Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Feb 1924, p. 3

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/Ompai ,?argai di sites, 39c, Overails S , .49 a -IWool OfnpI nyI h24. W. R. WHEE uquarters for Men s Clei ,IAT ABOUT TOUR NEW SUIT? - rt the season right and eariy, andi be st i e bet selection ni Worsted or Tweed Su i tyt erOvercoats, robbsr-lixaed, kc. cm wind proof. Cail and inspeet beic tedoUuderwear, Ceetet h nder-weo , 's ail good lines. i . tst goods int'Men's Furrtishiitgs a1h ips, Gioves, Mitts, Sweater Coats, e 1,, fi 1i-LS-Peabody's, Carhartt, Kîte 1, 1t 't ds, Lined Susox, Mackinaw,t YOitR CUSTOM IS APPRECIATED. tIlt :.-S. R. BE SATURDAYTREA' PEANLJT CRISP 25c. oj Cresp, mnade fres,,h this wcek, with t ýt i n tit fltReg. 30c. 1lit..... ..... .. . ý Saturday Treat Pr WEEK END CHOCOLATES 32c. Il *ist ya teai spec-iîtl tîtfittghgrade Cho dy honid tak i oue a pottnd oi these ýIqiienatît f mttîiandui -oit centres lbi ..t....l . WEEK END SPECI e i - otit tried tho-te "miily Tliro'gh iCh .3i m onue lb. boces, aRbox. W. T. BARNARE P tHfN E 14 - - Mba Cold au h1 Ren polIti i i tt tBl"I lZIl ttippettlC [ catit(r ht [fexaiI.\tttlgcst liexall Aspirttt Supplies for Dai and Entertain 'I qi ale fo r ýOKI nd Grippe iiedies Tîit - iit - i I tl cî t i ttc Élitt:;.t)tc . nces nments Farmner's Neet Zculittct CaitttitIti Pu t'i ct Tnî, bacc ('cate onle A-i 'acatrt iCi, Pc. liehore. l'n. tiantitin Rta poi F.tscomauing Mloit i Ot(nrit, Muilking Tubes,1 StationerY 4s- aCnrestpo.c ansd buasîinesstc. teiig lindc,'ued nde unaruîcd. 5e. ap. in Papeîc , Ra ilt, mW- ' .tIn~.,tciex Books iiia40c. box up. îîtpattdenee Carde. . Diaries t. it, Baooks, cl indu anid tires, 1 i "'t-. Day Books, Minutea Books [tbpini, plntanrd quacrt bttile. 1tiiBooks, Office Plus, Seals, liiles, Stisement Pats1 JNO. Mi.M4 'Phone40 T]20 ice Groceri Fýesh Meats and Provisions il TUE CATLE CUSE. eu. r1:1 Galron . Ou Buai esa lcali ond Il ~. a Twersd WinNeari trfed ?lipreutn l ialsss~ ar ohrgat7~0O~l, s.hieatt ir anury, sftingof theaanit ecnlgt ireot I Z E II nairtt.hottui.N tra inti. s. Frst Diviincourt, Ta.Iu ; ntpaiueieutm lty0pa1e.. ii. f A Box SociL-Tbeafct Ldies' Aid S e. cis bru: u =tvuidance are otby Baffy, . iisa iti a. * iety ef Zinirerman Meth edtttaUut cb tan. tumlottlut. At ameeting o h ...eeu Vaeîtn c 'e n . .gond r'astive at Toronto on Friday. the trouble Valinittl o ociAlgond FobiS ab.N for M dhtu. ihezftt wiceisted betweenthe Milton and te U %vil lieprovded.pastre ad abut te en of ulyso Brfington Club. over - scliedald Se pcacided.t iea Tun. t t iil to Trert,.gaine. wbhiwere ot laed 'vas let PR ,EsETTN. -x.Last Frida ee-a 8 se.talrodlgt u t iiecubste, "ta al emselves. ThieN e ib IRtHalo r Ac u Emmett saitheyîyraieo--gondtéi r td. u idVee dyJio1-u îg ngi rOcitcattlë" and Emmett tid nfot tony thus.'..ulîgaýF 'i temr IV. N. Scaot;and R. .Capurlto fwtiy ltRaan,@ai tii, .aw.bis.. ganm aiId[tno y tit-eiig hei oît ssuiierdfo Trnribtaershis crrut'vin Dr. Jimmny Stewart mata 1% Fiat Crepes for dresses, gaidheaded caneech. Mr' Scott ha Itproved toliebady afec ' ithta trip tu Milton for thegarce erhedul- ' kadWo olsi givei'34 retirs' ccd tMr. Cupirbl25tuberculoui. Turner notifiet Emmelt etloir Janiuard 23rd. ikadWoYilsns s, eric o te bar odieu sud calledî n Dr. Re.lop atteiliebalietT r s tc 'octc'e oIg aîd ie- daglcrtthe secont cool. Dr. Hes- t be asaht Unie at the 'P Wash Satins and Lingeaie MLER atcecCiacctc. aody ti' a at eg-oblh e.Iaio ua P desired rolorings, exlinsiv Fcbh. otil in, e c2.3( . .R. R. tFlemng, toliersular alceses inebotontii. aed Tii. flet gsnie, Slorsby va. Botue. 4% Casernent Cloths, Saheen _ 1 Ditrict Rrprsectatjve, citt hv doumînai and tiioracie ravttleî. wiiich ws ean aand 'as esîy for the Htom - q n esjs pn chatge ai the meeingacd give cli&a- iisd risted for et least four ta ix . bboys@. cois hut ot Boyne 8 tu . ' ndNtsjca pe. dccc onc-Maketing.' Att cone. monthe brion the slaîîgbirlc iig. er liecp or' hâdbeln n warany gvenWyNe .Harnby-tio&Halaley; defesco W. Ir - IL A-t.P Atltheocccoiismeetincg cf tio ne rno r was tivn e ar 41aoisdCoiso. t centre, - the Hottea Preteetice Asocatin g5c rn nedr, syoc Emt'vatiolls- Wil~so i Anesudan c .r aS1,I ere e leetc matb0g, buurie :Wilsotn salis., N. Robisoci, A. Ai- '#\flI~ bttcenlite ltf.1 wi et taist h alond Emee ttilltae.W nt tg. .Adrsssd l L fo te soto Anube c rniarccte.Wtth denuos sud Wrigâleawortb. I~ ~ ~ ~~~e 9IU ecAt cciiPrtetW rilegrd faiurerc Jîigestte o Bo>-e-foai, cCan defecer, A. 1. t Mcciear:coE arien.Preitîet J. H.ttuat rega t nte or nt tirtsyMrerdy and Kentier tcentre. tLaw- '1P Ailha stock now for YC P l.N, aao Sec iCroc ieettc-WJ. htocienalpsotteortbt n e potnt rnce; wiogo Baliccck andiGalbraith; OPtu' -- tllislvs ENe Cteil.,octcSc.e T C.Dolc.tron t . foiedti . rowi sud the isrusos., Ford. OConnor and Eliott. ' 'P eletbnsie.Ec Dice 1%\. D Shîids.. oî. Agicir. H. hewoudmatroftbemafterlaug'iter- Thefeond.Tgalloawy. . lonking over the book, au- Nriycu*At.tltiraed. .. tead ai Nesouit raty aat tiisy wotas n t for t IIc lermo. It startcd off 'oteogi sua 0'P now thaun latta un the yea 1 .i lt ouck Ectcentiî.W.E[itD. 'praythat tiiy o ocs 'eroittforesi t beramo rougb in the. second peru 'P litîugs. W. . Citer titisJt, i. Ocohat, Es- Tutrner and that theeue aga ottii osdoal _gtedî. Cot- tttitaiiif; l.aRidi. C. I. Teiee, R. H. miact te dismîsset. Wttiiregard o ter, salBrot. pisyci on the uPacerce, wbich Galbraitth. C. t WittiittadIL R. Ne rctho jutgmeit ravît 'Wttti e- teais. Ss oiclird oit by gettîog a 1 FLOOR COYE .5. t esnTrafaitigari. lorisice, t contirai, t feî obigea toe jtske lis bis cot. Plaere uwdati tco foe you fIoih N, ol ha s gm Tii. rthe *.is u bc ad boodlbrt'voen tbe teane 'P al sizes tua stncki. 1. %il. tlleth foni f aVacntne vea em to aplie. T e iltif ti Dg ro a .t yeur aobiti gsissî. s,,iton ciiWdaeidta),lcoeins, Pcb. dud sot tuuy thebowaicfor Riast' nprclflu h fnl* 'Plth la ec setI aindi ' sei tt tcaali, aa iec c-c, as I baeostet. Heovirent to tatiie fuai iirtod ti. ptaybrtiHi '[S gao. rrteboy tiies, iio td ot tell talmvery rougii sud tiie rferotspcrd" [clint îî,,î tat cun dis-îs ubstha 'anted tirs. foc. Tiiere tano spa tieca.mhisc tiuti c suggestion asv express 'varraity-wasi evere a bnibem aeti ways 011gipose caofr. antIdo net thî.k dit no goond eti mot tiagracitct 'P% Cii ata tt t-.aLîietTîa oaiatthece slaoy imptird warrasty. He onfgee seon on Miltoie bruei ceticite ietii i .îci uf tttheata Lnyal il tes ta recover tho piae,. $W, wblct ot amsag the. pisern. Wiien SB 'P ri tn top te- icttani tt he'sa, ,ti roi,. ed i il-i i tualty tamages. Itiioreforo dis-tinol.pckrdut ae puland ota Ps- $P ch ir odta ahh l Phnsý- IitFb Ii, clica the msteac etionîas.agaînsc Near aisao inman. co h ail dtus, alot a oIIfîr iit ti0c tats an-d i;:i tîîtt i s etetactc'citi liore ancd cs ihis rinuits in a great iisetsbtp but-endiec, oasbasii t âhe'Ot.. tricota 'P Iltitiit lai' t. rlt, .1. tadich. rallie pîaiti I usake no orter frtir indifrois the @estr@stdabout 'P Qualty Goodo Li ., tet aci tiit t1). 1. M_ A. Patci-cct, aost. I thinli .~ Ie crai t'vesty. ail tlt, je d s ati \\.Brkc, Palere,;aa.I'ai foictlrepnîdtteariotifr stîr ..ot se bt hi melee rageat. Other" ' R. t Gipzetecca;în ar tod iicht tue rt rtbeaco. wre kaoeetocvs. Ahbwon, 2rc 'P -w . IýrIhv; .,t'%V,.forthe_______ The une-up z __________ Ab-t5oat. Buack t tetree, E-- m: ot.cciJ, Roi, onlca bic cFb lt.Pr-'i~ cagtsatIirbuel 'P Milton"s Big C tî',: ttc 'pot i., I.Ont aTitace %nl briai oiàtime tcanîctisg last and Frenchb;t entre., !vd t aImi- ttiii,' ttI L tcctetîculun tater. GO su mnC. SBrdgmsanant RabbS Auttti ttticnttig ctvt Ws'c u"Patermo-ioat, Deal ; dfnea l'ý IttC P.M Nni-Tetaaa ctbuot-ftstQicoad 8 ttasn; cntre, P. Alton: ci ttntIitulcî tcccia utt BaiptacliatJ50întaisilaatcoreh, cing..Gili andtCotter ;subs., Rab it MtDaneiof aclocgiiioisblsain itub iitary. iaîîa.ttunby andtTayeti. mach nbarete oincatibchallc iait misPil litainciti Organizer ofai ceraitiness ix werksinlaTorac- Tii.e e ibitian game et tbe sien&. Isard atgorllt hat ta matit5ltsi u1> ie ".( t î1î,VI ldet he tîccgîîiac t. lictropelabait Ilrigtisella. ast Stard.y .eeingitraua'the lMar ta spraa îttinidtotstcit l. ta. Bar1netei L. a 1"ari agdy a l RefermeitadteoK.D& S. îb. oscr iîe 4anild y nvigl o i, At t ti'tttIl t int t t t'.nFîdu .Tbe band cvi i ueoas rap year tance tearai Tonteass oteOfthe K.&5. FMloias elear e nooua It cn tbe to allon Fia h 9h a h1-lmi.Alitetîct nietal'. six-pieee WIractI firnih fast std lasc ram ilset to Saso. temperartty bysapokecic bis 'int and los fillsi.Miltan'van. 2Stu i. ta tbe trtigbt of s Stewart bat hicslaine eut, bcaea' locn " tîtdiiî'al t ect I Il', itc, ia, t t . ' big crocdofci peatatare. Mr. M ittaci terce, Or. C. Stewart. af i attîdac n -e-titi'. t"lttt t ii a- IIi icai Tbe Y. W. u.S. ai Knoxa Cbiireh clas referae, bantlsd abe gamo ta the Sept abe pisyeru aill ititercact'it. îlote 29c. L1,> I, 1 At I I vui tti [- tt itulu a social eeitlig it theic il sti ssfactionoali battu Prcis.. The ise- T e'enlt e ee ait for tsanio-, b. i tt~ titi c t t tac tititi ti isaou C rut.- dm ss~io n Se- pR.CiafoncestHraanede, t5t' iioaut chn tt tuvi e 0,Ki,. riii, ii foii ut 15c. oan15. -Miltn-Gotal, L. Chioatut;tdeieicer About SMN iltonltanics aaaastpceied1 Ii....t . i: Ilutfitîttudet n "x Ci7c omuion- - - -u'h;centtacsFor-llnia ne ri i îtrîtc 'i ii î.i.. iii titi en i nce itt he beldi antKnox Choreuccroi o in'igo. Atita ant Coaniagaci train H rtga îcolaîea ~ iti ' int îî'nc. it a îîîcîa îcc. tobtu t numarotng servcer. Rc. Or. iota. Sfill sot Tetter. ' caiseta e f eoin iy e in o ut t nntitt etîi2c ittoc., ttitct-iirlt.iitý îî Ititra. a O , cite.oiiproaeb. Toroto-Gasi. Sharpet; teeta bo altaintc.pcair.c ;e l ~ iiiiti i i tttîc. t\t [r eite oc Kîtcer andot aitller t centre.,OMid- reit t S, Re . t osu [ itti cat t lit ttetS itieiittg.iittttttit.i dî t edi te io. sti t ; iaus, Brke ant Sfwltrt i Mitt. oa 5l. Larce thiaillatiti;td' trsi-ccill9 lit is i .0. D.R. fruita nid lai sbao n frteccA .autia.Faglowot cings. Stewartandsot'lftte tii.05ti Ititî ItIII.iaitiliaSWdtircday, Pcb. litaS. irom 3to.. u.. kenter adoCninigham. tB i ibut. ycitit t.A buge rocdof fi ans. laatutlng eBurllcýtnGaa!o., liltitigi tdfev 0coîstes îtcîî~~î.tîtt Iilit INi-s Dotltri poflaaiter.ta s tuiassy fte anativiltr, tarnt oout an WitersandLynch, centeNatnci is l'l'd tI,, il lj"'t tattir hen mendng fe dss i to n t l o ayveigt ae ther w ga. Somreruacd .heppaii i t-tt '5 i rot nii - (1tttîtiîif tlite m eli cotS relatives. Sis tcsvcc on armettate ilo.. ai ltte scens. Oak- Dingue. l i. i itha, ît K i- lii1,I, crtî-tici yfie Baltimore, Md., tu train uile ville ru. Milto. Tbrre 'vas pieul cig o tie IittPl rtetKiti Hiitt, u iil,.. t ftiia i" tturse.of cacitement. Bitumer, oeo a k- garnisgttirc peaýeý .uià itttiic Nyicat.-Hsavitt iy boatea 1vilestar.wuausabsente.b hâ nainOattcoDisil iu-itsuit, tt irctttlltbooks.îtîtbc oten urt 'vagan ihB rigo. D.B bok aae lteNiti MILTON i"P'Il- de~tiencl tom ilpessîrisailîtntatharo The uKn fth e oclîoctey Letat, crct ta, Puciagttnite teîtti t iii i be8 titind ttettltaittiatntbe 'vaute orkofthiertaereDr. J. Stew- asbota laaditcpyittfileiit ti11c i a i I dfeii eoMrchIt cJames Turner., atr, aS Hamiton,.corail bardty b arce itbadctidav. Tac atte ot Sebai Cotut.~. tec btte. tuot the gont feeling and The ouleand cheeCl b to ha pctîmasîiip tispiayet by the play- - cppactîttilp îtf lhasting tea ht a csmae it esoy.'The playcwoif tabsIE SoboaaiBardcisebsewohispport- eteaneotcotb vecy feu pensltiesend D cd the earht-e îictylbst cntue big abcoie for mincietiffesces. Tbaitgb la Davis-At Actat at oritt01 .li about Ra;d.tai iit an Jan. ut 'alt aeat . a bab hn a. îîr 3dic Davis, o-t,'t 20 O 0Sdi-acie Webk, itîne 2tb t Joy 'vas plentY cf exctteiseat. the game yrnm. i. t2.i. Fmeincg, Meo3ay, w'v tas ntpctîolsrly gotit anc. The ______________ S 5 - tirSe. titi, u anis.3f) O. .W. V. A. tucalu tackeSnu comihastiait, aomtblyADETSMN. 8c. vrCtrciaot' Hardwareo arougb over-raslttenco. They wocu,CODNE omite.kFacihtu 5, butithay nentthe 'breats, .wbatOthcy gsi iba Iscoats. Rasiacil te hWte. cf tietcgoass 'ero on týoituhti S m . oth xrinlt& wahrR. Cbî,bttm, w'vble lîttatheOak Ont dRsocSAu-0Ct. quaret . t ofme ate n tittoettof villeto gai tenter. Factao. Stewart. Aiiac, phone5, Miitcit 01gcc o erswcoraaildnot gea ina botutasatif ien 'e r ritni lh'ittttL.A e ckttaici'e chac e ilI contiue oc sale tbritgfiatepto pak u ote mt.0Sitt s a aveticdSec aoraeaier 'vert. saeby perisoecoas.tirait, Mitas3.Appiy Jaonsas...ito. I t-1 ds 20" tceiata at sorfeSMtol, tvie Tasafrt ariim tf a PerscoitS Pries; I, if eîntOavilî 2,second, Ostrille 1, Mittas O Roa oENTa-Oile, VI ti bec Cough adBronchitis Hra'ianttneei rba Geolto fonce. Braishad'ltert; centre F~iag, a tttinta tnc.iaîuFOR chIRE Remedïes bat- a eu ItoiMain & IVetut. A art tauis.. Sf. Chlshuom ad Atiai. iitancer-Wttt. Craci, pbttta 139. 4-t larige broczeuegop for aie tep outhae Okvitte-Goal, Basiiot. tofence. Woain wacîa pasitionas ccgretota lIticîilititi tii- . îiî til- mciatitectis tiag mcdeo a Ronglant. TravitsandtOsorne; centre,.Mariatlest seu'at Aply Nrenc ilard. titi. li îTbî urieietugaraxpctetta lacpsc oligu.Evas andsutGrise t sb.,Taylor ", Campblclnitîe. Phaone -S r-8 Ina iii t fii iiiiii anionairte KItig irtbtay, Janse Igt. Rfetre-Dc. J. Stewart. ville. M,,icrare ai abe Nox unaa.-Sfy a uianusu Brlingtonstatermediates baviug iticinteil. 30 c ta ciaýeftheiryte aIofTorontoai tasten Ostotie 1 u lutSata STÂET N1WI Ot Eeaty fer s Ssci- isonhymeeting on Ttestsy tho evening tuas ercy rotigi gane oune aeaCavr u Aicdn liani'tcCtIinhttii k, h. ccirom Knox Chttrrh. Milton, tr icreeoconfident ofwcignittfomus Oa@rbyAted tîcaî Nhti 3 f ii Iiiciti 'iR,, ttiit -a.W'Nil, . McInttas. o utSceeiett. Miton yetectay evcaiag at Barliig- E U T Rcttll TIiîeost(III wtt5ittî icat uatatcet. Theil atics fîlly sn, cerdigtt oecratin the Cictii.'tttir(ti 'ttiiit ii.itc igted and prac'ttcs ftra etipend of Hamiton Spear ut hatt6atu 2. f'r OilEniulýilI5 *2lui ua yer, cith maîe antd Seat- Miltnaîcoret 2 goals in eciofte - _dro c luorti s i., . i c \3utîttctCl Rtiii aZa WutIN In nthe Popalaritay 'ith the score 4 tat, eaid sp a tittis, ». 1ao, . &di Bunea oltiieî Buttci jv' Ruiicliti t il I .Cacteat e a raiht & Cimpasyu Big tating n ace issa, uitry, andtheus c o r"îca iottnu lils Rasaýlit Atitî attSale t Boys-Frankh Jones. vstes 9618, locale 9scurerd acice, MLitoit pisyrd a Iw J. c..u.utrt, h.s -prier, suiret oaboesaraold Wbeeler. Sti8 attaiobile acd garage t SuiferEL B TT R S RV C t Thaîupstin, M342, escîneet andtrtalc. sttoÇR Sick Room Supplies - itl-Itrto lts. 7474, là kid bot CAVEL A T R E V C dott; Raide. Babcuat, f588 a Hill (iitici CTliIi tiitutti't. tý ieta;at te Chaisbers. 6725, a MaIV Street. Phono 245 Milton, Ont. l.î ,SciHt ii it ewpir. tdrctn tîp .ttit['hli t lit'. PICTURES eallia PrlitIc.mThira-.AE E R tire àntii' Ptt lt it îîîîî ~ ,Fta ani tray, Fob. 7tli, Crosley Sets -B A BAT~ TRAEOSD r titt. Nîa~ iciitîl ~i' ~ iaca. i Sl andi 9h. SpecW tentulre, "Sport-El I 5BTRIS e t 3j t ' a t- ' l cd ani i 'i~ o r n r s u ' tu g b r e r ir e b o n e htcCt bcitc ti.ii ii sTuanetrsolhre rae.Lalla U5 LaSALES AND SERVICE ChTt.. Si ) 'titi . bout, ycvntr. ast Lodon t,îauc r b i - g 1 onî et ble.A'vercoeiWat b Repaîrs to auy make ni Battesy. Al work guarantesd. cc ad lIcec i ie . 1. o0 .P-At the regular imeetng Yu ar initetoi alland hacur a.Opec Toesy, TS stay und Mloone[cr solutîionBl-tii. e t Miltra itgr 1.00-F.. No. 92, thie Sstuadây augbte faitowing efflreesre isaid E. W. meCîtilaclh, . BOOM.. of Bramp-- tac--J. A- Vaîtiqas. NOG.; Sf. Foa, _____ _________________ VOt:;J. A. MeLen55. lt.S. tWm. C onfectlOflerY J Tightward ;A L. abes ,Çsotad.Ltet hciac -uî rter. tL.S.N.. ;J. MrCbllom-R-8- l. il Buy You r Fa Anm i sartrtit raun40e an nG. V-;F. J. RNohiicos. i...V.O. ;W. sortnent froi 4c. bx 11). Praser satd..S$arge,.;t. S. t. t BalSChaalata t icsme at anta . ait1- f. Reli.DG.tR .Ra --DR. H[SS' PAN-A-OEA- SaIts 3 Ibi 2'i Gyster bliec )lb , htonei- .t Master -tiel! 1(1tiIl)t,. i l i n. tlek ît iiIcv i $ i(M WE AtM TO PLI .5- i CrEO0. H. DA W Ii Do Not Neglect Your 7e K eu r tthenî i u-Ii: t, W'e have a comptl)Q1- -titi- ktI, Lîfeltîov GRAHAM SHOE HC)PAE The Homne of' GooO titi MITIS 1 l)itît fiet [abot i 1j( li'idit in andl( hîîx a îpair fo i i illii hist in town, .linetitu'tior t t - iety to choose ft'onî. lilY USV'i 1 Axes, Saws, Wedges, Chai'Coal, Horse Blankets, HoCkcY Supplies, etc. 1@9& Sec otîr windo\x foiljt(i iii-tt Potato Pots, 98c- îil $1 38, OUR HARDWASOta At' Clements' Hardware, IMilton" MAY SECEflO -Tieroisla W utt-itite 'eglair C noui d la sot rep3sid ta gond rf*:oeî t a î'ilartcDuitNitCi"N. WMeoit-t AI jER dto:eIî cent. E R'S Au sStore RTOR'ý Pi",. 1 ý rDERSO %1 ýprîng Merchandise. ms of the worid'a ntost reliabio Pancy Sîilk Crepinie and Croco (ie Sav stripes and overchecks for (I . , e Satinsheen. Thes gonds o. vs but not high priced. Crisp i' I nand epps.CurtainSriiý,1ý ,L PAPERS! 'our inspect tori. Thit seasoti iii, an the iow puice papers are chiii cd yoiu wili hate t better eh a,, ar h te, alto Oiciotit Lîttoleut p l eadlight Overail]s 't'm ti t- l ofi cf leti, aît-to-tltt -I. Lowest Cash Prices-Satstet c ti ii I$ Cash Store Phoilit 9 ý ý'l ; . -. SI ers

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