Ofice. fnr na"aOut.inR4~ ê thse nomîsation u.g.44U !Dg pachait to ths, dos. elIieeOu includlsg seouen. trosaSpe.u b*g ridiiig.Dr R .dea. ILIL-P'.- ai HMilton. sWho>b5.iifhm . al ithe Doinnlis on o at OU&asello olek 1917 vas noisiiatdas OoMv&Utyé il fflobixe& i.us candidate is th.etainfi *Imciloii, a" Ome. -iil se James W$Ltdbrook. fieme. ofIÏTIsak ha aa gar, as.LiberaiProgT.S.lve eandk fla ga.sn1 .6 T. A. Mutio.on. IMattm aisqe nounel au Dr Andes saet., lu l W. N. Robinson, of O>akvlUe. for Mr. lieus a W un Waldbeook. W. F.W. Fshb. .ofOln.r-b= -IÏ -- lixiton. preided at thei. bilemetfi ing.sehciswas addeu y aCoxTl ld> Beifard, tonervatiee [alb D tienNeortisni. vi lad Couiity, J. C.McDonagh, Lieral. taising :p itrns c ivaftaisOM s. ea. . .. . of Toronto, and tise two candidates won isalt en. >ea 'chedli SaIne& .ai piIlaaudoViion M Tisa meeting sas an orderly oneald Mlton and hogtowau l nOW play ben",*0lils.« ravi sepeaer recei irad a goad iearng home ansd bnp. games for thse chai. avltlea" plonasip of the logibagu. RESULT 0F DOMINION ELECTION MI BHLTON 2 i19M i" 011 "lve N HALTON ON SEPT. 14, 1926.. BClemnt rf.. ..5 RH l'O AR0iiweek-end.. nloe~o aiFaloisng are tise officiaelfigurz for Pryde, cfi.... . 4 0 1 1 1T)b htraie are. iatoulea s'O Caaloin the lait Dominion sîscîlon, A. Oî.in.nt, b... 2h 5 O2 2 6 t imPrvemeneoose arpublIe l cic Dr. R. K. Andeeson.,of iltas, Toletzka. Sbh....4 1 3 2 t10'pr""'xt-.à losirac candidate, lcieated W. J.Andei*5n,lf ....t..t3 1 t 1O0 Geo. L.i. s bept iybeyi" J.1, amabuen Eqeusg .i.Mcagherty, If 2 O 0 O 0 0 lire.yard the» .day.. ea-aicandidate, by a najariay nf t897. WFsti..... 5 121t10 O The iravalcoiaionndenmitesthenumber Lewis. W s...-... O t t 1 S aIDRUMQUIN of citai plit-aifor Anderson, and tise AAdrop 2OtOOO -toaa crHmubrMar.ii, p,-. ....2 1 t1t1 10 Hetisel Unted cliarcb inteade id- -cn- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - Ig tbelr anliversary uervlies Et Ward 2.. .297 2354488152 12 2 Sunday, Jsly 27tii. Roy. a Warid 2 . . 67 32ACTON lurcisase, of Btrestavlle, vîlI cas Wat 3 a- - 232 59 -Al R H lPO A R the pulpit at 2.30 v-.1m. and v., W aîi t- - -258 76 Kaley, lS-.......4 0 s 3 1 0 George Aikensa of Balllaaiad, eaI-.30 Wa rd 3.. -202 79 Li.na,2b ......4 s 0 5 2 O P. .Specilimusic lt mlii servnt.. Waird 4.,...-. -. .172 66 McDonald, If-..... r o o1 00o0 Dont inrgeltih, Émelen îarty ait Geortgtown- Walters, se .... 3 I 2 1 3 i Jna. MDictasonTueday. AugustU1. ivard- - - -171 114 Wterbisae, cfi-.... 31 11 o 0Ses annssunceient siseviiere. iîd - - 34 04Tylerrf .........4 00(J 0 a Mis ssbel Stsiuiena bas susSe,.- War 2.. 234 104Gisbes,, c -.......4 0O15to ouliy rassied ber Normalabhool ta- MWIt 3- - - Holloway, Iib-....4 0 1i2o o eanis, and lim secured a Snooi at~ W.arti t INoriLO> - 2 .71 262 Chaimeex, l p -....3 O a o 3 o Cedar Springe. Owig to un ,rrac' Wail2i(Souath) ....188 225 Parker,p - 8000..... oo o ofi bername-wusomnittei roi te flotl W.rt3 ýt .. . 7 5------publaisiicd lu the, Toronto (tailles best aid Il al - 21 66 3'225 27 Il 1iveci. Misa Stepbsuu bal the bonor i',ard J.i.- .-. -. .289 1322 y ining- lain e chouen s a. nist aetiise Inter- _Ward2..i H a normai mat-t in Toronto sud Stratiord ..a.d ..-- .271 81 Mltas -.......0200i022- 8 15 2 recenlly. 'Waid 2- - - 12 224 Aicton->........ 0200000- 2 à l1 Tuer, vax a large gathering oi lbh htcard-A tag b- 49 Rain, batted in. hie Fetter 2, H. ai- ea "hieralan ciao at tise aid home- Waid 1BA(itontî.- 60 ement 3Jj. Andersona t, A. Clame ntI1 ' îlead, visera W. W. Featiierston W ai 43(tin B.u.h4 1 isenu 2. Two-isas, bila, ToiIza'a aow veidas, an Satardor lait. About Hîlcl At(oal- - -8102 l6Waitcr,. Hoeine unsFett.-r- H.Cîs-200 ver, In attendance ond an excel- P. id2A(Bt-alI.. 02 86men t. Stalen bases,. Waleui, Water. lent imesvas spent by al. Il vas W at-il2B (Haînhyl . 56 40 lhous2. Doubhle plays. Leiubiean ta detided ia meel sesin next peur. tVýard 1. itowarttao-ti. 98 Il221Trotovi Waad 4 (Dubln)t. .60 las Holioway. Water@ ta Lsiisman tla Tiht-Msai, Jorvis a ool i Ward5 (Tomp-n'sHoiioseay. Struck ouI., iy Anderson 6.ited Mvs. Oscar Ciilaon over 'tise« W ornirs).. ,T . ,r . 124 96sy Mars 2, sy Chaîner, 4, isy Parieoweekend. Wudoi(naîa -m)234 6 1.Hases on-ll, off Anderson 3. off Mro. S. V. Coyne aitended lhe Wtt i iliîmiita-oî234 67Marais i. nif Ciaiesers 2. Haie bita, Havden r-aios ai Brantford ou Sut- Wan.I 1( eiti îa, ,ffAnderson 3lin 5 inigs. aff Bars aidai. maloîîngug ara vu Mr. and iiîa i Nesn 9 -. s 2 in 4 tiings, off Cialmeseca12 in7 in. Mia. T. Hovdoia and fumliy, ar Wailtiiiaii . 6 Sning,affiarker 3inw inig. Horiiy. Wa. il31 KiIlidi i. 7i! 96 Lt-lt on baseu. Milton 8, Actas 6. Uxa -__________ WaîdAl 63tîtlo82. P" erHrg, of Hamilton, 1 OTO CNEVAOY 0 Wal 2 iBells) 47 49 Ou Saturday lait Georgetowen de-TO NO NSRA RY F aîi l Appleiby-i -.88 48 eaxted Qakvilis at Georgetowen Sp 10 t. MUSIC EXAMINATIONS it atl 6 id ýtiathOt taaigs 0 7 3P0,ad Braite deicatcd Hriigolait___ .2 i mcii 3 -Branlte by 9 tla 7.Tiailaagaatsaralsi W l.î i î2,,ikiîîii - 122 242 Now Toiny STAND, tisa Taoota Caussvaataîp ai Mnsic W ii. Kiiatelijiiili)-6s 150 WoVn Lait p. C. anaminaliani bt-Id ai Boante centre. MILTN ........ 10 0 .000Parall oft-aiMLien. Bvonieaund Port i d 1 10t 77 Georgton . 10........180SmCredit dsîrialo vara aaamln-d. 2 .il- iitiiii .. 97 2401 OavlIa ....... -.. 2_ 5 5 .5001 TIIEORY :iiitiii oiii - a 64 Aitan - .3 7 . at-n PrimarrOGrade-Honors. Marlon E. W.1itiii.ii . 60 64 Branla -... ......3 7 .30B. McKjnlEy. Wdlii tiîiîici .. 73 11 Burliigtaa . ...... o ý u .100 Eleosastar) Ciada Hanavi, 75lima iiit .C . liiiiatiiyt)I l 44 A spei eetngof he iocutveHandarisea iii itBruni)... 134 131 o the HaitoaCoaityHBaaeil tAeagus PIANO W 7 (S-lOiiii.ai ... 252 lut wîs beld in Milaonons Monday een-;nlernedlata Gruds Honnis, Mari- - - ing la arrange isr date" for tise play-, on E. B. McKley. 6222 4222 off garmes isbecen Georgetowneanîd Junior rada bat-vs. ShisleyaîMoI- ti .iit ila Aia iaaî107. MilesnIcirlise aiampiouusip ai thsc nO Posa, MollieiHaialy. leaue.Th fistgaie illbeplayed 1 Primary Geada Paix. WlmaHt- . Mltanil;ntSardîy ailerconicai. a COUNTY COUNCIL. tishe secsnd et Got-rgetowinon Satur 0 Primat-y Schaal Grade-Pat-s. Jean day, Asîgoot 2, alidtise third gaine, i llisert. 'l w Cunt Cuncl mt i Mlto onneessryinMilononSaturday. lntaaduelory-Hoaoas, Stella Skiar. Tu aiy at.î-asîî icaroaitinelia eassry sButa, i Paon, BcClp Melville and Sydney Wal- "Pait (iibetu t las aitr daal ailla. Sn(t-quaI), Donald Wood, Donald 1 1au I-aisocîîpîîd lia alatteton of lthe HALO RSoTR asali, KanaishPollîti,Ilabielle A. olmciI cama ma.niaoad cansadatabiîHLONPEBV YPart-y. ait titiciiis totkSplace ai-ar tae lans tta YOUNG PEOPLES PICNIC 1lntridctator2- tilattai Oade-Pals, alt fauislalias Laaty fir iad ai- Aiea ialdrtta. aadî Sois givit. a waiî l aof0,anin-CC lîicima Siaiddyoang pepleaiaof llAucandtidaes miii puplis or Min. caca o 2 itvertiiasi ptar, and îîpaa tah ian Piaostry af tisaUnited P. O.Russe]]i ccptIisaiselle Pt-rcy 'i ii.îiii-uiCasuvaifroat the Esîc lsaCrcis of Canada istld o moe n t-alipapal ai Mis, WilkisonianadStirlty gatnti i.oagi.atolFair- boards achaag abale- pnie al Hi Pot to paris aI Mtria. oaspll af Mss Liggeaîl Dr. lhir iaaai gîal aIf $75or mole. -woocd on Wednendoy ailcrsecon, Harvey Roisis.oaithaioiercaliy Niftheii accehas pposad flue grant Jiiiy Iti. Tisa hall ram as in afoiand arganisa ot tht- Rayai Tari, j t iifai,.andaioao-f adtb-uplai aiis ly lt-e'Zimo-anaan t-un,« mon examiner. t tise tciali uCakoe cave aI iheta oaa Suppai vas sead iiya a mIlat. I Tisa papilsis hIt, i odutory and firtiC l acoedtahie gla. Sbtol aihis MsaLydla Cadvell, af Pilmary BassaI l(ilS the enception Iloiitii ta0f airtlao-maSt- ciSa Lioaiioset, ani Mism Louise Srenca. ai Isabellt- Pary) arealal publie e a l ratitiioneascetay and aottacaein'ofLotan-illa, mira convenr,. Jackiscnhool pian lattdsa puplilo uSixfthse1 itipatuir ut aera Tht- maîaitiy MeAclr. a, filMtans aservlued toe lalrodailo-y Psalln at-t- lt-m Port aie a,Ciii. actctr. tisai the grant raaaoang eofaares, vicisresutel asCt-tdit districtai aet-an lessons oniy -si ud tl-eCmade Ihas yrar. paîîîculaîîy ias laiiamo. ast Noienahîr. aiso paaelnîaise piano % i iiiof theltact ha iltoîn had îlcvady Young ladiea. saîdar 1-PesrMa- rIais here xeeitiiatlt Ciuii iOmi.aid a renlatin l toa eat-iy, Baliliaaaîl ladies, over 18- tat a i i Wi theci ieseailoion, a7saDvliana5ont Pus oan EART ATTACK aS FATAL TO DR. taîîî I aahicgîîrl piaae.iec -aatdr 18 Houp OGlberat, Branla: e rat net yeaalfairs should re- meta oct-r 18-RarI MîKay, Boalln- ABCOCKS PATHER ce,.inîoî- nnl gt.o a tsîta ull;maI.mrt-lad mHt- R.4S. Heashar-.. Ct ha i ti-iic Sidanc amay wtai ol Incie, Nelsan;t tise-lt-gît-Irace- Alle, nt.,a -Jsly 18 Taisensundden- t.îgeallîa - Pearl McEnaiy and Btrt MMenamy. Iy 111o-IlS a isaarî allaiS ycslerdayiI 'lt, ouiiaiiîaîîaad utht-ardaa and, Balinaiad; aaadle and lisiead ract- maraing, Simon Doffin Haiscci, 60, I It la i, igîta i agreemet o-talate iowns essit- MaKay, Ballinatad, and Jaiso-llinnvndn sr î- v il Nît ita, tti iii ai egaîdî Ie HgS. MirtiarMIloa.heurelaaer. HeBer-c-ihabet-n sert-a tiai Act> tce aiiiîîtaag lieS îannnaglA spailal prisa for lise tatagut ha- oasi-yli t-frt- and hail lived bisre Clii agît 7iliiîai, os rcrpt ofPa rt-oltton ,ing tisa largeal altendance ai Hem- asin 2 920, aomlsg iism Taner, near liaccîtiloi heri tîoe caunic. alsaîlsîybes aotisae pie o-as o-on Sp Zin, Kingsone. Soaciaing 1i.hi vd.v ot ,li coaîiy solicitolr. Tise agreeentsimiro-an leaisa. villa BallinainI and aadahaM.PuodCmrn aaî îacddacads yl s tcic i Neson avyclease.halisacîng 40Acta4othaý0sn-Dr.A.-BB. ah. adamtendeir!adoarispliseoaasace M. oh Sepe lelicndnie- r.Joh Sstrait-d ccis.Toronto, prorminasl in &eraring lolaý %Lspaseddieignatin c o10r Neloon, vonfliac prias for haing uieý susPrsdaa aoflise Toronto I \uitatii.pacedcouîalt, .aIl oldesi ieagas memhtr renanl.C a"t, 1ICi i cLiis is e c as S i _____Churc , hnsBustbilaasciation ad ,oad 'l4t-manager cf tise Surremes andi Na- A eoi tiitaitloduved îo intaiccA,. P. ManVANNEL ttlias girls' saflialt-ains; Dr. P-. ita( ttîl Ca prapate a isy lla ocaminte- -HAS ESIGNEO E. rfaisaaai, of Mltlsn, and Major H. Cithutiai alekaîond tlaoonre ai hl -LeRoy Baicock, Napanet-. Sotmtai taoie. and Ihal appictions far 1i thit te iton Si calcleî o. saine lte) -in A .PMaiVasiel, agrivultarai rera-I i iAug. 1. l esaslallct for Ballon coanty, isas PiRE THREATENING CHURCH la Thi mate ba ben efoe he outandered Sas restenatian 10 tha de- QUENCHEo BY OAKVILLE ii-mlCai Sfth a 5m tlre etinsiandt erin niofAgriculture, ota lae ef- IE N a t il aCi atba eat aStet e et-hala. ai on Augus 5ttis Mr. Maun PiREM ai it glî 10a iea hn lse peialnea seht-n agrilcatîsal rerresenla- woiiCir appoanîrd la îintei aisehtua ai o t-e ouOîy for the, Poil twoe vDae, Jaly t7-Smart van nson pîîî Ouncupantssf1 ht-w twoapositions,. a I ai nCi.tr g-eliema o pesgi o ears. aoming hers irain Princt- Ed-lise Prt of lthe Oaiviiis 5&abrigade -dîsîîîd an isticant. To- omld ittesa-ard îsantY. Be ls oie of lb, oldesl under Cisîsi Alfredai Humer, etr atîvationan s oniraroaca for tl iseclrkrpasenîaaicea la tise gaverrninena day uaved MBanni church fiai. ORmes and rasurir. SaiS aiofhom adSabSten an hecaira. and bus donemaieS ta ad- vueS dsestrayed . abren and drlving Sie împiaOC liatheaoaaî lorinae flamavanvi agriculture daring hbu tenure shedt 100 feet Rvay. The, ovner of ObiStiiion aocraisin leaisehtsolaion, 0f ofBit-, sons nîneleen pears. Ne the bars, J. Pliksy, oai Bnnn'scorner, laaitîîCa 1erclaano a gavnn plendid services IaBallon w10 avay tram home vben tb., nul- lite aSu , and il mîaîd ha fat-cc ,ifilcsnar davlng hieresidence isers, break naeurred. Later Ia theeaveu. slalîd Il aîltie services oflte le aresandand isas mode a boit offiendisebho IngtIse brigade iTespondel te a cRti aîîîs ar oiad sat harqutresa allîralto-liaregret tan heur ai hi, resîgnatuon. to Irainety Oned hb J. t.evlse os certaini dati. and lSay S eardu He Sas made usi ome In Burllag- Daxsdas street. viere 2fi ac onieut- a hcd lorarrîa. ai lice flis- o-ihton, and bsamde varn. frieaIs, note ImY vas complstely d«etroel y liae advîîîcteg flrta ppîîaaoa a ht nSi in lise lsvn und ditrict, but fIres.-Thee Oramen eoneists-ated pacsitio. FSaa p the reslinmaos-iîs rugbaul lise vouI>-. H. ok a teBorts on savjIng Ra se@m* - r Sali W ÔN Bu o -mam""$or I9a1 ukwiet in te ffla týintîosi e sitmelis.g, Eeeon. ,nîene our ial sd a Tha lePr~iar LI"WQ4k Bt &Vter Heatirng . e * Warm.Air Heating à. DJaNuRèwownS in fUBUR.ý Tinusnithing AMdà.O26a- Eavetrougbifig i.seasroy din*b. Hmob Water Pressure- p81Mm BIn.2, tem Syste ms MaripaeAseenosunn e ~etou frm.biis b.. .s tly ajergo'clock aller batkngo eavy Ïliamli- Arriv- S eptie Tanks ing at thumber. lbhe bmentserel the gftfad bin:»Boches seai vîtioslitn lntof lb.eispposste bst Esisç ber Im çaolosEuthalb. ewas iii!eclng iroin a criesp la bis armasebere- upoo liotii coesiaoioes hurriel f0 reanii imi. Befsic tbey "odl get mear lii.. iiowever. b. sain b soot tseelve fret of sater. Eseing anl Kent lbat noslime in lîvisg aller lii., and costimiel their efforan til tbey seere lioth completeip rxausted. ReaclinqSie.r. tbep put ie a rail la the Life-Sovini Stalion aiHum. ber Bay, and ibis immediateiy brnugbl Officer Norman sol crese ta the scene sitli the seellast. The iunerai se p bell Sers yesterlay aiternaca. A public service vas bell ini Kno Ciuvuii. ioilowlag eichinisermmnt lacis place il, Evergreeri Cemetery. lb, h.uIl..,tributes seraesmany and beauioul, Aesoog thsos present et the iuseral, sehii seas largeiy attend- il, serre a namber of isi, rienlo irom Toroante THiE J. F. Crswley Ce. MAIN SrTREET, MILTON, THIE EVENT 0F THE SEASON 1 Mlonster Garden' Party UNDBER TUB AUSPIORS 0F ST. ANDREW'S PRESBY- TERIAN OHUROR ON THE UHUROR LAWN, STREETSVILLE Saturday Evening, July 26,1930 Gate@ opea t KSOpin.. dayllght saving time. PROGRAMME PAnR? t. BOB WILSON. Toronto, Humoraux The. York Ranrrs egt. fBand. Entertainer; asssted hby (91 n.snbars). of01 atu. sl Rire Mxse (dRAsIE Bxas2t-Ci. Piaulât and a munical Meoats.M.. Âseoespanst. durlng swbîis tii.. Ilgit r. r.sb- mxl. s l b. esved onstii he hc FPRD. ALEX ANDizR. Toronto, Can- lises, ntammlinm chsage. ada@ Premier Oorcertenixt, PART 11-8 to 10.46. Axpisso Voire, Tenor Solixt (451h Thse lollgwing artiste wililatsk part: Highlander.), Toroinio. Wxaj. CHARtLTONç andl Hlwali Or- BILLON RAMAGU. Enterl.ainer, Iis.' PxxPl. ,froin the Bird@ali telxool t-f CORNEr SOLOS and Instrumental l7ase Dancing. Toroito, sl Trios isy Banxd. presext sevescal acte lnx heaxtiful atxxie* National Dapee-Eng. landd trelaixd Scotland, etc., et.. Admission 35c. Chidren 15c. E j I 1 I Open-Air Dance Paviliori I PALERMO (ON DUNDAS HIGHWAY) I Every Tuesday, Friday end Saturday-Eve.ingt. I Dancing 830 to 12.30. Admision 5C eacb per dance IMUSIC BY CAPT'S SYNCOPATORS. i EVERYBODY WeLCOMÈ I -) a BlosesVoiles, Spot1 eu ùund&ra frîlled collar, for o~f~Qg ilOvor the store G#brolth & Company Save Your tnergy We11 Do Your Baking H ours in a warm,kitchen, alongside a bot o%,l l, ai b11th joyt out of a suimmr'. day. Par cheaper am0 aît.irtIl to lot us do your baking. You 'Il be delighled witb our tasty assortmei)î ,.kd4 daiiy, which includes nourishing, wholesome Ci,î akes, Pies, Cookies and Pastry, 8o delightfuliy tsst i aiiObp double your order afier tbe fi r8t trial. THRE MILTON BAIKERY Phne 67. T C. BOWEN, Prop, St. PAUL'S CIIIRCit St. Paul'@ eoiigeeatdun sel seorhiP Rxchard Partrldge, goveruor of the At thie axual s.-lo,î,ftJhe. irith KnoxzPreshyterian eongregatîan l epesHmwshhYCm JnIdvioOftIk 0 fTl durinq the montb ofiJuly. OdPoie oe a lbycls ia iiina ,te Choir practîce sel ont lieresumed p"lntei by lthecomimission f rom eance of Navrlh iiii t- j bs Si. PRla United Clxurch Chsoir un- Peel and Halton wilchIinipected the Hartford, Cono - iii, i ttOand i:î tiii Piday, Sept. î5tb. home laut rlday, on the conditionS . D. Juevis, of Taý, ,w af the, buildings unit evops. Mr.10 lth. Pouisiii Wot,t iNXCUC. Purtrldge. Itin laaimed, ltason tlis iate. Mr. Jav,,al cii, KNOXCHUCEL farra thebe lest ins. of liay aund tiin- othsy bayIn tise eouty, and bas aî,o the position af Grandworiiii aà The. united services nf Knox and St. Oisie acres ecb notfxtux.,jun- arcb aoflbherproice o tio 1%1î Pua', coagregations is seulbieid as usuel golu and potatoswll advaniced. Grand division ai la îoi O itiaixa on Kniox Preubytèrian Chuirclioeilt Sun. Tisi, vo toat part l intei spec- lrelaud, Australie. O i aIaud aa day nt eleven andl ight o'cluck (d 9a t) tiono wer Reeve Nelson Lindsay, To- Bouts Africa cpra aiitioltiec te anl Rtc. J. N. Meliaul seul le in charge ronto Core, chafrmnan; Re.,e T, L. liction ofthile Naiiatiti dia aisi af hoth serviean. Tt* union services xIJI Leslie, of Bsxieslngiowsnhlp _Hal- North Amerîca, atietef , ci i epista lie bell in St. Psxl'a tUnited Charci lue- 'Ion, and Wllilam Morden, Hait.. of Most Wuritby A,,ae s tetiil i lbe moiti of Aiua.jount>. -wanen--Brampton Banner. md bigieatinluthew tit. Priées that you regularly pOy 41: yo. can make on our ipecial t wliy we daim ta save yoo ten faction slsop et CARROLLS. P L2Ic IÀ 14 M la - es PILCHARDS LOOSTER Beua- Banil li SARDINES King', Plte .1 . .... ... 2e SHRIMP Ameýý eta Bsie p., nia -- -21 FRUIT11SALAS MIEAPPIE D.1 Meus. Criasiss sun. .. 2.... Z COIN FLAKES Ca 0-i.a *3 pkfoi25c Ia4IFFTS ack ae....N 2 PUANt 2 Pk«. ....12., 150 OAT FLAKES S-Minute h Package loc Oi E TO R1 uti FRIDAT Handk C3 or251 ~GAI NS ~sWITH T $7.50, $10 5 *LrO Brlls liii I Wals'To irtURKISM11I ui 1Nul Top, ( ie, atang. at-t- ] i - ý gIi Tousilis, F1-ili 9intI iroledin to-Aa c W. T. BA flere yto0mhyu t gg. Anud cau xi- t iidably pure,ic Le krPuffvdMWli t t - 18 yn -~iB2 il) t ~twick (~iiii , 1 lb. i 0, sina lpk and Wite làh~ Red ad\i or Star ýi,)l n Quali ii t Jars s r\ iU t Jatr Rubba-i h ~Jar Ringso, 1(i rIt m nyFlomers lotît - *W Jue (beey, CUNNINC MILT Ha acke 51 24 Hour .For OeveIopillu Scharge t'Oir 1l1111a rzeras àa flms to lit, Mil ol CaL pkgs. 1o roN DANCING CAPT'S INN