J. Uir, NAAg R, D'. k. MIf ORf), NI . TLPO* l "IH. b. E!Ll b . Ppllpeas frTrol o ..yalry f f al E ill t, Mito, n Pr .1.F. Oa R ssl Lt o 1.tr& uenx, io eiiely i s co idom r xaminao * ~ A.rmstron kR . [i. EAER17. PHONOLVLNSONMLTON Desîgnaonest., A- iA T ., Pne on,1Ont. 't C. R.. 1 TURNER4 F.er8.DRussll Togento or ae'FnratDesiMuni. 8 i~ itFire, amtono. C, E gtario late Gl.as stMiCmdOPublieN. 11ITT-dFlemag.E _p00 Cooed and Cuae CLUBBI' IT' ES.AT - F-f'op iiS h n olp nSa 1H 0 x AK TUBE Inthe tOi aslIful hUtile village if Nieblenita, Thuringla, Gca-maip. hers stand a malsse oak trie. Toi thc vistor fIloloka as If mime Re auugson bal bssn at wirk on tac ildj truili trplag te stop Ite deeap. Mus rsidenta if ttl va oithtiprlda la thc tact& thal ibis trie la mors' han 1,00 yensaid. 'A ttli.-lis visiter cepiul ses a&- thlag unufftal about tOt, foc tiers' are manp tuees. knovx la la mors hai 4,500 pes old aid still living. Ne la thon told Ihat la. unusoat thlng about lth e la Ibat i la th. tiOmbif lac Germai poet aid ottes- ma, Mais von Tounmel. Wbile thc rse i lla m uc Ueave. it bas long bal a bite boltow lanlia trnsk. la *hi*i, usnHsrch 1. 18, von Thuns uoial. Hes us siupty veapess inlas maicliii and imbotulsilla eoacrte la the old tre 1,1tk li an iptigit position. Ton tais a«nsutheltrie ls esilila "ltrlxg Létend sayi haS Vau TOimmel piuj-cd a camé if carIiutih* Otis of the aId tiees adtlybef irebis deala, vit o aeraliof bis fiends. pimom.niates arc of Interst be- cause otlher structure. historY aid utitt. Thi pomOgraatO grava asIa short rie or bnsh vith .opposlta ur alteraae, shlalag laa«-ebawIs lesvea. bries tac agcita or Joit:ofj leai aid teM, sPiaig shirt tema bearlag biltouaerlett oves. Thc fruit nuallpY. riachiïela,1iseOf Ia large orange. Itboas a bard ril add apulpy latoror ila nimerins sLod.,Thcs jules make a rstresilg acid dniI, Thc fr1111tlaesd bthas a food and aMuiinbe ID hiC coin- t4es. t grava vii inlaAftaanja. Turkesan aid Nrtbves ladima, but bas bien eutivatel la PUi.Slaie and aroand t h lttumsii fei s n - meMoiail imes. Tbsrs are fressunt relerencsa Il la lis 014 Tissnt Efoiiter andi othOr &aient Orisntal bocks. Th.eSet evidenci agrese Iat il origlaated la Porcia. TOiheSii.. wus shovlnu .bla Amnriean f rindruam lie country. ThaC's &aà*&.5 Ui tW O 7. 'at tutoi. la tho »"u ý -I ü tired.ti ovstx rei ret >MINis É la tthe 1rl" jw«.IIMK*Ai filtela. lastsamd bUs Ylêv OS B.ot _.M .U . - booksdue ccoumoathon feuo thensp- t. illé ~ ~ to iis rvrnc aagp.ai e t la Auti. fopen-fsl 5iUtot Ir texebd s, liis 'l'etedla al orslp.et7io Inodleacatre;S aytentada vstota tuM l a - è to Arl msîthdays.bfeda1dayhav la rs osad thý e t trivbooeI m d tatheplac era i e tMtla We acomgoti forîhesprint1 (hueaho vSmdîl-au it- if taIsaetlaid. Nsi td .000ia a agi lcfllht Fa ttr ally Var ai S Wiam oenUagl reestebas ot eitlrst hoapparla h. atanlov .o f G aa, erh- d ) bea it l fs. 54. aathe lb. est y l 1 ell ltani - lgbt Inaid trra 'oaahed olve o "Adah.sCtioncd It, if oursn."sse, m. h- drtepe@tfl aVark ters aid ra>'hwatt.of the urublcd e S4 I euduysta. it-ofMhean ietl. 'ete t-day tbe.amagieastofda tht.ng ighttre -ladsed sha ldntt,*,rstorted tli ivet that the sou o. no selguoipuaasalging, atong the atf- nIMayor. 'WSt ae 41.1 ap vas. baNestl luto the oin f ces. Icompeted modem ostreet. Nydesr. Sr tbsse pais aOf pr5ie aid hus a real Kaistan vill neyerj Standing on the ateps between bis rCaiedonla 'appeler S. priaithewlitiily It acet la mu a s boutI dwife aid son,. vonbetp hlm tu 015 h natai vi conlade isa lap thiasoiiof thesctnd as well, h lahora. vas Zettelf. a imite on bis stsof belatord nayor of vdl réalt la tbat esaarm ail over the broad bia-lsd face. oueit have benu etetad lord pro- la,&. The acene etoned at mtdnight. whei oaif Edtnburgh"" in the hinterland if 5gypt the a detaehment of police fired a salVi Vrantant opltment oas vouai eun honor of Zlteil. MtAYR Di BsaMAPIL.; patiotherisl ttlbar tbat ber seys. sms litiiose of a cet. To us Il CAREB4)E-MONOXIDE. du Anma laMay BHcot iesstOetevould appoelera doublent eomplment, - Genmmaimes. but theos it la a reat trlhute to onea Evua a MNtDomaseMay Be Fatal t0 A meml nt retore the mrs beauty. Imbiber. hitrie if the Germai narnea vhieb Tbe.but muet have beeu 0ne if A pron vho hms had a drink or veau eraaed frontOih map of South-tise oldest aid mont cevereicel if tlu if aicohol muet ho espeetattyý utratla dui-b the great var hm- animais; for tOuir vonderfot -tomhe, caresutine toait In a ctoied auto- tarted with las support bila if knovn as "the Tombe ot the Aia mbl vt. raydorbadufi 1. Buter, Premter, and!ulti," are the mont extraordinaa-y tay lai a onait. tuoîed garage witO setl.UEHUI, teater if th ortosi- 1j lîg lai the vhîte if Egypt. Froox a a utomobilo engins runnine. or on. sayi a despateh fromt Adélaïde, pariel if from four CiafOve undred otherwta6 toa expose Imaoif lu the uth Australie, ta thse ChisianSe-eari diS thsy ruaiu, anS each huit polsonua carbon- monoîid fumes Moutor. -bsld sway for ahout tventy yera whieh many gaaoline pgnese givo off aiunaml ou s tlaen drovned la the sacred take wheon runasig. sayo Dr. E. E. Free in bp ltýnst a na pionceaat Memphle aid snlombed In a olas-blWekneti (e rnodeceit. whose nes vers rall aroiisg.s on : tr afilamed by oula Australae. Wius i ves E-4Evd---o. i That eveu a Iito ateuchol filthe! asof laem us Robert Hombure. Iilo may maire -he imiher more ho besuea miute if he e lat ptayn auiImportant part la th o usceptible tha o uitaCicachou- d amde amn of therrCourt.detection if crtmnals and in îettitne monoxrid pousonung, lhuu expliuolo e, trichacif. ai rose to ceb_ lal dispute& vhsri lae age qf dolu- soute otherwtoe myterious deuth, e t anad wus knon s the fathf mut. la la Çpeatiia. a bien outeested hy Dr. Leonar r thle extensive agrîcuturai u Modern btue-blsek teks enu la dis- Hill, heait of the National totituto " stem. But taise names, bî-itî,fliabe by lac tact hat thîy ct05 for Medical Research, tu Lonudon. tI ter vth maxy otiers. veres tck- tala blcdpes, vhicb differ lu quai-j ne receot riautoide mystery io Eng- fromtha ssu d5rig ts b tte-tty and nature,'»"y a hadrt" laid. lvi min vers fîund Seîd Ini ofvidtestmetd.pti tise rear ma ai mait. etoîed motor examinuttonsubis the expert ta is-ca.oth apparenttp bal ber. bittaS Anther Germl ai. dHergoît. riveir eIhearaelerlatge. by carbin-monoidge fumes. wbich famous 1n bilaiy aid ixplira- uIt la oflen possible to tett the age bad lesbod toin the car throught N Esdiacoeivaed a bai r ifaif aito. Toi oider tlbobad i wooi- crsac l a orbars o et onrta evl audane. f , rly ffeet. as comparaîd wittbthe CaTi- eai authirites e vesat a tom ta un- C ttAnt anad the nt"I taîlit anad chear-eut appearance ifýdiritaid how enough if Ibis poison- thf Astralien explrer. James Me- modern lobs. tu etaima for old peer- 1s1 es et cadhr see ~ast Stiet naed aim altr agis, documenta bave heui prodoeed la thls va>'. This la what Dr. Hliis m.These alrmgs bave bien a dIs- vere the agi if the 10k proved tut suggetion triss t0 empiais. The tvo ovry if major Importanceet. thia they were, not as old as tbîy vers Men bal been drlaklag. the policee counrietry. The n»«-s if Basedow etatmed ta la. dsoeiatog hr anol vent pff h map. yet hoewusdie oieethgthe e ru ao . Ctuu rurly respoisible forlas fiuiid- tatisg jeus ito Clebs. ixeriet. if Dy r Arpil Cmit on it Eo»evrthp Cottegi tiraîgi Eoeouragcd by the sucees f lapa on &animais, Dr. 1Hill point. out toit hththiuznsaidetif sdint. hbev aid girls stock clubs throuebohut Ctiéatehl tn las blond lecriases he - Il bas benuai latilti lPrinlce if Nova b3eatia. la the rats-&Mont if oxygeu la h. lady tissoes. tb a migbty inuee on ageil- lag if botter -bards, for las paat nilailais maklag ait lae bodily organs iriprartee la lai *tats, aid hanpeara amerles of junior-potato clubs miethainormstty depeodent on a e onductcd by the Govermeit la blng orginixed ondîr Goveriment mdo pprie Ca istrng O Th usor f chombrbk bas ________ unga aind thi blond. Thto bodfly 0ev Ilismap;petDr. 5.. APECIUOL sen- sipiaty la luit wbat the carbin on frntrm I YtD. Th oe atl monoudente sff. bw osoitthe bachrd von combrgik wva Oueleold bolanistand aid usl- orAi apartment bouse boUit l trer corpuseaof the bood. Accord- oa-f h. Adelalîs Bitante OGa-,i ls apad i rclal lgy.ee id doi icrbin aun for maiy peari. Tocsa»-enome New YorkCiy, ioi maoiry bIng rn- Mnoitd map la fatal. r.MIIle e ias a t al Ii larestorot rqure ethrfor wslae or partitions. eves. to a porion vho atready basR Goerimeit noDsoin ns thc .iese- jh latter being of auilnsulatlîg taken alooho." procdure0" b secmplihei.matertaiIsu tbans an tech thihk.. ;- - "»5.491111Ton0#s cf i t R. MAUI1'AIJH aIL Qega ensaiton, if la. roamsii- Travelleers Day.p Ail tbo.Basdlrauft gýW eesUauiu palj lu. One y« Lt gixdislrp of Nova, motta lh seiun -Vons. hey Caselaid. S, W. 0. moliuhOa. ilathe anisai report. -The maondt- Pelptog bas laever develipod masy pot for thcéf&sml yer.Wa;3S5.4a amonldustriles. but bO auenthe The otd bogbcar et ma* y Itolstons as coupaul vthi soae 801tisomeentre of tihe banieraf t. of COti. cet 'aaCtscobut IV$thelisU- to 192s. Baerai huialusd housai Porisa la dus for Insala iearmUtài insepietoa ealne tbat bava liaI homen cqmaotbelbeau, d-eul '-.----tt. th" l iVOlathe Un#" os a5s5adbas atlg 'poi fo theM-s 1 rimegMit eostums ev- politir ii aatoaase es ait bricales, saps i~~ ~~ ugIeasiens 1*&',#.W ~- SIisAMniXr U ypou are npersring a Motor Vehicir in Onarsio, you arr erakblth1e laitsnlesu pou m- the holder ni n 1930 Chauffeuseor nereatsn's Lieess. Traffie Police areunov sppavbrasdmng iotoriola for the purpose if examinaitoacf Ocrasse.. tnsssrlncýtekt, bfMeoffieers nr police sel imu diote- ly cailfoepisir lloenae gard. Bexsurer ou have il it yOuu senever pou ait bebith le wseet. Itt ainr isola evidence tOit von are quatlird tii eperate a cr Its abence vl renIer pou liable 10 i fie andalt.o eay la Ittrpretail tb enemi ait 700asecnos s eonspeteeit driveri Dont lay yoocielf open. 10,ncenen aunid needlleablamu. Applicaton faorn focira ew orreatl lcennes -aray bc secasee frnm tise Departmeait ni PubliecHiehwsys, Motoc Veiicla Beaneis, irom np of 1he Departmena sAgents tbricsghout the Provnce, or feon a ny Lcessel Garage. If pou asek a ronewal,.avbyour Ocrasec rd nif1029 auth pics. Ifyou bave tot it. a dupticate wseltc la iurd by thc Deparbmeit us papmeast ni 50 ceants. New and renevai Liceasse arr issurd hy lie Departmeot ora.y ilasser ni NInr e Vhicir Permnit.. Thone are one or monrlassr, las everp nnunty. The ie ia$1.00. Applleants foc new lcenses muet uadrrgo amiasation vOlehth 1e lanier vitI arrange. The iée for ani examinaion ila $1.00. Careidily preseave pour Licrasse. Have il s in or peieht evnry rime pics drive. Producerit vhraserecallrd npon Opusn officerniolitohe . Don ont slow mrnie Whondors nat poa s aChausffeuar or Operitoc'a Licrasse tqdrive pooc Ontario Department of IIihways Motor Vehicles Branch TORONTO p p p p i. *~ 4