Voiles,' Spa .o $1, is Store mpan> rergy j 1king oven, lakes ai th(b n d more matisin@ ent, baked fres me Bread, Cotes, tnoty thet yoU'j ERY OWBN, Pro1ý sl seralon or the hAor tise Sons of ortis Amerloa helr n., JnIY 16th and0 o Tnnleywas elq so Most Worthy larvîs aisa oce, ai Grand Worthv1 vin er ai Ontario, e of Great Britain lia. New Zealood operate under thej rNational divisola T'tiereios-e the po. yAnsorlate 1. the lise order. foi, Developing aid frhitii Tour filmns \S eli,, foi puttîng Borders on your PItiîit n plain.o laY IfNLARGf- QuiniI, mnade froîu 0*11 Cameras- teoo aaiilaiatllvit- gdo - liT SgIRTSWIHnT $750, $105b0.,. '11I l", and Don't Mies-, SATURDAY &mmt TLRKIVM DELIGHr, asBm 81 asvot "d u ~ "iu sLthWbvene11DernOJu fly Sale- 11I a fl avor. _1tg. 30c. UI--------- Mlte. tro sie lie11 î ssse 'eiiA à-g - Saturday 9'reiotP" -ki25< b * t lsabd..laeh l . WEtr ND )ClIOCOLATES SiC. ib. of'laAbout ea" I uaigi Us Wlkr' îgBeut Bt elected ingrediente, in many teiptng AU rond. lmai te lT.e1rnpow aebusgt tecunilte soinil tse #&Y- r rlt ae VibtPeppermint. ButtemSctch, MSDI. Warka. Belorbm.gq airila teo&. ligitsa a 1-lau. Vhs tistlten ý1Caramels, etc Reg 40oensd50o 1b., Btat cas.m ecmst-Sl-------cakes foi Robéit crrk%. ormotin whts, hos it as dacied te Issue July Sl ........... SPECIAL 85.. ipsat sbhvdage lent vos iIh Mbu >the ayietisavlng dttuniesiostisO ----------____________brout___ lers.. WOM dga AP.iirsep ctausser. ThetsA .tegO o6t acaoe Ptt kr p CIiPY PeantTriangleS. uîtb a dlsghtful cho- is, Agno, et Muten.. usa lhe lheconteil vas ttât tits u$"Iti 1 j a iu. .Mm W. D. 13555. hali lic ubasttte tis sspl55 _4_________«___ I' \.k-idSpecîil39c. lb. a atv ei s, at uic sMt ie iCIsaiele"EStuafl i S "7au king ToasiesHFully Vaslis MarsiiHes, dit in 5tqqlarreee Tspous tees.iï e etorto p* onia liordste5O-1ithe 2RAG RUG I cooanut Speci s2e l.mradla1sdoli u vINba ursveatsath onsishaSable dIRerEACOUG P=.lnti eofai s opti~.ni ion on tise ueetea. AtrRgBiew* rlsi W.T. B AR NARD ..tm Haten AaUtcOiii5It is t.Dusea-Another l1obo duc usor plain, MITN lthdrawe thehs COSe il e au r in-steael bu=s of p-NE14tsnded to beld Iuly I30 tea a laer W. d ate illebllss 7,h .itne. si 7Sae eo----- Klddyia'Play Suait.lic. B e cut Dos i..on Wedesslay. luly oi, j ysle h------ liTiOi'iO.~'Capo 25. Beys' 8ev Is. :ec.mm lVase .Mokere double plers Or- sommer Sll.e Glb ait 0'.. . 011mis. Aof gkis . i tîso f.ru"it FranklMie is bhao udi con* mà AdmAn2be. trusta for eplg the Gelil n - Aot lmokld1iua vu Rtf!) mu, su~~~~~~~~aduateefl a Pu labra ome.as buSocok stVsria e ChainWRED W HITE ii omd.ni.8 eiton ha ie ody ucng Mwu The Dufférie 0 1 theC..traclisnear W ,- L !,i11vprhse ail your groCerles at a reai d- lie ho .s4"miU55 t. S inlc. uteWo, lise lauIJhn T'h dm j&ey i t lu.Violt vaskthld by the sooli-bousi C..R. I All 11 iid ret lesue n erin sA l ul os gI s-tt e ISoacofa u i- C tains-lThe reniaine ucre d goa plasre n ervngsuth ils. umad vill hoe.fo o asy a Io ngC. . Tee's usiortakne lL1ci à jo11I iholesale and deliciotis fooda. coîai'. prlrnsd Coroner Dr. H. A. MeCoi ___Ul____ missJoyoea sndeoiie. eofWlnlinelCilc. He ordered an inquelta su uRs A la viationab«.55 tat. Mr.. a ea a ry sussumoeed. hviewce.tise Mm ho@ P.adjournocifor one vere ie order Cat tie luin th in 5le train rew mer be preseet and tell 'î~j b i n - - - -- - ------ 2 Jau m i seor" u 'Sa - visaI liey know. IlasYtbsabouttlie Iwidan ardies,4 tns --------2& h" 50. mt""tSM*iA t Gal- GÂ5aDNPATT.-A Grand Garden i.mt à h liii - - - - - - - -- Party.nd Mie tise Aspices of Betisel 'Toun lajAiesPiser he b.Tas.1' 2r- -- - - - - --- - -- U ie adW oDonsa, of Dtrot. Drunsouln. ilisliise. Traifai. on brave--------- 19 220~î1VU49M U. d Mms.Barry Tns.day eyenls. g. 2 rori, H. WHEE R Red ad i i oaWafers, 10 OZ. pkg ----« Smith, Caîst. 1Ur. IsoitsRid. Conisisan and MILTOIt. 09T. hi nid White, 3 bozos --------------- isulasus guais5and0 easrOcompaPanirTsulag, @iIR 1. tevra versle PmO tenialire up sadUr.n Hienosierton onacsrdîa Heid ionia, 2 pkgs ------------------ deficit oet P . . 7 . 9dass se. Orisvesraate n odan.tU Graniit.1 îir 10 lb ------------- ceaSetlbr. ntegoae. adRpli Fb) iîî>lity Pinlç Salmon, 1 lb. ttin ----U- pIalTJAlLm'. isD1111onuo f =11 Men5dits... cblidreoO5e-Is... b oi M R00 Fi-an im i rhîlîra ' plt.---------------- T . Win "Ma bot5 éi5 t tsa Alterstion plans ior tse Prinecenu t m eam Frîiîî1 7iio'nBrn, uaî izdo ofir. Ths. eatre, owncd isy T. D. Hute, are - Il i5tteO îýj 'ý er doz -1111-- ---- 1-- ordn ).es élitYobteet. of HamiiltonS. Plans -cuit________for___ ýVx b i--------------------3c ida la jlileI«l mg ie r mmatenatlos ousu oneltiot eonce AIU5T.lb I F let Soap, 3 cakes --------- metpeuple wM t te seestenceand, stage. e. Mr, Humes son, L omcl.ao AU Ar- lb - - -- - -- - -- - ---v as aottao a»Tort. lIs e prsiailg plane ior a nv ew 00svre ri ff5Pl~ te Mlt vim, l .Asd Mra. W. gomttb sud tue 35,000 tistre to be ertected la Bur- coesone Sottafd a st ill a. A M .sgtsua et onqnat. ansd lsugtOu te replace tiese tructuire ru- ibs.t lie sa Ral.oo-svILe Il * ~*~ ~.J d~s, A. nmlth addass bl e uent cetly detraye<t isy Sec Planesc-11 hehvs l Siii~M . B.tB. 3.J rd N i~ ru Aibsl. ulltad i. mm NsW. (liai. tee tvo storeys and baseisent, 60 b isy . r. & 0.L A m@Las t CU N N HA :hi7p i«O eBsidy. udt63 e test. ttnondationteea dthCsie.WALK=""es ii ad. Mb T NB 0oàoatli.concreleendiiWooed f on lisaeiê. Sisu bars sonr ______________________________ W~. 11 plti Se19s1.0. 5,1k acaig capocîtt or -Mpatronls. tuoiied te eh ls1 -_ a -ie 0oMiii tre. tin ront. oBce or ajsartmnent on Stors. PleàmhiFy25~~ ~~<iiIl& .18.5 second Souer. Bey fer Lam. IooaBugot P.UBUS M"oattefer 5PEfIAL OPTIVAL NOTIC-Bae dy taid &-m- Ba..Md coe tllp55 tè 4 ue u m » 1 y unr wil-kowndayiight @&71»9Ima. * ublcoUtsD taotdom. roé ' or eym manilned ysrvi-ev 1eOn00I~Ott m 5.likeYi nsalomerly epicol expert for Keet'o. To- Jul', tisas .oeuA tleW" o teteold OCSi ountlb.- ai Morgan A&(0e. Mont-.t&*Mt fM ackenzIe s bsOoeA ntldiwu l os sepsaalg PtllS. uiunreiiem b ll lwu And mou roS e-veren te stout.Aa ae mur Sd of P.&= death y, dr ai 111111 _,luof bern tlMrth. butmotoi 0. op Ladies ,Fanoy Printed House Dressea dainty prînuîngs and com builn ecooring effocts. Inal sîzee from 16 to 44. JULY SALE ----------89C Prints and W àter Ginghams Sets MiBseB'&chi Misses' and Childr20e Hats, in straw or st combination. .ens Iraw Ourtain Scrim 1 32", wide white CurtiDi eie July Sale-- -- 2 yards for 25c - ,A genuine saving Glass Water Sots, mFiI tb b.li' s. i on dark and apron 6 glasses and 1i e' racot hrswt print and gingham pitchor, in a very Me's racllathSiGrs with tenhil Rg 25C. udefsi. dap high quality broadtuloth, design.,Regular $1.98. J U L Y S A L E - J U L Y S A L E - J l a e - - - - - - - - 1 2 4& 0 yds. for 25C 7~set JtlSae------ $12 ERSTORES, Limltectg m Yoilr Favorite Shopping Centre ____FRIDAY SATURDAYM 0f 5shihaui~OO5iî nusepta. ,anetntd9C lHamiton (2,E a5Uai-~a saiigte.La ito M i, Nigees FI L-i(2 5O~ W W1d2 lSsUaOkî, Sitînet.OsunSod, Port CGIOiteai, oào' 5sa~TIMmIu4 Toronto.E Convt4VN, 55 NT ST? TSU WbiO COCOA .... ft ..... i 3 WbS t.ad MILK MaLs. egT'7c Le.l i A seoesistei LA TH ER O Ss.- ..-uS-Ce-. - > Gand NO. Z2TMS JO C Il-Q-.Cash and- Wrqspsd 1 YEAsST .. . R yl. .. . C. 00 7 .5 idss JELLIES le o r 12-n. lai 23c *A 1Y JAM .. 400s. jar BY Carrant 3c D~~1~A~R> SO- - - Cako,29c cloz.. - Bi a RELISH SPRIEAD Kraft a-eZ. jais23c - O YDO . - A 5Utile Ceà a L& K.osr 18e CORNFLAIKES . - Br,.d-a.7 SUT 15Table 5 OafU~pLSGBlTV 1V E iD. 5- ~CROW* JARS S\ 29 c' R Lac... dom. 15e - o~- -oZ I I T- r, e e' e e e e e Films to fit- i.M.M~ Phone 40. ~ p -. j I -te uIIy piy ur specmal veo Ltes REGULAR PRICES Van Casmp. Largae n .....i54 lai s . .... ha 3U AmusasSauip, SALAD Caalm. DeMolntet FLASKS Cae.fl. O0- 3 .-a, 5clS Psahae ......12 MAX -I9 ... I4lue T FLKIES leu, zoo Il mi , -, =77