LIES ACROSS EQUATOR Rupns of iouse Foun IL City 1fr1 j Prm-.f. or Age Offered. E4 1 tII0lt' PPULLTION MNo§T. jD, g ing d..-. lto the ioitno Ur, LY ENDIA44'. the Ctlde-s ,sd diggini4 bock ai ti iie farthez 44440l.444440444Ill tele IfthelIn i 44444e44 Areriean Na- <tory, 4the joint 4-op.dition ofthtb4 4Un, Has Had Tur-bulent l44tor7 4of4445 xt F,.44a44144Mum ai lad,44444hil<ta iOf4oeAr4al of ct.e xpl-dition4, w4< ('114ils 4 484 4tart loi* ., t . 4i 44 .> ul, s < r44 le 4<4 't1,0444 144444< t r4o, It, t ni f4 ., 4 e <44414 0 bwe<4444t :Io , ,,i cf I II Il, , P , ati, 4' kmn 7>l" , 4444.4444 44I 41g , pl 4, 4 .a,44,444A44<,44e f( i . ro %,1-4 4 >Il4 ,0,' 44444444 5%, I,,4 4 4 of4 t , , xp , i , Y.4t Quito. the,e 44- 4, il te, 4 il"4, . , 44<444<404of h44<04 ,,4L 1: ,.,, ,,4 ,-4 ., d4'l c. 44resoluili, 1 44 .4 , ..4 l44,44,,,4 O..444 4<<4.44, 4Ili,,4III4 III44il 44I' Il 't h., 4ll.a4 %allsand<b,4Oo4<a lli 444444444 t4444 ,i, Ilo4 4.4 t xi" Il 1. PI. ., 4,,l44 444,444<44 - 11 '4,4 it o I,, 4<<4 tI : 1:, la 4 <<i, 4,- p. of 4,. III4k . - 44hou -4 l'la i il, Ili- <,<' B4<44k-., 4 s, 011 - k o!- a,, 'l, 4, 4 4 444.44<4il44 4 , k,444<444,, ar,alai l .414.44 . n, 4 ,4,44,.. 44, .44n4 a 1 . 444 'ANINI OL',NIA N CA 4 A'4I E14. 4a,4<. il,.4<44 1'4. . hi-. 4 ,, t44 44<4<4 444444r44, < t 1,44.44 l, Sul -.4<4 -, 4 ,, .1.-,d-e .. V<4 <4 0h- .4.4 , 4 , , 4 , 44444 444os<4i,4 .44< < ai,,a,,4. . . W ,444 in44 l;,,4 k 4 4 4. ~ ,444444 <4<4 4..<a 44. 44<,444<and 4 1- -n <. i- i,4 lit, 4, 4.4 4.4,Il; P i [. l 4 04k 4. 4.4.... 4 IL 4 44 4 444 44 44,4, 4 , . 4 4 4 4 , 44 4 4 ,, ~ j i . i wa d <4îî, 4t d<«..<544. A. C 4 'Reuain. F<44.<,i jmmmw-4 444r.4-N .44am 4 -à .444444in4th-4 .44. e7 4 4< ' <.44 o 44 , , . leune 4..ir4 N., 44441 Here1 11,n 'mThere, IL ilc I 1 'L I, 1, i,. L 14 -,- i 44 Il i 4L ,tir but, 4,,..,d .4 1 IL < I< LI -.7- 1, la I, , 41<:14g44 41. Lli<. ,, ci4e14 4r4444.4 , 4. ILI4411 elli 1 44 'il Salu Joh444I S.S Mo.44444444 t oorNI[ I.-4I 4.44 4 .444444 r<4 4,44. 4..44<< 4<44l 4.44ý . K4,,<,l4.a<5 14.4, ,- .4044 4.144.44. 4,44444444 .4 .4414<4<4444444 4.4~ ~ ~ ~F-la 444<44444444 44444t4 444. 444444< n.d<.< ha,4.4 1-11 cd .,4< 44< 4,4 4<4<.,ith4 il'(' f .4 ,,'ILI 4. 4444<.4.r4 «<44 44,4.ILI 4. 1 <4444444<4444 1-L I4444 444 tc 4,444< ý, 4 Jo,<, IL4,04Lake In. the 4,4,4en,,, r,.nt .l..14. 4il,, AL), .4<44.444.< hey lit< il 11, il, lui 44S4, ide ilr 4444< 4<44 -LIL . 44Iil ,lIn J'a .ci<f do, '.4.4444 .4crie .:[le<Il 00444 4 I4:4Ili4il44444 IL,,,<in, In. the 4< asprp«.et< «44<. %%11 444la (l res and < 4<44.44 1-111 t ! ehled. 14<4 ]cP4 tel (Jol Ilid III,44 ae4444r444p4444<n lie j4 nies<4 ,4<444<44P4e 4 I< ,, i,,u 44444L. 40,4444<a e I 44th .la 0'n «I>(4444 4 4,.v, n(4-<E:4<4tea ter, 444a bi<~g<cli icre. 4 4'.4ocoot s44444,e45, 18 44444 an 0444 1te 'b6 . in cs teRus te14%eass o 40 444uillaugri4e ot Qebn'r theee 13 %ith hetplatil 1express4 liner t4<4land f mpesO. of4aad4444.o th,, Lent .4fait rural road in the pro- I, ir44e. In 1929 the Provi4ncialDe- partient of 444Roads niantained 10,- 195 miles 4of 44Proved 4tructed 1.584 miles o nos email, 188 bridges and cuineets and 044m- iaed 16 grade eeosalsgs and 203 4h:44>coers and crres. The Departimens of Imm4ilgaion and Industrf 0f the NewBrunsa- wick Goveesment la gettiag rsaly tor the 4recePtion sf41005Britishad sun4erous cadaavjaa familles 54 1e brosgbt out la Apil, Ma> and Jose. said Nos, J. A. Murray. soperintendilo f the dea..-tmeat_ on is eturl fromntMosteeal tu saint John, followint eontl"s. LOD8RSN RETIRES B.> Bl '0l.Phons fa eLon' DLtil@ * <o Of IGHTINO IPE n i.,COME l'o AN ýEtsD RhlmPletureeque Appearanre, the 'Soit In CptivatibezBrogue. and the Ro- a f b Ld ia, a (tonnndlng Figure. isLord Carsoo. 4ln bis 76444 year, has 1,< resigon-d lit s fice as Lord oi App-e- 4,, lo-0edinars. Thus en<ds the active< suves l"l e 4 ,areeoftoneot-loas perbapssthe nosat a rresting an4d rom<andetlr 0g e Lflung 4444 14 th4,Anglo 4<4s14 trugglo ee a listhandy Ili abner the deo44< otf Parnell. Lord k e s Carlson o raOsteo< à0 cotmon 1e44c4 1. 0& n <ai I 1. 4444a40.He , <444boro, T lig t nPaet, i Il rab -.4.4nang44< ,toit li,<<< 4 Tli te operator the NUM- ca ni m< I si'f 0<4<444 I <'«<aid l ,"-BER you want in a long distance tai I ast 4<44 4e44 ;4f < C«,t<<<44< ,call, whether you ask fora9PcCî )A as4a4f, 044c< c. 44<4 of44Cillai44 Wilde,<fic person or for "anyone there"' 4c44,,s 44'41dc04 4 4<4 4,44 04<4<4< ed in <t le.,d44404, 4of<4il,,, te ln gives you a quicaer connectio.-. ,k 400444 lLIn <it <,4.,,<,lb 14<ils ,.<diiion, n 4d. <444,44<44<4 4Il,-ai«4,, ili, I ' < If you do not know the NUM- -l i4,441,4 4 ht Caio<n . dNt . orBER, ask "Information" and she .0 444- 04.<4.-.14l4<4,44 .4,,4444 will look it up for you. Then do F444,i.- aloi Do 44,ii<nd, niake a note of the NUMBER l 44 I,, li, 4a( 44t . I, of , , , a454'and you will avoid delay next to Co, il n 44494, 'Il ald lit444 as i. l 0444 ,-,aid It will pay you - both in tirne la ao- 4,- 4c4,. ,444and44 and money-to keep a list handy Y,4Yî.4.<< .<,,;~:72<.4',< ~<:~ -of the long distance NUMBERS th- LI-aý('lu< II , j < o*li4 4 i 1,I a-.44,4yOU frequently cail. We are ready I,, 44444t4I4 4 to help you prepare such a list - lit 4444.4.44...4. in a special directory if you wish 44~, -and "Information" wiil find T i:oli. (I'<. .444oay 4.Bal your new NUMBERS as yon Il. )J4. 1 4444 a , .4 \\,4 0 Il i i ]l, 44h m . ItI, )ai <44 4 4 44 4 4 44.. 4 444.44. 4, 4 da' , 4 4, 4 I, .d4o..,..,,, 44, ,444, Ill 4444,44444444 41 44wýý;fa ., l' ] iISKATE BARGAINS ! ,,a<I!- Il hi, W e are goitîg to redîîce ooîr stock of SKATES. 4Il, (4 ) ir ntice stock lb tnarked down tît less than cost. i .. M. Olympiau Tubes, ceg. $4,00, now 3.0 a ,I .C.M. Cyco Aluminum l'liber, reg.$2t, now 1.90 iit, EC.C.M ( yco Nickel Tubes, reg. $3.50, now- 2.50 sE 44< ~< ~ , < (tC.M. Neiîo Altiminîîm Tuîbes, reg. $2.00, now4 1.50 (< C. M.ILadies' Auto, ceg. $3.50, îoxv-- 2.50-- If4 4 4 F The ubove are otîîv a few of the many bargains 19 AU s'41z141s0and styles. C oh ad Iook theiiovec. @ -'l 444IL1- PhoneZ28 C. T. DAY & SON, ito - 11, !I . , l al4 44, ,.WULAJ WANTIfD! l'a \,eits orPool \Xi eIt We cleano No charge. Wheat .~ h,4îlel at low crates. Cuve 44is a caîl at otir extuense. Bran, Shorts, Middlings 44<444 444 4AIW AYS ON TIANI) W. 13. BROWNE & CO. 4 <4<> ,,,,,~ , Norval Flour Milîs, - - NORVAL, ONT. ~ 44,,4, 44. ACIean-up 5aIe et Used Cars! -2 49 Ford Tur40 1<2'Fr Ci14e 4114 4- !ICl« srolet 4 Sedan, < 2 NewivFord 'I 4dr __19 -Il4 F 41 5 4444 1tN< %vSpoîrt Coupîe. J.,.44 ;,1,4444.4.4 4 RADIO 4 Corne in and hear the new Temple Radio, or better 44 let III; "iv<e 3ou a deruonotrobion in yolîcosin home. Il,1!o4 l i ii J. W . HIGGINS Ili 4 lP la' FORD SALES AND SERVICE- MILTON, ONT il II .44. 4 4,, _P___________________and_____ '44. ~ ~ ~ f <44I , 44 ol lI- , i e. 4t I G/ S T4.. <[la4il, 4 ills: , 4 4'L Y' ts.4<,44r4s pas.-4 ha. f é' We can give you prompt and satis- Ï 14, 1404 444 factory service in ptriting star d .n c, 4« Ki sIjýlnicao4, p 'Y N ter U eads M Redy and fully equipped to house a population of 4<11 1 efuIly qoppd witb R 8,000, "Fez City" is non< being bujît by the 4tuat a r-Bop hoe Canadian Pacifie Railn.ay for the accommodation of p4rl0r, n ew<Stands44, cigar 444.4 th4e army of0 Shriners who will make Toronto tbe<rl1 ters- It xl be c<t in half r,< Mecc e une ly h ir il ccm ose( hih 4st, 2od,.44444etc., 4444. Jun. Minl, t<e it~ouibe xmp-.44 Drii-. e" <411handle a ot sleeping cars, three hundred of which null bejoni Canadian P4444,and City pot.ý pressed into service vh<4e oarquees nl 4<14e the' the protecti4o of this inew ct place of administration and service buildings. I44 arranged in the order that the44' xili closely adjoin the exhibition grounds where at the end of the convention. th4e SIriners will hold tbei r convention. Fez City brilliantly illuminated by eletr,. PREMIER'S DAUGHTERtCHRISTENS NEW SHIP T en, thouoand people witn8sxed pert, oer whjch th4e Prince Henry Canadinn Natior. the tauncb<ng of the .N.S. o'441 sail nter 14t d,4liery to Con- ei the Nv4041 Prince Henry, net-.vr.,,el of the, ada, 4441 cnlb« ,,, 4<c ,asto the Hlenry and 444,4 Canadian National Stean4shlp4ý, ut beaut<e< of thi« In <ir 1<., xge and .hps, scen to 4 th4e yards of Carmmeil Laird aod <'o<d sh- L4oi<r.I 44004440444404444theperfornn on th( l Co., at Birkenh<ead, Engtand, o hct<plco urec cf 444<4t trp. f F. A. togeapha slo, 4 tbio n<agnif<ornt n4e44 hip -.<o,. P.ulne, Agent Generol of British Donald witb 14- cbeioteeed by Miss lhbel Mac- Colum<bia, 440044404x4.ted the build xig Dirctor of Donaldedaughter uf 404. Hon. J. c., and ,,4,o the Canadan National Co., descendo<g Ramnsay MacDonald, Prime< Min,, ter Steons hips onthle<r enterpeise in the laumching of Great Brtain. Mis MacDonald, navnir 4h, -plend<d vesel odded MacDonad bc inho bas travelird ocer the route <o tl<eir Otret, < hile C. J. Smith, champagne on 4' betwcen Vancouver and Prixce Ru- Europrax \ ioe-Presi.dent of the she gave the vu- The Great West IF estival at Calgar,. I MEDICAL Rl. K. ANDIEIOS0,.M ii i4. 4 .. pn4..44..d lies COWLA4tI) 14 , 4SI 4i -. 1410S. McCOLL Ç&SI'IU1ll44%4< LEI3AL WILLIAM I1. 1>114 IILTCIINSO's à4111 loi DENTISTRY DR. F. E. BABCO4 h DENTAL SUROLuý N4 p, Iin i,4.4 t 44àA 444 4eu .4 <4-4 EUDRG. A. KI'NG - DENTAL 15 ~R. srANLEY BRAI' '<) DiENTAL sUg<4.;Eu ,4. , x 4.. 4 Oldicise, Surgcrn, or 44.4 FILSEN" TheChrp,î LADY ATTI4<ND,\N'4 CLU BBING .AI7- 10n4t4 Daily (j, 8 < ail and Empi re....- OfO1nts Dnily star. Ontreal Fana.lierai i and Weeklv s-tar.. 4444 OUN 4 OCAL CO0URT A ,sce cnosm s peopgil,,lmn. c ra rtTi agayig havbicene f ave e he Dinftwi fetvlathet c5flmarne Oh lio ng te nombr ofng . en hl tWnpgad am udA thefpublieantOh eatb'ig1 sow thnethflttw predo uesflopI Ntraere alagart, h 19-22ated d. and aewkenedas arh intarentheatdeuP in« the centuriea, of thelr national Premier Brownlee af Alherta asked cosuue lateol'a"d Canadien cutue. '.11 for their repetition Ohm is ing girl pou Lea-tq-a ram the or, art ganhae-d by tbd =aa gatian RaiIway 044,4 4144 0ln eo-4<441. t.4"' it Hanît .4 44 ich. La "' groupot il, gt, lri 'h .(. Vr le.ft , ilut!, itnt plat4s4'Of] Sitting55f l.4 r M..ebi4ù . hed. A5amU@» or 4('1M.-, <44 Ora a Io. 0<, <. 1aiaaAcoao. P ICanadian Pacific Builds 'ýty