PuIie an Balon cnUs mrba itcha at m Ue' ay Oiet. e. oray fMIanii aa lgtuiUpl b tesLO, Mc. Ile, onanty suaeli. oeavebiematn. W' Wou wsti chger., Md o ulb os vrou dm pa ade t mebucelile for trerae a-11, l. Atricultora p rk a thrieul ee the oul e -gaon elu theins-tb« oeei~ 5 i ~ Mi. mE~~MUils pav a adre. f vlcme thr ed butai l ugtc rsa"n va to l an .Outlr ho rt edachu armba f0teroite econdsbpeervabutotuai-ppmsefoea. onite R cdd rgord artitgthe Aa A'ded iel ouchot!creaitfor Uocly amllaesrprt ~ eo AtriedWtock. pari aoroMcenzie'the fclsth trameand ezsintthe sor Pesdet.ReecscilU enaec» a" sevra p ivitM>ga bela Im 0 I plae, au mîltsoof ac Dr .K tArotter 3 t S lnteo refou ceb"deh heiîo.l.tataos ltsreer.A-2 1c . ade .MPP.tewushtheleconutdarbo uned tut ocpserhul..Ses. ese o pi. oi ara thewlaers ftth slI dalerss . of Mîeltas cFai bn nutanud gA Cmlit t r iev ut bobqepe igcdflmon, ap rdd Bet ope uriarcToete; A. us erA.to, mrPank Tbsn- lm fMile I ordAan oa EBItMe ruon-s Rlfs a paerru al esanl Stf. eoretvu ee apeasagOTh]ed nt avaore a cn i on Ah eud vecen. d b cran ac: ose. ailtonnrane..l udcod-cnrtsmu fLb aua B.aya..do. , ruposooto ,thel iecm3cte cinGeogtownîr. udfcasv5_apuntila ie ssseyerUc ris040.0Wd wapsit.prlJrldcin0 L.Ppa flu baco . H cceedou llen ecinle.wbnhu o Hcs5m'ey Prei th etav un baAms8 p arsrst.lctiee.tretu aIoaLbf..81 derBand.P.,of Miton. heet cp ter ading 58 ntthewou e . am.HnuI;red m .anb ne etpialaitaue.Apiypuyed ftior a to rLsé daestbe are the Lodge Cs fhe@"v e cus Goreoro'o ettotrtufr ltn, TbllOlpBl5. Multo; Scrier. . Lt ir.e.sHlehol oue aR»-4id redore, epowgertePaalcol encage he b appaarg to YE. Loe Ca kain Lie talka ve aa e d e e o duru o . areu u n . Ti u . esogu Aieg of: bMulo t s pred6l « W cond on lnait m retal la te tri-c~1 c i -' 3 B.AgesiO.7BramLpt on, kavilie; mer omeo b sne; au p thd danad fcsraceey, td opar tedge, ,Jpioe., cules bpaaflt.po al gu ai la f e teourcpi ies . litW là'e.b. - _a- «eot LadMies'ar-od a r. inctapoon.tiouofl lg teendesudatTBchait,. Eba drans lto b t oppa d ed.am odoft . eocepgt hebe n .UI them re pla.teinent prni a aalt xe. A PY l y d fe h îte m M h HalIonsfo.Prede (ladins' Iodga ).ddGeorge-ei WOSorithaf umolallahthmark.ntLaviA tovu olduatOran.Lgean au parada, oae ale ror hy a ni e ply..lu.123c Wm. JhstOangea 87 ea. oo ille, mer gai.ehe as tchre ufMeanpae asecQiary £apoeta Jun. 0ai . I coins, ard. earcaît19va tur tbePpthe ns-.1C 9.« . 3 e pe balle,for eaon.butMe. nou alk-A Cotldeet aod isn hpolateit cnpetd u beonin deegth aro prbp i u aplFoaseAKtEodl.Sb badeeeaminblf a disblt aner he oIoule pay ofIse elghth.nd qeuiliciecy use, wltb Si cccmpnuect wru- votainhareatterufthcay6gfIJttîleCbcd1ue«, coin. v3re3aliuaell....l2ted4ibis oees;scieOu; oleitOange lae ae hegm y epady ou the GE anN oivedenlsdMarck.estear unt me19.9e. siamethetPapaltttem-Worm. yen: parade. MiessH. E. atedo, agrd 81 AB R H PO A E valvicg in ait avec icsty cbilds'en. Ucde Sile Hugh Pcycter. wbo toown Papal eoloasa begaa vlth Adrian yeaes. Brampton LOB.A, habst de- Willfon, s ..... 4 21 2 0opr9lnt dey conditions there i. consider. Turbey as rfvisEnglishmen do. hoîlu sI., colos of eliver datlug tiran biess 9etfrm f 2 corcted @tore, J. & A. Marchand. The Wood, 2h . b . 00 ahi deses-fio sud impraper livissg on the a dIffereut opinion wbich la ilofesm- relgo (7712-95),. altbaagh Popes Grog- celabection eoacissded with a dace ia Hepboro, cf 50.. 10 ssrt ofthe aents.1Ilcasea have be lot. ery IL.. Gregory 111. and Zaebarias the tosnuhall. The committees re. fBeaumontof. t...4 0O02 0 0tahen te court."I leien Tu rseyfrute 1904 taeciufcd square coins -vwhlcbvarer -rRITé 10c * blm Dc~rre ~ire ponsible for the grand celebration. bîsMane, 3b ..4 0>12 0f aPlalstislichave bren received for 1914, vheu I1vas attachai f0 fhe 0f-.fuoliy clo.and ntmd.cbaaet î f . 1 tien 25c c & < 39c ubich vawune of the I lreat and mantiWalIes. . 30 20chiidrr seulieg in ô Warsabeing laman Pallie OeIl Commission uhich lIat tîme. HoWever, their coins vore Mlmm%' glorioons everebeld inl cton coutY.Blackburn, '-c .4 0 0 0 0Pdistin fastes- homos. A lar-ge cambere vs. loctîug alfterthe lInssocfIlu ecalîfu uimlpy Importat Bysantine2 eeev mc reditcandcaretebohoo- TukIf . a41i 20 Iiovtesppiatos arefo girl te aecsib iish bonh uds" lhoay. 'Dur- leesandnatactuaily Paic ail. SIMMER DRINKS p-u bd.25C OI OL lî. Pa kS l9C fitlte nte succeas o helb- inam t 4009 v ifhhobu '- rmr hni osil a-gtoetn er a oddal Fo dinetm.uni hto h" forts. _________lli. 48 Wards haee bren vseluîd ilatfstr oaifIe Tuetlch coldles-. John XIV. <1841 Papal monoy s-o n- LEtiNADE Peauder 19 - 31.47 homeo. whes-e livre as-e always adjut- "The ps-eaIent opinion tbat flne tîuued fa bu eoioed at Rama. Be- E O A o-e Lwc CHK ....frePd 35_ m 64 eula te bc mode. Trisî coldier cf Gallipol uac aal- Lue 984 aud 1305 no patillteLisat s. h M-. HATNLSSPOIETMN,-Nons- sut o bs-o o lOng s-u s-ordcOfiThere as-e s nunieai ineryouug boys Ioun mrdorer. houe-es-, loas-adl7 cor- mauey vas eulned. The mint vuZT COl ..... .. s buels19C PALMOLIYt A' .... 3 ABLTN ORS RHINNTMO. IL A udes- the cas-e ai the Society ai presenct. H.1e bac cîways lbcd c hard alon oves- 87 1he Romani Soucaei lu ji6bse 3CSPRS ..... li ak"li A RHPOAErrsdy forpismn t. The intercalai t lir lse, hoe has tremeudous plycîcai un- 1143, cnd reatorad 41 yuasa tfr fa The ongofdmeuge Il.1).Mobeu Odsou~(s-on s-tb 4 121 1O1f0People oieel a£d Helitsolsiitied'm dorance, le an au ire long tas-ced fhe bleu paufiff, Clemeof IIl.;hoat pauîgo3ugs i PMo-ss- s~looIu 7 . 31 11 assisting to ps-ocurehomes fo- 1ev marchmsou short-rs-onlia,îsîsed oes-.the fonafOcouosnued tocoin As-Ion, on Tbosdou, JlIs-2nd. 50 a Marub p 4 1 2 1 2 0 stisidres. ta matlaaebolera, and others- pi- mouey on vhjch thero vas no rater-FO Y res-l 8ok us-b thebps-opIs- orl-Liloo Fs-Ils-- s-e 3 l1 6 f1 0 Ithere mse any tomplainte 1. pour demica, and lehanu alolofe fatallof. ecee fatfe Paua.Iaufhorify CANNING IL R and adjoifulug s-uutlsu Fs-olibit A 'Cleotnt,2b .4 b 2 5 O1 eciniîy talc i sp wl thîe Recer. Os-r He does nef cas-a ubofherhlies aos- Papal colos seappeared vitb the cos- lnowtedge outsis lless osf tibeeisont50lb 4 b0214 f 2 res-I disrct t thlinspectur. diu s-neses-orfIaPot" rll Cur f0O3UJeHB ci, fas- dayo. Peu de, If . . . 3 0 O1 O O isitoasaawasiv o elgme ai thce "Isev..-...fIs-.......oasteeA.-dnos.Threafes-fhese us a Possbly obus-ce au no bs-tics bo-o Andersonuc f 2 O b t O O "Chtîdreni sHome" lu Milton. f«nTfe Tusto.caotied, n st eleAvion. Tueoem en os- Pa a c"uba mbTflleot p. slIls-nl Hallon. Hiso noms- su-, OuI, sa teTuks.oudoetsan. 2r nbOnsu 1nofPaaOclusO-ti O2 ouolsfndlog one. lnouuu tbs-s-igbis- ________ G. F. THMStO.In.lspecer. elgos-sue mode of living, and so dled fs-sm Johe XXIt. to Pluse IX., ub o.ulsa JnHu u.FI«S Ontofo-ansd Indes-S bs-ogbsh ou a-30 4 O 27 15 3 off 111e files." oIn1845, esluipped the Papal mIn ln es. ..37 8ai,»2 ado. R H E SCiIOOL REPORTS. Wthouof loendlng f0. Sic HugIlle- vIf b fhe mont op-fa-dcfe appliancea jarabiin a e OL Flrt eol be o-o- b osus ondisucth bi-ig us-ogs-îoo u 100020000 3 5r ame rempanelîle tas- fIe res-tmntal Ofber culsage ondes- tIcsusses-anty.......-2d I&cS cemas-eh os- oramouse Turs bregîmeal Os-fIe Papess uminted lv vcloss IT a odel sueklîs-ins.sools for.bis-slMîtounO000300001 4 9 3 LIONY eCHOOL fhaf bai l utte a reccord tas- fhe os-ebllcbopn 87 es-o o ifiels- tamn -LU_______________stores_____________________________ s-ul tl nun-lsdgs- ut pellt ousl s-dst Housîlts-d lu, Wiltoo, Hepluen, s-aet wo-ees-Tbe- liîfb s-sgos- in iFs-Ils-s-, Marsh. Wilso;fus-o bcae s. Pr.-Wils OMayer@, MIca Boarse, laugîtes os- îlelnOidelc Insaslie paaIpover, supme ciles poaseuluz o-bs-fis-hooou sid by lits coul -es-s bs-to. Tocb. Mosi.SIsleo bos-s, W l-Stella Snov. Finlay MeCalians. cmpalgn. fihappeoedlIn bis vise- mInis ondes- aOflos-ltyfs-ou fIePapalWtepMelonlresz S ci,_53 B rm d no ,Sp ia 11, A sfIl-s-ps-ss andils-hecosss-tstils fs-sto, Fstics-.'Wisuon; double ploy, Lewv . js-, -Iabeila Peddle (hon.), Tom One Sunday uos-oing o oumber ut Soc. Al of tbe", a. Weil as somor- ___________t_____ el uA. Is-ms-ut tu Wilson. baes Suca (Ion,), Mary May. Tursé absoldiere Icord sonmo aflesng ue ofbes- îis fus eucepion-- ORANGES, large ize, Speolal, doz 37c New Potatoes, Special, [; I flkt Jr-. IItoa May (hon.). DosrisMay. iuglug 0f the lfitlecc-ehs--eefs-v vs-s-c ressued by PlusuVII. O Adf( iISnc0l2 o h- tilt bu itts-tîcl-l. bu Mos-sb 1, Wil Laurence Bras-ne. Grant Saysre. m ehruos-fIe Engliuh solonu s-aIl 23 Ime)- ew----rrgelag touu uts---c iii, lis- hWaltsu6. îSr. Il-Gos-don Saov (han.), Laris aoc! fousoies- oshlp. One of the O'som Leu III. (791 8161-ondes- Hot fouse Tomatoes, Spectal, lb-25c Prl (bon.). Mas-i Cas-os (hon.). Mîmnes-hymnes mpecially eaoghl thele ras-y, wobonthe Byzuntilne upofoas vas Maîs5s- ](i. luIt us- s.s -s. Gesorgetuon 9 ' s-i aad fIey laies- ps-sailtsd uo ir Se vpplanled b e ta th îe Fraulle - Mitn3 nprNcosn rT-J.IV-Jas-k Puddle, Teifer Prddie Hugh fa Icach Ibcm fhe tuemcd Esupts-s-up fithe Olfoe-a-mpe-ussM AINI 1STR EET M ILTON rhionto.ssd. ia-oloMchîe spenî o vs, vbli. o ut rs rom the t f0 le thels-breenîl sen- s-, t oee.s--u ts-slis f sthIls-Mils-us-Craadsc. Elec Eilltt Ailu Elîsoti voeemeaclugloso lu Ibem lusles--Impes-lol and Papal deolgua- BoulotI(li-bli-iiM.udos. î --s-- (tic trial). Thesocng besamc Immocouets-puotions appeas-cO ou fhe cs-sa Ailers IN WNTNCIPiIX Winî. bisbulmmou nspis-lted ma-aA.,hM. Peil, Teacees. tas-and vos adopte s-d tuhOe s-sgluse- tle vLteeufh century numes-oou - MN ISO HRH 1? ocs-otbs-î-îs--snsdi trienm ur- tlImas-el. TheIs-oops wenosut to stance of the Ponfosalaasms- - s-ss-si Cia Toleleba o, ba s-s-igneS. s.N. .TRFLOR gh t Ic he akans, Mos-uens alsîs-o lotI ndsIsuuace-d bigorsese added. ILondan Brus-par-Sayops ryts-es-nC N TB / U Mlton itsemediates vs-s-t ainet .ai 1 RAAGA, Chrstain%, anSduon -s-s-sy os-es-une Outulde os- Rome cains s u-eldus-- Be Danm le Douc VItis Ouata. r "CANOU Us-s-sgel-voibis afîsenoon and ai As-- Se. 1IV AitonesDent (hein.), Jean tIecss-argcd lotosacton s-Oas-luthIe log n Pupes lis-chue outtted fhe Mc. Clos-chIi llasdpnàal ionsn So s-ss-da. loctonu, Mls Jolussueung of lhes-gt.ul, no thIlsPulse. 'TIe date 0on 007 type ut plifle a u Ho Ecocubît OS-.III-George Pers-y, John Pers-y, Meesyvles-c fey ms-etlb tdeteaf papal colons-dp lyappeas-ed les-os-esailes-fIe Itlancos-ndotties-e uftOie Alice Johestone. Pouailîs-tIc Icet t tl sy vs-s-s-1650, andlIfss ueas Weil aselia value ite ýr ý E N l'O CuT OFF LiGHTs IF BILLS Jr. fîl-Jecele TruabrlOgp. Fonusa îlsglng îlot granod otd bs-mu. --p oou ,eunllshed hy lafis-cen cfosy,ubu s-Id flus- us-, Trowride. ckelapparste ave eenc ilahehigleal bîdos. u- soc f0 OteOe I NOT PAD ow-lce as-O, ChisiaSlcuO-diesot-baid oce- Nce per olscbo -c-acticle 1n tIc London DaJis-Hs-s-iid. Sr. lt-Wclter Jsînctouc, lRay-Clos- fhlng f0 do vltl tf. oldes-c au o tetaitus- usinage 1bsy Ii-p --s lOgo, Jean Featherutoar. RalpI Peu olles Popes. At any es-Ont, If waoc ,f o lu eas nPOslaceot, le Wauts-slooi. Jolus- iTus-Watloolss-theectone, Verairovhrldge Ires- . . Ats-NG HIAWAII polll fe sIolle bpts-lsle he peni tvs-nfy in oths- ror-sd P tîbtis-I iils--s-s-s-s-s-os-- i-îbas boco Rsivna Isesle, Teacoer. ____-escppes-ncel-. If la intesestîng -o cneuampled in modes-n fîmea if ls- us-ttis-s-tlis- thetar- -ssio iUsdru RIes-- . ted CneeedWnotPee-,Pl ntaaus-bibesonetisn tflothîe Unit- bleu hie elguls- coud fus-lune ilvoî fric owerroft change lias mid 0fIlshes-lIt os- îs-s-Pooc- s-so-usi îs-r51 uroaot8.0 Ns.e. Nlants es d Stafes fbs-es-colpiesetcas-umpoeil md Il-staitt hu-t,.i is ps-lo tlu cnes-y Tsog or, os- 75pes- ceai. eoppes- and 25 partsr ve0f avfoe lotu bcaed s-orne s-s--tils-ult-s-,i s- tflics- tandard lu- Sr. IV-John Dent Winulirad Rioh- Popes- ianglig la ceuatly flougtlcusnf.nickel, vIlle tIc nov papal t sselscavp -gsd- l s-s-s-ss-ttoil of sitas- ts-lob s-sIdes ardesu1, Jemeis .Camspbell, Gertr-ude cf as ocmthlng tflaedoune only lueaiicIelons cee os- pure nis-kel. Pure an eaflfled ly bts talents te 11gb LATE JUDGE H. P.MOORE lss-tfc--ii-t-i -ics- il sce esn a I'eer, George Robertson, Frances homnes, lut ses-in Hawaui fhs-y Pc- nickel conae aspltodc-e.i PolIc Maguts-le u llulou aS outs-ous-- s- i îces- stuss arcesc ouleos, Arnold Povell, Belen PosePr e li leaPPla fields a veIt This OvîfaelandIn188toitand hais tleu Byapslso-msehoaoi. - Jtssetists-Cous-I Judgs fs-s-ctwo s-tst icPss-.ss-Brt Dent, le doue ta rames-s-e molsfs-e and f0 adopted Iy 24 esutries. vYs lhadtîle type ofcuns- fou 1At fi is n ----is-t -Iereaose fis-us--Jr, 111 ta Se. 11-Jean Butta (boa.), lnspdoun venta, as eolfis-aîlon b1 TIse lotsetcoins beas-the date wîleb, ut the marnent, a fIe 11gb s-s-i us-culs- s-smesl iiu-s--uss, tus- c fotal Ethel Moore (hon.). IRoy Powell (bon.). 0me mm.imssaefical ostes- the plunfo 1929. Their main decos-atîve motif r-od tae OO. There las ben ns ia-. ps-ofessionu cd to hebei s-tu ustesoif $474 33. TIus- Wsits-stso comumissonRuth Roberston. get vell cloog l in ls- rgrowthI, rfolleJino eaegss-ess- Tîciaof alsitY lu fhie. Ms-. ChurchllifaIts presstît-uthIse CuuudieuuPrs-os-tu ou c- toieis-sllew llsds-o somis- Je. IltaSe. lt-Mle00 Caling (bon.), Plueapplen, lnapftie os- hibes-lui-- told andsolIves-ears-ylng tle hcd os- yul a brilblance iev men eau equai: coclatoîls- fe - is- o rfs-s-eas-(I-ts-t lis- tnt ss-- - i ans-l mt.n Jean Rich&ars.(bau., Grec. Pus-, clouane. es-quls-e lîffle uolfus-e. but os- lIe Pope; those os-nits-lil and dthseOientpersan be Persuades le s-s-cl os- filtîlars-ge ps-blshlug tus-s- --tiis-1i-Ils-s--ass-sus-iis- cosumnerus-soutMarinsNosrii e lyn liant.= heece the apiandu as-c plants- O luf Ic s Peper,.fIe sof-os-a-me. TIcreverse alvay-s hînseif, theBs-bBoous-om. oso-Ils-s-Rts-s-s otsiss -us- s- l-t l ctstbills. 8 es- ItpJ.It-HesiasKslly.Es-le csO--.he-e fi la tusdry to s-alec side a -lîthc coins, wulîlheîle sa- He le conmeouse ci reat pavera, rrcsî, lus-Tor-ono.s-Tlis-s ts-u-stus sus-s--s--us-od us-tiieas-eîîung Moore, Verna Nors, Hoarad Goulso, sagas-cane. Ploos' vli teosu es-ca eflooshîe cappes- t cenfecîmi. vîlcî assre fivbî.oytatf Prm-et nClos-nb .rk- Ilt 1t ii--u-stis- ýps-î--susuamol OcDouas Dent. - uben Il la no dry flotf theoco s-aeus-as anolive Is-aucI, lave plaus t 17 ydizaine. Be kuovs fIat Jus-ils-cl s s-s s-,-sa s equ s-s-s-lui- îss- îs--îs-ts-u turnu us-îîI. toitsi's-tIn repîy Ps-. te Jr. t-Lais Peer (on.): ' but, at:: ail, they do s-cuuirs-our ursfses, nacsomsutandardtsed by hie vite,- ad eues-g>'uni aloquesce s -uts-s-s- r, lussss t-lss-Ms-hoI--sst s-is--s-- ss-ils-st ils-- usostion-of ieWateslooa Jr.Pr. taOS-, Ps--Eivoad Gsliiug, votes-, an fIte papes-le laidon s-regos-y XVII. on Jon. 10, 185. maie himsa pisvotai man; uni tic 0f- s-stus-tIleUs-inilts-s-il is-il- Il s- Onis-Os--s-siuss-s- w us-s--s-s-sIisîseeîhlp of bb cardsbs-on, Blanche Dent, Meth tle cous as a muc. TIse Voascabau a numIsmatie eut- saction aofofice s-as-blmu le as greUfN osou us-ils-ils-is-s- lustcostii -ls s-f msos-s-s lols-s--is-sssssg s-thsIy Mso ". Aapeetoîly-made tas-papes-, mas-I leelon des- fIe cas-e sof special fIat, ai fie dacleive moment, lho eau s-s-s-ait lus-s-s s-- rs-tutuus- t - -ssu-- fusltýs -s is --lais-ttou lan tbe Puys-s-H. Fals-Oseld. -cacher. Purs-o. If lelaid Iy a fs-as-fus- deuv ondes- Mas-ellus H.hrsad vas-, ha ehas-es fhOesouaos I> s-s-osassss---ssus )s- -s -sss--- -- --tspst'i s-s-m-ssou Ast uts-Stho-e seg ula s -..---....# ..machine fIat uns-o lue popes-,Mtine. uic as-e aa ut fa assume (ns-.uuss-ss-s-occas-is-u. Ilitvaos-s-o t- ---- iePros-s-sisal commis-sion. aud A TRIuU'Pg PROM NEWSPAPER pres-sc fifis-mIs-toe te ouod, moldu OBMAPEP CARPETS, paver. os-us-IChristiao and ao ts--sst os-eas-s-i-s st s-tussecus--ss-ttus-us prelilu' tbe Mcou lofa atnsafled, and howsMrfhucileonavain d Ftis and mus-quitoescarussy diacoas-germel. Selisiss l -- Histe uf Hia ODis-t us-uts- co- -s -tu us-s-s-us-s beys-uSthe ASSOCIATION up o furos-of utas-boong tIc cdgesO lmtarles-Old tseam Pins-s No Part 1. le iasPtform speeches louve the feu- Oui. Onst sIl s-f tpisltd ies orfus-ssf" in ihs- (sus-s-tu, ci, Ats-u sousls-slubs-uts-spt s-ccs-dtus-(tIi.tiiP1uloats-ei s--lsohul 2eSts-un -telu obldte popes-t10 pIacse-al lu une Nev Pi-nce.fus-o of rsi lîes-afare, He le ose os- ifIlse patis-nt getlaocl. sil) cool mus-e tist it taIs -ts s-.ssst hs-s- -lps---tsors s-s- kiuss-s-- -ss-ts-s-tA oplendlO fbelîîswas polt ithe uPuatloa, aod Ifle a anuît machine An- sts f nt o-st e Bou est Co aesco inlathertaish h hl os-- aa-aur OrWno%,,1,l ! 0w i-totuist-sst-ioi-ts-lad ls-it-i-Is- uigisrctosI aryotm yo h lu -i-isstci--tsu--u-lumsyfate HP. Moresly aOthat.A e mthdom&ngcrtsBneOCuios.Ite lby-«H11 l otlatflis-s- icil cmisn Otes-tOfeldonPs-IOas-. 'TIe annuel conven- band tîs-ougb holcu poochs-O lu tfI e ~ ari, h ali truionote atgo l08aavf r10od Creiiodgseu urusdr u-pic c u-- ddt M 5 s-us-- i i -litu-l,, tus- s-s-s-s-t -tu-st lusits-fis--ut-s-smcnî lion 0f fIe Canadian Wis-s-ly Nous- paae-. A Place os-auotmobles-prsltf0otst c l aI a n L adetermination fiet avmp tils cs-- s-uacc. Our Has-dware Wseas-s. ulut ia os-s-s-s- bs-, i-u-l-lu l-s----o u-sss-u-tstti -ut-s--sso d dlffis--ti- dgn,0bth a-flsighcUsl u osu lnso- et 11gb-grade veis-etsorssWiltou, vas an- greafneuaas an adminlets-afos- JRie puics- lvtbees-oi-st ut s-s--u-ss- ltu .s-lOtis-s-ailsst-ss- s-l sslily Os-gia. Af ihe seosio o Fs-li s ou in mci eîs sopesltos- onucs-d s-ceenfly. p-anc uaulels-cola f f E U ~ , , s-us-t os-s-SIus-s-s-ilts-i o-spols-tr, s-s-tus--s- lus-nos-euluafIe gaiI-pngcot ldtaud o1 encv ad servd ifineasmaanrs-sais-agahvidegsesîl ndlahla"i oui m'ie os-vp'ceseofucI pta cepetical oa el-Hy e commonîrcasC ET& C o aouseIs-es-as-oge.Temtituts-sos urýs-s-saia tusuminof e silence pas-lad fis-ucos- s-ur cous cao ealy lue c-e- foathfe pile ga caretchetpas- ra mhis ovnesnger assOlIs- faedo lu s-uss-s but poublhn o css--uss-i.l DUNCAN CAMPBELL WINS AT In rememîrance oniblem. Ms-,Mous-e commodtaiede.su-tepiega-.aran n lmuihing ou the big acale. - nolInOus-s-film te leave the pîessoi1-BRANDON lai alvays mantaloned eurler- 'Tie diatance haus-en tfis s-suand 0the ebeapes- aiftha animai libers. TIc Inprivata lrehole laa euses-h letuth lcu uîes-u acas-pet lie not cansais-neota f vas-y and esucologlet - hoiemau hou ca folio enuls-onus-tsIn flis bs-tus-district __ hlp In tuis assocation, adM aitl n btente tnsI herw aflllug; fIe pile ila mbdiai In a -.î'-H dotes-minaiieds tveInersIInaiEIwaaIIeerITd 0FmthWAVES s- WI Af hieOieRTGAth Pim, F ASALIi.A E AL Oecame Maalîstte avndodue 11,tflc-hiiisg-igAofothebref Ps-eau.ie-s-ces-, 'PThe s-sucas-e salgîf auan plastie matealauni c Iusiap bas-t-.doasuasud thora le no limI tu fie Nalocolli-Ms-. Mous-e -usappoits--tas-osss- l--ts-anou fois- tIcCampbl tleh -AeÀUFe rs. acruv, In ttor dits-gard 0f the con-. Ing le eemeoied onfit. 'The.satical rainaofaieisvolte, If hl anet0frouiAver-age Helght cf Was-e In Severn a, yvi-o lut--s-s -- rd 10 moglstut alnor ls-tbs- coi-uOos-thos-to us-s-. ouf îfot. ces-led tocseos- the euni, 'Pile gis-es a machine uei la sld ta lave ton iceplYie-,hole videly s-oui sud, on île Iomt 5 et On aut1s-lelu meotusii s-. us- muit;lois-s- oulbe pols-e mogîitrteOff amor-us--ps-eus-o f tIc prles- and FAME AND O OoZE oang pineapplo field, uhen ceeu in Urnes îleIsrouccive calucîts-0ofie topies vhlci nsavu hlm, Napaleon os-tr e4 ote i -eti otgge ý1i i1 aud ulcu tuOge outhîe lus-colle scuurt. 'c umpuouubtps. nluheuls- oys-as-otd Perapective, o pacollas- ostficlal >os-ilucelscaciset lboms, ud ernis-mta ililarsItiateorastîe gant drama- lHydr-ographie s-spes-ta vo have pradseedat thseflue of ltuss-ss-usIs-- Bis dIgm-tits- osms-anus- un the bs-ns-lubi-t clos-sCampbellfs-uves ss- erfrerritvssoaoasaîîecotnaifbicto 5 l rt sitccresofhsarlilrui s u-eap- i iefsons tu ei Se a-et y -ss--s us hIlsfais- uthuOsSese.s, ls odge ut ltl Mstis Miostreelu nonunir yeas- Abert "Fs-ccus-'Belanges'. formes- Patterntap la Iegouivii20 qar -ri arhuedI tiionnaas. htatheeoel oe-goblgtaialtiuvo-as-oo- lu rmia, nîltP-sh-.se luolo-,Il iui a cîltg ORsul s ltg ol- tuu MtsbIs- M tefsetvo-dubyegli uhampion, val eau- a glgaunflos-ubs- setampq. mhod, uhîg la -uaid by a Mev Jas-- gvsL.Ipeso ipvr lg1 ir nîe wpens-c accy, cluottous. fils geueat obliiy and lis-g u-Sss-odl lgnslsoho I-edt e-nia- acot-lu It contoeas-aussi$70 au r- e oiso-t uî abu li uss-h. donrs, ioof oweys ie Im- nobautn5a s-t, of I egfu-fnWDEDY UY .s tymtupus-bu 10soucous-ss--O -lu It mas mode Juunior-eud sses-sue grand viflouf Optionetas-fnOas vln ha papas- île fields. fsreeunnac af aller important desa-epssionuouthibuspreme actas- rejle- I0ils-ldual vs-m 10 tottengftor ituae wENS ocI-r. ubs- s-s- s- s-3s bue ludîs-lul tesf--s-bs-sbcg culs-odes-chaompiononthot uls- hiuboa e gliy o d- Riagmaulofaesm -_ natreforntunt____________tal(]l, hw gas-lue lepe e alya dulgopet ia ia ntr. lg la thb.finishîouthIlsart. He can cary la proportion ns- one fteywan td RobertiAma, suttoos-s-s, s--. - 5- t ludPeladprofWlig bs-s- eoss-S etCampbel acas- uhite Iutauicatad, barorn Mag- sgeg. olPUYcat Ilm evra Adono rlau nhitihiesd i aneturnlBobnrngnieieaon i orîr lt-ssss- sss tontatue1s-- nSeustossWlho- s-u.ad11 Ocou- oPd sbIsJ. H . ls-ede Boblu aBrampton court Tuas- M at oeMvmn.Oomn ieteel na aryrglrBaan t lsudn prmies- ------- Waî Oslfoasîed Nativton Sas Ts-ttuof kdlManitobo. I a. Ou Saturias- Belaugor va. Major T. L. Bruasi, fie emnont Liszt 0 ardisernaie tuautresleonib tellgand-uteaguincoe as-s.'e a-gos- veasm fot G-Cs-urlty JîtOge Muur s-e gard- îeeau-bl -t ls apeli Ofnei $500 and conte sor baviug tiquer Cnia A-feexplorer, reparts Germans-, tle g-euatplentat. U ot.uthi. s-eruing s-o ttaactlusofHelacnd tatas-lyts-Osenfintesual s-Ousa lslnotheOoulss-so sttfus-mus-rs-cecsond and ilird. ond In tlu au ibegol place, and remaniai for tid île Nos-fi Maatetit Pal. oe ne on nf. alvpeis a a ut mas tr lepactv orferste vîcc i ma l tres-ai ie Oslais,m igi i o -us.tNt s-fbeabouts-eon miles oes-s-dus-y"l as tla gbve a rentaI a vers-«»Hmaii mcl uIe about ubiie ocananaIhoieua- mmumsvsuas-e perinapu ulat uesa, iluthe Counîp olIls-s-s-s-s-nd ahillty bails-os-s-ed blm tu tbe blgb the tomate sclsses CcnpIss-lIs bild île oflos- cbarge. FailaitestaprovIde iogtfo I mgai aevseoce.StepleluE te tftront of thc thusIastie; bo ratain younb'e paverseen -au se-otovn lyNubr iaaeiiss-s-t-s-' s-a suu. oo -opcts- bs eî g eond s-lampion on Mayflowes- 5h, 1th. $5008haillastai, le renslg ~gradualls- cianging lilapasitioe," ha PlatÏtlu, ho aneouncai: 'ladiesw do ubara asnt taefeel s vso e idu- aingou efTtvebip ol l a 'o t tw-Yeaeuold l tcogdcu Outodai-otil Tuasias-, ulon ~eesai, "bot. ulen I vont Northa -u etmnfeaudinc vl l a- v.omc u lin, sud uc s ngathufzor.uf 4 ses ihdySe ft le le* 1 peoWUu"ntBgeatthenaudienceon Cotolaett-tus-us- vos-c secunleu, andieais-a Stormugobtat 46-Oeed 1 t haCthe ty ai Mcet oo os-utaus- s-s-s-s- s- gopdosen enmun b oiis-todng as-îsuapbl. fros s-ý,.d easyt ly dgunts-hos goteaydy ' mosnt doses-s-m ta ha Punaeand eusud -n tibl tonalo.m Is-ror-na 1km 1bienaves-age hIsaIt O-ti aImum ends-ed acces, mofs- os-leg.. -s-e lhesenicaorps-as-ing cois-y vas ts-d, ______ _ fesanoepositîstion t laibauadeserVe ta bu revarimi. , iInvite y-e for bis vigoir idlusessud roi- -aes ita asvere sa-a teNsfiacp avrstbassslu- nls---di 1 ..0Ib lu-o---ashi__ntresveo fatIcdroi rsous butors.Ire s-a.altaiu ii eu s-btimd lu itn'e e i.BtuuseAlsuioi thin n t. deep eut, slO'w - j etCtiliR ireaît. under otr'li1 au!, y a T h e p r ice t' 111 dlËaIny l3suflltr lire', &ePathfinder Tie yjear. We want yoil Io -le bmg value ujiî:iluly -pyone eaubuy. Sethem first. Sec' tlt Caveull r5tU24 Pure Cime-- us New Pack)- -l Beîisos t i s Tîger so i-s- s Zînc Jarutiý Red tus-I Xl t Boruloît ;S!- s cross-e st Roherîsoît - t Val-n-s-s-oiIis New l.jI - s-s- PHONE B "Quality j~ - Soda IZ City I tl. Irîght wt) L, the t e C "ll CitratteMatc J9118u -irtS-st ,Regason Frsi.t s c Kikovah Lie-uIts- s s-&Abbeys suuîts- 'Peveloping For qî ic a 119to us o 1 ( ttBorder; r tînlîng Of Ko) -is:d(: ~MACKI e 40. The11 Quan flua i i o seý *lne to s-im p 0 ple iu suis-i bas to b its Oe thîe 1. Sýe,Bcn sfI MDER T