Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Dec 1927, p. 1

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VOLUM 68. ILTON, THEUESDAY. DEOEMBER 15, 1921,No 2 CA NA 1)IA N CHA-MPION Travellerfl' Guide. Ho dre'o5pety Bellot From MOhe OutsiderT. OIG ESTBugiu1 5ani 5oft Corn5~ EVE488'THIJRSOAY MORNINO >80188 W881 . T h ei_ _ e MdAIN ST., . MILTON ONT 843pI.8. 3029p-88FORN VRENGv on 7AL .88.8 Sun.2.& 8) 747 p.myFLREC WRDNj. i.-m ackenzie Baye Emerald Cil MuetGveCm Ta-. ~ ~ ~08882M8. >812.48 a el8.88.t atsatino roe Cer 888<88888'88 9888 88181 £888888 oiagW~t-4ZI po 1of8 a'The Houe On the Marsh," "SOinethliig ln lt affeino o8YCer .bu 808 980808b888 A OP M.88.88W 9-4 the Qty, 'No. 3, The Square," -The Lovclyful To i<8.o88.888h u8î..aA NATIONAL IAI 28'ndteswlin edcs 8En 884888808th.8. 818 888Mr..PembertonP "rWidw," Etc.(>88 088-8888 188018 1 11188881of 888-88 oh' fer,1884 88888.i ifIdlIIdý-I8 SOUE. Boule. 8.288.88889 4mer818 081 (fu11888884818) today. Ad Li4888408 a8818 89088 _1 8088...8884..8888888*7.35p...8888 8flt w3p., eIn 80<881d 88848088' 188048bastions 1081simiio> £8 08 y £___ 88<0888888808888.- 888 8181888018188 8oo8881888 , ,88ah,8îî888 8bio'1884108988and< <880. 8808 8888888.8..88881 *88s, w4444 <t<h t8881e disttinct"8818888< 84111888ba" 88 1088>81 8888018 4- 8 8808 188 8,>>î,48t8a T088 lu8i8.188or81-.88M88 ..P.[ad'.oke un.fiet ourmo8I wn bl '888188ot 888988<1 88Of " 88 808 08888n1ie 1o.84No 018078888888 888188 818881817Yen h. .-.,>8fIl..a1..n -IÇ..£d8t888yrate 8y8 no<!l'Yeuhave o 88888tedo tutp8tu8.8 if8L18888netreîtrs8th <4888888888.881881888m eu i. csa.88>8888888808Aî Di18188181888888888188î88t"qi8k8801888 88788888877an8pain8888'8ppeltient,888. <1788188888808r182l P.,18888. 88A8nd888 81D18« I«g 8818 4 out of8lits8 moue1t88. e"81888788 181888187?" 8888801881,Y8n888. 48888818011 t18'" o if 8 18.vave0n8t818i81 s88888818888the8liner888beb88881188 Il m888d1888 4oî88 818 8888>8'uY>have)888871>88880188 8188 188888<8,8 88 81818 ~ eec <188<8< 88> 81 IdlHave8 Oî "o." lt 888188888lt88 thued bodos al,808b8780 0 oie eIc'are88818188e8k 0188 The Bank of Nova Scotia Drafts 88 ond down ouooîodo, aoode 8848 88 1 of relief8. "F88.r.8808all1ait 018788888£488<8891888801>88888788 oflplyissed--aybleanw er 18888888 4888188888.1< .888 ..8888., '<o, o ut 0>o!f881> 181>1, o his 8o what, a88>1 la, l'ni 88881>84 tedo. '>flic pa l o rture108 >8 881818<ud8887 88884 88<88 8 hagsorn d rae -IC th f o 1."l<8~, t.88>88 . <.88la8888. t 0hefo nt.880"W81o', 0818?" 88ai88lht.fill 1108 88881, W180'8 8>18' 889? 8888188 88<8 f80188 o188888a 8ooOd d4>81p8s- !a08 gîghtly 8898881888188. 78881888appln)88 ý08 î31888 J M 10'yod8'dru gi <. M08..o 80<1 8808 o ooîe, ha o d iff liîy ons88881 ooolIl thIo 8888104 8188 1>888888 more1applications 8848<08 8 810<in 81808888887 8o8881 go aaos cooo'eol>tlyoand with no i08088 38117or <38< <ain018 theI<omat8i1 on <8 9<888 888888887." a8c doailtha'sformlty thao in uying an artcle1<118 tore MEDICAL 81<' «<00 «o 81?oIquirig lih<4<o8ooote"delaPlge , 88ar. 88 la <8Olood woOlanOO<881888 88188888NAMED AP'TER OKLOJRITIE..> 8>0o<o oaSoi ofooep 181'H. U 8Eu . i. rice I, . n .o<. o oùoo 11ame08Pa>kîo rage. oId oot 81lp t88888088<88 h»>811 o .u.beý.hd t- s3eo o, <o8 8838 oo Wo> 18881 88888> 8me? 18181 >80 doo't Dlok'î omeeting 18<81Dr. Folgote <8188 18<81 188> do<'log hIo 0880. <but -M..ho 81 0I<8P.DoheMn eaoool? 8cars 8888981 b>r1me, aller ail1fiht> o<g811 Hodt ho ottoook>d li1re 84818? >81»>189888181<8 80nuloe or h«c 8 ~ . O,1'88M1,.8a nd88108 p1 884184di ?" '0r hod ho flI> l 0 ooai udo> 8118sino La p>oode h00 Ille 00mp81<e<t8< B Lo<-Io<o> >pliod hoîO«y Iohot 81,8888 "W81t p>odltg?" 888184s8h, 1>8 lofluence? pald 81<8 by tho peopleof hol 081BAK<>jrNO A CR T ORS,0.MCOLL & SUJTHERLAND> the- seloOno38od>ote bc0.00disposition 01te 87 10081080>o10808>I8th(88d188187. W8188>08of d8 il1<10 E1<TABLSHE 183 «, 8~I,1--1L1-' )IL dololo 81<88 F08r81> 88<8 8 180881 788 1>1>4 toe £888 1me 1>888g>îtiog 884 ho> 81>o4 afiln oh>4 a8 «801>, 8b0tMouot Staneold>w81481.cail 1,o ooRe e$950 00 -,I888 A8<ruade808.t.o une 80 ni8o>th. r 801<881,tood loto trouble 181081Folgol>. hal 880 00h8>18100 ho 4<4 808888< >8>18888> Thoe8camus8of8Nungesser oo ClhR>sooro>s $245880818100 <<.08 O ra'-bo goood thoO M» >08Pa1<0188>>0o18414108IL88088 700 oood b> for m.1for8ber8308010000of1he090808dî888have8o8h8188881808t0a0late18h. 1- __________________ caretLeI ai0<0800<0<088884 haorti0880818Dd' o >?8< Odn'o70 £81?' »o<10ng. 8180818188 «>8184808iv8> and s«08088 N18141HALL [E. OOWLANDý . . B830000 oB 0101<0 8îîoodo>o4 h 88188 ow 181poîod oth ogh 08<08 îeo>îo< oodooI. eeriOtio 0<888 t81181 r881> Hoe<modeose0 88408 >oogh bt 180818 0888, 18n8bis courseWh>o 008818>0<0< c tloo> wit BrutO 88, 8181 8>8an88 d od thoe Unlted 88Cooo<o, heuorlog 8b1ilool oo 0 «O to 1î1818 8 1 oddîy oedvo 18 o4 <h i fein orhr, ail I he honoaofo>th> 8<01808>8 oh>ttat W . .CATIILRWOOD. M« oIn, 81gg>d 8188faothfol >81>83, Jean, . 8898>8804 slt»1, 888888r o odde4>o. 1888 80t0rock<88081 loom. te p10>0 t h88 c0o!m081>18000of<883 884 80,880. <0od8 t 8M- *...d.n t8 <8et <8MOIi. Ib îoIghî>ood h toe 81088 >8 refuse Whoot- hOtsh>e 888<00t o- DR4. J. G. SIUTHERLAND 'N-e<o oid, ooId C088888. all>, ood iookod op 181881 18148 0». '"Oh, 18at, <ht?"on. Thoî, Mr. 08<48801 1tai08us To> JENAELERS I 1800<8<0on'< let>ofolishbave 'Hush, boîh! L100887" >81> saldt,. ' on 080'-g808 8<0810 018, dis-oonaio, Mr. Nod>o>4 >Kiplng, <oh a 9e00> 0pence i 08>w <>ve h1et him'ooo»<> "1 4<4 88t1e 80» >00ou ppoo>o wto awd, 88<8100 O 8084godathro>"o 808010 y, Luh o>. e0080< 81lbl1<0N NI. film 1have 1<018818a" lfront doîog a808881<» rash; I looyî trace," 'o1<000881188> e<in o Mhgan . 1 OAnd se,<oth888yOaduio08on<80010t00sow18800810184>810l01<uiO0< Coo>10808<oOtu he8boOIOtr orof1>h>88<8o£O>4>1<0480>3<ad t1 the8088<0 eto>o<.3>tuobcOil018and800n- te080. Bol ntoithe081180800oo up>ortThewtof'080011001088h8d oth> Kipling. 8< il net'<'xcite o odoo<oo to 1< loo, DIcO 1881 8080. Oh, 1<010 hlok ohoO 10>pooi lehuoo oth<og <o th<o Thot Mr.8K>pl1<04 0008>010<0<t«o a,, . tt i ýýto i lfela3ad8088908»»'i n omlien l ohowno 8y 88101888<8138 ' oabooo8 ro oo> okligog 1 ><ois t i Bol 01>81 oood net 818 <ol«t>id. CHA>TER XIV. « n>hî 8811 ln> 88 oe hl 8> 8<000<ni 1)R. A. tG. 11481411814, l, >v h h <8 80>la0010 ' Fi,« ch>oY ol4ho mi 08 8 188880 ho do< <1'0 LoATE8<f fl 8 130881081.d oo08 >o>oî>hO t0 Coo--8000808s? 080'> >8 o «»elee o iroeo off>oO 0>8118800Sorti8808818 8oh01181880 of <811 '888 8"< 08<8<8<8 088<<88<oGANLT,*,ONT. 8<>o , 81< 080 88'> 080804 in>an0Brut0' 700? Wh8î 1more do yoo 18808? 8 ao4 <8 0<1 0<8 00<. ' <o s3 84»Ihol> 80488tT8I 883 iim Ai I. ha b 008888,, e a oce088801re008<0. ohoorwf ou oFo>îI>y 881>8 O0a0<8o< o 888088888MONUMENTS Ook odooo<ogo o liercohino>f110 < p>o8te1 1818880881 B y 888100 800 88o>o mj >00la.B one vldth blaofnai LEGAL 8<1.7- 0 0180 Un881Why don' o >80 8088 o>?Haoo't 18>o>81 Seae îi oloîo h>8<te881e1081>1> hem, 814>8r Mussoloii.8 Un-a,<ono;iO ___________ STOBIE FORLONG & CO.>tus<8. *yooollBll<.»«filli! Fooo!-th moutai a<88 onlit te8888fan10i hoadif81<g e><o«. i<ho »88, WILLIAM . DC cissy o'I ae e Syil plvfoo>11ofbtoce>os adnw fe th,ýr <80 «<<.>8<8'l C. R. U N R STOCKS, BONDS 81> i0! Wh<>900, 7h18p!" ing on 0the d > If0< a 1?O 0>100o! "1888>000<"plauoo goîlen. o Westinghouse gio'eooooînîl i ccu*110. 080< 8,8 888 8 8><'8< 88818> )eîl«rGRAIN 018Ickf one80>080<round 8188 and hIhot«'s our008 îoo<0 081>8 Doo000<'< 0088>0 18088 aO aok>, 1> 'oo<3 p o 0111<0 8 Aho>e!1ak f Comm>!» 0<00 18»> boITfullof180>1 >81>c8188>011 -'Hoe0carne<ou8188> <008 o<o818 00008 018 grcot >8x 0880orer. 81o<&>mN8 u-,,Yfo,,o» een8in>ch 8 88 8 8<8<8<08 0 8Office : Abo<1a l to 8 a8811g, and 'oooo>log, and 'ko' O080> o1. <,o o T81oo, <o>have the 41t0<<l 03<8 9I>8d)d set asthe>87 aol »ode>ate a pri- icn Agent orîh8î< . >30 1<00<00>8.01>4 te op>klnlo woitvie o'>o.Ad .v.e uiiryontergtbke h, Congo.,o o odooîdto80 ooo<hho1118000000tains18)Ithe<88P8088m8tfond in a>stoîbo ;,pr TIHEMIAS A. lI8TCIIINSON »«<ON 63 <1 »7 . f 58>78171058AT AMY TOME. 2>d o> Dl 1800810h o> hanglg 'Il8a'Otu0008 Ho oo>0<801 ,,t,«d Il> lle18e oho v8880 o>8o'î d" Lb 8 One 81881 ontrol m1088181 tsosimple [o op>.týjý un 881,888>A. D.<88<<88T88ManagerN<Poitifu1< fa1 ea», s1<>uiopo>rose8 bgh, 810 and I t88<84t80 83<88 81<o wn<>, ond logstoao, Moount Zeret<88000. 881>0n08sith1T is30 mdl peatso; t- À. [. SP1O81, M'8og8.[ 1.oth 1.8800fast. Hoe 101mois a log b ld hloî 1te888<. ood pot 811o<off o> h<ghoot poo, l, era»> o 1088 1 - 0 ' ~>00101 hoo' 081981 080 80088'8 OooOîo'0 8 * * *26.8>0<, 881g to look folll> on ho> -11as1 oîI ood.- 8<08 go>o>ol o? IodIo. and <Cooh UX-201-B .'adi>I.'>î» 818<018c08nsume>boi81 b) îth, 00 amîoipen tRATO 000818, the o m 0a88818400do>18o01 Lool<o, s181089<1ho«oo o> thedov0000880<0 o238031<0 chrges 0>8 oultin hoIî, Il, hAll185LL.UILULIand8 îfl CORd808*8801 0880 , ood aofigre80 alîdo 8the 181d0<8 "No, I dîdot," eo<otod Cooo<o, de- 10It ish> 980800> o? <hoe <10.Its!Y0<a 1881 haveo1o h>ao and se> tEloooob ' o oI Conoeya88>08, fi>3t8aNoIoey Publc.78o8le<80.INVE0TMENTS MbUASSE 0Oroound. Do. Fboofo> oî 8floIlie o h ffoI?0100 0tk 80<00oh <k 80 W p»08>îîb>oy>8 gou'88f,18< 808< 0o8«08 *180 tood t08e1888 eIoo t 81<1> 00<008<0180hopoî ond 81g1o81<g >0080)8,818>000 8000<80<00 80< 900 toîilglooli> bc e rin > o 8>0000<8borne> to<.?>. -t 810 orr <08038<N 08000008 8800 <o T 0 lîl Motgage Bonduda >h o8IoI>>08 htod he>0>18o> Id<08, OO pthbo 88188lto 880>>8 ho< o ohlgeon Aror foa d>oon>r>î)on bo-3oy. MI8>808v:2,1Brblthe 081>18014018h8 off 1eltoI>ou. And3t8108880088<omalle >urethaotoca1088oo0<80. : J . R. PEACOCK :C0>08<>88180>0 0<81 0180, aod 81e, Dro 88gatO>otsldo thoe<olodo'> >or 18182aO o>tal0hbmi8880 ig81 o<8Frsl yMlo do-lcncCmisoMlo DENT1STRY ** togg>8100. 8080e80e81<> foot ollo 80n Folgol!'" ho doolo>d 8ofoom om hooOtoo<ol cor aeb itnHdo C crcCmisoMlo >0888<888818>84080.:ckenzi, & <C- 481ghig810u,"8oald Ct8oI>, hoo>d 18810818>0<d. but weoho8d 888>81891 DRF. 3ABCOCK INSURANCE .ot ialuhig n &kwsvr D4R. F.E. .L<8 'Dohl&oC. 0in oolée<o.hlîohogo4D<8'>>» DENAL 000081-a.£asfl 880080008>38mi8048:8<8 F14looohh.110toa Iogh' 88888 aogo>.1IOo<d te kIller, hoobak, ho> .8 88888<080888~ P[OT07i 72 - - MILTON 0 sc181888*0*00l oooe880000 H oo oîeody <on 1h> And4 18001ud0'0'" ooid LoO<8808, eror 8881-do> bln 8141o80 Abot 88<80< ..i880888I8II 8<>-<<088---1888donc. 08>81> 0rose >ath» ot»eaI'y >oge>l>. 200 1bave aI>oady b 8 1888 8p thd 13AT .1 ~ ~ ~ 'ý CI 8<003 8" ono n LheI afnî»i 4Company to ho b» o>4and 184 18 t 80<18 10880>da or>oeI .d'>01 otlo, 80 o 881 a I>. . 040fo08>B > I> O adbuA DI LA 1>>8LLON PENHALL REES 811<. 81 dîdo't 88> Y80 - Ne.' iait80 00080 780lok»11> wo>hIag ]R D O a d A IL S 8880>100014188>0the018- 81840>0888.A 1d>o1881881L818oreout at abot 270. DR. G. A. K INO Ceelîfîcabed Teîche>, fito aeooo h<î ounohald 0>4 '> te I oobld 88>188, lho h»> ot Ioogh _________________________________________ 8riU 18818 olMi> '88< 0£883080., 888>8818<8011Dit. 'Do'Ogootte81I88 lg,oand8o1418ooido081haveh80810 - DENTAL SURGQEON PIANO iT>UI l00001.18800808080 Yoo'd hettoo oonet, moohe> ewhat cause>l81>1881in doogerof 811>810481 or p0-y "M>00 8811o18 ho'> doe,aod 108>8 81188 180088. And thon, Wtolîhoo l 80010 <181888. .<l <l <og 7<.oo n ar. sdoa Si. Faubo Oh. Eo> ySatarday. lae 811801>1.' to liloo>o 10me, hie ooug hiotool! out ,88<. 7>080 REPAIRINi ii" 01o81 lo>od 098pho>bl880>9>ioe1mon>t. And >>17 cloa'>o Sgg Piano, O>gî 0ooo8g o>dho, 10 000'ht hpooIr,;I>o>8>0 H. Wheeler, Phooe 24 Miton < >8 Thîory, Efcuî-,ioa 8118m. 7Thi> <>1'>808>088008<Ioobot>d ho> pootootî> ooolog Miss 008104 oltO ____ STANL88>BRAUND tu lie 110< îohohoo8b>£810810880088108 LO<>riel1o8108108108800>8>nd. 880 DR."b!if1do s888>. 1814 You ha»e8me 'Ho dIdo<0 Biel,>op r81»> bo gtoO" 1 4 0~ DENTAL SURGEON F.- hoo l 8<1>0 Wî oo? ol 1. 1> loo £> 80 lC(ï" ont-1-80l8. T. G.nARSLAAI mlnits tous11 >0081a net1I88»-likILwîasalcool08881880me0aohîoetho hotoloo ,>'! -o88 0h li<dt L)r.k r88 .a.lIV.8 1 8 8 i' lu810t881g, ho>d, oog»y. [ti'aîo> alto> dlooo, 180488>8, and 18t toe< >008 18O <><08 >80001888. Vapator aad Actîou» j mvi . b. DU Il 'od» aho hoong hool, oh>Iokb8g, 8- ho>>. H 88>8 04 o ~8 4 088>88408848 188081840F lotaol. 71808, as ho 0>888>8 88>18a agalo lt»r, 18<081 181>d>orlog-1884 on 0808800<0 i hpomtl atede t. ourse laogh to h> do»r, soh> roo»- 018 ho>d." 4880±u 'and14Pian >But I 888na 0>o 1818r. >0Tho doto'î 8£i tho t- 88183, MLTO j <88»"No, no,' rel o 8, 811> faoo drI 1>88m8of0811" chienCa>r>o. PRoooa108 MITO. upospreaeor I8Toronto Con- 8888818a8o1188fluh, 8888d>lt> sButLo8imo dd nt folaBureof No 4188811>, Srg>ry, > stooaîbi'.Tîo Studo.21SW888£8 A».îaw I*ini 800 rtt, haolflg 8>8. You thought 0818<0 Dlo<l ho>1d ha»e18888 'NISN 1>C18i»pra841>8. CLUBBINO RATES. M bot 243>8»' :Mi kobiSo , >ow Ibm.go18g te1> by oa>8e0>>. 1 8'o8> 18tIloo enta Dr. F8140188 8sug- IIIIW ch muot apologIae or8>9 8> 088. Il 188>gestio88, aler the> scelle 81>018>8 XR, SERVICE £ ' ______net____ ond8>oghoflourse l'no VientmonotheoPirons808808084. 0Car-01d8a.8 LA uAndttd'18a bard, mtlbom augh sive» 0> oul d ho waxai88 811> i t' Nloov0<o8ot odPht0>8>Torono8Do)Iy Glabo 6500 $6305 H lie EE E h Sngopon the8lido» and 8as81o8bands. Oh<>oO>80«80,8( tat. H.0WH08<0Rout of 11e room. "W> must malo 188818110 80887- >8<8lr084>840>0 15«0>£o0.88888<8888. Mail andEmpiro .. <.00 .35ar>i to 888>i81t1a8momeat, thea wh>r," aait 8ll,80888807y.. "W> AT GEORGETOWN -Wd8888088888l8 £808>Toronto DHoUp Star . 00o 6.835sTeacher of .18e 1,8>8 1881817t> 188>1>'MOI. But mot finit818>m, 180818tholeuI.18li811yarru dth -ini-I 80088188.. 88>8 5 1 -Ul 80888888.A otalFin eal ucèddla r>aehtaz a ehair belon of 01>1,18 1 808j I U'mrket îs oupplîrd wîtoh1e.iheý 8878<lLL.88î> 010-£88. T-a-"">& and WeekIv Star..- 1.0 12853 [IIIUU nd IIOI' UE he st18 osot î8888>888088fa>&.a 120-"0Oh, h', an i 81418!" 4888018188of the land in garden 81uff, n < y 804..8>W8>8:.0 one81>8 30.torous the18deuil 1811l18» wal>18181 Lo8t88o8, [mpattoaîly, "888817 7>8 P>- -- -1Tpits988888 e> orToronto Cou guibrdkot Jean, came te laak forte>. tn<ow ltinwoO eao>o;h,,_y h >188 unie,,produce and the deicactes rom you -17YOFf A8170£810ato7>ofMusic0Ex- PE)farm 9 COUNTY0FHAs.N Care'was-aot 88uewed 18 epi]ala q SJoTI4I am)aalaa.[o 818 88881888.or 1 t te >18 an ailh origbeasyu o et LOCALCOUR S CA ENDA Kînr St, MitonOnt hât ight shas ri , l«b*&. ô se'i -ro t ic b tIndb -s p l <0ourne d --.e k in <".O t r <oýb <lobn PolIeaa>i t0.80,,n 81»8o>ad bus0- <881>8<th 87ty ', or ova oo a but 18 88 ,,ato.. <0<, 810ide 8880>10 i <ours ol8 trafhiC t reports 018.1 v1o11888 088 b> 8811 and watOr lu- £ o 1 24. Realdoal, ah th1 018 t ,>h aa lntiU,010880 o88 N>I»în, 1818818wfIl b [888 01888 a 780>. w[[[ mvi nP>88. 1> commercial881 84 'aipeYrM ohrougk ubcef

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