhe pusned. Charls Wsley hlai 129 formmnt rive crnt, and ln ta. tha. a card ligis udlafig f51kniu Bars ,Sllicier, hl. In &îddltlus ta th. ireni rs aee a "Go an. that allher enfera du I el Oulard univrasity a rIaub for thi stuled: Ouhgla Wanhe Wantidf.ilkid BsrllarT. G.DAmaMAW the Mont, tacce la the attractiuu uf neas' promotion oi parenal religion aid Dbnh ucder annte men MOaCE OVE unaTON us IArsýt»Aers. T.eetu Gutud rnahedW h0 aý sp-What'e the aIere ut yar hala?" tair Ctau -hsvn nirThe oderd le vnia i lute 'rT.Iaissa 54.aatesUAiise lat methdin la iIng=bisddran 1 He reeuhed au ta roativre hercrap, strict vulgoet ai ordtt lad ta thaé aac n is drr .ms F iPo p evc hn tLO 4 aigae en Ieiui rylua pan avec a up n e d hut Mary qauhl la mspnd hiec hsnds terrm "-Mthidiete." Breltas utruithaands hie uhaîn le B.sat FoopuSrieshneM ltn4 Valtim omtl atenés t. Pr'SaIe. usiah latae local vaiett aera tl "No. thal isat fir. This opnaisr praarhng utishe sraeei hr ple as W E DEL E 6EO86E E. ELLIOIT coins ao inU &d iatin Ser ai liaIs ranait an taersait mraaei. a eahîbeisc,' shre rsinded sudiof Gerge Whtl e nte seley fil n, p imt hest e nsaiatrs gHe Nor Pu auadc Aid basides theit r, isn dr'hi. politin orthe Chura E uid. a seali dnner partir. He ined Brelalr. .rsi. isey ala. 1 oceff lut08 MILTON. cuies hece lu un auadaaue ai se& Ail right. IL han a iii, ut redatuy devetipod the Mthdilut E-merai conrsaton unlu la sauna- W. C. KEPtTNER, blanagea Orses-la Piue . rtlds. Mati 1usd tabulersanîd toit. ed in tl Thtea-b a-r Yu ues.euutem lta i abrmis. traier 178 un. .ulbs a usdsatadpr esrst.Msst. hsl bise-graucap rand black uuiî.'nerd. The Oral Mehodigte rrivaiý y eru e a di tan m andd nul- 70. 'd fig ta se you I an evning lu Attlrlue ra.t Iretai lu itu anetniis'radi o Taîrahusg- of. eithrl sae , leainn1dur, Phtîîipan ei a a so u bseliy engtged LJ es .A"ye'Fetd suOsstu ri utse esîru abuely tal m ust e îei y fLrs îuthe fo latd eang tac dtaner and b er ac Airlanientalipus. hautun a lip- M.yuue _ adqihy Itattubn iri ie *raaidiagi. aban se did bemume INI TORONTO sîavward r tmmla 'srbe taira." lt saaisty la Amricr. aueiaia dir sdst I s,- spclngeare s aele "fou r y tIsaiou of__________ditan__t laiELL lue. derex'cîsh lu siv lb, ericrla _______ ttsde toasrd hîrsrti, is delaahad Trn pot cherautcriatim, hahit thsy has ai Madsme taniasermsiadusateeaIuybr. i5 RCADELI.,,:iir. ran por lultmaelve on the rocls. in shpý "I.ut fia bit yuang"~ ffnWhr ite-wIylug ()FgIetut tanr tho an bard ta nrul Cti'e PI-OTLUI 81- . st (t yr... aLl po msietns ut ac btherai re takd bisateet gatra erldîsug lantue nts Ac buS ile T rai a s tsIItr nxs o a rdta gno MIR S OR P TIR IL O.tsss. l,sasr B,.. DI UIETSEVCth legenowmldg Ituri Aamsndlag ta traditin, ile" neFs hterse, 1 mie thé mnt utis T*TORONTO., a22s' 1»LTO sembleuthsofarmuletnds. Tbenietac tsar Arciihytofrenu hiîtt. excdrion ,,t a te osa lng auras.s semaine marea îain a na lhe aet tadmn a tu a er ani nf igr. ufcate u r et rie s beia tra ie Ch mrmt, uub mrassa.IC UR TOROTOTud TLTO trt of aiatetlers s-ca Mam iighî bitcf Ihew thnu, hle betale ba ha hee aî bagh it daed ihin- OR. ~ ~ ~ LO A AN. A.N KI O -c v . ai CE I suea tontia oi a i a hesuse n tus. Th, uraa ttu h nd u ge , "A t g t i bues aid Axishe, r ti In ians. e o d e il trta "fiI p la, sthdîn a tasor dtos.rr s s-ri iniitladannad ias b e tan cra haie.",cag d ti ie fling hashee b alonmdaas. se ai nhl dAVEi a e su oisl .r aie DENTLglall rtINO I'r1 Etnlu , eatlt e , apu a i m tar ufre -s B l iht bonearu t h ary oea mt i.n geaeculîy pacbs ta aiin bai luEa MO IN a dCA unAAC E w ruin th ee rianaî îs hihget "fIola,.arîetgai bra tsghe u' ary t aime afttrits , île aT hegl "Ba ya bure -h sud sa-eut muat Onu.v s apIiniiaMila. E M sia ed, iu n d aug hitorie uap-aut, T h u pgmah ad .&I "Aebn ta an gause nEas mninbu a " uhe biar okd het i sandi ut-a rte"ilfin' e.tae.SiPelnti9Fr aR.6.AsIN laie i od loupetrale. ci ald yu a umbamîreuteinra."heIlp i Itth.anuig-n ',,o'tiofa isrr o tit a ushrun ofh msurr tauttr laa obs ur ,sb ts.rrrrtedim iaslenoe w it i.ilvu.ceORONOaon Keeussi aidg taatie i ser s tea . h usah bua ataîgo, a li gh a l tien- tau The auldirre betsrib t Il E u h.ane stu t a g o -1 taSi. r o rr . 5-ai nr Teme isbRitm a llstIetAtab ilodir usaeuuou" Tee mrrtat au triy h iaa hi puhes aIl ut thaur Ensmil am isu ii r i h.R. 19. DARCOCKid Duts fuaulec Isun natgaabd rbbits mua ac iaa fauîr dmui hat. IfJ ndv i ns eIp air hic barop pao. y:e ursaita tnd llut ayteus îtsdenta nhen la asimea ta traige ail tbe anuiiSd attirba "nIltdia!1 tu,. "thl' lrire, csor" wuaîta otu u ru, d oir ac DENTAL saudiat nurds uf dsriptiti. Mont bu Amteriua'e s n u adr ndid m er. tactathmesu ahr _______ arund apsis ta the nasaac. tIa atrru sru ru - cItam ui Ga.ui -ee Paes Tossisa.. ut the trme saed bu urult fi g hte gbes" naux tae Sand Cr a Cl- lier heut îiuued a brIu Ben asse Proue tac Gosrges 't r a, îriie nuea 1iusrmc .iirr Nicht o.y ý -Kýs ae ahnoutltnereuiaryilnwrltisg ridaI mssacret OnNVmh - inrau e nhhcadJohn'atiry'"HitluAn. Wbr t ateineOg Georgenwaisffin' y. "fl wie awee Iaisliuruitaadirinr.ra th ai aura ais. bird deciptions. Fr esimpl% e " 8 la nidr leugt a d er i e," asu th erîrd lt hier in. She prau l aes iurs te, h" a uran i n th e tran rhrriiiiuruirrric tîrhe sas sioai 155 uvso aun u au s ncitn lahIe Was gti lto this puutefl villau l ChI asdtrnsehu i suiuet sr l ugtigi t5usrr IntmdysIshie ut ita. frrir sudm t thar leiitss îud e net pon r i ygtga thel biu sere. nt i i5 w eoe ette-T . te e h - Oits niL PuI6 ama5as ta tae isathers anad Aripa Indiens ad nour- chair am il ucelord hi. halh. pomluent Gere uf Brituin't uaetsy oeringhbasenofthe qulls on drcdanad saipidiuue îurteditthuNtuuhcomebine andthlamsam. prenantatsiriid.haa Mo wîh N IELSEN ... the wns and taIt s overte.Tu a bi. The un e 8adrarhaaann.Js' badge sm nIsimI aIt their nIes Kta Q ld wiahenfile . "sonue on r me., tuiiamisirtr t yer o hP prat P maries. Tuspimary cevsrts !Ia -elgtaga m n Callier' nul iltrd hmh au lb. cuilons, hiea perae, trd and salalalsas, high st a h lur'rh i h ag im t. f.c errai ,îsî haafer tira DgGEstha unspiaar fuillesaet tas baie I We kliy runlunad. Ha seesurd uerfclt1 uanhren aid mambr. nf parita« Emi e he ar as usite pimhrd uP dt.nae t cria thu n teth 1ns Ouaaîtes Taitsaesso. x tala j cntent. Mrypasaitarabdv cetiiesgtri 1 Ednîcd B.. tailatindyrtts ane. ustrariiî.îririmîa tasi I of the pinsiri. taaundacieo are bu eY.ia H ausr ilhiu d, me ut ae n hen t i the 4I 'iesd uaaluttlsd. rua trrrîî t thenî l noersSiuo. aelu ta, Sligia feathers il the misýca.e «rcusilat. Edwurd . ,es.t.e uie alilîîo. I Cs..ssas Haussa Tuassats ursag. Trtiariri are taons seconida- I siseet ia'Ceai. stited a uai and gt ta hîsltest ýn a iorge, woa tatarlug an tbhe Ilit d nua a the ilahen and thesi thoe' rsair iihja .iti Ovir Domiion Sora. t.iiuusaiawa. rismîsosett ah ui adrITtama NIat (1840-902) rrmais l'He,11 Mre," he sid. "I ais badge dilstaai ta have ie namr au- ahr teboy dlucctr I n Ibe .iu t ,-r a cailird tri ils then doinn fiuelnth eruny 1a ot aoIiiu.' Hae usut laiingsla d is a s ted e titse Emm a î utdoas Ph. 10W tamîheus arr ncapulune. Thr sonags soiae ahh illsa figure latsndînya ahoual theacn are auclari. or- ' elmaciiaeaa srel triaht aI lier, ipparaulyneatng graalaastYgivrnpuaiis etrae,whaelr t h ahdeisktand, Lu tas ...poaasitb min aryst salcreferalta tebaiblrnital ta nuaeofbieaîs.tuuuns s eeecuatii uasl. La_______ il J. A. ELLIOTT ehasirl:d. and cani ta ttisp ond hsupsed. Ntatny errthri Ioalebeausaadessagahrat hiug stejerkedhaamlfree. teIasa a iaai.iar aie sa LJ.nê A. EL IOTIol if te hacpi The bnd ni the livig s Imuaaruntig lista. tonr u s -" ha was Irîssilu ,tser States ast Reigion "He ra usa mnu." aihe saidi, Car. Isae rIncr o trîr, i tri -0 -n .In- LienedAuton jeth jalait; the aitiput, tas tniaNacta l tisheCr'i.a tnan d am - eunoil Ha eracmed isa Irahasdý The tnrt emeadmant tau lb, ed- uprnislg her parue. The a snaiere aarîcu susirain h ai,, i-iec a, tt <ailsesrI laoas k oar tah e b bead; ta. sape, tai naîpuasilIle la, ths e trt ut, tiiluith a ig hsnalkmahiat. '1e nos oral Cnstittion talea tait rua- lsS heb Iee. ta utrîra- ai tha tii-rs Asecmtion to u uu s lesum res wl Prios 158,I hah ufth. natt. Tweerd Rinog. sSys Colierea soucd t thi. es ,"]L burisa g .e 11b moihe nu lait hahludin ta-uie.Eua a î rr trraiiiiir aglth ae t.csst aiRt e ira l MIL-TON bt tasu ltroduaed hi dîhru ta outl.saial metîcsis pu. unr fhi h ngead .tuaed il tO,,d bog, rît,,u p,>,,,,,, yîtIL i.titput tai Demacai parai, the 'thst are yo r g sa el me, hbi ag tai tosexorcisetnieronit. dll, noau.' thetrsculs a igiiti.. ita,iri syeuf ptr se N. 1 tiirs etephait ta epraseut h Rrpb' Sala'" aahud Mary. Article 6 o th e Cntutio s t uate .Yuur vantard lu mour wutadsi n se smpifiae riiia 111-1Air hall 11 i unii mmghîî usg ~ctauPart ot! the tigiaer ta y 'yauîuu caseraI m sun t Irw bl' a in relgaons anat she ruleer lie forapdishniihe, sesuid."Toitse m iuandtrueumit aoi.raiiîiiiinali . lirii.a hriîiiY luNT 0 TALTON ~'~ H&. e atintra utryu. l rus adeqid es auqustiiasiuu s yousaihiceduatt" uranntissaaîiusiintIaiiirofsari iaiiiilrîrruiii ta i iON Y O r A - O mus. descu' lire ne pulir trualiaeada. nhe Usted la In'h. iitcen tdnaad B. ais ilirassi. niii trs nltis he 1,- 1937. LOCAL .COURTS CALENDAR -1937 Soya beas ret l atntas iSmii l , "lied MaaIdr b it t a omea ltS poiyntsot T e vr Inc 8m ahi diables. bf ira t ues e an SPLt tigt e, l is n ing .,Il ".fot*' ters nairr rialet foue -ir bonne ca ntr u ci n n g. t 'ie lariIl fodnd ai no . s a h co stit tio i c ont n ra as ua C r ab u t1 a a be t m ni ai rt r isdiiiii t 1 u i. , dsîîra i e statut ,aîrrarsia land.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ushîhe uhe luubss ras thets Hetît irabt wwrl.vsos iia otee sneoe otsmehn ia. i cani' ebtaa 'thsa m adia arctio rsr ts1 simmtatrtiîu a itssa . ttui a i r et s i It n mact if e tainrlm tplu> ure ana t r ay"leas-he un s st andig tepe en da pi rarr ttiîr Imh sian crrrruîis tsspcicutr Ia -- -5n I. 7oehnhiibicntl -1 I a salse hrh tetcre raigi oe e ao ih. dsafiuy iih-alt iane ludan~ dit tstufn hedîaa ses dei n t the csamerau'dssisn ihe o iait iîsîois ntandtltr. ile atih I taau a. drin In th sl aion star bgrasa bodmusian oar le niet fi-iiuaiy cutit h .1_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ a. c u i taonr 55e tsusm trie irra ursne ir huiaals s tsu n r u t t u otii buiuin nuSrils taassai. eelt useshe uni vise la.iutt.iii Orang carkoe titteBhndrmieILodnr tno it"8bt Nes J Asss co,5 «M5*s ». s t.0ttau 1 putai lo a r l ai trest Faoe sa asiru aadt t t tuha u ls ara i in t . tir uta o h a, lrleb hanarin O rars ahio iraId tay Thitlgt mnn ia h ainl ha . bty.h, suaissasn.urant5sWhis~t er Putaabi , aru almurteads il'rar hir île tttted tanisaig pie- îîtria amum s la ssiab asiauaatLueuGstaie..L S -bo gnto lrlfront tiuucobu ltry h I u ens saîs Culîleis opsebt , g tth,__ table_____ tu-,_____________In le A ntsa lach d la ELe Thaie aiit tIsasu o ldrr aing r a suit5iltiJs5a5saitaiiaa Bi ic howeillere tirsigs tah The h aln e t aiag ofr nule us-o ea. oois apcnanr aethnodnr eodpcue u Bpo^iz ani p~ gota e ba a s a etlte auoaod. m sîsta s ei haann i rbsnj l or oiina h rln.a rs betelr oirit rpoo .G ... a sue si Gaiil$ atitu" boapid ta te l fele i f tao e Dec. but- 1 3 , album. 0 ..I aI Uýr Pumuni. langi asn lae popnsarontdaVe- aitei l upta 1»tiS e m wautt mo ral. edlmdktl uno h.10Jh a ule ys gin ta esbd aiou thelea thep apr sine, sialblle Clir. eky iaeseule neta ai Gruoplta